owned by Francis Hughes
The Magazine of St. Malachy's College, Belfast

Boys' Diary 1947
4th September - Back
again after a long and enjoyable holiday.
8th September - We
welcome the new members of our staff, Fr. McKavanagh, Fr. Maguire, Mr.
O'Duffy. Mass in the College Chapel at 9 a.m. for all.
9th September - We
regret to learn of the departure of Dr. Rodgers who has gone to St. Mary's
Training College. We offer him our heartiest congratulations and wish him
the best of luck in his position.
10th September -
Appointment of "big four" - "Wee Con," "Stumpy," "Bandy" and
12th September -
Small boy to "Blinge" - "I thought the monitors were always seniors."
14th September -
Ducking once more, beginning with the monitors.
16th September -
Bandy still wondering why Stumpy became second-in-command.
17th September -
House captains are chosen and "Tommy" has at last succeeded in becoming one
(after voting for himself no less than ten times).
18th September -
Nuck returns wanting to know who wrote those insulting chronicles in last
year's mag.
19th September -
Geography professor: "In Spain many people go for a sleep during the day."
After looking round the room, "but by looks of things they do it in more
countries than Spain."
20th September -
Jim McKeever elected minor captain and John Hughes house-captain.
21st September -
Latin professor demands an explanation of a student "in a subordinate clause
one may subordinate a clause provided that the clause he intends to
subordinate is subordinate to the subordinate clause it occurs in."
22nd September -
It is interesting to know that students in Prep. dorm. can look down on the
23rd September - Student in ref.: "What sort of
rice is this"? Butler: "ground rice." Student: "It looks it."
25th September -
History professor: "Lord Castlereagh committed suicide." Inquisitive
student: "Why did he do it?" Prof.: "I don't know. He never gave his
reason after he had done it."
26th September -
Senior B during a free forty compelled one of the history professors to some
in from next room and exclaim: "Senior B, although you are free, you're not
supposed to stare at me."
27th September -
During the distribution of milk in study a certain professor was asked,
would he care for a bottle of goat's milk.
31st September - 4th October -
Retreat given by Fr. O'Shea, C.SS.R.; good weather.
Finished with Mass on Sunday morning. Big crowd.
5th October -
"Bandy," with approval of "Buck": "We must report these boys who were
talking." Head monitor: "Let him who is without sin amongst you cast
the first stone."
6th October -
Curious student to "Buff," just after latter had been caught smoking in the
"Daffs": "Let me see your cigarette case." "Buff": "I am just after
lending it to the President."
7th October - The
MacRory Cup team are training hard, and as they march to victory the song
is: "Omagh are going to have a h___ of a time. With "Bandy John" in the
forward line."
12th October -
Team off to Omagh. We wish them luck. Sorry we are not with them.
17th October -
Soccer Sevens today. St. Paul's victorious.
20th October - We
notice that "Bandy" is gone home for the marriage feast at Cranbeg.
21st October -
"Bandy": "This MacRory Cup team needs a general straightening up." Misery:
"I wonder who'll be first?"
23rd October - The
anti-legioners seem to have adopted the same slogan as the Chartists -
Freedom of speech and equal rights for all.
24th October - All
good things come from heaven, but "Bene-Pace" does not think so, especially
when seagulls are about."
25th October -
MacRory Cup team played St. Mary's Training College. The former won by four
26th October -
Feast of Christ The King. Two Solemn High Masses in college chapel today;
one for the students of the college, the other for Queen's University
students. Sermon preached by Fr. Casey, S.J., a very distinguished past
student on holidays from Hong Kong.
27th October -
Hallowe'en holidays - bring on the nuts - Oh! I forgot we just have about
140 here since September. Home Sweet Home.
4th November -
Back again - Ah! this is desperate!
5th November -
Geography professor: "The immense population of China will perhaps be
grasped better if I tell you that every time you take a breath a Chinaman
dies ... What are you doing?" Student: "Killing Chinamen, sir."
7th November -
Latin professor, while looking at a rather hairy individual in Senior C1:
"It would be a good job if the members of this class would contribute 2d.
each for a razor. When you get it, make sure J. D. doesn't stand too far
away from it."
8th November - Due
to an influx of Latin dictionaries, or to other reasons, there is no
ambiguity this year about the meaning of "intro" - say the University
9th November -
Famous statesman, on the tram fares - "Never was so much owed by so many to
so few."
10th November -
"The doors are opened twenty-four hours of the day" - We were just wondering
what was causing the draughts, says a Queensman.
11th November -
"Goose" gets a "bear" reception in his room now.
12th November - "Olly,"
chanting along the corridor: "Who has a blade for a splendid cause?"
13th November -
Sagart Aroon: "Musha! Musha! and Wirra! Wirra! - but 'tis the hard times
that do be in it."
14th November -
Wanted: For next year's play - experienced train driver with some knowledge
of off-stage duties.
15th November -
Nine into six won't go - but it did last year when Julia put on ladies'
shoes. - Letterkenny come to College in MacRory Cup. Match at 3 p.m. in
College grounds. Victory for Collegians, followed by a spread in the ref.
Arrangements were made for a friendly game in Letterkenny later on in the
year. We take our farewell of Letterkenny boys, and so to study.
17th November -
Fr. McCanon, S.J., addressed the Senior students of the College on the
ideals of the Pioneer Association.
19th November -
"Could you tell me something about the "reign of terror"? "Sorry, I
never heard of him."
20th November -
Soap economy - when our horsey friend opens his mouth, he has nothing to
wash but his ears.
21st November -
Queensman states that he has one subject and forty-one hours and ten minutes
study in a week. It beats me how he is going to spend the last ten minutes!
22nd November -
Wet weather - someone sings the hymn, "Everlasting is thy reign (rain)."
23rd November - A
Standard is not the easiest model to start, says an observant Queensman.
24th November -
Monitor or no monitor he is a bit of a footballer; he has the unique ability
to kick with both the left and the right, and, in time of difficulty, with
both together - usually ending in the mud with feet in the air.
25th November -
what have the Queensmen come to? Is it true they have turned professional
and that the trophy is a pot of jam? In this side of the house, sport has
never become so degraded.
26th November -
Some of the lodgers in Fleetwood got their photos taken so often that they
have developed a perpetual grin.
27th November - In
this era of invention we have jet propulsion and all sorts of propulsion,
but the latest invention of the Standard Company is "Queensmen propulsion."
28th November - 3
a.m. in No. X, Fleetwood: "Goose": "Hi, 'Bear,' I'm nearly sure I heard a
mouse squeak." "Bra": "Well, what the ____ do you expect me to do - oil it?"
29th November -
Dungannon Academy come to College for the decider of our section. Match was
played in MacRory Park and all boarders came out to support. Result was a
well-deserved win for the College. An enjoyable sing-song was held in the
English Hall later in the evening. Enrolment of all new students in
the Miraculous Medal.
1st December -
Cigarette shortage prompted this smoker's ode: "See the pretty Gold-flakes
falling from the sky, Underneath the counter soft and thick they lie."
2nd December -
Professor: "Why is Cupid always represented with a bow and arrow?" Boy:
"Well, sir, wouldn't he look funny with a machine-gun."
3rd December - One
despairing professor has remarked that too many of our students can see both
sides of any question but can never see the answer.
5th December -
Hairy Harry is bringing sardines into the ref. lately. He must have
relatives in Portugal.
8th December -
Solemn High Mass at 10 a.m., followed by Solemn Benediction. A free day
welcomed by all. A picture after tea brought to a close a very enjoyable
10th December -
Tickets, tickets, tickets - no end to these "black babies." These cheeky
collectors take no refusals!
12th December - A
number of old familiar names appear in this issue of the Africa - little
amuses the innocent"
14th December -
"Sir, are you having your photo taken for the mag. this year?" Professor:
"No, I don't want to arouse jealousy."
15th December -
Someone remarked that "Lanky" has started smoking to stop growing.
16th December -
Class exams start.
18th December -
U.N.O. must be doing some good work, as "Port," "Brooklyn,"
"Egypt," "Chink" and "Jap" are all on good terms!
20th December -
Overheard in the wee dorm: "Where was Moses when the light went out?" Some
say: "In the dark," but the bold "Fla" had gone off to wreck the cloakroom!
22nd December -
Home, home, home! Goose, chicken, birdie and ducks, pray take care - your
lives are in danger these days. A happy Christmas to all.
12th January - Back again
- at least some of us.
13th January -
Interesting lecture illustrated by lantern slides, on Our Lady of Fatima,
given by Mr. Harvey.
14th January -
Maths professor giving an example on direct variation: "The more we are
together, the happier we shall be." Indirect variation: "The more
chicken we eat for dinner, the less we'll have for tea."
16th January -
What happened when Brian and Pat came back in time?
17th January - The
dean is back again. Now no longer does the old proverb hold true: "When the
cat's away the mice will play."
