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Photo Album - Moore ~ Cyprus

No. 23494004 Rfn. Moore  1st. R.U.R.  Cyprus
It's not always clear if the names written in the album match the photos there as it looks like quite a few pages have had the original photos removed and others put in their place - for example this page below shows what I mean....


Private W. A. Gray, The Gordon Highlanders 17th June 1956 Age 19 ~ Private J. Cockle, Gordon Highlanders, 17th June 1956 Aged 18?
Private A. Dunbar Gordon Highlanders 17th June 1956 Age 19 ~ 23114442 Private I. M. Simpson Gordon Highlanders 17th June 1956 Age 22

23263540 Pte. H. G. Gerrard, Gordons Died 17.6.56 ~ 2Lt. B. A. G. Kynoch, Gordons Died 17.6.56 ~ Military Cemetery Nicosia

1                                                    2                               3                                                 4
1) -
2) -
3) Cliff Armstrong
C.T.C. Ltd.

        1                                                      2                                           3                                               4
on the album beneath this photo it says 'R.P.s Bell & Bridges on Duty' but that may not apply to this particular photo
2 & 3) Ledra Palace
on the album beneath this photo it says 'Pte Lamond & Biggy' but that may not apply to this particular photo

1                                       2                                                                3                          
on the album beneath this photo it says 'Myself & Dog enjoying the weather' but that may not apply to this particular photo
on the album beneath this photo it says 'Painting the Town' but that may not apply to this particular photo
3) -

                          1                                                              2                                    3                                 4
1) -
on the album beneath this photo it says 'L/Cpl. Roberts' but that may not apply to this particular photo
on the album beneath this photo it says 'M. Bellew' but that may not apply to this particular photo
4) -

                    1                                                                              2                                                   3
1) Demonstrations in Nicosia
on the album beneath this photo it says 'Tracker Dog and Handler' but that may not apply to this particular photo
3) 'Searching for Mines'

1                                                  2                    3                                                     4        
1) Dog Discovers a Hide in Demonstrations
2, 3 & 4) Demonstrations in Nicosia

                            1                                                                    2                                        3                                    4
1) One of the Beauty Spots Cyprus
2) -
3) Paddy
4) Murphy and O'Brien

1                                        2                                                                          3                                                              4           
1) -
2) -
3) Dave Lamond
4) -

1                                              2                                               3                                  4                                           5      
1) Gnr. Armstrong and Tony Whitear
2) -
3) -
4) -
5) Jock

-                                                                                         -

1                                         2                                                      3                                                            4          
1 & 2) 'The Quack'
3) Queen's Birthday Parade
4) Geordie

1                                                              2                                           3                                       4   
1) Biggy, McCall, Frazer & Geordie
2) Bugs and Fraser
3) Queen's Birthday Parade
4) Biggy & Friends

           1                                                                          2                                                       3
1) -
2) -
3) Biggy & Bugs

      1                                                                               2                                                           3
1) 'Call Me At Tea Time'
2) The Moat (Nicosia)
3) 'One of the Little Red Monkeys'
may not apply to this particular photo

1                                                                2                                                                         3           
1) R.? Fus.? Biggens
2) 'Jeff and Alan of the P.R.'
but that may not apply to this particular photo
3) -

                       1                                                                           2                                                                       3
1) -
2) Kyrenia
3) 'The Man With The Eyes - Jeff'

1                   2                   3                    4                    5                     6                      7                      8                     9                    10
1) -
2) O.R.s Canteen Closing Down
3) Searching Coptor
4) -
5) Turkish Mosque
6) -
7) -
8) -
9) -
10) -

1                                              2                                                             3                                                            4             
1) 'The Voice'
2) -
3) -
4) -

1                                                                         2                                                                            3            
1) -
2) -
3) Pupils of King Richards School

5) Drummers of the Royal Liesters (Leisters)

1                               2                                                          3                                                                            4               

1) -
2) -
3) Bell
4) -

                                                                                                                                                               'Drive Slowly, Speed Kills Here'

                                         1                                                                                     2                                         3
1 & 2) Jean Thomas
3) Bugle Major (
1st Battalion The Royal Ulster Rifles Bn. Headquarters - Splendid Hotel)
4) -

1                                                     2                                                   3                                              4
1) -
2) -
3) -
4) 'The One and Only'

1                                                                     2                                                            3                                       4
1) 'Don't Star At Me'
2) -
3 & 4) 'Some of the Boys'

50 Boxing Cup? (back, 2nd from the right)

1                                                                   2                                                                3                                             4    
1) -
2) Duty Calls
3) Cliff and his Dog
4) Jim an Cliff with Dog

1                       2                          3                           4                                  5     
1) -
2) -
3) 'On Partrol' (Patrol_
4) -
5) -

1                                       2                                                3                                                 4                                   5
1) -
2) -
3) -
4) -
5) Bugs and Jack
Belfast Postcard, Abernethy's Studios                                                                    -                               

the end