the only photo and it has names, yay!

4 standing figures from left :- Elvie Johnston, Willie
Grant, Aurea Flynn, Jack Sleator
5 seated from left :- Poppy Flynn, your humble servant, Ethel Kelly, Sam
Dog - (Roger Rhodes)

1) 1903 - 23rd
January Postmark Cootehill to Mr. Robt. Alexander, G.N.R., Strabane, C.
Tyrone - Mr. R. Alexander, I think its high time to reply to your nice card
at xmas times. I hope you are doing well, I wonder would this one suit for a
stroll on a nice summer eve., yours as ever, J. McD.
2) 1903 - 2nd April Postmark Banbridge to
B. Alexander Esq., G.N. Rly., Dromore, Down - Would this do Drury Lane "a
don't think" what do u think ah ha S. or L. D. - B. Tks for Card. I'm
passing Dme tomw mng. phaps I'll see you for a wee chat. I don't admire the
Dme Shoile at all, it's too much of a muchness for my taste II"II
3) 1903 - 2nd September Postmark Magherafelt to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R.,
Dromore, Down - yrs. rec.d, thanks for same, down by L. Beagh's? tanks,
pretty cold. ??

1) 1904 - 21st October Postmark
Ballyshannon - Isn't this just exactly your style? Beauty unadorned, eh?
Anything like this is Cookstown? - How are you getting along? Is there no
word of you coming back? If you're not back for Hallow-eve, we will send you
up some of the nice things. I can fill all my pockets & keep you some??
1904 - 21st October Postmark Ballyshannon to R.
Alexander, Esq., G.N.R. Station, Cookstown - 'Hope to look like this at
party' - Doing well I hope. Glad you think the Ladies there so fine. Mr.
Goodwin is going to give a party on Hollow-eve and we are all a?ed? Are you?
Supper at Seven. Don't forget. Hurry back before all the parties are over
now won't you. S.A.?
1) 1905
- 26th March Postmark Ballyshannon to Mr. B. Alexander (of Ballyshannon),
Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Many thanks for the nice postcard. Is that the way
they do the hedging in Donaghmore? (back to back)! Not a bad idea either as
the back view is often the best - - " - - I'd prefer that style to the usual
licking - - " - - Sorry to hear you were ill. Hope you are convalescent once
more. Saw that nice wee Dunmickrin? duck this mng. It looks "A 1" Also all
in No. 1 Alexandria Terrace? Haven't seen ned lately except passing round
the mall on Friday. There seemed to be scarcely any of them at the dance, no
parties or suppers or anything of that sort going on just now. So you'll
have plenty of time to recruit before the rush is on. A.M.
2) 1905
- 26th March Postmark Ballyshannon to Mr. Robert Alexander, Donaghmore, Co.
Tyrone - I hope you are enjoying your holidays. How long did you get, sorry
to hear you were ill, hope you are better. Was sorry to hear of our friend
been ill. What could have happened him. ??
3) 1905 - 27th December Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Of course all the
Mall? Ladies desired me to send you their "love". When do you expect to be
back. Don't ? too much. W. ?

1) 1906 - 6th
February Postmark Armagh to Mr. Alexander, The Port? Ballyshannon -
Newspaper Clipping ~ The Hour Before Breakfast, Romance is coy in the
morning, Courtship thinks it requires moonlight. But the hour before
breakfast is the best in the day, and it is the hour that lovers should
settle the all-important step in life. We do not half appreciate the
morning, when the faculties have come from their rest with new lights and
garnered energies. Suppose Newton had been sitting under that apple-tree
after dark! How could he have known what hit him? A happy marriage is quite
the biggest thing any man can achieve for himself. Millions are poverty
without it. Does it not follow that the wise young man of this generation
ought to apply the best rules of human experience to the greatest moment of
his life? The hour before breakfast ought to be his time. If she looks well
then, she will look lovely all the other hours of the day. It is not only an
opportunity for the man, it is a test of the girl. Moonlight has its uses,
moonlight has its beauty; but the flowers bloom unseen. It is the hour
before breakfast that all Nature is brightest, and it is the hour before
breakfast that love should be up and doing.
2) 1906 - 10th March Postmark Ballyshannon
to Mr. R. Alexander, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Things as usual here E.q.q.
refuses to give any information regarding the occurrence on Sunday night.
Hope you are near all-right again. Yours etc. G.C.
3) 1906 - 15th March Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Expected to see
you today, why haven't you come, I hope you are better, write me soon, tell
me all the news. Wretched weather, bad for holidays, this is the way you
would want to approach some people I know. L. ?
4) 1906 - 3rd May Postmark Ballyshannon
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Trew & Moy, Co. Tyrone - Thanks for P.C. glad to
hear you are enjoying yourself, how do you like your new Quarters or would
you rather be back with us again. The dancing is finished for this season,
we had our ball on the 23rd, it was a very good night, McMillan left on
Monday, he was very lonely but not so bad as yourself. Ask Eddy was he broke
when he met Dr. Holmes on Sunday night (he was down the Abbey with Miss ? L.
5) 1906 - 6th May Postmark Dromore to Mr.?
Alexander, c/o Mrs. McKeag, Meeting Street, Dromore - Front Dromore Railway
Station, Father, Bobbie, Socks, Change now for Eden, when will I see you
again? Hope to soon. Irene? Alexander - Dearest, I heard through one of your
special friends you were very fond of reading, "have you red Socks," I think
all the Bobbies in this ? City very handsome & obliging "don't you!" Very
sorry I didn't see you before you were taken on Sunday. These trains, how I
detest them, Father said how he would like his only daughter to meet one of
those nice young men at the Railway Station. Sorry I wasn't presentable on
that occasion, would you mind calling round for a good book at Lown? D????
Bann? ? ? ? Dirty ? Eve P.S. I drove past the garden of Eden.
1906 - 15th May Postmark Ballyshannon to Mr. R.
Alexander, Trew & Moy Station, Co. Tyrone - Hope you are well, sorry for not
writing sooner, things very tame here, dancing is still going ahead here,
hope you are liking your change, yours etc. G. C.

