High School (for boys) New Brighton, Liverpool 22nd July 1895
Dear Mrs. Farish, I am happy to inform you Jim has done this term better
than ever and I am quite pleased with his concluding record. You will
have heard already he has passed 1st class in Physiopathy and now today the
result of the College Preceptors Examination has come in and all the boys
have passed. Jim has got a 2nd Division in the 3rd class. It is
a very creditable performance to him and he has beaten one boy who has
passed in the 3rd Division of the same class. If Jim sticks to his
work in the same steady and plodding manner that he has done at school, I am
sure he will have a successful future. If he thinks any of the classes
in the winter evenings will be of any value to him he is welcome to come to
them. I am happy to conpatulate? you and him on his success. With very
kind regards and best wishes for Jim's future, I am Yours faithfully T or J.
C. Hurworth- Robinson

Friday 21st 1900 S.S. Staffordshire
My Dear Little Mother, I was so pleased to get your photos, letters &
papers. I had quite a stock. Well we are within a few hours
steam of Marseilles, the last foreign port of call & then dear old England.
I did not get Sis letter till we reached Port Said but was just as pleased.
We came through the Canal alright, had only three stoppidges, two hours was
the most. It is getting very cool even in the Mediterranean but I
suppose you are nearly frozen to death. Sorry you haven't spotted a
house yet, you must keep your eyes open. Love to my little dog.
I hope you are teaching it to love its boss. I haven't been very well
the last two days but feel alright now. I was very sick & the sea was
like glass. I was glad to get your latter letter saying you we(re)
well again. I don't like your coughs. We will only be a few
hours in Marseilles, just long enough to coal. You will get this
letter as soon as the one I sent from P.Said. Take great care of
your-self & try & go somewhere for Xmas. Please tell little Cissy that
she will have a letter next. ____ seems so stale from ship. They
are rushing the Old ship to get her home/ Well little Mother this is
just a few lines to wish you both a Happy Xmas & New Year. Hoping you
both are still quite well. From your loving boy with love & lots
kisses. Very sorry you cannot get to London

