Postcard Album
& a few photos Mackie - Mackey
John Pelan, who has a gift for finding information has created this
wonderful site and has very kindly researched some of the items on this
site, here is what he found out about the young girls who wrote these
postcards, thank you John,
amazing :)
Lost Lookups - Mackie & Stickyback
Page One
PCs in chronological order

1) 28th February 1920 Postmark Belfast to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - 28/2/20 To wish you very many happy returns of your birthday.
2) 28th March 1920 Postmark Belfast to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Rossie. Satdy. Dear Miss M., I hope you all are quite well, it is
so long since I saw you, are you engaged for Thursday first, if you can come
over I will be very glad & will get Jeannie & Essie up, so please come
straight from business, as would be too late to go home first, remember me
to all at home. J. A. H. a pleasant holiday. We are all fine, only Jim has
had a cold a few days. Love J. A. H.
3) 18th May 1920 Postmark Belfast to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
- 17/5/20 Dear Miss M. Next Tuesday will suit fine. Hope to see you then.
Hope all are well. Love from Essie. P.S. written in a great hurry, excuse
scrawl. E.
4) 17th June 1920 Postmark Paris, Saint Roch to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Looking forward to a letter from you. Hope you are
having a "smooth" time. This is a delightful place. Kindest regards J.
5) 14th July 1920 Postmark Parkstone, Dorset to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - 14.7.20 Dear Miss Mackie, We are having a
nice time here, it is a great change from Belfast & the weather seems
settled now. I hope you are all well, now about your coat & ???? its
finished & very nice. Jim is enjoying himself very much. ?
6) 19th July 1920 Postmark Annalong to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Having a lovely time. I hope you are all keeping well as it leaves
us both in the pink. love from us both Yours M. C.
7) 13th August 1920 Postmark Glasgow to Mrs. J. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Dear Lizzie, We are having a great time here, the weather
is not as good as it was at the beginning of the week. We are going a picnic
this afternoon. I hope you are all well. ??
8) 20th August 1920 Postmark Alexandria to Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Dear Mother, We are having a trip on the Motor Boat up
Loch Lomond, am writing this on the boat. I do not know when I will be home
as the Boats are not running yet. We are trying to go by Stranraer & Larne
if the other Boats do not run, so if we can get that way we will not be home
till Sat. morn. about 10. But if we come by Burns Boat, we will be in early.
I hope you will be able to get.
9) August 1920 Postmark Govan to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast,
Ireland - Dear Mother, Received your letter this morning. We are having a
great time. Don't send the cloth etc. till I see. I will write & let you
know. Look up the S. School Roll Book in the cabinet & let me know address.
H.(?) Moffett. We are going to Govan to-day.

1) 28th September 1920 Postmark Belfast to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Many happy returns of the day, Minnie

1) 15th June 1921 Postmark Sutton(?) to Miss Mackie, 22 Skipper Street,
Belfast, Ireland - 14-6-21 Miss Campbell has got over her operation
successfully & is progressing very favourably. She wishes to thank you for
your kind kind letter & will be able to write in a few days. She sends her
love, Jas. A. C.
2) 15th July 1921 Postmark Southfort(?) to Miss Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Having a good time, spent the day here. J. Boyd

1) 5th July 1922 Postmark Bangor 'Ballymagee Street, Bangor' to Miss E.
Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a good time, Willie
2) 15th July 1922 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - We are enjoying ourselves. Hope you will have a good
meeting in my absence on Thursday night. Yours. D. & J. Boyd
3) 27th July 1922 Postmarks Belfast, Douglas to Miss Mackie, 22 Skipper
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Miss Mackie, My holiday is drawing to an
end. I've had a good time, would you please send the article (you wrote away
for) to Bangor (Sub) alas 2 boxes blocks & 2 boys, subtract for a boy of 5
years. Sorry to bother you. Love J.(?)
4) 2nd August 1922 Postmark St. Anne's-on-Sea, Lancs. to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast - I am here on a holiday, the weather is good, there
has been no rain this week, hoping you are all well. A. M.

1) 15th August 1922 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mrs. Wm. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear M., Arrived safely & had a very nice passage
but it was very cold. We were not sea sick. We weren't into Douglas until
10.35 p.m. It is a very nice house. There are great crowds here, hoping you
are well & your cough is better. Ena
2) 19th August 1922 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mrs. Wm. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Saturday. Dear Mother, I hope you are keeping
better. We have a very nice time, the weather was beautiful yesterday &
to-day is nice but a bit dull. One would never feel lonely here. The time is
flying too quickly. ??? love ??
3) 20th August 1922 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ulster - Ena & I are having a splendid time, & weather is
very good. Hoping your cold is better again. Lily
4) 21st August 1922 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Monday. Dear M. To-day is very wet & we are staying
indoor, but it might go off after dinner. I hope you are keeping better,
also Lizzie. You will not be lonely this week & you will be kept busy. we
will be coming home on Thursday but don't come down to the boat, we will
manage alright. It will be in some time after 2 o'clock. Yours Ena
5) 9th September 1922 Postmark Aberystwyth to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Miss Mackie, This is a lovely spot, one would
take a long time to tire of it and quite a lot of people here. R. Mac???
6) 14th September 1922 Postmark Eastbourne to Miss Mackey, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - 1 Howard Square, Eastbourne. Hope you are quite
well & everything O.K. at ??? ?? J. E. K. Haddick

1) 24th July 1923 Postmark Pitlochry to Miss Mackie, at 22 Skipper Street,
Belfast, Ireland - Monday. Having a good time, weather very nice, not too
hot. I did some shopping this morning, the village is quaint, lovely sports.
Could jumpers be woven here. J.
2) 28th July 1923 Postmark Pitlochry to Miss Mackie, at 22 Skipper Street,
Belfast, Ireland - Sat. Sorry no snaps as yet, they are slow here. It is
raining to-day so we are entertaining each other indoors. Bridge, whist,
music & dancing. will write you again soon. ?
3) 4th August 1923 Postmark Pittsburgh, P.A. to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - 3rd August 1923 Dear Ena, Just a P.C. hoping you
will enjoy your holidays this year. I wish I could send you some hot weather
over. Hoping this finds you all well. How is little Willie doing. Love from

