Collection of Postcards
Rea also Baumgartner - Bell - Blackwell - Britton/Brittain - Bunbury - Burne - Buskin
- Carr
Cordner - Craig - Etheridge - Gourley - Green - Harvey - Hawthorne -
Hill - Jenkins - Kelly - Latey?
Lockhart - Magee - Major - Mattick - Megrath - Moseley - Oconner/O'Connor - Pearcey -
Schaeffer - Shirras
- Smith - Telford - Watson - Worth - Wyatt - Young
names connected with each other in the PCs
(Rea & Megrath) - (Green/Greene is Rhoda Reas married name?) -
(Hawthorne & Rea) - (Jenkins & Green)
in chronological order

inside cover of album - 'To Patsy S.S.U. from Fred
24th July 1897 Postmark Gibraltar to A. J. Barnes, Esq., 22 Eglantine
Avenue, Belfast, Ireland - Greetings from the Rock. We are going on to
Malaga to-morrow S. L.

1902 Postmark Blackpool, Lancs. to Miss J. O'Connor, 114 Raglan Street,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a nice time here, hope you are all quite well.
Best Wishes from Rose

22nd July 1904 Postmark Cork to Mrs. Sarah Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell, 64 Percy
Street, Belfast - Cork July 22nd Here today & tomorrow, fine large
town, nice weather, regards to all. H.

1) 11th April 1905 to Mrs. Sarah Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell, 100 Percy Street,
Belfast, Ireland - Longtown? April 11th Here today in England at last.
Crossed the Border this morning, fine people, kind regards H. S.?
2) 26th June 1905 Postmark Plaistow to Miss E. Bell, 64 Percy Street,
Shankill Road, Belfast - 57 Wigston Road, Plaistow, London E. Dear
Eva, We are having very nice weather at present. Annie has been expecting to
hear from your mother. Have you been to the New Assembly Hall yet? Please
let us hear from you soon. Goodbye Etta.
3) 28th August 1905 Postmark Lucan to Mrs. Kelly, 61 Botanic Avenue, Belfast
- You're wee Bob got the office last night.

1) 17th May 1906 Postmark Alnwick to Mrs. Sarah Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell, 100
Percy Street, Belfast, Ireland - Alnwick, Northumberland May 17th 1906
Here for 3 days, fine old place close to Lord Nelsons birthplace, very cold
& wet. Hope your well, all love Hugh
2) 11th June 1906 Postmark Hawick to Mrs. Sarah Smith, 100 Percy Street,
Belfast, Ireland - Hawick, Scotland, June 11th, 1906 We are here for 4
days, lovely weather, hope your all well at Selkirk Fri & Sat love to all
3) 21st June 1906 Postmark Galashiels to Mrs. Sarah Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell,
100 Percy Street, Belfast, Ireland - Galashiels June 20th 1906 We are
here up to Monday Jim little town Tweed Factory. good weather very wet
lately, hope you all well in dear ould Belfast, all in good health here,
going back to England soon. Hugh
4) 27th June 1906 Postmark Melrose to Mrs. Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell, 100 Percy
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Thur. Fri & Sat. Newtown, ? Wells, Scotland -
Melrose Scotland. June 26th 1906 We are all here for 2 days, lovely
place, ? ? ? Hope your all well, good health here. Hugh
5) 11th July 1906 Postmark Jedburgh to Mrs. Sarah Smyth, c/o Mrs. Bell, 100
Percy Street, Belfast, Ireland - Jedburgh July 11th 1906 Dear Mother,
We are here for 1 week, lovely place, no 12th Here, hope your all well &
that you will enjoy the 12th. Love to you, regards to all Hugh
6) 12th November 1906 Postmark Kilmarnock to Mrs. Smith, c/o Mrs. Bell, 100
Percy Street, Belfast, Ireland - Kilmarnock Nov. 12th Here for 1 week,
hope your all well, this was a great town of Poor? Burns H. S.?

2 3
1) 30th April 1907 Postmark Liverpool to Mr. J. Craig, 7 Fisherwick Place,
Belfast, Ireland - Dear James, I am still living, wee are having a good time
here but it rains a lot, we have a lot of work to do yet. H. M.
2) 7th May 1907 Postmark Liverpool to Mr. J. Craig, 7 Fisherwick Place,
Belfast, Ireland - Hope to be home about Thursday if all goes well. Hopeing
your in good health. H. M.
3) 10th July 1907 Postmark Bushmills to Mrs. Smith, 100 Percy Street,
Belfast - Here once more.
4) 30th July 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great
Edward Street, City - out on strike Darling
5) 31st July 1907 Postmark Bangor to Miss R. Rea, 44, 46 & 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, I am enjoying myself very well. Hope you
are well.
6) 9th August 1907 Postmark Bangor to Miss R. Rea, 44, 46, 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast, City - Miss Rea, We are having a great time of it with the
Navy men, I have got so many boys I don't know which of them I take, I think
I'll go home first. Hoping to see you all well. Mrs. Mac

1) 13th August 1907 Postmark Belfast to Mr. John A. Hawthorne @ Mr. A. Rea Senr., Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Dear Johnnie, I have no news
for you, I hope you are well & enjoying yourself, do you think you will stop
until I go up. The weather is very showery here now. ? with love to all,
yrs. Aunt R.
2) 17th August 1907 Postmark Bangor to Mr. James ? Craig, 7 Fisherwick
Place, Belfast - Dear J. O thought you would been down, went to see the
sleet? just back Mary 'New Pier, Bangor, Co. Down'

1) 21st August 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great
Edward Street, City - I haven't forgot about you yet Miss Dear Jonnie
2) 3rd September 1907 Postmark Dublin to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Woodstock Road, Belfast - I am near dead with my thrust as Hoarse as a drake
but am feeling better this morg. P.C. to hand last night J. K.
3) 3rd September 1907 Postmark Dublin to Miss Eva Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Woodstock Road, Belfast - Hope this will not be your experience. J. K.
4) 7th September 1907 Postmark Dublin? to Mr. Sandy Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Will I bring you one of the beauties on the other
side? Having grand weather here, harvest in full swing, Exhibition is grand.
J. M.
5) 12th September 1907 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Bell, 100 Percy Street,
Shankhill Road, City - Dear Mrs. Bell, I am afraid I will not be able to go
tonight but I will try and call to see you before I leave and bid you
goodbye, With love from A. W.
6) 13th September 1907 Postmark West Kilbride, Ayrshire to Miss R. Rea, c/o
J. B. Skelly, 42/48 Great Edward Street, Belfast, Ireland - Have you got the
D-maker? what price, tell Miss Wallace & she will let me know. I forgot to
tell you there are three sets of China upstairs, pick what one you like for
your ????? M. C. Knows I told him. 2 13 3 or J. B. S.?
7) 14th September 1907 Postmark Saintfield to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Hoping you are well. Thinking great long to
see you again. Sorry could not write sooner, Yours R. H. with love, write
soon, excuse writing for I was in a hurry
8) 14th September 1907 Postmark Hamburg to Mr. J. Craig, 7 Fisherwick Place,
Belfast, Ireland - I say James do you ever try they horse sideing, it is
better than they motar. H. M. or A. M.