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(1) J. Gordon Alison & Co. Ltd., Birkenhead, Dock Engine Works, Marcus
Street 30? January? 1900
This is to certify that James Farish has served an Apprenticeship of Five
years viz from 2nd July 1895 to 30th January? 1900. While with us his
conduct throughout has given us entire satisfaction, he is a good time
keeper, intelligent and always a willing worker. Peter Duff Director
(2) Certificate of Discharge Ship - Staffordshire; Number - 102135;
Port - Liverpool; Tonnage - 3851; Horse Power - 688; Voyage - Rangoon;
Seaman - James Farish; Age - 21; Place of Birth - Lincoln; Capacity - 4th
Engineer; Date of Engagement - 3.7.00; Place - Liverpool; Date of Discharge
- 1.10.00; Place of Discharge - Liverpool Master - George Barrett
(3) as above only Date of Engagement - 16/10/1900 Date of Discharge -
(4) S.S. "Staffordshire" Liverpool 24.5.02 This is to certify that
Mr. James Farish has served as Extra 3rd Engineer of the above names Ship
under my command from 14.11.01 to 3.2.02 & from 20.2.02 to 12.5.02. I
have always found him a Sober & Steady young man, thoroughly reliable &
attentive to his duties. Ernest M. or N. Burneto? Master
(5) S.S. Staffordshire August 12th 1902 To certify that Mr. Farish
served on board this steamer from July 3rd 1900 until 9th January 1901 as
4th engineer and from 24th January 1901 until August 4th 1902 as Extra third
engineer, and was at all times, industrious, attentive & sober. N. W.
Yardley, Chief Engineer
(6) Ramsay & Fanning, 15 Sweeting Street (Castle Street), Liverpool.
Memorandum 16th October 1902 This is to certify that Mr. James Farish has
served as 4th and Assistant 3rd in the Bibby Line Steamers from October 1900
to date (as Assistant 3rd he was in full charge of engines & boilers) during
which time he has always been reported to us a sober and attentive engineer
& a good workman. He has now stopped work to go in for his Board of Trade
Examination. Ramsay Fanning
(7) as (1) only 30th June 1900
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(1) as (6) above only 13th October 1904 from 8th January to 31st
March 1903 & as assistant 3rd & 3rd engineer in charge of a watch from 16th
April 1903 to 1st September 1904 J. L. Manley? Marine Supt.
(2) S.S. Warwickshire Port of Liverpool 4th February 1904 This is to
Certify that Mr. James Farish has served on the afore steamer as 4th
Engineer from January 8th 1903 to March 31st 1903; and as Junior 3rd
Engineer from March 3rd 1903 to recent date - I have much
pleasure in testifying on his sobriety & good conduct during that time , &
to the good reports & of his ability from the Chief Engineer. G____arris
(3) S.S. Warwickshire Port of Liverpool 30th January 1904 This is to
Certify that Mr. James Farish has been 4th Engineer in above twin screw
steamer of 5500 HP from January 8th 1903 to March 31st 1903; and as Junior
3rd Engineer from March 31st 1903 to date - during which time he has
conducted himself to my entire satisfaction being steady, attentive to his
duties and a good workman. J. H. Johnston, C. Engineer
(4) S.S. Derbyshire Port of Liverpool 15th September 1904 This
is to certify that James Farish, served in the above steamer, as Senior
Third Engineer, from 1st March 1904 until 15th September 1904, during which
time I have always found him a good and reliable Engineer attentive to his
duties and strictly sober. He is leaving to go up for his Board of Trade
certificate and I have great pleasure in recommending him to any who should
require his services. Andrew Wilkie, Chief Engineer
(5) Stevenson & Parry, Marine Engineers' Academy, 16 South Castle
Street, Liverpool James Farish, D.O.B. 23rd April 1879 Lincoln,
Lincolnshire; No. 40229 Competency Second Class 27/2/02 First Class Engineer
(6) Time served on board S.S. Warwickshire and Derbyshire

PC1 - 1914? from Rangoon to Mrs. Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue,
Liscard, Cheshire, England. Dear Mother, Just found a little time to
write a letter. The mail sails a day each & ___ ____ a day late getting it,
much love, Jim
PC2 - To Dear Wee Jean, With all Grannys love. Daddy wants her to
draw on the Slate a picture of Missie.

PC1 - From South Africa to Miss Jean Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue,
Wallasey, Cheshire, England 1922
Dear Jean, I don't know what their Uncle is getting you, all I know is I
have to pay for it. I send you a very big kiss X & hope you are a good girl
with your Granny. Best Love Daddy (James Farish)
PC2 - From Calcutta to Miss Jean Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue, Liscard,
Wallasey, Cheshire, England. Dear Little Jean, Thanks very much for your
nice kind letter. Specially for the lovely big kiss. The picture is a very
beautiful Indian Church. A big kiss. Your Daddy

PC1 - From South Africa to Miss Jean Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue,
Wallasey, Cheshire, England
Best Love Daddy X X X (James Farish)
PC2 - 1922 from Napoli to Miss Jean Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue,
Liscard, Wallasey, Cheshire, England. Dear Jean, Here we are again. I hope
you & Granny are quite well. Give her my love & I hope to see you both very
soon now. Tell Granny I will write to her. Perhaps tomorrow when I am sure
of what we are doing. We expect to finish May 24th. With love &
kisses. Daddy

Bibby Line - I know that you have had this one before but it cannot be
helped. H.M.S. Gloucestershire
1923 from Rangoon to Miss Farish, 2 Coronation etc. etc. Dear Jean, I
hope you are quite well & that you are a very good girl. Please give my love
to Auntie Mae. Snow is a very bad dog. But he cannot help it. Love & big
kiss. Daddy

