Dunwoody Postcards

To Susan from Aunt Emily 1960

1) 20th March 1903 Postmark Holywood to Miss E. Dunwoody, Church View,
Holywood - Have you got over the inspectors yet. Ella
2) 8th July 1903 Postmark Hayfield to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Hope all are well & enjoying the holiday. Is
Daddy able to move about yet? 7/7/03 Here on Sunday

1) 18th July 1903 Postmark North Berwick to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Central
Buildings, Rosemary Street, Belfast - Kindly tell me the ? names of our two
daughters. I have forgotten, is it Helen & Emily. I can't send Post Cards
unless I know. Goufing? a the day. W. H.
2) 18th July 1903 Postmark Belfast to Mr. W. J. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Delighted to hear you are getting strong, hope you will continue.
Kind regards to all Annie

1) 23rd July 1903 Postmark North Berwick to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down, Auld Oireland - I do not know whether you are at
home or not, but am sending this in chance. This picture represents an old
part of the town. (Quality Street, North Berwick - But no quality are here.
W. A?????
2) 4th November 1903 Postmark Glasgow to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Belfast, Co. Down - Dear Nellie, Glad to hear your father
was keeping so well. I do hope he will soon be all right again. Going home
to-night. J. K.

1) 10th November 1903 Postmark London to Miss Alice Kildare?, 23 Rathdown
Road, North Circular Road, Dublin - Love Tom, Kind Regards
2) 8th December 1903 Postmark Portadown to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - I came here last week, my patient this time is
a little girl of 6. I hope your Father has been able to get out. Yrs. P. S.
1) 23rd December 1903 Postmark Dublin to Miss Amy Brennan? 1 Grace Park
Gardens, ????????, Co. Dublin - A very happy xmas and bright new year.
Eileen J.? - Yours Eileen

2 3
1) 16th Marsh 1904 Postmark Holywood to Miss E. Dunwoody, Church Street,
Holywood - I'm sure you will think I have forgotten you, but I have not.
2) 20th May 1904 Postmark London to Miss N. Dunwoody, 21 Church Street,
Belfast, Ireland (not known at Church Street RB) (not known at Church Street
East DE) - no message
3) 26th July 1904 Postmark Donaghadee to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Daddy's Love
4) 27th July 1904 Postmark Hythe to Mrs. Locke, c/o Mrs. Parsons, Church
View, Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Waverley House, Wednesday. Glad to get
yr. card. We are all well! The weather here is broken - have had more rain &
thunder to-day! Hope you enjoyed the show. Best love from D. & M.
1) 2nd August 1904 Postmark Portrush to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Thanks for Card. I would not put that in my book, you
might have sent me a nice one. I hope you are better. I sent Ellie & Mammy a
card to-day. Miss A. says you night have sent her one too. I was in
Coleraine about my bike to-day. I am going to Portugal now. I saw M. Trimble
at Portstewart Station. With love from Nellie

1) 6th August 1904 Postmark Douglas I. O. M. to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, 29
Church Street, Holywood, Belfast - Dear Nellie, Kind regards to all at home.
from J. K.?
2) 27th August 1904 Postmark Holywood to Mr. W. J. Dunwoody, c/o W. Coote
Esq., 13 Rathdown Terrace, North Circular Road, Dublin - Thanks for P.C.
Grannie is much as usual, slept better last night. Hope your pains are
keeping better. Weather very showery. Ellie
3) 8th November 1904 Postmark Belfast to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Mr. C. arriving?. Hope Mammy better. Daddy
4) 12th November 1904 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood - Yes yours is nice, think this one pretty too. S. M. A.
5) 12th November 1904 Postmark Portstewart to Master H. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Hoping you are well and your pocket full, for
mine is got a hole in it. xxxx from Maggie?
6) 14th November 1904 Postmark Holywood to Mrs. R. Anderson, Roselic,
Portstewart, Co. Derry - Thanks for card. Sorry to hear Mrs. A. has not been
so well, hope she is somewhat better. With love from Nellie
7) 2nd December 1904 Postmark Portstewart to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Hope you have not this before. A very Happy
Xmas. S. M. A.
8) 8th December 1904 Postmark Newcastle to Mrs. Irwin, c/o Colonel McCance,
L. ?, Knocknagoney, Strandtown - Dress arrived very nice - & ? ? for Miss so
dress won't do - She will not be home till 21st. Send your bill - I wish I
had some more silk fronts. M. E. L. or H.