1) 25th April 1924 Postmark Empire Exhibition, Wembley to Miss E. Mackie, at
22 Skipper Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland - Having a great time, haven't
a minute to write. The State opening was magnificent. Did you hear Jessie is
with us? we have had great fun & the weather is perfect. ?
2) 18th July 1924 Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Mackie, Royal Ulster Hotel,
Ballywalter - Thanks for letter. Kitten is playing about & I can't get
writing. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope you are enjoying yourself.
Love to ? & ? J.
3) 18th August 1924 Postmark Croydon to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - I am having good weather for my holiday, the country around here
is looking splendid, hope you are all well, best wishes A. M. or W.?
4) 24th August 1924 Postmark Cana? to Miss Ena Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, I am up here for a vacation, this is the home,
right up in the mountains. When am I going to hear from you again. I have
given up all hope. Love Ad?
5) 5th September 1924 Postmark Middelburg to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - 5-9-24 Grand Hotel. Flushing. Holland is very
pretty & the Dutch girls in their costumes are very quaint. Its a bit of a
business trying to be understood at times, but we manage. Hope all goes
steadily at Mourne? St. Kind regards to all at 25. Yours sincerely, J. E. K.
6) 16th September 1924 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Miss Mackie, 16/24 Skipper
Street, Belfast, N. Ireland - Douglas Tuesday. This is a great place for a
holiday, we did a tour of the Island yesterday, to-day is very wet. There
aren't a great many people here now, they are leaving every day as it is
getting late. WM(?)
7) 25th October 1924 Postmark Plymouth to Miss Mackey, c/o McLaughlin & Co.,
Skipper Street, Belfast, Nor. Ireland - Enjoying trip, very hot weather. R.
M. Lyons(?)

1) 20th May 1925 Postmark Empire Exhibition Wembley Park to Miss Mackey, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland - London 20/5/25 We are having a
splendid holiday here, we have been to the service in Westminster Abbey, &
all through it, also to St. Pauls. The National Gallery, the Zoo, The Tower
of London & are going to Wembley to-day. Kind regards from Millie & Winnie
2) 7th July 1925 Postmark Bangor 'Sunset Across Bangor Bay' to Miss E.
Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a good time, lovely weather, Ena
3) 14th July 1925 Postmark Liverpool to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Dear Ena, We are having great time, the weather is lovely, no
darlings(?) Agnes
4) 20th July 1925 Postmark Dolgelle? to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Beautiful place, lovely weather, J. Boyd
5) 11th August 1925 Postmark Newcastle(?) to Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Tuesday. I am having a great time, and the weather has been
glorious. Was in bathing this morning, great sport. Hoping you are keeping
well. With love to yourself & Mr. Mackie. Lily

1) 13th August 1925 Postmark Newcastle to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Wednesday. Dear Ena, I was just going out for a picnic when your
letter arrived. Will write a letter later, just a card to wish you a good
passage, and I trust you will have a great holiday, mine is excellent. Love
Lily. Love to your Mother
2) 17th August 1925 Postmark Llandudno to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Having glorious weather here & neck is very painful as
the sun isn't strong here. There must be thousands of people here, the
strand is busy & the scenery is beautiful. We are going on a motor run
to-morrow from 10-15 a.m. to 6.20 p.m. I am sorry I am not staying longer,
Yours C.(?) Hoping your knee is keeping better.

1) 16th July 1926 Postmark Stranraer to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ulster - Having a very nice time, weather beautiful. Hope to see
you next week. Lily
2) 17th July 1926 Postmark Lancaster, Morecambe to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - We are enjoying our holiday. The weather is
splendid. Yours D. & J. Boyd
3) 15th July 1926 Postmark Bun Dubhrain to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Hamilton Hotel. The weather here is lovely. I am
sorry my time is nearly up. I will be home on Saturday. I can't say the
exact time it will be about 5 o'clock or 5-30 as it takes time to pass the
customs. I like this place very much. Yours G??
4) 27th July 1926 Postmark Stranraer? to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Stranraer Tuesday. Dear Mrs. M. We are over for a trip today, had
a nice crossing, hope you feel better of your holidays. Kindest regards J.

1) 16th September 1927 Postmark Ostende to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Irlande - Ostend. We have got this length & find the place
interesting but quiet. The scooter? is ours. We hope to see the battlefield
& a good part of Belgium before returning. I hope all at 25 are in the best
of health. Kind regards, J. E. K. Haddick
2) 23rd September 1927 Postmark Bruxelles to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Irelande - Brussels 23.9.27 We are getting along here nicely.
Weather good. Enjoying the towns. Shops fine. Battlefields very interesting.
People kind & ?. One of the watches has ceased to function - it was not any
good, cannot afford to buy one here. Hope all at 25 are well. Kind regards.
J. E. K. Haddick
3) 20th October 1927 Postmark Pittsburgh, P.A. to Miss E. Mackey, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We arrived safe after a very
rough voyage, will write again, love to all from all. Jeannie
4) 3rd November 1927 Postmark Toronto, Ontario to Master Willie Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - 3-11-27 Dear Willie, This is a nice
place, the picture on this card, I was at it today. I am going to write a
letter to you this week. Hoping you are a good boy. Lily

1) 3rd July 1928 Postmark Bangor 'Ballyholme Bay, Bangor' to Mrs. W. Mackie,
25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Granny, Having a good time, weather is
very good. Tell Antie I go out fishing every day. Willie & Ena
2) 12th July 1928 Postmark Harrogate, Yorks to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Arrived here 9-o'c this morning, we are sitting in
the gardens, they are so beautiful. The weather is glorious, hope it
continues fine & that it is the same in Ireland. Thanks awfully for coming
down last night. Love J.
3) 13th July 1928 Postmark ? to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast,
Ireland - Dear E., Just a P.C. to tell you we are having a nice time. We are
going to Wheatley this afternoon. Agnes
4) 19th July 1928 Postmark Geneva on the ???? to Miss E. Mackey, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a lovely time
here, almost 200 miles from Pittsburgh, plenty of bathing and touring round
in Brother-in-laws car. How did you get the 12th over.
5) 23rd July 1928 Postmarks Belfast & Listowel to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - 12th July. Having a good time here with
the orange order. This is a lovely place. Lily