PC1 - 13th February 1922 from Colombo to Miss Jean Farish. Dear
Jean, ____ are a very nice man & a Jumbo? He does a lot of work & helps his
Granny. It is very hot here. I'm glad you had such a nice Xmas. Daddy
PC2 - Port Said to Miss Jean Farish. Dearest Daughter, Thanks very
much for yours and Grannies letters. I am very pleased to hear you were
quite well. Also that the Spud was 12 inches high. Give my love to Granny &
take a big kiss for your dear self. Daddy

PC1 2nd August 1922 Received from J. R. Farish Esq. the sum of Eight
pounds twelve shillings and nine pence cost re Administration of Ellen
Farish dec'ds este (deceased estate)
PC2 Mrs. Farish, 12 Nelson Street, New Brighton, Cheshire

PC1 - 1922 Cardiff to Miss Jean Farish. Dear Jean, Thanks for
your nice loving letter. I was very glad to hear you were quite well. We
don't like the Doctor to come, Do we. Much love & a big kiss. Daddy
PC2 - 1922 London to Mrs. Farish, 2 Coronation Avenue, etc. etc.
Thanks very much for your t___ letter & Wire. I was very glad to hear you
were both quite well & that Jeans cold was better. I hope ___ is a lot
better. Am writing with lots of love to you both. Jim

R.M.S. Leicestershire (Bibby Line) In Storm Weather - Dearest Baby Jean,
Just a few lines to write wish will find you & Grandma in good health as I'm
at Present well, Little Girl we had a very rotten trip all the way & arrived
safely to Marseilles & ___ arrive 31st August at _____ so if you all still
in Wallasey Please let me know then I can come & see you ___ I arrive
Liverpool. Nothing much to write so I'm closing with Best wishes & sweet
kisses. Give my Best wishes to Grand Ma, hoping to see you soon. your ____

S.S. Warwickshire, By stormy weather, Off Cape St. Vincent, Portuguese
Coast. 1923 from Brixham to Mrs. Farish
Just to let you know I'm alright. We expect to dock in the morning. Hope you
are both well in every way. much love to you both Jim