1) 1906 - 18th May Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Trew & Moy, Co. Tyrone - Dear
Heart If that's all your heart is worth I don't envy the person. I intended
to write all wk but - will say, "but ? ? but" I hope to write very soon if I
don't see you. A. A. When are you coming down? Shall be glad to see you at
any time & as often as you like, All well.
2) 1906 - 17th June Postmark Dublin to Mr.
R. Alexander, Sutton G.N.R. Station, ? - Thanks for yours. I fear I won't be
able to go down for some time, call in Sunday if convenient any time from 2
to 6 in the garden. Saw your case in the paper. I was at Bray on Tuesday
last & am down again now. Yrs. ???
3) 1906 - 2nd July Postmark Ballyshannon to
Mr. Robt. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Sutton, Dublin - "When a Man's Married
his Troubles begin" So she was behind the door after all. Poor B!! Am sorry
won't be home on Sunday as we are D.V. spending week at D.H.? I hope Sunday
week will suit you as well. ??
4) 1906 - 3rd July Postmark Ballyshannon
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Sutton, Kings County - This is how we are doing
now E.G.C., all have told you about himself, he & Miss U are doing well,
they sit in the stern & Geo & I row them home. I have got a book belonging
to you, I got Lynne & forgot all about returning it until I came across it
on Sunday, will I send it on to you or do you wish to lend it to anyone
here, you might let me know. Glad to hear of the nice change you got, heard
it was a nice place, hoping you are A1 L. N.?
5) 1906 - 29th July Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N. Rly. Stn., Sutton, Dublin - Recvd.
your L. yesterday, glad to see you are well, hope you are none the worse of
your wetting. I am doing splendidly now. I rode out to Templenew yesterday
evg. Things are going on in Ballyshannon much the same as usual, I will
write you later on. I wonder how did Edward like his card, I haven't seen
him since, he seems to be in good humour these times. Yours H. L.
6) 1906 - 18th August Postmarks Douglas
& Baldoyle to Mr. A. Alexander, c/o Mrs. Spreger?, Railway Avenue, Sutton,
Co. Dublin - Nice girls here, having a splendid time. This ? you & ? bathing
7) 1906 - 7th September Postmark
Tobermore to Miss M. Palmer, Stranagard, Desertmartin, Co. Derry - Dear
Minnie, I received your P.C. alright, glad to hear from you. I am sure you
will soon be leaving Hotel Bldgs. I am sure you will be sorry leaving all
your fellows behind you. Tell S. Stewart I sent her a P.C. the same time as
I sent yours. So she must not have got it. I was in ?????? last night, was
home at two o'clock. Hoping to see you soon. Annie Please send me a return.
Tell S. J. to save me a P.C. xxooxxxoo

