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Wheeler Postcards
(I don't think these have any connection with the 2 other Wheeler pages)

Norman W. H. Wheeler  May 16th 1903  from W. B. B.?

from 1902 to  (not in chronological order)

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1) 30th October 1903 Postmark Belfast - Dublin 29th October 1903 - Isn't he nice? Oct. 31
2) 'Donegal Place, Belfast'  21st June 1904 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, The Hydropathic, Pitlochry, Scotland - Got home all right yesterday, hope you are having a good time, kind regards to all, N. B.B. 21/6/04
3) 'Newfoundland'  15th September 1902 Postmark Liverpool to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - 47 Parkfield Road, Liverpool 15/9/02  I hope you will like this card, it will be another towards your collection. I had a very good crossing on Friday evening. Hope you are quite well, with love from L. B. ?

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1) 'Donegall Place, Belfast'  Belfast 13/6/04  14th June 1904 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, The Hydro Hotel, Peebles, Scotland - Monday, Thanks for P.C. all well at home, N. B. B.?
2) 'The Esplanade, Bray'  Bray 26th Jany. 04  26th January 1904 Postmark Bray to Mrs. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Thanks for your last card. It is the nicest yet, as it reminds me of the Rocky Quarter? to ? Jack & Fanny housing? Love from R. W. H. B.  This is a "curnabish" place

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1) 'Portrush'  13th June 1905 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler (of Belfast) Alexandra Hotel, Oban - Thanks for P.C. It is so nice to hear from you - Don't trouble taking up time writing long letters, I can hear about it all when I see you - Just make up your mind to enjoy yourself as much as ever you can. We are all very well. With much love H. C. W.
2) 'Custom House, Dublin'  14 Nov. 03  14th November 1903 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. L. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Thanks awfully for your very pretty cards. I hope you & your large household are all well. Love to all from Rev? & H. B. or R. W. H. B.

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1) 'Queen's Bridge'  23rd July 1902 Postmark Belfast to Master Norman Wheeler, c/o J. Taylor Blackwood Esq., J.P., Castlenavin, Seaforde, Co. Down - Monday  Darling Norman, it is miserable without you. Be a good boy nice & kind to your good Aunt. Give dear Aunt Cailie my love & tell her I'll be up soon. Polly is whistling away. With love & kisses from Muzzie?
2) 'On the Sands, New Brighton'  10th September 1902 Postmark Liverpool to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Norman, We have arrived safely, but the boat rolled about very much, but I was not sick. I hope my Pet is well, and be sweet & good to Lizzie till Muzzie comes back.
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1) 'Municipal Buildings' 12th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Darling Son, I hope you are well. If we don't come home on Sunday morning you could go to the Square for the day if Aunt Cailie is home, and if they are not home go to Grandmammas for the day. With fond love & kisses, Mazzie? or Maggie
2) 'Parish Church'  10th June 1903 Postmark Kirkheaton to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Many happy returns of the day. I am sending you with this a little Indian idol & a Uganda Stamp for your collection. B. M. M.  Kirkheaton Rectory June 10

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1) 'Warwick Castle' 13th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast.  Dear Boy, We were disappointed not to receive a post card from you this morning. I trust you are not getting excited over your lessons. It is a great mistake to do so. Much loving Father
2) 'The Beach Gardens'  14th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Boy, Still no word from you, why have you not written? Mother sends love - your own Father

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1) 18th July 1902 Postmark Coblene to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, 71 Fitz William Place, Belfast, Ireland - My dear Meta, We are journeying up the Rhine on a beautiful bright day and having a beautiful time. Love to all in Belfast in whom we have an interest, Lucy
2) 'Edinburgh from Calton Hall'  19th June 1904 Postmark Edinburgh to Master Norman W. H. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Sunday 19th June  Thank you so Dear for your sweet wee note, work as well as you can till I come home. Be kind to Lizzie. Give her my love, & Polly hers was very sweet. I shall have such a lot to tell you. I wish you were here. Take great care of your dear wee self. Love from Mum