18th January -
Snulla was overheard exclaiming: "Gee, but it would be cold in our cave
these nights."
19th January -
Geography professor: "Most of you seem to have written an account of the "Whang-Ho"
Basin for the Christmas exams, I wonder why?"
23rd January -
We are sorry to hear of the death of Rev. Daniel Lafferty. - R.I.P.
25th January -
MacRory Cup team off to Letterkenny, and although we cannot be with them,
nevertheless we wish them luck.
26th January -
Junior Sevens today. Congratulations, St. Mary's.
27th January - We
congratulate the MacRory Cup team on their victory over Letterkenny.
28th January -
They say "Boiler" was detained at the border after the Letterkenny match for
trying to smuggle over "Duck"!
29th January - All
the students go out for mass radiography. "Bandy" proudly boasts that he has
the greatest chest measurement - he'll need it!
30th January -
Towser, in very bad form, threatens to jump the wall!
31st January -
Collegians defeat Ardoyne in Minor league.
1st February -
Legion reunion held in College this evening. Some "valuables" left behind in
the ref.
2nd February -
Mass at 9 a.m. for a packed congregation of boarders and dayboys - Feast of
the Purification.
5th February - We
celebrate the anniversary of that memorable day two years ago!
6th February -
"Captain's Courageous" shown tonight - very good picture.
7th February - The
silhouette of an Italian - "Roman in the gloaming."
9th February -
College play postponed. The sad news of Dr. MacSorley's death casts a gloom
over the College.
10th February -
Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Dr. MacSorley, house doctor.
11th February -
Ash Wednesday - Lent begins with good intentions. We hear some boys have
given up smoking - shortage of money?
12th February -
"Mind you, I think I'd just about have got you through Senior if I hadn't
broken my right wrist," said a certain Greek professor to a student.
13th February -
Towser is keeping very faithful to the shepherd - of course, every dog has
his day!
16th February -
There is another addition to the imperial staff. "Rommel" joins "Hannibal"
and "Monty."
18th February -
Heard in Senior A1: "Dryden put great mettle into his lines, that means
spirit." "Wee Joe": "Methylated spirits,. did you say?" He got four.
22nd February -
College played Newry C.B.S. today in semi-final of MacRory Cup and drew.
"San Francisco" tonight.
23rd February - "G
Whizz" and "De buck" gave Senior C1 an exhibition in boxing.
24th February -
They say that "Bandy" has proposed that the moon should walk round the track
so that the MacRory Cup team can train during the night.
25th February -
MacRory Cup trial match today. The "over twenties" played the "under
twenties." "Stumpy," much to his indignation, played for the former despite
his constant use of palm-olive soap.
27th February -
Inquisitive student: "Well, "Fitz," what are you going home for this time?
Don't tell me it is to see a man about a dog." "Fitz": No, it is to
see a man about a horse." I winder what's happened. "Fitz" has told the
28th February -
Queensmen present "The Ghost Train" in the gymnasium tonight. A splendid
play well done.
29th February -
Congratulations to MacRory Cup team in gaining a well-merited victory over
the Abbey - 1 goal 7 pts. to 3 pts.
1st March - We
offer our sincere sympathy to Fr. Lynch on the death of his father. - R.I.P.
Fr. McGivern, O.Carm., an old boy of the College, addressed the Seniors
in the College Chapel today on vocation.
2nd March -
Luckily for smokers, during the retreat "Big Brian" returned with plenty of
3rd March - Oliver
has taken the new men under his wing. So serious is he that he even teaches
them handball. Now there is no need to say "Olly" is good!
4th March - why
the big rush to Geology this year? Perhaps the trips to Scrabo, Portrush and
Ballycastle are the attraction.
5th March - A
young professor called a student up to the rostrum after some misdemeanour,
Fr. X: "What do you think I am here for?" Boy: "To save your soul,
6th March - The
Cure D'Ars still presides over the study hall despite the impedimenta of
caps, books and comical head-dresses.
7th March - Solemn
High Mass at 10 a.m., followed by Solemn Benediction in honour of St. Thomas
Aquinas. Eight full buses left the College Avenue today for Cavan -
strong and enthusiastic support.
8th March - Free
9th March - Fr.
Houlihan of Kilregan to-day spoke to the boys about the mission to Africa.
10th March - "Beleek
China" is said to be very fragile. One look at Sean E - convinces us!
11th March - Eddie
Jap seen fraternising with the Chink brothers. Christian idea of charity,
some say!
14th March -
Passion Sunday. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, finishing at 2 p.m.
15th March - Exam
funk! All stewing hard?
16th March - Exams
in full swing.
17th March -
Solemn High Mass at 10 a.m., followed by Solemn Benediction. Out town!
Marx Brothers in "Night at the Opera" (after tea) - end of a perfect day.
18th March - The
preacher was talking about little acts of self-denial which we should all
practise. "I am sure," he continued, "when you received a parcel you'll have
no trouble in finding boys to help you to mortify yourselves."
19th March - who
said "Bandy" is a back? Sure, the forward can dribble the ball through
his legs!
20th March - A
note from the student's mother ran thus: "Kindly excuse the absence of my
boy: he fell into the river on the way home - By doing same you will kindly
oblige Yours, ____
22nd March - "It
was in the month of Liverpool, In the city of July; The sun was raining
heavily, The streets were very dry." Heard in the Cloakroom - it must
be the effect of the exams.
24th March - Home!
Boil the eggs and get the kettle on.
6th April - Here
we go again, looking fresh and well but feeling far from it!
7th April -
Smokers in the worst of bad form. Cigs, up another 2d.
10th April -
Prize-day. The President addressed a crowded Study-Hall and distributed
valuable prizes to the successful competitors.
11th April - Fight
to-day between Towser and Birdie. Brown-bread Ned said: "Birdie, you would
fight even with a saint." Birdie replied: "Aye, and with a dog at the
same time."
12th April - "Sir,
what is a jib?" Greek prof.: "It is what you have got for a face."
13th April - Duck:
"What, do they enjoy picking potatoes?" Brendan: "At dinner, of
14th April - Feast
of St. Joseph. Missa Cantata in St. Joseph's Oratory at 7.30 a.m. Senior
students out to see "Hamlet" in the Opera House. A most enjoyable
15th April -
Prof.: "What is caustic?" Boy: "Stuff for removing warts."
Prof.: "I wish we had some of it in this class."
16th April -
Archie, seen round the track in flashy white slippers. Some one asks if the
blacksmith whitewashes the horses' feet in Ballymena.
17th April -
College defeat St. Paul's in first round of Minor Championship. University
students on retreat. All quiet in St. Joseph's wing.
18th April -
Butler to Visitor: "Isn't this a lovely building? What was the first thing
that struck you coming in the door?" Old lady: "A paper from a boy's
19th April -
University students come off retreat. Irish Oral in today.
21st April -
Hist. prof.: "What is the Diet of Worms?" Dull Boy: "Dirt, sir."
23rd April -
Prof.: "What keeps bricks together?" Student: "Cement, sir."
Prof.: "That's what keeps them apart."
25th April -
Geog. prof.: "What do moths feed on?" Stupid boy: "Holes, sir."
26th April -
"Wee Bear" lost his time in the moss this year, as he got his "Turf" taken
from him in the quad. today.
27th April -
Prof. (to boy rattling money): "Hand over that money for the Holy
Childhood." J.D.: "Sir, give it to me; I collect it." Prof.: "I
have six holy children at home."
28th April -
Standards taken for House system - on the whole some fine records.
29th April -
Queen's rag-day. Some old Collegians kindly remembered us and created a
scene in the Wee Field.
30th April -
Boy (from another class): "Have you got a cane, sir?" Prof.: "No, I am
sorry." Boy: "Thank you, sir."
1st May -
Opening of "Forty Hours" Adoration with Solemn High Mass at 9 a.m. An
uncomfortably packed Chapel! Nocturnal Adoration by University students.
2nd May -
Solemn High Mass at 10 a.m. Holy Hour for Boarders - 9-10 p.m. Nocturnal
Adoration by Priests.
3rd May -
Solemn High Mass at 9 a.m. Litany of the Saints, Procession and Benediction.
And so to class.
4th May -
Religious Knowledge Examination for the whole school.
6th May -
Ascension Thursday. Solemn High Mass at 10 o'clock and Benediction. Annual
Sports in Big Field. Good attendance of day-boys. Highlight of day was cycle
race where several spills occurred to brighten up events. Picture "David
Copperfield" wound up a most enjoyable day.
7th May -
A career talk by two Old Boys on "Architecture" and "Accountancy."
8th May -
Willie Blutters: "Where does McGarvoch come from?" Wet Weather: "Oh,
'tulips,' all the way from Holland."
9th May -
Sister to boy with sore throat: "Now, Master John, say 99." Boy: "98."
