Rea Collection
Rea, Ballymena
Postcard, Photos & Medals
Photos & Medals
Postcards 1904 - 1909
on this page Postcards 1910 - 1959 & no dates

1) 6th March 1910 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - to grandmother from Janie with love. Janie Rea
2) December 1910 Postmark Dalton, Mass. to Miss Jenna Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Very best wishes for a Happy
Xmas and Prosperous New Year. M. J. Lennox
3) 19th December 1910 Postmark Newburgh, N.Y. to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Hope this
will find you well and wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Myrtle
4) 13th October 1910 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - What do you think of this as a residence, not bad. I
like the place fairly well. I hope you & Jeannie are well as I am A1 myself.
5) 16th December 1910 Postmark Newburgh to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury
Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year and many of them. Your loving Niece, Millicent
6) 15th Nov. 1910 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. L. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Aunt, I will be in B'mena to morrow (Wednesday)
on a flying visit when I hope to see you. Hoping you are all in good health.
Yours Sincerely, Jos. McKinley
7) 12th August 1910 Postmark Belfast to Miss J. Robinson, 5 Salisbury
Square, Harryville, Ballymena - Auntie, Dear Jeanie, I am glad to hear you
are getting along so well, we will all be glad to see you home. Hoping all
are well. Come with Jeanie. Father?
8) 2nd December 1910 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Sailsbury Square, Harry
ville, Ballymena - My. dear Niece Jeanie, Will you please write & say if all
is well, I am quite anxious, what about James, have you heard from him
lately, all well here. Your loving aunt J. Robinson
9) 29th March 1910 Postmark Whitehead to Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - My. Dear Jeannie & Lizzie, Just a note today, we
took our trip to W.H. today with kindest love to all. From all tip top
health beautiful day. Empty Stomach & healthy appetite, hoping you are both
very well. Your loving ? Joseph

1) 'Maghera' 28th February 1910 Postmark Upperlands, Co. Derry to Miss
Jeannie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - 33
Westcott Street Dear Jeannie, Just a short note to say that I am here today
with the snow on the mountains all around me, hoping this will find you &
mother in the best of health, with kindest love, Uncle ??
2) 'Maghera' 28th February 1910 Postmark Upperlands, Co. Derry to Mrs. Rea,
5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Lizzie, Just a note to say
all are all in our usual good health, hoping you are keeping better, with
very kindest regards, this is the other end of the village from the one sent
to Jeannie, with very kindest love from all, your brother Joseph
3) 7th March 1910 Postmark Norfolk to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - 201 Clay Avenue, Norfolk, Va.
Dear Aunt Lizzie, I have been intending to send you a line for a long time,
especially since Aunt Maggies death, she was like a second Mother to me & I
miss her letters. Jim has left us and gone back to New York. I was so sorry
to have him go. I hope that he will bring James Rea to see me some time this
summer. Write me some time and tell me about yourself. Love to Janie, your
niece. J. G. Thompson
4) 24th June, 1910 Postmark Belfast to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Thanks for P.C. Hope Aunt is well, tell
her I will write soon. I will hardly be down this summer, do you think you
could not get up for a few days at July. Annie
5) 16th July 1910 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - I expect your holidays are over. I think
we never had better weather, never was any place at the holidays, only to
see the men farming & it was lovely to see them, took them nearly too hours
to pu?? Give my love to Aunt & all others, Annie
1) 16th December 1911 Postmark Hudson Term. Sta. N.Y. to Miss J. Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - Hope everybody is
enjoying good health as we all are over here. Will be spending this
Christmas at Newburgh. Bob & I expect to go up for two or three days. Going
over to Brooklyn today to look Jim up. Merry Xmas & New Year to all. J.
2) 4th/14th December 1911? Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Mrs. Rea, Just a PC hoping that Janie & you are
well as this leaves us at present. Sam is working a spell job in Bamena, I
think it will be finished on Sat. I have got settled another time. Samy
thinks long. Lizzie lives a short distance from here. Sarah has the hooping
cough, she has not been in for fear mine would take it. I say they will take
at some time now Mrs. Rea. I think this is all, hoping your boy is keeping
better. L. McKelvey, 12 Shandon Street, Belfast
3) 30th September 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Hope you got home safe. I felt a bit
tired today. All the rest are in their usual, kind regards from all, A. McK.
4) 29th April 1911 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Dear Aunt, Just a card to say John is
home today. He looks fairly well. I am feeling better, love to Janie, will
write soon. Annie
5) 14th July 1911 Postmark Portrush to Miss Jennie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Cool day here, hope you are well A. R.
6) 8th December 1911 Postmark Philadelphia, P.A. to Miss Jennie Rea,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland, Sailsbury Square
7) 13th April 1911 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Was to see John yest. he is looking
well, but tired lying. I have been ill all week with a cold. This has been a
dull Easter for me. Have not been any place, love to all, Annie
8) 'The Boathouse, Belfast, I am letting things drift here' 3rd January 1911
Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co.
Antrim - Arrived here safe & was nothing the worse of my long walk. Yours
sincerely Annie

