Auto Book One
Miss Renee Bickerstaff, 40 Hopefield Avenue,
Antrim Road, Belfast

1) Sink not in spirit; who aimeth at he sky, Shoots higher much tan he
that means a tree. (Herbert) P. W. N. Shirley 1st January 1931
2) Salom? 1936 Artistes Francais "A Summer Market" Georgina Moutray Kyle

1) How far that little candle throws its beams, So shines a good deed in
a naughty world. (Shakespeare) ? Nov. 22, 1931
2) The Way - Thou art the way; Hads't thou been nothing but the goal, I
cannot say, If thou hads't ever met my soul. I cannot see, I, child of
process, if there lies an end for me, Full of repose, full of replies.
I'll not reproach, The road that winds, my feet that err; Access,
approach, Art thou, time, way and wayfarer. Alice Meynell? In memory of
the missing at St. James's Belfast Nov. 14-22 1931 ? Mortimer Weir
3) I will arise and go now, for always, night and day, I hear lake water
lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or
on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart's core. (W. B. Yeats)
W. Armstrong Jones. July 15th 1935
4) -
5) -
6) -

1) -
2) 2 June 1937
3) Barbara Carey 1931
4) 1930
5) There is a sea, a quiet sea, Beyond the farthest line, Where all my
ships that went astray, And all my dreams of yesterday, And all the
things that were to be Are mine! There is a land, a quiet land,
Beyond that setting sun, Where every task in which I failed, And all
wherein my courage quailed, And all the good my spirit planned Is done!
There is a hope, a quiet hope, Within my heart instilled, That if
undaunted on I sail, The guiding star shall never pale, But shine within
my labour's scope, Fulfilled! And there's a tide, a quiet tide,
Flowing towards a goal, That flows by every humble shore, And at its
fullest ebbs no more, And on that final swell shall ride my Soul! A. T.
I. Ford. Welfare Exhibition, 19-22 May 1936

1) 30/50 A. Adams
2) Kilkeel 25 July 1936
3) -
4) Karl Vogel 5.1.1942
5) Mme. Edward Benes 1942
6) -
7) I seen 'er first a painting in the Cathedral, cold and gray,
The boys outside were working, a making of the hay,
I thought she looked so lonely, a sitting in the cold,
That I ups and speaks to 'er sir, as bold, as bold, as bold,
Ses she I aint a painter in the ord'nary way,
I just pursues the inspiring muse, as she leads me, day by day,
I brings to life dead objects, with my creative brush,
And I likes to do my work, sir, in the dim Cathedral hush,
So I looks, and gazes spellbound, at the picture on the stand,
An' I seen the picture forming beneath 'er skillful 'and,
An' I wished with all me 'art sir, that I might too some day,
Form radiant little pictures, in the Bickerstaffian way.
O. Shirley (Minor Canon) Down Cathedral 25th July 1937darn

1) ... Burns
2) Charlies Aunt 1931
3) -

1) Original Line-cut by Max Macabe '47
2) Rukmini Devi June 3, 1948
3) The Rector of Minstead? Violet Horton? July 22nd 1939
4) John Smyth? Town? Clerk Belfast St. Patrick's Day 1947
5) Rev. Paul Shirley, 24 English Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern

1) ? Sheffield Cheng
2) "God gave us memory, So that we might have roses in December."
(Quoted by J. M. Barrie in "Courage") W. D. Salmon? 21/XII/41
3) The Spoil Sport Mar? 31
4) Harvest Thanksgiving. Every Harvest Sunday morning, In the Choir
you'll find a fuss; All are hunting round for clean things, Some can
only find one cuff. But when all the things go round, Then we
stand complete of dress; And when the Arch says "Ready Now" Up the
Church we all process. In the choir stalls where we huddle, What a
job to find a book, For they're in an awful muddle, No one knows just
where to look. Then we stand and sing our praises, Though we have
not found a book; If by chance we sing wrong phrases, See we get an
awful look. But when all our thanks are offered, Then behold a
shocking sight, Boys who hold the Church non sacred, End up with an
apple fight. Olive T. Armstrong. In memory of old St. James's
5) Moira O'Neill

