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1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

Revie McCormick
collection of mostly photos and a few invoices and things

lighters, one engraved J. A. B.   R. A. A.  1969-1974 and 'The Acme' whistle

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Cash's Adjustable Shoulder Straps, Nylon
2) a leather case with a blank 'Death Penny?' inside (stamped on the back 'Westair' Made in the U.K.)


21st April 1899 Marriage Certificate - 1899 On the twenty-first day of April at the Alexandra Hotel, Bath Street, Glasgow. after Banng according to the Forms of the Free Church of Scotland.
Signed: Charles Parker McCormick (26), handkerchief warehouseman (Bachelor), 41 Dixon Avenue, Govanhill, Glasgow. Parents: Stevenson McCormick, Bleacher and Eliza McCormick, M.S. (Maiden Surname) Parker. Witnesses: John Macgregor M.A., Stockwell Free Church, Pollokshields.
Signed: Fanny Tunstall Simmons (25) (Spinster), 33 Albert Drive, Crosshill, Glasgow. Parents: William Simmons, Letterpress Printers, Manager (deceased) and Helen Graham Simmons, M.S. (Maiden Surname) Crerar.  William John Robson Witness, Jean B. Filshill, Witness. Robert Laing, Assistant Registrar (Init'd. J. S.)


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10th February 1912  Rural District Council of Belfast from Mrs. Fanny McCormick, Belfast: Purchase of Grave, opening same £3-10-0  W. Cummins
2) 1912 Deaths
Jamison - February 10, suddenly, David Jamison (late Jamison & Topping). Funeral private
McConnell - February 11, at his residence, Ellenville, Bangor, after a lingering illness, Joseph McConnell. Funeral private - R.I.P. Please, no flowers
McCormick - February 10, at his residence, 41 Clifton Crescent, Charles P. McCormick. Funeral this day (Monday), at two o'clock, to Carnmoney Graveyard
McElheron - Suddenly, on Sunday, 11th February, 1912, at his residence, 7 Winston Gardens, Archie, dearly-beloved husband of Rose McElheron. Funeral private
McMillan - February 10, 1912, at his residence, "Hopemount," Sans Souci Park, Belfast, Thomas McMillan
O'Neill - February 11, at his residence, Tyrone Crescent, Falls Road, Belfast, Francis O'Neill. - R.I.P. The remains of my dearly-beloved husband will be removed from above address on to-morrow (Tuesday), at two o'clock, for interment in Milltown Cemetery. Beatrice O'Neill
Perry - On the 11th February, at 227, Holywood Road, Belfast, Hannah Perry, widow of the late Francis Perry, H.M. Customs, and formerly Postmistress of Strandtown. Funeral to Knock Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, at one o'clock. The only intimation


John Duff ? Long - 6th September 1925, Eddington Street, North Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia  Dear Father, Just a few lines hoping the will find you all well, and in good health as we are all well at present .... weather, we just got into .... about a week ago I bought .... streets? above where we lived .... we are getting settled up now .... It will be a lond? time before I .... up again. It just cost me £725 .... coming back again, but I .... of work and got .... back again and all .... .mers back again, things is very busy here now and we had a good drop of rain, we are getting more rain than we got a few years back. The wife and children wishes to be remembered to you. Sam Lindsay and James Spence is in the same yard as my shop is in, the? have a business there are doing well. I think this is all at present, from your son James Duff


Crumlin  10th April 1926 - My Dear Peggy, Your very welcome letter to hand a few days ago and many thanks. Sorry I am so long of answering it, but I was very busy around Easter times, so I hope you will overlook the delay. I suppose you are just as usual yourself. Had you much fun at Easter. I wasn't out anywhere at all - not even in town, but with the help of God I'll be going on Sat. I say, Peggy, can you meet me in town on Sat. 17th April at L. & S. at 3 oclock sharp. If you can will you send me a P.C. during the week and let me know. Now, don't forget that, and come if you can, for I am just dying to see you, but I wouldn't like to go, and then you not turn up as you did the last time. So make sure you can come before you say so. You know it is principally to see you that I'm going at all, I would rather go on Saturday, for I want to go to the Hypp.? and you see that is the only day there is a late train. I won't say anything more until I see you so hoping to hear from you very very very soon, I will put finis here and remain with best love, Yours as B. 4 Nell x x x x x x