1) 17th July 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Hope you are keeping better. I did not
see you when we left the station, was looking out for you. A. McK.
2) 22nd May 1911 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. L. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Auntie, I am still making good progress toward
recovery and able to go out for a walk every day. I am not done attending
hospital yet but hope to soon. Hoping this will find Jeanie & yourself in
best of health. From Your loving nephew John
3) 11th July 1911 Postmark ? to Miss Rea, Salisbury Square, Ballymena, Co.
Antrim - 19 Bingham Street, Bangor, Co. Down. Having a good time here, the
weather is lovely, hoping you are keeping quite well, also your Mother. with
best love, Lily Caul
4) 1st August 1911 Postmark Culdaff to Miss Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Duncross, Culdaff, Co. Donegal. Had a dreadful storm
here on Sat night. Hope you are keeping well. Have had a splendid holiday.
Remember me to your Mother. Kindest regards, M. C. Lennox
5) 17th July 1911 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Arrived home safe, we were late leaving.
Hope you are feeling better, all are well here, the too little boy slept all
the way. A. M. R. or McK.

1) 18th October 1912 from 95 Overlook(?) Place, Newburgh, N.Y. - Mrs. Ray, I
am sending this card to let you see how May has grown, this is the porch of
our house, I heard often of you through Mrs. McKay's Children, Yours Truly
Mrs. Wm. McBurnly
2) 24th December 1912 Postmark ? to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Aunt Lizzie, got Jennie Photo alright & thanks
very much my the looks well & not a bit changed. I got mine taken & Lilas(?)
I will send you them after the Holidays. Tom joins me in wishing you all a
very Happy Xmas & love from dear Lila. Your loving Niece Sara
3) 10th July 1912 Postmark Rothesay to Miss Jennie Wray, Salisbury Square,
Ballymena. Co. Antrim, Ireland - Love to all, good wishes from Scotland L.
4) 9th April 1912 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Dear Aunt, I hope you are feeling
better, sorry you could not get up. I never saw such a sight in all my life
as friday, but the crowds were awful to get through, let me know how I got
home. R. McK.
5) 19th July 1912 Postmark Islandmagee to Miss Jennie Rea, No. 5 Salisbury
Square, Harryville, Ballymena - Just a line to let you know Evelyn & I are
down here for a week's holiday. We have had lovely weather ever since we
came. It is very wild just now as I am writing this sitting on the Rocks and
I hope you will excuse this scribble as the water is splashing up over us
where we are sitting but I enjoy the water when it is rough. Ellie
6) 29th July 1912 Postmark ? to Miss J. Rea, Salisbury Square, Harryville,
Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Ard-ne-greine, Port Salow(?), Co. Donegal. Spending
holidays in Donegal again. Started at Ballyliffin, spent the day in
Buncrana, and have been here fortnight, very nice district, no town, good
bathing, very quiet. Hope you have survived 12th and that both well. Kindest
regards M. C. Lennox
7) 5th September 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss J. Rea, c/o Mrs. Magee,
Balmoral House, 77 Main Street, Portrush - Many thanks for lovely P.C. which
we received. Hope you will feel the benefit of your holiday when you come
home again, the weather has got quite cold. Kind regards from all, A. McK.

1) 7th August 1913 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. L. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Sister Lizzie, I hope you are feeling a little
better after your fatigue coming to Belfast. I hope to see you tomorrow
Thursday and that you are greatly improved, love to all, J. Robinson
2) 5th July 1913 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - 42 Ravenscroft Avenue, Harteville Terrace,
Connswater. Dear Auntie, We will be delighted to see you when you come on
tuesday and wish you could stop for a few days. I hope Jeannie will come
too, auntie is some better to-day, your loving neice J. R.
3) 20th August 1913 Postmark Castle Kennedy Wigtownshire to Miss J. Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Here for the Day & it
is just Beautiful, had a splendid sail over. A. E. McK.
4) 8th September 1913 Postmark Dunoon to Mrs. Rea, Balmoral House, Maine
Street, Portrush - Stormont Royal Crescent, Dunoon, (8/9/13) Dear Lizzie, I
hope you & Jennie arrived safe at Port & are receiving all the good things.
I wish for you good weather & a most enjoyable time, remember me to all my
old friends. J. Robinson
5) 20th August 1913 Postmark Castle Kennedy, Wigtownshire to Mrs. Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Enjoying myself today,
I think I never saw a nicer place. Hope you are well. A. E. McK.
6) 23rd July 1913 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Sailsbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Aunt, Lizzie just a line to say we are all well
but auntie hoping you are both well, I am going to the country and auntie
says that you may not hear from her till I come back, love to both from all.