Sister: "Another Republican."
10th May -
"Bra" at half-time in the inter-table match ferociously demanded of "X" if
he gashed the "Goose's" leg. On a timid admission of guilt, "Bra" added
genially: "Shake, pal. He should have had his socks up anyway."
11th May -
Rumour heard today that the "Jap" has gone off and joined the Arabs.
Everyone feels sorry at his loss and hopes he sees "Chink" if he ever visits
13th May -
Overheard in the Quad: "Hi, Hilary, lend's half-a-dollar." Hilary: "Do
you think I am really Green."
15th May -
When we move to Garron Tower Shepherd will look after the sheep.
17th May -
In the case of an emergency in the Nissen Huts the Maths Professor always
carries a tin-opener!
18th May -
Another Career talk by an Old Boy on Agriculture - very interesting.
20th May -
Boys training for Cherryvale - taking up pole vaulting.
21st May -
Another Old Boy up to talk on Insurance.
23rd May -
Hurling Sevens for the Drinan Shield. Won by St. Mary's after a fine
evening's hurling.
25th May -
The pupils of Senior A1 say it is hard to do their exercises in one night.
It would take "Weeks" to do them.
27th May -
Corpus Christi, Solemn High Mass at 10 a.m. followed by Solemn Benediction.
Boarders out town. "Mutiny on the Bounty" at night - smashing!
29th May -
All students out to see the show in Balmoral. Some went to Cherryvale where
we saw Paul Shiels gaining several trophies for the College.
30th May -
Corpus Christi procession held to-day. Good attendance of staff and
1st June -
Some Junior students pick odd places and off times to say their prayers,
especially in the corridor at night!
3rd June -
Photographs taken of House winners and Minor team.
5th June -
In the woodwork class Johnny's drawing of a gate was greatly admired by his
pupils. Smart boy: "Sir, where did you see that gate or did you make it out
of your head?"
6th June -
Last night in study-hall - boys perform spring-cleaning very zealously
preparatory to the exams.
7th June -
Presentation was made to Fr. McMullan on the occasion of his silver jubilee.
Suitable gifts were presented on behalf of the students by Colm McAlarey and
Martin McHugh. Fine speeches too!
8th June -
Exams start. Class finishes.
1st September -
School re-opens and classes resume.
2nd September -
Lots of old faces gone and unfamiliar faces to be seen.
6th September -
Class really started. All boys back.
7th September -
Fresh men beginning to feel first pangs - even tears.
8th September -
We regret to learn of departure of Fr. McEnaney to take up his position as
dean at Trench House. We welcome Fr. Conway, our new dean, Fr. McGarry, and
Mr. McGivern, who has come to assist Mr. McDermott with the increased gym
10th September -
Customary ablutions completed in fine style. New boys beginning to sort
themselves out into various categories. We have cows, horses, bears,
rabbits, frogs, pigs, ducks (ay, three of them), dogs - we should start a
zoo here.
11th September -
Having now two bishops, one is promoted to the rank of archbishop. For any
favour, fee to Bishop is "one fag, please."
12th September -
Big four appointed, viz.: Toby Belch, Rozy, Bumps, Big Charlie.
13th September -
We seem to have a weakness for Dickensian characters. Micawber of former
years is replaced by Mr. Dick. Mas'r Davy is still to the fore.
15th September -
Professor to class: "Students should learn to do a thing by doing it, not by
seeing it done." Usual croak from rear of the class: "We learn by
being done."
16th September -
Student on left wing of class to professor combing his hair: "Sir, take it
off and comb it!"
18th September -
Elections of House Captains and MacRory Cup Captain in study-hall. Jim
McKeever was unanimously elected MacRory Cup Captain.
19th September -
"Benny" playing cricket today sent down some smashing bumpers. In resuming
play after tea he came in to bat on proverbial motor-bike.
20th September -
Student begins to recite his poetry - "Is this a witch I see before me, A
beard upon her bonny chin, So withered and so wild in her attire . . ."
(Long pause.) English professor: "Come, you imperfect speaker, tell me more,
Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence?"
21st September -
Greek professor tells class of sliding "gar." Joe Soap contrary to
opinion was not in the vicinity.
23rd September -
Professor wanted to know to-day what type of animals there were on the earth
a mission years ago. Somebody suggested he consult Snulla who is well versed
in ancient lore.
24th September -
Who said Chinks don't like fish on Fridays? Big Chink has a decided
preference for cod. We hear he got the recipe from the "Listener."
25th September -
Heard in Senior A1 class-room: "What's his name there?" "Oh him, well
you can just 'Colm' Liam!"
26th September -
We heard All-Ireland final in study hall to-day. Cavan 4 goals 5 pts., Mayo
4 goals 4 pts. Tyrone beat Dublin by 1 goal 8 pts. to 1 goal 5 pts. Up
27th September -
During Senior Irish forty Smutts was heard sneezing: ach-tush, ach-tush!
Queensmen arrive back.
28th September -
Hear Big Twa is coming back. Wee Twa wouldn't stay in horse-box alone in
29th September -
Great soccer match to-day, Graders v. Priests of the Diocese. Result: 3-1
for the Graders. Bravo, boys! 6 p.m. Retreat starts - given by Fr.
Bonaventure, C.P., of Ardoyne.
2nd October -
To-night at night prayers we hear of the death of Pat Savage (R.I.P.), a
student of last year's Junior IA. We offer our sympathy to Jack and the rest
of the family.
3rd October -
Fr. Bonaventure closed the retreat this morning after Mass at 9 a.m. and
Papal Blessing. Terrific crowd in College Chapel.
4th October -
Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Pat Savage (R.I.P.) in College
Chapel at 9 a.m., attended by all the students.
5th October -
MacRory Cup team start training with high hopes of bringing home the cup!
More power to you lads!
6th October -
When a tree in the avenue was blown down it was found to be hollow. Perhaps
it was affected by some of the passers-by who were suffering from a similar
7th October -
We tender to Mr. David Kennedy our sincere sympathy on the death of his
8th October -
We have got a well-known Jew among us this year - Moses has risen from the
dead, and, if I am not mistaken, there is an Aaron running about also! Try
Junior 7 if stuck.
10th October -
student when asked to make a sentence containing the word miniature, he
answered: "The minute you are in bed you fall asleep."
11th October -
First day. Higher Maths men troop into Weedan with ties arranged in
butterfly bows. "We are in the fashion now, Sir," they said. Second
Day. Students go in with bows again. Weedan sails in with a flowing tie.
"Sonnies, 'yous' is out of fashion," he said.
13th October -
Now for a definition - the rectangle contained by wee Duck and middle Duck
is equal to square on the big Duck.
14th October -
Cheshire was in bed today. Spratts asked him what was wrong with him. The
"Salt Importer" replied with his famous grin: "Flat feet!"
15th October -
Theodore says: "This is smashing, going out to pick potatoes." Next morning:
"Oh, my poor back!" On the subject of Theodore, can anyone solve the mystery
echoing down the big dorm at night, "ecce obses."
16th October -
"Where did all our milk go to?" Is that it with which the shed is painted?"
Is that it with which the shed is painted?
17th October -
The College played St. John's in final of last year's Minor League. St.
John's won. The referee must have been stupid when he thought that Duck
didn't know where the square was!
18th October -
The scare of scarlet fever seems to have died out considerably. However
there are two very advanced cases of yellow fever. Would Doctor Mick please
take the appropriate steps?"
19th October -
We hear that Terence Murdoch has joined the "Blue Funnel Line" and is off to
Singapore on his first voyage. Good luck, Terry!
20th October -
Training stops to-day for MacRory Cup team in preparation for match with
C.B.S. Barrack Street. Will the College take the sting out of the wasps?"
22nd October -
Wheatfield play the College to-day. The visitors won by two points.
23rd October -
The C.B.S. were beaten by the College. Read what the Poet says about the
24th October -
Mission Sunday Sports, St. Patrick's won the Senior Soccer Sevens and the
Intermediate and Junior relays. Now you Juniors, did you take ice-cream
before and after the Mission Exhibition?
25th October -
Teacher: "The figure should be a long thin rectangle." It must have
been quite embarrassing to Lanky.
26th October -
Another duck has arrived here this year. This place will soon be a
duck-house. Well, we have pond ready to hand anyway in the Wee Field.
27th October -
Simon is adept at getting under the bed. Bum for outstanding reasons is not
so skilled!
28th October -
When Chesterton wrote in the "Donkey" - "ears like errant wings." was he
referring to Drylugs or Ebenezer?
29th October -
Home to-day. The bull being so excited combs his hair so badly that the
cow's lick is very visible. First years please don't rise before 6 a.m.
4th November -
Where did those holidays go?
5th November -
What did the Chicken say about the green Standard? Cheap! Cheap!