1) 16th September 1907 Postmark Bangor to Miss Eva Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone 'Marine Parade from the Front, Bangor, Co. Down' -
Having lovely time in Bangor. Splendid weather for it. Hoping to be able to
Stick it. See & enjoy your Holidays. Yours Mickie
2) 16th September 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Do not be vexed he will often be later than 10
minutes. If it was 2 hours you might cry. Its all in a lifetime.
3) 25th September 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Woodstock Road, City - I suppose this is what you were doing all day. I
think you might have brought him in. You need not have been frightened,
there wasn't a soul about. have the rice in the pot, yrs. a different sire
4) 4th October 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - See and behave yourself as I cant always be with
you. J. has just gone past looking as usual, hoping you got home safe, yr
old friend A. ?
5) 5th October 1907 Postmark Greyabbey to Mrs. J. Craig, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Belfast - Had a good journey, dry all the way. Hoping you are well,
Yours J. C.
6) 5th October 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Can you find Lord B. too beautiful face isn't
that the kind of a cap that he wears. from Polly

1) 7th October 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Dear R, hope you are having a very enjoyable
time, weather here very wet. Mr. J. had a very serious accident but is
recovering, we are all very well here. Mother will write to you, are you
coming back. With kind regards to all, I remain your Cousin? K. H.
2) 9th October 1907 Postmark Winnipeg, Can. to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast, Ireland - this is where I was this summer,
Maggie arrived allright and is well, only the children took the measles, she
is in Quebec, but will be up here about the time you receive this. I can say
no more till I see her and she will tell you all, Yours W. J. Ross 89? Henry
3) 10th October 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Woodstock Road, City - Your letter & P.C. Read alright. Hope you had a good
time with J. Sam is well & will be glad to see you back. D.
4) October 1907 Postmark Br???? to Mr. Jas. Craig, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Cregagh Road, Belfast - Dear J. Your P.C. at hand, hope you got home in good
time, not keeping the Mrs. up to late. I am having a great time between
sailing & wading, it is magnificent if possible. send ? ? 'R'
5) 5th November 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o Skelly Bros., Great
Edward Street, City - 98 Clonard Gardens. Would you please tell the dress
maker to make my coat loose in the front & oblige. Annie Morrison
6) 25th November 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Esq.,
Great Edward Street, City - 11 Moorgate Street. Dear M. Rea, Sorrow I
cannot get in untill tomorrow owing to me having influenza hoping it will
not dissapoint you yours truly M. Morrow
7) 26th November 1907 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great
Edward Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Miss Rea, I was very sorry that I
could not come in, I have been very bad with the cold. I hope you are
better. I think its love the matter with you . If I be able I will be in in
the morning, yours truly Lily Johnston
8) 29th December 1907 Postmark Florencecourt to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Hope you are all feeling Tip Top after
xmas. There is a little snow here today. John
9) 1907 Postmark Co. Cavan to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road,
Belfast - Hope this will find you Tip. Top. My time is getting short now.
Very cold weather, S. W.?
10) 1907 Postmark Southampton to Mr. J. Craig, 7 Fisherwick Place, Belfast,
Ireland - Arrived all right had a fine voyage. Not much time. H. M.

1) 15th January 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o Mr. Skelly, Great
Edward Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, I am not any wiser yet. He is
farming every day. We have had him here many Evg's, he does not deny it.
Anna's baby is very ill, Mother is there. you will likely have a visit from
her. Beware of married life, nothing but trouble. Isabell
2) 2nd February 1908? Postmark Crumlin to Miss Rea, 35 to 38 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - I was in 'City' that Wednesday but it was awful wet. I
done no bis at all. What direction is your Street, I will hardly be with you
until March so maybe you will come out for a Sunday before that but let me
know beforehand, weather not very inviting for country but it would just be
a fire side chat. Hope Mrs. C. is very well. I expect go home for Jack &
Mat? at Easter. Drop a card any time you think of coming for a Sunday. Best
love Lily Walker
3) 23rd March 1908 Postmark Lisburn to Mrs. Reigh, c/o J. B. Skelly, 44, 46,
48 Great Edward Street, City - The length of skirt is 39 in, waist 26 in
will be in on Wednesday early. Your Friend E. Graham
4) 27th April 1908 Postmark Saintfield to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, I hope to be with you on
Monday all being well, hope you enjoyed yourself at Easter. Yrs. Ruth with
5) 6th May 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock
Road, Belfast - Got your innocent smile again you might trust me as far as
flirting concerns, you know I would not look at a girl hardly, yours
sincerely, write soon, S. C. xxx
6) 20th May 1908 Postmark Macclesfield to Mr. R. E. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Belfast - (Advert) After the children had got over the measles, the
Doctor recommended us to give them HOVIS instead of the ordinary white
bread. This is a picture of Georgie - healthy enough isn't he? You can get
HOVIS at your bakers. Maud
7) 8th June 1908 Postmark Clones to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Belfast - Dear R. Arrived here & at a ½ one, got settled with W? do lovely
day. Will be home to-morrow night at 12 o'c Jim says, the train leaves at 12
for M'Bridge. Hoping you won't be lonely, Yrs. E. C.
8) 9th June 1908 Postmark Portadown to Mr. W. J. Cordner, 100 Percy Street,
Belfast - Thanks very much for P.C. it was very good. I was not home any
earlier than the Sunday before, I got a proper scolding, hope you got home
safe, kind regards H. or I. C. or J. C.?

1) 13th July 1908 Postmark Ardglass, Downpatrick to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Hope you are quite well & had a good day
at Daisy Hill. I am enjoying myself very much & boys gilore. Yours M. Irvine
2) 15th July 1908 Postmark ....letown to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast - Arrived safe & are enjoying ourselves
immensely. Thinning turnips & digging spuds, good exercise. Sarah x ?
3) 25th July 1908 Postmark Whitehead to Miss Rea, c/o 42? Mr. Skelly, Great
Edards Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, having a good time on my Holiday,
only very wet today, going home tonight, give my love to all Mrs. McBride
4) 27th July 1908 Postmark Portrush to Mrs. Bell, 100 Percy Street, Belfast
- Sunnyside House, Causeway View, Portrush Dear M. Am staying here,
lovely place, will write when I get home. ? S.
5) 11th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Dear Rhoda, We have near all the tickets of your
Dept. selling dresses, there was not a yard sold since you left. All going
on as usual. Hope you are having a good time. I called to see Eva yesterday.
How is J. Have you got a squeeze yet, I am sure you have. J. R.
6) 12th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Many thanks for P.C. glad you are enjoying
yourself not busy A. D.
7) 15th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Many thanks for letter, will write on Monday. Did
you know we had a change here in the cooking line, see & be good. A. D.
8) 17th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Monday. How are you getting on, you haven't very
long now till you will be back and we never needed you more than we do now.
Miss Loughry is out today & Mr. Kerr has been out all day too collecting &
Annie & I are just after dressing the window so we are having a pleasant
time. With love E. D.
9) 18th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - This is from your Granny, we are doing nothing
but dancing and drinking tay all week, you know, knew kings make knew laws.
Yrs Granny McAuley
10) 18th August 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry,
Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Dear Miss Rea, I am sure you will think I have
forgot all about you but no, I have not, I got your P.C. & was glad to hear
you were having good times & also to hear of the horns alarming? you so
much. I had to do a muslin dress in the house last week & is in doing a
costume this week. Hurry back as I will be killed. Yours M. I.?