1) Morris or Norris Harding 1931
2) C. Blunden Ellis, Chaplain, R.N. H.M.S. Leander, 28th March 1937
3) ? Q.U.B. 1944 ?
4) Alan A. Buchanan
5) Today is the harvest of yesterday, the seedline of tomorrow. Frank ?
Vicar of Lyndhurst, Hants. July 20th 1939
6) D. W. A. Quinlan

1) -
2) R. F.
3) Wartime Limitations! I searched for something witty, Airy and
light and pretty, To suit, at your request, The album that you proffer;
I've nothing new to offer, But I will do my best. Imagination
blesses, Ones mind with wide recesses, To hold such themes as these,
Alas! too long in storing, Grown brittle, dull and boring, Now they have
ceased to please. For fancies left untended, Unwatched and
undefended, Are marred with stain and rust; And some are blitzed and
broken; All better left unspoken, Back in the dark and dust. And
so I bring no treasure, Nothing to give you pleasure, From wrecks that
lie around, I looked in likely places, Explored forgotten spaces, And
this is all I found! Ruby Curley
4) Also, I should ... you in town and dis .... the scheme in details.
Yours sincerely Marie Delston. 1942

1) Blitzed Ground, Frederick Street - Gladys Macabe
2) ? 1938
3) Never the spirit was born, The spirit shall cease to be never, Never
was time, it was not, Ends, & beginnings are Dreams, Birthless &
Deathless & Churchless, Remaineth the spirit for ever. Death hath not
touched it at all, Death tho' the ? of it seems. L. Jordan Gill
4) Stuart Hibberd, T. S. Bourne, Wilfred ? ?
5) The Ulster Academy of Arts Jubilee Dinner in the Carlton Hall,
Belfast, 16th October 1935. President: Sir John Lavery, R.A., R.S.A.,
R.H.A. in the Chair. ~ John Lavery, Crawford McCullagh, Lord, Mayor of
Belfast; F. W. Ogilvie; I. W. Carey, Theo. J. Gracey, H. E? Neill, ?
Stanley Prosser, Georgina M. Kyle, R. M. Patterson, P. Woods, ? ? , Wm.

H. Echlin Neill
Ballydorn H. E. ?

1) 15th October 1947 Dinner In Honour of the visit of Mr. James Sleator,
P.R.H.A., H.R.A., H.R.S.A. ~ James Sleator, Morris Harding
2) The Red Right hand of Ulster is the symbol of power. It is not a left
hand or a bloody hand and there are not three bloody drops below it. A
letter box is not a bloody letter box because it is painted red, nor does a
blue tram car indicate blue blood. The hand was not cut off to gain real
estate by a coup de main. That "Story" was made in Germany and spread from
pole to pole like a weeks washing. The O'Neill lives in Portugal but when he
wrote to Francis Joseph Biggar M.R.I.A. his note paper was headed with a
right hand. The heraldic formula is - A dexter hand gules which in plain
English is - A Red Right Hand Q.E.D. J.W.C.
3) James A. Pollock, Limited, 47 Donegall Place, Belfast
4) -