6th November -
Bus left College for Letterkenny at 10 a.m. Result - a comfortable win
for the College. Congrats boys!
7th November -
We got soda-bread in ref. to-day. "Griddles" must have been busy!
8th November -
Burnhouse is looking for "Cheshire Cats." G ___ had better move in the ref.
9th November -
The last of the Fitz brothers is still with us. Can anyone explain his
weakness for canary colour? He is getting very lawyer looking this year,
going round the big track hanging on to a pipe!
10th November -
Big day here to-day. Octave of St. Malachy. Solemn High Mass at 10 a.m. The
Bishop presided in the sanctuary and afterwards at the special request of
the monitors declared a free day. After a special dinner, off down town.
After tea a most enjoyable picture - Laurel and Hardy as good as ever.
11th November -
Paddy: "Joe Beef goes over to the jail every day now." Eugene: "What
fur?" Paddy: "To play thee orgin." Eugene: "What fur?"
Paddy (exhausted): "They Retreet." Eudene: "Oh - aye - a - twig
now. Now a twig, Paddy." Paddy: "Eugene, you are the quickest thing
here for a long time."
12th November -
Smutts in Geog. class to-day was more interested in the "News of the World"
then views of the world which Prof. was patiently showing.
13th November -
Is "Barges" icebound?
14th November -
Irish Prof.: How many mistakes, John? John: Only one - this morning I
took an English exercise for my Irish one. Prof.: Ah, boy, it has a
beard on it - come forth.
Elegy on the Death of a Mad Mouse
Good people all, of every sort, Give ear unto my song,
And if you find it wond'rous short, It cannot hold you long.
In Fleetwood Street there was a man, For all the world
to see;
A man who could old Horace scan, And many names had he.
A kind and gentle heart he had, And a pair of slippers
And could he use the cane, lad! well need you ask that too!
And in that room a mouse did dwell, As many mice there
Mice big and small, middle-aged as well, And mice of low degree.
This mouse and man at first were friends, Till our man
began to flipper;
When the mouse to gain some strange revenge, wend mad and ate his slipper.
The slipper seemed in state so sad, Our man seemed
like to cry;
Yet while he swore the mouse was mad, He swore the mouse would die.
He armed himself, but all in vain, Despite all he had
When he came back from class 'twas plain, The mouse was already dead.

Patrick Savage - R.I.P.
It is with deep regret that
we record in his "Collegian" the death of Patrick Savage, which took place
at his home in Fruithill Park on 2nd October, 1948. The sad news was
announced to us during our retreat, and to all, but especially to his
class-mates of Junior Ia, it was a great shock. Pat was one of the
most popular lads in our class, a real "dab" at maths, and a splendid
footballer and hurler. He played for St. Mary's, 1946-47 - winners of
the Junior Gaelic that year. Requiem Mass was offered by the President
for the repose of his soul on 4th October, at 9 a.m. Almost six
hundred boys packed the Chapel to offer that Mass for Pat's soul. We
extend our sincerest sympathy to his parents and to jack and Roland, both
past pupils of Malachy's. We ask your prayers for the repose of his
soul. May he rest in peace. V. McKee - D. Bradley
College Staff
President: Very rev. John McMullan, B.A., B.D., B.C.L.
Bursar: Rev. Patrick McAlister, B.A., B.D.
Spiritual Director: Rev. Charles Agnew, B.A.
Rev. Patrick Kerr, B.A., Ph.B., S.T.L. - Rev. William Tumelty,
B.A., H.Dip.Ed., S.T.L.
Rev. Walter Larkin, B.A., S.T.L. - Rev. Hugo Lynch, B.A., B.D.
Rev. Dominic McHugh, B.A. - Rev. Patrick
McKavanagh, B.A.
Rev. Joseph Maguire, B.A., B.D. - Rev. Joseph Conway, B.A., B.D.
Rev. Brendan McGarry, B.A., B.D.
Lay Professors:
Brian Kennedy, Esq., M.A. - Anthony Lynch, Esq., B.A., B.Comm.
Daniel McKeown, Esq., B.A., H.Dip.Ed. - James Campbell, Esq.,
M.A., H.Dip.Ed.
John Coghlan, Esq., B.A., H.Dip.Ed. - John Porter, Esq.
William Gallagher, Esq., B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc.I. - Hugh Faherty,
Esq., B.A., H.Dip.Ed.
Maurice Drinan, Esq., M.A., H.Dip.Ed. - David Kennedy, Esq.,
M.Sc., H.Dip.Ed.
James Casey, Esq., B.SC. - John Gillick, Esq., B.A., H.Dip.Ed.
John McManus, Esq., B.A.
Physical Education: Gerard McDermott, Esq.
John McGivern, Esq., P.E.T., Dip.P.Ed. (Carnegie)
Music: E. R. Hill, Esq., L.G.S.M. Thomas Cooney, Esq., L.T.C.L.
Medical Adviser: Michael McSorley, Esq., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.
Sisters of Mercy: Sister Mary Ercnat, Sister Lawrence
Sports Section
The year1947-48 has been one
of progress for sport in the College. Although no cups or championships were
won, nevertheless College teams have succeeded in reaching the finals of
both the MacRory Cup and the Minor League, these being the only outside
competitions in which we participated.
The house system, begun in 1946-47, was continued with
as much zest and vigour as in its initial year. This has done much to
further all sports in the College. It has succeeded also in doing what
the "B.B." Leagues had previously failed to do, namely, to bring boarders
and day boys together during recreation. Besides, it enables all, from
the youngest junior even to the lordly Queensman, to get a chance to display
their ability and improve their standard of play.
The six houses are St. Mary's, St. Joseph's, St.
Paul's, St. Patrick's, St. Brigid's, and St. Teresa's/ Each has its
affairs managed by a president and three captains, Senior, Intermediate, and
Junior, who assemble each week in the College Library to fix matches and
attend to any other business which may arise. The captains of the houses
last year were :-
St. Mary's - J. McKeever; St. Joseph's - B. Kerr; St. Paul's - B. McAleenan;
St. Patrick's - A. McKinlay
St. Brigid's - C. McAlarey; St. Teresa's - P. McAleenan
T. McShane; M. Neeson; D. McKenna; A. Bergin; S. Rainey; P. McAleenan
P. Shiels; P. J. Gibson; M. Byrne; F. Kearney; A. Devlin; P. Dougan
The houses compete in
football, Gaelic and soccer, hurling, athletics, swimming, boxing and
handball. The House Committee is presided over by Fr. McHugh, to whom
we extend our warmest thanks for his great work. We are also much
indebted to our Vice-Chairman, Dr. McKavanagh, who has done everything in
his power to hold the committee. To Mr. McDermott we are grateful for
his generous help, especially in athletics and swimming. We are
thankful to Mr. Drinan, who has presented the committee with a very valuable
hurling shield.
D. McKenna, Hon. Sec.
Senior Soccer
The Soccer League was not up
to the expected standard, though the College fielded one of the best teams
ever. The players were so well split up that no house had more than
one of two outstanding men. St. Mary's surprised all by their victory,
after a bad show in the previous year. Their forwards showed more
initiative than before, and their backs were very strong tacklers.
McKeever, O'Connor and McSorley were outstanding in defence, while Hughes
and Gibson were their most dangerous forwards.
St. Joseph's finished runners-up - only a few points
behind. They were a heavy team whose only fault was their poor
finishing and a tendency to foul when close to their own goals. Kerr,
Neeson and Halton were staunch defenders, while McLaughlin, Kelly, and
McGahan were hard-working forwards.
St. Patrick's were clearly out of luck, and when in
form were easily the best soccer team. Murphy at centre-half was one
of the strongest defenders in the College, and was ably supported by Doran
and Mulvenna. McGarry and Gilmartin formed a very dangerous
right-wing, and, supported by McKinley, caused every defence in the league
much trouble.

(1-4) Breffni Park - MacRory Cup Final.
1. P. Magee has a try at goals.
2. J. McKeever slips to L. Donaghy.
3. A tussle at mid-field.
4. Aussie on the run. 5 and
6. Senior Soccer Sevens.
St. Brigid's were never very
fortunate, though possessing a good average team. On some occasions
they were very dangerous, and their captain - McAlarey - was a tower of
strength in defence, and was extremely capable in starting many movements.
Curran and Lismore were staunch defenders, while Gribben, Magee and Murphy
formed a fast-moving forward line.
St. Teresa's were a fast, lively team whose big
drawback was a lack of size, especially among the defenders. They
suffered a big loss when Joe McClure left on account of ill-health.
Browne at full back was a strong defender, and his lengthy Clearances saved
many a dangerous situation. McStravick, McWilliams and Armstrong were
tight defenders, while Magee, Cassidy and McMurrough were a handful for any
St. Paul's, though the weakest team in the league, put
up a gallant fight all through, and never gave in until the final whistle.