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(1) 30th January 192? (Port of Colombo so probably 1922) My
dear big Daughter, Just a few lines to let you know how I am getting on.
Every thing is alright but Snow has been on the loose. He thought he could
bang the big black car "Abdul Hamid" But all he got was a thick ear. He has
not been out of the ____ for twenty four hours. There is a big lump out of
his side. By & by he will kill "Abdul Hamid" The third picture is of one of
the passengers. He never washes, but dresses like a Bishop. He wants to
teach the Captain how to navigate the ship & daddy how to burn oil in the
right way. I hope you are a nice good little girl & kind to Granny. I an
very well & hope you are. I am looking forward to your letter. Good night
little daughter with all my love Daddy
(2) 3rd April 1923 My Dear Jean, How are you now, I hope quite well &
that every thing is going on alright, We have has good weather up till to
day, but now it is quite rough, & the wind is getting stronger all the time.
I hope that Granny is quite well, also that you have kept your promise,
about being a good girl, Snow is quite a good Cat, but goes out at night &
only returns home in the early morning for his grub, he then sleeps all day,
I don't think he will ever change, do you? There are not many passengers on
board. But there are some beautiful little Chucks, some are white & some are
brown. There are also other animals, a pretty little Pony. I think it is
going out to Colombo. Its master is with it. He is a funny chap, & plays the
Bag-pipes, He makes such a row, There are plenty of cats, and they also make
a noise. Still it doesn't matter much. Well I shall have to close now.
I hope you are quite well & being good. Don't have too much to do with the
Bruin? Boys. Good night wee girl, With lots of love & kisses Daddy
(3) 28th May 1923 My dear little Daughter, How are now (you), I
hope quite well in every way, and that you are keeping your promise. Snow is
quite a good dog, but only comes home for his food. still he thinks a lot of
Daddy. You remember Mr. Insen the mate. Well he has sent you some cards,
also some pictures drawn with his one hand. (own?) They are chiefly of Snow,
he does now forget him, or you. I suppose you have not been out in the Car
since I left you. I expect it is just the weather for it. All the chucks
arrived out safely, but they did not lay any nice fresh eggs for Daddy. the
dirty dogs. The poor poney was very tired when it landed, it had been
standing on its feet for three weeks. no wonder it was tired. One picture
shows a monkey getting hold of Snows tail. Snow does not seem to like it.
The other one is a water cart. I do not (know) who the bloke is that is
driving it, no doubt some Blighter. The third one is of Snow himself, with a
blue ribbon round his neck. he looks a bit swanky: Eh; Well I hope you are
very well & very good. Give Granny my love & a big kiss for your self. from
your loving Daddy
(4) 2nd July 1923 Dear Jean, Many thanks for your nice letter. I am
very sorry to tell you that "Snow" is a dirty dog, he only came home last
night for the first time. you must get that nasty cold better. I shall have
to close now, as we are just sailing. With lots of love & kisses I
remain your loving Daddy
(5 & 6) 17th August 1923 My dear little daughter, Thanks very much
for your very kind letter, also for the picture of those dirty dogs, the
Brim? Boys. Do think of some nice way of getting rid of them. I think the
only way is to get Dr. Murphy to cut their heads off. I hope Gran takes you
to Scotland. I'm sure you would love it, also your relations. They are very
nice & if you were always a good girl - they would love you. I shall enclose
a list of writing dates, so as you can write to me at every port. If you go
North please give them all my love & don't forget - a kiss for all the
girls. I have been up forty hours as am very tired. Have you drawn the
picture for Dr. Murphy. I should like to see a copy of it. Ta ta wee woman.
With lots of kisses. your loving Daddy
(7) 19th October 1923 My Dear Wee Daughter, I am very glad to hear
that you are a very good girl, and that you are looking after Granny.
Please wish her from me a Many Happy returns of her Birthday. Tell her
that I did not forget but I could not get a telegram away. I am
enclosing a pretty picture for you. I have a nice little bird, he has just
gone to sleep, although it is after 8 o'clock. He is nearly as bad as you.
Well I must say good night, with lots of love and kisses. Hoping you are
quite well. Your loving Daddy
(8) 29th November 1923? To My Daughter Jean. I was very glad to hear
from you, also to hear that you & Granny were quite well, Thanks very much
for your letter, also pictures the cat was just like Snow. (the dirty dog)
But I did not like the woman that you drew, she was far too thin in the
legs. How did the dancing class go off on Friday. Do you remember me coming
up to see you the night I sailed. Please thank Granny for getting me the
Saving Certificates & tell her not to worry, they will be alright. Bill the
bird is quite alright & eating well, he sends his love. You know the Boy
robs him of his sand, now Bill resents it, & I don't blame him, do you? I am
sending you a writing list, so don't forget to write to me. Your loving
(9) 23rd December 1923 - To Miss Jean Farish My dear Jean, Just
a few lines to wish you and Granny a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New
Year. I am sending you a tame doggie, and I think you should call him
Barney. I hope that he will look after you, and not be naughty like Snow.
Please give my love to Granny & take a big kiss for yourself. From your
loving Daddy