70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast  17th June 1927 - Dear Miss Duff, It seems a shame for me to have deferred answering your welcome letter, which I must acknowledge gave me a bit of a surprise, but the usual plea comes to the rescue - Time is flying and bringing in its train very few moments for indulging in such a pleasure as letter-writing. Yes, I am sure you are finding the time rather dull at school in such a place as Downpatrick but after a few months of business the monotony returns as vividly as ever. Yes, I met Mark this morning in North Street, and he's the same old two and six. I never run across any of the others. Are you studying for any special Exam, that you continued school so long? I presume you are well fit for the Government Typist now. What is Nell Morgan doing with herself? Yes I should like to have a chat with you both. If you have this letter in time. I will be at Arnotts corner at 10 c or 1.5 perhaps it will be late. I only have an hour and a half for lunch. If you are not there on Saturday don't forget to write me. Give Nell Morgan my sincere regards, and write soon to yours sincerely Patricia Prenderville. I hope you will have this is time for Saturday. P.


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I have pleasure in stating that I know Miss Maggie Duff, Cluntagh, Crossgar, who, I understand desires to be appointed as a probation? nurse. She is a young girl of excellent character and ? I am sure of her utmost to succeed in anything which she takes up. She is a member of a respectable family, and has had the advantage of being carefully trained in proper ideas of behaviours. Signed William McClure - ? ? Crossgar, 24th March 1928
2) 24th March 1928  Glasswater House, Crossgar - The Bearer, Maggie Shaw Duff I have known from a little girl and I would strongly recommend her as a well educated, healthy young woman and I hope she will succeed in life. Robert Morrison, J.P.


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8th July 1930 Mrs. McCormick requests the pleasure of the company of  .. at the marriage of her daughter Helen Crerar with Mr. Robert McCulloch Revie at Berry Street Presbyterian Church, afterwards at Grand Central Hotel, 3 Clifton Crescent, Cliftonville, Belfast. Mr. & Mrs. Robt. McCulloch Revie, 204 Deerpark Road, Belfast
2) 8th July 1930 Grand Central Hotel, 18 Royal Avenue, (Registered Office) Belfast - Mrs. McCormick, 3 Clifton Crescent, Belfast - 23 luncheons £6-18
3) 8th July 1930 P.O. Telegraphs  Birmingham  Mr. and Mrs. Revie, Grand Central Hotel, Belfast - Congratulations and best wishes for your future happiness from us both, Robson


27th October 1934 Crossgar Poultry Service (T. J. & Mrs. McMillan) Mrs. Duff, Cluntagh, Crossgar £2.13.5


9th April 1933  Post Office Telegraphs  Birmingham  McCormick, 3 Clifton Crescent, Cliftonville, Belfast - Give Helen Bobbie Hearty Congratulations Don't know address Robson


19th December 1938  17 Vicarsfield Street, Glasgow, S.W.1. - Dear Cousins, I am sorry that I have been so long in writing to you, as you know I am something like yourself, not great at corresponding, but all the same I often think about you, I would like very much to come over and see you at xmas time, but I am afraid it would be to cold for me so I will put the trip out of questions in the meantime, I hope that you are all keeping well, and keeping free from colds and influenza. I remember R??? was not sleeping very well when I was over, is she doing any better, for it is to be hoped that she is. Well, at last I am sending the vests for Margaret which I promised some time ago. She may not like them near her skin but she can wear them under her frock. If all is well, I may pay you a visit in the Summer. Just write and let me know if you get the parcel alright as I am posting it along with this letter. Let me know how everybody is getting on. As regards myself, I am keeping healthy and strong. I think I will now conclude, and in doing so I hope you will have a Merry Xmas and a good New Year. From your loving Cousin Jean Blackwood


