Postcard Album - Various Names

M. Cromie Xmas 1912 (inside album cover)
Page One, Postcards with dates in
chronological order

1) Mr. Churchill in Belfast. Soldiers placed in side thoroughfare to Celtic
Park - This is a photo showing some of the soldiers which were drafted into
Belfast on the 8th Feb., on the occasion of Mr. Churchill's visit to make a
Home Rule speech in the Celtic Park Football Grounds. But I suppose you will
have seen all about it in some of the newspapers. The Belfast people didn't
want him because he was is a turncoat. M.
2) Outside Ulster Hall on the Eve of &Ulster Day after Presentation of the
Orange Flag to Sir Edward Carson, 27th Sept. 1912 - to Miss H. Crombie, 77
Killowen Street, Belfast

1) Canada - To Mother from Ruby with love - No Surrender, No Home Rule
2) From the Land of the Maple, British Columbia - To Mother From Ruby with
love - I know you will like this one eh. I will send Meg some next week.
3) Freedom & Love

1) Dear Lil, Just for fun. Hope you are well as I am in the best of health,
don't worry about me. Bob
2) Remember - Dear Sister, Margaret, Am well and have just received letter
from Dick & Bob, and am glad to hear that they are both well. Ruby and baby
are both well at last writing. Love to you all. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and
a Happy New Year. Yours Will #2569340

1) To Meg with best wishes from ?
2) "Captain January" Shirley Temple A Slim Summerville A 20th
Century-Fox Production - Susan Daley, 36 Glenwood Street, Belfast 13
3) Postmark Enniskillen to Mr. W. T. Dunlop, 33 Hawkin Street, Londonderry

1) 15th March Postmark Londonderry to Miss C. Quigley, Runkery,
Manorcunningham - Dear Sister, Dount you worrie about me, for I will be all
right, remember me to all, & a good bye, from your Brother S. Quigley?
2) 13th October Postmark Londonderry 'Bridge Street, Kilrea' to Master
George Watt, Parkville, 179 Castlereagh Road, Belfast - With love from Daddy

1) Cong Village - Scene of the Film the Quiet Man starring John Wayne &
Maureen O'Hara; Victor McLaglan, Andy McLaglan, Ward Bond, Barry Fitzgerald,
Francis Ford, daughter of John Ford, director of the film, May Craig & two
Fitzsimmons brothers (brothers of Maureen O'Hara) 1951 - The Market
Cron? in the centre of Cong has an inscription "a prayer for Gilbert &
Nicol, O'Duffy" The Cran marks the spot were once a Just Judge was murdered,
he had just sentenced to death a culprit whom he had found guilty of murder
when he himself was slain by the brother of the murderer in the exact spot
where the Cran was afterwards erected. Cran dated 14th Century
2) Bar from Quiet Man, Cong 'Pat Cohan' - John Murphys store was used
as a bar under the name of Pat Cohan, after the film the store still holds
the name of Pat Cohan and the Murphy's still sell confectionery & ice cream
& minerals ect., Extras were paid 30/- a day, which was three times the

1) The Villas, Castlerock to Miss E. Cromie, 77 Killowen Street, Belfast -
from Castlerock, Annie
2) Milford, Co. Donegal - all these views are places round about. Don't you
think the are pretty? Some of the scenery is magnificent - you wld hardly
believe it is so nice. This is a view of Milford and I have marked the P.O.
what do you think of it? Am learning to golf now eh what !!! Swank! Anna

1) Woodvale Park, Belfast to Mr. Hugh Kelly, Brookfield Factory, Banbridge -
Dear Hugh, I received your Post Card, hope you are doing well and not
dolling to strong, for it is fatal when it touches the heart, so mind the
girls good by sincerly love xx Annie
2) Entrance to Belfast Harbour - Dear Lily, Sorry could not see you tonight.
We shifted at seven o'clock & it was rather late before I got ashore. Will
be up tomorrow night if possible. Excuse hurry, Best love, Malcolm xxx