1) 24th December 1914 Postmark Ballymena to Miss Jeanie Rea, Salisbury
Square, Ballymena - Wishing you a very Happy Xmas, Minnie
2) 26th November 1914 (1915 written on card twice but postmark is 1914)
Postmark Thurso to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co.
Antrim, Ireland - Up in Thurso, all well, hoping this will fine you the
same. Hugh
3) 30th December 1914 Postmark Inverness to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Dear Jennie, I am on my way north again,
hope you are all keeping well, the children Greta & James, have the scaretime(?) Hugh?
4) 'Ladies' Bathing Place, Bangor, Co. Down' 19th July 1914 Postmark Bangor
to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - I
thought I could have got to see you at the Holidays but I could not see my
way. I will be down soon, the girls are having a splendid time & they are
staying another week as Evelyn was not well & ? a week was no good, will
write soon
5) 4th July 1914 Postmark Donaghadee to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - 49 Moat Street, Donaghadee. Dear Jeannie, We arrived
here on Wensday and are all getting on fairly well, love to mother and
yourself well. Yours loving Cousin Jeannie
6) 19th July 1914 Postmark Bangor to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - I am down to see Ellie & Evelyn this
afternoon, their are in a lovely house at Groomsport, a farm house & they
are looking splendid. Hope to see you soon, Annie

1) 'The Pickie, Bangor' 18th August 1915 Postmark Bangor? to Mrs. Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena - 16 Alfred Street, Bangor, We had
very bad weather here last week, but this is lovely these days. If you &
Janie would care about coming to stay we will be here till end of month. My
Father is here this week, please let me know, Janie
2) 22nd April 1916 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Saturday. Dear Aunt, If it is a fine
morning & can be in time for train, I will be down to see you, I think there
is a train about 8 or 8.30 & will be coming back that evg. Hoping you are
well. (Annie)
3) 1st September 1916 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Auntie, Just a few lines to say that auntie is
a little better but is not able to be up yet. I hope you or cousin is noting
the worse of the long journey. We came home yesterday by the same train as
you. Hoping this will find you well. Jeannie
4) 30th March 1918 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Just a card to wish you a pleasant
Easter, Annie

1) 1st August 1921 Postmark ? to Miss Jennie Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - Craigmount Cottage, Montgomery Road,
Saltcrats(?) Hope you had a good day. How is everybody getting on. Yours
2) 14th July 1928 Postmark Battersea to Miss K. Mayne, 173 N. Q. Street,
Belfast, N. Ireland - We arrived safely after a rough passage, we were very
sick but have got over it to-day, this is a great place, we have been out a
bit already. Minnie
3) 14th July 1928 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mrs. Mayne, 173 North Queen
Street, Belfast - Dear Mother, I arrived safe, the weather over here is very
good. I hope you are keeping well. E. M.
4) 26th July 1933 Postmark Dunoon, Argyll to Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury
Square, Harryville, Ballymena, N. Ireland - Having a nice time. The weather
is very good and this is a nice place to spend good weather. G. & J.

1) 29th July 1940 Postmark Millisle, Belfast to Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury
Square, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Having a lovely holiday. The weather has
been very good for the past few days but previous to that was very
unsettled. Hope you had a nice holiday. Jean
2) 7th August 1946 Postmark Miami, Fla1. to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury
Square, Harryville, B'mena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - This is a beautiful place,
scenery, beaches, water about 84° to-day, everything anyone could desire,
think we will make our home here. Hope you have had a nice vacation & are
enjoying best of health, love from all. Myrtle
3) 10th October 1947 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath to Miss J. R. Rea, 5
Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Having a lovely time.
Weather glorious. Hope to see you soon. Jean & Goodlett