18th March 1950  Concord Masonic Lodge No. 462 Ladies Night, Hamilton Road, Bangor
Mrs. Revie & Bro. R. M. Revie
Artistes: Alexandra Male Quartette; John Fisher; Ann Semple; John McBride; Jim Reynolds; James Whitley
Compére: William H. Smith  At the Piano: Elsie Campton
Officers for year 1950: W. Bro. John Burns; Bros. Thomas McKnight & John Bell; W. Bros. R. R. Crawford, P.M., 58 Ballyholme Road, Bangor & W. J. McDowell, P.M.; Bros. H. B. Jones, E. E. McCallion, R. C. Holdsworth; W. Bro. George Cairns, P.M.; Bros. H. J. McCracken, F. Campton, D. Brown, A. J. Sheppard, Thomas Faulkner, George Cairns, Jun.; W. Bros. S. M. Claney, P.M.; J. F. Neill, P.M.; J. McKee, R. Thompson, R. R. Crawford, P.M.; R. J. Barr


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1 & 2)
30th June & 30th July 1960  S. O. McCabe & Co. Ltd.  A. McClurg, £35:19:8
3) 16th December 1961  ?C?M Cash Stores, Shore Street, Killyleagh  Mrs. McClurg £1.8.0½
4) Dog Licence 10s  Mrs. McClurg, Termonare?, Dpk. (Downpatrick?) - Blue Collie, Black Labrador 31/3/69

no dates

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just this one piece of paper, no sign of the rest of the letter - Ashbourne, Co. Meath  Tell Sarah I was asking for her & how is her boy.  Write soon & don't forget ?  Dear Mrs. Savage, I would have ... back to Belfast with her & she is not home yet. Miss Robinson stayed with us 3 weeks, we wanted her to stay longer but they sent her a ticket, we had good fun since ...
2) another part letter - 5 ... and the would be glade to see you the are just the two of us in the house and wee are very badly of far a Housekeeper if it was not for Bella I do not know what we would do some times one of the mens wives comes in every day and goes home at night the woman we had at mother death stol??? ~ ... ends to meet Jane gets £200 out of it and George £300 if he had live but it will be divided among all in equal shares. I think you ought to come home you would be useful? to help to look after Rober? family the are plenty of room for you here ~ for the Insurance on me goes to her account and bought out land from the Lanlord is as same as freehold. Robert left in his will £200 to Jin and Schooling when finished £300 to Bella and her Keep about the place till she Maryies so when John pay so much he will not have so much left ...town John son is out there ~ It is lost I never saw it But there is a Copy of it in Weirs Office in Downpatrick the might be a Probate of the Copy got if all were ..illing her Executors in her will? James Robert & John ? did not say who would pay the Premium on the ..
3) bit confusing - (1) The green parasol .... One most eventful precious day I never shall forget, ? in the merry month of may, A blue-eyed girl I met, Oh such a duck with wavey, hair slender waist and rather tall. With rosy cheeks, complexion fair and a light green parasol. Chorus. She had a green parasol  ~  .... green parasol fit for an Earl I thought that girl with the light green parasol. (2) She wore a plaide sensation suit and a lord dundreary tie paper colar patent boots and a white hat but oh my. She said who stole the donkey nibs but I couldn't tell atol. Then she laughed tickled me on the ribs with her light green parasol. (3) She made a courtesy then I bowed what man could do much less. Said I there's rain in yonder cloude take shelter charming miss. There's not a tree about said she but if the rain do fall you then can find a shelter neath my light green parasol. (4) I felt enraptured with her quite and profered her my hand she gave me hers with much delight but my woes you'll understand when you hear how I was victimised and there's no doubt atol & there by the only girl I prized with the light green parasol. (5) The morning wed to meet at church quite punctual I was there but found that it'd been left in the lurch & sold to I declare for another is well in wedding clothes him next intended she did call who knocked me down & broke my nose with her light green parasol.
4) Mayo Clinic, Canada.  Formula for Arthritis and Rheumatism Infections: 3 Grapefruit, 3 Oranges, 3 Lemons, 2ozs. Epsom Salts, 2 ozs. Cream of Tartar, 2 Pints of boiling water. CLICK to read instructions.