1) 1906 - 15th
September Postmark Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N. Rly. Stn.,
Banbridge, Co. Down - Thanks for cards received this mng. Hope you are doing
well. The H.M. card is very good, I am wondering how long does it be after
the F. M. until this scene on back takes place. Quite a change, don't be
long till you write. L. ?
2) 1906 - 15th October Postmark New York
to Miss M. Palmer, c/o Mrs. Bailie, Market Square, Dromore, Co. Down,
Ireland - 'Visit Scotland by the Anchor Line' Got across alright, had a nice
voyage, landed on Sunday morning, will write soon and give you all the news,
having a good time, BoB or BaB?
1906 - 26th October Postmark Belfast to Mr. Alexander, Bann Terrace?,
Banbridge from c/o Mrs. Fitzsimmons, 10 Botanic Avenue. Send Box to above
address, start work at 8.45 tomorrow morning. R. C. "Augh oh" "Hallo" How's
ur hand II " II
1906 - 30th October Postmark Dundalk to Mr.
Robert Alexander, G.N.R., Banbridge - Am getting my holidays next week. We
are going to Richhill on Sunday night for a day or two. Will you have yours
same time? If so let me know. David
1906 - 23rd November Postmark Belfast to M.
Alexander, Bann Terrace, Banbridge - When we are up we are up, And when we
are down we are down, Hurry up and come down. Drury still unoccupied, apply
early and bring your umbrella. Ting a Ling.
1906 - 23rd December Postmark ? to Mr.
Alexander, G.N.R. Banbridge, Co. Down - Wishing Bob a Merry Xmas & A Happy
New Year, your old friend. F. N.?
1) 1907 - 9th
January Postmark Ballyshannon - Mr. Alexander, Bann Terrace, Banbridge -
Won't expect to see you on Saturday. Will write you the reason. Hope you are
doing well. ? V.
2) 1907 - 20th February Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. Alexander, Bann Terrace, Banbridge - Recvd. your card
safely, glad to see you are A1. Mrs. Clemeng is coming & will be here over
Sunday, so of course I can't see you if you visit B. Sha???? V.
3) 1907 - 27th February Postmark
Ballyshannon? to Mr. Alexander, Bann Terrace, Banbridge - Are you
there now, or when may I expect to hear from you. Do you ever see the other
fellow or how is he. Nothing new here, only the weather. Did you hear S.
Myles is to be married in Summer to a Dublin lady.
4) 1907 - April Postmark Ballyshannon to
Mr. Alexander, G.N.R. Cootehill, Co. Cavan - How are you doing this long
time, nothing very strange here. Except some of the old Bachelors are off
the shelf, when are you having the big day. G. C.
5) 1907 - 3rd April Postmark Baldoyle, Dublin & Banbridge
to Mr. Alexander, Booking Office, G.N.R., Cootehill - Some up to see us for
a day. The nurse is back again, you can ? to wheel the Peram. ? ? anxious to
see you. J. L.
6) 1907 - 7th April Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Cootehill - Anything like this at
Cootehill. Or how are you since going there, an after writing Banbridge,
Miss A. was inquiring for you. Miss N. has left up street. Nothing very new
here, Shidden is married scotch. M. Coleman is married to a Miss Johnston,
Bundoran, you did not know her. When will you be this way. Nixon has left us
now. Expect a big camp this season. There is nothing more worth writing at
present. E. H.
7) 1907 - 31st May Postmark Banbridge to
Mr. R. Alexander, Booking Office, G.N.R. Cootehill - "Misses Zena & Phyllis
Dare" Will ye no cum back again - Hoping you are well, how are you getting
on, have you met with anyone to suit you yet, I am sure there are some one
looking after you before this ??? S. J. Hope ur cold is better. Heard
u were very bad. BaB is very lonely & I'm almost lost & my poor wee head is
bruk!! C. has arrived at Winnipeg. She was asking for you but alas I can't
tell her any thing new.

1) 1907 - 14th
June Postmark Londonderry to J. Alexander, Esq., Market Street, Cootehill
from Alexandra Hotel, Londonderry - Dear Alexander, I have faint
recollections of having sent you a card B4. I got the suit today direct from
Dundalk. Times here are beginning to improve. Hope you are OK. Kind regards
to ? & Miss S. McKee. E?????
2) 1907? - 25th June Postmark Ballybay,
Monaghan - to Mr. Alexander, c/o Mrs. Stevenson, Market Street, Cootehill -
'On the way to Ballybay' I will be very anxious to hear of your safe
arrival, yours to a cinder.
3) 1907 - 10th July Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. Alexander, G.N. Rly. Station, Cootehill, Co. Cavan - How
is the free Lur??? dives getting on. Note the other ????? Oh young men do be
careful. Kind regards L ??
4) 1907 - 7th August Postmark Banbridge
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Cootehill from 28 Bridge Street - Recd.
your PC of long ago all right, sorry for delay in replying sooner, but, as I
have been arranging matters about marriage I have been rather busy lately,
will let you know date of same shortly. Hope you are A1, ????????girls are
all daft about you. J. A.
5) 1907 - 31st August Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R. Stn., Cootehill, Co. Cavan - We are
having lovely weather since last Sunday, not a wet day since, I think its
the Sunday excursion, brings the rain down ? ? ?????: especially when they
carry some of the officials. They wd make the sky weep any place, I expect
this scene on back would agree well with the doings in Cootehill.
6) 1907 - 18th September Postmark
Kilburn to R. Alexander, Esq., G.N.R. (?) Cootehill, Co. Cavan, Ireland from
Allerton House, 32 Willesden Lane, Kilburn, London N.W. - Dear Bristles, How
is - ahem! Names won't do through post. Will write soon, Yrs. sincerely, R.