Auto Book Two

1) Teacher (describing her encounter with a tramp) "And then - I fainted"
Little Jack Johnston - "Wi' yer left or wi' yer right, ma'am?" G. S.
S. 30th April 1913
2a) Diary of a January Fly. Eh? Summer? Can't be; but too hot to sleep
- had a regular nightspider. Perhaps my little Mary's out of order'
must take some liver dust - capital remedy, and fortunately plenty on this
cornice: Ah! that's better, but still strangely stiff in the legs. Wonder if
I could skate on that rink - tut! tut! it's an old chap's head; narrow
escape - my eyesight must be faulty; wonder if that dust was genuine Carpet
Beatems. In this Jam? it is. Not as nice as in my young days, but refreshing
to get it on one's feet once more; Better polish them on this mellon - dear
me, same old chap's head - very awkward, & he almost hit me. Custard by gum;
got it all over my back; must have a wipe in the old chap's whisker - well,
in the other one then - tut! tut! at any rate can take a crawl in his
earhole; confound these fidgety humans - dreadful absence of repose of
manner - seem quicker than they used to be, too, or am I slower; really
must test this: Now, if I can settle on his nose with impunity, and my
feet, three times in half a minute, I shall feel much more comfortable about
Now for it - ready. Once: Capital! Twice: ha! ha! splendid! Th .
. . . . .
G. S. S. 30th April 1913
2b) Will we ever hear of each other, Will we ever meet again, I'll be just
the same dear, Just the same as just we met. K. F. Sep. 1913
3) I would like to write something original, But I don't know how to begin,
For in me there is nothing original, Except original sin. The inner
side of every cloud is bright and shining, I therefore turn my clouds about,
And always wear them inside out, To show the lining. "True friendship
consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice"
A good boy will love his sister, And I so good have grown, That I love your
younger sister, Far better than my own. What if the strife is long,
Others have fought the same, Much will be gained if you will but try, So aim
at the highest aim. "Any girl can make a lover a husband, but it takes
a wise woman to keep a husband a lover" No shadow but its sister
light, Not far away must turn, No weary night but morning bright, Must
follow in its time. When friends you're trusted prove untrue, And
cooly turn their backs on you, When life is full of toil and care, And you
have any cash to spare Forget-me-not. "Patience is bitter but its
fruits are sweet" Early to bed and early to rise, Is a saying old and
true, But how can a man go early to bed, If he hasn't one to go to.
Two friends can in needle's eye repose, But all the world is narrow for two
foes. H. Jolly, Newry, 25.6.12
4) "When girls are ugly babies, Their mammas quite insist, That they by us,
against our will, Be kissed, kissed, kissed; But when these girls are sweet
sixteen, Their mamma's say we shan't, And though we'd like to kiss them, We
can't, can't, can't." H. H. P. 29.10.14 - In leisure moments cast a look,
Upon the pages of this book, When absent friends, thy thoughts engage, Think
of the one who fills this page. H. Price, Brookeboro' 29.10.14
5) I wish it to be closely understood, That I never sign autographs. B.
Brooke, Colebrook 12.1.63
6) Craig, Carson and Moore.
7) Money. Whereunto is money good, Who has it not, wants hardihood,
Who has it has much trouble & care, Who once has had it has despair.
"The Restless Heart" A Millstone and the human heart are driven ever round,
If they have nothing else to grind, They must themselves be ground. We
say it for an hour, or for years, We say it smiling, say it choked with
tears; We say it coldly - say it with a kiss, and yet we have no better word
than this - "Goodbye" We have no dearer word for our hearts' friend,
For him who journey's to the worlds far end, and scars our soul with going -
thus we say, As unto him who steps but o'er the way - "Goodbye" Alike
to those we love - and those we hate, We say no more in parting at life's
gate, To him who passes out beyond earth's sight, We cry as to the wanderer
for a Night - "Goodbye" Art & Tact. Intelligence & Courtesy
always are combined; Often in a wooden house a golden room we find. L. J.

1) The Ankle Watch. Maudie says "Do hurry please" To Cuthbert telling
the time on his knees. Henry Price 29.X.14
2) -
3) The carridge drove up to the Mansion in Piccadilly, And Lady Eve Stepped
out a dream of loveliness, her silk gown'd, was a poem of the dressmakers
art, and her diminds sparkled like moonlight on the ripping "Wives"
Ruby Jelly 18/10/12

A. W. R. 1912
W. A. Hanneford 24.4.13

The Last Chord
W. A. Hanneford 24.4.13
Seated one night on the yard wall
Under the silv'ry moon.