1) 29th/31st August 1908 Postmark Hamilton, Ont./Niagara Falls, Ont. to Miss
K. Lockhart, Niagara Falls, Ont.
2) 1st September 1908 Postmark Dublin to Miss R. F. Rea, 12 Pottinger
Street, Belfast - Arrived safe, splendid weather here. Hope all doing well.
How is J. B. Yours J. R.?
3) 5th September 1908 Postmark Holywood, Co. Down to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B.
Skelly, Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast - I am having a great time,
nearly away every day cycling or driving, it is great health. A love that's
firm, A heart that's true, My dearest one, I offer you, Do not thee this
offering spurn, But give affection in return. Excuse de card tis like writer
not up to much, will send another later on. Ruth surely you will know this
not think it Bob
4) 18th September 1908 Postmark Bangor to Miss R. Rea, c/o Mr. Skelly, 44
Great Edward Street, Belfast 'The Pierrots, Bangor, Co. Down' - Dear Miss R.
I am enjoying myself in Bangor. I am glad to here the good news from America
from your frend Mrs. Mac
5) 3rd October 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, c/o Skelly Bros., Great
Edward Street, Belfast - You might not have been so haughty and turned up
last night. Yours ???
6) 6th October 1908 Postmark Glenarm? to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, 42
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Wish you were here with your Johnny. J. S.?

1) 16th October 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, c/o Skelly Bros.,
Great Edward Street, City - Hope to see you at seven on Sunday. same place,
yours ???
2) 26th October 1908 Postmark Comber to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, 44 & 46
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Beech Hill 26th Oct. 1908 Dear Miss Rea, I
received your lovely P.C. alright & was glad to hear from you. I will meby
be up some day soon with Mrs. Craig so you can tell her I was asking for
her, hoping to hear from you soon again, with love to all, from J. K. or R.
3) 11th December 1908 Postmark Blacklion, Co. Cavan to Miss Rea, c/o J. B.
Skelly, Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast - Arrived home alright. Mother a
great deal better, if possible will be in sometime on Saturday. S. D.?
4) 19th December 1908 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Esq.,
Great Edward Street, City - Dear Miss Rea, Hoping you will excuse me not
being in last Saturday as I could not get, hoping I will have the pleasure
of Miss Wallace & your company to-morrow. Yours in Love M. Walker?
5) 1908 to Miss Rea, S. Kelly? Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast - Dear
Miss Rea, I hope you will be able to find me by the same address, hoping the
right? ? ? ? ? July letter.
6) 1908 to Miss Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Hope you got
home alright. Not very busy. This has been one very showery day. How do you
like this view. W. J.
7) 16th ? 1908 Postmark ? to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road,
Belfast - If love was a rose Bud decked with Dew I would pull it my Darling
and send it to you, hope you are well your True Love S. C. rite soon

1) 2nd February 1909 Postmark Comber to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, 44,
46 Great Edward Street, Belfast - Beech Hill, Comber 2/2/09 Dear Miss Rea,
Just a P.C. Hopping to find you all well, as this leaves us in our usual. I
hear Mrs. Craig has got company. Have you got your Sticky Backs yet. The
country is looking a we bit brighter this last week or so. I suppose there
is still plenty of stir in town. P.S. Remember me to Miss Wallace, Yours
V.C. Jeannie Rea
2) 18th March 1909 Postmark Comber to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, 44-46
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Beech Hill 18/3/09 Dear Miss Rea, Just a P.C.
Hopping to find you all well in town as this leaves us the same. I suppose
you are very busy at this time of the year. The country is looking nicer
now, but very cold. I was expecting to hear from you before this P.S.
Remember me to Miss W. & write soon & let me know how you are getting on. J.
3) 24th March 1909 Postmark Crumlin to Miss Rea, 45 to 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - Sorry it did not clear up or I would have sent umbrella
back. First chance I have I will send it in and have it left with caretaker
1st class Ladys mailing? room & send you a card so as you can send for it. I
will not be in myself till after Easter. But hope you will come see me soon
after I come back, with love Lil ?
4) 13th April 1909 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o Mr. Skelly, Draper ?,
Great Edward Street, Belfast - 144 Manor Street. Be sure and bring Mrs. R.
and Mrs. K. over tomorrow evg. (Thursday) if you could not get away Mrs. C.
and Baby could come if the evg would be five also Mr. C. we would be pleased
to have you all. Yours truly S. Walker
5) April 1909 Postmark Saintfield to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street,
Woodstock Road, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, got you allright and I would not
give you 2 + away for the world you know I am not so rash with the like hope
you will come out soon you and I can have a walk your lovingly S. C. I
am sure this will make your teeth water on the other side. 20 April
rite soon
6) 5th July 1909 Postmark Dundrum to Miss Rea, 42 to 48 Great Eward Street,
Belfast - Dear Rhoda, sorry to tell you I could not get down on Sunday, I
could not get leave, I dissappointed you at the train. I could not get a
stamp any sooner, this place is very strict.
7) 23rd May 1909 Postmark ...encecourt to Miss Rea, 12 Pottinger Street,
Belfast - Got home alright. Father not quite better yet. It came on very wet
yesterday evg. Write soon, Sallie

1) 12th July 1909 Postmark Douglas, I.O.M. to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast, Ireland - Having a great day, got an old
Lad on Boat, yours M. I.
2) 12th July 1908 Postmark Ayr to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Esq., Great
Edward Street, Belfast - Having a most enjoyable time, Kind regards R. Hay
3) 14th July 1909 Postmark Carrickfergus to Miss Rea, c/o Mr. Skelly, 42
Great Edward Street, Belfast - Hope you enjoyed yourself on Monday, wasn't
it a lovely day. I am enjoying myself grand. I saw Mr. Kerr looking out of
the train at Bonnie, ask him what he thinks of it. I suppose you are not
very busy, send me a P.C. soon. With love E. D.?
4) 4th August 1909 Postmark Glasgow to Miss Rea, 42 & 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - having a good time, yours A. S.
5) 10th August 1909 Postmark Newtownhamilton to Mrs. Bell, 94 Percy Street,
Belfast - Dear Mother, We are having lovely weather. I am not sure whether I
will be home on Friday or not. They want me to stay another week. Goodbye
with love to all. Eva
6) 16th/20th September 1909 Postmark Belfast/Fivemiletown to Miss Rea
Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone 42 to 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, Everything here the same as usual. Hope to
see you back on Friday. Yours T. G.
7) 18th September 1909 Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great
Edward Street, Belfast - 10 Rosewood Street. Dear Miss Rea, I shall be down
in about two weeks time & shall see about the a/c Yours ? Mrs. Morrison
8) 27th September 1909 Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, 44, 46, 48 Great
Edward Street, Belfast, City - Dear Miss Rea, You give me a nice dissappointment yesterday waiting at the station for you. I did not think
you would be guilty of do the like of this. From Antonio

1) 1? May 1910 Postmark Montreal, Que. to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Great Edward Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear R, arrived safe. I had rather a
rough time crossing, feeling alright now, this seems to be a beautiful city,
very busy, but not just so dear as Belfast, it is only 28/- from here to
where your sister resides, hope you are well. Best love Bob
2) 23rd May 1910 Dear Rhoda, Your letter received with thanks, I sent
you a letter on the 2nd inst., but I guess it has not reached you yet. The
waists you sent us were beautiful; I am tickled with mine and will have it
made up as soon as possible. Jean is also pleased with hers. I do not know
how to thank you for your kindness, but trust that someday I shall be able
to do something for you. Sending you this Post Card of the Falls and also
one of our late King. We had a holiday
3) 10th August 1910 Postmark San Francisco, Cal. to Mrs. R. B. Young,
Cavanalick, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone, Ireland - Dear Mother, Every one well,
glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself. The weather here is not very
pleasant, always windy. Richard saw Ruby. Mrs. J. Linder? is still in ? with
her father. The little girl is with Ruby, she is as bad as ever, with love
from all Lizzie Aug. 8.1910