1) 1907 - October Postmark Abingdon -
Cothill School, near Abingdon, Oxford - to R. Alexander, Esq., Cootehill
Station, County Cavan, Ireland - Many thanks for P.C. Sorry I have not had
time to let you have card before to let you know I arrived all safely.
Hoping you are well. Perhaps I will see you ? may go home again for 10 days
D.V. Please send P.C. when u get time, yrs. sincerely S. ?
2) 1907 - October Postmark Ban?bridge to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R., Cootehill -
PS I hope you are well and enjoying yourself. Have you ever been in a fix
like this, or would you like it I must write soon, from S. J.
3) 1907 - 24th October Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. Bob Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Cootehill - How are you
getting on? I meant to write to you ages ago. When are we to see you again?
Any time you can come you know your friends in The Terrace will be glad to
see you. All well. A. A. I forgot to post this.
4) 1907 - 19th November Postmark Belfast
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Cootehill, Co. Cavan from 61 Willowbank Street,
Antrim Road - How are you all there. Any changes since I left. I am here in
a ? & liking it very well for so far weather very cold & misty here. M. F.
5) 1907 - 4th December Postmark
Banbridge to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Cootehill - Mr. A., Hope this finds us
A1. Miss T. is now in Lisburn again, she was at BaB a short time. Any word
of u giving a big day eh II " II. C. N. is after asking for you, why don't
you send him a card. I've not been near the bracken's lately, nor Drury
Lane. Everything very dull here. Any word of Xmas there? S. H.
6) 1907 - 5th December Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R., Cootehill, Co. Cavan - Sorry you
are leaving us so soon. Is loves thermometer still at his degree in
Cootehill or is it.

1907 - 28th December Postmark Portadown to Mr. Robt. Alexander, G.N. Rly.
Stn., Strabane, Co. Tyrone from 91 Thomas Street, P. Down, Sat. - I think I
will return home on Tuesday. I will go on train arriving in Ballyshannon at
8 o'ck & will stay at the Terrace over night. Hope you are doing well, will
expect to hear from you soon. V.

1) 1908 - 14th January Postmark Ballybay, Monaghan to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R.
Station, Strabane - Dear ? ?, Many thanks for welcome letter, I will write
in few days. Hope you've got your parcel safely by this, all same as usual
here. M. & K. included, he has got the latest song from ? "A? you ? the
2) 1908 - 19th April Postmark Whitehead
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Down - Och och. You ought to be here,
delightful weather, fine & breezy. But not so nice as Newcastle II " II
Sorry I have to return on Wednesday bad enuff. S. or L.
3) 1908 - 27th June Postmark Banbridge
to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Down - .... your wee heart eh., hope you
enjoyed the ? last week. Come along & I'll take you to Newcastle with me
this evg. Its glorious weather to be amongst the heather - II " II Bracken
4) 1908 - 11th July Postmark Cootehill
to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Dromore, Co. Down - Many thanks for PC.
I had a long letter from Mr. W., he's getting on splendidly. We'll soon
loose Mr. Kew?, he is going to Dublin. I expect to go to Belfast on Saturday
next for D. B.'s wedding. You may tell me again what you had at the foot of
your last PC as I failed to make it out, are you going to give us the big
day soon? is that what you meant? don't forget to make it ????? next time,
????? Ha Ha are they as bad in C'hill as BaB, mind the mistle toe, Moe.
5) 1908 - 19th July Postmark Portadown
to M. Alexander, G.N.R. (?), Dromore Station, Co. Down - Hope to be with you
Monday on 10.15 Bus. ??
6) 1908 - 30th July Postmark Kilkeel to Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Down -
Here today with Masonic ?. Going on to Newcastle, lovely & hot. How's yr.
wee heart. II " II
7) 1908 - 30th August Postmark ??lymore
to Mr. R. Alexander, ("The Station") Dromore, Down - 29.8.08 Yours to hand.
Many thanks for same. Aint this a pretty place. I daresay there should be
fish here. What do you say?
8) 1908 - 24th September Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N. Rly. Stn., Dromore, Co. Down - Please
let me know did you receive my last letter of a few weeks ago. to oblige
you, ?

