1) Anna Picken & Mother, Mrs. Jane Picken
2) at Mrs. Hawes, Portstewart, Mother & Father
3) August 1923 - Rev. & Mrs. S. C. Picken &
Kathryn age 12 years, James Law age 5 years, Arline 7 months
1) 21st September 1922 To Mother
with love M. - Mrs. Picken, 176 Cliftonville Road
2) 21st September 1922 Margaret Picken & Nurse?
Gilchrist, Dungannon - Mrs. Picken, Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry

1) Uncle Willie Picken U.S.A.
2) Graham & Ruth & Carol Dea? Picken
Mr. & Mrs.
John McConway
Bill Carr?, Hebburn

1) Wilhelm von Jork and Jack!
2) With love to Aunt Mary from Wesley Age 18
years 9 months 8 days
3) Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Stewart, Magherafelt

1) Mr. John Baird, missionary to 'The Egyptian Soudan' September
2) Yours lovingly, Hannah, May. R.I.E. June
1925 (Royal Infirmary Edinburgh?)
3) Just out of bed and my first day outdoors. I
still have my beard and look very tired.

1) on back:- family cut up in
blanket? August 1939 Men and their wives - as set out on the back of the
Elizabeth Carrie?
Matties Son? Agnes
1 Earl Glen
Myrtle Mattie Louie
& &
& &
2 Walt. Herb
Joe John
2) 2nd generation 1939, as laid out on the
Floyd M - Murphy
Margaret J. - Jones
Agnes - Holmes
Elizabeth K. Knott
Carrie L. - Lathrum
1. Doris Jones, Twyla , K. Helen Holmes - Drake
2. Thelma K., Thelma J. - J. Clistam
3. Marjory H. - Dolores L. Garnetta J.
Lucille H., Kathryn J.
3) 1939 front row
Carrie, Myrtle, Mattie or Mollie, Margaret
back -
Agnes, Me, Louie, Elizabeth

Sam S????? Taken 2nd Nov. 1932

In Loving Memory of Alexander Munro Died 2?th May 1918? Aged 56? years
His Wife Margaret Macpherson Died 2?th July 1923 Aged 68? years
Their Sons William Henry Munro 10?th A.I.F. Killed in Action at the
Dardanelles 27th April 1915 Aged 32 years
Andrew Allan Munro who died in infancy

door No. 21


1) 28th April 1924 Postmark Toulon ? on board Orient Liner
"Osterley" from Matthew to ? J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co.
Londonderry, Ireland - Have arrived safe on board Osterley. We are in Bay of
Biscay at present. Will reach Straits of Gibr, tomorrow. Will write later.
2) 1st September 1924 Postmark Empire
Exhibition, Wembley Park 1924 from unclear to Mrs. Picken, Queen Alex.
Nursing Home, 60 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, Ireland - (hard to make out) Just
arrived this morning and had a rest. Just about to see Australian? Pavilion.
Weather beautiful and we expect to have a mild time. Anxious to hear how you
3) 2nd May 1925 Postmark ..uebot Cobh from S. C. Picken to Mr.
Jos. Picken, Magherafelt, North, Ireland - Dear Uncle, Off today. Fine ship
and we hope for a good trip. This will be ported at Queenstown, in the a.m.
All well. Best wishes. Your Nephew at Sea.
4) 24th July 1928 Postmark Edinburgh from Nora to Mrs. J. Picken,
Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Leaving Edinburgh this evening
and feeling very sorry. Saw Auntie last night & she is seeing me off this
evening. I am in the midst of packing just now. The boys are going home on
Friday & Douglas is expected to meet them at the Harbour. Hope Charlie &
Douglas are being good boys. Love. I don't need anything out of the parcels.
5) 20th July 1928 Friday Postmark
Douglas I.O.M. from J. S. to Mrs. Picken, Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry,
N. Ireland - Just a P.C. to let you know I am well, only a sore heel. The
weather here is very nice and warm, hope all is well and plenty of Gutty
selling this weather. This is all at present.

