small collection of mostly postcards primarily of Bangor

1) Van Büren Photographers and Photographic Dealers, 28 Church Lane, Belfast
2) Rhyl Flints

1) R. H. Carson Ltd., Automobile Electrical Engineer, 54 Dublin Road,
Belfast - Geo. Harmer 7.00 less stamp 5/9 tax 9/- = 14/9 £6.5.3 + Expenses
2) James Louden, M.P.S.I., Dispensing Chemist, Bridge Street, Donaghadee -
Mrs. Harmer, Parade, Donaghadee

1) 1st July 1945 - Scout Wood Badge, Part 2, Practical. This is to Certify
that G. Harmer, Down has qualified in the above Ernest Moore? Deputy
Camp Chief 1/7/45 15927 Scouts' Training Camp
2) 15th June 1951 - Municipal Technical School, Bangor, Co. Down. Principal
and Secretary Peter Gilchrist, M.Com.Sc. - To whom it may concern, Wilfred
Harmer has been a pupil in the Junior Technical School Bangor since
September 1949. The Course was a two year's one and the subjects were
English, Geography, Mathematics, Mechanics, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry,
Mechanical Drawing, Woodwork and Metalwork. Next week this lad will sit for
the Ministry of Education's Junior (Technical) Certificate and it is the
opinion of his teachers that he will be successful. During the period
of his attendance at this school Harmer's conduct has been most satisfactory
and his attendance both regular and punctual. 15th June 1951
Principal signature unclear but as printed at top of letter Peter
3) 12th September 1951 - James Louden, Chemist, 6 New Road, Donaghadee -
Mrs. Harmer Kaolin etc.
4) Station Taxis Phone 66 Opposite Railway Station Abbey Street, Bangor
5) R. H. Carson, 54 Dublin Road, Belfast
6) Donaghadee U.D.C. Tennis 8d per person per 40 mins.

1st Donaghadee Sea Scouts, Wilfred Harmer

31st May 1950
2) Marquess of Dufferin and Ava K.P. 1826 - 1902 Governor-General of Canada.
Viceroy of India. Ambassador at St. Petersburg, Constantinople, Rome and
Paris. H.M. Lieut. of the Co. of Down, & Freeman of the City of Belfast.
3) Bangor Wholesale Dairy, Shaftesbury Road, Bangor

1) 1908 - 17th August 1908 Postmark Newtownards to Miss Godsiffe, c/o E.
Pearson, Esq., Rosmore, Velmead Road, Fleet, Hants. - Dear B.G. I hope you
are quite well. Very nice weather here. Hope you are quite well. Love from
2) 1908/09? - to Mrs. G. or J. Hall, c/o Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Castle Street, Kilough, Co. Down - Dear Mother, Arrived in Carnalea Safe having a fine time
here. Will be home next Monday, Willie

1) 1911 - 25th August 1911 Postmark Bangor, Co. Down to Miss L. R.
McConnell? 247 West 107th Street, New York City, U.S.A. - Bangor Aug. 25/11
Dear Lil, Thanks for your letter. Have had a fine vacation. ? 'Ballymagee
Street, Bangor'

2) 1912? - Postmark Bangor to Mrs. J. Fitzsimons,
Killough, Co. Down - I am keeping well. Dear Susan, I have sent you on the
six Books to keep for me, I know you will keep them clean for me, they cost
2.10. I forgot to mention to you about them however I hope you will receive
them safe . I received your Letter, Yours Thomas
'The Esplanade, Bangor, Co. Down'

1912 - 12th January 1912 Postmark Bangor to Messrs. J.
Fitzsimons, Killough, Co. Down - Dear Susan, I expect to be able to visit
you this Sunday sure, I will be leaving Belfast by the train leaving after 9
oclock, however In the mean time I hope this finds you keeping well, Tommy
'R.C. Church, Brunswick Road, Bangor'
2) 1915 - 13th September 1915 Postmark Bangor to Miss McIlroy, Infirmary,
Southport, Lancs., Eng. - ? 14th Sept. 1915, Bangor, Co. Down Dear
Miss, I thought you would like a pic of the old place. I have been in
Ballycastle & Antrim and I am here for 2 days, tell Miss Scott that I was in
her old home, give my best to all old friends. L. C. H. W. J. H.?
'Cottage Hospital, Bangor'