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1) 'Criccieth Castle'  24th July 1903 Postmark Criccieth to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Ralph is splendid & enjoys the sea which he calls the big "Pani". We saw a snake the other day a yard long - we threw a stone at it but it missed & then it wriggled very quickly in a ditch & disappeared. I wish you could have seen it. I hope Polly is quite well. I haven't seen one to equal her since I left Belfast. Love from Aunt Lillie & myself. B. M. M.
2) 16th June 1905 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, Alexandra Hotel, Oban, N.B. - I hope you are still doing your duty perfectly, & looking after your charges & I also hope they are looking after you for I know how picky you can be when you get out. Much love to all. R. W. H. D.

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1) 11th December 1902 Postmark New York/21st December 1902 Postmark Belfast/Francisco to Mrs. F. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Malone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Wishing Fred, Norman & yourself a Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year, Yrs. Laurie
2) 'First Avenue Hotel, London'  19th April 190? Postmark ? to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 19th April 1905 2o'cl p.m.  Arrived safe, will be glad when it is over. Best love to both, yours as ever, Fred

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1) 'The Rialto, Venice'  22nd May 1904 Postmark London to Mrs. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Many thanks for letter, sorry you were upset, only in hurry I must have said what I did not intend to say in letter (I had not time to real it over again) as I had no intentions to convey this meaning you, you Took out of it, or imply anything, which was not quite true. W. B. B.  I am having a splendid holiday. W. B. B. 20/5/04  Earls Court?
2) 15th June 1904 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, Hotel Hydro, Peebles, N.B. - Belfast 15 June 1904 Thanks very much for your card. I am glad to hear that you have been favored with good weather. Yesterday was a very severe day here. How long do you purpose staying at Peebles? I do not think I shall mind going, it is hardly worth while for so short a time. "But whatever you agree upon." I saw ? Fisher on Monday, he sent his love to you all. He says the scenery at Peebles is splendid. Love to all. Mind the "Tickers"!!! Robt. H. B.

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1) 'Hammersmith Bridge' 8th June 1905 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, Alexandra Hotel, Oban, N.B. - I'm sure your hands are full, you will have a very busy time looking after your charges. Love from R. W. H. S. (Stackwood)
2) 'Foxhound'  22nd September 1922 Postmark Belfast to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Monday  I have been expecting you to call to see me in the office but you seem to have forgotten. W. B. B.

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1) 'Edinburgh Castle'  3rd September 1902 Postmark Edinburgh to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Norman, here we are in Edinburgh, in a perfect gale of wind. This morning it was pouring as well, so we have not seen any places of interest yet. However it is clear now, and we are off sight seeing, yrs. N. M. W.
2) 'Killarney'  4th November 1903 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - You may rest assured that I shant be lonely here for I have discovered a Statue almost as like "our mutual friend" as the one in Liverpool. This has been a very fine day for a change. I hope we may have some dry weather at last. R. W. H. B.  Many thanks for your letter. I spent Sunday with your friend Mr. J. D. F. & he talked about you all day. Remember me to Fred & Norman.  Dublin 3 November 1903

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1) 'Salmon Fishing: A Twenty Pounder'  Doesn't this remind you of Loughin Island? K. W. H. B. 12th January 1904 Postmark Rathmines, Dublin to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Have you been for any more excursions since? Be sure & take good care of your "ould Ma".  N. R.
2) 'Trinity College & Bank' This is, I think, the best view in Dublin: 17th Nov. 1903  17th November 1903 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - So glad to hear you had a view of your dear little friend. Thank you very much for your P.C. When I go home I shall have a large addition to my collection, thanks chiefly to you. Remember me kindly to Fred & Norman. Much love to yourself from R. W. H. B.

