"It's a Long, Long Way From Tipperary."
Marching Through Berlin - The Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse
Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly O'.
Saying, "Should you not receive it, write and let me know!
If I make mistakes in 'spelling,' Molly dear," said he,
"Remember it's the pen that's bad, don't lay the blame on me."
"It's a lone way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go;
It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know!
Good bye Piccadilly, farewell Leicester Square,
It's a long, long way to Tipperary, but my heart's right there!"

PC1 1925 from Jean at 3 High Street, Belfast to Miss E. McAloney, Ashley,
Carryduff, Belfast
PC2 25th February 1907 from J.? in Belfast to Miss L. McIlveen, Carryduff,

from Bessie in Donaghadee to Miss Edna McAloney, Ashley, Carryduff, Belfast

PC1 24th December 1924 from Molly - Margy in Belfast to Miss Edna McAloney,
Ashley, Carryduff, Belfast
PC2 11th April 1925? from Daddy to Miss Edna McAloney, Ashley, Carryduff,

PC2 2nd May 1910? from Liz in Belfast to Mr. McAloney, 93 University Avenue,
Ormeau Road, Belfast
April 26? to Mr. Willie McAloney, 43 South Parade, Belfast

PC1 21st ? 1907 from Min? in Belfast to Mrs. McAloney, Carryduff, Belfast
PC2 11th September 1924? from Jean in Portrush to Miss McAloney, Ashley,
Carryduff, Belfast

PC no date from Mary in Edmon(ton)? to Mr. John Carser, Cherryvale Lodge,
Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland - I got thy paper and little book you sent
me alright. I am very thankful to you for them, it is very kind of you
to remember me, I can always see now how things are going on at home, they
are still fighting for home rule yet but I hope that they won't get it as it
would be terrible. I hope this will find you and all well.
Willie will soon be home but will likely be going away soon again, remember
me to him and all, your loving cusin Mary
PC 30th Sept. no year from Willie in Newport to Mrs. H. Carser, Cherryvale
Lodge, Ravenhill Road, Belfast - all well

PC 5.8.1914 from Willie in Newhaven to Mrs. H. Carser, Cherryvale, Ravenhill
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Mother, we are sailing tonight for some part of
France. I hope you didn't send the clothes. We expect to be trading here,
you might send them later (I bought some clothes)
PC 20th ? 1922? from Lucy? in 9 Stourcliffe Street, Marble Arch, London W.
to Mrs. Carser, Cherryvale Lodge, Ravenhill Road, Belfast - Dear Lucy, just
a few words to let you know my address. I have been sent here 10 days ago.
I have been chosen for a matron & I am going through special training. I
will give you full particulars in a letter when I have time to write, love
to all. Hope you are all well, I like being here.

PC Dec. 1914? from Willie to Mrs. H. Carser, Cherryvale Lodge, Ravenhill
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Hoping you got the parcel alright, we sail tonight
Sat. You might see about getting that suit made for me in Parkers.

PC no date no postmark no name to Mr. S. Carser, no address - Well Sid, what
do you think of this young lady, isn't it a comic place for a postcard
album. I got this one in Calias (Calais). I suppose Mother will be
boxing my ears.

PC 16th August 1914 (Tuesday) from K. in Paris to Mrs. McCausland,
Cherryvale, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Irlande - Don't leave here till
Thursday as I had a p.c. from Cousin E. that he wouldn't be in London on
Wednesday. Will send p.c. from there as ? day of return. I
suppose you saw in papers about the underground (yard? - Syd) accidents.
Miss McMullan, Alice & myself were going to the theatre in it when we
reached Place de la Concorde we had to await train coming from other
direction (Versailles). It was very long in coming & we guessed something
was wrong. Miss McMullan saw sparks away up the line & when the train
came in everybody was standing up & rushed out (happily on opposite
platform). The women were shrieking their heads off, and then there was the
sound of an awfully loud explosion, so we ? up the steps to the open air &
finished our journey in a taxi!! I should think Miss McMullan & self were
first out!!! It is in the papers to-day here - am thankful the affair didn't
fall in on top of us, as it has done in other places. The theatre was
rotten. A dreadful thunderstorm yesterday, today's fine.
PC 16th March 1911 from Auntie in Grand Hotel, Auckland, N. Zealand to Miss
McCausland, Cherryvale, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Ireland - This P.C. will
give you some idea of this lovely Harbour. We are having delightful weather
so far and have not had the heavy showers we had in Sydney. Have you been
having a very gay winter? it is hard to realize it is cold at home when we
have hot weather - it should be cooler here just now as it is near Autumn.
With much love

no date, no postmark, no address - To Mother with Love and Best wishes on
her Birthday from Father
'Sing Little Birdie' To Lucy from Aunt Lucy. With Xmas Wishes |