Stevenson Camlin Sherriff
a few other names as well but all came together and seem related

there's really only this photo, I wonder who's who!
March/July 1891 Robert Neill & Sons, Coal and Lime Merchants, 6 Sandy
Row, Bangor to Mr.?? Camlin
29th September 1923 - County of Down Commission of the Peace for J.
Camlin, Esq. ~ {No I am not typing this all out, just a wee bit to get
you started ;-) } George the Fifth, by the Grace of God of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the
Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, To Our Right Trusty and Right
Entirely-beloved Cousin and Councillor, James Albert Edward, Duke of
Abercorn, K.P., Our Governor of Northern Ireland, To Our Right Trusty and
Entirely-beloved Cousins and Councillors, Charles Stewart Henry, Marquess of
Londonderry, M.V.O., and Frederick Temple, Marquess of Dufferin and Ava,
D.S.O., Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Councillors, Sir James Craig,
Bart., M.P., Hugh M. Pollock, M.P., Sir R. Dawson Bates, M.P., John M.
Andrews, M.P., Edward Mervyn Archdale, M.P., Richard Best, M.P., Robert Hugh
Our Trusty and Well-beloved Daniel Martin Wilson and Our Right Trusty and
Well-beloved Councillor, Thomas Watters Brown, Judges of Our High Court of
Justice in Northern Ireland, Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Councillors,
Thomas Shillington, Robert Graham Glendinning, Samuel Cunningham, Colonel
Robert Hugh Wallace, C.B., C.B.E., Lieutenant-Colonel Robert David
Perceval-Maxwell, D.S.O., W. H. H. Lyons, Captain Herbert Dixon, M.P., and
Thomas Moles, M.P., Our Trusty and Well-beloved Alexander M. Sullivan,
George McSweeny, and Henry Hanna, Our First, Second, and Third Serjeants-at-Law
in Ireland, Sir J. Walker Craig, Michael Drummond, The Hon. Gerald
Fitzgerald, Sir John Stanley, Matthew John Bourke, John Gordon Swift
MacNeill, Mathias McDonnell Bodkin, Michael C. Macinerney, John F. Cooke,
Godfrey Fetherstonhaugh, John B. Falconer, Alexander F. Blood, Arthur H.
Bates, Henry W. Jackson, Samuel Lombard Brown, Robert F. Harrison, William
Morgan Jellett, Henry Daniel Conner, Timothy Michael Healy, John Wakely,
Richard M. Hennessy, Herbert Wilson, Richard Manders, George Nugent Oulton,
T. S. Frank Battersby, William Frederick Kenny, Patrick D. Fleming, Sir
Henry George Richards, Charles F. Doyle, Garrett William Walker, John Joseph
Clancy, Patrick Lynch, Arthur C. Meredith, William M. Whitaker, Sir George
T. B. Vanston, George C. Green, Gerald Fitzgibbon, Thomas S. McCann,
Perceval Campbell Gaussen, Robert Joseph Doyle, John H. Pigot, William
Carrigan, Dudley White, John Leech, Charles Drumgoole, Patrick S. Walsh, Sir
Ernest Godwin Swifte, William H. Brown, John McGonigal, William John
Johnston, James McLoone, Edward J. McElligott, Clarence W. Corvan, John
Linehan, William G. Gibson, John W. Hynes, Lionel Henry Rosenthal, James
Williamson, John Muldoon, William Stuart Norwood, Frederick F. Denning,
Richard J. Kelly, R. Ernest Osborne, Matthew J. Kenny, A. Alfred Dickie,
Daniel J. O'Brien, Michael Comyn, George Hill Smith, James Michael Sweetman,
John Mayne Colles, Gerald Horan, Thomas Henry Maxwell, George A. McGusty,
John Cusack, Sir Frank N. Greer, Timothy Sullivan, Frederick W. Price, John
M. Whitaker, Robert G. Leonard, Thomas J. Campbell, Anthony B. Babington,
James C. Meredith, James Sealy, Edward S. Murphy, Henry MacDermot, Edmund A.
Swayne, Raoul Couturier De Versan, Charles H. Crookshank, Thomas W. Bell,
Henry Vivian Yeo, Thomas Chalmers Drury, Sir Walter Herbert Boyd, Bart.,
James O'Brien, Albert E. Wood, Edmond Lupton, Mark B. Cooper, Frank
FitzGibbon, Edward A. K. Figgis, A. Kingsbury Overend, Herbert M. Thompson,
Hugh Kennedy, Cecil Fforde, Charles D. Barry, Ambrose Henry Webb, James
Harvey Monroe, Hugh Oliver Holmes, Charles J. Griffin, Ernest Victor
Longworth, George C. May, Robert D. Megaw, Samuel Moore, Edward A. Collins,
John H. Robb, Marcus D. Begley, William Beattie, James C. R. Lardner,
William Dick, Lewis R. Lipsett, J. Sinclair Baxter, William Macafee, James
A. Pringle, James Rearden, and T. J. Sherlock, Our Counsel learned in the
Law. {ok that's the first paragraph, you're on your own from now on