1) Belfast, High Street - 14th August Postmark Belfast - Miss L. Boyd, c/o
Mrs. Greenfield, 13 Norfolk Street, Glasgow S. S. - Many thanks for P.C. na?
recd. Glad to hear you are all enjoying yourselves. Delighted that Edward is
coming ? & bring A ? with you too. Did you guess who came over yet? If you
guess at J. B. somebody must a telled you. How's our kid? Eggy. S. Speirs
was up for her pettiket?
2) Belfast from above the Waterworks - 28th October Postmark Belfast to Mr.
J. Watson, Ballymacashon, Killinchy, Co. Down - I will be home on Friday
night. Hoping you will be up on Saturday night. Susan

1) River Lagan and Ormeau Park, Belfast - 8th January Postmark Belfast to
Mr. T. J. Workman, Ballymacally, Black Hill, Coleraine - When are you coming
to see this famous place? I suppose next E4? Any weddings? I didn't send
Subscription to Mr. A, will wait until he furnishes his a/c. I don't think
the damage will amount to much, yours E. 24 Fernwood Street
2) River Lagan - Miss ? Richmond?? 41 ?, City - Dear ? I hope you will
like this P.C. as I think ? ? ?. Sent with affection to swell your
collection. Tell M. I was asking for her. Hope this finds all in the best of

1) Greetings from Salisbury Plain - In Remembrance F. Quinn
2) Dear Agnes, I now take the pleasure of writing you a few lines to let you
know that I got home alright on Sunday night. It was not so later after all,
hopes to see you soon. Will you be at church on Sunday night. Hopes to see
you. With love from L. Cpl. W. W. - This is my address: 18/274 Lcpl. W.
Wilson, C. Coy. Hut 30, North Camp, Clandeboye, Co. Down - Write soon and
let me know if you jot this little note.
3) Belfast

1) James A. Grahams Standard Ale - Yours truly Frank? Litiza? 745 Washington
Avenue, Belleville, N.J., U.S.A.
2) Pickie Promenade, Bangor (Co. Down) - August to Mr. S. Dunlop, Upper
Balloo, Conlig, Newtownards, Co. Down - I hope you are well, will see you
when the Blackberries are ripe. Mrs. Allen

1) Belfast Cave Hill to Miss M. Gray, 32 Main Street, Gorey, Wexford - To
wish you a happy and prosperous New year. and your mother also, Robert K.
2) View on River Lagan, Belfast to Mr. I.? Thomson, 22 Claremont Street,
Belfast - Dear Mr. ? Many thanks for the lovely flowers which you left this
evening. It was a treat to have them. They are so nice & fresh, & how are
all yr people at home, again thanking you ever so much for your kindness.
Very Sincerely Yours ? ?

1) Belfast Castle, Cave Hill, Belfast - 26th August Postmark Belfast to Mr.
Kelly, c/o Brookfield Fctry, Banbridge - Many thanks for P.C. that was a
nice one you sent Willie, he look a bit of allright when he is nursing. We
have had lively times here in Belfast, but you see we are living through it
all. Willie & I are both A1. hoping you are the same. I. M. I am sure you
would enjoy a walk up the Cave Hill.
2) Gallaher's Tobacco Work's, Belfast - 3rd July Postmark Belfast to Mrs.
Scott, 326 Scotland, Glasgow, S.S.

1) Belfast Castle & Lough - 22nd August Postmark to Miss Maloney,
Selskar? Park/Road? Wexford - My summer residence, W. H. or W. J. C.?
2) Sinn Fein Rebellion 1916 Hotel Metropole and Post Office, Dublin to Miss
M. Crossan, Gortnaglush House, Dungannon - Dear Maggie, I am quite well at
present, hoping this finds you the same. I will write very soon and let you
know (how) I am getting on from Willie