1) 23rd August 1928 Postmark London to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a great time here. The weather is not too good.
We are on the trot all the time. Went to Windsor yesterday, & then to see
Eton College. We are going now to see the change of the Guard at St. James
Palace. We will not have time to see all the places. We are very comfortable
at the Hotel, it is very central & good food, if Willie was here, he would
enjoy it great shop. E.
2) 1928 to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - We are
spending an afternoon in this quiet little place which is very quaint &
pretty. I hope you had a very pleasant holiday in London & were able to find
your way about. Kind regards. J. E. K. Haddick

1) 10th July 1929 Postmark Wallasey to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, I am having a lovely time, wish you and Lily
were here. from Agnes
2) 14th July 1929 Postmark Windermere, Westmoreland to Miss Mackie, c/o R.
G. Laughlin & Sons, Ltd., 16/22 Skipper Street, Belfast, Ireland - Had a
nice crossing, weather beautiful, so warm & sunny. I think we will enjoy
ourselves here. The scenery here is very pretty but in my opinion not to be
compared to Killarney. Will write later. I hope you had a nice holiday. Love
?? Sunday
3) 18th July 1929 Postmark Ashtabula, Ohio to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a lovely time here. Jeannie

1) 22nd July 1929 'Queen's Parade, Bangor' to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Having a good time, hoping you are all keeping well, from
Willie & Ena J a L?
2) 23rd July 1929 Postmark Bangor 'Queen's Parade, Bangor' to Miss Mackey,
25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a nice time here, the weather has been
very good up to the present, you can expect to see me Friday week. Lizzie?

1) 26th July 1929 Postmark Ashtabula, Ohio to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We spent a couple of days here, it was a
wonderful sight, from Jeannie & Dick
2) 26th July 1929 Postmark Ashtabula, Ohio to Mr. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - We had a lovely time here. from Jean Croft
3) 5th August 1929 Postmark Niagara Falls, N.Y. to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Nth. Ireland - Niagara Falls, U.S.A. Having a
wonderful trip & weather is ideal. Willie & Lily
4) 5th August 1929 Postmark Niagara Falls, N.Y. to Master Willie Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Nrth. Ireland - U.S.A. Just a card showing I have
not forgotten you. Lily
5) 8th August 1929 Postmark Eastbourne, Sussex to Wm. Mackie, Esq., 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Eastbourne. We spent some time in London
& are having a short holiday here. It is very expensive & after all this
hard(?) wheat Ireland for health. The weather generally has been poor. My
brother(?) joins in sending you all best wishes & regards. Yours sincerely
J. E. K. Haddick
6) 16th August 1929 Postmark Folkestone, Kent to W. Mackie, Esq., 25
Limestone Road, Belfast - Have come along here for a short time. Things are
quite as expensive here as at Eastbourne. The place is quiet. Weather been
very good. Hope you are all A.1. with kind regards J. E. K. H(addick)
7) 22nd August 1929 Postmark Douglas, I.O.M. to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, North Ireland - Having a wonderful time, lovely weather. Hope
you are enjoying yourself. Jessie or Tessie

1) 1st ? 1929 Postmark Bangor 'The Ampitheatre, Marine Gardens, Bangor' to
Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Mother, I am keeping all
right, but not allowed up yet. I hope it does not be long. The Dr. did not
come yesterday, nor has he turned up to day yet. I hope you are all keeping
well, this is a lovely day here. J. M.
2) 1929 Postmark Belfast to Mr. & Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
- Dear Mrs. Mackie, I do hope you are well. I am having a lovely time here.
Sweet fellowship, glorious weather, yours lovingly M. Collins

1) 19th April 1930 Postmark Donaghadee to Mr. & Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Easter Greetings, Willie & Ena
2) 18th June 1930 Gunquit, Maine to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast,
Ireland - This is a wonderful country, and I am having a glorious time,
spent the night here. J. Boyd
3) 12th July 1930 Postmark Toronto, Ontario to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a good time here, 14 hours
journey from Pittsburg, from Jeannie
4) 16th July 1930 Postmark Vancouver, British Columbia to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - We are having a quite holiday, Hugh is
keeping better. Annie
5) 13th August 1930 Postmark Niagara Falls, Ontario to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - 12-8-30 Having a great holiday, weather
has been ideal. Will write you when I return home. Love to all, Lily
6) 21st August 1930 Postmark Montse?? to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Hope this finds you well. This is a lovely place but the weather
is dreadful. Will see you when I come home. Kindest regards F. E. H.
7) December 1930 Postmark Iona Island to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Spending the day here. J. Boyd

1) 10th July 1931 Postmark Newquay to Miss Mackie, c/o R. G.(?) Laughlin &
???? Skipper Street, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having the time of our lives
here, the weather is very warm & dry only the train journey here is very
long. 8am to 8pm. Bertie
2) 18th July 1931 Postmark Toronto, Ont. to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a lovely time in Canada,
went as far as Montreal in the car, have travelled 1500 miles already.
Jeannie, Dick, Jean
3) 24th July 1931 Postmark Forest, Ont. to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - We are spending our holidays here, and having a
good time. The sands are lovely, and go for miles along. I owe you some
letters, will write when I go home. Lily
4) 4th August 1931 Postmark Paignton, Devon to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - If you want a really good holiday stay in Ireland.
Weather here poor. Hope all are well at 25 & with kind regards from us, love
to all at home. Yours sincerely J. E. K. Haddick
5) 22nd December 1931 Postmark Orangeville, Ont. to Miss Ena Mackey, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ulster - Dear Ena, Wishing you & yours all the
Seasons Greetings. Also remember me to Agnes Jones, I've forgotten her
address, tell her to drop me a card some day. Aunt Minnie is fine & sends
best wishes to you all. Love from Ena

1) 18th May 1932 Postmark Llandudno to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Wed. My Dear Ena, Just a card to say we are having a very
nice time. Today was beautiful. I suppose you are in our house now (7.45
p.m.). This is a beautiful house & a lovely place. You will surely have to
come here on your holidays. Am not writing you a letter but hope you will
write me one. Love from Ninee? Renee?