1) 28th December 1904 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Love from Tom
2) 28th December 1904 no Postmark to Miss Helena Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Lily
2 3
1) 1st January 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood (No Ans DK) - To wish you a very happy New Year. Thanks very much
for yrs. recd. yesterday. S. M. A.?
2) 1st January 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down (No Ans DK) - Wishing you a Happy New Year. From
3) 8th January 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Hope you will like my friend. Yours is pretty. S. M. A.?

1) 28th January 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Local - Thanks very much for yr. curious looking one - I did not
know the appearance of a boat of that kind before. How would you like to be
dressed with chains, medals & pendants like this beauty.
4th February 1905 Postmark Holywood to Mrs. R. Anderson, Roselic,
Portstewart, Co. Derry - I am very sorry Mrs. A. has been ill again, I hope
she is a little better. How are you? Love from Nellie
2) 5th February 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Local - Thanks for yrs. it is very nice, much nicer than this kind.
Hope you will like this. S. M. A.

1) 14th February 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Local - Read E's for news. Thanks for yours, it is pretty & I never
saw one like it before. You saw these, but I had none others to send,
besides I don't buy dear ones for any other people than you, so I am just
letting you have this & maybe the next will be nicer. Love from S. A.
R. had gone away on Sat eng. before I had time to write, so I had no chance
again - Tomorrow is Valentine's Day 13.2.05
2) 7th March 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss E. H. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood - Wishing you many happy returns of the day. Love from
3) 7th March 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Wishing you very many Happy returns. Love from Emily
4) 8th March 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Local - To wish you very many happy returns of the day & also to apologize
for delay in presenting my little present - it should have been here, but
has not come yet. With kindest wishes & love from S. M. A. Thanks for yr.
pretty card recd. this morning.
5) 8th March 1905 Postmark Belfast to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Wishing you many happy returns from Tom
6) 26th March 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Local - Ta Ta! Yrs. was pretty. I hope you have not a duplicate of this. S.
M. A.
7) 2nd April 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Local - Like Father like Son. Thanks very much for Austen, I have Joe.
8) 19th April 1905 Postmark Coleraine to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Thanks for letter & parcel which latter I have delivered & recd.
a letter of thanks for you. Love from S. M. A.

1) 25th April 1905 Postmark Dublin to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks for ?. ? you ? sleep. Hope your Mammy is better.
Back to-morrow. Love Daddy 25/4/05
2) 14th May 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church Street,
Holywood - I hope you will like this one. Will you be at school on Monday?
3) 10th June 1905 Postmark Newry to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - We are here today. This is one of the streets in Newry.
I suppose you are at school every day. Love from Effie
4) 27th June 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Hope you will like this one. Love from Henry
5) 23rd July 1905 Postmark Portrush to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Osbourne Hotel,
Portrush - Poor Daddy, what a big family you have now
6) 26th July 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody c/o Mr. Anderson, Roselic?, Portstewart - Thanks for P.C. D. sent me the same one. I have got
my foot cut bathing. E. was out yesterday doing her messages with a slipper
on. Love from Henry
7) 29th July 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, c/o Mr. Anderson, Roselie?, Portstewart - Thanks for P.C. Hope you will like this one, they
are the newest style. Love from Henry