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1) 24th ? 1902 Postmark ? to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - I'm afraid you'll not get this in time. Better late than never. Castlenavin, Coming home tomorrow. Monday. R. W. H. B.
2) 'King's Bench Walk'  7th February 1904 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - I have just arrived here & am going to look about some chow-chow. Afterwards I shall have a hunt for the coasters. Love from R. Dublin 4 Feb. 1904 R. W. H. B.
3) 'Staples Inn, Holborn Entrance' Dublin 9 June 1904 R. W. H. B. Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Wheeler, Hotel Hydro, Peebles, N.B. - I hope you had a good passage, I think it must have been fairly rough. I have just arrived in Dublin. Love to Papa, Aunt C. & yourself from R. W. H. B.

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1) 'Bank of England & Royal Exchange, London' 28th June 1902 Postmark London to Mrs. ? Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Bangor, Ireland - 28/6/02  I am having a ripping time, only fault is London is chuck full of Belfast people.
2) 'Lime Street and St. George's Hall, Liverpool'  12th June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Mifs Polly Gray, c/o Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Kind regards from Uncle Reggie  11/6/03

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1) 'Rush Street Bridge, Chicago River' 8th October/18th October Postmarks Chicago/Belfast to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, 71 Fitz William Place, Belfast, Ireland - This bridge is about ten (10) miles from our home.  My dear Meta, The Chicago river is not picturesque and beautiful like the quiet stream down which we glided on that Saturday afternoon last June, but Norman will like this card for his collection. Love to you all from Fred & Lucy, 175 East 50th Street.  Oct 7th 1902
2) 'Dominion Square, Montreal'  5th May 1903 Postmark Montreal, Canada (via New York) to Master Wheeler, 171 University Road, Belfast, Ireland - 94 Green Avenue, Westmount Montreal. May 5th 1903 - My Dear little friend, Just a line or two from home to let you know that I am once more in the land of sunshine. The scene on this side is one of our large square here as it appears in summer time. your sincere friend Everett Larimer or Larmour?

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1) 11th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, I hope you are quite well & happy. I have some lovely cards for you. Give Lizzie my love. Take care of your dear self for Muzzie's sake.
2) 10th September 1902 Postmark Liverpool to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Boy, we have arrived safe. Muzzie was not sick crossing. We miss you awfully, but of course duty first, and you must work just now. Your loving Father
3) 13th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Dearie, we will be home on Tuesday morning, oh! I'll just eat you, for I miss you awfully. Fond love from Muzzie

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1) 'Hastings'  19th October 1903 Postmark Belfast to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - from an old admirer  19th Oct.
2) 'Clifton Downs'  10th October 1903 Postmark Belfast to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Here is another to add to your collection. N. R.

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1) 'Roslin/Rosslyn'  19th September 190? Postmark Midlothian to Master Wheeler, Fitzroy Crescent Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Monday  We are having a lovely time, the weathers beautiful & so can go about everywhere, are here for the day. Love from both W.
2) 'Plymouth'  10th April 1903 Postmark Belfast to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - All's well, having a lovely time, yours A. A. R.

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1) 'Carlisle'  11th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Wheeler, We are thinking of our boy, and hope he is tackling his work like a man, and not worrying or losing his temper while at them. with much love, your own Father  11/9/02
2) 'Hamburg'  31st December 1901 Postmark Hamburg to Messieurs Wheeler & Co. Limited, Cromac Springs, Belfast, Ireland - 3-Jan Best wishes for a happy & prosperous New Year. Joh. G. ? (Joh. G. Harbort, Brandsende 29, Hamburg)

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1) 'Durham'  15th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, we will be home as soon as this. Fondest love from both
2) 'Constantinople'  23rd February 190? to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast -  to Mrs. F. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Irlande via Angleterre - Feby. 23rd Constantinople  All well. Kind regards J. W.