Gribben was a grand defender with a turn of speed which left most forwards
standing. Bradley and McKenna were sound backs, while their forward
line of Cassidy, McAleenan, Hart and Madden was the trickiest in the game,
though their finishing was not so good.
Intermediate Soccer
This year a new league was
introduced for boys under seventeen years of age on 1st January. It
proved to be a huge success, the competitions in it being more keenly
contested than even the Seniors. The outstanding team was St.
Joseph's. Their back line, with Neeson in the centre, was up to the
standard of some of the Senior teams. Boyle was a safe and capable
defender, and McKinley was outstanding when the occasion demanded.
Boyle, Cunning and McGaughan were nippy forwards, always ready to seize an
St. Teresa's, the runners-up, had also a strong team,
though not quite as good as St. Joseph's. Duggan, McWilliams and Carey
were strong in defence, while Edwards, McCrystal and Crilly were a good
forward combination.
St. Paul's did not turn out as well as expected, though
hard luck dogged all their attempts. McKenna, Conroy and Bradley were
sturdy backs, while McAleenen, Cassidy and Cosgrave formed a strong front
St. Patrick's also had a big team, but went under on
several occasions. Mulvenna and Bergin were very strong backs, while
Gilmartin and Hanna were good forwards.
St. Brigid's also had hard luck, though their full team
was well balanced. Rainey, Mallon and Devlin were the pick of the
backs, while Boyle, Noone, Young and Vaughan were hard-working forwards.
St. Mary's were never up to the standard of the others,
though they recorded a surprise win over a weakened St. Teresa's team at the
beginning of the year. McShane, McCullagh, Kelly and Fulton were the
pick of their team.
Junior Soccer
The Junior Soccer was fought
out to the very last match. Indeed, the final had to be replayed
twice, and, in the end, St. Joseph's only won by the narrowest of margins.
St. Mary's were worthy runners-up. Gibson, Bradley, McKeown, Mullan
and Logan were the pick of the winners, while McCullagh, Kelly, Fulton and
Elwood were St. Mary's best.
St. Teresa's followed, losing only to St. Joseph's, and
drawing with St. Mary's. They had a big team which did not combine so
well, but played a more open game which did not suit the small pitch.
McCrystal, Duggan, Martin, McKenna and McMillan served their best, though
the others were not far behind.
St. Paul's also had a disappointing team, none of their
team impressing except for Byrne, Armstrong and Cassidy.
St. Patrick's rarely fielded a full team, and so did
not finish up well. Kearney, Murray, Fullerton and Fyfe were their
best all-rounders.
St. Brigid's also had a good team on paper, but it
rarely lived up to expectations; Boyle, Devlin, McKinstry and O'Hagan were
their best.
P. McAleenan, Hon. Sec.
Senior Gaelic
Owing to heavy rains which
flooded the pitch, a Senior Gaelic knock-out competition had to be played
instead of the usual league. The standard of play was high and
characterized more by the hand-to-toe style than by the catch-and-kick.
St. Mary's, as was expected, were worthy winners,
although St. Teresa's taxed them to the full, both in the first round and in
the final. O'Connor, McSorley and Moorehead, for St. Mary's, formed
the best part of a very sturdy defence, while McKeever, Gibson and Hughes
starred in the forwards.
St. Teresa's had a grand team built around their
captain and centre-half back, P. McAleenan. He was ably supported by
Browne, McStravick and McCrystal, while their forwards were always on the
alert to take advantage of any slackness in the opposing backs. All
were good, but perhaps Magee, McMurrough and Armstrong are especially worthy
of note.
St. Patrick's at first looked as though they, and not
St. Teresa's, would challenge St. Mary's supremacy, but they were rather
unlucky. It is difficult to know where their weakness lay, but their
marksmanship was particularly poor. Their backs were good, Murphy and
Doran starred, while their forwards were a treat to watch at the
short-passing and hand-to-toe style. best among them were McKinley,
Mulvenna and McGarry.
St. Joseph's were a big team and indulged more in
catch-and-kick style. However, too often a team with small forwards
were able to outwit a defence which otherwise was seldom found on a wrong
foot. Best of their backs was their captain, Kerr, Halton and Neeson,
while on the forward line McLaughlin, McCaughan and Kelly worked hard.
St. Brigid's, although not up to standard of the
previous year, had some outstanding players, namely, C. McAlarey (captain),
Murphy, Gribben and Curran.
St. Paul's were never up to the mark, and failed to
register a win, although they had great triers in Gribben, McAleenan, Molloy
and Armstrong.
Intermediate Gaelic
This new competition was welcomed
by all since it gave scope to those who were too old for Junior and not good
enough for Senior. The competition was keenly contested but there was
no doubt that St. Joseph's was the outstanding team. They were unlucky
when St. Brigid's beat them for they were short of a number of their
original selection. M. Neeson was their best player and he was ably
supported in backs by Boyle, Laverty and Donaghy. Their forwards
indulged in the Antrim hand-to-toe style, and best among them were Denvir,
Fitzpatrick, Cunning and Gibson.
St. Teresa's shared points honours at the end of the
competition, although they were decidedly beaten in the final. P.
McAleenan was their outstanding man, and many forward lines found him a
great stumbling block. He was well supported in backs by Dougan and
McCrystal, while Watson, Martin and Carey excelled as forwards.
St. Brigid's started well, beating St. Patrick's after
a great struggle. However, they dropped off, but did well in beating
St. Joseph's. They were best served by Rainey (captain), Boyle and
Mallon in backs, and by Devlin, Young and Noone who formed a great
three-quarters forward line.
St. Patrick's could display a great team on paper but
could not come up to expectations on the field. They were unfortunate
in losing to St. Brigid's in their first match, and gradually settled down.
Bergin, Stuart and Kearney formed the best of a good defence, but it was in
the forwards their strength lay. Mulvenna seemed untiring and was ably
assisted by Hanna, McCafferty and Gilmartin.
St. Paul's started the year poorly, but gradually
settled down and did well to account for St. Brigid's. Armstrong,
Molloy and McErlain were strong backs, while McAleenan, Bradley and Byrne
were great triers in forwards.
St. Mary's were definitely bad, and failed to score a
win. They were great triers and were often rallied by their captain,
McShane, but to no avail. Devenney was a steady back, and Rooney and
McCaughan showed promise in forwards.
Junior Gaelic
The Junior League, as last
year, captured the most enthusiasm in the College. However, as the
year progressed, it became clear that it was to be a great struggle between
St. Joseph's and St. Teresa's. So it was too, because both were
undefeated when they met in the final.
St. Joseph's, the winners, imitated the Antrim
hand-to-toe style very well. They had sound backs in McKeown, Gibson
and Logan. Bradley was their best forward, assisted by Mullan and
St. Teresa's, runners-up, had a good team on paper and
were big and strong. They went in more for the Kerry catch-and-kick,
except McCrystal, who gained many precious yards with the ball on his toe.
The best of the backs were McCrystal, Dougan and Martin, while McKenna and
Kearns were hard triers near the goal.
St. Brigid's, the next best team on view, owed their
success to their full back A. Devlin, who helped them out of many
difficulties. Gallagher and Campbell (goals) helped to keep their
colours flying, and Higgins and O'Brien were very tricky forwards.
St. Paul's were dogged by ill-luck. First they
lost very narrowly to St. Patrick's, and then lost their captain and easily
their best player, Byrne, Cassidy, Donaghy and Armstrong did well to keep
their colours flying.
St. Patrick's started well but died out, although often
rallied by their captain, Kearney. Murphy, Fyfe and O'Loan showed good
St. Mary's could display a good team on paper, but
failed to combine on the field, their only success being against St.
Patrick's. Shiels (captain) and Elwood formed part of a good defence,
while McCullagh, Kelly and Hinds were fast-moving forwards.
D. McKenna, Hon. Sec.
Owing to the prolonged
inclemency of the weather, a hurling league could not be played and
seven-a-sides determined the winners of the Drinan Shield. St. Mary's
won it, but the matches were keenly contested. They were best served
by Tracey, McKeever, Bakewell and O'Connor.
St. Joseph's, whom they beat in the final, had almost
won the match when Tracey snatched a victory by scoring in the last minute.
They were a team who specialised in hitting first time, and best among them
were Kelly, Neeson and McCaughan.
St. Teresa's, although they made their exit in the
semi-final, were easily the best hurlers. Their weakness lay in the
fact that they were very small, and those worthy of note were McAleenan
(captain), Crilly, Kelly and McShane.
St. Patrick's, who got into the semi-final as "best
losers," did well to hold St. Mary's to the narrow margin of two points.
Mulvenna was easily their best player and was well supported by Murphy,
McKinley and Stuart.
St. Paul's were poor, St. Joseph's not being extended
to beat them in the first round. Only McAleenan and Wilson showed
initiative. Similar remarks apply to St. Brigid's. Only Rainey
and Devlin played to form.