1) The Camp, Antrim to Miss Bella Liggett, Ballygroogan, Cookstown, Co.
Tyrone - My D3ear Cousin, Just a P.C. to let you know that I am well, I
might be home on Saturday, if I will I will go to see your, hoping this will
find yous all well as it leaves me, I remain yours .............?
2) U.V.F. 1914-1915 With Hearty Greetings and Best Wishes for a Merry
Christmas and A Prosperous New Year
1) Dear Meg, How are you all getting along, any word of a moonlight as I was
dreaming the other night, there was a big washing on. I see you are caining
in the pink, I suppose Baird is near broke keeping you up. How is Dick
getting along, tell him to write a P.C. How is Lizzie & Eadie? hitting it, I
suppose they are never now at all. I will write to them later on when it is
near Xmas, with love from Rudy?
2) I wish you could come to Belfast on Saturday before Easter and stop till
after Easter Tuesday till you would see the procession, perhaps Jim would
come also. I would be very glad if you'd both come, write to say if you can
come, Jeanine or Jeannie
3) June Postmark Belfast to Miss M. Cromie, 11 Killowen Street, Belfast -
Dear Maggie, Hoping this PC will please you & keep the old flag flying.
Yours B Pearce
4) 20th July Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Cromie, 49 Castle Mount, Bangor,
Down - Dear Old Girlie, I'm glad you are nice & comfy down there, isn't the
weather better, not too hot. It will same your arm eh. L. is going down on
Saturday as arranged with Mrs. B. & Miss Graham on Sunday. Did you send a
P.C. to Winnie Bothwell, their No. is 80, you should, she was asking for
you. Edie had a P.C. from Carrie, she is enjoying herself at Churchill. Dick
been bad with his throat all week, it is near better now, love M. put
your address on Winnie's P.C. if you send it. "The rope is goody good"
5) Greetings from France 1914 1915
6) I'm thinking of you.
7) Postmark Ki...? Down to Miss A. Dunlop, Upper Baloo, Conlig, Newtownards,
Co. Down - Dear Aggie, This is a Killough view for your Album, I suppose you
have not one of them. Barbara
8) Postmark ......astle? to Miss A. Dunlop, Upper Balloo, Conlig,
Newtownards - Having a good time, the day is splendid, plenty of fun in the
train, wish you were here.
1) 11th July Postmark Dublin to Miss Nell Dunlop, Upper Balloo, Conlig,
Newtownards, Co. Down - Good wishes Willie
2) Mrs. J. Dunlop, Upper Balloo, Conlig, Newtownards - I arrived alright, M.
and J. met me. Having a glorious time, won't be home for a month or two.
Hope all is well, Aggie
3) Postmark BCN?S? Alta? to Miss A. Dunlop, Upper Balboo, Conlig,
Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland - Dear A. Will write soon. Have had some busy
times since. Billie very ill but getting better, Kind regards to all, from
J. L.
4) Dear Nellie, I have not got the needles yet but will soon, how is
everyone, excuse this scribble but will write soon. How is the weather, it
is raining but is much needed. Yours J. Lockland? Best regards to all
5) Miss N. Dunlop, Upper Baloo, Newtownards, Co. Down - Dear Nellie, Have
got this far fit and well. Was just a bit sick crossing. Jimmy
6) 23rd August ?3 Postmark Douglas, I.O.M. to Miss N. Dunlop, Up. Balloo,
Newtownards, Down, Ireland - Dear Nell, Hope you got my letter alright or
Mothers rather. So lovely here, but today is very wet. I didn't get H.
Nelson's address so cannot send him a card. I haven't the faintest idea what
it is, give him my kindest regards & tell him I am sorry. Hoping all are
well, Aggie
7) To Agnes with love from Mary, wishing you a happy Christmas.
8) Miss N. Dunlop, Upper Balloo, Conlig, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland -
Montreal, Paris. I hope to be home almost as soon as this card and to find
everything going on well, Kind regards, J. S. Wilson