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(1 & 2) 7th January 1924 My dear little Daughter, How are you
getting on now, I trust quite well in every way. I was very pleased to hear
that you were quite well, also that you were such a very good girl. I really
do hope you will keep so. Did you go and see Marie Reader dance. I
expect that you will soon be showing her what you can do by and by Eh;
Thanks very much for the drawing of the Moke or (Cuddy). I thought it
fine. Those cars were fine. They were propper lugs. In fact I thought it was
a picture of Wilfred. We have two little Monkeys on board, one is very ill,
and his girl mate is trying to console him. But I am afraid we shall loose
him. He has been licking paint off his coat, and it has poisoned him. I have
got the Serang that you know. I expect he will be coming to see you when we
get home, there are a lot of little babies on board, one is a nice little
girl who is always smiling. She is only fourteen months old. She often has a
joke with Daddy. Then there are several rude and clumsy lads who are always
playing with noisy toys. I complained to ones mother about a noisy toy
Parrot, and she said it was only trying to get the better of my Canary.
Well dear Jean I must close now and get this away. Thanks very much for the
pretty pictures, I like them very much. I hope that you are very
careful with the Gramaphone records as they have to last a long time. Do you
play the old tunes. I rather got tired of that old Molly Kennerdy. Didn't
you? Well good night dear daughter with lots of love and a big kiss,
hoping that you and Granny are quite well. Your loving Daddy
(3 & 4) 23rd March 1924 My dearest Daughter, Thanks very much
for your nice kind letter. I was very pleased to receive it. I quite grasp
what you ment me to understand, I'm sure that it was full of love. What a
splendid horse that fellow was. There was only one fault that I could find
with him, and that was his front leg was a little to near his chin, Still as
long as he could use both his leg and mouth, it must be alright. How is the
dear old Gramaphone doing? Has "Down the Vale" worn out, or got cracked yet.
You must look out for some more. But I think it is time we had some more of
those noisy ones of yours Eh: Have you been to see the car lately? There was
a Baby Show here last week (I didn't go) but I believe that there were some
hefty blighters amongst them. Myself, by what I heard, I fancy that they
must have been full of water. I have another Yellow Bird. He sings very
well, but not as good as our Bill. There were two of them, but a dirty Chink
pinched one and left the empty cage. I see that there was another party at
the Lodge for ladies. I expect you would not go for it would have bored you
stiff. I see that the Barber has got some big Felixes, so I must try and
touch him for one if they are not all sold by we get home. We expect
to be in Tilbury on Saturday 26th April So will just miss my birthday, so
that will save you spending your money. The Boy sends you his love, and
hopes you and Granny are quite well. He has got a green Parrot, it has a
hole in its chest, but he says it is all right. He says it talks, but I
think it must be some bat of its own, for I cannot understand it. Has the
spud come up yet? Don't forget its an early one and must be lifted in April,
so as to get the later one on. But I ought to be home by then. Have you
drawn the pictures for Doctor Murphey yet? Well the Man has called for the
letters, so I must close. I do hope Granny and you are quite well. So with a
very big KISS and a lot of love. I remain your loving Daddy
(5) 19th April 1924 Dear Baby, I am glad to have you
these few lines that Dady & Myself doing in good health here & hoping you
the same _____ by the ____ of a ____ Dear baby I received your kind letter
at Port Said & read all your noted contents with glad. Dear baby we have a
good weather all the way till Marseilles & we are leaving this afternoon
from here to London. Dady Bought a nice little Cat for you from Colombo so I
will bring home soon as the ship arrives Liverpool. thats all to write you
so I am closing my letter with Best wishes & kind regards. to you & Grand Ma
Yours Mecideul? ____ Sawal? May?
(6) 30th May 1924 My Dear Baby Jean, I am glad to
write you these following few lines that. Daddy, Bill, Felix & Myself doing
well here & I do hope you & Granny the same. a____d by the Grace of
Almighty. Dear Baby, the weather is little bad after leaving Liverpool. & a
few days Gales it was extremely ___ & clear. and we arrived safely to
Marseille. Dear Baby Daddy had tooth ack. for few days & he can't chew hard
Meat so I have to tell the Chef to give him tender ____ Now he is _______
well & he can chew & eat. do not bother about this. He is doing well now.
Felix doing fine & he always ___ & trouble when Daddy was Busy. Bill is
singing very _____. Thats all got to write & say I will come & meet you when
we are home again so I am closing my letter with best wishes & Kind regards
to you & Granny. N.B. Please Excuse me for my writing & spelling.
Yours sincerely Samuel Ma__y Daddy's Boy, sweet kisses
(7 & 8) - 30th September 1924 My dear little Daughter, How are
you the now, I trust quite well in every way. I suppose by this you are at
home again. I do hope that you enjoyed your holiday, and that you left Aunt
Mary and Uncle Horace quite well. Were you glad to get home again? I expect
the "spud" has grown into a turnip by this. Do not leave it in the ground
too long else it will be getting frost-bitten. Bill the cat is a very bad
lad, but always comes to his Boss when called. He has bitten several people.
They say that he is mad, and that I ought to get rid of him. Bill is a very
good boy, and is singing now, although it is only seven in the morning. The
brought another bird into the cabin and Bill wanted to fight him. There were alot of nice little kids on board, and they were mostly good. Thanks for
your last letter, I was very pleased to get it. The mail is just in, so I am
waiting for your letter. I think I shall go to the Pictures to night after
my dinner. Bill is lying on a Dining table with all his legs in the air
underneath a fan. The stewards no that Daddy will now growl if it is being
used for the cat. They are all very fond of him. I find that I have just
missed the post, so will have to leave this over to next week. But Granny
will read hers to you. I thought it was seven thirty, and instead it was
eight thirty. I am a silly galoot, eh; I do hope that you are keeping the
hedge in perfect order, don't let it get hairy. Bill the cat was missing for
two days, I searched all over the ship for him. At last a steward found him
in one of the Lifeboats has had gone in for a sleep, and someone had laced
the cover up. I thought that he had been pinched. He is a little bit more
affectionate than he has been, bit is not to be depended on. It is very wet
here and very warm, I am always wet through. The ship expects to leave next
Thursday, so then we shall not be long. Well little Daughter I must now
close I do hope that you are quite well, also Granny. So good night, with
lots of love Your loving Daddy
(9) 6th December 1924 My dear Mother, Just to let you know that
I got aboard alright. It is now 5 AM & we are in the lock to night __ __
soon away. I have undone Bills? string that he has not cleared out yet. It
will take some pushing to get to Marseilles __ the night time. I was pleased
to see you both. I see ____ ___ ___ small Kitten on board. They are smaller
than Bill so he ought to be able to knock him about, I enclose a writing
date list. Mr?. Thompson will call so please give him/her that box of tea.
One of the square ones. Well I must close now. I hope that you both really
keep well. Please give Jean a kiss from me. I expect that she has forgotten
that I woke her up. Your loving Boy
James Risk Farish died on Christmas Day 1924

