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1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

Another collection of various names and items
that MAY or MAY NOT belong together
(they come to me like this all in one lot, some lots are obviously connected and belong together but other lots look like they have been lumped together and its not immediately obvious that they are connected)

names: Adair - Barbour - McVeigh - Reid - Ellis - Piper - Stewart and others
 a blue photo album

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1) 'Castle Erin and West Bay, Portrush' 25th July 1933 Postmark Portrush to Miss Ellen Adair, Harbour Road, Portavogie, Co. Down ~ Having a lovely time here, weather has been good up till to-day. Hope your Mother is keeping alright. Yours Molly
2) 'The House of Lords' 11th? August ?? Postmark London to Miss Ellen Adair, Harbour Road, Portavogie, Co. Down ~ Having the time of my life here, weather lovely. Hope you are keeping better, sorry you were not able to come in and stay for a while on Saturday. Hope to see you soon, Molly

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1) 'Killybegs, Co. Donegal
2) 'Freiburg im Breisgau' 14th September 1959? Postmark Freiburg to Mr. & Mrs. J. McVeigh, 1 Bladon Drive, Malone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland ~ Mon. 14th Sept. Having a lovely holiday. The weather is perfect & we are seeing a lot of Germany. The Town in the postcard is in the heart of the Black Forest in Germany and is really very beautiful. Yesterday we climbed the 2nd highest mountain in the Black Forest. Love to all Desmond

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1) 'Portrush Promenade' 31st July 1917 Postmark Po ..... h to Mrs. Ennis, c/o Mr. S. Palmer, Shore Street, Ballyhalbert, Kircubbin ~ Having a very nice holiday. Mrs. J. delivered your message to me. Am going out to Causeway today. Ethel? Remember me to Essie
2) 6th/7th April 1843 Postmarks Newtownards/Kircubbin to Captain Robert S ... y? ??ack? Lord Frankford ? Isle of Whithorn, Scotland
3) John Thompson & Sons, Ltd., Donegall Quay Mills, Belfast - No. 1 Chick Mash  112 lb.

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1) 25th February/2nd April 1895 Postmarks Sydney/Lisburn Stamps New South Wales to Messrs. Wm. Barbour & Sons Ltd., Hilden Mills, Lisburn, Ireland
2) Ireland Six Pence
3) 2nd March 1883  M. Reid 'Sampler'
4) Daily Express Friday November 27  1959 ~ Woolworth's for Christmas Decorations and Gifts! (Tommy Trinder 'You lucky customers' Radio Luxembourg Mondays 9-15 p.m.)
5) Daily Express Friday November 27  1959:- Fingerprint fear traps a killer. Man who confessed gets 12 years' jail by Peggy Robinson (not local) CLICK image 5 to read full article  -  A happy hermit doesn't want to quit. Jack Oakley (not local) CLICK image 5 to read full article  -  Teacher's holiday boy friend 'stabs her' Lilian Nelson/William Beales (not local) CLICK image 5 to read the full article  -  More fowl pest; Billy on show  -  You're Doomed, says arrested driver - A 44-year-old clerk tried to cast a spell on three policemen after he had been arrested for driving under the influence of drink (John Francis Taylor, of Edenhall, Penrith) ....... (CLICK image 5 to read for article)
6) 15th July 1954  Gallaher ?  Dobson's Dairies  J. Crossen
7) 7th February 2000  N. Ross, Water Service, Westland House (scored out) David Halliday Cheque to WaterAid

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1) 6th June 1940  Geo. A. Stewart, Esq., 25 Waterloo Gardens.  Hanna & Browne  H. Savage
2) 13th February 1940    ditto
3) 29th May 1939       ditto
4) 25th October 1938        ditto
5) 4th December 1938? Postmark Belfast from B.B.C. Belfast ~ Charles Emmet, Esq., 239 Mountpottinger Road, Belfast ~ Anchor Line Concert Programme Tuesday May 30, 1939

Black Magic chocolates (Jane Murphy) box held some of the contents from this page and was in a bag with the rest.

