Robert Hanna Montgomery
assorted bits and pieces
also this map
Robert Hanna Montgomery, Const. 5072
R.U.C. Depot, Newtownards, Co. Down, Northern Ireland 20-1-36
J. F. McGeagh, Draperstown 9 May 1908
R. H. Montgomery, 2 Downview Park West, Antrim Road, Belfast 15 1962

Joined R.U.C. 20:1:36 (19 years 1 month)
Joined Customs Excise 1:9:51 (3 years ? months)
In Nova Scotia Canada from 1:5:31 to 14 5/12 years 3:12:34 18 years
Constable 20.1.36 - Sergeant 1.7.43
Passed Head Constable Technical Examination June 1949
Official Customs Excise 1.9.51 (transferred from R.U.C.)
Stations in R.U.C.:- (R.U.C. Service 15 years 9 months)
Newtownards Depot - 20:1:36 to Sept. 1936
Enniskillen Depot - Sept. 36 to Dec. 36
Queens Street Bks. Belfast - Dec. 36 to April 37
Enniskillen Depot - April 37 to May 37
Galwally, Belfast - May 37 to July 37
Portstewart Barracks - July 37 to 15:9:37
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - 15.9.37 to 1.9.39
Donegall Pass, Belfast - 1.9.39 to Oct. 1939
Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh - Oct 1939 to 4.1.40
Cullyhanna, Co. Armagh - 4.1.40 to Oct. 1941
Newry (Armagh ?) Bks. Oct 1941 to 1.7.43
Custom ?
Londonderry Bks. (Victoria) 1.7.43 to 1.6.47
Donegall Pass Bks. - 1.6.47 to 1.9.51
Musgrave ? Bks. ? 1.9.51 to 1.1.53
12 Corporation Street
to 1.9.56 then to 146 Albertbridge Road (Ulster Bank) to?
Cap Size 7¼
No. 5072
Coat Black 5072 lining. Initials (left shoulder)
Main Coat 5072 Initials (on Ligune 5)
Heavy Coat White lining 5072 Initials right lapel?
Trousers Initials under left hand pocket
R. H. Montgomery, 17 Wheatfield Gardens, Crumlin Road, Belfast, Northern
Newspaper Clippings
Derry boy wins scholarship - A Londonderry boy, Alistair McCleery, of
Glasgow Terrace, has been allocated one of 12 scholarships to Ghana,
sponsored by Thwaites Brewery. The scholarship entails a six-week stay in
Ghana including ten days in the home of a native family
A List of Names associated with hospitals in Northern Ireland, maybe for
examinations passed?
MID ULSTER - L. Brownlow, E. A. Campbell, F. E. McConnell, M. A.
McGerr, T. P. Miler, V. A. Montgomery, M. P. Murphy, D. E. Turkington
MUSGRAVE PARK - M. Annett, J. Barbour, B. B. Kelly, S. Lindsay, S. C.
Lindsay, K. C. McAllister, M. T. McAllister, P. M. McCormack, H. McCullough,
B. McDonad, B. A. McElherron, A. J. Mairs, M. V. Marken, M. M. Porter, A. P.
Rafferty, C. Rice, A. A. M. Scullion, N. M. Woods
ROYAL HOSPITAL - E. A. Arthur, E. Beggs, D. E. Bell, A. E. M. Brown,
P. I. Caldwell, B. A. Condell, R. A. Cunningham, M. E. Doey, B. M. Donnelly,
C. R. Enright, G. A. D. Falvey, M. R. Fletcher, A. P. Foy, B. A. Fusco, E.
I. Gash, M. E. T. Greenan, E. A. Haire, J. A. Jones, M. T. Kane, B. E.
Knipe, A. A. Lowe, J. M. McDermott, M. E. McVicker, D. A. Mackin, H. M.
Magill, M. P. Mann, A. P. Meyler, Y. E. Millar, L. E. S. Mullin, M. C.
O'Neill, D. P. Shephard, Y. S. Simpson, M. A. J. Speight, V. M. Thompson, M.
A. Wilson, E. E. Y. Wolfenden, A. S. Woods
TYRONE COUNTY - W. R. Barton, I. E. Doy, M. J. McCann, S. E.