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To Grandma, Wishing you A Very Merry Christmas and a Bright New Year, J. M. Wallace Xmas 1933 Robin 8 months ~ To Mrs. R., Wishing you The Compliments of the Season, James M. Wallace
2) January 1920 (10994 photo number)
3) March 1920 (10994 photo number)
4) Ann Street, Belfast

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March 1920  (10990 photo number)
2) March 1920 (10990 photo number)
3) January 1029 (10994 photo number)
4) January 1920 (10994 R photo number)

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30th July 1933 (25 photo no.)
2) 1 year old 1934
3) ? McClu?? c/o Johnson ?, York? ? Belfast?
4) Taken at Mark Castle? Kennedy 4 weeks ago
5) 30th July 1933 (25 photo no.)

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2) 28th November 1928 Photographer: Charles Howell, 31 Mary Street, Dublin, 33 North Street, Belfast and Pleasure Beach, Blackpool
3) A. McClurg
4) This was taken ay my hut and these are my two Children, my ? growing are they not ? ? and my accordion ?, Molly
5) Photographer T. Plimmer, 19 High Street, Belfast

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2) August 1955  (photo No. 1623) Studio Cecil, 51 Ann Street, Belfast
4) photographer Charles Haig, 146 Upper North Street, Belfast & Bangor

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This is my photo age 22 years, Alicia Savage, Northport? America
2) Hugh Kearney
3) Vincent & Maura Kearney (photo no. 6 443)

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Age 14 Norman Norwood, 7 Abbey View, Downpatrick
2) To Dear Mrs. Duff & Johnnie with love from wee Annie, London 26/6/17 Photographer W. Pearse, 422 High Street, Lewisham S.E.
3) Send letter after for xmas Photographer Lynn Studios
4) Daisey McCaul (photo no. 6 443)

Church Street, Coleraine C1900 From an original photograph by W. Lawrence by kind permission of National Library.
(Nevin Tobacconist - Todd's)

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B. Schatz, Artist - T. Plimmer, 19 High Street, Belfast
2) ? ? again this was taken ? ? from the Creamery, Molly (photo no. 2 041)
3) Molly (photo no. 2 56)
4) Lizzie Donnan Abernethy's Studios, 29 High Street, Belfast  branch - 115 Albert Bridge Road
5) Mr. & Mrs. B. Kearney, Mark Farm, Castle Kennedy, Dunight (Dunragit), Wig(h)townshire, Scotland (photo no. 758)

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Derryooley? (photo no. 026)
2) ? with the x is ? ? my but I am fat, you wouldn't know me. This was taken before long long before I met Barney ? ? Molly (photo no. 56)
3) Mrs. B. Kearney, Mark Farm, Castle Kennedy, Dunragit, Wigtownshire, Scotland

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John Blackwood, ?? M???? St., Goranhill, Glasgow - Mr. John? Clintagh, Crossgar, County Down - Ballytrim (there is other writing I can't quite make out, CLICK image to see)
2) Mrs. Chard's grandchildren - Mr. S. D. Calvert, Clunbegh, Crossgar, Co. Down, N. Ireland
3) Queens Photo Art Co., 33 Bridge Street, Belfast


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R. Lyttle, 44 Dublin Road, Belfast
2) T. Plimmer, 19 High Street, Belfast
3) The Regent Studios, Granville Buildings, High Street
4) -

Carlisle Road, Londonderry


the end