D. McKenna, Hon. Sec.
For the second year boxing
turned out to be a huge success. Both day boys and boarders flocked to
it and many thrilling contests ensued. Classes were held in the
College gym. under the expert tuition of Mr. C. McGlade, a past pupil of the
College and a former heavy-weight champion. Unfortunately, it could
not be held on an inter-house basis as had been hoped in the previous year.
During the year the College team had several successes in Junior boxing held
in the Ulster Hall, and we hope for further successes. In conclusion,
we would like to thank Fr. McHugh, who organised everything for us, Fr.
McAlister for his generous services, and Mr. McGlade for his very valuable
P. McAleenan, Hon. Sec.
MacRory Cup

MacRory Cup Team - 1948
with Sean Gibson, trainer, and Fr. McHugh
For the first time since 1933
the college entered a team in the MacRory Cup Competition, and their efforts
met with great success. Under the tuition of Father McHugh and Father
McKavanagh, and later under the expert care of Sean Gibson (Antrim and
Inter-Provincial Football), the team went to the final of the competition.
We wish to congratulate James McKeever and Thomas Gribben who secured their
places on the Ulster Colleges Football Team, and O'Connor, McAlarey and
McKinley who took part in the final trials. In the course of the
competition, the College suffered a severe setback when the withdrawal of
the Queensman necessitated a complete reshuffle of the team, and the loss of
McClure who was deemed a cert for inter-provincial honours as goalkeeper.
The first match of the competition was against Omagh
C.B.S. at their home ground. Here the College showed its worth on a
wet sticky pitch, by completely outclassing a robust Omagh side. The
forwards, led by Gribben, and fed by McKeever and Murphy, ran riot, while
any occasional Omagh raids were dealt with by the Halton were outstanding.
The second match was in the College grounds with Letterkenny as visitors.
The first half was close, with hard tackling on either side, but in the
second half the College pulled away to win comfortably. McClure, in
goal, gave an outstanding display, saving a well-taken penalty. He was
well covered up, especially in the second half by McAleenan, O'Connor and
Murphy. In forwards McKinley, Gibson and Gribben were unstoppable on a
wet slippery surface.
Dungannon were our visitors in the final match of the
section, but owing to the bad condition of the College pitch, the game had
to be played in MacRory Park. For this match we lost McClure, but
Neeson proved a worthy successor. Once again the first half was very
tight, and at half-time scores were level. However once again the
College's superior speed soon told on their heavier opponents. The
game was marked by a series of duels between the College mid-field pair,
McKeever and Gribben, and by the Tyrone senior county player, E. Devlin, and
Dynes. Of the backs, M. Gribben and Halton were outstanding, while
Gibson and McAlarey proved too great a handful for the opposing backs.
That finished the first section, the College being the
only team to finish with full points, and thus passing into the semi-finals.
Their opponents in this round were Newry C.B.S. - a team with long
experience in this competition. When the teams took the field at
Lurgan it was easy to see why the "Abbey" had so fine a reputation, for
their team dwarfed their lighter College Opponents. The match, which
resulted in a draw, proved to be one of the finest exhibitions of football
seen in Davitt Park. Once again the mid-field duels were the
highlights of the match; McKeever and Gribben were up against two Armagh
Senior County men, and members of the winning Armagh Junior side, McEvoy and
McBreen. Another fine duel resulted between O'Connor and Cole, in
which the former was decidedly the stronger. The man of the match,
however, was Moorehead, whose safe catching and kicking inspired the College
to greater efforts. McMurrough, who replaced Magee (injured), scored a
magnificent goal.
The replay was fixed for the following Sunday at the
same venue. In the meantime, the College went into disciplined
training under the supervision of Sean Gibson. When the College took
the field, led by James McKeever, the noise of the supporters completely
drowned the opposition. From the throw-in there was no doubt as to the
College's superiority, though the loss of our centre-half, O'Connor, in the
early stages, threatened to be a serious setback. He was replaced by
Lismore, with Moorehead moving to the centre, and the loss was barely
noticed. The College mid-field pair completely outclassed their
opponents, while McKinley's brilliant runs were the highlights of the match.
The backs, and especially McAleenan and Gribben, were very sound, while
McAlarey and Hughes were too clever a combination for the defenders.
The way was now open to the final with Cavan, who had
been without a match and who were in constant training. The College
supporters were not daunted by the long trip to Breffni Park, and eight
busloads, including the staff, clerical and lay, displayed the College
colours to advantage. When the two teams took the field, it was
obvious that the College were by far the lighter. Moreover, the bad
conditions of the field rendered constructional play impossible, and was of
greater advantage to the heavy and slower-moving Cavan selection. At
the beginning of the game, the College suffered a severe loss in M. Gribben.
During the match the College seemed to have lost their
spirit, and only on rare occasions was their true worth seen. Of the back,
McAleenan was outstanding, and made many brilliant runs into the Cavan half.
McKeever and Gribben were brilliant betimes, and waltzed through the Cavan
defence, and of the others, McKinley and O'Connor alone played to form.
Although we were disappointed by our loss in the final, we offer this team
our heartiest congratulations, and wish them luck in this year's
P. McAleenan, Hon. Sec.
Once again this year swimming
proved to be a popular sport. Boarders, unfortunately, were unable to
attend except at irregular intervals, which did not give them the required
practice to keep pace with the day-boys. The Annual Gala could not be
held, as unforeseen circumstances delayed it until too late. The
Friday meetings in Falls Baths were attended with great enthusiasm, and Mr.
McDermott proved himself a very helpful instructor. The College water
polo team did well during the year, securing many fine victories. We have
also to thank J. Dempster, N. Moorehead and J. McClure for the assistance
they gave Mr. McDermott in instructing the Junior members.
D. McKenna, Hon. Sec.

Winners of House Shield, 1947-1948.
St. Mary's Captains: J. McKeever (Senior), T. McShane (Intermediate), P.
Shiels (Junior)
The handball competition,
though run on an inter-House basis, was entirely confined to Queensmen.
The games were tight, and each match was fought to the last stroke.
Congratulations to Terry Browne (St. Teresa's) who won the Singles
competition, beating P. McGarry (St. Patrick's) in the final, and winning
the Doubles, partnered by C. McCaughan (St. Teresa's), without conceding a
game. The runners-up position was a tie between S. Murphy and P.
McGarry (St. Patrick's) and A. Molloy and J. Stewart (St. Joseph's).
This year we hope that the games will be better supported by the Juniors,
and that another competition will be arranged for them.
D. McKenna, Hon. Sec.
The Annual Sports
The annual sports were
held on Ascension Thursday, 6th May, 1948, in the College grounds. The
sports opened in brilliant sunshine before a large crowd of students and
visitors. The events were run off rapidly on an inter-House basis.