1) 10th August 1905 Postmark Portstewart to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - 9/8/05 Thanks for P.C. We did not go to
Ballymoney to-day as it rained but we went into Portstewart, Love from
Henry. Is Jack Moore at his own house.
2) 12th August 1905 Postmark Holywood to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Osbourne
Hotel, Portrush - Hope you arrived safely. Mammy is a little better now
(5.30 G. is just about the same. We got ap'r from George & also apples. I
was at Clifden to-day. I saw H. C. going down driving. Love from Nellie
3) 22nd August 1905 Postmark Portrush to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - 22/8/05 Thanks for letter and papers. I am going to
write to you all to-night. Miss A. sent me 5 P.C.'s this is one and so is
E.'s and Daddy's. She sent me a beauty of Marie. Love from Henry
4) 26th August 1905 Postmark Dublin? to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - 26/8/05 Thanks for P.C. received late last night. I
hope you your health is better. I'm just the same. It was a regular deluge
of rain yesterday. Hope G is all right. New card. Love Daddy
5) 28th August 1905 Postmark Dublin to Mrs. W. J. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - I hope you are all right now. ??

1) 5th September 1905 Postmark Bangor to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - We came here on Monday and are having a good time. Are
you back to school yet? Love from Madge Address - 17 Queens Parade, Bangor
2) 6th November 1905 Postmark Holywood to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church
Street, Holywood - "Braemar" Demesne Road, Holywood. Dear Nellie, I suppose
you are still at school. Do you not feel lonely? I am sure you have a great
many post-cards. Love from Effie
3) 27th December 1905 Postmark Lisburn to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church
Street, Holywood - My Dear N. Hope your Father's pains are keeping better.
Good-bye with best love. Jeanie

1) 7th March 1906 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Wishing you very many happy returns of the day. Love from Henry
2) 14th April 1906 Postmark Newry to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Dear Nellie, We came here today to stay for Easter. I
hope you will enjoy your holidays. Love from Effie
3) 14th April 1906 Postmark Belfast to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Posting this in Belfast or you would not get it til
Monday. Love from Daddy
4) 15th April 1906 Postmark Dublin to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - 15/4/06 Thanks for P.C. Got up all right ? & last
night. Glad G--y is not so bad. Yes, I saw about fire this morning. It is
fine today but wind cold. I'm about the same. Love from Daddy
5) 16th April 1906 Postmark Portadown to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks for yrs. Sorry this is such an old style. Are
you having a good time. Pouring rain here today. Have been in Portstewart &
rode to Portrush. Love from S. M. A.

1) 2 dates 21.4.06 D. G. on the front 22nd September 1905 Postmark Bangor to
Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street, Holywood, Co. Down - We are enjoying
ourselves very much here and sorry that we have to go home soon. Much love
from Dorothy
2) June 1906 Postmark Glasgow to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Belfast - Dear Nellie, Tell daddy sorry I did not see him before
leaving. Hope your Gramma is keeping better. Yours truly J. K.?
3) 4th July 1906 Postmark Col??? to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Church View,
Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Glad to hear you are attending so well to
business & encouraging me in idleness. We arrive London, Grand Hotel,
tomorrow morning, stop there till Saturday afternoon & get home on Monday
morning. Mum?

1) 19th July 1906 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, Roselic,
Portstewart, Co. Derry - 19/7/06 Hope you got there alright. G. is just the
same, she was asking about you. I think you should know this place. Hope you
are having good weather. We are both very well. Tell Robt. and Mag, I was
asking about them. Did Robt. read any of the books? Love from Henry. Write
me a letter soon.
2) 1st August 1906 Postmark Holywood to Mrs. Dunwoody, Roselic, Portstewart
- Thanks for P.C. Hope I did not send you this one before. We had lovely
weather here since Sunday until to-day, it is just pouring. Give my love to
Henry. G. much as usual. Love E. B. L.
3) 20th August 1908 Postmark Newcastle to Mr. W. J. Dunwoody, 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - We arrived safely at 12-10 p.m. Hope you are feeling
better. Not too bad here. Will send Miss A. one to-morrow. Love from Nellie
4) 23rd August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Hope you got home safely. Did you get 8-30 train. How did
you s--p & how are your pains. Love from Nellie
5) 24th August 1906 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, c/o Miss Neill,
Fountain House, Newcastle, Co. Down - Thanks for pretty Post Card. School is
dull these days. We miss you very much at dinner time. Love from Dorothy
6) 24th August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Thanks for card. Sorry you are not any better. Will you be
down to-morrow? Yesterday was an awful day, stormy & raining. Are the M.s
not coming. How is G - y. Is Frank coming by 10.50? Love from Nellie

