1907, July Postmark Ballymena to Mr. Nathaniel Harper, Ballyloughen,
Ballymena from Minnie or Winnie, 56 Pembroke College, Donnybrook

1908, 3rd February Postmark Philadelphia to Mr. Nath Harper,
Ballyloughan, Ballymena, Co. Antrim from J. McMullan, 3501 Frankford Avenue,

1909, 16th July Postmark Londonderry to Mr. Nath. Harper,
Ballyloughan, Ballymena from W. H.
1909, 16th August Postmark Londonderry 'Slattery's Mounted Fut' There
is a page of hist'try that still remains uncut, that tells the martial story
of the 'Slattery's Mounted Fut' ~ Percy French. to Mr. Nath Harper,
Ballyloughan, Ballymena from W. H. - Sorry to see that you were again 'also
ran', better luck next time. I was going to ask you for the loan of your rig
for a 16 mile road race here on Thursday night but changed my mind. I will
be home on Friday weather permitting so I hope to see you winning the ½
mile. Best respects to Arthur & yourself

1909, 16th August Postmark Ballymena to Mr. N. Harper, Springwell
Street, Ballymena, Ireland
1909, 22nd October Postmark Carnlough to Mr. Nat Harper, Springwell
Street, Ballymena from R. D.
1909, 22nd October Postmark Carnlough to Mr. Nat Harper, Ladies'
Tailor, Springwell Street, Ballymena from "Cogrosco"

1910? 15th September Postmark Belfast - Royal Avenue, Belfast to Mr.
Nat Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena from ? mention of Willie
1910, October Postmark Ballymena to Mr. N. Harper c/o Mrs. Greer, Bay
View, Carnlough from Sarah Jane

1911, 18th Dec.? Postmark Exhibition B. O. M? to Mr. Nat Harper, 7
Springwell Street, Ballymena, Ireland. Mention of Science Railway

1913 15th August - Postmark Portrush - Ramore Head, Portrush to Mr.
Nat Harper, 7 Springwell Street, Ballymena from Gida? c/o Miss or Mrs. Kerr,
4 Upper Victoria Street, Portrush
1913, 29th August Postmark Paisley to Mr. Nat Harper, Springwell
Street, Ballymena, Ireland from Gai??
1920, 26th May Postmark illegible but assume its from Limerick to Mr.
N. Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim from ? (Perseyvan Kylo
at Kells?)
1921, 13th January Postmarks Ballymena & Tipperary to Mr. N. Harper,
Springwell Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim
Hello old boy, Any word of the big day? Hurry up, I'll go there for it.
(There's no Flies on the Beer at Tipperary)
Lift up the Booze - please don't refuse, And here's to our next meeting,
While in behind some views you'll find, And I send my hearty greeting.
1928, 6th July Postmark Thonon les Bains to Miss M. Esler, Cushenden
Road, Ballymena, Ireland from A. E. Todd?

1935, 29th June Postmark Margate, Kent to Mrs. S. Webb, 41 Brownlow
Terrace?, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from T. W.
1935, 6th October Postmark London to Mr. A. Martin, 99 Dunlambert
Drive, Belfast, N. Ireland

1936, 11th July Postmark Leicester to Mrs. A. Webb, 41 Brownlow
Terrace, Lurgan, N. Ireland from C.B.
1936, 22nd October Postmark Gravesend, Kent to Mr. or Mrs. (James)
Cassell, c/o Mrs. Bosen?, 3 London ?, Maidstone, Kent from L. Baxter?

1938, 3rd January Postmark London to Mrs. T. (Sue) Webb, 143 Victoria
Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland
1938, 5th June Postmark Southend on Sea, Essex to Mrs. T. Webb, 143
Victoria Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland
1938, 25th June Postmark Margate, Kent to Mrs. T. Webb, 143 Victoria
Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland

1939, 25th August Postmark Birmingham to Mrs. L. Webb, 143 Victoria
?, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from Ethel? mention of Jack

1950, 21st July Postmark Edinburgh to Master B. Webb, 143 Victoria
Street, Lurgan, Ulster from Sammy

1951, 11th July Postmark Portrush to Miss Betty Webb, c/o Mrs.
Madill, 58 Seacliff Road, Bangor from Olive. Mention of Johnny & Maurice
1951, 14th August Postmark Whetstone? to Miss B. Webb, 143 Victoria
Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from Hettie

1952, 15th July Postmark Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh Cole Monuments to
Mrs. J. Webb, 143 Victoria Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh from Betty
1952 Postmark Torquay, Devon to Mr. William Webb, Victoria Street,
Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from Willie
Postcards date illegible or no date
To Mr. Nat Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim from M. C.

Postmark Leicester to Mr. Th? Webb, 41 Brownlow Terrace, Lurgan, N.
Ireland from C.
To Mr. T. Webb, Brownlow Terrace, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N.I. - I am
sending you a cutting from to-nights paper, and I think if you write to the
address mentioned, you will certainly get a start; as it is a very big job,
please let me know how you fare, it is a trade union job. ? Hamilton
Postmark Gravesend, Kent to Mrs. T. Webb, 41 Brownlow Terrace,
Lurgan, Co. Antrim

To Mr. Nat Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland from J.
6th October to Mr. N. Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim,
Ireland from M. Fisher (New York)
24th August Postmark Glasgow to Mr. N. Harper, Springwell Street, Ballymena,
Co. Antrim, Ireland

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