1) 1908 - 30th September Postmark Strabane to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N. Railway
Booking Office, Dromore, Co. Down - Have just got settled down to work after
holidays, sorry I could not give you a call, I only wish I could. Lane -
just for a wee chat for Ould times sake. I hope you are still having a good
time, what about the photograph you were to get me, have been expecting it
ever since for went away, don't forget. Hoping to hear from you soon &
hoping you are quite well. B. M.C.
2) 1908 - December Postmark Ban????? to
Mr. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Down - "Och och" - poor wee boy - I hope you
are better again. Awfully sorri you were ill.

1) 1909 - 18th
January Postmark Ballyshannon to Mr. Robt. Alexander, The Square, Dromore -
? ? was glad to know you hadn't forgotten me altogether at Xmas. I meant to
write you but have been laid up with a cold. I trust you are well. Wishing
you a happy New Year. A, Andrews
2) 1909 - 21st January Postmark
Ballyshannon to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Co. Down from Sir? Bawn,
Ballyshannon - We are down here for a short holiday. Thanks for pretty card
at Xmas. Have you ever had a nice walk along this river side, it looks very
suitable for a solitary one or for two. J. ?
3) 1909 - 8th March Postmark East orange
N.J. to M. Alexander, c/o Mrs. Johnston, The Square, Dromore, Down, Ireland
- I have been hearing a lot about you lately, if its true, allow me to
congratulate you. Give my kindest regards to all. G. Leagett
4) 1909 - May Postmark Newcastle to Mr.
Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Down from Beresford Place, Newcastle - Dr. Mr.
A., Augh oh & how r you. You ought to be up here, its scrumptious "amongst
the bracken" II " II I'm stopping here until next Monday. Hope you are A1 S.
5) 1909 - 20th May Postmark Cootehill to
Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Dromore, Co. Down - Many thanks for your
card. Hope you've got settled by this & feel none the worse after your
ramblings. I hope you got the hard words? over safe. I had a P.C. from
Wood?, he is doing well. Mr. K. is taking out entirely with the ladies. I
was telling him he was following in your shoes. Poor Barclay has gone home
sick & I hear there is bad hopes of him. I got your ??isky back and thanks
for same.
6) 1909 - 3rd May Postmark Warrenpoint
to Mr. Alexander, The Square, Dromore, Down - Delighted breeze up here,
especially amongst the b k n. S'pose you have lost yr friend by this.
7) 1909 - 10th September Postmark
Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Thanks
for P.C., sorry to hear that you are not improving, I think you would do
better if you had a wee bit of company, what say ye, we are all very good,
no fun at night at all, Mr. C. is not so well, Mother will be home tonight
so we will all be good for her coming home. Be good. Hope you will be better
soon. Maudy or Mandy
8) 1909 - 10th September Postmark Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, "The Cottage"
Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Out in the beautiful twi-light. now.

1) 1909 - 10th
September Postmark Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage, Donaghmore, Co.
Tyrone - Thanks for P.C., glad you are feeling better, we are all very
quiet, we miss you very much. Good order at night, I make them conduct
themselves. I hope your heart is not like this, you are not the only one
that is lonely. There is somebody else now see. I don't think so. S. J.
2) 1909 - 14th September Postmark Manchester to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage,
Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone, Ireland - Arrived here this morning. Having a busy
time - you know.
3) 1909 - 17th September Postmark Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage,
Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Glad to know that you are feeling better, hope you
will have a nice time at B. We will all be glad to have you back again. All
are as usual here. The weather is beautiful. You are very lucky getting
such. Ruby is here still and there is some fun with her & Mr. McBride. May
says you did not send her a P.C. Kind regards from All. OK or DK
4) 1909 - 17th September Postmark
Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Rec. P.C.
this morning, glad to hear that you will soon be back again, the Booke? are
still a working for in the Hall, it will take you to keep some people,
correct, all is well, Hope you will write me and be home for next week.
5) 1909 - 17th September Postmark Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, The Cottage,
Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Hello: Hello: Hello: It's a different girl again.
Any Naughty boys where you are? R.W.
6) 1909 - 22nd December Postmark
Donaghmore to Mr. Robert Alexander, G.N. Rly. Station, Dromore, Co. Down -
Dear Brother, you may be looking out tomorrow for parcel. Hoping you are
well as this leaves myself quite well. I suppose you will be home for xmas.
D will be home, we have very deep snow here at present. Eileen