1) 9th July 1933 Postmark Belfast 'The Pier and Lighthouse, Donaghadee' to
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a
good time at Donaghadee. Sorry I spent all my money and forgot to send you a
card until mammy came. From Willie and Ena. To Gramma and Granda
2) 19th July 1933 Postmark Aberdeen to Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Glad to hear from you, thanks so much for enclosures &
news. It is amusing about the 8d. I can understand, will write later, Love ?
3) 26th July 1933 Postmark Chateau G? to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - Chateuaguay. Dear Ena, We are having a lovely time,
plenty of bathing. Aggie wishes to be remembered to you all from Dick,
Jeannie & Jean. Jean & I. are here for 3 weeks
4) 10th August 1933 Postmark Port Erin I.O.M. to Miss Mackie, c/o Messrs.
Laughlin & Sons, Skipper Street, Belfast - Spaldrick(?) Port Erin. Hoping
this finds you well. Have had a lovely holiday here. Glorious weather. Kind
regards to all. F. E. Haddick
5) 28th August 1933 Postmark Chand Bend, Canada to Miss E. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - 25 August Having a nice time here. Hoping
all are well. I owe you a long letter now. Love from Lily

1) 19th June 1934 Postmark Montreal to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Hope you enjoyed your holidays. We are having a good
time. Jeannie, Dick, Jean
2) 10th July 1934 Postmark Portstewart to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Dear Ena, Having a lovely time, weather very hot. Tessie or
3) 14th July 1934 Postmark Londonderry to Miss Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - A lovely drive in beautiful weather. J. Boyd
4) 1st August 1934 Postmark Peel, I.O.M. to Mrs. Mackie, 24 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Mother, I arrived here safely but had a rough
voyage. I was sick and so was almost everybody else. Hoping your all well at
home and in Grandmas. Willie
5) 1st August 1934 Postmark Port Erin I.O.M. to Miss Mackie, c/o Messrs.
Laughlin, Skipper Street, Belfast - Hope this finds you well. Am having an
enjoyable time here. Weather mostly good. Best wishes. F. E. Haddick
6) 4th August 1934 Postmark Peel I.O.M. to Ena Mackie, 24 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a good time here and had a
good time at Port Erin. I hope you got home all right from the sea side and
had a good time when I was away. Willie
7) 8th August 1934 Postmark Peel, I.O.M. to Mr. J. Mackie, 24 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Father, I am having a good time here. This
is the boat we came in, hoping to see you on Friday. Willie

1) 2nd August 1935 Postmark Londonderry to Mrs. Mackie, 72 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Mother, I received your parcel this morning
safely. Hoping you are all well at home as I am here. Yours Willie
2) 10th August 1935 Postmark Southampton to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, Ireland - 11th August 19?? Am on holidays, and spending a few
days with my brother John. This picture is the church he is in charge of.
Hoping you are all well. Lily Thomson
3) 11th August 1935 Postmark Vancouver to Miss E. Mackie, 74 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Ena, How are you, it is a long time since I
heard from you, hoping you are all O.K., we are having our holidays now.
4) 23rd August 1935 Postmark London to Miss Mackie, c/o Messrs. R. G.
Laughlin & Sons, 16 Skipper Street, Belfast, N. Ireland - Fine spot is this
as the English people say it. Weather warm. Bathing all the time. Hope you
are not working too hard. Tell them all I was asking for them. George
5) 24th August 1935 Postmark Grand Bend, Ont. to Miss E. Mackie, 25
74 Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Am on holidays here & how are you, I
have not heard for a long time. Kindest regards to your mother & father,
will write later on. Yours Lily
6) 25th September 1935 Postmark Manchester to Miss Mackie, 74 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - 24/9/35 My Dear Miss M., I hope you got home
safely on Friday & was none the worse of your trip to Larne. We had a good
crossing & spent a lovely day at Blackpool & St. Anne's yesterday, back to
Liverpool last night & on to Manchester this morning, its been wet today but
maybe it will be fine tomorrow. Hope to see you soon again, trust all well,
love from J. R.(?) Ha???????
7) 30th September 1935 Postmark Chateau to Miss E. Mackie, 70 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having a lovely time here with Agnes. Jeannie,
Dick, Jean

1) 25th August 1936 Postmark Eastbourne to Miss Mackie, c/o Messrs.
Laughlin, Skipper Street, Belfast - Eastbourne 25/8/36 Am spending a holiday
here and finding it helpful. Nothing but days of glorious sunshine for over
a week now. Hope you are keeping well. Kindest regards to your father and
self. F. ? Haddick
2) 29th August 1936 Postmark South Haven, Mich. to Miss E. Mackie, 74
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Ena, Enjoying ourselves very much,
had a nice day here. Jeannie, Dick, Jean
3) 11th September 1936 Postmark Johannesburg to Miss Mackie, c/o R. S.
Laughlin & Sons, 16-22 Skipper Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland -
Johannesburg. Have had a wonderful time out here & feel so much better. Hope
you are very fit. Kindest regards S. P. Campbell
4) 14th September 1936 Postmark Glasgow to Miss Mackie, 74 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Monday. Having lovely weather here, hope you are all
well, kind regards J. H.

1) 14th July 1937 Postmark Ayr to Mr. W. Mackie, 74 Limestone Road, Belfast,
N. Ireland - Having a lovely time here, was at Edinburgh on Tuesday and saw
through the castle and other places. (Sorry I addressed your last P.C. 72
instead of 74) Yours Willie
2) 15th July 1937 Postmark Plymouth, Devon to Miss Mackie, 74 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Thursday. Having a lovely time. Plymouth is very
interesting, we arrived 9 a.m. this morg. & not leaving until to-morrow
night. We go for 12 hrs. tour to-morrow. I hope you are all right. Love ??
3) 20th August 1937 Postmark Chateau Quay Basin to Miss E. Mackie, 74
Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - We are having a wonderful time here,
saw some beautiful scenery, mountains & later face? north of Montreal.
Jeannie, Dick, Jean
4) 7th September 1937 Postmark Stranraer to Miss Mackie, 74 25
Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Just over for the day & rain has
started. When do you get your holidays, be sure & come for a day, kind
regards, hope all well, J. H.
5) 15th September 1937(?) Postmark Portrush to Miss Mackie, c/o R. G.
Laughlin & Sons, Ltd., 16/24 Skipper Street, Belfast - Seacliffe, Portrush.
We are having a fairly good home. The weather is a bit cold but not too bad.
I hope to see you all on Monday. Min. or M. M. (?)