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(1) 30th December 1924 S.S. Leicestershire from C. A. Noyes, Chief
Steward to Mrs. Farish (James' mother)
Dear Mrs Farish, Please allow me to convey to you my deepest sympathy in the
loss of your Son Jim, he was a great friend of mine. In a case like
this Mrs. Farish we are compelled to hand over to the Board of Trade all the
deceased's belongings, but I have kept a few things such as his Watch &
Chain, Medals, ect. which I will pass over to you, or post on my arrival in
Liverpool, also advise you as to getting Jim's belongings. I have also Mrs.
Farish informed The Lodge of their loss, I have also got his Apron &
Certificate. Try Mrs Farish not to take things to hard to heart "God's Will
Be Done" Yours sincerely C. A. Noyes, Chief Steward
(2) 8th January 1925 from William A. Bond, Leasowe Lodge No.
3761, 11 Glenfield Road, Wavertree, Liverpool
Dear Madame, On behalf of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Leasowe
Lodge. I wish to tender you our deepest and sincere sympathy in your sad
loss - it is our loss also, as Bro. Farish was loved and respected by us
all. Assuring you his memory will be with us constantly, and trusting that
'Time' the great consoler will lighten your grief. Yours sincerely, William
A. Bond
(3 & 4) 10th January 1925 from Chas. ? Ramsey, 2 Cholmondeley
Road, West Kirby. Dear Mrs. Farish, I was very very sorry to learn of
the accident that happened to your son James, he was one of the best of sons
& every thing he did he did well. I was associated with him from his
boyhood up and have always taken the greatest interest in his very
successful career. I know that he was thought a great deal of by Mesrs.
Bibby and thoroughly trusted as a faithful and first class Engineer.
Accept my deep sympathy with you & yours in your sad bereavement.
Yours very truly Chas. ? Ramsey?
(5 & 6 & 7) 3rd February 1925 S.S. Leicestershire from Geo. L.
English? Dear Mrs. Kernon, I am in receipt of your of the 5th January,
I will most certainly try and call and see Mrs. Farish when we arrive in
Liverpool, in the mean time Mr. Noyes is going through to Liverpool from
Tilbury on leave, and is taking papers, and other of Mr. Farish's valuables
(which we did not pack with his clothes) with him, and will call on Mrs.
Farish when in Liverpool. All Mr. Farish's clothes etc. have been packed up
and a full inventory taken of same, and these will have to go through the
Board of Trade. I am sure the sad news must have been a tremendous
blow to his Mother & yourself, we have all felt it very much onboard, as he
was so very well liked by all his shipmates, and I should like to convey my
very deepest sympathy to you both. yours v. sincerely, Geo. L. English?
(8) 23rd February 1925 S.S. Leicestershire from C. A. Noyes.
Dear Mrs. Farish, I was very pleased to have your letter and to hear you
were feeling much stronger, you must take care of yourself and don't worry.
Regarding your late son's effects the Board of Trade would not allow me to
have charge of same so they were left in their care to be disposed of
according to your instructions. Anything you may require will be forwarded
on to you as soon as they hear from you. For the financial part I should
recommend you to take out a letter of administration through a solicitor and
, if you have not one of your own my solicitor will I feel sure assist you
in every possible way, Mrs. Noyes will call on you and give you full
particulars of them. Trusting you are keeping well and that everything
will turn out allright. Yours very sincerely C. A. Noyes.
Mrs. C. A. Noyes, 72 Temple Road, Prenton, Birkenhead

