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Graham - McAloney - McIlveen


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1) 25th May 1907 Postmark Sydenham to Miss D. Schlund, Sydenham Hill House, Sydenham S.E. - dear dorothy thank you ofly for your mice post card, miss berosogal came to tea hear on thursday good bye from Grace
2) 25th December 1907 Postmark Portadown to Miss L. McIlveen, Carryduff, Belfast - Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Bright & prosperous New Year. Annie


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1) 28th October 1908 Postmark Forest Gate to Miss L. McIlveen, Carryduff, Belfast, Ireland - Have got a nice soft job for the winter. Sitting beside a good fire all day at the Royal Albert Dock. I am Registrar's clerk - one of the best winter jobs in the Service. Have got a free pass on Great Western Railway between R. A. Dock and Custom House, J. McA.
2) 28th October 1908 Postmark Victoria Docks to Miss L. McIlveen, Carryduff, near Belfast - When I came home this evg. Uncle W. was here. Getting half day tomorrow and going to Franco Boat Exhib. Like change well. not much to do. J. McA.


1) 17th June 1909 Postmark Forest Gate to Miss L. McIlveen, Carryduff, Belfast - Yes, I've started making my own now. It isn't any cheaper. I went to the White City that Friday. It isn't completed yet. Canada and Australia are not represented - authorities wanted too much money. Japan has taken the whole show over for next year for £150,000. Jim


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1) 2nd September 1910 Postmark Belfast to Mr. McAloney, 93 University Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast  "To Willie From Liz with best love" -Hello Bil, you missed the train last night. How are you feeling. Blow it on me? The tyre is staying up nicely this morning. Are you going to the Country to-night, I suppose if it keeps dry. Au Revoir till to-morrow, with love xxxx Liz
2) "Longing to See You" (no date but address fits here) to Mr. W. McAloney, 93 University Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Willie, Isn't this a nice P.C. that is why I'm sending it to you. I wouldn't like to have to wait as long the picture, I guess I'd be tired. It is a nice day so far. Au Revoir Billy till to-morrow night. with best love Liz x  Hope your tiredness had disappeared. L.


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1) 7th July 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee - Friday Evg.  Dear Biddy, I received your letter this morning, I am afraid I could not catch the 1-35 train but will try and get the 2-30. Hope this weather will last. With love Billy xxx  am posting this on my way up to No. 14.
2) 17th July 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee, Co. Down - My Dear Liz, I arrived home safely on Sat night. Am living by myself for a day or two, Mother has gon to country & Bert to Edinburgh. It is looking much brighter, I think the rain is away. With best love Bill xxx  Hope you are A1
3) 19th July 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee, Co. Down - My Dear Liz, I received your P.C. from Bangor this morn., hope you had a good day. Mother asks me to tell you that she will go down tomorrow (Thursday) by 10-35 train. I was sorry to hear that your Mother was unwell, I hope she is allright again. with love Bill xxx  Not long to Sat. now.

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1) 4th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee, Co. Down - My Dear Liz, I received your very welcome letter tonight, glad to hear you are A1. Was up at No. 14 got your note, you can fulfill your wish on Sat., I wish it was Sat. not long now only another day and a half. Am feeling very lonely without you this week. With best love Bill xxxxx  Hope the weather improves before Sat. Henry VIII I am.
2) 8th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee, Co. Down - My Dear Liz, I was sorry to here from Archie that you were not feeling very well yesterday. Hope the No- have done you a lot of good, and that you are feeling A1 today. I arrived home safely yesterday, I think Mother is going down tomorrow, then I will be left all alone, with best love Bill xxx  Ask Liz if there is any word of another tempest?
3) 11th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee, Co. Down - My Dear Liz, This is surely lovely sea side weather, hope it will be like this tomorrow, I will not be able to get down before the 3-20 train. Hope you are all having a good time. I am going up now to No. 14 to give the flowers some water. with love Bill xxx
4) 17th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee - My Dearest Liz, I received your very welcome letter today at dinner time, many thanks for such a long one. Mother has gone away to the country & left me all along again. I think I will soon have to advertise for a house keeper, but I believe I know where I could get one, (dont you). I was down at Holywood all night last night with an old "tart." Not long to Sat now dear, I am afraid I will have to come home on Sat. night (9-45) with love Bill xxx  I suppose you are nearly scorched with the sun.
5) 18th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee - Dear Liz, You may expect me down on the 2-30 train tomorrow. I am in a hurry out to the country, now I have to be in at G.N.R. for 9 o'c to meet my cousin from Dublin. with love Bill xxx
6) 30th August 1911 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 50 Shore Street, Donaghadee - My Dear Liz, I was very glad to here from Archie today that you are keeping better. I hope the weather will keep fine, and that you may get home safely. Only another day and I will see you, have not to wait to Sat this week. with love Bill xxx  Saw the New Moon this evg., did you?