McDonagh, R. M. McGillion, K. E. E. McMahon, K. E. Martin
ULSTER - N. R. Agnew, I. M. Campbell, H. E. Frazer, S. D. Miller
The following passed the final psychiatric examination :-
BELFAST CITY - J. Colvin, B. T. Connolly, A. McCartney, D. McReynolds
DOWNSHIRE - J. P. Galway, J. A. Hanna
GRANSHA - S. E. J. Evans
HOLYWELL - P. M. Allison, I. B. Kealey, M. Taylor
PURDYSBURN - O. E. Dunningan, S. P. Laverty, E. M. T. McAuley, I. W.
H. McCartney, T. J. McKervey, H. G. Sherratt, G. O. Sullivan
ST. LUKE'S - P. P. M. McGurk, C. B. Stevenson, O. Woolsey
TYRONE AND FERMANAGH - S. A. E. Armstrong, M. T. Kelly
Final special care examination:-
MUCKAMORE ABBEY - M. B. McGonagle, R. W. Turbitt
Final sick children's examination:-
ROYAL BELFAST - M. B. Arkinson, N. M. G. Baxter, A. Essien, M. L.
Graham, R. Johnston, M. J. McManus, L. Shannon
ULSTER - D. A. Logan, J. S. Thompson
THE DEATH WATCH - Inside Story of an Execution Morning
The great climax to the murder of the man with the cleft chin has brought
into open debate again the age-old British method of execution. It is
inevitable that other men will die in the same manner as Karl Hulten and
other women stand in like peril to that which almost to the final hour beset
Elizabeth Maud Jones. But to-day public opinion would appear to be
reacting again to the employment of what has been called "the barbaric
scaffold." It may be the first tentative steps to a revolutionary
change in capital punishment - if not along completely abolition lines then
in a form less primitive that "the rope, the drop and the prison chaplain."
The quotation is from a letter to "The Times" by Mr. Bernard Shaw, who
seemingly favours euthanasia or " mercy killing" in cases of capital
punishment. He points out that on the authority of the Book our
Genesis method of execution is precisely the same as that in operation 2,000
years ago. Briefly recounting the now familiar history of Elizabeth
Jones and the crime for which she was condemned G.B.S. continues:-
"Unfortunately our method of putting such people to death is so primitive
that when it has to be practised on a girl in her teens, everyone including
the Sovereign, who has to sign the death warrant, and the Home Secretary,
who has to decide whether it shall be carried out or not, is revolted by it.
"If the strip-tease girl had been told simply that her case was under
consideration and she were presently to be found dead in her bed some
morning, in a quite comfortable lethal chamber not known to her to be such,
the relief to the public conscience would be enormous, and the survivors
would acquire a wholesome sense of public obligation to make the
preservation of their lives by civilisation worth while." LAST
GOOD-BYES What is the "primitive" procedure by which a condemned
person goes to his or her death when the final hope of reprieve has gone?
Here, probably for the first time, is an authentic description of the last
fleeting hours. At 10 o'clock on the night before the execution, two
of six prison officers who have shared the death watch, shake their prisoner
by the hand and wish him good-bye. Two others will have done the same
thing eight hours earlier. The remaining couple take over from 10 p.m.
until 7 a.m. next day. From the latter hour two officers, who had not
previously "sat" with the condemned man, keep the remaining two hours watch
and accompany their prisoner to the execution shed. He will probably
have spent most of his last night writing letters or playing cards with his
guards. Few condemned men sleep at the end, though invariably they are
quite calm and self-possessed when the realisation comes that there is no
more hope. At 7 a.m. the clothing in which the man has been tried and
condemned is given to him, minus collar and tie, and the prison attire
destroyed. This, however, was not the procedure in the case of Karl
Hulten, who, so it has been disclosed, went to the scaffold wearing prison
clothes doubtless to preserve his American uniform from ignominy. For
breakfast porridge, bacon, bread and butter are served to men who are to die
within the hour. Some eat, some decline. The majority are
content with a cup of tea and unlimited cigarettes. HANDSHAKES AND
BRANDY Between 8.30 and p the chaplain enters the condemned cell to
give spiritual consolation. If he wishes the prisoner may take Holy
Communion. The chaplain usually stays in the death cell until nine
o'clock. At that moment the following will be standing quietly outside
the door: The governor of the prison, the under-sheriff of the county, the
executioner, assistant executioner, medical officer of the prison, chief
officer of the prison, hospital orderly and prisoner engineer. On the
stroke of nine the cell door opens and the governor says to the
Under-Sheriff, "Your prisoner, sir." Condemned persons are the
prisoners of the High Sheriff of the County. At the same time the
executioner steps in front of the condemned man and offers to shake hands
with him. The gesture is invariably acknowledged. The hospital
orderly proffers a tot of brandy, and the executioner's assistant pinions
the condemned man's arms behind him above the elbow. All this takes a
matter of seconds. MACABRE MOMENTS The two officers of the death
watch then lead the condemned out of the cell to the execution shed, usually
but a few steps away. Here he is guided to a chalkmark on the trap.