1) 1910 - 23rd March Postmark Dromore to
Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R. Station, Dromore - myma. ppyha. noreturns of
eth. ay d (go figure :))
2) 1910 - 23rd March Postmark Dromore to Mr. R. Alexander, G.N.R.,
Dromore from the German Band
3) 1910 - April Postmark Dublin to R.
Alexander, Esq., G.N.R. Dromore, Co. Down from 28 Upper Beechwood Avenue,
Ranelagh, Dublin - 'Are you there!! I am remaining behind tonight - These
little details require personal attention - don't wait dinner' - Dear Alic,
The present in accordance with my promise to drop an odd p.c. How is the
form? Are you still catch my pal? Nothing new or ? about Dromore I suppose.
Don't forget to drop an odd p.c. Kindest regards yrs Mac?
4) 1910? - 28th June Postmark Rathmines
to Mr. Robt. Alexander, G.N.R., Dromore, Co. Down - Was very glad to get
your card, when are you getting your holidays? Hope to be in Belfast next
week & will probably take a run down to Dromore. How are the "buttons"? Mine
is a bottle of stout. Kindest regards, yrs. Moe.

1) 1910 - 22nd July Postmark Dromore to Mr.
Bob Alexander, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Rudge-Whitworth, Miss Nina Sevening,
Lighting-up Table for 1909 - Dear Bob, I expect to be going on Monday, but
as I think we will be going by Lisburn (Driving from home) I don't know yet
what Train we will get. But if I don't happen to see you at the Station,
I'll be sure to see you at the 4.30 Boat. Best Wishes J. T.?
1910 - 25th July Postmark Dromore to Mr. R.
Alexander, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone - Dear Mr. R., thanks very much for P.C.
Hope you will get good weather for the S.O.M., be dear and send some P.C.,
was at Newcastle, no good, he did not fly and are all well, don't get
married. Only in swim, u an ur ? all have a good day.
1910 - 7th August Postmark Portstewart to R. Alexander, Esq., G.N.R.
Official, Dromore, Co. Down - Portstewart, Got straw bag in Portrush to-day,
Saturday. Thank you very much. W. Dougall
1910 - 3rd October Postmark Moneymore to Mr. R.
Alexander, G.N.R. Dromore, Co. Down - D/ Mr. A. Hope you will excuse me for
not writing sooner. Hope this finds you well as this leaves us both pretty
well at present. Yrs. J. or I. W.

1913 - 2nd June Postmark Whitehead to Mr. Bob
Alexander, G. N. Railway Station, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal - 'Hotel and
Promenade, Whitehead' - Do you recognise this place! Wish you were here
(now) ? W.
1913 - 18th July Postmark Barrow-in-Furness to
Mr. Alexander, Parcel Office, Station, Lurgan, Co. Armagh, Ireland - You
ought to cycle here instead of the other place. Have I lit on the right
name. No more running to catch a train. Kathy
1913 - 12th August Postmark Magherafelt to Mr.
Bob Alexander, 73 North Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh - Knocking around L.
Neagh to-day, for the sea-side in the morning, Ellen?

1914 - 21st April Postmark ? to Mr. R. Alexander, 73
North Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh from Donaghmore - Expect to be going to
Belfast on 2 train tomorrow if not will be on 3 train. Lizzie

1915 - 30th September Postmark Donaghmore to Mr. R.
Alexander, 73 North Street, Lurgan, Co. Armagh from Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone -
Arrived home quite safely, sorry I didn't see you when passing I came by the
5 pm on Tuesday evg. Write soon, Kindest regards, Lizzie
1928 - 7th May Postmark Belfast to Mrs. R.
Alexander, 3 Springfield Road, Warrenpoint, Co. Down - 'Ladies' Bathing
Place, Bangor, Co. Down' Arrived home quite safe in 1 hour & 50 minutes. We
enjoyed our visit very much, thanking you very much for all your kindness.

1930 - 23rd December Postmark Warrenpoint to Master
Harry Alexander, Trew & Moy Railway Station, Co. Tyrone from Springfield,
Warrenpoint - To wish you a very happy Christmas. Our new Scout Hall is
begun, but I think we Cubs will feel very cramped in it, Good Hunting W. P.
A. (wee drawing of a fox cub?)
1930 - 23rd December to Master H. Alexander, Trew &
Moy (G.N.R.) Station, Co. Tyrone, N.I. from Linton Lodge, Warrenpoint - Dear
Harry, Thanks so much for Xmas Card. Please accept my best wishes for a
Merry Christmas, Roy.