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1) 'Harry Payne'  12th August 1902 Postmark Belfast to Master Norman Wheller, c/o Mr. Blackwood, Seaford House, Castlenavin, Seaforde, Co. Down - From Agnes
2) 'Irish Colleen spinning'  Postmark Belfast - 23rd December 1902
3) 'Irish spinning Wheel'  1904 Postmark Portrush to Master N. Wheeler, 71 Fitswilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, I am in Portrush now. Florrie Johnston is collecting postcards and I sent her one. Excuse the pencil. Thank you for Egg it was lovely. With love from Kitty
4) 'Barque du Léman'  23rd December 1903 Postmark Lausanne to Monsieur N. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - A Happy Christmas & glad New Year. Amy

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1) 'Edinburgh Castle'  16th/17th July 1904 Postmarks Edinburgh/Belfast to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - The Cockburn Hotel, Edinburgh  I hope you are well, Pet, and a good boy & doing your lessons carefully. This is a lovely city, I wish you were here. Best love to all. Mum
2) 12th September 190? Postmark Belfast to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 12th Sept. 1903  From an old friend.

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1) 'Durham Cathedral'  10th February 190? Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Please keep a few c_k_s in the coaster? for J.  R. W. H. B. Wednesday 10 Feb. 1904
2) 'Trafalgar Square, London'  2nd August 1902 Postmark London to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, 72 Fitz William Place, Belfast, Ireland - My dear Meta, Just a word of Goodbye. We sail tomorrow for home on steamship Minneapolis. Love to all from Fred and Lucy.

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1) 19th May 1903 Postmark Hillsborough, Co. Down to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - From Lizzie
2) 'Hill Street, Newry'  30th November 1903 Postmark Newry to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Monday 30th November  This is where I am today. I am going on to Armagh in the afternoon. R. W. H. B.

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1) 'Bog Valley Gardens'  14th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - 14th September 1902 Muzzie
2) 17th June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Kind love from wee Muzzie 17th June

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1) 'Blea Tarn' 12th August 1903 Postmark Kenda? to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Isn't this a lovely Place.
2) 'Knaresborough'  14th September 1902 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - 14th September 1902  Dear Norman, This place has a dripping well that turns things into stone. I hope you are well. Fondest love from Muzzie  14th Sept. 1902

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1) 28th November 1903 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - My dear Meta, Thanks very many for your pretty card - your cards are always pretty. How are all the family? I was sorry to hear you had a cold, I hope it is better by now. I am looking forward to a view of your pretty face on Monday Evg.  R. W. H. B. Dublin 20th Nov. 1903
2) 'Rydal Water'  12th August 1903 Postmark Kendal to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - I hope you are enjoying yourself from Rose

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1) 11th January 1904 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - I have just got here all right. Dublin 11. Jan. 04
2) 2?th December Postmark Belfast to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - For a Merrie Christmas & a very happy New Year from L. B. Gullan

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1) 15th January 1904 Postmark Dublin to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, I hope you are all right again. Its "over all" how like each other your Ma & I are, even when it comes to choosing postcards. But of course my nose is "more flatter" as you so wisely observe. I am sure you are delighted to get back to "Methody" Love from ?. R. Dublin 15 January 1904
2) 24th December 1901 Postmark Duren to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - A happy Christmas to you dear Norman. Do you collect post cards? Amy

