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1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

Album of Belfast

Belfast, the capital of the Province of Ulster, is charmingly situated at the head of Belfast Lough, where the River Lagan enters it, separating the Counties of Antrim and Down, and is bounded by high hills, and commands admiration by its singularly handsome streets and public buildings.  Belfast was created a City in 1888. Of comparatively modern origin, it has developed in extent and importance with amazing rapidity, due to the energy and enterprise of its citizens.  At the beginning of the present reign, the Borough of Belfast contained some 69,205 inhabitants; whereas, in the Jubilee year, 1887, it has attained a population of 230,000, showing an increase in 50 years of 160,000.   An idea of its growth and wealth may be formed from a comparison of the Custom House Revenue Statistics.  The receipts, which in 1855 amounted to £363,175, increased in 1888 to the formidable sum of £1,785,111.  So that Belfast now stands for Customs' Revenue the third port in the United Kingdom, following London and Liverpool.  It is the centre of the great Irish Linen industry, and is the chief Shipbuilding station in Ireland.  Sold Wholesale by W. Lawrence, Photographic Publisher, Dublin, Printer in Germany.

To Eddie from Jim Houston  Feb. 1959

Royal Avenue

Donegal Place

High Street

Castle Place

The Imperial Hotel

The Queen's Bridge

St. Enoch's & Carlisle Memorial Churchs

The Ulster Hall

The Custom House

The Post Office

The Town Hall

The Free Library

Edenderry Spinning Co's. Linen Factory

Richardsons Linen Warehouse and Robinson & Cleavers Linen Warehouse

Reeling Room Messrs. Ewart & Sons Linen Factory

Preparing Room Messrs. Ewart & Sons Linen Factory

Presbyterian College

Queen's College

Botanic Gardens

Methodist College

The Queens Island Ship Building Yard Messrs. Harland and Wolffs

The New American Linen "Teutonic" Launched from the Queens Island Ship Building Yard

The Quays

The Cave Hill

Bangor, near Belfast

Shane's Castle - Lough Neagh

          The Albert Memorial                                                                  Elmwood Church

Grawfordsburn, near Belfast (Crawfordsburn)                                     Round Tower, Antrim                       

the end