The executioner then pulls a white cap over the head and face of the
prisoner, adjusts the noose of the rope already suspended just above by a
single thread. At the same time the assistant executioner straps the
prisoner's ankles. The executioner gives a sign for everyone to step
off the trap and quickly kicks the release bolt from the lever. It is
all over. The medical officer immediately descends into the pit to
satisfy himself that death has taken place. The shed is then closed
and locked and a guard left on duty outside for an hour. At 10 a.m.
the body is drawn up, placed in a coffin and removed to the mortuary.
Here it is viewed by a coroner and jury, and after formal evidence of
identity by the Governor and the cause of death by the medical officer a
verdict of "Death by judicial hanging or fracture of the vertebrae by
judicial hanging" is returned. Then the body is buried in a grave
already prepared in the prison grounds, and all personal belongings
concerning which the accused has made no specific request are buried with
him. At one time the condemned man's initials and the date of his
death were cut into the prison wall near the grave, but this practice has
been abandoned. To-day the only record of a hanging is to be
discovered on the official plan of the prison.
Death Notices 1956
Gorman - January 20, 1956 (suddenly), at Royal Victoria Hospital,
Gerald, dearly-beloved husband of Margaret Gorman - Deeply regretted by his
sorrowing Daughter and Son-in-law, Vic and Ernest Snodden, and Granddaughter
Pauline, 56 Candahar Street. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing
Brother-in-law Joseph Sayers, and Family, 36 Elm Street. Deeply
regretted by his sorrowing Daughter and Son-in-law, Mabel and Bob Bingle,
London. Deeply regretted by his Sisters-in-law, Brothers-in-law,
Nephews and Nieces. The Officers and Members of Kane Memorial L.O.L.
No. 890 tender their sincere sympathy, A. Harper, W.M. The Officers
and Members of Botanic Temperance R.B.P. 1019 deeply regret the death of Sir
Kt. Gerald Gorman and tender sincere sympathy, David Lindsay, P.M., Reg.
Hanley - January 20, 1956, at Throne Hospital, Whitewell, David, the
dearly-loved husband of Beatrice M. Hanley, Cloona Cottages, Dunmurry.
Funeral to Knockbreda Burying-ground, Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife
and Family
Henderson - January 20, 1956, at his residence, 1 Prospect Street,
Carrickfergus, William, beloved husband of the late Sarah Henderson.
Funeral to Victoria Cemetery. Officers and Members of Straid
Temperance R.B.P. 42 regret the death of their esteemed member, Sir Kt. W.
Henderson, R. Cameron, Reg.
Heslip - January 21, 1956, at her residence, The Linfield, 2 Sandy
Row, Belfast, Jane Margaret, widow of William Henry Heslip. Funeral to
Dundonald Cemetery. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Son and
Daughter-in-law, William and Margaret, and Grandsons, 105 Tildarg Street.
Officers and Members of Magdalene Church Defenders' Temperance L.O.L. 515
and R.A.P.C. 615 deeply regret the death of the mother of their esteemed
Deputy Master, Br. W. J. Heslip and tender deepest sympathy, Jas. H. Martin,
W.M.; Albert Rogers, W.M. Officers and Members of Magdalene Church
Defenders' Temperance R.B.P. 1076 deeply regret the death of the mother of
their esteemed Member Sir Kt. W. J. Heslip, Thos. Keery, W.M.
Hewitt - Officers and Members of Light and Freedom L.O.L. 873 regret
the death of the wife of Br. T. Hewitt, P.M., W. Johnston, W.M.
Smyth - January 20, 1956 (suddenly), at her residence, 3 Humber
Street, Elizabeth, dearly-loved wife of Robert Smyth. Deeply regretted by
her sorrowing Son Hugh, Daughter-in-law Lily and Granddaughter Eileen.
