Bell -
Clones Fair -
West -
Rev. Ruttle
small collection

Bell - Victoria College Belfast - This Prize was
awarded to Miss I. Bell for Arith, Algebra and Drawing At the Examination
held Christmas 1911. Margaret Byers, L.L.D.? Principal - The Poetical Works
of William Wordsworth
Clones Fair

Handbook & Souvenir of Clones Parish Church Bazaar, Tuesday and Wednesday,
11th and 12th June, 1912

1) A Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair will be held (D.V.) in the Town Hall,
2) General Work Stall "For long with patient skill to please you we did try,
Your task is far more easy, you merely have to buy." Stallholder - Mrs.
Ruddell. Assistants - Mrs. Oram, Hoggan, Egerton, McMahon, Addison,
Noble, Leake and Moorehead and the Misses J. Robinson, Gillespie, McMahon
and Tanner
3) Blouse Stall - Stallholder - Mrs. Gilmore. Assistants - Mrs.
Semple, McIvor, Russell, Nixon, Daly and Misses Sampson, King, Sproule and
4) Confectionery and Tobacco - Stallholders - Mrs. Murray, Mayne and Misses
Robinson & Swayne. Assistants - Miss Maude Robinson, Miss Hayes and
The Misses Murray
5) The Orchard Tea Garden - Presidents - Mrs. Henry & Mrs. M. E. Knight.
Assistants - Mrs. Fitz-Gerald, Mrs. G. A. Knight, Miss Fitz-Gerald,
Stratton, Jackson, J. Patterson and Miss Gauley
6) Farm Produce - President - Mrs. Graham. Assistants - Mrs.
Nicholson, Skelton, Mark and Orr Clements

1) Ivy Stall - President; Mrs. Henry Bleakly. Assistants - Mrs. Robert
Bleakly and Misses Barnett, M. Bleakly, Beattie, Johnston, Sloane, Murray
and Coulter
2) Plants & Flowers Stall including Useful Bedding Out Plants, Small Ferns
in Pots, and Variety of Ornamental Green-house Plants - Mrs. Bredin, Miss M.
Thompson and Miss Peggy Sibley
3) G.F.S. Stall In Charge of Mrs. Armstrong Assisted by Members of G.F.S.
4) G.F.S. Candidates' Stall - President - Miss Noble. Vice-President -
Miss Weir. Assistants - Members of G.F.S. Candidates Class. Bran
Tub - Miss Elsie Napier
5) Half Hour Concerts - Instrumental Music under the Conductorship of Miss
Robinson, Organist. Amusements. Games and Competitions
6) The Rectors of Clones Parish, In Succession from the Year 1609
1609 James Heygate, M.A., afterwards Bishop of Kilfenora - 1634 George
Farquhar - 1638 Thomas Fairfax, Archdeacon - 1641 Humphry Galbraith,
Archdeacon - 1660 Miles Summer, D.D., F.T.C.D. - 1661 Edward How, M.A.,
Archdeacon - 1682 William smith, M.A. - 1718 George Leslie, D.D. - 1754
Honble. Richard Henry Roper - 1811 John Brinkley, D.D., Archdeacon - 1812
Henry Roper, D.D., Dean of Clonmacnois - 1847 Thomas Hand, M.A. - 1873
George Finlay, D.D., Archdeacon - 1904 Joseph Ruddell, B.A.