1) 8th March 1930 Postmark St. Helen's, Lancs.
from Verboe to Mrs. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland
- Dear Auntie, Just a card to convey my love & loving Birthday Greetings.
2) 13th August 1930 Postmark Knaresborough,
Yorks from Nora to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry,
Ireland - M. & I. spending the day at Harrogate. The was an excursion today.
This would be a glorious place for a holiday, but very expensive. This is
the place Princess Mary lives. Love
3) 14th August 1930 Thursday Postmark Hebburn?,
Durham from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, The Square, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N.
Ireland - Having a very good time, and pretty decent weather. Crossing
Friday night but will probably go to Portrush for the weekend.
4) 15th August 1930 Friday Postmark Newcastle-on-Tyne from Nora
to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Just a
P.C. to say "alls well" Bob is leaving tonight on the 11.30 train & arriving
in Belfast tomorrow morning. He is going on to Portrush fir the weekend.
Nurse Carter leaves today for her holiday so there will be a quiet house. I
am surprised that you haven't written. What are you doing? Love Nora
5) 9th September 193? M. Biggar, Wed.
from M. to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Ireland -
This is where Etta Graham's people live. Have we heard from home lately?
Hope you are all having a good time. Love from
6) 1930s Postmark Co. Londonderry from Nora to
Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry - Just a P.C. to say
that Papa can come any of these days. I expect to be ready to leave on
Friday evening, so if he came on Thursday evening or if he came Friday
morning & brought me a day ticket, what ever he likes, send a small piece of
putty with him. The weather is lovely here now. I am busy getting things
squared. I suppose Lily is home.
Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down 19th June 1930 Postmark Bangor from Ha??? to
Mrs. Picken, Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry - c/o Mrs. Watson, "Roseville"
Springfield Avenue, Bangor, Dear Aunt M., Hope you are all well & happy.
Mrs. E. & I came here on Wednesday to stay 2 weeks. Hope this nice weather
continues. Much love to all.

1) 30th September 1931 Postmark Sunderland, Co. Dublin from J? to
Mrs. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Dear Mama &
all, Hope you are all very well and that Nora has enjoyed her holiday. I'm
just settling down now, the first few days were a strain. I'm feeling very
well, the porridge must agree with me for I have gained 9lbs weight since
the week before my hol. Never gained like that before, much love to all
2) 4th August 1931 from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken
"Moyola" Croc-na-Mac Road, Portrush, Co. Antrim - Haven't had a minute to
write before now! Sorry I missed you on Sunday night. I waited at the train,
until 8.20 in hopes of seeing you, but I had to go in often on a/c of the
crowd. It's doubtful whether or not I'll be down tomorrow as I'm window
dressing in the morning, and I may not be able to catch the 1.45 train. I
hope I can go as the weather is so good. If I don't go I'll drop you a line
in a day or so. Have a good Holiday, Best love
3) 14th September 1931 Postmark Hebburn, Durham
from ? to Mr. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Ireland -
Dear Father, Had a rush on this weekend; Dav's? still away. Will write in
detail soon. Likely to be changes in our nursing affairs soon. I think you
are having as good a time as the visitors. Love from

Avenue Block Fire, Winnipeg Jan 1931

1) July 1932 Postmark Magherafelt, Londonderry from J. M. B??? to
Mrs. Picken, c/o Miss Murphy, Harbour, Post Stewart - Hope you are enjoying
yourself, weather rather showery but nice & cool. Much love
2) 7th March 1932 Postmark Ipswich, Suffolk
from Verboe, Inchallen to Mrs. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry,
N. Ireland - Dearest Aunt Mary, Just a card to convey my warm & loving
wishes for a Happy Birthday & Many Happy Returns! I was delighted to get
your letter & hope to reply to it soon. Much love from us both, Yours very
3) 31st August 1932 Postmark Magherafelt,
Londonderry from J. Stewart, Meeting Street to Mrs. Picken, c/o Edendale,
The Harbour, Portstewart, Co. Derry - Just a P.C. to say I am still in
Magherafelt. The weather here is very nice, only one wet evening since you
went away and plenty of sunshine, all are well here, not busy, N.? has not
to go for 2 weeks yet. ? o.k. From L. all Right