image 1
(1) 19th April 1925 My Dearest Baby Jean, Just a few lines to
write wich will find you & Grand Ma in good health as I am at present. Well
Darling I received your most welcome letter & read all your noted content
with Glad. thanks very much for your tree wich you posted with your sweet
letter. I am very proud of it & going to keep all them with one. Well Dear
Jean, be a good girl & learn all your lessons & music & dancing so you will
tell me what you learn. ____ I ____ away. that all to write at Present. ___
obey Grandma & be a good girl, say your Prayers to God Daily & don't give
too much trouble to Grand Mother, thats all to write. I will come to see you
when I arrive at Liverpool so I'm closing my letter with best wishes & sweet
kisses for ever & ever. Good night & God will Bless you from all Your
sincerely Friend Joe, Saw? Ma__? sweet kisses (Samuel Ma??? Daddy's
Boy, see above letters 19th April & 30th May 1924)
[11023 FARISH. (1R.91)
Three white stone tiers, broken and missing
its cross. ......... ??? ......... / Helena, / the beloved wife of / James
Risk FARISH, / who died 15th July 1921, / aged 37 years. / "And
so ends the day." / Also of their eldest daughter, / Helena Sarah, / died 15th Jany 1918,
aged 3 years and 8 months. // In / loving memory / of / James R. FARISH, /
R.N.R. O.B.E. / beloved husband of / Helena FARISH, / who was lost at sea on
/ 25th December 1924. / "Until the resurrection."] |
Belfast Information
it seems Jean came to Belfast to live with her sister Mrs. M. F. Vernon who
already lived here I think according to this PC from James in 1922, looks
like the young Jean was maybe here on holiday

readdressed to 1 Colenso Parade

Mrs. Sarah Farish, 64 Wellesley Avenue, Belfast (scored out 1 Colenso
Parade) 1925 to 31st July 1934 (when Sarah died)


1934 Mrs. M. F. Vernon, 23 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast

1939 - 24th November Belfast Banking Co. Ltd., a sealed envelope To Miss
J. M. Farish

Alfred William Ba____ - Mary Florence Vernon, wife of Horace Vernon, 1
Colenso Parade, Belfast

22nd July 1932 from Douglas, Prenton, Birkenhead to his Aunt Sarah Farish

26th March 1968 to Miss Jean Farish, 653 Lisburn Road, Belfast for storage
of a 'hooped chest'

that's all all items are the property of a private
collector and are not available to claim