1) 14th August 1911 Postmark Whitehead to Miss G. Bell, 94 Percy Street,
Belfast - Dear Gertie, Just a few lines to you how I spent a jolly time
trying to sleep in the waiting room, after missing the last train. I hope
you had a jolly time at Bangor. I will be going to Barrow to-night (Monday)
and I hope to see you there at the boat please remember Frank to Eva with
love from James? D. W.
2) 19th August 1911? Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, c/o Mr. Skelly, Market
Stores, Great Edward Street, City - Dear Cousin, If you are thinking of
going to Bangor tomorrow to see Mother, its a nice walk from the station.
Keep to the right & any one will show you the Mothers home & she will be
watching for you
3) 25th August 1911 Postmark Castlewellan to Miss Rea, J. B. Skelly, Esq.,
81 Edward Street, Belfast - Sorry you are not down here to see some of this
lovely scenery, hope you enjoyed yourself since getting T as usual. M. T.
4) 9th September 1911 Postmark Newcastle to Miss Rea, Skellys Bros.? Great
Edward Street, Belfast - Having a good time here today. Weathers lovely,
Yours M. Morrow
5) December 1911 Postmark ? to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Esq., 42-48 Great
Edward Street, Belfast - c/o Mrs. Stronach 18 Allan Street. Dear Miss Rea, I
arrived home all right but trade is very dull here and I am still on the
look out, hoping this will find you well, with best regards from S. Small
6) 9th December 1911 Postmark Glasgow to Miss Eva Bell, 94 Percy Street,
Belfast - Dear Eva, Many thanks for lovely P.C. Glad to see you are all
well, as we are ditto. Shall come to Belfast at holiday time if am spared,
and can assure you am looking forward to seeing you. Best regards to all,
yours very truly, Wny? Marta

1) 3rd June 1912 Postmark Brookeborough to Miss Rea, 42 to 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, Just a line hoping yous are all well as we
are all well at present. has got another little daughter doing well. Yours
M. J. R. or M. & R.
2) 20th August 1912 Postmark Pomeroy to Miss R. Rea, 1 Montrose Street,
Belfast - Hope you are not feeling lonely, what about Monte Carlo, fine
weather, Yours L??? you know yourself
3) 8th November 1912 Postmark San Francisco, Cal. to Miss Rhoda F. Rea, 1
Montrose Street, Belfast, Ireland -Dear Rhoda, I would have mailed you this
card when I was in Los Angeles only I had not your address. I had a sea
voyage very rough & a lovely time, it's beautiful there, will write to tell
you all in a few days, all well & home again. Auntie
4) 26th December 1912 Postmark Crumlin to Miss Rea, c/o Mrs. Craig, 1
Montrose Street, Belfast - Heartiest Congratulations E. Goggins

2nd August 1913 Postmark Whitehead to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Dear Mrs. G. I hope you are well. I am on my holidays & enjoying
this alright. I am only getting one week as J. B. wants to go to Dublin,
Lily & I will give you a visit some evening "Oh Yes" Your old pal Aggie

1) January 1914 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau
Road, City - 1914 Wishing yourself & all the best a bright and Prosperous
New Year, your old friend Lily
2) 12th February 1914 - Photograph Belfast
3) 2nd November 1914 Postmark Maisonneuve to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia
Street, Belfast, Ireland to Lily arrived safely 26th inst. I was pleased to
hear from her that you and Richard were keeping well. Give him my kind
regards. Martin
4) Torpedo being fired from H.M.S. Ardent

1) 19th July 1915? Postmark Ballinagh to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast - Commercial Hotel, Ballinagh Here for the
holidays, having a ripping time (oh yes) weather lovely, hope to see you
when I go back with waggons of love, Lily Mc?
2) 27th July 1915 Postmark Ballymena to Mrs. R. Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Enjoying holidays so far. Hoping you are feeling A. !. Aggie
3) 24th ? 1915 Postmark Castlewellan to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast - (Castlewellan) I am here for the holidays, having a
jolly time, hope you are well, also all the rest. Will call up to see you
when I get back. fondest love Syl?

1) 17th March 1916 Postmark Fivemiletown to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Murley, Friday Thomas has operation over on Wednesday,
coming home today, all well. Yours SMcy
2) 16th July 1916 Postmark Millisle to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau
Road, Belfast - I am having a good time, hoping all are well at home. Yours
Mrs. Milligan 'Millisle from the Shore'
3) 24th July 1916 Postmark Ballycastle to Mrs. R. Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Enjoying ourselves here, plenty of Bhoys. Love from Aggie
4) 24th July 1916 Postmark Ballycastle to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast Enjoying myself immensely. Weather beautiful, Aggie is
doing nothing but making dates, hope all are well. Love from Lily
5) 19th September 1916 Postmark Fivemiletown to Mrs. R. Greene, 18 Lavinia
Street, Belfast - Dear Auntie, got your letter, we are all well. Auntie ? is
getting on splendid, we hope to see Uncle & you for xmas ? I be at school
every day. Mamma is busy ? is well done cutting none is ? Yours Auntie Thos.
F. Murly?

1) 17th July 1917 Postmark Belfast to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau
Road, Belfast - Dear Mrs. Green, You will think I have forgot all about you,
that is not so, hope you are all in good health, for me some days better
than others, but I am able to walk about every day a bit & can take more
food so I hope to be able to visit you yet, this is all at present & remain
your friend R. McKibben
2) 19th August 1917 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. R. Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Enjoying holiday. Sorry I did not get to see you before I came
away. Will see you when I get back. Love to all. Your old cushion Aggie
3) 15th August 1917 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Having a glorious time. Sorry I did not see you before I got my
hollidays. Love from Aggie
4) 1917 Postmark Cavan to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road,
Belfast - Cavan. Am having a jolly time, weather fine, hope to see you soon.
Remember me to all, Love from Lily

1) 22nd June 1921 Postmark Portrush to Miss C. Green, c/o J. B. Skelly,
Cromac Street, Belfast - Having a nice time here, Lily
2) 18th August 1921 Postmark Glasgow to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast, Ireland - 18.8.21 Having a jolly tine, weather fairly good. Will
see you when I come home. Aggie

14th July 1922 Postmark St. Helens? to Mrs. ? Green, c/o John Foster,
Fanner, Murley, Fivemiletown, Ireland - Dear Rhoda, Landed allright, going
on splendid, hope you are doing the same, love to all @ Murley. Dick

1) 12th June 1923 Postmark Glasgow to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast, Ireland - Hope you are all well, will see you when I come home.
Love from Aggie
2) 18th June 1923 Postmark Fivemiletown to Mr. Richard Green, 18 Lavinia
Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Having great times as you will see by card,
plenty of xx sorry you are not here. Love from all ?
3) 5th July 1923 Postmark Downpatrick to Miss Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - ? not got up assi?es on
4) 12th July 1923 Postmark Ballygawley to Miss Mary Green, 18 Lavinia
Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Mary, We are enjoying ourselves
immensely from Sarah
5) 12th July 1923 Postmark Co. Tyrone to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Mrs. Green, I am having a nice time, the place
here is just all you said beautiful. Mrs. Coulter
6) 8th August 1923 Postmark Folkestone to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast - Having a splendid time. Hope to see you on our
return, weather here glorious. Love Jack & Lily
7) 10th August 1923 Postmark Boulogne-Sur-Mer to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia
Street, Belfast, Irelande - Seeing the Sights of France, Love Jack & Lily

