McNeill Collection
McNeill Postcards - various other

1) 2? June 1914 Postmark Kenora, Ontario to Master Tom McNeill, Edenvale,
Larne, Co. Antrim, Ireland - Dear Willie, I and your new Uncle are on a trip
up a river called the Winnipeg, we have come 30 miles and have still 10 to
go to where we land. You and Jack would enjoy this, we have seen Indians in
their tents, it is lovely and wild. I hope you call to see Grand father?
Love from your Auntie Martha ~ Indian Pow wow at Kenora, Ont.
2) 14th ? 1921 Postmark Whitehead to Mrs. John McNeill, Britannia Cottage,
Waterloo, Larne - Dear N. Hope to go down with Miss Hoy on Friday by the
1.14 p.m. leaving Whitehead. Yours Belle ~ Dunolly Castle, Oban

1) 28th August 1928 Postmark Keewatin, Ont. to Miss McNeill, Brittania
Cottage, Waterloo Road, Larne, N. Ireland - Keewatin, Ont. 8-27-28 Dear
Margt. I fully intended sending the parcel before I left on my holidays. I
was so busy, but will send it as soon as we go back. Trust you are all
keeping well. Let me know when you move out to your new home. We have had a
very unsettled summer, hope we may have a nice fall. Kind regards to all.
Yours Aunty Martha ~ Keewatin, Ont.
2) 7th November 1939 Postmark Aldershot, Hants to Mrs. J. McNeill, Poultry
Farm, Drains Bay, Larne, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland - FORM Dear McNiell just a
line to let you know I am quite well and haveing a good time hopeing you are
well and all the rest G.N.R. Smith, W. 1473072, 26th Bty. R.A. 9th Reg. I
Section, Blackdown, Hants., England ~ A sprig of white heather just for luck
to one of the Militia

1) Sunshine Girl. winner of ? in trotting match at the Regimental Sports 27
7/17? 28 entries trotted in 5 heats about 1½ miles, ridden & trained by Sgt.
Coglin? A.V.C.??
2) "His Majesty" Champion Hackney Stallion
1) -
2) Royal Artillery. Many cheery greetings in remembrance kind, to show that
out of sight is not out of mind. Greetings at Christmas and may every day of
the New Year bring happiness to you. Mrs. McNeill, Margaret and Davey from
Willie Smith
3) The kind of Santa Claus we may expect on Christmas Eve. Wishing you the
best of everything from all ranks of the 3rd Division. Xmas 1915. Designed
especially for the Third Division by W. Heath-Robinson. - N.I. Horse III
Divn. Many thanks for the wee parcel & the kind thought which prompted the
gift. With Best Wishes for Christmas to the family & yourself - that
includes Alan of course. Yours Tom? Smith? How's the form Alan, I'm O.K.
What do you think of the card, it was designed specially for the Third Div.

1) Dublin, Glasgow & Manchester photographer
2) -
3) -
1914-1915 Episodes de Guerre E.L.D. - To Jackie, from Cousin John. Somewhere
in France 19th Sept. 1916

1914-15 The Germans chased by the French in the village of Louppy-Le-Chateau

1) 1914 In Belgium French soldiers fishing in the flooded lowns (actual
translation French soldiers fishing in the flooded meadows)
2) 1914-15 French byplanes protecting an observation ballon against the
Taubens (actual translation French biplanes protecting an observer
balloon against moles)
3) 1914-15 Germans hidden in the trees and shot by quick firers (actual
translation Germans concealed in trees and shot down by machine guns)
4) 1914 In Belgium British soldiers looking for a German spy
5) 1914 Armentieres (Nord) British omnibus bringing infantry to the trenches
6) 1914-15 The Journalists delegated by the French governments are received
by German shells
7) 1914 Draving the Germans teeth British log artillery in action (actual
translation English heavy artillery in action and deceiving a German
8) 1914 The Cuxhaven action (German port in the north sea) by the English
hydroplanes and counter torpedoes
9) 1914-15 Ancient Roman catapult employed actually in the British trenches