1) 30th June 1933 Postmark
Londonderry from ? to Miss Picken, c/o 'Edendale', The Harbour, Portstewart
- Thanks for P.C. I see you are having a good time, weather ideal. I hope it
still keeps good for some time yet. If I get a run down will call & see you.
Lovely for bathing.
2) 30th June 1933 Postmark Magherafelt,
Londonderry from ? to Mrs. Picken, c/o 'Edendale' The Harbour, Portstewart -
I hope you are enjoying yourself, beautiful weather for holidays, today has
been dull & cloudy but no rain, might be fore heat, see & be good. Yours
3) August 1933 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. from Bob
to Mrs. J. Picken, The Square, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Hope you
got my previous card alright, the weather is still keeping marvellous,
sunshine all the time. We will probably go back next Wednesday, but may
possibly stay until Friday. However I'll drop another card & let you know.
4) 18th October 1933 Postmark Hebburn, Durham
from Nora to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland
- Dear Mama, Just a P.C. to ask you to get Lily to meet me on Friday - the
11 train. I am going tomorrow night as Friday is an excursion and the
journey wouldn't be so comfortable. Hoping you are all well.
5) 5th October 1933 Postmark Hebburn, Co.
Durham from Nora to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N.
Ireland - Just P.C. to say I hope you are all getting on well. I got Lily's
letter yesterday. Things are as usual here. Maggie is at work and I am
having a pretty dull time here. Willie C. has come down to keep me company.
The weather hasn't been v. nice since I came. I intended going home about
Friday. With love to all.
Belfast High Street
11th July 1933 Postmark Belfast from L. to Mrs. J. Picken, Diamond,
Magherafelt - Just a P.C. to let you know I am going tomorrow morning. I
have to work till sex tonight - So I cannot-not-go-yours.

1) 14th August 1934 Postmark Douglas
I.O.M. from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Have
had a great time and glorious weather. Home on Friday night or Saturday
morning, all being well.
2) 9th August 1937 Monday morning Postmark
Weymouth, Dorset from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry,
N. Ireland - Had an excellent journey ? here. Continuing on to Jersey this
afternoon. Will write from there. Weather marvellous. Best love
3) 10th August 1937 Tuesday Postmark Jersey from
Bob to from Mrs.
J. Picken, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland - Had a good crossing
and arrived safely last night. Weather still good. Will let you know how
long I am staying later
4) 16th August 1937 Postmark Jersey from Bob?
to Mrs. J. Picken, The Square, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland -
Still having a marvellous time. Will probably stay here until next Thursday
and then have a couple of days in England before coming back. Best Love
5) 19th August 1937 Postmark Weymouth, Dorset
from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, The Square, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland -
To say that I am well and still having beautiful weather. Expect to arrive
back on Saturday morning in Belfast. Best love
6) 28th May 193? Postmark Glasgow from Malachi
to Mr. J. Picken, Diamond, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - Dear Mr.
Picken, I have got this length and I feel K. and I shall not forget your
kindness to me. Give my kindest regards to the family, your indebted friend