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1) 12th August 1904 Postmark London to Master Norman Wheeler, c/o James T. Blackburn, Castlenavin, Seaforde, Co. Down - Dear Boy, I hope you are good, and not forgetting to be a gentleman. I must try and remember to bring you a souvineer of some sort. Father
2) 9th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master N. W. H. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - We arrived here safely. Be a good boy, & work hard at your exams. Eat well, & be kind to Polly. I'll write to Sam? tomorrow. Fond love to both M. L. W.
3) 21st June 1904 Postmark Pitlochry to Master N. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - We cruised over this yesterday. Darling I am longing to see you, this is a lovely place. We will be home very soon. Give my love to Lizzie, & with many kisses, I am, my Pretty your own Mum
4) 16th June 1904 Postmark Edinburgh to Fred Wheeler, Esq., 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Thursday 16th June.  Have just arrived here, & will stay over Sunday. Hope all is well, love to both. The Cockburn Hotel, Edinburgh
5) 11th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - I hope Darling you are having a nice time. Be good to Sam? & take care of Lizzie, I am longing for a kiss my Pet. This is a lovely summer day, we have been for a long walk now, we are going for another. Be sure & have your hair cut. Fond love to you & dear Sam. Mum
6) 2nd December 190? Postmark ? to Mrs. Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast, Ireland - Many thanks for your letter. Just a lash? scrape to say Good-bye. We go off nine o'clock tomorrow morning. yours L. L. M.
7) April? 1904 Postmark Portrush? to Master N. Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - Dear Norman, Thanks afufully for postcard. We are having dreadful weather. Hope you are well. yours etc. G. Hogg
8) 15th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - So glad, my wee Pet is well. Take great care of yourself, what would "Mum" do if her wee love was ill or hurt. I hope you & Sam are good to one another, tell Lizzie I was asking for her. How is Poll & Dick & Linnie? fond love Mum
9) 20th June 1904 Postmark Edinburgh to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Edinburgh, Monday morning.  We are just leaving here and going to Pitlochry, where we will only stay a day or two. Tell Ham not to write as I expect we will be home very shortly. I hope you are well & work hard. With much love from Mum

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1) 21st June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - How are Polly & Father? I hope they are both well. How is the Avrodavat? I hope its red bill is as bright as ever. Can Polly say "Uncle Reggie" yet?
2) 2nd December 1904 Postmark London to Mr. Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - London, Thursday.  We will leave this for Brighton tomorrow, all being well. The weather has been very good since we came - I hope you are feeling very "fit". With much love to all your Cisele H. C. W.
3) 17th June 1904 Postmark Edinburgh to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Dearie, I do hope you are all well. Take good care of your dear self & Ham? Sam, I may not have time to write today as G.papa is in a hurry to get out. The weather is wild. I wish I was home. Dear dear Pet be good & give my love to dear Ham/Sam. Kisses from Mum
4) 14th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - So glad, precious to get your dear letter. What a lot of birds you have now. Take great care of your dear wee self, & be awfully loving to Ham/Sam. I have seen no wee boy like you since. Give fond love to Tam/Sam/Jam/Ham????? & your dear self. Mum
5) 22nd July 1903 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Groomsport, Co. Down - I hope to have the great pleasure of seeing you on Monday week. Love to all. God Save the King! R. W. H. B. Don't forget to be at Rocky Quarter for the Queen of Sheba.
6) 13th June 1905 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Wheeler, Alexandra Hotel, Oban, N.B. - I'm very glad to hear that you are having so good a time. If the postcards are like the places there must be lovely scenery. R. W. H. B.
7) 14th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - June 14th  Hope my Prettikins is well, & working hard at school. Eat lots & be good to Ham. Mother is very hungry all the time. You may expect to be eaten when I get back. With lots of love & kisses from your only Mum
8) 8th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Fred Wheeler, Esq., 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - This is where we are. It is a most lovely place & the weather is perfect. We had a good cr???, but Oban is a long way from Glasgow. I think Papa is going to stay here a week, but of course I shall write before then, if plans have changed. Oh! be good to Norman & give him a nice birthday. I miss you both so. With love from Mum
9) 13th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - June 13th  Thank you so much, my Pet for your dear wee letter. I am so glad you & Lizzie had such a nice walk. I hope you are all well. I shall have a lot to tell you once I get home again. I am longing for a "peach"? With kisses & fond love from Mum

