WW1 Khyber Pass
an album of photos, some very faded but no personal information
I'll post the clearest or most interesting

BV Venugopal 26.8.18 'Ye Olde Bulle & Bushe

Some of our cars that were washed off the road in a heavy storm we had in
the Kyber Pass. (Khyber)
The chap in the centre had a narrow escape from being drowned.

1. Native Bulloch cars passing the Soldiers Home, Bangalore, India
2. The Army E. F.(?) Canteen in Baghdad

1. a patient in hospital
2. a doctor
3. Turkish prisoners with guard

1. Having a g???? ride round Bangalore
2. Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, South India

some of the Afghan Peace Delegates

1. a view of a part of our convoy on the way up the hills
2. another view of convoy, Indian soldier's as escort

1. Military Transport moving along the Kiber (Khyber) Pass Ridge?
2. The Palace Montazal(?)

1. this shows you the road used by horse transport, our road is right above
2. -

1. these are badges of different regiments cut out in the rock on the road
to Sherat

1. one of our heavy lorries
2. stopping for water at a spring in the Kyber Pass (Khyber)

Afghan Soldiers



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