1) 25th May 1938 Postmark London to Miss Ena Mackie, 74 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ulster - 25/5/38 Dear Miss Mackie, Arrived safe in London, this is
a very nice City. I see our old friend Mrs. Thompson, she looks well. I hope
you are well yourself, also Father. S. Mallard(?)
2) 21st June 1938 Postmark Dunoon, Argyle to Mr. W. Mackie, 74 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Abbeygreen. Tuesday. Weather very showery. A
gale raging at present, sea terrible rough. We have been unable to do any of
the sailings yet. Have to stay indoors this morning because of the storm.
Hoping you are well & Willie looking after you. Some very nice places around
here. Yours ?
3) 10th July 1938 Postmark Ayr to Mr. Mackie, 74 Limestone Road, Belfast, N.
Ireland - Granda, Having a good time here but weather not so hot. Willie
4) 11th July 1938 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. to Miss Ena Mackey, 74 Limestone
Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Ena, Having a good time, cold & no sun.
5) (see 6) July Postmark Ayr to Mr. W. Mackie, 74 Limestone Road, Belfast,
N. Ireland - Thursday. Granda, Had a great time here to-day, weather great.
Hope you are well, will be home on Saturday. If we are not home in the first
boat, we will not be home till about 3 o'clock on Sunday morning. Willie
6) 15th July 1938 Postmark Ayr to Miss E. Mackie, 74 Limestone Road,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Thursday. Auntie, Had a good time here to-day, lovely
weather but very stormy last night in camp. Don't know what time I will be
home at on Sat. So you need not come to meet me. Yours Willie
7) 19th July 1938 Postmark Moy, Dungannon to Miss Ena Mackie, 72 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Haveing a nice holiday in the country. I hope you are all
keeping well. Love from M. Collins
1) 1938 'Mourne View, Ballynahinch' to Miss Ena Mackie, 72 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Dear Ena, I am with Mrs. McIlveen in the country this week, They
are good kind to me. Thank you for your kind thought sending me your nice
P.C. I hope you are well and had a nice holiday. Yours lovingly M. O'C(?)

1) 24th May 1939 Postmark San Francisco to Miss Mackie, 22 Skipper Street,
Belfast, Northern Ireland - San Francisco Calif. 24th/5/39. Glad to know you
are O.K. and have your Father at home for company. The Fair is very lovely
and so interesting. Have been over twice and going again next week. It would
really take weeks to see it all. There is a real Gold Mine, was through it,
??????? Hope you will have a nice ? ? ? kind regards and love to Jeanie. M.

1) 27th August 193? Postmark Chateauguay Basin to Miss E. Mackie, 74
Limestone Road, Belfast, Ulster, N. Ireland - Dear Ena, We are having a
great time, travelled 1300 miles from Pittsburg to National Park, Quebec,
saw some wild bears. Jeannie Dick & Jean

1) 13th July 1943 Postmark ? to Miss E. Mackie (Sen.), 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Belfast - Ganaway. Monday. Thanks very much for the sweets you left me, we
are enjoying them very much. We can only get minerals in camp. We paraded to
Ballywalter to church on Sunday morning. We are having the usual July
weather, but between showers it is not too bad. Will be home on Saturday.

1) 14th August 1945 Postmark Bournemouth, Poole to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, Ulster - Tuesday. We came over here today, have had a very
nice time. The wedding was very nice, we left London on Sunday last for
Vinewood(?) near here. All the news later, I feel fine. J. N.(?)

1) 16th September 1947 Postmark Sligea to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Antrim Road, Belfast, N.I. - Sligo, Tuesday. We came over here this morning,
a lovely day now after the rain. All the folks were asking about you and
Francis talks all the time of her books & you. The house is making some
progress but they don't hurry too much over things. Hope all well, kind
regards J. A. H.
2) 27th November(?) 1947 Postmark Slige?? to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, N. I. - Monday 26th. We have had a very pleasant time
since coming here, our place is about 2 miles out from Killybegs in view of
sea but right in the heart of the hills, its very pleasant with so many
Spring flowers in bloom at present. We have had a few nice ???? but did not
go down south. Mother has got a bit ????? Hope to see you some time soon.
Hope all well, kind regards Ja? H.
3) November 1947 Postmark Buxton, Derbyshire to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Antrim Road, Belfast, N.I. - We are having a nice holiday, out at
Buxton today, its a nice place and sun is shining. J. & G. are both looking
very fit & ?. call soon. Love J. A. H.

1) 18th August 1948 Postmark ? Stamp Eire to Mr. & Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, N. Ireland - Wednesday. We are having a great time here.
The weather is extra good and the food great. Hotel very comfortable. I
think you would enjoy a holiday down here. Willie
2) 17th September 1948 Postmark Jersey to Mr. Billy Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, N. Ireland - 17-9-48 Dear Billy, Arrived on Monday night
and having a great time. The weather and grub are very good, and we're hard
at it, doing nothing. I'll be home on Sunday week. (26th) Brian
3) 21st October 1948 Postmark Bailie Atha Cliath to Miss Mackie, 54
Rosemount Gardens, Antrim Road, Belfast, N.I. - Dublin, Thursday. We came
here for a short holiday & have had lovely weather, a fine change from the
Donegal quietness. Hope all well. Kind regards, J. A. H.

1) 5th April 1949 Postmark ? Stamp Eire to Miss E. Mackie (Sen.) 54
Rosemount Gardens, Belfast, N. Ireland - Tuesday. We are having a lovely
time in Arklow. Came down yesterday from Dublin. Weather to-day is not bad,
cold but dry. It is very quiet here, just a few visitors. See you on
Saturday. Willie & Doreen
2) 11th July 1949 Postmark Ballantrae to Miss Ena Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, N. Ireland - Sunday. Just in here for a run. It is a
beautiful evening. Glorious scenery, rather like coast road. Billy & Doreen
3) 20th July 1949 Postmark Chateaugua? to Miss E. Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ulster, N. Ireland - Enjoying our holidays
very much. The Crofts
4) 15th October 1949 Postmark Sligeach to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Antrim Road, Belfast, N. I. - 15.10.49 We are across to Sligo today, its
nice & Sunny now but was very wet earlier. Hope all well with you, will call
sometime soon when we get back again! Busy getting potatoes in. Kind regards
J. A. H.