1) 1914 Battle of the Aisne - Storming of a German trench by the french
2) 1914 - The Scotch forming their lines again under a terrible fire before
their last charge
3) 1914-15 - Street battle between British and Germans in Ypres suburds
4) British artillery getting in position one of their pig (big) guns
5) 1914 - A Great feat of armes; the heroic exploit of L battery Royal Horse
Artillery near Compiegne
6) 1914-15 YZER banks - The German guns engulfed and the infantry repulsed
by the Allies
7) 1914 Naval battle of Falkland (English Isles Atlantic Ocean) The end of
the 'Charnhost' German admiral ship
8) 1914-15 In Belgium - Ypres A revictualling (refueling) convey under a
shower of shells
9) 1914 - Eastern Prussia - Cossacks crossing a river
10) 1914 - The last offort (effort). The Serbians pursuing the Austrians
(knocked them over at the crossing of the Drina)
1) Fancy Dress Dance R.M.S. Atlantis October 23rd 1934 - Autographs:
some unclear, Samuels (Exeter); Evelyn S. Robb; Allan McNeill, Larne; Robena
McKay, Larne, Ireland; W. R. Park, Exeter; Muriel? Mollison; Clifford
2) Royal Mail "Atlantis" Abstract of Log
1) Community Songs R.M.S. Atlantis
2) Royal Mail Atlantis Sunshine Cruises 1934 List of Passengers - Abecassis,
Addison, Adcock, Aldiss, Ashbery, Ayers, Balme, Bannister, Barker, Barki,
Bastin, Batchelor, Bethell, Beatton, Bisset, Boote, de Castello Branco,
Briggs, Bruce, Burke, Castang, Chesterfield, Child, Clarke, Clark, Clemons,
Colbourne, Coney, Cooper, Corfield, Coutinho, Covington, Cox, Cunningham,
Denton, Devlin, Devone, Dodds, Dolan, Drescher, Drysdale, Eccles, Edwards,
Farmery, Fleming, Ford, French, Frost, Fuller, Gibson, Agnew Giffard,
Godden, Goode, Gordon, Gould, Graham, Greenfield, Greensted, Grey, Grimshaw,
Grist, Grudgings, Haddon, Hall, Hambly, Harmston, Hayward, Heaton, Herbert,
Hicks, Hinchingbrooke, Hoffman, Hoggett, Hopkinson, Hopkins, Hunt, Hunter,
Hvass, Isaac, Jacobsen, James, Jervis, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kelsey,
Kirby, Lamont, Campion Lauder, Lethieullier, Levy, Lewis, Liddell, Lilliman,
Lillywhite, Lipkin, Lister, McClelland, McEwan, McKay, McNeill,
Mansfield, Martin, Merton, Metherell, Mignot, Mills, Mollison, Morris,
Mousley, Murphy, Murray, Nyborg, Offredi, Okell, Oldfield, Park, Paynter,
Peak, Pearce, Peros, Perry, Peters, Phillips, Pilkington, Pinnock, Piper,
Price, Purves, Radford, Railton, Ripley, Robb, Robinson, Rochford, Rossdale,
Rush, Rushton, Salisbury, Samuels, Sclanders, Scott, Sheridan, Sherriff,
Sherwood, Simpson, Spencer, Spink, Spratt, Spurgeon, Stevenson, Stephenson,
Strong, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Tremlett, Vernon, Villiers, Walton,
Watkins, Weeks, White, Whitmore, Wiley, Wilmot, Wilson, Wingfield, Wood,
Wooster, Wright
1) Menu Royal Mail Line R.M.S. Atlantis, October 24th 1934 Friends Present
(signed Beaton, McKay)
2) Daily Programmes of Music/Dances/Race Meetings

1) Mr. & Mrs. D. Hilton, 6th August 1936
2) Lord Lurgan and Master McGrath Poem
3) John S. Brown & Sons, Ltd. Annual Excursion to Garron Tower Saturday 24th
June 1911 (Tea in McNeill's Hotel, Larne)
1) XI Olympiade 1936 Berlin - Map - Fold-Out back of map
2) Programmes Olympiade 1936 - Football, Gymnastics, Rugby, Field Sports,
Rowing, Swimming, Dressage, Boxing
3) Tickets for the Swimming
the end