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1) 14th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Miss Montgomery, c/o Fred Wheeler, Esq., 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 14 June  Dear Lizzie, I hope you are quite well again, & I hope Master N. is very kind & motherly to you when I am away. Be sure & eat well & get anything you fancy for yourself. I am very well & quite sun burned. With love Mum or Meta or M. S. W.???
2) 23rd September? Postmark Lochawe to Mrs. F. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Just starting by steamer up Loch Awe, then going by coach back to Oban where we are spending a few days. The weather is perfect. Many thanks for your card. ? & ? ? our love. L.? B.
3) 17th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Oban 17th June Saturday.  Dearie, I hope you are quite well, & do try my Pet & do well at the examinations, I want my big pet to get a prize. Be sure & eat well & have a nice time. We are leaving Oban on Monday sure. Be good to Lizzie & Polly. With kisses & love from Mum
4) 27th July 1905 Postmark Newcastle-on-Tyne to Mrs. Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Kindest regards V. A. ?amek? 27.6.05
5) 15th October 1905 Postmark Castlewellan to Mr. N. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, Thanks for Post Cards. We are going to Belfast tomorrow to stay with Grannie. Eileen
6) 1st July 1905 Postmark Groomsport to Miss Blackwood, Castlenavin, Seaforde, Down - Groomsport Saturday.  Dear Aunt, I hope you are all well. We are just nicely settled here. We came down yesterday. The house is very nice & comfortable. I shall write on Monday or Tuesday. We all send our love to all. yours ever Meta
7) 7th August 1905 Postmark Whitby to Mrs. Wheeler, 1 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - August 6th.  Thanks for letter. We are on top of ? Weather taken up a piece but no heat. ???? All well hope you are the same. Much love ? R. A. ?
8) Postmark Ballymena to Wheeler & Coy., Cromac Springs, Belfast - Cargan? Glenravel Received boxes of Table Waters alright. Rose O'Donnell
9) 23rd September 1904 Postmark Lochawe to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - We are just going for a sail on Loghawe this morning. Hope you are all quite well. W. B. B.

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1) 'Gypsy Glen, Peebles' 10th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - I hope you are getting on well. I hope you will have a happy day tomorrow. I'll try & buy something nice for you before I come back. I saw a little squirrel today. There is a golden pheasant here, very beautiful but not so pretty as dear Polly. Fond love M.  Wishing you a very happy Birthday & many many of them. 10th June 1904
2) 'New City Hall, Belfast'  13th August 1902 Postmark Loughin Island to Miss Montgomery, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - With love from Norman. I hope you are well, how's Polly. Thanks for the postcard you sent me. I hope ? is well.

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1) 25th July 1905 Postmark Ballycastle to Master  N. Wheeler, Main Street, Groomsport, Co. Down - Nanavere Quay Street, Ballycastle - Bathing every day, hope you are having a good time. xxx Sam
2) 26th July 1905 Postmark Ballycastle to Master N. Wheeler, Main Street, Groomsport, Co. Down - I am bathing every day and is digging in the sand xxxx Molly. Nanavere, Quay Road, Ballycastle
3) 10th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 10th June  I hope you will have a happy Birthday, my Precious, oh! I am so longing for a kiss. We went away up Loch Linake? yesterday to the foot of Ben Nevix, the highest mt. in B. Isles. The top was covered with snow. Darling take great care of your dear wee self. Fondest love from your own Mum
4) 9th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Thank you so for your P.C. Darling, so glad you are all well. I hope you keep yourself nice & tidy & work hard. Darling I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Be good to Sam. Fond love Mum
5) 3rd October 1904 Postmark Rothesay to Mrs. F. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Sunday Oct. 2nd.  Many thanks for P.C. Still having a grand time. We arrive in Belfast Tuesday morning from Glasgow where we spend Monday. Love from W. & self. L. B.
6) 8th June 1905 Postmark Oban to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - My Precious take great care of your dear self, & make Lizzie take her medicine & warm drink. I hope her cold is better. Be a good boy & work well at your lessons. This is a lovely place, I only wish you & Sam were here too, give Lizzie & Polly & Larry & Budge my love & same to my own Pet.
7) April 1904 Postmark Portrush to Master N. Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear NW thank you for the nice ppc. I hope you will like this ppc with love from B. H.
8) 23rd ? Postmark Rathmines? to "A. A. R." c/o Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - My dear A. A. R. I was glad to get your card last night, it is quite a long time since I had one from you before. Give my love to Mrs. W. & Norman. R. W. H. B.
9) 28th January 1904 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Thanks for your letter & its enclosure also for your postcard. With regard to the coasters I think perhaps it would be better for me to wait & have a chat with you when I see you. I shall be back here this day week & could then get whatever "you agree upon" Much love from R. W. H. B.

