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Moorhead Lindsay
2 photo albums and bible B.D.Ms. for the Moorhead & Lindsay family name
also connected to this collection L. M. Photo Album

Moorhead Bible Entries

Family Devotional Bible
Received from my Son October 1919 S. J. Moorhead

Samuel Johnson Moorhead, Manager Northern Banks Ltd., Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
Born at Killykeragh House, Smithborough, Co. Monaghan  14th July 1853
Louisa Barbara Symes, Daughter of Doctor Symes
Born at Skerries, Co. Dublin or Ralhurst?, Co. Wicklow  11th September 1853
Married at
St. Stephen's Church, Dublin by the Rev. ? A. Sheg og & Another 30th November 1887
The above S. J. Moorhead again married Alice Judith Daphna? Warren, daughter of Revd. S. D. Warren, late Rector of Balbriggan 9th April 1918


Edward Johnson Moorhead, R.F.A.? born 6th December 1888
Edith Florence Moorhead                     born 10th June 1890
Edward Godfrey Lindsay                   born 9th June 1920 at Holywood, Co. Down
Charles Symes Lindsay                      born 25th March 1922 at Holywood

Family Events

My Son Edward Johnson (Ted) entered Royal Military Academy Woolwich in January 1908. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery 23rd? July 1909. Promoted Captain 23rd August 1915. Appointed Acting Major 26th January 1917. He was home on leave October 1919 till 21st January 1920 when he left for Service in Mesopotamia.

Marriages & Deaths

Louis Barbara Moorhead, First Wife & Mother of the family died suddenly, the result of an operation, the 16th May 1916.
Edith Florence, on other page & married Alfred G. Lindsay 3rd? February 1918 (Eighteen) Manager Northern Bank, Holywood, Co. Down.
* Edward Johnson Moorhead, Captain R. Artillery married on 11th June 1925 to Margaret Christine Maxwell, daughter of Mrs. Maxwell, 227 Cromwell Road, London, S.W.5 at St. Pauls Church, Knightsbridge, London. The son mentioned on previous page, promoted to be Major in February 1927.
Alice Judith Dagmar? Moorhead died on 9th March 1935 aged 72 at 29 Mespil Road, Dublin. Much regretted.
Samuel Johnson Moorhead died on 25th March 1941 at his home 29 Mespil Road, Dublin aged 87.
Alfred Godfrey Lindsay died on 18th November 1950 at Bangor, Co. Down aged 75.
** Margaret Christina Moorhead died on May 26th 1958 aged 73 at Blackheath S.E.3. Buried Cheltenham.
* The above E. J. Moorhead died at Greenwich Hospital, London 19th September 1976, age 87 years. Buried Cheltenham on his wife's grave, the above M. C. Moorhead. **

Lindsay Photo Album (1)

7th November 1950 Postmark Zermatt und Matterhorn to Mrs. A. G. Lindsay, 96 Princetown Road, Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland - Monday 6.2.50  Left London on Friday 3rd Feb. as arranged, all went well: we had lunch at Victoria Station, train at 1pm to Dover. Smooth crossing to Calais in spite of gales, strong wind only. Night train journey (saw nothing) to Vallorbe? on the ? (6.30am) then V. pleasant journey on Sat. to Zermatt. Have hired skis and had one lesson with Kilty?, all very difficult but very good fun! Uncle Ted much better. Hope all well with you all. Charles

1                                    2                                       3                                       4                                  5
1) Grandad, His wife, Mother
2) Mother & friend
3) Uncle 6½  Dublin photographer
4) Mother aged 5  Dublin photographer
5) Michael & Nicholas Scott, Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas, from us all at Lewannide Vicarage, Launceston, Cornwall

1                                  2                                           3                                                             4         
1) Mothers' Mother - Dublin photographer
2) Dorothy Scott - Dublin photographer
3) Aunt Emma's house
4) House  Helen  Cherry Blossom, Aunt Emma's House

  1                      2                            3                                      4                                   5                                    6             
1) TL Zurich October 1961  TR Paris October 1961  BL Rue de Rivoli Paris October 1961  BR Zurich October 1961
2) L  Mount Navicor? Etimal? Snow over 14,000 Vancouver  R  Myself Aunt Emma, Florence & Helen
3) Helen in yachting costume. Will Gray's daughter
4) Wendy Gray Aunt Emma's g.child (faint stamp on back Vancouver Drug Co. Ltd. Oct. 19, 1937)
5) Wendy, Dick & Mr. Gray, The little boy is just a friend - Vancouver May 3 1939
6) Helen, short skirt, Doris as a golly, not good of Doris - Aunt Emma's g.children

