small collection
Elizabeth Coll nee Smyth
Travel Identity Card for Great Britain, Eire and Northern Ireland
D.O.B.: 26th May 1887. Address: 21 Edward Street, Armagh.
Issued: 5-9-47

1942-43 Clothing Book
Clothing Book 1943-44
Miss Jane Coll
Name: Jane E. E. Coll. Address: 21 Edward Street, Armagh

1) National Registration Identity Card - Elizabeth A. Coll, 21 Edward
Street, Armagh 23rd May 1943
2) I certify that I have this 27th day of October 1956 Regd. the death of
Elizabeth Coll, said to have died the 23rd day of October 1956.
3) 10/6/44 John Tyler & Sons Ltd., Reliable 'Relyt' Shoes
4) Taylor-Woods Fully Fashioned Nylon Killarney Mist
5) July 1948 Mrs. Cole, Edward Street, City Saw Mills, Armagh

This is to Certify that Jeannie Coll has attended a Sewing Machine Study
Course and submitted approved samples of work in accordance with the Special
Syllabus arranged by Singer Educational Department, London. Singer Sewing
Machine Co. Ltd.
16. 5. 1934
Needlework Samples of Machine Sewing Issued by Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Name: Jeannie Coll, Mental Hospital. School: Armstrong P.E.S.
Date: 24th March
The Red Light, Intimate Hygiene for Men and Woman by Rennie Macandrew.
Author of: Life Long Love, Friendship, Love Affairs, and Marriage.
Approaching Manhood, etc.

the end