1) 2nd July 1938 Postmark Newcastle-on-Tyne from (looks like
Ti or Ni?) to Mrs. Picken, "Roslyn" (Atlantic Circle), Portstewart, Co.
Derry, N. Ireland - Will post this at N'Castle. Day is fine & I had a good
journey & a glass of milk here. We ? in 15 minutes. In at 6 o'clock.
2) 17th September 1938 Saturday Postmark
Folkestone, Kent from Jim to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Co.
Derry, N. Ireland - Thank you dear mama for the wee lady (but I'm still
lonely) - had a lovely time on this grand place, lots of love to you & all,
always your loving Jim xxx
3) 25th July or August (VII/VIII) 1938 Thursday
Postmark Cill Airne from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, Magherafelt, Co.
Londonderry, N. Ireland - Just to write to let you know that we are well.
Weather now particularly good. Enjoying ourselves immensely? Love
4) 21st August 1938 Saturday Postmark Baile
Atha Cliath from Bob to Mrs. J. Picken, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry, N.
Ireland - I have arrived in Dublin on the way back. Will not be home this
weekend but will write early in the week. Love
5) 20th July 1938 Postmark Portstewart, Co.
Derry from L. to Mrs. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt - Arrived safely &
met by Jeannie. House about full & I am sleeping out as well as J. & the
children. Lovely warm day yesterday, but a little showery this morn. Hope
you are all getting well. Don't work too hard. Love from all.
6) 1938 Postmark Glasgow from Ly to Mrs. J.
Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt, Ulster, Co. Derry - Weather not to good.
But we are enjoying ourselves. Hope you are not rushed.
7) 1938? from ? to Mrs. Picken, The Diamond,
Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - The Boat. Dear Father & Mother, We came
in record time & the boat set off at once (10.10) I had no wait at Belfast.
Managed parcels nicely. It is raining a little. You will get this with boats
return. Will send one from N'castle. Love from
Royal Party Interested in Post Office Window at Clachan, Empire Exhibition
Scotland 1938 - 13th September 1938 Postmark Glasgow from Douglas to Miss N.
Picken, Rosslynn House, Atlantic Circle, Portstewart, N. Ireland - Nora and
Paddy & I are visiting the Empire Exhibition this afternoon. This is Posted
from the Clachan Post Office. With best wishes, from Douglas.

1) 4th March 1940 Postmark Magherafelt, Londonderry from Emma to
Mrs. J. Picken, Diamond, Magherafelt
2) 4th March 1940 Postmark Magherafelt,
Londonderry from Charlie to Mrs. J. Picken, The Diamond, Magherafelt
With love and best wishes for 1945 from yours in Christ. W. T. & Mrs.
McConway. We should like you to drop us a line when convenient, to let us
know how you are all keeping. Mother and I have only been poorly lately. I
am retiring from the works. J. McC.

1) 5th August 1953 Wednesday Postmark Douglas I.O.M. from Bob to
Miss M. Picken, 15 Knock Eden Park, Rosetta, Belfast, N. Ireland - Having
excellent weather. Expect to return Monday. Do not post any letters to us
after Thursday. If I decide to stay any longer I'll let you know. I've
already received one letter.
2) 29th July 1954 Thursday Postmark Douglas
I.O.M. from Bob to Miss M. Picken, 15 Knock Eden Park, Rosetta, Belfast -
Having a very good time here, although the weather has been a bit mixed.
Hope everything is going on alright. All the best
3) 14th August 1954 Postmark Belfast from Susan? to Miss Picken,
[15 Knock Eden Park, ? Terrace, Belfast, N. Ireland] 28
Sandhurst, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - Elize S. & I. are here for holiday. How
are you these days? We saw G. Jackson when she was in Gateshead. Weather has
been only ? This is a lovely spot, sea, river, mountains, locks, good folk,
so kind. John's home is here. His father Mr. Maclean passed ? ? & away 8
weeks ago, so we miss him. Leila? & children are here, we all return
tomorrow, Friday, my loving greetings
4) 20th July 1956? Postmark Belfast from Bob to
Miss M. Picken, S.R.N., c/o Miss? J. McConn?, 2 Rudall Crescent, ?head,
London - Hope you are all enjoying yourselves and that you had a
pleasant journey. Weather here has been excellent. I posted yesterday a
pre-addressed letter which had come from Cookstown. It had a Newcastle post
mark. Hope you receive it alright.
5) 12th October 1956 Wednesday Postmark
Nederland from Alastair and Lilian to Miss M. Picken, 28 Sandhurst,
Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland - Many thanks for your letter. We are now
on board the Bloemfontein Castle and are about to reach Rotterdam, where we
shall berth for 24 hours. We certainly feel that our great adventure has
begun. Dr. & Mrs. Emerson are not in our party, but we were very interested
to hear about them. We hope you are well. With every best wish.