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1) 26th September 190? Postmark London to Fred Wheeler, Esq. "WheelBrand", Belfast - In England again since 7th inst. Having a very good time. Hope you are quite well. As you were once a bit interested in me I will write you in a few days and tell you some news. Here's a Kink in my arm to you - "Boo" J. W. Owen? Sa? Leone?
2) 16th June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, We are just off to ? Abbey. Don't forget there is an orange cake & currant cake in the box in my pantry. Fond love in haste, Muzzie
3) 31st August 1908 Postmark ? to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Aunt Meta. We went to the Exhibition with Grandma & I bought this card in the Irish village, it is a very good show, I expect you will hear all about it. We are very lonely now, Lewling is on the Isle of Whight scrambler back at Oxford, Fondest love G. Dwaen?
4) 18th/22nd August 1905 Postmarks Whitby/Belfast to Mrs. Fred Wheeler, 1 Fitzwilliam Place, Malone Road, Belfast, Ireland Castlenavin, Seaforde, Co. Down - August 18  We  ? here, ? very lovely all the scenery, go to York on Tues. 23rd. Hope all are well. Mrs. L's? face much better, fond love, yrs as ever. R. A. ?   ? first class.
5) 22nd June 1904 Postmark Pitlochry to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - All well. Leaving tomorrow. Fondest love to my Pet & all. In haste. Mum Wednesday
6) 10th April 1906 Postmark ? to Mrs. Fred. Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 10th April  Thank you so much for the lovely cake? which came quite safely this morning. M. M. Cromie
7) 17th March 1906 Postmark Port of Spain, Trinidad to Fred Wheeler, Esq., Eliza Street, Belfast, Ireland - I expect to be home about the 4th or 5th April. JoR?
8) 18th June 1904 Postmark Edinburgh to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - 10 o'clock, Saturday morning.  So sorry not to have a letter today for so far. Hope my wee Darling is quite well. Tell Lizzie to ask Ham? for anything she wants. Take good care of your dear self. Fond love from Mum
9) 13th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - There are no nice p.cards here. Be sure & let Sam? see what I send. Dearie, take good care of your dear wee self, & remember Sam is your charge too. With fond kisses from Mum

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1) 21st June 1904 Postmark Pitlochry to Fred. Wheeler, Esq., Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - "The Atholl" Pitlochry, Tuesday morning. We arrived here yesterday, it is the nicest place I've been, don't write, dear, as we are only staying a couple of days & then home. I shall be so glad to see you again. Be good to Norman & don't expect letters from me till you see me. All well Mum
2) 12th June 1904 Postmark Peebles to Master Norman Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - Darling, this is the Castle with the Ghost-room. I am glad you are so well. Be sure & eat lots & be good to Lizzie. I am very well, but I wish you & Sam were here with me. Best love Mum
3) 4th October 190? Postmark Warwick to Master N. Wheeler, 17 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast, Ireland - My dear Norman, This is the church I go to. I went to see Kenilworth Castle, I saw all the dungeons, & was in them all, awfully ? walls I should not liked to be a prisoner in any of them. With love from Muriel
4) 18th August 1903 Postmark Kendal to Master Norman Wheeler, 71 Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - from Rose with best wishes hoping you are enjoying yourself.
5) 22nd June 1903 Postmark Liverpool to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - We have got as far as Liverpool & will be home in a few days. R. E. H. B.  Love to Polly & the tortoise & all the other members of the family.
6) 25th September 1903 Postmark Norwich to Master N. Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, University Road, Belfast - Royal Hotel, Norwich. This is a delightful old city, splendid cathedral, quaint old shops & streets. We leave here tomorrow for St. Germans near Lynn & stay there until Monday when we leave for L'pool, hope to arrive in Belfast on Tuesday. With love from L. B. Gullan?
7) 13th June 1903 Postmark York to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 13th June I am just in York now. I hope you are alright. Got Sam's telegram safely. With love from Mum
8) 13th June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Dear Norman, Hope you are quite well. Be a dear good boy & very good & loving to Ham? With love to both, Muzzie
9) 19th June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - 19.6.03  Dear Norman, Muzzie has just sent you & Sam a box of toffee. I hope you are well & don't forget wee Mum. We are going to a place called Ilkley? today. With much love to both, from your own Mum