Deeply regretted by her loving Daughter and Son-in-law, Lucy and Robert
Graham, and Grandchildren, 44 Oakdene Parade. Deeply regretted by her
loving Son and Daughter-in-law, Robert and Rene Smyth, and Grandchildren,
Bertha, Allan, Ian and Allison, 41 Finnis Drive. Deeply regretted by
her sorrowing Son and Daughter-in-law, Victor and Greta, and Grand-children,
Elizabeth, Victor and June. (It's only good-night, dear mother, just as we
used to say)
Stead - January 20, 1956 (suddenly), at Ards Hospital, William,
dearly-loved husband of Jane Stead, Drumfad, Millisle. Funeral to Churchill,
Carrowdore. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife, Son and Daughter, Robert
and Jean; Son and Daughter-in-law, William and Martha, and Granddaughter
Jean Elizabeth
Thompson - January 20, 1956 (suddenly), at her residence, 1 Belfast
Road, Comber, Susan, daughter of the late George and Agnes Thompson. Funeral
to Comber New Cemetery. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Family Circle.
Officers and Members of Comber White Flag L.O.L. 244 regret the death of the
sister of their esteemed Member, Br. David Thompson, and tender their
deepest sympathy, J. L. O. Andrews, W.M.
Tobin - January 20, 1956, at his residence, Tollyarnon, Castlederg,
Frank, dearly-loved husband of Elizabeth Tobin. Funeral to New Cemetery,
Toman - January 20, 1956, at his residence, 21 Waterford Street,
Belfast, Stephen, dearly-beloved husband of Ellen Toman, R.I.P. Funeral from
St. Paul's Church to Milltown Cemetery. Deeply regretted by his
Daughter, Son-in-law and Grandchildren, Margaret and Danny McAreavey
Twaddell - January 20, 1956, at her residence, 13 Sunnyside, Mossley,
in her 94th year, Elizabeth, widow of Daniel Twaddell. Funeral to Ballintoy
Churchyard. Officers and Members of Cliftonville Social Club regret
the death of the mother of their esteemed Member, Thomas Twaddell, S. W.
Smiley, Chairman
Warmington - January 20, 1956, at his residence, 35 Lismoyne Park,
Belfast, William James, dearly-loved husband of Isabella Warmington
Wilcox - January 21, 1956, at Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn, Jane
Elizabeth, dearly-loved wife of Thomas Wilcox, 2 Kempton Park, Moira Road,
Lisburn. Funeral to Hillsborough Churchyard. Deeply regretted by her
sorrowing Son and Daughter-in-law, Fred and Letitia Wilcox, Shonamar,
Dromore Road, Hillsborough
Death Notices 1951
Bamford - Officers and Members of Aircraft L.O.L. 2000 deeply regret
the death of the mother of Br. Bamford, and extend deepest sympathy, S.
McCullough W.M.
Cameron - February 27, 1951, at her residence, 19 Queen Street,
Ballymena, Agnes, widow of William Cameron. Funeral to Ballymena Cemetery
Cardwell - February 26, 1951, at her residence, 6 Boyne Square, Jean,
dearly-loved wife of James Cardwell. Funeral to Dundonald Cemetery. Deeply
regretted by her sorrowing Husband and Family; also her Granddaughter
Eleanor. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Son and Daughter-in-law,
Tommy and Elizabeth Cardwell; also Grandchildren, 24 Severn Street.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Sister-in-law and Brothers-in-law, Eleanor
and George Herron, Margaret and Andrew McConnell, also Nephews and Nieces
Dale - February 26, 1951, at his residence, 96 Hatton Drive, Thomas,
dearly-loved husband of Sarah Dale. Funeral to Dundonald. Deeply regretted
by his sorrowing Son and Daughter-in-law, William and Elizabeth dale, also
Grandsons, 36 Malcolm Street. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing
Daughter and Son-in-law, Florence May and Samuel Morrow, and Grandchildren,
93 Cregagh Road. Deeply regretted by his Daughter and Son-in-law,
Johanna and William Robbins, and Grandchildren, 39 Mayflower Street
Foreman - February 24, 1951 (result of an accident), Robina Foreman.
Deeply regretted by her Friends at University Road Moravian Church
Hamilton - February 26, 1951, ay City Hospital, Mary, widow of W. J.