1) 13th August 1923 Postmark Millisle to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Dear Mamma, We arrived safely. Mrs. Milligan met us at the
station. It is beautiful here. Weather lovely for so far, Love, Connie &
Dolly P.S. I was in for a bathe, it was lovely. 'On the Sands, Millisle'
2) 15th August 1923 Postmark Millisle to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Dear Mamma, Dada & May, We recieved your P.C. to-day. We are
enjoying ourselves lovely here, the weather is beautiful. We are in the
water every day. Love C. & D. P.S. Write & tell us if you are coming
on Sunday
3) 15th August 1923 Postmark Portstewart to Mr. Dick Green, 18 Lavinia
Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast - 15/8/23 Dear Dick, Big day over,
without a hitch. Wedding march played on the organ by C. Lindop? this is a
lovely spot, glorious sea, yours Ever Ernest
4) 17th August 1923 Postmark St. Helens to Miss Connie Green, Bovinview
Cottage, Millisle, Ireland - Dear Connie, Thanks for your P.C. Glad to hear
you are enjoying yourself. I wish I was with you. I can't settle down to
work this week, and I wish I had my holidays to have over again. Have you
met your young man & don't forget about the fortune. Best love from all
5) 21st August 1923 Postmark Belfast to Miss Con. Green, Bovin View Cottage,
Millisle, Co. Down - Thanks for card, glad you are having a good time, love
Mc Fen?
6) 22nd August 1923 Postmark Millisle? to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street,
Belfast - Dear Mamma, I recieved your P.C., glad you got back safe, I am
coming home Thur., train leaves here after 7 o'c p.m. I suppose it will
arrive after 8 o'c Love Connie

February 1924? Postmark Port Said? to Miss Gladys Wyatt, 61 Florence Road,
Rocks Green, Birmingham, England - S. S. Ursova? Isn't it strange, the
Orient lines symbol is a rising sun like on our flag & it appears on
everything. Life on board is fine fun. There are about 1400 people
altogether. Love to the Patrol & yourself. M. Franklin

26th July 1928 Postmark ? Stamp Nederland to Mrs. and Mr. Hill, Fairholme
Cottage, Helen's Bay, Co. Down, Ireland - July 26th '28 Dear Hills, Joop? left the PCs at home instead of posting the, Now I can send you all my
love. I have no time to write. I'm terribly sorry. We're having a very nice
time here, and are all very brownish!!! I hope you are all well. Love to all
& friends & rabbits & rock garden. It is a pity I can't play tennis here. I
just got on so nicely. ok. Mrs. and the N. D. Clarke?? Mrs. and Mr.
Damer? Dave? Joop Harry Lenie Tommy Donny?

26th June 1929 Postmark Blackpool to Mr. J. E. Blackwell Staff Brock?
Hall, Whalley, Blackburn Lancs. - Dear Tom, We have just arrived here 10.40
Amy, Doris, Man & Self . We had no time to inform you as we made up our
minds sudden, hope you are o.k. We shall soon see you at Can? Love Man
& Dad

18th July 1931? Postmark Crowborough to Miss D. P. Harvey, Mt. Ephraim
House, Mt. Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent - May & I are going into T-Wells
on Thursday to do some shopping & she suggests you meet us & she would like
to stand us coffee at the Willow Tree at 10.30, are bus leaving here at 10
a.m. We hope to catch it - we may get a snack lunch at Fortes? before coming
home. Sorry about this card being old. The ? to you! I go tomorrow D.V. to
Erica's swimming spots, much love ??? (written over an old P.C. I didn't
try to decipher the writing)

13th October 1935? Postmark Carraig an ?, Corcaigh to Mrs. W. Megrath, 42
Redcar Street, Belfast, N.I. - Having a real good time here. Weather like
summer. Hope you got home safe. We will be home on Saturday. Sandy & Bell

1) 11th June 1937 Postmark Ilfracombe, Devon to Mrs. Telford, 42 Carador
Street, Taibach, Fort Talbot, South Wales - Hard Luck Sorry to hear
David is not so well, but there is something very much the matter with him ?
all the time as he was so good the first time I had him, let me know how he
is and what the Dr. says. Granma sends her best to both also Nellie, we are
out sunbathing all day as we have not far to go, only the back door. Jack
has just come in with a basket of Lobsters he has caught, he will get a 1?/-
each for them. Mother
2) 22nd September 1937 Postmark Blackpool, Lancs. to Miss J. O'Connor, 114
Raglan Street, Falls Road, Belfast - Having a lovely time here, weathers
beautiful, plenty of sport here, you wouldn't think the time long, Aunty
Rose sends her love. Best Wishes Margaret & Mary?

22nd July 1938 Postmark Coalisland? to Miss J. Occoner, 114 Raglan
Street, Falls Road, Belfast - Having a good time weather beautyful hear from

30th August 1946? Postmark ? Eire to H. Mattick? Esq., 745 High Road, Ley????
London - I hope you are feeling the better for your holiday. With ups &
downs in the weather we are enjoying ours. Looking forward to being with you
all again next week. Yours John Stanley

14th July 1949 Postmark Cairlinn to Miss J. O'Connor, 114 Raglan Street,
Belfast - Here for a few days, Weathers lovely. Hope you & yours are all
well. Best Wishes from R. Treanor?

13th April 1950 Postmark Luton, Beds. to Mr. J. & R. Megrath, 42 Redcar
Street, Cregagh Road, Belfast - Dear Jim & Ronny? Having a very nice time,
weather has not been to bad this two days but cold. From Auntie Frances

1) 15th August 1954 Postmark Nottingham to Miss J. O'Connor, 114 Raglan
Street, Belfast, Ireland - 15.8.1954 Dear Joanna, just a card to let you
know we arrived safe. Mrs. Orton is going write letter to all. Kathleen and
Mrs. Orton
2) 15th September 1954 Postmark Granada to Mrs. Jenkins, Brig. Melford?
Road, Sudbury, Suffolk, England - 13.IX.54 There is much to see in
this place but we have had over a week to do it in, the weather is lovely,
not nearly so hot as on Algeciras?, this is much better, we go to Ronda from
here and then to Gibralta for 3 nights before returning home by air from
there on the 24th/ Phyllis Green

1) 31st July 1955 Postmark Eastbourne, Sussex to Miss J. O'Connor, 114
Raglan Street, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Joanna, just a card to let you
know we are having a nice time, hope you are o.k. Best love Kathleen - mum
2) 17th August 1955 Postmark ? Eire to Mr. J. McGrath, 42 Redcar Street,
Cregagh, Belfast, N. I. - Having a good time. Miss the boat. Tell all the
boys I was asking for them. Love Kaye

9th August 1956 Postmark Bangor to Mr. & Mrs. W. Megrath, 42 Redcar
Street, Belfast - 68 Seacliffe Road. Would it suit you to come for us
on Saturday morning. The weather is much better this week. Bertha & Harry

1) 11th February 1957 Postmark Klaksvig to P. Moseley, Esq., 48 Carshalton
P. Road, Carshalton, Surry, England - Klakksvik 10-2-1957 Dear Mr. and
Mrs. Moseley! I thank you very much for the Christmas card, and am very glad
to write to you from Klakksvik now. I think to open the shop on the 12. this
month, and am doing all to make it finnish, - I promised you to send some
medisin, and will be able to do it in a fortnight. I am sorry I could not
get it at once but now I have got some. We are all looking forward to see
you in summertime, and will give you later on more informations. Please tell
Chri that I have got his letter, and wil write to him very soon. All
greathings to you all, from yours in Christ. Torbjorn.
2) 6th July 1957 Postmark Formby, Liverpool to Mr.'s Jim & Ron Megrath,
Lilyville, Killaughey Road, Donaghadee, Co. Down, N. Ireland - Dear Sirs,
Having a lovely time. I was in for a bathe the 1st day I arrived, the water
was very warm. Will see you soon. Tommy?