Birth Certificate - District of Bangor, Union of Newtownards, County Down
- 1933 Eighteenth May, 10 First Avenue, Bangor - Ann Elizabeth - Female -
John Liddle Sherriff, 10 First Avenue, Bangor - Sarah Eleanor Augusta
Sherriff formerly Trimble - Estate Agent - Tenth June 1933 - Samuel P. Rea
19th July 1948 National Registration Identity Card, John C. Stevenson, 25
Farnham Road, Bangor, Co. Down UDA.

1) Certified Copy of Entry of Marriage - 3rd August 1956 at Helen's Bay,
Parish of Bangor, Co. Down. John Camlin Stevenson 24 Bachelor Quantity
Surveyor 1 Victoria Terrace, Bangor, Father: John Armstrong Stevenson,
Chartered Surveyor Ann Elizabeth Sherriff 23 Spinster 16 Beverley Hills,
Bangor, Father: John Liddle Sherriff, Auctioneer, Estate Agent. Witnesses:
George Ballance Gare Stevenson & Ann Elizabeth McKimm. Minister: Leslie W.
Martin, 21 Windsor Avenue, Bangor 7th September 1956
2) 30th March 1959 Blood Group Record Card, Ann Stevenson, 31 Beverley
Hills, Bangor. Age 25
3) Birth Certificate 3rd June 1959 Susan Alexandra Stevenson Bangor (exact
DOB withheld)
4) 27th December 1952 Ballyholme Yacht Club, Bangor - Dear John, Herewith a
few notes on our cruise this Summer We left you a page or two if you wish to
add your own comments. Wishing you a Happy Christmas & all the best for the
New Year. Karl P.S. Don't forget the ? ? form please. (see
below) - Sailing Times - Comments on
the Cruise from the Crew - Map of Route
1952 Cruise of Aux. Yacht "Escape" Aux. Gaff
Cutter, LOA 11'6", LWL 18'6", Beam 7'6", Draft 2'9" Engine Austin 7
conversion. Crew Owner and John Stevenson, owner of Insect "Hornet" John's
previous cruising experience limited to two week-ends in Escape. In
discussing the projected cruise it was agreed that (1) we would endeavour to
make an anchorage each evening at a reasonable hour. (2) we would waste no
time beating to windward in view of Escape's poor performance on this point
of sailing, and (3) we would eat ashore as often as possible. In other words
we were out for a comfortable holiday and not an endurance test. How we
succeeded can be judged from the following narrative. The general idea was
to cruise as far up the West Coast of Scotland as time and weather
permitted. If at all possible we wanted to go outside the Mull of Kintyre.

