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Beautiful Album
unfortunately not a lot of information
(there is a collection of letters etc. that came with these photos but may not be anything to do with them, if there's a connection it will reveal itself as I type the letters, that page will be up shortly)

Front Cover

Inside Cover
these photos don't do the cover justice

Approaching Steamer Point from Air Headquarters               Steamer Point from roof of the National Bank of India

                       A beautiful Mosque at Crater                                Main Street Steamer Point. In the foreground on the right
                                                                                             is a 2,400 years old Arabian Museum. That's Mount Shum-Shum
                                                                                             in the distance

The Harbour, Aden. This was taken in peace time                                     A side street Steamer Point                

This is a view of Crater from the hills. Do you like the Mountains in the background?
Steamer Point from the hills behind. Nearly broke my darned neck helping to get this 'un.

A Camel Cart passing. This was taken from our bungalow balcony.
This is a pass through the rocks on the way to Crater from Air H.Q. (Known as "Crater Pass")
One of our native servants on the way back from canteen with "Chai" Our bungalow is on his left. Note our Air Raid Shelter at his back

Steamer Point from the Hills                                                          Gold Mahar Lighthouse