1) 1 June 1950 Postmark Oban, Argyll to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Antrim Road, Belfast, N. I. - 1/6/50 at Oban. Have just reached this lovely
spot, spent yesterday around the Trossacks(?), scenery is magnificent &
weather glorious. We hope to reach the north of S. by weekend. Having a
lovely holiday & enjoying every bit of it. kind regards J. H.(?)
2) 19th July 1950 Postmark ? Stamp Canada to Miss E. Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Belfast, Ulster, N. Ireland - Here we are again visiting Agnes and
having a wonderful time. Will have a lot to tell you. Jeannie & Dick

1) 26th May 1951 Postmark Gai??imh to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Antrim Road, Belfast, N.I. - Galway 26.5.51 We reached here last night on
way to Killarney, its a very nice city & we are enjoying the sun, both feel
fine, I hope your folks are keeping better. Love J. A. H.
2) 29th May 1951 Postmark Portamna to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Antrim Road, Belfast, N.I. - at Portamna 29.5.51 We have had a very nice run
around, Killarney is a beautiful spot. Kind regards, J. A. H.
3) 4th September 1951 Postmark Menton, Alpes to Mlle. E. Mackey, 54
Rosemount Gardens, Belfast, Irlande du Nord - Arrived on the Riviera on
Sunday. Wonderful weather so far. Everywhere here has the appearance of
travel films. Stay here will be short but experience has been worthwhile.
Very best wishes & greetings, Reggie

1) 13th May 1970 Postmark Rath Maolan to Miss E. Mackie, 54 Rosemount
Gardens, Antrim Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Enjoying the holiday and weather
has improved. Hope you are all well. J. C.

1) 14th July 1972 Postmark Kilrea to Mrs. J. Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens,
Belfast - Weather good except for Wed. Having a nice time. See you all soon.
A. Colgan
2) 17th August 1972 Postmark Bournemouth, Poole to Mrs. A. Colgan & Family,
53 Rosemount Gardens, Belfast - Dear All, Thanks a lot for your letter, will
write soon with the money. We're down here for the week & having a good
rest. Love Ronnie & Merd(?)

1) 16th July Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Mackie, Shore Cottage, Cloughfin,
Islandmagee 'Kilmore Presbyterian Church Lecture Hall' - Dear Ena, Glad to
get your PC & to know you were on holidays but sorry you are not getting
good weather. What about your foot? I hope it is better long ago. My brother
is up here from Dublin on his holidays, He, Mother & I were in Bangor
yesterday & would have sent you a card from there but hadn't your address
with me. We are all fine, hope you & all your people are ditto. Don't know
when I will see you but hope I will soon. Excuse PC but it's all I have.
Hope the weather will keep up until you get back, Yours Ni???
2) Postmark Bangor 'Bangor, Co. Down, From Amphitheatre' to Miss Ena Mackey,
25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Monday. I am spending the day down here looking
out for my farmer with the money. Maude

1) Postmark Bangor 'Yachting at Bangor, Co. Down' to Mr. J. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast - It is beautiful here to-day, Martha
2) Postmark Bangor 'Ward Park, Bangor' to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Dear Granmother & Granda, this is wher I swim my boat every night
and I go every day for a baith, having a good time. Willie

1) 3rd August Postmark Bangor 'Marine Gardens, Bangor' to Miss Mackay, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast - Haveing lovely weather. Will be home DV on Friday,
love to you all
2) 15th July Postmark Groomsport ' The Ward Park, Bangor' to Mrs. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a grand time. Weather a bit showery. J.

1) 17th July Postmark Bangor 'The Military Hospital, Bangor' to Miss E.
Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a good time.
2) 17th August Postmark Bangor 'The Hill, Groomsport' to Mrs. Wm. Mackie, 25
Limestone Road (25 Limestone Road) Belfast - Dear Mother & Father, We
arrived safely & caught the 12.55 train & was in Bangor @ 1.40. It is
raining a little but we are going out the same. I trust it will keep fine.
Yours Ena

1) July Postmark Bangor 'On the Sands, Bangor' to Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone
Road, Belfast - Dear Mother, Having a good time, the weather was not very
good on Sunday, hope you are all keeping well. There are a great crowd of
people here, they are mostly Scotch people. I hope Father's neck is better.
J. M.
2) Happy Birthday - 71 Vernon Street. I wish you many happy returns of your
birthday. A. Maguire
3) Madam, I beg to state that I never had the honour of hearing you sing
Star of Peace, neither in the Limestone version nor Port Sunlight version,
and am therefore unable to answer your esteemed inquiry (no extra charge for
these big words) I note the spelling, and won't forget. We had a man in the
office who calls himself Mac-Kie (accent on the Kye) and spells it Mackay,
and the manager of the sunlight factory at Lille, France, is a Macchi (Mac
Kye again). He has a nice French brogue. I think he changed the spelling
when he emigrated from 25, which he said was the noisiest place outside the
island [was he thinking of gramophones] I don't suppose you wd. swop
places with the lady on the other side, I hope she's insured.
4) 4th August to Mr. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland -
Dear Granda, We are having a good time here with good weather and not much
rain. We were at Port Erin yesterday visiting the 23rd Scouts camp and had a
great time. I hope your all well at home. Willie

1) also see above (3) postcard - With all the papers talking of Princess
Ena, you will be proud of your name, which is short and sweet, as mine would
be if it was Jam instead of James. I am proud too, because I have just heard
Star of Peace sung & played by the man who wrote it years & years ago. I
send you his photo, and if he comes to Belfast be sure you see him. He
played the Port Sunlight version, as murdered by Martha and Minnie, the tune
which I introduced to the Limestone. Lever Brothers are thinking of bringing
out a toilet soap names ENA. Let us hope they have the sense to do that. One
of their managers thought of it. They would sell it in Spain and at No. 25.
Mr. Jude was in the Grosvenor Hall some time ago. If I have spelt your name
wrongly please drop me a postcard & say so and I will have another try at
it. Miss Mackay, Mackie, Mackey
2) 11th September Postmark Bangor to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Dear Ena, Having a nice quiet time, the weather is not to bad,
hoping you are all well. Lizzie
3) Mr. Mackie, 74 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Granda & Uncle? I am having
a good time here. Yours Willie
4) Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Ena, Having a ????
time, the weather is not to bad, hope your Mothers cold is keeping better.
Love Lizzie

1) 21st July Postmark Donaghadee 'War Memorial and Promenade, Donaghadee' to
Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Gramma and
Granda, We are having a good time here with good weather. I hope you are all
well at home. Willie
2) 21st July Postmark Donaghadee 'Promenade, Donaghadee' - Miss E. Mackie,
25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Auntie, Having a good time & keeping well.
I hope you are keeping all right. Ena