1) 1916 - 2nd August 1915 Postmark Millisle to Miss L. Black, 8 Madeline
Street, Sandy Row, Belfast - Having a grand time here to-day. But don't be
telling Sam. Love from Daisy
'The School, Millisle'
2) 1918? - 19th ? 1918 Postmark Bangor to Mrs.? West?, ? Eglinton, Co. Derry
- 21 May Avenue 19th 7. 18 Hoping you are very well. ? ? (Main Street,
Bangor, Co. Down)

1) 1930 - 6th August 1930 Postmark Groomsport to Miss E. Irvine, 5C
Catherine Street, Newry - Having a good time, wish you were here. Kindest
regards M. Edgar
'Air view of Groomsport'
1) 1944 - 3rd August 1944 Postmark Bangor to Mrs. Carson, 19 Alexander
Gardens, Portadown, Co. Armagh - Having a grand time. Weather all that is
Grand. M. E. H.?
'The Bay, Bangor, Co. Down'
1) 1945 - 10th July 1945 Postmark Bangor to Mr. Alex. McClean, 24 Nevis
Avenue, Strandtown, Belfast - Monday 9th July Dear Father, I will go
down on Wednesday early and maybe you will be able to go down to the meeting
for the Funeral. Meeting at 2 o'clock. Funeral leaves at 2.45 p.m. Yours
affect. Many
'On the Sands, Ballyholme, Bangor'
2) 1950 - 18th August 1950 Postmark Holywood, Belfast to Mr. & Mrs. R.
Armstrong, ??18 Holding Bank End, Boston Road, Gosberton, Spalding, Leics.,
England - Having a nice time, Weather fair. Jamie?
3) 1955? - 10th August 1955 Postmark New York to Mr. W. Harmer, 15 The
Shore, Donaghadee, N.I. Ireland - Hi, Having a great time, New York is
wonderful & there is so many people of all nationality. The stores takes you
about a week to go through. See you soon Love Trudy

1) 1958 - 21st June 1958 Postmark Bangor to Mr. & Mrs. H. Bailey, 10
National Avenue, Hull, Yorkshire - Having a Bowling holiday over here. The
weather not very good, heavy showers but managing to get some play. Won our
first match against Ulster team. J. ?
2) 1964 - 13th January 1964 Postmark Holywood to Mrs. Harrice & Miss Harrice,
40 Haldon Road, Exeter, Devon, England - 23 Nottingham Road, Palace
Barracks, Holywood, N. Ireland Hoping to hear from you soon. Sacha is
fine & his nose is well healed now, he is so happy with us just as if he
never had another home, excuse card & scribble, lots of love Jo John
'The Yacht Club, Cultra, Co. Down'

1) Main Street, Bangor (Marche?, Woolworths, Warners?, Maypole Dairy Co.,
EZ6506?, John Lightbodys?, J. F. Addy)
2) The Palace Pierrots, Bangor, 1917
3) Ballyholme Hotel, Bangor (Seacliff Road)
4) a) Upper Main Street, Bangor b) Main Street, Bangor (W. P. Doohan,
Chemist) c) Upper Main Street d) Bangor, Co. Down (Beach)
5) Ballyholme Road, Bangor
6) High Street, Donaghadee
7) Bangor from Marine Gardens, Co. Down
8) Coastguard Station, Donaghadee, Co. Down

King George & Queen Mary 1935 Silver Jubilee, Bangor, Co. Down

Royal Hotel, Bangor, Bill & Anne O'Hara
Brown Trout Inn, Aghadowey - Globe Tavern, Belfast
All rooms with bath & T.V., Sauna Bath, Tickle Pink Hair Salon
Norman K. Hill, 28 South Parade, Belfast 7
My Bangor from
the 1890's by C. F. Milligan
the end