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1) 12th January 1912 Postmark Vancouver "Would you care to kiss a mug like me?" to W. McAloney, Esq., 43 South Parade, Belfast, Ireland - Vancouver  11/1/12  Many thanks for private xmas card received on the 6th Jany. it is rather a pretty card. I got quite a few xmas cards after the new year, mails all through other on account of snow up on the Prairie we have 6 to 12 inches of slush on streets luckly? just snow.?
2) January or June or July 1912 (address fits) Postmark Donaghadee to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Hello dear Bil, I will be up to-morrow by the 4.25 train if possible. Mrs. W. is coming in from Bangor but I don't care. Hope you got home safely on Sat. night & nothing the worse after the walk, I was a bit tired on Sun. morn., with best love Biddy xxx see you later Bil.
3) 2nd August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - 2/8/12  My Dear Liz, Received your very welcome letter today, glad to here you got down safely. You may look for me off the 4-30 train. Hope it will be dry and a bit warmer. With much love Bill xxx
4) 12th August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - 12/8/12  My Dear Liz, I have got started to work again, this was one of the longest days I have ever had, I thought 1 oc was never going to come. Had nearly ten minutes to wait on train, would have had time to take another cup. I only wish I were with my own Darling again. With all my Love. Willie xxxx

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1) 14th August 1912 (address fits) Postmark Belfast to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Bil, We have arrived in B'walter, lovely day, trying to get red roses from your D'Dee Biddy Tart xxx (laughs)
2) (address fits) to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - My Darling Billy, Will you bring me a C. Cake to-morrow or Wed? I forgot to ask you last night, Mrs. D. is coming over on Wed. & I would like if you could possibly get it even at dinner time on Wed. would do. Thought I would have seen you at 6 but wasn't out only to post this, isn't it an awful day (poor Cissy) the men were to be there at 9 oc didn't come to after 12, haven't finished yet & it is almost 6 oc. You might buy another tooth paste dear please for William. Au Revoir darling. with all my love & kisses Biddy Liz xxxxxxx  such writing

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1) 15th August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - My Dear Liz, I have got another day in, cheer up sat. will soon be hear. I think I got better weather last week than this has been so far. Have you had a bathe yet? it is now 7-29 oc and almost dark, Cissy Martin was married yesterday. With much love Willie xxx
2) 23rd August 1912 Postmark Whitehead to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - My Dear Willie, I hope you came in again last night from the country because it has been a fearful night or morning. Mother wakened me this morning at a quarter to five after she had lain for dear knows the time, it was something dreadful then, it was all in the back, our window was open at the top & bottom & the blind was just wringing & there was a pool of water on the floor & the scullery or rather the wee passage at the door was swimming, there was a regular tempest as Lizzie used to say. It hasn't improved much yet only the storm is down; we haven't been out for so far to-day, won't likely be only to the post dear, maybe it will have rained itself out before to-morrow. I hope it will anyway don't you darling. I set the alarm for six but didn't get up when I saw the weather. Please Bil, will you bring a box of Oatcakes Paterson 1 more. Au Revoir dearest with all my love Liz xxxxxxxxx
3) 27th August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - 26/8/12  My dear Liz, I am just home from the station with mother. She says if tomorrow (Tuesday) is fine she will take a run down to see you by the 2-55 oc train. She is looking well after her holiday. Weather not too bad today, did you get a dip dear? was in good time for train. have done very little work today, with love Bill xxxxxx  Have just received your P.C. Do you ken this P.C.
4) 28th August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - Lisburn  My Dear Liz, This is where I am now, hope to be with you before this P.C. This is a lovely morn, hope it will keep fine. Am going to catch the train now. with love Willie xxxx
5) August 1912 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, Castlechester, Whitehead, Co. Antrim - My Dear Liz, Was in good time for train this morn, have had a very good day, (not in weather). I think it was worse than yesterday. Was in with Mr. McB. got a good order from him. My back is feeling a lot better today, wish I had you dearest to rub it for me tonight. Any word from Mrs. H. yet? This time next week I will not be feeling so lonely, much love Billy xxx
6) probably August and 1912 (address fits) Postmark Whitehead? to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - My Dear Willie, We are just in from having a walk, it is 20 to 10. I wonder what my own darling is doing at this minute, I'll know to-morrow night anyway. Did you see who it was that the accident happened to, it must have been a smash, I wouldn't fancy being those girls. Cheer up. Au Revoir with all my love Liz xxxxxx  The last two lines are unnessecary.
7) 30th September 1912? (address fits) Postmark Belfast to Mr. McAloney, 43 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Tuesday  My Darling, Just to show there is no ill feeling. To keep your in mind of Ptrush this is one I bought there. Thought I would have seen you yesterday at six, but was disappointed. with best love Liz xxx Au Revoir