Hamilton. Funeral from her late residence, 47 Frome Street to Dundonald
Cemetery. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Sister and Brother-in-law,
Elizabeth and James Downey, Nephews and Nieces, 90 Templemore Street; also
her Sons and Families in Australia.
McDermott - February 26, 1951, at Musgrave Park Hospital, William
(ex-R.U.C.), dearly-beloved husband of Alice McDermott, 27 Innisfayle
Gardens, Belfast. Funeral from his Brother-in-law's residence, 28 Mountjoy
Street, Londonderry to Glendermott Parish Church Burying-ground
part entry - MacErlean - February 25, 1951, at a Private Nursing
Man and Wife injured - David McCabrey, aged 66, and his wife, Jessie
A. McCabrey, aged about 60, of Lille Park, Finaghy, were knocked down by a
motor car while out walking last night between Finaghy cross-roads and
Dunmurry. They are detained in the Royal Victoria Hospital
Impartial Reporter ...
Series of Lorry Crashes - Enniskillen Young Man For Trial - Said He Drank
"Jungle Juice"
William Thomas McCaffrey, of 7 Henry Street, Enniskillen, was, at a special
Court in Enniskillen on Tuesday, before Mr. T. Allen, M.B.E., J.P., returned
for trial, in custody, to Fermanagh Assizes, on a number of charges. The
making of depositions lasted over four hours, and 16 witnesses were
examined. Seven charges were preferred against McCaffrey - (1) for
taking and driving away a lorry, IL 4344, the property of Conor McManus, on
5th February, without the owner's consent; (2) committing malicious damage
to the lorry to the amount of £220 17s; (3) committing malicious damage to a
motor car, ZD 1016, the property of John McNulty, on 5th February, to the
amount of £47 19s; (4) committing malicious damage, on 5th February, to
motor car, IL 4571, the property of Robert Dickie, to the amount of £41 15s;
(5) reckless driving; (6) driving at a speed dangerous to the public; and
(7) in a manner dangerous to the public. Head Constable Gregg
prosecuted and Miss Noreen Cooper, LL.B., represented accused.
EXCAVATOR DAMAGED James McDermott, employed by Drysdale Company as an
excavator driver, said that on 5th February when he had finished work at the
Diamond, Enniskillen, he parked the excavator inside the barrier at
Galligan's door. Half of the street here was under repair and it was
in the portion under repair that he parked the excavator. The
following morning he noticed that it had been damaged. Robert Gorby,
Holborn Hill, Belturbet, hackney car owner, gave evidence that on 5th Feb.
he was at a dance in Enniskillen Townhall and parked his car at the Imperial
Hotel. About 9.15 p.m. he was standing on the Townhall steps and heard
the noise of a lorry approach. He then heard a crash and saw a big
lorry pass. It was going pretty fast. The left hand door of the
lorry was swinging open, and the door came into contact with witness's car,
putting a large dent in the roof. The lorry did not stop. The
damage to his car amounted to £3 15s. CAB "TOTALLY WRECKED"
Robert John Black, contractor, Enniskillen, said that on 6th February, he
examined McManus' lorry. The cab was totally wrecked. His
estimate for making good the damage was £220 17s 6d. Wm. R. Donaldson,
Erne Engineering Company, said that it would cost £47 19s to repair
McNulty's car. Conor McManus, quarry owner, Silverhill, gave evidence
that he owned motor lorry IL 4344 and did not give accused permission to
drive it on 5th February. When he saw the lorry on 6th February, the
cab was off it completely and the back loading board was bent up and broken.
CARS DAMAGED John McNulty, The Brook, Enniskillen, owner of hackney
car ZD 1016, said he parked the car outside the Munster and Leinster Bank in
Townhall Street on 5th February, and when he saw the car again about 10.30
p.m. he found that the front left mudguard and the two doors on that side
were damaged. The door pillar and running board were also damaged, and
the back bumper. William E. Dickie, Bloomfield Park, Enniskillen,
whose car, IL 4571, was parked in Townhall Street on the same night, said
that when he saw the car about 11 p.m. the front mudguard was damaged, both
left hand doors scraped and dinged, the front one having the handle taken
off, and the back left-hand mudguard dinged and a piece torn from it.