1) 17th July 1950 Postmark Corcraigh to Miss K. Mayne, 154 Upper Meadow
Street, Belfast, N.I. - Dear K. Hope you had good holiday. I am enjoying
mine, weather not to bad. Sal
2) 14th August 1950 Postmark Douglas, I.O.M. to Miss K. Mayne, 154 Upper
Meadow Street, Belfast, N.I. - Having a good time here. Weather fairly good.
Hope you enjoyed your holiday. Lily Bane(?)
3) 9th September 1953 Postmark London to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, N.I. - Dear Auntie, Having a lovely time here,
weather beautiful. We went to see St. Paul's today & tomorrow we go to see
the Tower. Love Fredk.
4) 15th June 1955 Postmark Cill Airne to Miss J. Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, N.I. - Weather has kept up wonderfully,
food is very good, having time of our lives. Agnes & Jack
5) 'Ballyholme Bay, Bangor, Co. Down' 24th July 1959 Postmark ?, Belfast to
Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Hope
you are feeling better this lovely weather. We are having a very fine spell
of sunshine. Goodlett is doing quite a bit of gardening, but he enjoys that.
Hope to see you sometime in the near future. Kindest regards from both. J. &
6) 10th July 1959 Postmark Edinburgh to Miss J. Rea, Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - Spending ten days here with S.S. teachers.
Lectures in the morning and after tea but we are free for the afternoon. Yest we went to the Trossachs. Spent an afternoon at Portabello, where there
is a lovely beach & swimming pool. Kind regards Ray W.

1) To Miss Jeannie Rea, 5 Salisbury ?, Harryville, Ballymena - Dear Jeannie,
I am sorry I could not ? a dog for ? Lennox, I sent another
2) Merry Christmas for the New Year Love from M. ? L.
3) Dear Mrs. Rea, I received your cards & picture and we thank you very
much, your picture is very good. Wishing you a Happy New Year, A Friend Miss
Wm. McBurney
4) 13th August ?? Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, c/o 25 Battenberg
Street, Shankill Road, Belfast - Dear Aunt, Hope you are keeping as well as
when you last heard of the Elephants Trunk, be sure & come over, Janie & you
before you go away. A. E. McK.
5) To Aunt Lizzie from Myrtle - Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year
6) 18th February Postmark Cheltenham to Miss J. M. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Fernhalme, Christ Church
Road(?), Cheltenham. Thanks so much for P.C. What a lovely one. I do hope
your Mother & Jane(?) is quite well. I am very pleased to say my aunt is
much better but it is so hard to get over this weather, but I do hope we
will have it nice now. I have been very well myself. Much love to Mother &
your self. Tom(?)
7) Janie from Cousin Ellie
8) To Aunt Lizzie from Ethyl - Best wishes for a happy Christmas and a
bright & prosperous New Year. Loving niece Ethyl
9) From Jennie - Mrs. Rea, I am sending you a card. I thank you very much
for your kindness, that picture is not at all like me, I was 19 years old
when I was marry. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. P.S. My Marriage name is Mrs. H. E. ?????

1) to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland -
Thanks for the nice postal you sent me and wishing you a merry Christmas,
Lovingly yours Myrtle J. McKay
2) to Mr. R. B. Smith, 3806s Street, San Diego, Cal. - I suppose you are
almost tired sending cards. You have sent some, in fact, all beauties. J. R.
3) to Mrs. Rea, Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena 25
Battenberg Street, Belfast - 5 Stockmans Lane. Dear Aunt Lizzie, Tom & I
will be down on Saturday, we are going to Parkmore, the train will stop ay
B'mena coming back for ? hour. Mrs. S. Stevenson
4) 25th June Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Sailsbury Square, Harryville,
Ballymena - 42 Ravenscroft Avenue. Dear Sister, I am not improving any, I
have had a very bad attack since Jeannie Wilson was here. We are moving some
day next week to 42 Ravenscroft Avenue, J. Robinson
5) 14th July Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville,
Ballymena - Had a fine time around the beauty spot of the old country
to-day. Yours etc. John
6) 14th July Postmark Belfast to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - I am enjoying the beauty spot of ould Ireland to-day
and no doubt, it is not the least exaggerated either in picture or prose.
Yours etc. John
7) 14th September Postmark Duno??? to Mrs. Rea, Balmoral House, Maine
Street, Portrush, Ireland - I do hope you are fully enjoying yourself and
feeling happy as I am. I have been to Loch-Ean? yesterday and had a lovely
drive and its beautifull, I then went to the famous Loch Lomond to-day and
enjoyed it to the full, its beauty is beyond description. I shall not see
another sight equal to it for a long time. I left on boat by 11 oclock a.m.,
was back home at 6 oclock p.m. We sailed up the Loch from 2.10 to 3.30 on
King Edward boat, took a circular tour. With very best wishes for an
enjoyable time. Joseph
8) to Miss J. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim -
With all Good Wishes for a Merry Christmas from Arthur
9) to Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland -
Hope you are feeling better. From your Loving Niece Millicent