1) 1961 & 1963 Railway Passengers Assurance Company, 16 Howard Street,
Belfast 1a) 19th December 1961 J. C. Stevenson, Esq., 31 Beverley Hills,
Bangor, Dear Sir, Motor Policy M.1016443 We have altered the above policy in
respect of the new car, Accordingly, we enclose amended policy and driving
certificates to complete the matter. Yours faithfully, W. G. Bain? Local
Manager 1b) 14th March, 1963 J. C. Stevenson, Seaforth Road, Bangor,
Dear Sir, Accident 5.2.63 We refer to your calls at this office on 5th
February and would advise that we have now sent our cheque for £25.2.1d. to
Messrs. H. & J. McGimpsey in respect of the repairs carried out to your
vehicle. We are now corresponding suitably with the Third Party's insurers
with a view to recovering the amount of your excess and should be glad if
you would confirm that you have no other uninsured loss claim. Yours
faithfully, W. E. Bain, Branch Manager
2) Cattolica 30-6-1961 - Dear Ann and John, This is the oil, I promised to
give you, Ann, I forgot it last evening, but therefore I set it on your
table. You can read, what is written before you use it. Still a few time?
and I am away from here. I feel a little bit sad now, because I have to
leave this fine place, where I found really good friends like you and Roman
and May. I wrote Roman first, because I was thinking how to write May's
name! I'm thinking, it will be wrong, sorry for my bad writing, But I'm in a
hurry, you see, that's why I stop now. Have still a very good time here and
hope to see you again in Ireland or maybe in Holland. Bey, dear friends,
3) April 1962 Wm. Simon & Co. Ltd., 99 Main Street, Bangor to Mrs.
Stevenson, Seaforth Road
4) 12th January 1962 John Neill & Sons, 100 Main Street, Bangor. Dear John,
Pollin - to - You. 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor. I have your letter of the 8th
instant and have now been in touch with Mr. Pollin. He is quite agreeable
for you to take over items of Furnishings as set out in your letter. At your
convenience, therefore, I would be obliged if you would kindly let me have
your cheque for £283. Kind regards Yours sincerely, Jack. John Stevenson,
Esq., 31 Beverley Hills, Bangor, Co. Down
5) 14th June 1962. John Ross & Co., 22-26 May Street and 37 Montgomery
Street to Mr. John Stevenson, Seaforth Road, Bangor.
6) 14th March 1963 The Mayor of Newtownards, Town Hall, Newtownards. Dear
Sir, I have much pleasure in acknowledging your letter of 12th instant and
your kind invitation to a Reception on the 23rd instant. Unfortunately I
will be away from home, but I should be most grateful if my son John and his
wife could represent Mrs. Stevenson and myself. Yours sincerely J. A.
Stevenson - 28th March 1963 Postmark Bangor to J. A. Stevenson, Esq.,
Messrs. Roe, Stevenson & Sons, 33 College Gardens, Belfast from Town Hall,
Newtownards, Northern Ireland. Dear Mr. Stevenson, With reference to the
kind offer of your firm to make a presentation to the Council, I have
pleasure in informing you that a small reception has been arranged to be
held in the Londonderry Room, Town Hall, on Saturday, 23rd March, 1963, at 8
p.m. and on behalf of the members of the Council I have to extend a cordial
invitation to Mrs. Stevenson and you to be present. Other local
manufacturers are presenting ceremonial robes to the Council at this
reception and it has been suggested that you might also like to make the
presentation on behalf of your firm then. Perhaps you would let me know if
these arrangements are suitable to you and if Mrs. Stevenson and you will be
able to be present. Yours sincerely Mayor Stanley E. Woods

