assorted names
came together but may or may not be connected
Adams -
Autograph Book - Photos no names -
Photos with names - Photos Royals
- Bradley
1935 - The
Motor-Car Castlebar - Dufferins -
McCullough - Neill -
Willis - Hedges McKeown
Lisburn 1936 -
Rabbit - Sirocco -
Photos with Sirocco medallion

1) Buckingham Palace - I greatly regret that I am unable to give you
personally the award which you have so well earned. I now send you my
congratulations and my best wishes for your future happiness.
Elizabeth R. Ralph Adams, Esq., B.E.M.
2) Central Chancery of The Orders of Knighthood, St. James's Palace, S.W. -
Sir, I am commanded to forward the Imperial Service Medal which Her Majesty
The Queen has been graciously pleased to award to you in recognition of the
meritorious services which you have rendered. I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant, ? ? ? ? Registrar of the Imperial Service Order
3) Masons of Ireland - Henry B. Adams of Acacia Lodge No. 24, Lurgan
28th November 1922
4) Cavehill LOL 1956 W.M. Temperance
5) Victoria Square 1880s Presented to the B.T.A. by A. G. Thompson
(Draughtsman) on his retirement November 1979 - by R. J. Welch (Ulster
Museum negative)

R. Clements Lyttle Studios, Belfast
Autograph Book

1) We have two lives about us, Two worlds in which we dwell: Within us, and
without us, Alternate heaven and hell; Without, the sombre real; Within our
heart of hearts the beautiful ideal. Daddy 1/10/24
2) Kathleen Craig Sept. 1932
3) David Russell
Photos no names

Belfast Photographers

1) Lower Maze L.O.L. No. 111
2) Belfast photographer
3) The W. F. Browne Memorial Match 1932 - R. W. Harland's International XV v
Campbell Collage
photos with names

1) Rhoda
2) Sheila Walsh, Betty Tedford, Dorothy Walsh and Jim Barbour
3 & 4) Betty Plunkett and Hazel Cochrane

1) Jim Barbour, Betty Tedford, Mother, Dorothy and Sheila Walsh
2 & 3) Betty Plunkett and Sheila Walsh
4) Sheila Walsh and R. B. O. C.

Jim Barbour, Dorothy Walsh, Sheila Walsh and Betty Tedford


Sirocco - Davidson & Co. Ltd., Sirocco Engineering Works, Belfast, Ireland
Cast from the first metal melted in new foundry 3rd June 1910
Amalgamated Society of Engineers 1915
Photos no names but in with the
Sirocco medallion


1) 5th January 1945 Income Tax year 1943-44 Manual Wage Earner - Mr.
John E. Bradley, 24 Rockview Street, Belfast
2) 5th October 1951 Postmark Belfast to Mr. John E. Bradley, 24 Rockview
Street, Belfast from H.M. Inspector of Taxes (Inglis Ltd.)

With Best Wishes 1935

The Motor Car - Castlebar

We were paddling, down on the shingly sand, Where the shells and the
starfish are,
When we say, quite ready, close at hand, A beautiful Motor-car.
It was neat and new and ever so large, As nice as you ever could make it;
There was no one there but a dog in charge, And he seemed to want us to take
CLICK images to read the rest, its amusing :)


1) 3rd May 1842 - To Estates Manager, and concerned, Lord Dufferin's Estate
from John Taylor, Jun., Coed? ? near Mold, Flintshire, Wales - Dear Sir, In
respect of your most recent communication I beg to inform you that after a
detailed and most exhaustive examination of the specimens provided I must
request a further visit and stay passing myself on your gracious hospitality
once more. The items examined are favourable in many respects but of
varying quality and range. But as stated previously, if the lode or vein is
substantial and does not diminish rapidly into difficult stric? then a
favourable outcome may be assumed sufficient to remunerate the adventurer
for his capital outlay and his current costs, and I am of the adamant
opinion that with a structured and prudent approach remuneration up to your
expectation could be assured - perhaps exceeded given good fortune, the
blessing of the Lord of the soil. However to confirm my optimism I must as
in previous occasions examine your test or trial shaft and collect more
available minerals and samples as availability allows. I will contact you
soon as to my plans and inventory of equipment or manpower needed when I am?
with you, if this is to your liking or satisfaction concerning the venture
on the new part of the Newtown Ards mine. I remain your obedient servant,
John Taylor, Jun.
2) 9th December 1954 Postmark Wyckoff, N.J. to Miss N. McCullough, 28
Sandhill Gardens, Neill's Hill, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Great Britain
from Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Yackel, 321 Birch Parkway, Wyckoff, N.J.
With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year from Gawn & Edith Neill, 2
Wellfield Road, Barnsley
The R.A.M.C. Rolls of Honour of two World Wars lie in the Chapter House in
the precincts of Westminster Abbey. At eleven o'clock on the first Monday of
every month a party of one non-commissioned officer and four privates from
No. 18 Company, R.A.M.C., turn over one page of each book, thus ensuring
that the names of all their fallen comrades shall, in turn, be laid to the
view of all who pass.

22nd January 1945 County Borough of Belfast, Dundonald Cemetery.
Mr. Samuel George Willis, 107 Marlborough Park for the burial of Maud Agnes
Willis A. Robinson for Registrar
Hedges - McKeown
Lisburn 1936

1) Miss Hedges formerly Irene McKeown ~ Mr. A. G. Hedges, Stronghurst?
Henderson Co., Illinois U.S.A.
2) May 1936 - J. W. Allister, Chemist, 22 Bridge Street, Lisburn
3) Mackintosh, Chemists, 75 High Street, Belfast
4) Lyttle, Photographer, 44 Dublin Road, Belfast late of Abernethys &
the end