1936 - 30th July Postmark Blackpool to Mr. Harry
Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland - Dear
Harry, Many thanks indeed for your little letter record this morning, it was
very nice of you to write & I am glad you enjoyed the R - we are glad you
are feeling a little better. Sorry our holiday is near a close as we had a
lovely time & great weather. Will be down to see you soon. Remember me to
all. Love from Auntie Eileen

1) 1937
- 13th July Postmark Bangor to Mr. H. Alexander, 162
Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh - Queen's Parade, Bangor, Co. Down -
Hope you are feeling better & all the rest well. Having a great time &
weather is good, no strong sun. Was at Portrush on Sunday & had a good time.
Tell M. to drop me a note, 27 Holborn Avenue, This is all now. Love from
2) 1937 - 10th August Postmark
Ballyronan, Magherafelt to Master H. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street,
Portadown, Co. Armagh - I will be home about the end of month. I am having a
good time here, hope you are keeping well. I gave Aunt Jane the coupon and
note. Norman
3) 1937 - 10th August Postmark
Ballyronan to Master J. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh
- Got your books and notes. I am giving this to postman. I do not want
vests, it is too hot here. I will write Ma later. Norman
4) 1937 - 23rd August Postmark Portadown
to Master D. N. Alexander, c/o Mrs. John Whyte, Ballymultrea, Ballyronan,
Magherafelt, Co. Derry - Dear Norman, I got your letter which you sent me
and I am not sending any more books. Mammy, Rema and I went to the Point
yesterday (Sunday). I have got 4 wild animals. Harry is doing well and I
hope you are. Jack.
5) 1937 - 25th August Postmark Bundoran
to Mrs. R. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland -
Arrived here Sunday, having a lovely time, weather lovely. Hope you get your
visit home. Mand, D. & I. send love to all. Auntie Sarah

1937? - 26th August Postmark
Bundoran, Donegal to Mr. H. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co.
Armagh - Manchester Lodge, Bundoran, Wednesday. Arrived here Sunday last,
some rain after we came, but these last three days are great, very warm. We
were out fishing in Boat yesterday, got five. Jerry from Clones is here.
Hope you are fine & all the best. Good Bye David
1937 - 26th August Postmark - to Master Harry
Alexander, 154 Thomas Street, Portadown - We have been here & have enjoyed
ourselves. I hope you are all well. I hope to see you one of these days.
Kind regards to Rema & all at home. ? Burnett
1937 - 27th August Postmark Blackpool to Mr. Harry Alexander, 162 Thomas
Street, Portadown, N. Ireland - Dear Harry, I hope you are feeling lots
better. I hope you will soon be able to come down to Belfast to see us. We
are enjoying our holiday great & weather is simply great also. Love from
Auntie Eileen
1937 - September Postmark Bundoran to Miss
Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland - Hope all
are well. Have enjoyed our time here very much. Mr. Wallace I expect will
have told you all today. Hope he got home alright. Come down for a weekend
soon. Love Auntie Sarah
1937 - 1st September Postmark Blackpool to Miss
Rema Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, N. Ireland - Dear R. I think I
am going to Morecombe on Friday for the weekend from here. The illuminations
are on there & they are running cheap trips from here, so don't write me
here again in case I am away. Still having a great time. Love to all. Auntie
1937 - 30th September Postmark Blackrock to Mr.
Alexander, c/o Miss or Mrs. Stevenson, Market Street, Cootehill - The rose
is red and the violets blur, Sugar is sweet & so are you and so is them that
send you this, & when we meet we'll have a x and when we part we'll have
another, But for your life don't be my Mother. Yours Coesanut?

1937 - Postmark Bundoran to Mr. Harry Alexander, 162 Thomas Street,
Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from Manchester Lodge, Bundoran, Wednesday
- Hope you are keeping better & all well. Have had a lovely time here.
Thinking of coming here tomorrow Thursday afternoon for ? hill? Yest. evg.
very wet, shower this a.m. but fine now. Love from all Auntie Sarah