1) Postmark ....ermline (Dunfermline?) to Miss A. Dunlop, @ Nelsons
Hardware, etc., Main Street, Bangor, Co. Down - A card for Remembrance &
h9oping all goes well. I have just returned from a 100 mile motor trip thro'
the Border Country, and in the mg? hope to start for another trip of 120 m.
more when I C U. J. S. W.
2) Miss A. Dunlop, Upper Balloo, Conlig, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland -
Montreal Paris This is the famous cathedral of Notre Dame, the same
thing in Paris as Westminster Abbey is in London. We have spent a most
enjoyable holiday here and in Switzerland and hope to return in a few days.
Yours sincerely J. S. Wilson
3) Bessie Husband Arthur Laturza?
4) 2 Willowfield Gardens. Dear Annie, John is getting you to climbing
roses, one for each side of the Hall door, a yellow tea and a dark red. I'll
send James a card when to call for them. You no its not the season to remove
them just yet. We got home all wright, hope you are all well. M. Patterson
5) James Irons, Charlotte Street, Ballymoney - J. B. Hamilton, Ashleigh
6) Mr. Joseph Orr, Maxwells ? ? B'mena - Dear Joe, I am getting on well.
7) Postmark Peterhead to Miss M. D. Gow, Back Hill, Kingoodie, Old Meldrum -
Dear Sister, ???????? - and was at Peterhead yesterday. This is all the
news. ? Your loving Sister Sadie? xxx I have got cloth the same, be
sure & let me know about your dress before I make this one. I hope you are
well. write soon
8) 9th April/September? Postmark Warrenpoint to Miss E. Beck, Cash???
Loughbrickland - I hope you are much better, with love to you & sister. E.

1) Mr. Bonar Law and a few of the principal speakers. No. 2 Platform Belfast
Unionist Demonstration, April 9th, 1912
2) -
3) Captain January Shirley Temple & Guy Kibbee
4) Captain January Shirley Temple & Guy Kibbee
5) Shirley Temple
6) Harbour, Coleraine
7) Douglas Bridge, Newtown
8) High Street, Newtownbutler
9) -

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
1) Main Street Dungloe from the Bridge
2) Presbyterian Church, Milford, Co. Donegal
3) -
4) at Lough Erne Hotel, Enniskillen
5) High Street, Belfast from Albert Memorial
6) High Street, Belfast (Sawers -
7) Woodvale Park, Belfast
8) City Car, Ireland

1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9
1) Donegall Place from City Hall, Belfast
2) High Street and Albert Memorial, Belfast (Finlays - McDowells - Francis
Curley Ltd.)
3) -
4) Willowfield Church, Belfast
5) -
6) Victoria Street, Belfast
7) Donegall Quay, Belfast
8) Gilnahirk Presbyterian Church
9) Donegal Place, Belfast

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1) Belfast by Gaslight: there are "giveaways" in the picture but younger
readers would scarcely recognise it as York Street. It is more than 80 years
since the cameraman caught this view in the days of horse and cart and tram
- and The Elephant Tea House. Prominent is the Belfast and Northern Counties
railway station, now for some obscure reason known as York Road.
2) Castle Place, Old Belfast (Cramer & Co. - J. Robb - Henderson News Agent
3) Castle Junction, Belfast (Leahy, Kelly, & Leahy - Goodson's -
4) Sirocco Silver Prize Band
5) Irish Jaunting Cars at Kate Kearney's Cottage, Gap of Dunloe, Killarney,
6) General View, Port Erin
7) -
8) "Before I die, Paddy, will you be pouring the whisky all over me body?"
"I will that, Clancy - but do you mine if it goes through me kidneys first?"
9) Bridge Street & The Parade, Bangor, Co. Down

Photographers - R. Lyttle, 44 Dublin Road, Belfast, 10 Regent Street,
Newtownards, and Great James Street, Londonderry

Old Tram Number 253 via Crumlin Road, Belfast
St. Anne's Church, Belfast

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1) Belfast Municipal Museum and Art gallery. Water Colour, College
Square East, Belfast, showing birthplace of William Thomson, afterwards Lord
Kelvin, 1924 (First door on left) Presented by Mr. Thomas McGowan
2) Harland & Wolff's Shipbuilding Yard, Belfast
3) Queen's Bridge, Belfast
4) City Hall, Belfast
5) Donegall Quay, Belfast
6) A bend on the Lagan, Belfast
7) Ormeau Park, Belfast
8) On the Lagan, Belfast
9) Falls Road Park, Belfast

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
1) Technical Institute, Belfast
2) City Hall, Belfast
3) Shaw's Bridge and Cottage, Belfast
4) Boating Pond and Floral Hall, Hazelwood, Belfast
5) Woodvale Park, Belfast
6) Molly Ward's Boat Club, Belfast
7) -
8) Printed & Published by Moffett & Co., Belfast, Portadown & Lurgan.