"PIECES FELL TO GROUND" Henry A. Burke, solicitor, East Bridge Street,
Enniskillen, said that on Monday, 5th February, he was passing along East
Bridge Street towards the Townhall and when he came as far as the "Impartial
Reporter" office he heard a crash and noticed an unlighted lorry in contact
with a car parked opposite the Royal Hotel. Some pieces of the car
fell on the ground. The lorry came on towards witness. At the
same time a lorry coming from the direction of Belmore Street stopped
opposite witness. The lorry he had first seen mounted the footpath and
witness stepped into the doorway of the "Impartial Reporter" office.
The lorry passed between witness and the stationary lorry and when abreast
of the stationary lorry it stopped for a moment. As it moved off, the
back part came into contact with the rear of the stationary lorry. The
lorry, which did not appear to have a cab on it, looked like an ex-military
vehicle of some sort. He did not know the driver. LORRY MOUNTED
FOOTPATH Robert Gerald Dickie, Bloomfield Park, gave evidence that on
5th February, when he was driving a motor lorry along East Bridge Street,
about 8.30 p.m., he noticed a lorry coming towards him without lights.
The lorry appeared to have no cab and was travelling about 10 m.p.h.
The unlighted lorry mounted the footpath and passed him on the right hand
side. When passing it scraped the side and bent the rear corner post
of witness's lorry. Eric Morrison, driver of McManus's lorry, gave
evidence that on 5th Feb. he parked the lorry at Maguire's pumps in Henry
Street after he had finished work. He next saw the lorry when he went
with the police at midnight the same night to Celtic Park. The cab was
badly damaged, the two doors were missing and the loading board at the back
was wrecked. One door was found the following morning at the Diamond
and the other in Townhall Street. George Hurst, Topping and Co.,
estimated the damage done to Mr. Dickie's car at £41 15s. "HEARD A
SMASH" John Hanley, Shore Road, Enniskillen, said that about 9.15 p.m.
on 5th Feb., when he was going down Eden Street, he heard a smash. He
turned back and sae a lorry passing towards the East Bridge, going very
fast. When he got as far as the Townhall he heard a couple of crashes
further down the street in the direction of the East Bridge. He walked
down Townhall Street and saw a lorry door lying in the street. When he
returned he saw another door lying at the Townhall beside a mechanical
digger. POLICE SERGEANT'S EVIDENCE Sgt. T. F. Murphy, R.U.C.
Depot, Enniskillen, stated that he had been walking in Belmore Street on the
night of 5th February, and heard the noise of a lorry on the road behind
him. IT WAS BUMPING AND RATTLING When it came to the War
Memorial he saw a large ex-Army type lorry being driven at a fast rate for
that class of vehicle. He saw the driver, but did not know him at that
time, but he recognised the accused. After passing him the lorry kept
up the same speed going round the curve at the War Memorial, and when he was
some distance down Belmore Street he heard the lorry strike an empty tar
barrel a glancing blow. LORRY DID NOT STOP Const. E. C. Drew
gave evidence that at about 9.20 he was ob duty on the East Bridge,
accompanied by Constable Gray, and heard the sound of a lorry approaching
from Townhall Street. The lorry came into view as it rounded the
Orange Hall. It had no lights and was travelling between 25 and 30
m.p.h. Const. Gray stopped into the road immediately and signalled the
driver to stop. This was ignored. The constable also shouted to
the driver to stop, but he drove on at the same speed. Witness got a
good view of the driver as he passed. There was no door on the
left-hand side. Accompanied by Sgt. Greene and Constable Gray, witness
went to Celtic Park and found the vehicle which had refused to stop.
WHAT SERGEANT SAW Sgt. J. A. Greene told the Court that when he was
going down Water Street on the night of 5th Feb., he heard a crash in the
direction of High Street, and the sound of breaking glass and wood. He
turned round to go back towards the Diamond and saw a large ex-Army lorry
crossing the Diamond. The lorry was travelling fairly fast and as it
disappeared round the corner of the Townhall he heard a series of crashes
from Townhall Street. The left-hand door of the driver's cab was open
and swinging about. He went down Townhall Street, and outside the
Munster and Leinster Bank found two cars, ZD 1016 and IL 4571, both damaged.
He saw a lorry cab door lying opposite Nugent's Entry. He went up
towards the Diamond and at the Imperial Hotel found a car, ID 5000, damaged.
