album 1 with writing on the front that is pretty much illegible (see below)

on back - for publication in the evening papers of Tuesday April 17th 1945 -
9th Army Capture Brunswick, 2,369 more Britons Freed. Censor No. 406213
8th? Army Troops have overrun OFLAG 79, five miles north-east of Brunswick.
They have freed 1,957 British Commonwealth officers and 412 other ranks,
mostly British. They have been captives since 1940.
Picture shows: L. to R. Pte. Thomas McEwen, of London; Lance Cpl.
Joseph Cunningham, of Sheffield; Pte. Edmund
Davis, of Nottingham; Pte. Walter Woodburn, of Overson?, Lancs; Lance Cpl.
James Harris, of Aldridge, Somersetshire.
They had all been starved and ill-treated.

1) Rookwood Farm, Horsham (says Essex but its Sussex?)
2) Stechford Auxillery (Auxiliary) Hospital,
Birmingham 1917 Wounded
3) Allotment started 1. 2Feb 20 Wrote letter to
Lizzie? ??day? Revolver Number 325311

9 o'clock, in the morning, I bet you don't believe me Rich or Rick

1) Rfm. R. Leathem, C. Company, 2/ R.U.R.
2) Rfm: Carnduff 2nd R.U.R. Bantam Weight
Champion of India 1925
3) H.M.S. Terrible A Message from the "Renown"

This is me and my chum (very helpful)

CLICK to enlarge
Final I.F.A. Shield, Calcutta :- R.U. Rifles 2 - Rangoon Customs 0

1) 1909 or 1919 2 L.I.M.B. or 21 I.M.B. Germany
x My servant, quite a little fellow but good, keeps me good.
P Finn? Murphy from Co. Kildare, java is
gold. Friends of mine
Richie? is as full of medals as an egg of food
2) ? looks quite pleased, his dog got cut out

Your Old Pal F. McMullan "L" Cable Section 1914-1918 Mons

P. & O. S. N. Co's S.S. "Himalaya"
on back - Left Southampton illegible, Reached Port Said illegible, To Aden
4.6.20, Basra 12.6.20, To Makina? Train 4 hours. Magil. H.M.T. Himalaya
2nd Royal Ulster Rifles Winners Harwood League Bombay 1928 Undefeated
India C Coy 2nd R.U.R.

CLICK to enlarge
on back - R. Clements Lyttle, 12 High Street, Belfast

1) on back Mojay? Engineering Co. France Powell
(scored out)
2) on back W.? T. Ewen?, 64 Victoria Road,
Lavender Hill, Clapham S.W. 4, Battersea London 57806 T. Picking? S.W. 11

on back Ultamatum (actual spelling) To General
Houston Commanding Gabbo or Gablo or Gabbs?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Arrival at Burri Siding, Khartoum, 27th November, 1931
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shewing confluence of Blue and White Niles
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Officers v. Sergeants Soccer Match, Boxing Day, 1931

Major W. Wilberforce, D.S.O., M.C.; Capt. G. H. L. Mole, M.C.; Capt. F. Y.
C. Knox; Lieut. W. D. Swiney; Capt. E. F. Davies, M.C.; Lieut.-Col. H. P.
Currey; 2/Lieut. K. G. Boas; Lieut. C. H. B. Allen; Capt. G. W. Panter,
M.B.E.; 2/Lieut. W. Richardson; 2/Lieut. P. R. Boyle

Standing - R.Q.M.S. Toal, Sgt. Fleming, C.S.M. Hollis, Sgt. Lockhart, Sgt.
Moatt, Sgt. Brady, Sgt. Pope, R.S.M. Miller, M.B.E., D.C.M.
Sitting - C.S.M. McConkey, Sgt. Houghton, C.S.M. Doherty, Sgt. Smith, Sgt.

ULSTERS 1 Lockhart; 2 McIlwaine; 3 Leathem; 4 Downey; 5 Fee; 6 Byng; 7
Davies; 8 Fitzimmons; 9 Ennis; 10 Cowan; 11 Willigham - Referee: W. Godwin -
Linesman: W. H. Cummings, F. J. Tilley
CHESHIRES 1 Teece; 2 Walker; 3 Robinson; 4 Harding; 5 Williams; 6 Adshead; 7
Barton; 8 Bailey; 9 Westcott; 10 Bailey; 11 Waltmaier
Second Battn. The Royal Ulster Rifles Regimental Football Team 4th Month
April 1928
2nd Battn. The Royal Ulster Rifles Football Team India 1924

Regimental Team 1929-30 Winners Harwood League All India Shield

Lieut.-Colonel A. D. N. Merriman, D.S.O. Commanded 2nd Battalion from 8th
June 1919 till 7th June 1923

B. Team - 2nd Ral. Ulster Rifles Cairo - Undefeated 1921-22

Group of the Ulsters winners of the Charity Match played in Bombay on the
20th October 1928

12 Platoon. Poona India

?ET. A.F.C. ?illington 1931

The Citadel, Cairo
a burial in a cemetery (bit blurry)

A Merry Xmas to All Officers, WO's, N.C.O.'s, Men & Married Families of the
2nd Battalion R.U. Rifles
A Merry Xmas to Officers, WO's, CO's, & Men of "C" Company

a) 700 6969 Rfm. George Young, Coy. 2nd Batt. Royal Ulster Rifles,
Citadel Barracks, Cairo, Egypt, Young, G. &
7?48 Rfm. R. Leathem, C. Company, 2nd Royal Ulster Rifles, Citadel Barracks,
b) You orange boys be steady and maintain that
glorious name ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? William ?????????
c) Lizzie Baelley? Young
d) Rfm. R. Leathem, C. Company, 2/ R.U.R.
writing on back cover of album

very little information

A view of the coast running along side our camp. W.O. Gordon Crashed in Spit
on 11.10.45 Kite a writ-off in dock

December 15th Flt/Sgt. Radjeski crashed in "Spit" Body found Decd. 19th with
remains of plane. Died of exposure and 2 broken legs also neck broken.
Found by F. Lt. Dyka and Sgt. Maseika
Snaefell from the air - Denis Cunningham, 204 Manor ???? Road, Wybourn ?st
??????? (see here)

To Mrs. P. Cunningham, 500 East Bank Road,
Arbourthorne Est., Sheffield 2, Yorkshire, England
Dear Peg, Just a few lines to let you know I'm not in any trouble yet. I'm
missing you, and I haven't my tongue in cheek. Pub hours here are 6.0 AM to
1.0 AM the following morning, 19 hours in all. Tea and coffee 3/6d a cup,
Champagne 10/- a bottle, Guess what I'm drinking. Love D. Will arrive home
Sat night about 11 o'clock. |