The results were as follows :-
Sack Race. Prep. -
1. W. Savage (St. Brigid's) 2. D. Gilmore (St. Paul's)
3. J. Gillespie (St. Brigid's)
Slow Bike Race -
1. T. Hayes (St. Teresa's) 2. J. Gillespie (St. Brigid's)
3. E. O'Connor (St. Joseph's)
50 Yards. Juvenile -
1. P. Gummer (St. Paul's) 2. C. Hyland (St. Teresa's)
3. B. Hyland (St. Teresa's)
100 Yards. Prep. -
1. P. McGregor (St. Brigid's) 2. B. McDowell (St. Mary's)
3. T. Mulholland (St. Brigid's)
100 Yards. Under 13 -
1. T. Mulholland (St. Brigid's) 2. P. McDonnell (St.
Patrick's) 3. W. Savage (St. Brigid's)
Under 14 -
1. A. Fyfe (St. Patrick's) 2. D. Breheny (St. Mary's)
Under 15 -
1. P. Shiels (St. Mary's) 2. P. McGregor (St. Brigid's)
3. D. O'Hagan (St. Brigid's)
Under 16 -
1. S. Laverty (St. Joseph's) 2. A. Devlin (St. Brigid's)
3. E. Hemsworth (St. Paul's)
Under 17 -
1. T. McShane (St. Mary's) 2. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
3. J. Steele (St. Joseph's)
Senior Handicap -
1. J. Bakewell (St. Mary's) 2. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's)
3. L. Curran (St. Teresa's)
220 Yards. Under 14 -
1. T. McClure (St. Mary's) 2. A. Fyfe (St. Patrick's)
Under 15 -
1. P. Shiels (St. Mary's) 2. P. McGregor (St. Brigid's)
3. M. Hemsworth (St. Brigid's)
Under 16 -
1. S. Laverty (St. Joseph's) 2. E. Hemsworth (St. Paul's)
3. R. Dempster (St. Mary's)
Under 17 -
1. T. McShane (St. Mary's) 2. K. Watson (St. Teresa's)
3. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
Under 18 -
1. J. Bakewell (St. Mary's) 2. J. McKeever (St. Mary's)
3. L. Curran (St. Teresa's)
Senior Handicap -
1. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's) 2. A. Molloy (St. Joseph's)
3. F. McSorley (St. Mary's)
880 Yards. Under 17 -
1. J. Conroy (St. Paul's) 2. J. Carey (St. Teresa's)
3. P/ McCafferty (St. Patrick's)
Senior Handicap -
1. C. Laverty (St. Paul's) 2. J. McKeever (St. Mary's)
3. M. Gribben (St. Brigid's)

Start and finish of Inter-House Relay
440 Yards. Under 15 -
1. P. Shiels (St. Mary's) 2. M. Hemsworth (St. Brigid's)
3. L. Maginn (St. Patrick's)
Under 16 -
1. A. Devlin (St. Brigid's) 2. J. Carey (St. Teresa's)
3. W. Caulfield (St. Joseph's)
Under 17 -
1. T. McShane (St. Mary's) 2. J. Steele (St. Joseph's)
3. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
Under 18 -
1. B. Smyth (St. Mary's) 2. J. Bakewell (St. Mary's)
3. L. Curran (St. Teresa's)
Senior Handicap -
1. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's) 2. D. Curran (St. Brigid's)
3. J. O'Connor (St. Paul's)
High Jumping. Under 14 -
1. D. Breheny (St. Mary's) 2. S. Higgins (St. Brigid's)
3. J. McClure (St. Mary's)
Under 15 -
1. P. Dougan (St. Teresa's) 2. M. Doris (St. Teresa's)
3. M. Murphy (St. Patrick's)
Under 16 -
1. P. Hanley (St. Patrick's 2. S. Laverty (St. Joseph's)
3. J. Carey (St. Teresa's)
Under 17 -
1. J. Conroy (St. Paul's) 2. P. Vaughan (St. Brigid's)
3. C. McKeever (St. Mary's)
Senior Handicap -
1. L. Donaghy (st. Joseph's) 2. A. McKinley (St. Patrick's)
One Mile Senior Handicap -
1. C. Laverty (St. Paul's) 2. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
¾ Mile Junior Bicycle Race -
1. G. McCourt (St. Paul's) 2. F. Ferguson (St. Brigid's)
3. K. Shearman (St. Teresa's)
1½ Mile Senior Handicap Bicycle Race -
1. D. Curran (St. Brigid's) 2. J. McGlinchy (St. Brigid's
3. E. Murphy (St. Brigid's)
Long Jump. Under 14 -
1. D. Breheny (St. Mary's) 2. R. McDowell (St. Mary's)
3. J. Moore (St. Mary's)
Under 15 -
1. P. Shiels (St. Mary's) 2. P. McGregor (St. Brigid's)
3. L. Maginn (St. Patrick's)
Under 16 -
1. S. Laverty (St. Joseph's) 2. W. Caulfield (St. Joseph's)
3. E. Hemsworth (St. Paul's)
Under 17 -
1. J. Conroy (St. Paul's) 2. J. Steele (St. Joseph's)
3. D. Cosgrave (St. Paul's)
Under 18 -
1. J. McKeever (St. Mary's) 2. L. Curran (St. Teresa's)
3. B. Smith (St. Mary's)
Senior Handicap -
1. J. Doran (St. Patrick's 2. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's)
Inter-House Relays. Junior -
1. St. Brigid's 2. St. Mary's 3. St. Teresa's
Senior -
1. St. Mary's 2 and 3. (A. Tie) St. Joseph's and St. Brigid's
12lb. Shot. Senior Handicap -
1. J. Doran (St. Patrick's) 2. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
3. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's)
8lb. Shot. Under 15 -
1. W. McAuley (St. Brigid's) 2. E. Gallagher (St. Brigid's)
3. A. Fyfe (St. Patrick's)
Under 16 -
1. P. Hanley (St. Patrick's) 2. J. Elwood (St. Mary's)
3. R. Fullerton (St. Patrick's)
Junior Javelin Handicap -
1. C. O'Loan (St. Patrick's) 2. T. Donnelly (St. Teresa's)
3. P. Magee (St. Paul's)
Senior Javelin Handicap -
1. J. Conroy (St. Paul's) 2. J. Murphy (St. Brigid's)
3. M. Kelly (St. Teresa's)
Discus. Senior Handicap -
1. J. Doran (St. Patrick's) 2. J. Conroy (St. Paul's)
3. F. Fitzpatrick (St. Teresa's)
P. McAleenan, D. McKenna, Hon. Secs.
Ireland v. Wales

Sean Fulton
Schoolboy International, 1948 Against Scotland and Wales
Caesar regressus a Gallia, Dixit, "Bella relinqo et talia,"
But the Senate and Pompey Turned out to be a grumpy, So ad flumen "Jacta est"
Sean Fulton, Senior C.
Sean is the son of Mr. "Bertie" Fulton, who was a
student of St. Malachy's, 1919-1923. Between 1926-1939 he was capped
forty-one times and in 1936 played in the Olympics at Berlin. We
congratulate him on his many distinctions and wish Sean the same unique
Our leaving Larne Station at
6 p.m. on the night of 1st April was the first incident in a tour which was
to prove a pleasant break in the life of two College boys. We met the
rest of the party at the Liverpool Shed and went on board, where the team
were shown to their quarters. Later we walked round the ship for about
half an hour, and then retired to our cabins for the night. Awaking
next morning, we breakfasted on the ship. We boarded the train to
Pontypool Road, a small junction, where it was necessary to change for our
connection to South Wales. Pontypool Road is in a deserted valley in
the bleak Welsh Mountains. The station is in the valley, and the
village at the summit of the hill. After waiting here for about an
hour we joined the train to Cardiff and through to Barry.
Arriving here we found that our hotel had every
advantage in the way of position. It was ideally situated, close to
transport facilities, and near the main shopping centre. From the
hotel steps one was able to get a good view of Barry Island, the Coney
Island of South Wales, and beyond it the waters of the Bristol Channel.
On reaching the hotel we retired to our room. We were favourably
impressed with its neat appearance, and although it was quite spacious we
could not but notice its homeliness. Moreover, its south-eastern
aspect commanded the whole Bristol Channel for miles while the window on the
northern wall looked towards the Welsh Mountains flanking the delightful
Glamorgan Vale.
Awaking on Saturday, and being rather a little excited,
we ate a light breakfast, then we were free until one o'clock and during
this period we posted picture cards home and indulged in a little shopping.
The teams posed for photographs, and then trooped on to the field, Ireland
in green, Wales in red. Ireland won the toss, and Wales kicked off.
Ginger-headed Welsh centre-forward Davies soon had his forwards round the
Irish goal, and after a short time he set an example by heading a brilliant
goal to give his side the lead. Retaliating in fine style, the small
Irish forwards, speeding through the Welsh defence, swarmed around their
goal. McClelland fired in a great cross shot from twenty yards which
the Welsh goalkeeper saved brilliantly. Shortly afterwards Wales added
another goal.
After the interval Wales increased their lead to 3-0.
The play in the second half was even, and Ireland deserved a goal, which
almost came when Moore, beating Presdee on a sixpence, ran to the bye-line
before sending over a peach of a cross which Sloan headed inches wide.
There was no more scoring, and Wales ran out winners by 3-0. On coming
back to the hotel we were sent to the main dining-room, where all the guests
were already seated. When dinner was over the certificates were
presented to both teams, and then praises were exchanged by speech making.
It was scheduled that we should go to the cinema at 7.30, but when all had
had their say it was nine o'clock. As the cinemas shut at 10 p.m., we
naturally had to cancel our arrangement.
On Sunday, when dinner was finished, we retired to the
lounge to be greeted there by one of the Welsh officials, and the news that
we were to make a tour of some of the South Wales beauty spots. At two
o'clock we set off by the Shore Road, and passed many places of interest.
The Chairman of the Welsh School's Football Association acted as guide, and
his running commentary was most informative as well as amusing.
Indeed, it provided one of the highlights of the tour. Coming to a
little village, we stopped to get a close-up of a famous Welsh Castle.
This imposing building, where a celebrated Welsh family is still in
residence, is situated near the edge of a cliff, and to take photographs of
it was no east matter. As our only approach to this was from the coast
side, and as one of the boys wished to take a snapshot of it, we had quite a
thrill holding him up as we balanced precariously on the cliff brink.
On resuming our journey across the water-front we were
enchanted by the beautiful scenery of that rugged coast-line. We
turned inshore about fifty miles from Barry, and stopped for a meal at a
large country hotel. Then the bus wound its way through the
beautifully wooded Vale of Glamorgan, most of which is now under crops like
wheat, oats, and barley. The grass in this area is the nearest
approach to the green grass of Ireland in Great Britain. After tea we
set off northwards in the direction of Pontypridd until we came to the
southern extremity of the Rhonda Valley. From here we could see the
coal shafts of these productive mines. We asked if it were possible to
go down to see the interior of a pit, but the chairman told us that, as war
restrictions were not yet over, it was impossible to grant our request.
