to Mrs. Armstrong, Cable Road, Whitehead 17th April 1944 from Londonderry
to Master Buddy Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead c/o Mrs. Marg.
Armstrong, 2nd May 1943 from Mrs. Claude Bloom, 421 Greenough Street,
Sunbury, Pennsylvania

to Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, "Ormsdale" Cable Road, Co. Antrim 25th March
1943 from Sgt. Kay T? Bloom, Med. Del? 190th F.A. APO 305, U. S. Army
???11/4/43 U.S. Postal Service. Passed by Capt. Leon M. Messner?

to Mrs. Jim Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead 1st July 1943 from

Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong, Cable Road, Whitehead - The First Whitehead Wolf Cub
Park requests the pleasure of your Company at their Annual Parents'
Afternoon to be held in The Wolf Cub Hall, King's Road, Whitehead on
Saturday, 20th March, 1943 at 3-o'clock, p.m.

Railway Consignment Note Whitehead Station 11th November 1942
Consignor: Mrs. or Wm. Armstrong, Ormsdale, Whitehead
Consignee: Wm. or Mrs. Anderson, W.V.S. Vegetable Store, Dufferin Road,
Pollock Dock, Belfast
Signature of Consignor: M. R. Kent - Sacks Vegetables

from H. Jones Ministry of Public Security, Stormont Castle, Belfast
4th June 1943 to The Secretary, Larne A.R.P. Group Committee, High Street,
Sir, I am directed by the Minister of Public Security to refer to your
letter dated 31st ultimo regarding Mrs. M. A. Armstrong of Cable Road,
Whitehead, and to state that it is regretted that in accordance with the
established practice in such cases, the Ministry is unable to assist in the
* * * * * * * *

The Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress (Sir Samuel and Lady Joseph) Request
the please of the company of Mrs. J. Armstrong at the mansion house on
Wednesday, March 10th at 3.30 p.m. in connection with the United Aid to
China Fund R.S.V.P. The Lord Luke, Chairman, United Aid to China Fund Flag
Day, 36 Kingsway, London, W.C.2
* * * * * * * *

30th October 1944 Q.M.S. Routley? ? ? 7339120 - 121 B? General Hospital
My Dear Peg, I feel almost ashamed to start a letter to you after so long,
have thought about you and all a lot since I've been over here (13 July) but
believe me we've had a very busy time of it and afraid I've written to no
one but Nan?? and her letter has often been only one sheet. I was ever
so pleased to get your nice letter to-day and thanks for all the news of
this and the ???? I appreciate it even if I can't ???????at length. I met up
with the Ambulance train crew at a place over here when they first come over
they were lodged in our camp and as you say they didn't get much of a time
of it then, we've all had the same ??? though, however they are working now,
and I met what was 14 train here a few weeks ago. (By ?????) Am up to eyes
again, on the move, we don't stay put lone these days. Hope Mrs. J.
has success with her infant and gets through OK she's young and glory to
should do. Glad Brian is doing so well at school, he should go far.
You seem to be kept pretty busy as usual, and then when its all over you cab
say you did your share. No my Peg you didn't say anything to upset me, it
just is matter of getting down to it when there's time, I'm OK but have lost
a lot of weight, and its not to be wondered at with the fai? we've been
going and at times food not all it should be, we don't do bad on the whole
but have done much better. I often think back over old times and my
Irish home. Glad you gave up the Plot, it was too much for you alone, and
that the greenhouses do as well. Can't do any more this time, I'd like
to but must see to details for the morning or things won't go right, would
like to do more, hope you and J. & B. are keeping fit I'm OK, will write
again after the move. Cheerio and all the best. Love George xxx
* * * * * * *

21st April 1944 to Mrs. P. Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead from
Gnr. J. Rose, No. 5499440 474/109 Field Regt. R.A. "Racecourse" Downpatrick,
Vo. Down
Dear Peggy, I really am most awfully sorry to keep you waiting for an
answer to your most welcome letter, but I have been out on a scheme for
nearly a week and I haven't had a chance for letter writing and many thanks
for the cigarettes Peggy, it was really very sweet of you to send them and I
can honestly say I did think of Blackhead and you Peggy every time I smoked
one. I do wish I could get back there so that I could come round and see you
some more. I will come and visit you sometime Peggy when it is possible
honest I will, but this place is different from Blackhead, Its a job to get
a long pass here and I would need a long pass to come to Whitehead.
Well Peggy how are you keeping these days, In the very best of health I hope
the same as myself and I hope Brian is keeping quite well also. Well Peggy.
I do really don't know what else to write about this time, except I shall
never forget you Peggy for your kindness to me and I hope to get stationed
back at Blackhead again soon; as I spent some of my most happiest moments
there. Your sincere Friend Jimmy
* * * * * * * *

