The Dobson Collection
a large collection of photograph albums etc. belonging to Nell Dobson
Photograph Albums 1 - 4
Albums 5 - 8
Photographs loose 1
Photographs loose 2
Glencairn/Cairnmartin Album
Autograph/Memory Albums & Postcards
etc. A Beautiful Album presented to Mrs. Dobson
from the staff and colleagues of Glencairn/Cairnmartin School

Dear Mrs. Dobson, How could you forget us? So much of your very active
teaching career has been spent in Glenwood, Glencairn and now Cairnmartin.
You have given so much to the children and staff with whom you have come in
contact that perhaps it is presumptuous of us to offer you something in
return. However, we felt that we should and that you might appreciate
this photographic album in which are recorded some of the many aspects of
the school which, unfortunately for us, you are leaving.
Undoubtedly you will recall all the crises you have weathered, the peace
making in which you have been a past mistress, the laughter, the tears and
the friendships. We will no longer have the pride of showing you off
as our First Lady. Perhaps you will derive some pleasure in showing
this book to friends.
Thank you from all of us, Your friends and colleagues of Cairnmartin.

The Glencairn building

The New Building from Glencairn

Nancy MacKinnon ~ The problems of the day ahead.
Ada Long ~ studying socially.
Mary Maud ~ at home.

Ann Farrar ~ a stitch in time.
Rene Dickie and 1st Year cooks.
Alan Largey ~ overworked mathematician.

Pat Martin and cohorts.
Ginnie Gibson ~ checking things out.

Florence Smith ~ summing things up.
Rita Wright ~ remedial reading.

Belle McDonald ~ a helping hand.
Mrs. Orr ~ teacher turned secretary.

Muriel Nicholl, Florence Smith, Gladie Kell, Rita Wright, Vera Northridge,
Dorothy Watson, Kathleen Craig

Eddie Dickson ~ ladies evening class.
Frieda Parsons ~ taking stock.

Val May/June Beckett ~ lacing things up in a big way.
Wesley Cooke ~ before signs of timetable tension.
Messrs. Artt & Pritchard ~ Purveyors of the dreaded Deputy Slips.

Myrtle Hogg ~ a hard working type.
Harriet Smith & 2nd Form cooks.

The hand at the helm.
Wilfie Foster ~ can anybody find the 4th Form?

Harold Wilson ~ mathematician extraordinaire.
Bill Palmer ~ English-ifying.
Herbie Johnston ~ 'Jack of all trades.'

C. C. Caldwell ~ former captain of the good ship 'Cairnmartin.'

Mervyn Tweedie stretching the G.P.O. to the limit.
Miss Liz. Alexander & 4th Year Mathematicians.

Mr. Bill (C.S.E.) Reynolds.
Messrs. Smith, Lutton & Williamson with hairy friend.

Mr. Alec. McIntyre ~ 'Head of Heavy Craft.'
Mrs. Ruth Hobson ~ 'Sorry we're closed!
Mrs. Doreen Anderson ~ without whom we would all be lost.

Michael Bowden ~ 'Kalama-who?'
Miss Val. Millar ~ 'Well that's one way of subtracting . . .

Mrs. Shirley Boyd ~ I don't care who you are, you're still not allowed to
walk on the water!
Miss Val. Bennett ~ in 'circulation.'

Pat Timmins 'Youth Tutor.'
Terry Warke ~ Cairnmartins financial wizard.

In conference in the 'Community Lounge.'
'Cairnmartin Association.'

Helen ~ in the 'Junior' school.
Maureen Brown ~ 'are you being served.'
Garnett Bell ~ projecting his image.

Pat Jordan ~ 'one handed typist.'
Mary Gillespie ~ 'bent on mischief.'

Molly & Agnes ~ 'preparing for work.'
Dawn Braden ~ making the right connections.

The Ladies in the Library.
Madge Hodgens ~ POT-ering about.
The Kitchen Staff

John Trainor & Madge.
Madge & Geraldine ~ 'I still think the answer lies in the soil.'
Mrs. McCluskey.

Geraldine ~ former 'head girl' turned lab technician.
'Putting on the shine.' ~ Lily Branagh.

Mrs. Beattie & George Gillespie.

Artie Branagh & Jim Barr.

'On the right lines.'

'The finger of power.'

'Ping ....'
Peter Leathem '20' ~ '18'

'Way out in front.'
Ian Fisher and Gary Buchanan ~ mixing things up.
Book Worms

Val Gardner ~ artistically speaking.
Some of the 6th Form 'resting up.'

William Horner & unusual friend.
'The food's not bad here.'

'I'd like to tell you a story...'

'When I nod my head you hit it.'
Commercial types.

more Commercial types.
Domestic Bliss

The Lord Mayor's 'Clean Up' Campaign ~ Forth River Project.
Look ~ burning enthusiasm.
Ross Morrow. 'The musical backing for Oliver.'

4T. Nursery Project

1st Year Science in the field.
You're lucky we got back before the tide did.

Jim Thompson and his 'motley' crew.
'Can we stop now.'

'Cascade River,' Where's Newcastle?
They don't know what's ahead of them.
'The Float,' Lord Mayor's Show 1979

I'll jump this thing should it kill me.'
'Here, grab it and run like mad.'

A family affair.

'What do you think of the show so far?'

Congratulations, well done.' (This is Mrs. Dobson)

1978 School Production 'The Stranger.'

Community wing ~ Coffee Bar.
Rita Wright ~ business manageress.

Mr. Denis Anderson as 'Fagan.'
Miss Sadie Gillanders as 'Nancy' in Fagin's Den.

Miss Pauline Neilly & Mr. Brian Sloan, (V.P.) ~ 'Widow Corney' & 'Mr.
Bumble', 1979 Production 'Oliver'.
A bouquet for success.

A successful performance 'Thank you all.'
Samuel Neilly as 'Oliver' & Margaret Hollyoak as 'The Artful Dodger.'

Womens Summer Scheme '79. Créche.

City of Belfast Education Committee
Glencairn Secondary School for Girls ~ Lyndhurst Gardens, Belfast
Official Opening by : Mrs. Josias Cunningham
Chairman : Rev. John A. McClintock.
Friday, 26th April, 1963, at 2.30 p.m.
Short History of the School
1939 Glenwood Senior Primary School
opened. This was a great step forward in primary education in the
district providing a well-planned school with practical rooms for Domestic
Science, General Science and Woodwork.
1948 Glenwood Senior Primary School
became Glenwood Intermediate, a co-educational school having a curriculum
with a practical bias for pupils aged 11-14 years.
1957 The school leaving age was
raised to 15 years. In September 1957 Glenwood ceased to be
co-educational. The boys moved to a new building, Ballygomartin
Secondary School for Boys, and the girls remained ion the Glenwood buildings
which they then shared with John White Primary School. The nature of
the Intermediate School was changing; whereas formerly the bias had been
towards practical activities a more comprehensive education was now offered.
1962 In September, 1962, the girls
of Glenwood and the Senior Girls of Argyle Primary School became the first
pupils of Glencairn Secondary School for Girls.
1963 The official opening of this
well-designed and beautifully situated school is an important event in the
life of this district. The school now offers a many-sided education to
all those pupils who are willing to take advantage of it and thus adequately
prepare for the challenge of the future.

'Lord Mayor's Show 1st winning entry.

School Production 1970

Wizard of Oz ~ 1972

Thank you from Management ... and the pupils.

Super presents!

Doreen entertains.

A great speech.

A bouquet from Val.
NEXT Autograph/Memory Albums &
Postcards etc.