1) You talk of the signs of the weather, The changes the seasons bring, But
to sit on a Red Hot Poker, Is the sign of an early spring. Mary had a
little lamb, It was a horrid glutton, She put it in the Catch-my-Pals, And
it ate the bloomin button.
2) Somebody's Darling - Somebody. Margaret Bella Twiggerly or Twiggerby

1) Eric Twelve O'clock Sunday morning. ?
2) Forget.me.not. When nights are dark & friends are few, remember me as I
do you, it only takes one little spot, to hold the word forget-me-not. S. V.
H. 25.8.15
3) Just a few lines, from an old friend. A. G. Ferris, 25th Aug. 1915
4) "What live (I can't understand this, CLICK image 4 and have a go
yourself lol) John R. Crooks
5) To Men Who Sail In Ships. And
standing watch upon the peak, He dreams of lips & hands, Drugged liquor
& a painted cheek, He sighs, nor understands. That he's a dreamer. And
the call, that made a fool of him, Still, to the wide seas run(?) Must
lure him on, With hints of wine more fragrant, And parted lips, half
divine. Fred Tratten, 17/2/1955
6) "Advice to a Young Lady"
Never love unless you can, Bear with all the faults of man.
"Wife's advice to her subdued husband" Gold old, grow old along with me,
The best, the best is yet to be. "A Wedding Vow" And now my little
darling my vow I here rehearse, I take you dearest 'margarine' for
butter or for worse. "A Sage's Warning" Men spend more time bewailing
their misfortune than in building their fortune. G. T. Boyd 22/11/21
"I'm shy, Mary Ellen!" When you are looking at a pair of the most
delicious lips in the world, and see them gently break into a roguish
smile - if you are very near them, and nobody else by - you cannot
better testify your admiration of their beautiful form and colour than
by kissing them at once. Muggins! T. Millen, Enniskillen, 28
Feb. 1913
8) "A Musical Tragedy" H. Jolly 25.6.12

We're afraid to go home in the dark
Aglae S. Coyne

1) "The Sweetest Things on Earth" The light of love in lovers eyes, Age
that is young as well as wise, A Mother's kiss, a baby's mirth, These
are the sweetest things on earth. "Used by Hindoo(?) Priests at Baptism"
Little babes, thou enterest the world weeping, while all around thee
smile; Contrive so to live that thou mayest depart in smiles while all
around thee weep. M. S. Crooks, Clabby
2) "A Few Original Lines" "Two in a hammock...." "Just a few
very wise sayings" Penny wise gathers no moss. All that glitters after
the ball is over. A rolling stone is not gold. Love me and wait and see.
To squeeze is charming, to kiss, divine. See the mountains kiss
high heaven, And the waves clasp one another, ? sister flower would be
forgiven, If it disdains its brother. And the sunbeams clasp the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea, What are all these kissings worth, Of
thou kiss not me. T. G. Crawford, Enniskillen, 13 Feb '13
3) "You Cannot Afford" - To feel bad because things are going to be bad.
To be unkind because you are not treated kindly. To be discouraged
because things are not encouraging. To feel like a thundercloud because
you happen to be in one. To be impolite to those who do not deserve
politeness. To return evil for evil, or condemn thos3 who condemn you.
To fall down because circumstances will not hold you up. To antagonise
that which persists in being antagonistic. To take offence because
others are willing to give it. To dislike persons or things because they
do not favour you. To give up because fortune has not begun to come your
way. To try to get even with those who are not on the square. To feel
hurt because unpleasant things are said or done. To be inconsiderate
with those who do not give you due consideration. To be rude or
discourteous because others happen to so forget themselves. To feel
critical because things do not come up to your own high standard. To be
indignant because you are in the midst of things that produce
indignation. To be out of harmony with yourself because others are not
in harmony with you. To return poor work for poor pay, or hold back your
best because you are not now receiving the best. Or to state it briefly,
to cut off your nose to spite your face, because the effect upon
yourself will be bad in every case. T.A.G. 12.9.14
4) -
5) Madam, What do you want me to write that's what I want to know. I
hope you are well. Yours truly Samuel Levinson
6) Evie Wallace, Clabby, Fivemiletown - 26th June 1912
7) -
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3d Photos
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Sketch Books