6th July 1944 to Mrs. P. Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead from
Gnr. J. Rose, No. 5499440, 474/109 Field Regt. R.A. A.P.O. England
Dear Peggy, In answer to your very delightful letter, I really though it a
very nice letter indeed and I am so sorry to keep you waiting for an answer
to it. I'd like to thank you very much for letting me stay the night
Peggy, it was really very nice of you indeed, and George wishes you to
accept his thanks also. That morning we left we only just left in time
because we had only just got on the train when it pulled out, It was already
in the station when we get there. How are you keeping these days
Peggy, Enjoying the very best of health I hope the same as myself. You
said it has been awfully nice knowing me, I'd like to return the compliment
Peggy by saying it has been a real pleasure to know you and I do hope I will
have another chance of meeting you again. Peggy I'm afraid I haven't a
decent photo I could send at the moment but I will definitely send you one
as soon as I have a nice one taken. This is about all I can say for
now Peggy except thank you very much for the cigarettes. I received them
quite safely and it was really very nice of you to send them. Fondest
memories from Your Sincere Friend Jimmy
* * * * * * * *

Master Brian Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead 19th December 1944

29th September 1943 P/O D. S. Walker 144847 R.A.F. &
Polish writing
* * * * * * * *

17th April 1944 to Mrs. Armstrong, Cable Road, Whitehead from 431 L.AA. Bty.
R.A. St. Columbs House, Londonderry
Dear Mrs. Armstrong, I hope I may be forgiven for delaying so long in
sending you a line. I can only plead default through contracting childish
complaints which necessitated a spell in hospital with chickenpox of all
things! and a period of leave after this to recover from hospital effects!
occupying my time. Now I am back to normal I am again able to lead a
normal existence and find my way about the place, which haven't been in a
position to do really until now. I like this City of Londonderry and
its surroundings' also the people and feel that there are many worse places
to be marooned in! or have to pass ones time in, until the escalation
of hostilities, as there appears a likelihood of being the case, as we see
things at the moment - I wonder though! Anyway one can live quite a
full life here with Squash, tennis and golf available - two good Clubs and a
Barracks full of Wrens! I hope all goes well with you and you are
enjoying this breath of Spring at Whitehead, as we are doing here.
Something is just leaping into life with the fine warm weather we have been
having of recent days. Magee Island must be looking and feeling a
different place now, wonder shall we ever see it again? I must say
despite the weather, did enjoy our stay there, made so pleasant as it was,
by your kind hospitality, and I should like to thank you and Mr. Armstrong
from us all for your kindness. We are wondering how Dorothy is, and
all the other friends we met? Please remember us to them. I
wonder do you know who brought the pony? and how it might be getting on.
If you should or could find out, would be very interested to know.
Wish I had the tu????t here, it would be very useful for exercising on etc.
in ?? large Park here. With every fond wish to you and Mr. Armstrong
and hoping one day we may have the pleasure of meeting you all at Whitehead
again. Yours sincerely G. Wood
* * * * * * * *

25th March 1943 Sgt. Kay L. or T. Bloom, Med. Det. 190th F.A. A.P.O. 305, U.
S. Army Passed by Capt. Leon M. Messner, to Mrs. Margaret Armstrong,
Ormsdale, Cable Road, Co. Antrim
Dear Margaret, I hope you don't mind my calling you that, but you sign all
your letters as such so I decided to take a chance. Mrs. Armstrong
seems to be too formal for the type of friendship that we had formed during
our brief acquaintance. I received your very welcome letter last
evening along with Ella's and a half dozen more from home. I was very
sorry to hear about your illness, and I also know just how busy you must be
just about all the time. I know how busy you were at the time I was
around, so I imagine it hasn't changed much. I have some very bad news
to give you, and I sorta hate to tell you because or your very good nature
and friendliness towards me. You see, I am not taking my leave as I
had planned for reasons that will have to remain unknown to you for awhile.
Now don't get the wrong idea of the whole thing, because this is purely my
own idea. I have very good reason though, and it pertains to my best
welfare. I just finished a letter to Ella telling her all about it,
and I don't suppose that she is going to like it too much either. I
feel pretty rotten about the whole thing, because I have been planning on it
for a good long time now. It just can't be helped though. I
guess it won't matter much about the O'Neills anymore now Mrs. Armstrong,
because I probably won't get much of a chance to see them anyway.
Thanks a million though for all the help you have given me on it. I
will tell ma all you told me, then if she wants to go any farther in to it,
she can do it in her own way. Please excuse some of my mistakes on
this maching, because I am quite out of practice at the present time.
The only chance I get to do any typing, if just about once or twice a week,
and that is only for a letter or two. Thanks for writing to my sweet
mother too, because I know that she will enjoy hearing from someone over
here. She mentioned it in one of her latest letters too. You
see, I told her quite awhile ago that you were going to drop her a line, and
she wondered just what the score was. Well Margaret, I guess this
seems to be about the ending of this short letter, because one of the boys
just came in and wants to use this machine on official business - business
before pleasure every time. So with the best of luck and everything,
I'll say So Long Now, Kay L.
* * * * * * * *