1) 12th July Postmark Donaghadee 'The Promenade, Donaghadee' to Miss E.
Mackie, 74 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland - Dear Auntie, We are
enjoying ourselves. Hope Granda and you are both well. I will be home on
Saturday after dinner time and will do all messages. Mammy and Ena
2) 6th July 'The Esplanade, Bangor' to Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Some weather at Bangor

1) 'The Clan Mackay' Miss Ena Mackie ~ You should be pleased to know that
the Mackays are a crowned race, supported by the Army, and best of all, have
"A Brave Hand" J. McD.
2) 13th July ???3 Postmark Dungannon? to Miss McKay, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Haveing a lovely time here, beautiful Country, Best of Good
Friends. Love to Mother and all your loved ones. Yours M. C.
3) Miss Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, Ireland - Saturday. Was it D.
Rainey Pomeroy? I really have not the faintest idea as I simply have not a
minute these days, did Fitzsimmons pay. & Ballybofey people write, Kindest
regards J. C. 12 Elmers Drive
4) 13th July Postmark B?? Cualann to Miss Mackey, c/o Messrs. Laughlin,
Skipper Street, Belfast - Hotel Esplanade, Bray. Having a lovely time.
Weather dull but good. Love from F. E. Haddick
5) Vancouver. Dear Ena, Just a P.C. in answer to your welcome letter, we are
having a nice time here, lovely weather. Kenneth is fairly enjoying himself,
he go in with his daddy to swim every morning, he just loves the water. We
are going to Seattle in the States for two weeks, I will write you a long
letter when I get home again. Hope you enjoyed your holidays, sincerely
yours Annie Hume
6) Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having nice time, lovely
weather, been through here. Agnes
7) 20th August Postmark ? to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - I
am spending my holidays this year with my Sister at Could??, the weather is
good here. I will call to see you when I get back. AM
8) Postmark London to Miss Mackie, G. R. G. Laughlin & Sons, Ltd., Skipper
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Some fun I expect our King's visit. Hope you are
not too overworked. I got gloves & letter, thanks very much. I wrote Miss
Miller this morning, she will probably give you the news, with kindest
regards ?

1) 3rd September Postmark ? to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast,
Ireland - We are having a few days around here. Wembley is a wonderful
place. We went across to Holland and had a very nice time there. The Dutch
towns were a treat. I hope all goes well at Marine? ?? Kind regards to a;;.
Yours sincerely J. E. K. Haddick
2) 7th August Postmark ? to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast,
Ireland - Beaulieu, Still? Tce., Llandudno. We are having a quiet time here
and good weather. Watch is doing A.1. & am glad to have it. Hope all at 25
are in good health also Master Willie. Kind regards J. E. K. Haddick
3) 19th August to Mrs. Wm. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland -
Having a very nice time, the weather is still nice, I hope your knee is
keeping alright. I will be leaving here on Friday night & will get into
Liverpool about 9 p.m. to catch the 10 o'clock boat. We are going out now
for a tram run to Colwyn. Was round the shops this morning. E(?)
4) Miss Mackie, c/o Messrs. R. G. Laughlin & Sons, 16 skipper Street,
Belfast, N. Ireland - Weather very warm, all on board having a fine time,
bathing all the time. George
5) Wm. Mackay, Esq., 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, Irelande - We are spending
portion of our holiday here. It is just like all our sea-side places as you
can see, only it is in Belgium. Hope you are all well, with kind regards
from my brother & self. Yours sincerely J. E. K. Haddick
6) Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Ennie, You will think I
have forgotten you all but I intended being up before this but I will wait a
few weeks more till the weather gets fine. Willie wants you to come down on
your Easter Holidays to stop with us. I will be up before that, with love
from all to your Father, Mother, Jamsie & yourself. I remain L. Bruckey? or
7) Postmark Bundoran? to Miss Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens, Belfast, Ulster
- Bundoran, Tuesday. We have all had a lovely holiday here, weather was
good. Hope all well. Kind regards J. A. H.
8) Postmark Ayr to Mr. & Miss Mackie, 72 Limestone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland
- Having a great time. Lovely weather. Willie
9) 30th January 19?8 Postmark Govan? to Mr. W. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ulster - Just a P.C. hoping this finds you in the Pink and busy
every day. My coat is quite alright, the worst part now is getting it
filled, best love to all. Annie

1) Postmark Govan to Miss E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Friday.
Dear Ena, Yours received today, glad to know that you are keeping in the
pink as this leaves me same, will write you later, love to all, Yours Annie
2) Postmark Govan to Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast, Ulster -
Thursday. Dear Aunt, How are you getting on this weather, plenty of shopping
I suppose, I am glad to know that Elen is working again, I am perfectly sure
that she was fed up. I had a letter this morning from home and they have
brought Mother downstairs. She must be worse perhaps, I will take a run over
for the weekend. Send us all the news by return. Annie
3) Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Ena, Glad to hear of your
safe arrival, thanks very much for your nice present, love to Mother &
Father & James. I will have a young lady from Glasgow for a fortnight so I
will be busy, L. B.
4) Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Ena, will suit me all
right, hopping you will come. Yours L. B.
5) Postmark The Maze, Lisburn to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
- c/o Mrs. Nelson, Thornbrook, Maze, Lisburn. Dear Miss M., I came down here
on Sat. & will D.V. be staying until next Sat. The other week I am taking in
August. I hope the weather will be good. Sat & Sunday were perfect, but
there was a good deal of rain this morning, although it is over about 2
hours. Hope you & all are quite well. What about Miss Mackey? I was sorry I
didn't get calling but I wasn't up in Lizzie's since. Yours Ninee(?)
6) Postmark Belfast to Mr. W. Mackey, Messrs. J. P. Corry, Prince's Dock
Joinery Works, Corporation Street, Belfast - Hope when you get home from
your holiday she will have your socks off, great need of them Anna Bella
???? yours Coffee
7) 22nd July Postmark Sligo to Miss Mackie, c/o Surgers(?) Victoria Street,
Belfast - Thursday morning. Dear Miss M., Hope you don't feel to bad after
your holidays. I'm having a nice time & of course am behaving myself just as
if you were here to look after me. Don't work too hard. kind regards ?am
8) June Postmark Banbridge to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - I
suppose you had a great day on Thurs. Was very wet here on that day but now
it couldn't be nicer, am enjoying myself tip top, only sorry I am coming
home so soon. Hoping to see you soon. Martha
9) 4th September Postmark Hull to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast, Ireland - 323 Holderness(?) Road, Hull. Dear Miss Mackie, Hope you
will like this P.C., could not write before, mislaid your address. Hope you
are well, glad to see you any time you come to England. Kindest regards from
Mr. R. & myself. Shall be pleased to hear from you, yours truly E. Rollings