Churchwardens of Clones Parish in Succession from the Year 1688
In some cases the Churchwardens held office for Two or more years
1) 1688 David Jones; Joseph Cloy
1693 Joseph Cloy; Hugh Crawford
1694 Robert Armstrong; James Corry
1695 George Hamersley; Hugh Arnot
1696 Wm. McClure; John Neilson
1697 Gilbert Eccles; George Hamersley
1699 James Corry; John Forster
1700 Wm. Forster; James Graham
1701 James Hamilton; John Forster
1702 George Hamersley; Daniel Corr
1707 James Arnold; James Noble
1709 George Little; Arthur Story
1710 Hugh Willoughby; Moses Jenkings
1711 George Hamersley; John Armstrong
1712 Simon McVitty; Robert Wiggins
1713 Gilbert Eccles; Roger Smith
1715 Edward Matthews; John Thompson
1718 Edmon Kane; Richard Nicholls
1727 John Williams; William Moorehead
1729 William Johnston; Gilbert Welsh
1730 Simon Guttery; Alexander Preshow
1731 William Eccles; John Hamilton
1732 Robert Beatty; Thomas Jordan
1733 William Whitsitt; John Armstrong
1734 William Armstrong; David Coalter
1735 Hugh Arnott; Henry Evatt
1737 James Leviston; James Lough
1738 Joseph McNeely; William Graham
1739 Nicholas Ward; James Welsh
1740 George Hamersley; James Graham
1741 John Weightman; James Little
1742 Gerrard Henry; Brice Cooper
1743 George Knight; Robert Nixon
1744 James Armstrong; James Fitzgerald
2) 1745 Michael Doekrich; William Johnston
1746 Thomas McClure; Robert Stoakes
1747 Benjamin Ramage; Robert Little
1748 George Nixon; Richard Jackson
1749 Thomas Armstrong; John Adams
1750 James Noble; James Hamilton
1752 Edward Madden; William Bradshaw
1755 Edward Madden; John McClure
1757 James Noble; Thomas Reay
1758 James Noble; William McVitty
1759 James Noble; Joseph Whiteleys
1760 Robert Armstrong; Joseph Whiteleys
1761 John Moffett; James Haughton
1762 Robert Thomson; William Graham
1763 Thomas Noble; William Roe
1764 Thomas Noble; William Swangy
1766 Joseph Chapman; Thomas Mitchill
1767 George Whittear; William Whittsitt
1768 Alexander Ross; George Gough
1770 John Dockridge; James Morro
1771 Michael Elliott; Hugh Jackson
1772 Bernard Connolly; Alexander Ross
1773 James Brown; James Presho
1774 William Clendinning; John Moorehead
1775 Joseph Bell; John Wright
1776 George Nixon; John Carson
1777 John Armstrong; John Mitchell
1778 Thomas Noble; John Armstrong
1779 Thomas Noble; Benjamin Whiteside
1780 William Leech; Ross Beatty
1781 Joseph Whitsitt; James Marshall
1782 William Jackson; William Coyne
1783 James Armstrong; John Wheatley
1784 William Crumley; Joseph Whitsitt
1785 Thomas Bell; John Moore
1786 Thomas Bell; Thomas Whitsitt
1787 George Whitalk; John Ross
1788 Arthur Maynes; Wm. Malally
1789 Arthur Maynes; Archibald Moore
1790 James Moore; Francis Boyland
1791 Gore Cochrane; Wm. Whiteside
1792 Charles Roddy; John Mulally
1793 Charles Roddy; John Jackson
1794 John Hawkshaw; Andrew Thompson
1795 John Hawkshaw; Robert Beatty
1796 Robert Beatty; John Clendinnan
1797 John Clendinnan; John Maxwell
1798 James Cooper; William Cochran
1799 John Guthry; Wm. Cochran
1800 James Fitzgerald; Joseph Mitchell
1801 William Marshall; Joseph Mitchell
1802 James Jackson; James Wiggins
1803 Archibald Burnside; Joseph Whitsitt
1804 Andrew Clarke; John Wright
3) 1805 Hugh Fawls; Alexander Ross
1806 John Lloyd; Andrew Rennick
1807 James Crumly; Joseph Bramly
1808 John Parr; John Nesbitt
1809 Ebenezer Mitchell; Thomas Leman
1810 Bernard Roddy; Robert Clarke
1811 Bernard Roddy; Richard Jackson
1812 Thomas Bell; Robert Clarke
1813 Robert Jackson; Robert Clarke
1814 Robert Jackson; William Blakeley
1815 James Fitzgerald; William Blekeley
1817 John Cochrane; Charles Sharman
1819 John Bell; Charles Sharman
1820 Charles Sharman; John Parr
1821 Archibald Burnside; Charles Madden
1824 Archibald Burnside; William Hamilton
1825 Andrew Thompson; Thomas Walsh
1826 William Roddy; Thomas Walsh
1827 James Jackson; John Jackson
1828 James Crumley; George Shegog
1829 James Courtney; Richard Jackson
1830 William Pratt; James Smith
1831 James Fitzgerald; Henry Whiteside
1832 Thomas Welsh; William Whitelaw
1833 John McCoy; Benjamin Whitsitt
1834 John McCoy; Henry McVitty
1835 Andrew Clarke; John Presho
1836 John Brady; Edward Kellett
1837 William Jackson; Edward Kellett
1838 Dr. James Hurst; Joseph Whitsitt
1839 John Parr; John Jackson
1841 Andrew Thompson; William Elliott
1842 Andrew Thompson; Benjamin Whitsitt
1843 Joseph Thetford; Andrew Murray
1844 James Courtney; William Whitelaw
1845 William Whitelaw; James Campbell
1846 Robert Irwin; James Carson
1847 John Parr; John Jackson
1848 William Brady; James Campbell
1849 George Arnold; John Jackson
1850 Andrew Thomson; James Carson
1851 William Fitzgerald; Henry Whiteside
1852 Henry Browne; Ellis Leslie
1853 Andrew Thompson; Robert Irwin
1854 Andrew Thompson; James Knight
1855 Thomas Hoskyns; Robert Blakely
1856 Dr. Hoskyns; William Leslie
1857 Robert Sharpe; James Henry
1858 Robert Sharpe; Benjamin Whttsitt (Whitsitt)
1859 Robert Sharpe; John Chambers
1861 Edwin Beatty; Richard Kerr
1864 Edwin Beatty; Henry Lowe
1866 Edwin Beatty; Gerard Aiken
1867 Edwin Beatty; George Knight
4) 1868 William Glenn; Richard Ker
1869 John Robinson; John Richardson
1870 Henry French; John Robinson
1871 William Brady; Marshal Fitzgerald
1872 Henry Lowe; John Robinson
1873 John Robinson; Marshal Fitzgerald
1874 John Robinson; George Moore
1877 William Brady; John Robinson
1878 John Robinson; George Moore
1879 George Knight; John W. Presho
1882 R. J. Long; H. H. Handcock
1883 George Knight; S. K. Jackson
1884 Dr. Knight; Creighton Duggan
1886 James Hayes; John Gough
1887 James Cummins; Dr. Knight
1888 William Brady; John Noble
1889 Robert Sproule; W. Marshall Fitzgerald
1890 Robert Grier; C. Duggan
1891 Robert Sproule; Arthur Dudgeon
1892 George Knight; Martin Little
1893 Arthur Dudgeon; John Bright
1894 S. K. Jackson; W. M. Fitzgerald
1895 W. Brady; James Hayes
1896 Arthur Dudgeon; Dr. Gillespie
1897 M. E. Knight; T. Sproule
1898 T. A. Rawlins; John Robinson
1899 Robert Reid; James Hayes
1901 S. K. Jackson; George Gillespie
1902 John Robinson; S. Kennedy
1904 M. E. Knight; John Skelton
1905 S. K. Jackson; J. Bright
1906 John Robinson; Jacob M. Mark
1907 T. J. Gilchrist; G. F. Graham
1909 George Gillespie; John Skelton
1910 M. E. Knight; J. D. Daly
1912 John Robinson; G. F. Graham