1) 5th April 1957 Postmark Baile Atha Cliath from Bob to Miss M.
Picken, c/o Wilson, 2 Fair Hill Road, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - Dear Margaret,
Very many thanks for your letter and present. Believe it or not Sally & I
are now married. I am enclosing news paper cuttings in case you had not seen
them. Everything went off very well but quietly as we wanted it. We are at
present in Dun Laoghaire. Will be back in Belfast at beginning of the week.
2) 21st June 1957 Postmark Newcastle-on-Tyne
from G. J. to Miss Picken, 28 Sandhurst, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland -
Greetings from.
3) 5th July 1958 Postmark London from Bob to
Miss M. Picken, S.R.N., 28 Sandhurst, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland -
Just finished a weeks conference at Basingstoke, and am writing this in
London on the way home. The weather is unpleasantly sultry. Hope that you
are keeping fairly well. All the best.
4) 17th October 1958 Postmark Portrush, Co.
Antrim from Margaret to Miss M. Picken, 28 Sandhurst, Moneymore Road,
Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - Dear Auntie, How are you doing. I am having a good
time here. I have been sitting at the Arcadia all morning, in the sun,
although I have got the cold again. Hope to see you soon. Love
5) 11th September 1960 Postmark Newcastle, Co.
Down from Margaret to Miss M. Picken, 63 Sandhurst, Moneymore Road,
Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - Having a good time here, and the weather is
beautiful, we get around quite a bit in the car. Hope to see you soon again,
6) 8th September 1961 Postmark Newcastle Upon
Tyne from G. to Miss Picken, 63 Moneymore Road, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, N.
Ireland - Dear M., You will see where I am & we so often speak of you. Have
? two still suns to Bamburgh & the ?, all are well. Am going to Cleadon?
today & to see Miss ? & Mother, Mrs. B? laid to rest last Thurs. .......next
week when O get home. Lots of Love G.
7) 28th September 1962 Postmark London from H.
or N. Knott to Miss M. Picken, 63 Moneymore Road, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland -
Dear Nurse, Just a wee line to say I've travelled over here for a holiday.
Expect you will have been visiting it some time. Trust you keep well & much

1) The Strand, Portstewart 30th April 1963 Postmark Portstewart,
Co. Londonderry from Lily to Miss Picken, Sandhurst, Moneymore Road,
Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - No. 2 Hillside near Hill House, Portstewart, Monday
29/7/63 Dear M., Thanks for letter Love. I hope this finds you "not too bad"
these days. Take case of yourself as much as possible until you go along to
Hospital & I hope you'll then benefit much. They had too many at "The
Harbour" when we arrived, so sent us along to Mrs. Hill here where it has
been very satisfactory. I'm v. comfortable & having a good time. Didn't get
any visiting time so far. I sit on "The Still" or in shelter a lot.
2) 13th August 1963 Postmark Dhun Na nGall from Bob & Lally? to Miss
Margaret Picken, 63 Moneymore Road, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland - We
are spending part of our holiday here, and although the weather has not been
good, we are enjoying it. Michael is having a great time and has been in the
sea each day.
Portstewart from the Strand 28th August 1962 from Lily to Miss Picken,
Sandhurst, Moneymore Road, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - c/o Edendale, The
Harbour, Portstewart. Dear M., I hope this finds you in the usual. Isaac & I
are feeling a fair bit better of the change here, the weather isn't just too
inviting, we came on Saturday evening, as also did some wee friends, the 2
Bords? from ? or Ballymena (now.). Did you see any of your folk lately. Love