1) 18th January 1962 John Neill & Sons, 100 Main Street, Bangor - 1 Seaforth
Road, Bangor, Household Furnishings to J. Stevenson, Esq., 31 Beverley
Hills, Bangor
2) January 1964 H. & J. McGimpsey Ltd., Main Austin Dealers, 97 Main Street,
Bangor to Mr. John Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor - Austin A60 de-luxe
saloon finished in Grampian Grey, equipped as per catalogue specification
and sold under the terms and conditions of the Manufacturers' Guarantee.
£818.2.11 2043 BZ
3) 31st December 1963 H. & J. McGimpsey Ltd., 97 Main Street, Bangor to Mr.
J. Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road
4) 31st December 1962 H. & J. McGimpsey Ltd., 97 Main Street, Bangor to Mr.
John Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road
5) 7th March 1963 Bangor Golf Club, Co. Down Mr. J. B. Stevenson

1) 9th August 1961 Royal Ulster Yacht Club, Flag Officers of the R.U.Y.C.
request the company of Mr. J. C. Stevenson on the occasion of the visit of
Her Majesty The Queen and H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh to the Clubhouse on
2) 23rd January 1963 Charles Neill Limited, Mrs. J. Stevenson, 1 Seaforth
Road, Bangor
3) 8th February 1963 Bayview Hotel, Portballintrae, Co. Antrim to Mr. J.
Stevenson, Ardmore, Seaforth Road, Bangor - Dear Mr. Stevenson, Following a
call by Mr. C. Blackstock of Portballintrae, on your behalf, I have pleasure
in confirming that I have made a booking for you and your family and two
friends and their family of two from Sat. 29th June till Sat. 6th July 1963.
Yours friends are in a double bedded room with a twin bedded room next door
for their two children. As Mr. Blackstock has already explained to you I can
not give you a suitable room straight through but have to put you in one
large room for the night of Sat. 29th. June and change you on Sunday 30th
June, however he assures me that this is satisfactory as I have no
alternative. Our terms are 12 gns. per person per week with half price for
children up to six years and 10/- daily for children using cots. Assuring
you of our best attention at all times. Yours faithfully, (Mrs.) A. M.
4) 30th November 1962 Scott's Tyre Service Ltd. to Mr. J. C. Stevenson, 1
Seaforth Road, Bangor
5) 29th July 1962 Down County Health Committee, Diphtheria and Whooping
Cough Immunisation Schemes. Ards Hospital
6) 29th February 1962 Bangor Golf Club to Mr. J. C. Stevenson, 1 Seaforth

1962 H. & J. McGimpsey Limited, Main Austin Dealers, 97 Main Street, Bangor
to Mr. John Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor

1) 1962 Warden Brothers (Newtownards) Ltd., High Street to Mrs. Stevenson, 1
Seaforth Road, Bangor
2) 18th August 1964 Reckitt & Colman Holdings Ltd., shares to J. C.
Stevenson, Esq., F.R.I.C.S.
3) 18th March 1963 Railway Passengers Assurance Company, 16 Howard Street,
Belfast ACCIDENT 5.2.63 Dear Sirs, With reference to the above ad your
letter of 14th instant, I would confirm that I have no other uninsured loss
claim to lay before you. Yours faithfully, J. C. Stevenson
4) 22nd March 1963 S.S. Hubert from Liverpool

1) 15th June 1962 Wilmor & Company, 17 & 19 Queen Street, Belfast (W. E.
2) December 1962 Count Down Rediffusion Service Ltd., 21a Main Street,
August 1962 - Ulster Reform Club, List of Members