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1) 12th January or July 1913 Postmark Larne? to Mr. Wm.? McAloney, 14 Fitzwilliam Avenue, Ormeau Road, Belfast - Dear Billy, Hoping you were able to stick it & hold on to it. Bill
2) 1st August 1913 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 8 Ravenhill Park, Belfast - My Dear Liz, I hope you have got over the worst of your remaying?  Wishing you the very best of "Good Luck" with love Willie xxxxxx
3) 13th September 1913 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 7 Bath Terrace, Portrush - Sat. evg.  My dear Liz, I hope you both got there safely, hope you have better weather than here, it is awfully cold and is raining a little now. Had a P.C. from Mrs. Orr? Ann? today. Hoping you will have a good holiday. with love Bill xxxx
4) 19th September 1913 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 7 Bath Terrace, Portrush - Friday  My Dear Liz, Many thanks for letter and P.C's, which I received when I got home at six. Am thinking of getting a Post bag for my own use. It is raining very heavy now and has been since dinner time. Can't say for sure that I will get the 12 oc but will do my best. with love Willie xxx  I hope that the rain will soon go over, & that it will clear up again. W.
5) 26th September 1913 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 7 Bath Terrace, Portrush - Friday evg.  My Dearest, Just read your 2nd letter at 6 oc many thanks. This time tomorrow all being well I will be going down to station to meet my love. This has been a lovely day, hope tomorrow will be fine. Only another day to wait. with all my love Willie xxxxxxx


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1) 14th July 1914 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 23 William Street, Donaghadee - Tuesday Evg,  My Darling Liz, I do hope you got safely down to D.D. today, and that the weather will keep fine and you will have a good time. I trust you are nothing the worse of your outing yesterday. I am feeling a bit tired today but will be all right tomorrow. Hope tomorrow will be fine, and that I will get down to see my Old Darling, with love Willie xxxxx
2) 19th August 1914 Postmark Belfast to Miss Graham, 7 Bath Terrace, Portrush - Wednesday.  My Darling Liz, I read your two lovely P.C. last night and letter this morn. Only three more days, and then I shall be happy. Am going round to the Hollies tonight and then up to John's. with love Willie xxxxxxxx


1st January 1917 Postmark missing to Mr. W. A. McAloney, The Hollies, Ravenhill Park, Belfast - To my Darling Husband, wishing you the best in life & may your days be very very many and Happy. from your loving Wife  Lisabeth xxxx


27th August 1924 Postmark Strabane to Mrs. McAloney, at 42 Eglinton Terrace, Portrush - The Beeches, Wednesday  Arrived home safely on Sunday night & found everything A1. Trunk just arrived, have let maid home for a holiday so am pretty busy - hope you & Edna are well, love from Janie?


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1) 14th July 1925 Postmark Edinburgh to Miss Edna McAloney, Ashley House, Carryduff, Belfast, Ulster - Have had a lovely holiday here. Leave in the morning for Aberdeen.  Auntie Min?
2) 30th September Postmark Londonderry to J. McAloney, Esq., Ashley House, Carryduff, Belfast - We are spending the day at above. The picture on the other side will show you how busy we are in Strabane. The weather has been as what you said, today has been very warm, love Aunt L. Ella?
3) (address fits) to Mrs. McAloney, Carryduff, Saintfield Road, near Belfast, Irelande - Dear Mrs. McA. This is were we are to Bruges, we are having a glorious time. The weather is beautiful here. It is all wonderful but is sad to see the ruins. We are going on to Holland tomorrow. M. Mercer

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1) "Hill 60" - this his what the boys call Hill sixty but I have not seen it yet and do not feel like going on a route march witch his on Thursday and will be about 30 miles
2) Belfast photographer
3) Cloughmore, Rostrevor, Co. Down. An Erratic of Mourne Granite, Resting on Lower Silurian Slate at an Altitude of 970 FT.
4) "The dear little sweet little Shamrock of Ireland"
5) Equivocal Love Letter

the end