3rd June 1958 Postmark Ceathramha Duomhain to Miss M. Latey? 45 Springcroft
Avenue, East Finchley, London, England - Rathmullen 2.6.58 Having a
very good holiday. Apart from last Friday the weather so far has been
perfect. Better scenery last week in Co. Antrim I think. Hope you have a
good holiday. Ivy

1) 30th June 1959 Postmark ? Eire to Mr. & Mrs. Shirras, 52 Dartford Road,
Sevenoaks, Kent?, England - It's all very green here in Ireland, even almost
to the tops of the mountains, there are some lovely views & its funny to
travel around by horse ? a jaunting car, rowing boat. Killarney is very
unspoilt & we had a lovely leisurely week there. Here in Arklow its much ? I
hope you are well, kind regards Cyril & Bart
2) 25th August 1959 Postmark Gleannda??? to Miss Carr, 40 Oakleigh Gardens,
Whetstone, London, England - 24/8/59 On our way to Dublin after Killarney &
the weather has been grand, a bit breezy today. Best wishes Rw & MaH???s??

8th October 1960 to Miss V. Smith, Quarry Lodge, Headsnook, Carlisle,
Cumberland - 8/10/60 Many thanks for your welcome letter, hope you
enjoy "King of Siam" We have a glorious show of Chrysanthemums and marigolds
but rain today is battering them flat. Arm slightly improved, less pain, am
rubbing in hot olive oil, suggested by Rev. Mother Alnwick Convent. See what
it does. We all join in sending our best wishes to all at Quarry Lodge, with
love M. H. Susie got you this card, thought you would like puppy.

1) 14th July 1961 Postmark Edinburgh to Mrs. Mary Smith, Quarry Lodge, Heads
Nook? Carlisle - Having a nice time here. I came for the graduation Ceremony
when my nephew graduated. A very happy occasion with all the young life
around. Edinburgh delightful as ever but weather rather cold for July. Had
some nice runs in the car to places of interest. Roses everywhere, E soil
must be good for them. Lovely to renew friendships & see relations. How
happy you must feel now, so near end of term. Love to all Tu? B.
2) 26th August 1961 Postmark Llandudno, Colwyn Bay to The Misses Smith,
Quarry Lodge, Heads Nook, Carlisle - Llandudno We are enjoying our
stay here. Weather changeable, lovely sunny day yesterday. We had a coach
run to Snowden marvellous scenery. Spending an afternoon in Happy Valley
today. Hope all are well. Kind regards from The Bowman Family
3) 'Wilmington, Del. Black Powder Mills PC 1961 - This is the kind of mill
where my Father was killed, making black powder, the first product the Du
Pont Company ever made.
4) no date but same hand-writing as #1 - St. Peter's Church, Albany, N.Y. -
The last time my Grandson & I were together we were in this Church. It is
Episcopal of course which is my Church. I thought Dorothy would be
interested in seeing a bit of New York.

26th July 1962? Postmark Norwich, Norfolk to Mr. & Mrs. J. Gourley?,
Nurseryman, 112 Comber Road, Ballygowan, Belfast, Co. Down, N. Ireland - We
are enjoying our holiday & weather beautiful. Spent one week at York & now
we are in Norfolk. Plenty to see & do. The shops are lovely. I hope you are
both well. Love Madge & Jim

21st July 1963 Postmark Gillingham to Mrs. A. Y. Britton, Norfolk Lodge, Crowborough Hill, Crowborough, Sussex - Very pleased to work for the twins
expected, so send wool as soon as you can, as I am not as now a very quick
knitter. I have no modern patterns so will require those. Very pleased to
see ? guilds, remember it well, what happy days we had. Love E. T.

21st November 1966 Postmark Crowborough, Sussex to Mrs. Brittain, Norfolk
Lodge, Crowborough, Local - Thank you so much for your P.C. We shall miss
you & think of you. We are stopping out Dec. 6th. Bible Group on Tuesday
which will be our last Till Tuesday January 17th yrs. M. H. Dawson

16th July 1969 Postmark New Milton, Hants. to Miss E. H. Smith, Douglas
House, 161 Cheriton Road, Folkestone, Kent - Thank you for your card, yes,
Tuesday the 19th August will do very well. I hope the Signal men will be
working then! Let's hope the weather is good when Mrs. Oldham comes to
Folkestone. Just now it's blazing hot & the town is unbearable with heat. R.
& I spend a good deal of time at the pool up at Bastley? Club. Love from us
all, Lys. Lyl.

1) 4th June 1971 Postmark Callander, Perthshire to Mr. Mrs. H. Watson, Rudge
Lane, Dare? Marlborough, Wilts - Dear B. H. We have arrived at Callander,
staying here five nights. Visited Edinburgh on the way today had a tour of
the city, a mass of Monuments and Churches. We had Haggis for lunch. Last
night we spent at North Berwich, we have first class Hotels and good food.
We have had a very enjoyable journey, we visit Oban tomorrow. Hope you are
both well, Love Alice & Cyril
2) 20th ? 1971 Postmark Twyford, Winchester to Mrs. Burne, 11 Crescent Road,
Rowly Park, Stafford - Frost? is OUT Stockwells Publisher say please order
from your bookseller mentioning his name. Am home from London Clinic. Love

1) 7th June 1972 Postmark Lancaster & Morecombe to Miss T. M. Baumgartner,
Howsley Cottage, Clappersgate, Ambleside, Westmoreland - Dear Auntie, We are
having a nice time here, but we are not overdone with sunshine. This morning
Wednesday is wet and cool. Meals quite good and plenty of indoor facilities
for children. We are kept on the move with the Grandchildren, especially
Caroline. Hope you are improving, Love to all, Carol & Cyril?
2) 31st August 1972 Postmark Portmadoc, Caernarvonshire to Master Julian
Worth? 21 Hollands Road, Plymstock, W. Plymouth, S. Devon - Hello Julian,
What nice little fellows these are for ? Hills of Portmadoc, lovely here
today. What about a donkey ride. Love from Grandad!
3) 10th September 1972 Postmark Lancaster, Morecambe to Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Pearcey, Lodge Farm, Park Road, Sproatley, Hull, Yorks - Arrived safe 3.30
p.m. didn't leave Hull? while 10 a.m., they waited for 1 lady but she didn't
turn up. It's dry but oh so cold. Hope it improves, forgive writing I'm so
tired. Love to all, Man & Dad

21st June 1973 Postmark Worthing, Sussex to Mrs. Schaeffer, Flat 4, 59
Mt. Ararat Road, Richmond, Surrey - 121. BN131QU June 21. Letter just rec.
If you think it worth the journey 28th is my only pos? ? on hol. is not
nearly fixed. Let me know time & I will meet coach * we will have lunch in
W? & come here for tea. If pos. ? Love to visit all in Aug. @ yes ? ? ? Con.
no info.