1) 16th July Postmark Whitehead to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Coronation House, Whitehead. Having a lovely time, great number of
people down here. I hope you are all well, warmest wishes to you all, love
from M. C.
2) 1st March Postmark Newcastle-Tyne to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - Dear Ena, Just P.C. to let you I am well. I would ? ? ? I will
soon be down, with love to all R. G.
3) Miss Ena Mackay, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - I am having a rare old
time, hope you are practicing for Tuesday. Best wishes, N. Simpson
4) Mr. Wm. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - I hope when your are like
the old country Chap you won't be ploughing the fields. M. O.
5) 30th December to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - If you
were here. I could give you plenty of snowballs, the place is covered.
Wishing you a very happy New Year, N. Simpson
6) Mrs. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear Ennie, arrived in Florence
Court safe, all well, hopping to be back some day this week. Willie enjoying
himself well, hopping all are well in Belfast, with love to all L. Bracken
7) Mrs. R. Morton(?), 76 Marine Street, Corporation Street, Belfast, Co.
Antrim - Dear Rosie, Expect to be back in town some day this week, hopping
you are well, with love to all L. B.
8) Mr. James Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a rare old time,
hoping you are doing the same. Yours James M.?

1) Postmark Larne to James Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear James,
You can come down to morrow on the same train or any train that day. There
is room for you. Having a grand time. Ena
2) Miss R. Morton, 76 Marine Street, Belfast - Dear Rosie, I intend being
home on tomorrow Saturday. Bill's Father & Mother both dead. Will go by the
half five in Belfast, hoping you are well. L. Bracken(?)
3) Postmark Birk? to Mrs. Mackay, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - It is well
Mrs. 26 is not here to break up the happy homes and carry away the fancy
gables. J. McD. (Posted where You See)
4) Postmark New Ferry ? to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast -
Cronje buys a Norse. see you don't fall out with the horse dealer more than
twice a day.
5) Postmark Belfast to Miss Ena Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear
Ena, I am having a good time down here, the weather is splendid. I wish I
was stopping another week. Kindest regards Maude
6) Postmark Ballywalter to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast -
Ballywalter, Friday. To-day is a little showery, but on the whole the
weather has been lovely. I will be home tomorrow night. We had a lovely bake
a short time ago & have just finished dinner. Hoping you are all keeping
well. Love from E?
7) Postmark Birk? to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Cronje
now wishes he had bought the motor instead. Honk Honk
8) Jas. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
9) Postmark Whitehead to Miss Ena Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear
Ena, I am enjoying myself well. Maud

1) Postmark Bundoran to E. Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
2) 20th July ? The Maze, Lisburn to Miss Ena Mackie, 25 Limestone Road,
Belfast - c/o Mrs. Nelson, Broomhedge, Moira. Dear Miss M. I am down here on
holiday since Tuesday last. The weather has been lovely & I am having a nice
time. Hope it will continue. I have next week as well, but intend to go home
Tuesday or Wed. Have seen you a few times lately when passing the shop. I
hope your Mother & you are quite well. Love from Ninee??? Niell???
3) Miss M. McCallum, 27 Limestone Road, Belfast - Having a splendid time at
Larne. Hoping you are having the same. M.
4) Postmark Carrickfe? to Miss Ena Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast -
Sorry to say the Chestnuts are not ripe yet. Country life is fine indeed,
yours truly James Magill
5) Postmark Ballycarry Station to Mrs. W. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
- Monday. I am enjoying myself down here, the weather is a bit stormy today.
Ena was out doing messages with her basket. We intend going to the Gobbins
tomorrow. Maude
6) Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Dear
Emma, I want to see will you come to Cultra(?) tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Rosina
7) Mrs. Brownrigg, Launceston, Australia
8) Miss L. Forbes, Launceston, Australia
9) Dec. 2 C.M.S. D shogbo Via Lagos, W. Africa - Dear Mrs. Mackie, I wish to
thank you very much for your kind gift of Handkerchiefs & beads & cards &
also your friends parcel. I found them all most useful indeed. I had a nice
voyage out & am now on my way to above place Shogbo; I will write you later
on, Wishing you all a Very Happy Xmas. C. Jebb

1) Postmark Upperlands(?) to Mr. Jamie Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast -
Dear James, Best wishes for the season, from H. Kernahan
2) Postmark Larne Harbour(?) to Miss Ena Mackey, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast
- Having a splendid time, nice weather, Maud
3) 7th August Postmark Belfast to Miss E. Mackie, c/o Mrs. Joughin, 6 Crosby
Terrace, Broadway, Douglas, I.O.M. - Received your P.C.'s and glad to hear
you are enjoying yourself, you need not come home except you hear that the
boats are going to be stopped but I don't think they will. A Robins was
married in St. James yesterday morning in great style, don't forget to bring
me my present no matter what it costs. Don't forget to enjoy yourself. Love
from all, Mother
4) 27th July 191? Postmark Sligo to Miss Mackie c/o Singers, 46 Victoria
Street, Belfast - Dear Miss M. Thanks for P.C., Sorry I have not a ? ?
handy, don't worry ? things, but just make the best of it & after all, it
may not be sp bad as you think. I'm not worrying in the least. So be good
until I return, kind regards until then, yours Jam(?)
5) My Dear Mother, We are having an enjoyable time, Willie is very big and
Lorra is very nice and Hedley Brownrigg is the best of them all. We have
grand weather and we were at the Bank Head yesterday. Mrs. Bracken says for
to come up some day and send us word and bring Ellen with you. from J. ?
6) From M. Marshall to Mrs. Mackie
7) Mrs. Mackie, 25 Limestone Road, Belfast - Grandma, I am having a good
time, hope you are well, Willie
8) Miss E. Mackie, 54 Rosemount Gardens, Belfast 15 - Enjoying the holiday
here, although the weather is v. broken, J. C.
the end |