please forward S/Sgt. Stanley Taylor, Hy. Bty. 1st Bn. 190th F.A.
A.P.O. 305 U.S. Army
* * * * * * * *

3rd October 1944 to Mrs. Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead from
Gladys O. Strong
W.V.S. Headquarters, Belfast
Dear Mrs. Armstrong, In pursuance of the new arrangements with regard to
Letters of Appointment, I have please in confirming your present
appointment/appointments as District Organiser for Whitehead.
* * * * * * * *

8th April 1943 to Mrs. J. A. Armstrong, Ormsdale, Cable Road, Whitehead
My dear Peg, I will write you a long letter when I arrive in T. this is only
a short note to let you know I am safe and well. The trip has been
very uneventful as regards excitement of any kind. Capt. Browne is
calling with you I would like you to take him down to meet Father & Mother
one day, he will be able to give you all the news. He is a darling be
good to him I am very very fond of him. He could not have looked after
any better than he did. I can't give you any news about the trip but
Sam (Capt. B.) will tell you the necessary details. Yes I am the
length of calling him Sam who knows perhaps some day I will be living near
you. I wish I had met him 15 years ago he would have made me a very
happy woman, he is the kindest most understanding person in the world.
This is all I have time for now I am very well and happy and enjoying every
minute of journey. Your wee note was very nice and I have no doubts
about my future happiness now and I know the hereafter will be alright too.
Give my love to all, you will hear from me soon. Love Elizabeth
* * * * * * * *

19th January 1943 Sgt. Kay L. Bloom, Med. Det. 190th F.A. A.P.O. 305,
U. S. Army
to Mrs. J. A. Armstrong, Ormsdale Cable Road, Whitehead Passed by
Capt. Leon M. Messner
Dear Mrs. Armstrong, Yes yes, I know it's been a long time since I promised
to write to you, but I hope you'll forgive me just this once. I've
already heard from Ella, and I was extremely happy about the whole thing
except the idea of leaving her when I did. It was just like one of serials,
and I left before the last act. How are you and yours getting along
these days? Give Ella my best regards next time you see her.
She's an awfully sweet girl, and I wish to extend to you my heartiest thanks
for helping the acquaintance along. I just got too late a start I
guess. She wanted to know if I was going to spend my furlough over
there, but I can't be sure of it at all just now. I will know
definitely a little later on. I do kinda miss Ireland a little - at
least one certain spot in it. I told mother about you and that you may
write to her. Don't let me down now. By the way, do you know a
gent by the name of Sir John O'Neill, Shane Castle of the Lords of O'Neill
on Lough Neagh - County Antrim. If so, let me know, as he is a distant
relative of mine and a close relative of some of my relation at home.
Mother just sent me his name and addresser in her letter of today, or I
could have looked him up myself. Sounds like an important guy over
there huh. Mother will appreciate your writing to her, and so will I.
You will learn that she has a lot of praise for her only son, so you will
just have to judge him by what you already know of him. Well Mrs.
Armstrong - I am quite a busy guy right now, so I will have to ask you again
to excuse me for such a short letter and say - Cheerio, Kay Answer
soon please, Love to Ella
* * * * * * * *

15th April 1944 Armstrong, Cable Road, Whitehead - Will arrive 11
tonight, Denny
(office of origin - Ballywalter)
* * * * * * * *
Quite proud of these photos, they were all negatives which
I scanned with a standard scanner, a sheet of white paper and a bare light
bulb held over, then inverted, VOILA :)