1) 4th September 1964 Postmark
Newcastle Upon Tyne from G. to Miss Picken, 63 Moneymore, Cookstown, Co.
Tyrone, N. Ireland - Having a nice time & restful. Brings back so many
memories of you. We went to S. Shields & had tea. Passed Rose Street, all
new now. Maple Street (anns?) ? the scene? We went under the Tyne in New
Tunnel, wonderful. Hope to see my own folk in Scotland Tuesday. Fred &
Frances asked for you, we wish you were here also. We are going to Clegdon/Cleador?
today. Such a lot of changes I feel I miss old friends. Love from G. Mrs.
Charlton very poorly.
2) 29th 1964 from Gertie to Margaret (no
address) - Dear Margaret, Just a picture of Debenham. It is very quaint &
old world like. Thanks for your P.C., cannot write a letter. Have eight
workers coming today & all ready for them, older sisters, annie cribbs for
one, Jean M. & another same & had coffee here this morning. We have all
worked hard for about seven weeks preparing a new place & oh its lovely now
& Jean & I wished you were with us. She tells me you are poorly & not able
for much travelling now. I am very tired, but have so enjoyed the busy time
& all the fellowship all through. Fred is in the Faroes Islands & I may go
North on his return, I feel I need a holiday this year & soon won't be able
to travel much. Lots of Love
3) 24th ? 1966 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. from
Margaret & Robin to Miss M. Picken, 15 Glenburn ?, Magherafelt, Co. Down, N.
Ireland - Dear Auntie, We are enjoying ourselves here although the weather
is not very good. We went on a bus trip last night over a mountain and into
the glen, shown on this and it was really nice. Today we went to see the
Manx cat's. See you soon again D.V.
4) 6th July 1966 Postmark Douglas I.O.M. from
Robin to Miss M. Picken, Glenburn Park, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland -
Bamforth - I hope you are well and not worrying too much about me. I did not
get a job in Blackpool after all the travelling. I can now say that I have
been in all the main cities in Scotland and the north of England. It's
fairly warm in I.O.M. but I'll have to go home as I can not get a job here.
See you soon. Love
5) 15th July 1966 Postmark Douglas Isle of Mann
from Robin to Miss M. Picken, Glenburn Park, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry,
N. Ireland - Dear Auntie, I hope you are well and enjoying life in
Magherafelt now that you have settled in. Do you get to see Mrs. McGuffin
and those friends in Cookstown? I hope you are not working too hard in the
garden. I enjoy the work over here. I take photographs of Hotel and Boarding
house groups. Don't let Mummy and Daddy work too hard. Tell them I said they
are to take a rest and a holiday somewhere. Love
6) 1966? Monday Postmark Bolton, Lancs. from
Dessa? to Miss Picken, 15 Glenburn Park?, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland
- We are having a nice peaceful holiday in the Vicarage. The family have
gone to Cromer. Weather very unsettled. Hope you got your garden fixed up
and feeling well.
Chancery Lane, Debenham 15th March 1966 from Gertie to Margaret (no address)
- Dear Margaret, Thanks for yours, it was delayed in post, but will arrive
night delivery. Sorry you have felt so poorly & hope as Spring comes you
will feel better. I am leaving Debenham on Saturday 19thm am advised to go &
live in my old house & when Demolition starts will get its value, but not if
I'm not in it. The workers advise me to go so have many sad feelings as I
pack up once again. I feel a little like Psalm 34 today. Have such a lot to
do now & when I get there as house is empty since July. I'll write when I
can but often think of you. Much love. Your friend & ?
Rossnowlagh Strand, Co. Donegal 12th July 1966 Eire from Joyce to Miss
Picken, 15 Glenburn Park, Magherafelt, Co. Derry - On holiday this week and
am touring around here today. Weather not very dry but I am enjoying the
outings. Will be down to see you soon. Love