1                                                         2                                                       3
1) Wendy & Doris, Aunt Emma's g.child  Vancouver, October 19, 1937
2) Aunt Emma and 3 grandchildren
3) Wendy, Doris, Grandfather Uncle Bob  Vancouver May 3, 1939

1                                                      2                                                         3
1) Uncle Bob with grandchild
2) Aunt Emma Uncle Bob
3) Aunt Emma Uncle Bob

1                                                    2                                                   3
1) Uncle Bob's house
2) Myself Aunt Emma
3) Addy? Chemist, Bangor

1                         2                             3                                          4                                              5                    
1) Uncle Bob Gray
2) Wendy and doll, Aunt Emma's g.child
3) Myself  look at snow capped mountains in b'ground  Aunt Emma
4 & 5 no info

                  1                                                                             2                                                   3
1) Japanese? cherry tree in full blossom at back  Aunt Emma
2) going for a fly!!  Aunt Emma
3) Holy Bible 1915 - Births: Edward Godfrey Lindsay June 9th 1920 ~ Charles Symes Lindsay March 22nd 1922

1                                            2                                                                        3                          
1) To our dear Edith on her marriage from Charles W. Benson and Louisa? Benson with our love and ?  Numbers 24.25.26
2) On the way to Calais, October 1961
3) Geneva October 1961 One of the bridge

1                     2                    3                    4                   5                   6                   7                    8                    9
1) Geneva October 1961
2) Geneva October 1961 Mother with "Guide"
3) Cross Channel Boat going to Calais October 1961
4) Geneva October 1961 one of the bridge
5) Geneva October 1961
6) Going to Calais October 1961
7) Geneva near the University October 1961
8) Geneva October 1961
9) Geneva October 1961

Moorhead Photo Album (2)

1                                    2                                   3                                 4                                 5
1) Grace Ward as "Good Luck" January 28 1899  London photographer
2) London photographer
3) Mother's (that's all it says) London photographer
4) Auntie Louisa (huh?) London photographer
5) London photographer

Wilkes, 444 Wandsworth Road

1                               2
1) Sincerely yours N. I. Montgomery, 138 Old Kent Road - Jersey photographer
2) C. Santley, 1864

1                                  2
1) Yours Truly Frank Brinkworth, 45 Halsey Street, S.W. - Jersey photographer
2) London photographer

     London                     London                       London                  Camberwell            Ramsgate   

all London photographers

1                                     2                                   3                                   4                               5
1) London photographer
2) Surrey photographer
3) Brighton & Bath photographer
4) -
5) Ealing photographer

Wimbledon photographer

                                                                3, 4, 5 & 6 all London photographers

all London photographers

London                   London                 Southampton               Acton                   Cheapside                 Islington

London                   Jersey                 1st August London                 Cork                   Ramsgate                   Ealing

London                         London                         London                            London                        London

all London photographers

London photographers

       London                               Jersey      

(3) photo album

    1                                   2                                 3                                   4                                5
1) March 1903 London photographer
2) With all good wishes & affection, greetings John? 1911
3) Lucie Hey & children & Florence Symes 1905
4) ? ? aged 2½
5) 22 February 1918  A. W. Moorhead
1                                 2                                                     3                        
1) July 1917
2) The Right Reverend T. W. Ernest Drury, D.D., Bishop designate of Belfast
3) H. A. Hamilton from W. B.B. Lornier? 20th June 1877  Samuel Johnson Moorhead with grateful recollections from Reverend Seriver? 17th September 1919

1                                                                                       2             
1) Bank House in S....ia?  My house M.? ?
2) 22nd December 1909 Postmark Ripon to Mrs. Moorhead, The Northern Bank, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland - Best wishes to you all for Xmas & the New Year from 1 ? ? Ripon

K. P. Atkinson                                   R. B. Pargiter?                       J. R. Pinsent? 1909

            1                                      2                                 3                                 4                                       5
1) Robt. Lyttle, Official Photographer to the Irish Football Association Ltd., 44 Dublin Road, Belfast
2) Elliott & Fry photographers
3) Dublin photographer
4) -
5) Belfast photographer

1                              2                            3                               4                                5
1) Heeney, Balbriggan
2) Dalkey
3) London
4) Lafayette
5) -

       Dublin                                      -                                   Chesterfield

the end