There's an old-fashioned house in an old-fashioned street
In a quaint little old-fashioned town;
There's a street where the cobble stones harass the feet,
As it straggles up hill & then down;
And, though to & fro through the world I must go,
My heart while it beats in my breast,
Where e'er I may roam, to that old-fashioned home
Will fly back like a bird to its nest.
In that old-fashioned house in that old-fashioned street
Dwell a dear little old-fashioned pair,
I can see their two faces, so tender & sweet,
And I love every wrinkle that's there.
I love every mouse in that old-fashioned house
In the street that runs up hill and down,
Each stone & each stick, every cobble & brick
In that quaint little old-fashioned town.
* *
COMING HOME - D. Eardley Wilmot
There is many a step goes lighter
Coming home -
There is many an eye grows brighter,
Coming home -
All the way seems to remind you
Of sweet memories that bind you
To dear distant days behind you
Coming home!
You forget your load of sorrow,
Coming home -
It will wait until the morrow,
Coming home -
You can see the kind smiles beaming
And the tender eyes agleaming
Oh! the longing and the dreaming,
Coming home!
Ah! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
Oh, the longing and the dreaming,
Coming home!
* *
HAPPY SONG - Teresa Del Reigo
Snowdrops, lift your bell-like petals,
Ring, ring, ring!
Daffodils, your golden goblets
Bring, bring!
Life is stiring, Nature waketh,
With the sun her sleep she breaketh,
Now at last - Winter's past,
Spring! Spring! Spring!
In our ears soft music's echoes
Ring, ring, ring,
Birds their homeward course from southwards
Wing, wing,
To our hearts sweet love-songs flinging,
In our souls sweet gladness ringing,
Carol long, Happy song,
Sing, sing, sing.

I I am Thy Husband, (missing bit) and obey; For I saved thee from
old-maidism and the terror of single-blessedness
II Thou shalt not look upon any other man to love or admire him; For
I, Thy Husband am a jealous husband, who will visit the sin of the wife upon
her followers; therefore keep thou faithfully to thy marriage vow
III Thos shalt not backbite thy Husband, not speak lightly of him;
Neither shalt thou expose his faults to thy neighbour lest he should hear of
it, and punish thy perfidy by a deprivation of sundry items, such as
bonnets, dresses, etc.
IV Thou shalt purchase cigars for thy Husband rather than ribbons for
V Thou shalt not go to the opera or evening parties without thy
Husband: neither shalt thou dance too frequently with thy "Cousin" or thy
"Husband's Friend"
VI Thou shalt not listen to flattery, nor accept gifts or trinkets
from any man save thy Husband
VII Thou shalt not rifle thy Husband's pockets for money when he is
asleep: neither shalt thou read any letters thou
mayst find therein: for it is his business to look after his own affairs,
and thine to let his alone
VIII Thou shalt conceal nothing from thy Husband
IX Thou shalt make no false representation of the state of thy pantry,
thy purse or thy wardrobe
X Remember to rise early in the morning and be prepared with becoming
good humour to welcome thy Husband at the breakfast table
XI Look for no jewellery from thy Husband on the anniversary of thy
wedding, for it is written - "Blessed are they
who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed."

I Thou shalt have no other wife but me
II Thou shalt not take into thy house any beautiful brazen image to
bow down to her, to serve her, for I am a jealous wife, visiting etc.
III Thou shalt not take the name of thy wife in vain
IV Remember to keep her respectably (might be a word missing here,
insert your own lol)
V Honour thy Wife's father and mother
VI Thou shalt not scold
VII Thou shalt not find fault with thy dinners
VIII Thou shalt rock the cradle in my absence
IX Thou shalt not be behind thy neighbours
X Thou shalt not visit the rum tavern, thou shalt not covet the tavern
keeper's rum, nor his brandy, nor his gin, nor his whisky, nor his wine, nor
anything that is behind the bar of the rum seller
XI Thou shalt not visit the billiard saloon neither for worshipping in
the dance, not the heaps of money that lay on the table, and the twelvth
XII Thou shalt not stay out later than 10 o'clock at night

No. 8 (happy little faces lol)

22nd October 1903 to G. H. Brooke Esq., 35 Horton Grange Road, Bradford from
R. W. in Hull

1932 - to Mrs. Bradley, Templemore Avenue Hospital, Templemore Avenue,
Belfast from Doreen in Holywood
Dear May, Do you know this pole I have marked x Hoping you are keeping well.
"Put out that cigar."

to Mrs. J. Doogan, 47 Kashmir Road, Belfast from Frank ????? Powell
Remembrance at Lourdes

22nd December 1904 to Miss M. J. Ellwood, ??? Post Office, Wolton, Penrith
from Guess ? Appleby