1) 25th August 1906 Postmark Belfast to Miss Eleanor N. or H. or K.
Dunwoody, c/o Miss Neill, Fountain House, Newcastle, Co. Down - 23/8/06 Hope
you'll like this card. Nothing new. Very warm. Pains no better. Train was
very late. The officers? all left Carriage at Tully????? Hope you are a good
girl & Mammy just got your Post Card. Love Daddy
2) 25th August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Thanks for card, received last night. F. delivered the
parcel & note. We had the band down here yesterday evening & a lot of
excursions. Hope you are feeling better. Love from Nellie
3) 28th August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Thanks for card & letter. Sorry you are no better. Lillie
got no word about them coming to-morrow, but if she gets word at 7 past, I
will wire to Holywood. The R.s are not coming. Come you to-morrow if you get
no other word. Love from Nellie. We are all going to Tollymore Park to-day.
L. & M-y & S. Clegg are driving & we are going on Bikes.
4) 29th August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W, J, Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Thanks for card. All right we will expect you to-morrow,
C. M. is coming to-day. Lillie staying till Sat. Sorry you are no better.
Love from Nellie
5) 31st August 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 40 Rosemary
Street, Belfast - Hope you got home safely & are feeling better. This is a
lovely day but stormy. Hope to go on Monday by 2-25 Love from Nellie
6) 1st September 1906 Postmark Newcastle to Mr. W. J. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks for P.C. rec. this morning. It is a bit
stormy this morning. Hope you are keeping better. Got a P.C. from Ned. This
is my last one. Love from Henry
7) 1st September 1906 Postmark Newcastle to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks for card. Sorry you are no better. Will
go on Monday by 2-25 leave key on table at Window. Lovely weather here. I
think the band is to be here this evening. Love from Nellie

1) 5th September 1906 Postmark Bangor to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Hope you enjoyed your holiday, Love from Dorothy.
Address 17 Queens Parade, Bangor
2) 22nd September 1906 Postmark Bangor to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Hope you will like this card. We will be home
on Friday next. Love from Madge

1) 8th March 1907 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down - Wishing you a very happy birthday and many returns.
Love from Madge & Dorothy
2) 3rd April 1907 Postmark Portstewart to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks for card yesterday. I have no cards but
these so please excuse. Had lovely weather till yesterday evg., today rain
is falling in torrents & I have nothing to do in house as time seems slow in
passing. Hope yr. cold is quite better by this time. Jack has given me
kisses for all of you. Love from S. M. A.
3) 22nd April 1907 Postmark Portstewart to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - Thanks very much for yours. I got home all
right. Mother if powerless to help herself in any way. Still she is able to
take food & is bright. Hope you may have a pleasant holiday. With love from
4) April 1907 Postmark Portrush to Miss N. Dunwoody, 29 Church Street,
Holywood - Hope yr. cold is better by now. This is a lovely afternoon. I am
at Portrush. Mary's youngsters think you shd. all be down because I am here.
Love from S. M. A.
5) 25th May 1907 Postmark Warrenpoint to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church
Street, Holywood, Co. Down - 15 Summer Hill, Warrenpoint, Co. Down - Dear
Nellie, I wish I had the crupie here. We cd. do with it here alright. How
are all at home. Give my love to Mrs. D. & E.? Jim is keeping better. W. D.
6) 11th July 1907 Postmark Ardrossan to Miss Nellie Dunwoody, Church Street,
Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Ardrossan. Dear Nellie, Our holiday is almost
over I am sorry to say. We are crossing to Belfast tonight. Love from Effie
7) 15th July 1907 Postmark Bruges Station to Miss N. Dunwoody, 10 Marine
Parade, Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - A picture of milk sellers. Lovely day.
Bruges is in féte owing to the expected visit of King of Belgians, also
because this is Independence Day. Hope you are well. Love S. M. A.
8) 30th July 1907 Postmark Holywood to Miss N. Dunwoody, c/o Mr. Anderson, Roselic, Portstewart, Co. Derry - Thanks for P.C. Hope you are enjoying
yourselves. T. liked "Annie" the best but H. still likes "Chambers" G. feet
are no better, the Dr. was in to-day & changed the medicine. Love to all E.
B. L.
1) 5th December 1907 Postmark Bangor to Miss N. Dunwoody, Marine Parade,
Holywood, Co. Down - Dear N. Thanks for P.P.C. I am still reposing as an
invalid, but only in foot. Hope you will have a good time on Sat. I would
like to go & watch the match, but have got my orders that I am not to go
outside the door before Monday. With love Gertie