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1) Desmo No. 10 Birmingham Rubber Bulb for Bulb Horn
2) P.M. L.O.L. 1027 (Bangor)

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1) 'Every good Wish' 7th June? 1910  16 yrs. old ~ Wishing you Many Happy Birthdays. Ellen Piper
2) 'Christmas Greetings'  12th December 1911 Dear Friend, I thank you very heartily for your photo, and was very glad to receive your letter. We are all very busy planning for Christmas; and I know you are doing the same. Your brothers are both well. They received the gloves and cards your brother James sent, and they (I mean the gloves) are both an exact fit. As ever your friend Ellen Piper 'Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
3) 'Best wishes for Christmas' ~ To Herbert 1914
4) 'Xmas Greetings from Kansas City, M.O. ~ To Mother To Father
5) Ah now your looks are coy & cold, To mine the ne'er reply; And yet I cease, not to behold the love-light in your eye:
Your very frowns are better far Than smiles of other maidens are! ~ I received a letter the other day which give me great satisfaction, it was from a young lady near Ballynure and I think she a very funy girl and if I ever be that road again I will call in to see how her and her sweet hearts is getting on.  Bound is the ring that has no end so is my love to you my friend, our hearts and hands will gain together so will yours and mine forever.  My pen is bad my ink is the same and that is the reason I don't write my name.

Back to the Army Again
I'm 'ere in a lousy ulster an' a broken billycock 'at, A layin' on to the Sergeant I don't know a gun from a bat;
My shirt's doin' duty for jacket, my sock's stickin' out o' my boots, An' I'm learnin' the damned old goose-step along o' the new recruits!
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: Don't look so 'ard, for I 'aven't no card, I'm back to the Army again!

I done my six years' service - 'Er Majesty sez: "Good-day, - You'll please to come when you're rung for, an' 'ere's your 'ole back-pay;
An' now you can make your fortune - the same as your orf'cers do."
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again; 'Ow did I learn to do right-about turn? I'm back to the Army again!

A man o' four an' twenty that 'asn't learned of a trade - Besides "Reserve" agin' him - 'e'd better be never made.
I tried my luck for a quarter, an' that was enough for me, An' I thought of 'Er Majesty's barricks, an' I thought I'd go an' see.
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: 'Oo would ha' thought I could carry an' port? I'm back to the Army again!

The Sergeant arst no questions, but 'e winked the other eye, An' sez to me, "'Shun," an' I shunted, the same as in days gone by;
For 'e saw the set o' my shoulders, an' I couldn't 'elp 'oldin' straight, When me 'an the other rookies come under the barrick gate.
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: 'Tisn't my fault if I dress when I 'alt - I'm back to the Army again!

I took my bath, an' I wallered - an'. Gawd, I needed it so! I smelt the smell o' the barricks, I 'eard the bugles go.
I 'eard the feet on the gravel - the feet o' the men what drill, - An' I sez to my flutterin' 'eart-strings, I sez to 'em, "Peace, be still!"
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: 'Oo said I knew when the Jumner was due? I'm back to the Army again!

I carried my slops to the tailor; I sez to 'im, "None o' your lip, You tight 'em over the shoulders an' loose 'em over the 'ip,
For the set o' the tunic's 'orrid; an' 'e sez to me, "Strike me dead, But I thought you was only a rookie!" an' so 'e done what I said.
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: Rather too free with my fancies! - Wot? Me!  I'm back to the Army again!

Next week I'll 'ave 'em fitted, I'll buy me a walkin'-cane; They'll let me free o' the barricks to walk on the Hoe again,
In the name o' William Parsons that used to be Edward Clay, An' - any pore beggar that wants it can draw my fourpence a day!
Back to the Army again, Sergeant, Back to the Army again: Out o' the cold an' the rain, Out o' the cold an' the rain.

'Oo's there! A man that's too good to be lost you, A man that is 'andled an' made -
A man that will pay what 'e cost you In learnin' the others their trade - parade!

You're droppin' the pick o' the Army, Because you don't 'elp 'em remain,
But drives 'em to cheat to get out c' the street, An' back to the Army again!

Rudyard Kipling

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1) The Imperial Photo Art Studio, 119 York Street, Belfast
2) .............. rst? & Co., Fine Art Warehouse, Belfast.

Warehouse J. N. Richardson, Sons & Owden Limited, Linen Manufacturers & Bleachers, Belfast

blue photo album

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1) Bob at 10 months. He has got a water melon off the vine behind him.
2) Margaret & Bill among the apples
3) Dallas Photographs
4) Back garden  George's wife and two kiddies

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1) Best Love Eileen
2) This snap is not very flattering but the view is not bad. Note the Arch of the Harbour Bridge. Pat or Ron (its a squiggle, hard to make out)

                    Dad & self                                                   x  Flo                      Gordon & self

The Northern Junior Championship Team 1930-31 - Mack Photographer Larne

all Mack Photographer in Larne


the end