1938 - 14th July Postmark Douglas Isle of Man
to Mr. H. Alexander, Jun., Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N.I. -
Having a good time here only you need to have lots of money. There are any
amount of amusements and I have been around a good few of them, also a lot
of good looking girls! Will be seeing you soon. Tom
2) 1938 - 22nd July Postmark Coniston
Lancs to Miss Rema Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N.
Ireland from c/o Miss Kirk, Sunnyside House, 131 Hesham Road, Morecombe -
Dear Rema, Having a lovely holiday, weather very nice, warm, just wish you
were here with us, have gained weight already, am anxious awaiting a letter
from you, with all the latest, hope you are keeping well. Cheerio with lots
of love, Bessie
3) 1938 - 23rd July Postmark Blackpool
to Mr. H. Alexander, 165 Thomas Street, Portadown, N. Ireland - I hope you
are feeling better. I am sorry for not getting to see you before I came away
but will see you soon, after I get back I am spending my other week in
different places. I am for Liverpool tomorrow. Love to all, Eileen
4) 1938 - 25th July Postmark Fleetwood
to Miss R. Alexander, ?/ Killyman Creamery, Moy, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland -
Still enjoying my holiday and weather ok. Hope to see you soon after I get
back. Love Eileen
5) 1938 - 24th August Postmark Portstewart to Miss R. Alexander, 162 Thomas
Street, Portadown - Many thanks for your letter and book. Glad to know you
are all getting on O.K. I am enjoying my holiday grand, although we have had
some showery weather, we have been able to get about quite a lot. Hoping
that you are A.1. R.A.
6) 1938 - 27th August Postmark Bundoran
to Mr. Harry Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland
from Manchester Lodge, Bundoran - Hope you are keeping OK. Have had lovely
weather till today. Rain all morning. But going on a trip through Donegal in
afternoon. Some fine catches of fish, 63 one evening. The usual crowd are
here so we all keep together, Love Auntie
7) 1938 - 29th August Postmark Bundoran
to Mrs. R.? Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland
from Manchester Lodge, Bundoran, Co. Donegal - Here on our Annual. Hope you
are All keeping well. We are having a very enjoyable time, Bathing, fishing
& lying around. Love from All to All. Auntie Sarah
8) 1938 - 31st August Postmark Bundoran
to Miss R. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland -
Having a nice time here and weather very good. Kindest Regards to all, Maud

1) 1938 - 31st
August Postmark Bundoran to Mr. Harry Alexander, 162 Thomas Street,
Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland from Bundoran Lodge, Bundoran - Hope you &
all are keeping fine. We have had lovely weather. Any odd showers has been
principally at night. Love to all Auntie Sarah
2) 1938 - Postmark Blackpool to Miss
Rema Alexander, ?? Killyman Creamery, Moy, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland - Spending
part of my holidays here, will be spending a ??? day in Scotland, the
weather is great. Hope you are all well. Sorry for not writing you before I
came. Love Eileen
3) 1938 - August Postmark Bundoran to
Miss Rema Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland -
Expect you will soon be going on your Annual. We have had a lovely time
here. Mr. W. expects to go home Thursday. He took us all for a trip through
Donegal & yesterday to Ross' Point. Have had a lovely holiday. Love from
Uncle & Aunt Sarah
4) 1938 - 14th September Postmark Ballysomething, Magherafelt to Master D. N.
P. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh - Many Happy Returns
of the Day From Rema.
5) 1938 - 14th September Postmarks
Portrush & Portadown to Mr. H. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co.
Armagh - Having a nice time here. Weather is great. How you are O.K. Love
6) 1938 - 24th September Postmark
Portrush to Miss R. Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh -
Dear Rema, Sorry I couldn't call on Tuesday night, I got over to see the
picture with Mr. & Mrs. Brown but will call again. Thanks for card, hope you
enjoyed your holiday, we are in Portrush at present, will be expecting you a
week end soon. Love to all. A. & J. Mahood

1947 - 2nd August Postmark Cootehill to Mr. Alexander, c/o Mrs. Stephenson,
Market Street, Cootehill - Oh: excuse me Sir, thought you rang the bell. I
wouldn't for the world catch you in your bath, you do look frightened but
sure its all right Valentine

1) Who said Girls? - to Mr. Robt. Alexander, Banbridge Station, Banbridge -
A stitch in time saves nine.
2) Postmark Bundoran to Miss Rema Alexander, 162 Thomas Street, Portadown,
Co. Armagh, N. Ireland - Having a nice time here but the good times will
come to an end tomorrow, Kindest regards Maud
3) To Miss R. Alexander, The Creamery, Killyman, Moy, Co. Tyrone -
Hello Rema, You'll think I have forgotten you, but I am very busy these
days. Hope you are all OK. I am feeling fine now. Kindly remember me to Miss
Agnew & Miss McNeill. I am not nervous yet. Love from A. Armstrong. xxx
4) To Mr. Harry Alexander, c/o Mr. B. Alexander, 3 Springfield
Terrace, Warrenpoint, Co. Down - Dear Harry, I am started school again, my
holidays are over & I am very sorry. Yours Noel. Hope to hear from you soon.

Turbine Steamship, "Princess Maud" Stranraer & Larne Service