31st July 1928 to Mrs. Miller, 160 Craiglin? Road, Govan, Glasgow from J. P.
Inglis, 12 India Street, Glasgow
mention of Mrs. Brooke (Durban)

6th October 1952 to Mr. or Mrs. Pat Doogan, 48 Kashmir Road, Belfast from

to Miss L. N. Lyons, 146 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, Scotland from M. & A.
Gillespie, 31 Bayview Road, Seddon

My Dear Louie, Andrew and I have had a holiday in the Hills and believe it
or not we have only had one dry day. It has poured buckets night and
day for 2 weeks. So much for sunny Australia and we are feeling it so
cold. Good company in Guest House which helps. Hope you all had
a good xmas and New Year and that you had your usual get-together.
Love from May and Andrew

Rathmoyle, Whitehead. Mrs. Florence E. Adamson and Family desire to
return their sincere thanks for your kind expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement. January 1943
Christmas 1945 from Mr. & Mrs. McCluggage, White Lion Hotel, Burnley

Best Wishes to all Larry Forbes, R.A.F.
Colonel P. ?eestmans

The Armies of the United Nations are "full speed" ahead now and long may it
continue, so say we all ..... The unconditional capitulation of Italy was a
great and pleasant surprise and the foodhold (foothold) and giant strides of
our Armies in Italy since, are an epic in itself. Long live "Monty"
and his satellites and may their strong right arm continue to deliver knock
out blows to the evil things perpetrated by the Hun and his dark angels.
A lady friend of mine (Mrs. Brattie) who belongs to the Overseas League, has
a young Polish airman staying with her this week as a guest sent by the O.
League. She brought him in yesterday morning to see me and I was
enthralled by the experiences he passed through since the end of 1939.
He was all through the Polish corridor outrage and was taken as a prisoner
of war by the Russians in various internment camps notably Lithuania,
Moscow, Leningrad, up to the extreme north of Russia, Aleksandrovsk, then to
Archangel and released when at Kostrom after the Treaty was signed by
General Sikovsky and the Russians. Then he joined the Polish Army
again and after travelling through Kuldja (China) Turkmen, Tehran, Bagdad,
Syria, Cairo, down the Red Sea and then by sea to Manbasa, Durban, Cape Town
and then to England. It took him two years to get here and if you look
it up on the map you will find it a very interesting journey. But the
hardships were unprintable and you remember the talk about the Polish
Officers being shot - several thousand of them - and we didn't know whether
to believe it or not, well Jan saw most of it being done before his eyes.
They were herded together like sheep and massacred in hordes. Although
there is a treaty signed between these two countries there will always be
these blots of extreme cruelty that can never be washed out in the minds of
the Polish people.
We meet many interesting people since the War, with always some strange and
unbelievable take to tell and when listening to them talk, it's just like
travelling through those countries with them, and reliving their

The Happy Days Diary 1968
Martha Creighton, 263 Merville Gardens, Village, Newtownabbey Tel. No.
Church: Whitehouse Presbyterian; Mrs. E. Graham, 3E Canereagh?
Gardens, Rathcool, Newtownabbey

J. E. Bradley, 24 Rockview Street, Belfast

John Eustace Bradley, 20 Delaware Street, Belfast 1928

John Eustace Bradley, 14 Hill Street, Holywood, Co. Down

Malcolm Fry?, Hill Street, Holywood

School Certificate - D.O.B. 26.7.32 Robert Wm. Bradley, 54 Percy Street - 24
Rockview Street
Schools - 1938/1939 Northumberland Jun.; 1940-1943 Broadway; 1944 St.
Simon? Jun.; 1945-1947 Grosvenor

School Certificate - D.O.B. 5.2.38 Rosalie Bradley, Parent or Guardian -
John Bradley, Address - 24 Rockview Street
1944-1948 St. Simons or Simions?; 1949-1952 Fane Street

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast May or Mary Bradley 27.?.1940

Belfast City Hospital - Wm. Malcolm 19/8/47
17th October 1932 to Mr. Noel Galbraith, 72 or 92 Ravenhill Park, Belfast
from J. ? Graham, 1 Rosemount, Portadown
Dear Galbraith, I wish to thank you for your most kind remembrance of my
father's death. I had not realized before either how many were my
friends, or what warm comfort lies in a friend's word or handshake in
an hour of loneliness. So with many thanks for your friendliness,
Yours sincerely, J. ??? Graham

Mr. J. Bradley, 24 Rockview Street |