Where the excavator was parked he found another lorry cab door, a reflecting
mirror and pieces of broken wood and glass. Later that night witness
went to accused's house with Const. Gray. Accused made a statement in
his presence to Const. Gray. After seeing him they went to Celtic Park
and found there a lorry, IL 4344, which he identified as the lorry he had
seen cross the Diamond. ACCUSED'S STATEMENT Const. Gray said
that at 10.20 p.m. on 5th Feb. he called at accused's home and got no reply
to his knocking. He again called at 11.20 p.m. accompanied by Sgt.
Greene. Accused was there and witness explained to him the nature of
his enquiries and cautioned him. He made the following statement:-
"I am a labourer employed by Johnston and Acheson, Enniskillen. I was
not at work on this date, 5.2.51. I left home about 10.30 a.m. and
stayed about town all day. I did not come home for my dinner. I
went into Magee's public house in East Bridge Street about 11.30 a.m. or
11.45 a.m. Lawrence O'Reilly, Forthill, Enniskillen, was with me.
We drank stout and cider. This drink is known as the 'jungle juice.'
We had a good many drinks and left the pub about five or six p.m.
O'Reilly went home for tea. I came home to Henry Street but I did not
enter my home. As far as I can remember I went to Maguire's petrol
pumps in Henry Street and took a lorry belonging to Conor McManus,
Silverhill. This lorry is parked there every night. After I took
the lorry I drove it through the town and down to Kidney's sawmill, where I
left it. I had no permission from any person to take this lorry.
I would not have taken the lorry only I had so much drink taken. I
don't remember hitting anything when going through the town. After I
left the lorry I met Lawrence O'Reilly again and we went to the Acorn Snack
Bar and had some chips. Gerald Traynor, Derrychara, came into Magee's
pub after dinner time and had some drinks with me. After having the
chips in the snack bar, O'Reilly and I left the snack bar and went into the
Regal. It was after ten p.m., because the girl had left the paybox.
We stayed until the picture was over and then I came home." This
concluded the evidence for the Crown, and Head Const. Gregg asked that
accused be returned for trial to Fermanagh Spring Assizes in custody.
Miss Cooper asked that the accused be granted bail, but this was opposed by
the Head Const., and accused was returned for trial, in custody, to
Fermanagh Spring Assizes.
Clogher R.C. Diocese - Very Rev. Patrick McQuaid, P.P., Brookeboro',
has been appointed Parish Priest of Bundoran, to succeed the late Very Rev.
Denis Canon McGrath. Rev. Patrick Cullinan, C.C., Fintona, has been
appointed parish priest of Brookeborough
Belfast Telegraph 21/1/56 - Public Mischief' Sentence is Upheld -
Bailey's appeal is dismissed
The Appeal of William Henry Bailey, 49 year old civil servant, of Roslyn
Street, Belfast, against conviction and sentence of a year's imprisonment
for causing a public mischief during police investigations into the Stranix
murder, was dismissed by the Northern Ireland Court of Criminal Appeal
to-day. The jail sentence was affirmed. The Lord Chief Justice,
Lord MacDermott, who, with Lord Justice Porter and Lord Justice Black
constituted the court, said that the evidence disclosed a grave and
deliberate offence, and they could see no grounds for interfering with the
sentence passed. Since the hearing of the appeal, he said, they were
given an opportunity through the courtesy of Professor Newark, of Queen's
University, of consulting the calendar of justiciary rolls in Ireland kept
in the University library. CASE IN 1297 On the question of
"raising a hue and cry without cause" they found an entry dated June 15,
1297, concerning a Co. Tipperary case in which a man was sent to jail for
"raising hue upon himself unjustly" for an injury caused by himself.
This showed that a deliberate attempt to get the wrong man arrested was
regarded as criminal in Ireland soon after the introduction of the English
Common Law. The Lord Chief Justice dealt at length with a number of
cases which had been determined in English courts as recently as 1955 he
acted in a manner calculated to divert the efforts and waste the time of
those charged with the duty of bringing criminals to justice, and calculated
also to render innocent citizens liable to suspicion and arrest.
Whether his conduct was of a quality or kind the law had already recognised
as criminal, seemed to their Lordships the crucial question of the appeal.