1) Very Rev. Dean Roper, D.D., Rector of Clones 1812-47
2) Rev. Thomas Hand, M.A., Rector of Clones, 1847-73
3) The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Clougher, D.D.
4) Venerable Archdeacon Finlay, D.D. Rector of Clones, 1873-1903

The Clergy, Churchwardens, and Select Vestry of Clones Parish 1912

Clones Old Fort, the Ancient Residence and Stronghold of Eos and other

J. W. Elvery & Co. Ltd., Waterproofers, etc., Elephant House
46 & 47 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin
7th July 1914 - Miss K. West, Scottsborough, Clones - Madam, In reply to
your letter, we have much pleasure in quoting for Golf Clubs and Bag as
under :- Cleek 5/6; Medium Iron 5/6; Brassie 6/-; Putter Gun Metal 3/6;
Putter Steel 5/6 & 6/6
Brown Canvas Caddie Bags :- 2/6, /3/9, /4/6, /5/6, 6/6, 7/6
Typed price list of Golf Balls enclosed. Hoping to be favoured with your
esteemed order which will have out best attention. Yours respectfully, J. W.
Elvery & Co. Ltd. Rev.
Richard Noel Ruttle

1) Parish of Jordanstown, S. Patrick's Church - Dedication of Memorials to
The Late Reverend
Richard Noel Ruttle, M.A., Hon. C.F. by The Lord Bishop of Connor, at
morning prayer 20th January 1952
2) Hymn 470 - First Lesson, Isaiah 49:1-13 Reader - The Rev. J. Richardson,
Second Lesson, S. Luke 4: 16-30 Reader - The Very Rev. R. C. H. Elliott,
Unveiling of Mosaic Tablet - Mrs. M. J. Eadie
Act of Dedication by the Lord Bishop
3) Lord's Prayer, Hymn 755 - Hymn 253
4) Sermon - The Very Rev. R. C. H. Elliott, M.A. Dean of Belfast
Hymn 175 & Blessing |