1) 5th November Postmark Cheltenham to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - Dear J. Just a P.C. that I arrived safely
to Cheltenham do not ? one much for it. So very quiet. I hope your Mother &
Jane are quite well. Your Auntie did not look at all well, hoping she is
better, much love to both ???? Fernholme, Christ Church Road, Cheltenham
2) 24th November Postmark Cord(?) to Miss Jeannie Rea, Harryville,
Ballymena, 5 Salisbury Square - A pretty isolated little place as though it
was self existing, this is the Old Castle & there are very fine woolen Mills
there doing a Lucrative business, their products are known as Blarney
Tweeds. Yours Sincerely Jos. Robinson
3) Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Belfast,
Ireland - 'Easter' Dear Lizzie, thanking you for the nice card you sent me,
it makes me feel at home. Lovingly Sister Maggie
4) Mrs. Rea & Miss Jeannie Rea - 'The Shambles, Manchester' - I hope your
mother & yourself are very well. I am over here at present, hoping all are
very well, I have been so far succesfull in my interview. I am going home
tonight, will tell you more when I see you which I hope to be very soon,
Your loving Brother & Uncle Joseph
5) 'Queen's Parade and Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down' 10th August Postmark
Bangor to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena - We are
having lovely weather now, but it was very showery last week. Janie arrived
here all right, thanks very much for care of her, we are going home on Saty.
J. E. Rea
6) 11th September Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena - My dear Jeannie, Just a line as I had this card for
you. Hoping this will find you both well. We are all in our usual. Love to
Auntie Cath. J. R.

1) Postmark Dublin to Miss Janie Rea, Salisbury Square, Harryville, B'mena,
Co. Antrim - Dear Mrs. Rea & Jeannie, I hope you are both well & doing well
& James. I hope you got good news from him. When you ? writing remember me
to him. Jeannie, I hope you are getting along well at your work. I like this
country very well. But I'll always like B'Mena best. This monument on the
other side, we can see it from our door, though it is between three & five
meters away. With fond love from your old friend L. H.
2) November Postmark Shireham? to Mrs. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville,
Ballymena - Dear Grandmother, This is a photograph of the Portway & we live
just off this road. The weather here is lovely. I hope you are keeping
alright. Love from Jean
3) Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena - Many thanks
to you & Jeannie, with kindest regards & love to all, with every good wish.
J. ? R.?
4) Dear Jeanie, I hope you are both well. I am sorry to be so long in
thanking you for the lovely P.C., these are just to brighten your album,
your Uncle went to Dublin yesterday & I do not know when he will be back.
Maggie's just dying with toothache all the time.
5) 16th June Postmark ? to Miss Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville,
Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Saty. 14th, We are enjoying the sunshine
very much. We have also done some tours, some walking & pony rides. The heat
is intense. Due home next Friday. Best wishes Reg. & Evelyn
6) Miss Janie Rea, Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim -
Dear Janie, I received your letter allright, glad to know you are all well.
The weather here is beautiful. Cissie ? ? the country ? Sunday ? is not
well. Love to all Annie
7) January Postmark Belfast to Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Hope you are liking your new position &
that you may have every success. I hope you were nothing the worse of the
storm. Sending Aunt & you small calendar. I will hardly see you again untill
Easter if we are all spared, unless you take a run up for a week end. Annie
8) 1st December Postmark Belfast to Miss J. R. Rea, 5 Salisbury Square,
Harryville, Ballymena, Co. Antrim - Dear Janie, glad to hear Aunt is a
little better, hopes she will continue, give all our love to her, also
yourself, will be down to see her tomorrow. Annie
9) Mrs. Lizzie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Ireland - My
dear Sister, hoping you are well. Will write soon your loving sister, Maggie

1) Miss Jennie Rea, 5 Salisbury Square, Harryville, Ballymena, Belfast,
Ireland - Thanks for the nice Postal you sent me, hoping all well. Lovingly
Cousin Myrtle
2) Dear Cousin, We received your postals and calendar, and they are very
pretty indeed. We were all very glad to hear from you. Mother will write
later. From your Loving Cousin, Alice Victoria Gibson, P.S. Wishing you all
a bright and joyous new years
the end