1) 27th June 1967 Postmark South Woodford from Nora to Miss
Picken, 17 Glenburn Park, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - I hope you
are well. I have had a quiet time since I came on Wed., been feeling lonely
at times. Because of Charlie's letter today I have just booked a reservation
on the plane Frid. next. I think Miss C. has not turned out as nice as I
thought. She just ignores him & in his own home. She gave out to him about
keeping her waiting 15 minutes when he was with Arthur Kerr, after him
taking her to the convention on Friday evening, so I am not happy over her
attitude, Love
2) 22nd August 1967 Postmark Largs, Ayrshire
from Margaret & Robin to Miss M. Picken, Glenburn Park, Magherafelt, Co.
Derry, N. Ireland - Aunt M., Having a great holiday. This is a lovely place
to stay, Largs is bigger than I thought. We have got around quite a bit and
hope to go to Edinburgh, the weather is excellent at the moment, we are
sitting out on deck chairs. Love

1) Main Street, Falcarragh, Co.
Donegal 5th June 1968 from Dennis McColgan to Nurse Picken, 15 Glenarin
Park, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, Northern Ireland - Having a few days rest
after losing Lizzie. I'm so sorry I'm not able to call and see you as its so
far away from here. Kind regards to all.
2) 23rd October 1968 Postmark Littlehampton,
Sussex from Nora to Miss Picken, c/o Mrs. I. Brown, The Bungalow, Rainey
Street, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, N. Ireland - My dear M., This is just to say
we will be seeing you soon ? and hope you are feeling fairly well. We hope
to leave on Thurs. afternoon from Littlehampton for Gatwick. Kathleen will
take us to Littlehampton by car so that we wont have to go ? & change at
Brighton. This other train goes right through to Gatwick. I feel Kathleen
will be upset at our leaving. She isn't at all well. I am tired but the
climate here is lovely & warm compared to Ireland. Much Love

Eventide, Portstewart

Wishing you both a Merry Xmas, from Joe
Dec. 21st
Dear Uncle & Auntie, Just a card to wish you a Merry Xmas. I am out of the
line for a spell, now, otherwise I can't tell you any news. I received your
parcels dear Auntie, also your letter. also the nice cards from the kiddies,
am sending them Xmas cards. I just got a parcel from Meg and am writing to
her tonight. It has been snowing this last week and it is bitterly cold as
it has frozen as well. Will write again in a day or two, best love to all
from your loving Nephew, ? Milliken

Mary Beattie with ? love ? ?
The Streamlet
Postcards with no clear date

1) Newcastle Upon Tyne from Lily to Miss Picken c/o Mrs. I.
Brown, "The Bungalow" Magherafelt, N. Ireland - 21 Victoria Road West,
Hebburn, D. M., I hope you are well. I have written two letters to you but
received no answer. Give my kind regards to Lily & Family. Love & best
wishes to you from Cousin Lily
2) Dear Margaret, How are you? well, I hope.
This is just a card to send greetings from Findochty? Shall write a letter
later. Love & best wishes to all. Yours sister Jean Marshall
Postcards to other people

1) 22nd September 1917? Postmark
Carnlough, Co. Antrim from H. B. to Mrs. D. Boyce, Gloonan, Gracehill,
Ballymena - Having a profitable time. The weather has been lovely. We expect
to go towards Ballymena on Monday. Hope you are getting on well with the
corn. With fond love from H. B.
2) 26th April 1961 Postmark Edinburgh from Sal
to Mrs. R. Cowden, 48 Ballyduff ?, Newtown? N. Ireland - Dear Robin? I saw
this card of Burns' Cottage and thought you might like it. I haven't had
time to write yet as we have an exam this morning and I have been trying to
work. I will write soon. Love Sal. |