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1) 22nd June 1903 Postmark Harrogate to Master Wheeler, Fitzwilliam Place, Belfast - Monday. Just off to Liverpool, perhaps to Chester, Best love Mum
2) 11th July 1904 Postmarks Groomsport/Bangor to Fred  Wheeler Esq., Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Cromac Springs, Belfast - I wrote a line to Edith saying you were asking them down tomorrow, & that I confirmed anything you said to them. Do you know what to do. Come home soon, and have a nice time. "Goodbye" M. L. W. Groomsport
3) 6th July 1905 Postmark Mark Glenravel 4 July to Messrs. Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Cromac Springs, Belfast - Received box of Soda Water alright. Yours truly Mrs. J. Scullen
4) 15th April 1904 Postmark Belfast to ?. Wheeler, Esq., 71 University Road, Belfast - John Milligen & Co. Ltd., 18 Donegall Square North, Belfast Coal
5) 28th/29th March 1906 Postmark Limerick to Messrs. Wheeler Co. Ltd., Eliza Street, Belfast - Yours of 26th  I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you on Friday, in reference to your kind enquiry, Yours truly, John Gray, Cunningham Adair? Co. Ltd., St. Helens. F. Wheeler, Esq.
6) 24th December 1902 Postmark Belfast to Miss Margery Gardner, 1 Wellington Park, Belfast
7) 18th August 1903 Postmark Hove to Miss M. Gardner "The Laurels" Wellington Park, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Margaret, My address is "Leinster House, 18 Holland Road, Hove, Sussex. from Elinor
8) 27th November 190? Postmark Cambridge to Miss H. K. Gardner, 1 Wellington Park, Belfast, Ireland - Hope you got my letter, thought you might like a card of John's. My rooms are on the left of the bridge. I am rowing in Trial Eights next Thursday, & so I am in strict training; no smoking, no pastry, in bed by 11 p.m., up at 7.30 a.m., run before breakfast, so I am feeling jolly fit. Dublin got rather badly whacked by us yesterday, 13 pts to 6. Hope to hear from you soon, yrs. W. H.
9) 31st December 1903 Postmark Kircubbin to Master Brian Simonton, 5 Rugby Street, Belfast - Happy New Year 1904 from Ellen

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1) 8th June 1903 Postmark Molde to Mrs. Blackwood, Beaconsfield, Windsor Avenue, Belfast, Ireland
2) 25th August ? to Miss Blackwood, Castlenavin, Seaforde, Co. Down - Wed. Hope you are all well, we have had a good time here, returning tomorrow. W. B. B.
3) 5th May 1904 Postmark Belfast to Miss K. Hogg, 6 Cook Terrace, Ormeau Road, Belfast - from B. H.
4) 13th February 1904 Postmark Belfast to Miss K. Hogg, 6 Cooke Terrace, Ormeau Road, Belfast
5) 29th February 1904 Postmark Belfast to Miss K. Hogg, 6 Cooke Terrace, Ormeau Road, Local
1                                                                          2                                                                                3
1) 'Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) 10th September 1903 Postmark London? to Miss H. K. Gardner, 1 Wellington Park, Malone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Raining again this morning. J.
2) 12th September Postmark Shandon to Miss Margaret D. Victoria Gardner, 1 Wellington Park, Malone Road, Belfast, Ireland - 11/9/03  This is positively my last appearance in spirit till I see you again. J.
3) 'Scots Guards' 7th September 1903 Postmark Shandon to Miss Margaret Gardner, 1 Wellington Park, Belfast, Ireland - 7/9/03 Received Father's letter all well. Jim?

the end