August 1962 - Ulster Reform Club, List of Members

1) J. Camlin, Grave Papers, Bangor Cemetery - Ernest P. McCormick,
Monumental Sculptor, 58 Newtownards Road, Bangor, Mrs. Sinclair, 38
Seacliffe Road, Bangor, 30th November 1970 - to engraving following
inscription on granite memorial in Bangor Cemetery. Sarah McCallum, eldest
daughter of above, died 23rd April 1969. - Bought 26 May 1927. Grant of
Right of Burial in Bangor New Cemetery - By virtue of the Public Health
(Ireland) Act, 1878, Section 178, We, the Chairman and Members of the Joint
Burial Board of Bangor, in consideration of the sum of £7 to us, paid by
John Camlin of Brunswick Road do hereby grant unto the said John Camlin
heirs, successors and assigns, the exclusive right of Burial in the
portion of ground, Section 1. D. and Numbers 69 - 70 in the Bangor New
Cemetery, to hold the same to the said John Camlin heirs, successors and
assigns, in perpetuity, subject to such Rules and Regulations as are now in
force or shall hereafter from time to time be made by the Bangor Joint
Burial Board for the regulation, management and control of Cemetery. In
witness whereof, we have hereunto affixed our Seal, this 5th day of February
One Thousand Nine Hundred and forty-nine.
2) 18th? November 1971 Lamita Bill of Sale etc. - Gerald Benjamin Leonard,
Craigareagh, Sketrick Island, Killinchy - John Camlin Stevenson - Leonard
Bain Dickinson, 3 Carrisbrooke Terrace, Bangor
3) 12th January 1970 Masonic Schools, Dublin - This is to Certify that
Brother J. C. Stevenson is a Life Governor of the Masonic Girls School
4) 17th October 1973 No. 284 Bangor, Brother John C. Stevenson, Lodge No.
5) 20th January 1975 R.U.Y.C. to J. C. Stevenson, Esq., 1 Seaforth Road,
Bangor - Dear Sir, Your application for Life Membership was placed before
the General Committee who accepted it with pleasure, I enclose a receipt in
acknowledgement of your cheque. I trust that you will be long spared to
enjoy this status in the Club. Yours faithfully, Karl Smyth, Hon. Secretary.

1) 12th November 1971 Temperance Permanent Building Society Messrs. Eric
Morrow, Curry and Co., Solicitors, 45 Chichester Street, Belfast - Mr. John
Camlin Stevenson and Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor
2) 3rd December 1974 Death Certificate Florence Jane Lee, Female, 29th
November 1974 at 17 Palmerston Road, Belfast, Widowed, DOB 3rd February
1892, Belfast. Widow of Wesley Gordon Lee, A Minister of Religion, Maiden
surname Stevenson. COD Pulmonary Embolus, Generalised Arteriosclerosis.
Informant Nephew, J. C. Stevenson, 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor
3) 3rd December 1974 'Ardmore' 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor - Dear Sirs, I would
advise you that the holder of this Pension Book, Mrs. Florence J. Lee, died
on Friday, 29th November 1974, Yours faithfully, J. C. Stevenson to Dept. of
Health and Social Services, Pensions Branch, Stormont, Belfast
4) Certifying Information of Death
5) " "
6) Medical Certificate of Cause of Death
7) 1973 Grand Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland John C. Stevenson
Cruise of the 'Lamita' 8th to 17th July 1972 The
Crew (Skipper & Owner John Stevenson; Deck-hand and Cook Stanley Devon;
Deck-hand and Chief Engineer Bill Stewart) - Saturday 8th July Barometer
1013 steady. Log 3890 06.00 hrs. The Crew assembled at the Ballyholme Yacht
Club where the dinghy was launched. 'Lamita' was then brought close in-shore
where out-standing items of gear were transferred on board. On the
completion of this exercise the crew repaired on board and the dinghy was
hoisted onto the coach roof and firmly lashed down.
1) 13th November 1971 Customs and Excise London J. C. Stevenson Lamita
2) Borough of Newtownards, Dinner to Mark the Dissolution of Newtownards
Borough Council on 30th September 1973
1) August Alex. Dickson & Sons Ltd., Newtownards to Mr. J. C. Stevenson,
Ardmore, 1 Seaforth Road, Bangor
2) Tupperware Agent Muriel Sargent, 188 King's Road, Knock, Belfast to Mrs.
Ann Stevenson, Seaforth Road, Bangor
3) Carpenters
4) Fairey Marine, Dinky and Duckling, Tough Little Tenders
5) Phone Bill

1) Ardnamurcaan Point & Lighthouse
2) Seaquester off Coll
the end