1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
1) a) Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916 Sackville Street, Dublin b) Irish rebellion
May 1916 Guarding one of the Dublin Streets c) Irish Rebellion May 1916
Soldiers bivouacking opposite Liberty Hall, the Rebel Headquarters in Dublin
d) Irish Rebellion May 1916 Talbot Street, Dublin, held against a rebel
charge, Picture taken under fire
2) a) Irish Rebellion May 1916 Soldiers bivouacking opposite Liberty Hall,
the Rebel Headquarters in Dublin b) Irish Rebellion May 1916 The interior of
the Ballroom, Imperial Hotel, Dublin, after the Siege c) Irish Rebellion May
1916 Sackville Street in ruins d) Irish Rebellion May 1916 The General Post
Office, Dublin (Rebel Headquarters), destroyed
3) a) Irish Rebellion May 1916 The General Post Office, Dublin )Rebel
Headquarters) destroyed b) Exterior of G.P.O. after Evacuation, showing
broken flag-post from which Republican flag was flown. c) After the
Insurrection - Interior General Post Office, Dublin d) After the
Insurrection - Sackville Street from Eden Quay to Abbey Street. Outer Wall
of D.B.C. Restaurant still standing.
4) a) see 5 b) The Insurrection in Dublin - Armoured Motor Car in
Bachelor's Walk c) Robert Emmet Delivering His Famous Speech from the Dock,
19th September 1803 d) Sinn Fein Rebellion 1916 D.B.C. Sackville Street,
5) Irish Rebellion May 1916 Searching a hay-cart for Rebels and Ammunition
6) a) Irish Rebellion May 1916 The wreck they made of Church Street, Dublin
b) After the Insurrection - Ruins in Eden Quay. The fall of a dangerous
building. c) see image 7 d) Sinn Fein Rebellion, Dublin. Military
examining Parcels before allowing Visitors to Prisoners.
7) After the Insurrection - Corner of Bachelor's Walk and Lr. Sackville
Street which commanded O'Connell Bridge
8) a) The Quay after the Rebellion, Dublin b) Irish Rebellion May 1916
Sackville Street in flames. A photograph taken by a Daily Sketch
Photographer under fire. c) Liberty Hall, Headquarters of the Citizen Army,
after Bombardment d) Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916 Liberty Hall, Dublin

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1) Sackville Street opposite G.P.O., showing all that is standing of the
Imperial Hotel and Messrs. Clery's Drapery Establishment
2) Irish Rebellion May 1916 Holding a Dublin street against the Rebels
3) Landing of King William at Carrickfergus 16th June 1690
4) Ulster Day, Belfast, Sept. 28th 1912. The Procession entering City Hall
to sign the Covenant against Home Rule. Photographer: Walton, Royal
Avenue, Belfast
5) The City Walls, Londonderry
6) Prentice Boys' Hall, Londonderry/ This view gives also a good idea of
the City Walls, and in the distance is seen the Walker Monument.
7) The Great Ulster Unionist Demonstration, Balmoral Show Grounds, Belfast,
April 9th, 1912. Procession passing Grand Stand. The procession took three
hours to pass a given point, and numbered over 100,000 men
8) St. Columb's Cathedral, Londonderry
9) Ulster Covenant Day, Belfast, Sept. 28th 1912. View looking from City
Hall down Donegall Place, showing immense crowd waiting to sign Covenant.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
1) Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital Belfast for Wounded Soldiers & Sailors
2) Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital Belfast for Wounded Soldiers & Sailors
3) Unionist Demonstration in Balmoral Show Grounds, Belfast
4) Ulster Unionist Clubs Headquarters, Belfast
5) -
6) Unionist Procession passing up Lisburn Road, Belfast (Perry & Co.)
7) The March Past of 100,000 Irish Unionists at the Great Demonstration,
Belfast, April 9th 1912. The Procession, 16 abreast, took nearly three hours
to pass the saluting point. Photographer: Walton, Royal Avenue
8) Outside Ulster Hall on the Eve of Ulster Day after Presentation of the
Orange Flag to Sir Edward Carson, 27th Sept. 1912. Hurst & Co., Fine Art
Warehouse, Belfast
the end