1) 9th July 1908 Postmark Rothesay to Miss N. Dunwoody, Marine Parade,
Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Rothesay, 9th July 1908. Dear Nellie, I hope
you are enjoying your holidays. We are having a grand time. The weather is
lovely. Father & I walked to this Loch on Sunday. I suppose you will be
going away. Love from Effie
2) 11th July 1908 Postmark Donegal to Miss N. Dunwoody, 10 Marine Parade,
Holywood, Co. Down - I suppose you are preparing for the 12th. No sign of it
here of course. I was at this old abbey today. Love from S. M. A.
3) 12th July 1908 Postmark Newtownards to Miss N. Dunwoody, 10 Marine
Parade, Holywood - How are you keeping this weather? I'm doing all right.
Mrs. D. & Mr. D. were asking for all of you. I have an + over their house in
the P.C. Is H. doing any photos? I have taken 4, but there is no dark room
in N'Ards so far as I can find out. Love from S. M. A.
4) 12th August 1908 Postmark Sheffield to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Rosemary
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Thanks for the Goss very much. What did you do to
Percy over there, thought he had eloped. ? Newman

1) 6th June 1910 & 10th June 1910 Postmarks Bayeux & London to W. J.
Dunwoody, Esq., Strand Palace Hotel, London - Many thanks for wire. Just
what I expected. Hope well & enjoying London & taking it off if necessary.
Kind regards. J. ?
2) 28th July 1914? Postmark Hythe? Mrs. Locke, c/o Mrs. Parsons, Church
View, Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland - Waverley House, Thursday. Just a line to
say we all keep well! Hope you are much better & A. well! Did you enjoy the
show? will write you a letter to-morrow. Best love from III

1) Postmark Carrickmines to Miss N. Dunwoody, 10 Marine Parade, Holywood,
Co. Down - Sunday. Thanks for ? ? Today is fine, yesterday was wet. I'm just
about the same. Love Daddy
2) 15th June Postmark Blacklunans to W. J. Dunwoody, Esq., Rosemary Street,
Belfast - Out of the world up here. How is the War in H'wood progressing?
Has Port MacArthur fallen yet? Hoping all are well & trade good. W. J. H.?
3) Henry Irving From Daddy
4) June Postmark Rothesay to Mr. W. J. Dunwoody, Central Buildings, Rosemary
Street, Belfast, Ireland - Dear Dunwoody, Hope all are conducting themselves
well. Sorry I did not get bringing your case up before I left but I will.
St. Enochs? Hotel, Glasgow. J. K.
5) Postmark Larne to Mrs. Clegg, Knock Station, Belfast - I expect to be
back on Sunday night instead of Monday as I wish to get to work early on
Monday morning. Hoping this will not inconvenience you, I remain Holden
Canning |