no dates

1) 'Kissing in Belfast' It is not generally known the strange difference
between adjacent localities, in the sweet art of kissing, remarks our
correspondent, who informs me he has just finished the districts.
Antrim Road ~ girls he says,
become rooted to the spot during the operation, and then say, "You ought
to be ashamed of yourself."
Ballymacarett ~ girls shut their eyes dreamily, contemplating how long
this bliss will last.
The Ormeau Road ~ girls when kissed, shyly suggest a walk as far as the
Botanic Avenue ~ girls insist of being under no compliment, and return
every one with thanks.
Royal Avenue ~ girls cling tightly to the gentleman and sigh deeply,
saying "Oh! why did you do it?"
Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Rea,
Owenskerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - I suppose you will have forgotten how
to kiss when you arrive back. We are keeping a very close eye on Mr. C. that
he doesn't give any away: hoping you are enjoying yourself. A. D.
2) Postmark Bangor 'The Sands, Ballyholme, Bangor, Co. Down' to Miss Eva?
Rea, Owenskerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Taking the ? ? deceased wife's
Sisters Bill just now, having a drink? dunk? ?m overlooking the shore. From
3) to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - hope you are
well, we are having a great time here, yours truly J. K.
4) to Miss E. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, City - Did you Blush
5) 13th January Postmark Aberdeen? to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, 22 to
28 Great Edward Street, Belfast - Received your P.C. all right, thanking you
very much for it. I have got a start at the knitting and am liking it fine,
hoping you had a nice New Year as I enjoyed it hear very much, hoping this
will find you well. Yours Sincerely S. Small
6) August Postmark Saintfield to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co.
Tyrone - I hope this will find you well and enjoying yourself, but whatever
you do mind the horns, you know what that means. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely R. H.
7) to Miss R. Rea, J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street, Belfast - I am having
a good time roving about, I hope you enjoyed yourself on Monday, write soon,
your old friend R. D.
8) to Miss Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Hope you are
enjoying yourself, we are very lonely but I still manage the drop of tea,
here is a chance for you now so I hope you will embrace the opportunity.
Yours M. Irwin

1) Postmark Blacklion to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road,
Belfast - This is grand weather for ice-cream. My time is very short now. D.
2) 14th July Postmark Annaghmore, Portadown to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Hope you enjoyed yourself on Monday.
Having a good time there. Write soon, Annie
3) 13th July Postmark Ardglass to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock
Road, Belfast - Hope you are enjoying yourself as we are, we you up at Daisy
Hill. Aicken Lascelles?
4) Postmark Newcastle to Miss R. ... c/o J. B. ... 44 Great Edward Street,
Belfast - Dear Miss Rea, Uncle wants me to tell you to be sure and keep all
the cord to be strung, till he comes home, he thinks that he will nearly be
able to run the shop himself. We are having a fine time, nothing to do and
we can do that well. Noel
5) to Miss E. M. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Belfast - Dear E. On till 5.30
tonight. Special hurry on. Hoping you are well as I am. Yours will be up in
time for Theatre. I. or J. T. C.
6) Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Having a nice
time. I hope you are not too busy. What do you think of the other side,
write soon. A. D.
7) to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, City - There now, that
is quite enough of that work, for I won't have it & that's all about it.
8) to Miss E. M. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Belfast - Dear E. Hoping you are
well as I feel A. 1. Having lovely weather. Hoping you will have a good on
Friday. Yours J. T. C.
9) Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, City -
I see this is the way you are behaving yourself, you will not get out again.
10) 6th August Postmark ..tshill to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great Edward
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Keep up yer hert ma bonnie Lass, ye's sins ill be
forgeen. yours M. I.

1) Newcastle? to Miss Rea, 44/48 Great Edward Street, Belfast - I hope your
? is better & that you are more comfy. now like this James Megrath, James T.
2) to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - Dear R. Hoping
you get home safe, you will see where I am now. Hoping you will have good
weather, yours J. C.
3) to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street, City - Saw
wedding, you both looked extremely well & not one bit nervous & I sincerely
hope you had a nice drive. J. C.
4) October Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co.
Tyrone - Hope you are enjoying yourself. Yesterday was a very wet day here.
We are not very busy. Nothing fresh. D.
5) to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, City - You and Bob
looked charming, its no wonder there is someone jelous today, yours J. K.
6) Postmark Co. Down to Miss Rea, J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street, Belfast
- It's a bad job this, so not be caught in this mess. Hope you are all well.
M. M.
7) to Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street, Belfast - Hoping
you got xmas over for me I hardly even new it was xmas. I hope the work will
get plenty soon. Yours Ruth. Hope to hear from you xx
8) Miss R. Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Esq., Great Edward Street, Belfast - Dear
R. How would this suit you, they look very well don't you think so. I will
be over on Monday evg. all being well. Yours K. H.?
9) 15th July 190? Postmark Carrickfergus to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr
Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - How are you getting on. I suppose you are
kept busy working for me, see & don't hurt yourself, didn't I tell you the
good weather would come when I got my holidays. Write soon, Ettie
10) to Miss Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - You may make they
most of your time now as it is getting very short, not very busy, every
thing going on as usual. Lovely weather B. Eyes

1) "I appeal to the jury - 'Guilty or not?' What! you say you would punish
them both, well, why not?" - Dear Miss Rea, You will be surprised to hear
from me, I have been in Belfast since yesterday and will be stopping till
Thursday and I don't remember your address, I mean your own house as I don't
care for going to the shop will you post me your address or will you call to
see me at the Clarence Hotel 20 Collage Buildings I am going to America on
the 25 June from Belfast ? hoping to either hear from you or see you
tomorrow. If you give your address I will go to see you tomorrow evg. or
call to see me if you like, yours in haste Mary ?
2) Distributing Station of the Ontario Power Company of Niagara Falls, 1908
- Dear Rhoda this is a picture of Pa works it is most beautiful in Side it
is all marbel when you come here we shall take you all through it.
3) Control Room of the Ontario Power Company of Niagara Falls, 1908 - This
is a picture of the Switch board this is were the Power is Switch from
nearly all over the world. To dear Rhoda from Pa.

1) "Oh for a man - "Oh for a man - a mansion in the sky" - Postmark Belfast
to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone - No more of this
after I set the rise. Sam
2) to Miss Rea, 42 Great Edward Street, City - on strike, better than
3) Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Dear Miss Rea,
how would this do once in a while, it looks to be very comfortable only he
is afraid of his knee been hurt, yors love S. C. write soon
4) Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Belfast, Ireland - So far all right
5) to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, City - The ring is round, the sea is
deep, a young man's love is hard to keep. And when you think you have it
won, he leaves you where you first begun.
6) Postmark Belfast to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road,
Belfast - Dear R. Just a word to ask you how you are getting along with the
warm weather. I have not been able to lift a pen this fortnight with the
heat but I hope you are well for my heart is like the cabbage it is easily
broke in 2 the leaves I give to many but my heart I keep for you, yours S.
7) to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street, City - Can't find
anything to say at present. R. H.
8) September Postmark Bangor to Miss R. Rea, 42, 44 & 48 Great Edward
Street, Belfast, City - When I arrived at Bangor, I tell you, it was grand,
they met me at the station with the big brass band. from Mc.