The Court, however, unanimously held that there was a misdemeanour and
affirmed the conviction. Bailey was found guilty of a public mischief
offence at the last City Commission in October. He was accused of
causing the mischief by making false statements that he and two other men
took part in the murder of Samuel Stranix
[It was learned after the Court's decision that it is possible the appeal
may now be taken to the House of Lords]
Post-Mortem On Woman Who Died Suddenly
The death of Mrs. Millicent Florence Millard (62), of Trowbridge,
Wiltshire, who died suddenly at St. Martin's Hospital, Bath, on Wednesday,
and whose funeral was stopped because the City Coroner of Bath, Mr. W. P.
Pitt, has ordered a post-mortem, has now been shown to have been from
natural causes. Mrs. Millard was admitted to the hospital on November
3. She was expected to be transferred to a Trowbridge nursing home on
Wednesday, but she died shortly before she was due to leave the hospital.
The post-mortem examination took place yesterday, and the pathologist stated
yesterday, and the pathologist stated in his report that the death was
"completely natural." It was stated to-day that the order for the
post-mortem was given because Mrs. Millard's death took place so suddenly.
Poteen Seized
Sergeant Atkinson and a number of Castlederg constables raided a house
at Scraghey, near the Donegal border, last night and seized a quantity of
Child's Story of House Breaking - Woman who stopped her on way to school -
Case at Custody Court
An 11 year old girl went into the witness box at Belfast Custody Court
to-day and alleged that a woman stopped her on two successive mornings on
the way to school and asked her to go to a house which they broke into.
The girl, and Sarah J. Prendergast (24), Balkan Street, were charged with
breaking into the house of Mrs. Comiskey, Garnett Street, and stealing a
camera and two overcoats. The girl said that on the first morning they
pushed open the front door and took the camera, which witness pawned on
Prendergast's instructions. On the second morning they went up the
entry into the yard of the house, Prendergast broke a window, and pushing
out the broken glass put witness through the window to open the back door.
Prendergast took the overcoats, which witness pawned again on instructions,
Prendergast getting the money on both occasions. Mr. J. H. Campbell,
R.M., said it was obvious that the child was "under the thumb of
Prendergast," who was fined £5 and placed under a rule of bail.
Condition of the bail was that she did not associate with the girl, who was
placed on probation

27.2.51 Ulster's railways are going the way of the canals

On the Lagan Canal - Ninety ton barge a fair load for one horse

1951 - Prize winning cattle at Balmoral Show
4.7.1972 Belfast Newsletter - Death of Mormon President
Mr. Joseph Fielding Smith (95), president of the religious group that
his ancestor founded, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(Mormon), has died in Salt Lake City, Utah, of a heart attack. Mr.
Smith, whose name-sake founded the Mormon Church in 1829, died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Bruce McConkie, a church spokesman said. He had
served as the 10th president of the 3,500,000 member church since January
23, 1970, upon the death of Mr. David O. McKay. A successor will be
chosen by the Church's first presidency, made of three members, and the
council of the 12 apostles. The process usually takes about three
weeks and Mr. Harold Lee, first counsellor to Mr. Smith, has assumed the
duties of acting president. Mr. Smith's father, also named Joseph F.
Smith, was the sixth president of the church. The late president had
served the Church for more than 70 years from his first mission in Great
Britain in 1899. He had held the posts of Mormon historian, president
of the forum of the 70 and president of the council of the 12 apostles.
After Germany invaded Poland, Mr. Smith supervised evacuation of all
American missionaries from Europe during World War II. He was a
prolific writer on doctrinal and historical subjects. He is survived
by 10 of his children. His third wife died in 1971.
Belfast Telegraph 26.7.1957
Former County Inspector dies (Author of the "R.U.C. Court Guide")
The death took place in Enniskillen to-day, a week before his 84th
birthday, of Mr. William Atteridge, former County Inspector R.I.C. and
R.U.C. He was a native of Co. Limerick. He had served in the Merchant
Navy until 1892, when he joined the R.I.C. as a constable. In 1906 he
was promoted head-constable, being stationed mostly in Loughrea. He
was promoted District Inspector in 1910 and served in Tubbercurry, Moate,
and in Belfast District "B" from 1914 to 1920, when he became County
Inspector of Co. Clare, where he remained until the Treaty in 1921.
After his transfer to the R.U.C. he served in Belfast and Armagh and was
County Inspector of Fermanagh and Antrim until his retirement in 1933.
He was awarded the M.B.E. for his services. Mr. Atteridge leaves two
daughters, Mrs. Maude Adams, Enniskillen, and Mrs. K. Kelly, a doctor in