1) Postmark Nits? to Miss Rea, c/o J. B. Skelly, Great Edward Street,
Belfast, Ireland - I expect to go back by the night Boat on Monday. I will
call on Tuesday some time & hear if there is anything ? M. I.?
2) to Miss R. Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Got home
alright. Had your P.C. this morning. Did you see - you know on Sunday, hope
you had a good time, write soon Mickie
3) Postmark Belfast to Miss R. Rea, Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone -
Many thanks for P.C. All as usual here. Hope you are having a good time. By
the way have you had any lessons on the gentle art of making love since you
went on holidays. A. Loughey
4) to Miss Rea, 51 Ardenvohr Street, Woodstock Road, Belfast - Your letter
read alright to-day. Do not be working to hard. Glad you are getting your
Holidays. Sally
5) Steam Stamp was it hard to get off. Miss Eva Bell, c/o Mr. Cornett,
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh - Dear Miss Bell, I'm glad you're enjoying
yourself. We are having lovely weather here & I'm enjoying myself immensely,
Yours Winnie
6) 5th June Postmark Whitehead to Miss T. Bell, c/o Thompson's (B) Ltd., 14
Donegall Place, Belfast - Fairly good weather, will meet you on the stalls
at twelve o'clock.
7) 6th November Postmark Nice to Mr. and Mrs. Bunbury, Moutbury? The Roman
Way, Glastonbury, Somerset - 13 Avenue Shakespeare, Nice 4 Nov. Dear Mr. and
Mrs. Bunbury, Please do not believe I have forgotten you. My stay in England
is very often present in my memory and I keep the best remembrance of your
kindness for me. I send you the photo of one of the most charming places of
our azureau coast. Hoping you are well and the three boys too, and also the
Colonel. I send you my very best greetings and kind regards, Fannie Au
Clair? Audair?
8) Stamp Eire to Miss E. F. Buskin, Tetherdown, Hayling Rise, High
Salvington, Sussex, England - Am having such a happy time that I extended my
holiday until nearly the end of the month. Shall hope to see you early in
Oct. Have had some good rides & now I'm settled in a bungalow with Annie &
her sister. We are only about 200 ft. above the beach, Donegal Hills behind
us, Sligo and Leitrim Hill on the opposite side of the bay, too hazy to see
them to-day. Passed the view on this card when having a lovely bus run last
week. Love to all Elliot?
9) June to ? Wiles of Shepherds? Robinfield Greys? Henley-on-Thames, England
- June Con??? All is still going well & I don't feel like returning on
Sunday but must do. This wild west coast is still as it must have been many
hundreds of years ago, & very unspoiled. I never saw such wonderful
colouring, if only ? I could paint. Donkeys, wild ponies, ? & shawls?
? Cully?
10) 14th ? Postmark Estoril to Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Etheridge, Orcombe The
Fairway, Deviles, Wilts., England - The last day of our holiday, have packed
& will soon be leaving for the station. We've had a really wonderful time,
all too short a course. Its simply flown by. This afternoon we had lunch at
this lovely old restaurant outside of Lisboa. Am hoping your letter will be
waiting for me in Barcelona. Will write from there of course. Very much love
to you both as always. from Jill

1) 31st December Postmark Belfast to Mrs. R. Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, City - A New Year Greeting. Once again I greet you with wishes
fond & true that the year now started will bring much joy to you may you
have a jolly time this New Year. With Best Wishes from Aggie Lavery?
2) 15th April Postmark ???maney to Mr. Richard Greene, 18 Lavinia Street,
Ormeau Road, Belfast - Having a good old time, hoping you are having the
same. Hope the Mrs. has got alright will be home tomorrow night. Still same.
send me ½ case 21oz & oblige. J. H.
3) to Mrs. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Aunt, I would
like to come back to Ireland again, love from Jack
4) to Mr. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Belfast - Sorry no change ? bad turns
will wire when going. I will go tomorrow I think, hope all are well yrs.
etc. R. S.
5) to Mr. Richard Green, 42 Church Lane, Belfast - Dear Dick, This is the
place, not Lancs, for a holiday, very primitive & plenty of chances for
glazing plate glass here. This is a land of corn & wine & plenty of seawater
also, so come along & I'll try & find a pond for you to wade in, yours truly
F. O. N. Frackelton
6) 192? Postmark Cavan to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road,
Belfast - Ballinagh. Am having a topping time, weather glorious, will come
to see you when I get back. Hope you are all A.1. Love from Syl
7) to Mr. R. Green, Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Dick, I am
sending you this photograph, it is a little blurred but no matter. I am
having a great time down here with plenty of herd work but there is any
amount of sport. Yours S. Hill
8) to Mr. Richard Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Having a
good time, hope you are having the same, ???
9) Postmark Portrush to Miss Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road, Belfast
- Having a nice time. Could stop here all month. Was in for several dips.
10) to Miss C. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Belfast, Ireland - Hope you enjoy
yourself on Wed, we are having great times here. Mary See & enjoy yourself,
work your best, bring plenty of money
1) Miss M. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Belfast - Dear Aunt Rhoda, your P.C. ?,
allright so lovely, thanks so much. We are still improving ? are at Corn?
weather so dull, all are busy, Thos. is sending x to Mary Yours M. Thos.
2) Postmark Ballygawley to Mr. D. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road,
Belfast - Well I hope you got the twelfth holiday over, well this is a
lovely Country here, hoping to see you soon, your auld Friend
3) Postmark Pomeroy to Mrs. R. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Ormeau Road,
Belfast - Main Street, Pomeroy Having a jolly time here, hope you are
all enjoying life per usual, love from Lily
4) to Miss M. Green, 18 Lavinia Street, Belfast, Ireland - Hello Mary,
Having a ripping time down here, weather fine, Janet
5) Mr. John A. Hawthorne, c/o Mr. A. Rea, Senr., Owens Kerry, Fivemiletown -
Dear Johnnie, I hope you are enjoying your holidays, is uncle Sandy giving
you any rides on the horses. You will have good fun at the hog?, you must
write a little letter yourself & tell me how Grandpa & Grandma are,
Love to all & yourself from Auntie R. write soon
6) 'We don't want to leave here, but we think we ought to go. Returning from
the Masonic Dinner, who cares about Curfew. Dear Dick, How's the leg, I hope
it is right by now, we had a fine passage back, I am beginning to settle
down again, love to yourself & all, yours Lizzie - Dear Uncle, How is your
leg. I don't like St. Helen's now n I would like to come back to see you.
love from Jack

1) Miss Magee, 91 Joy Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Miss Magee, I am
enjoying myself very much, every place is magnificent, not sea sick yet.
yrs. E. R.
2) to Mrs. A. Major, 27 Wellington Road North, Hounslow, Middx., England -
Mon. Forgot to post this. Dear Mum, We have been here a week, the weather is
very good, there are more people here Bank Holiday. Going to Killarney
tomorrow for the day so it will be a day out. Do hope you are alright, have
not heard from you yet. God Bless & keep you safe. Love Ethel. These have
just come as I was going out 8 o'clock.
3) to Mr. & Mrs. W. Megrath, 42 Redcar Street, Castlereagh Road, Belfast,
Ireland - Arrived at Luton 4.30 Sunday, had a nice crossing, plenty of room
on boat, the weather is showery but very warm going to London tomorrow, Wed
went to my old home yesterday, Monday don't know where we going today but
you can bet we will be out. Cheerio Love Frances & George
4) Postmark Luton to Mr. & Mrs. W. Megrath, 42 Redcar Street, Woodstock
Road, Belfast - Having a nice time, the weather the first week was perfect,
a different place every day, coming home Friday night, hope you are feeling
better, Cheerio Frances & George
5) Miss Rod-Reid, c/o Skelly's, Great Edwards Street, Belfast - Mind your
leg, Yours ? Jim
the end |