The bus changed its direction, and we headed for
Cardiff, arriving at its northern side. Descending by a high road, we
obtained a brilliant bird's eye view of this magnificent city. I
cannot pretend to relate the many details of architectural and historical
interest we saw and heard as we were taken from street to street. Our
general impression of this city was a series of buildings, many of which are
beautiful in themselves or have acquired dignity and calm from their great
ago or present-day associations. Finishing the tour of this beautiful
city, we set out to spend our last night in Barry. We lolled about for
some short time before retiring to our rooms rather earlier than usual, but
we were very tired, as we had had a strenuous day.
Early next morning, it being the 5th April, we said
good-bye to Barry and came into Cardiff. Here we lunched and started
on our long train journey to Liverpool, where we went on board the steamer
at nine o'clock. The voyage to Belfast was without incident, and we
arrived there early next morning, We had breakfast on board, and
having made the customary farewells, we set off to our respective homes.
On the train journey home I sat and reflected on the highlights of the tour.
One stood out in my memory, my last visit to Cardiff, which left me with the
resolution of returning there again one day.
Sean Fulton, Senior C.

James McKinstry
Schoolboy International, 1947 and 1948, against England, Scotland and Wales
Memories of the Olympics
There was a hush as a runner
in white entered the arena. He glanced at the 80,000 crowd, which
lined the terracing and filled the stands. Triumphantly he raised the
torch, and then broke into that fast rhythmical stride of a quarter miler.
He circled the arena once, and then ascended the platform on which stood the
Olympic Flame. Again he waved the torch to the crowd, and then he lit
the flame. The XIV Olympiad had begun.
This was the scene in Wembley Stadium on a warm August
afternoon this year. John Marks was the man to whom had been given the
honour of lighting the Olympic Flame. The games were formally opened
by King George on that same afternoon. But now the games are only a
memory, but what a glorious memory to some of us. True it was not one
of victories for Ireland, for no gold medal was won by an Irishman.
Nevertheless, "the glory was not only in winning, but in taking part."
The outstanding athlete of the games was Mrs. F. E.
Blankers Koen, of Holland. In the 80 metres hurdles, not only was she
victorious, but she broke the world record. She also won Olympic gold
medals in the 100 metres and the 200 metres, and was a member of the winning
Dutch relay team. Another hero of the games was Emile Zatspek, who
captured the hearts of the crowd by his great running in the 10,000 metres.
His race was so fast that the record holder for the event, Heine, had to
retire in the 16th lap. He proved his staying powers by coming from
behind in the 5,000 metres to put on a terrific spurt at the run in, only to
be beaten on the tape by Gaston Ruff, of Belgium.
The games were robbed of much of their glamour by
disputes and quarrels. The French, for example, withdrew their
referees and judges from the boxing section on account of a disputed
decision in one of the contests. In the cycling, too, the English
suspended Reg Harris, their hope in the sprints, but later had him
The football section of the Olympics was won by Sweden.
Here again Ireland failed, being beaten in the first match by Holland.
The Great Britain XI. reached the semi-final of the soccer tournament, but
were beaten by Yugoslavia. Kevin McAlinden, a former old boy of St.
Malachy's, had the honour of keeping goal for Great Britain in two or three
matches of the series.
Ireland's prospects of a boxing win in the fistic
section was indeed bright, but all Irishmen were eliminated before the
finals, but in some cases by the narrowest of margins.
The principal interest of Irishmen, however was in the
athletic section at Wembley. Our main hope was, perhaps, Jimmy
Reardon, from Donore. He put up a very credible performance by passing
into the second round, but a bad draw in the lanes, coupled with a
recurrence of an ankle injury, which he received in Sweden at the beginning
of the season, kept him out of a place and incidentally out of the next
round. I do not think, however that Reardon would have "had a look-in"
in the final, which was fought out by those two grand Jamaican runners, Herb
McKinley and Arthur Wint. Wint proved to be the winner, which caused a
minor sensation, as McKinley was an odds-on favourite, John Joe Barry,
too, was a disappointment. His running sense was bad, and he fought to
be amongst the leaders at the first, instead of being content to lie behind,
and go forward at the finish. He had to drop out of the 5,000 metres
about the mid-way stage, so much did he take out of himself. Perhaps
the training which both Barry and Reardon acquire in the United States may
succeed in bringing home to Ireland an Olympic gold medal. Both Barry
and Reardon are fine natural runners, and it is the hope of Irishmen that
they can prove to be a valuable asset, and may raise the tricolour in
Helsinki in 1952.
In the yachting events at Torquay an Irish boat, Ceres
II., was successful in her class in one of the races, but unfortunately her
win was not publicised.
In the swimming section the Iris team were not
permitted to take part at the Empire Pool, again because of some
representation question. The Irish cyclists, too, were robbed of an
opportunity to compete at Herne Hill, but they availed themselves of the
opportunity of getting in some proper training on a first class track.
But let us hope by the time 1952 arrives that Irishmen in every sphere of
sport may be able to contest with the other nations on equal terms. It
is a fact that before modern methods were used in athletics Irishmen were
often victorious in the Olympics. To-day, because proper facilities
are not being afforded to Irish athletes, such as a proper cinder track, or
modern methods of coaching, they are strangers among other athletes, and are
comparatively ignorant about track sense. This is proved by the fine
showing of the American team, which won many of the athletic events at
Wembley. It isn't that they are better men, but merely that they are
better trained.
It is, therefore, the wish of every Irish sportsman
that, for the 1952 Olympics, we may send to Finland a team which may do
honour to Ireland, and regain the prestige which Irishmen have lost in world
B. Smyth, Senior E.

Kevin McAlinden - a past pupil who has
distinguished himself in the realm of sport. He played for Ireland
against England in 1947 and in the recent Olympics he played against
Holland. The British team, of which he was a member, reached the
semi-final by defeating France 1-0. Kevin was the eldest of five
McAlinden brothers who were attending the College in 1928. The
youngest of these was Father Terry McAlinden, who was ordained for the
Diocese of Plymouth in June, 1947. We heartily congratulate them.

Kevin McGarry - another of our illustrious past
pupils, who has also achieved singular success in the field of sport.
Having played for Queen's University and Celtic II, he graduated into the
Celtic senior team and has won the admiration of all Celtic supporters.
This season Kevin has been playing for Cliftonville and lately received the
very high honour of being chosen to play for the Irish League against the
Scottish League. We wish him continued success not merely in the field
of football but also in his academic pursuits.

The University Students, October, 1948
Final Arts - Brady, Brian; Fitzpatrick, Raymund; McConville, Gerard;
McGarry, Patrick; Murphy, Sean; Murray, Lionel; Starkey, Hugh; Treacy,
Second Arts - Halton, Thomas; Kelly, Donal; Kennedy, Oliver; McArdle,
Eugene; McCaughan, Colum; McLaughlin, Felix; Molloy, Archibald; Stewart,
First Arts - Donnelly, Edward; Heaney, Seamus; McGuinness, Peter; McHugh,
Martin; McKeever, William; Moley, John; Walsh, Patrick; Watson, Noel

Pioneer Council 1948

E. McCaughan J. Magee T.
Browne F. MacSorley
last year's Graduates - now in Maynooth
We extend a very hearty welcome to Father James
Collins of the Maynooth Mission on his return home. Father Collins was
a past pupil of St. Malachy's and after completing his intermediate course
he joined the mission to China. He was ordained to the priesthood in
1931, and in the following year he sailed to China, where he has laboured
for the past sixteen years. We are glad to say that he visited the
College very shortly after his return home. We hope that he will enjoy
a well-earned rest.

We welcome Michael McSorley, Esq., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., a past pupil of the
College, who has succeeded his father as our Medical Adviser.
Congratulations to :-
The Right Rev. Mgr. Ryan, B.A., D.D., D.Ph., P.P., on
his appointment to the pastoral charge of St. Brigid's, Belfast.
The Very Rev. C. B. Daly, M.A., D.D., on succeeding
Mgr. Ryan as head of the department of Scholastic Philosophy in Queen's
Mr. Patrick Duffin, M.A., on his appointment to the
assistant-ship in Latin at Queen's.
Mr. Michael McGann, M.A., on his appointment to
assistant-ship in Greek, N.U.I., Dublin.
Mr. Frank McCann, B.A., in securing a student-ship in
Celtic Studies to the Sorbonne.
Two distinguished members of our own staff - Mr. James
Campbell, M.A., and Rev. W. Tumelty, B.A., S.T.L., who secured the Higher
Diploma in Education with distinction.
Rev. John Conlon, O.D.C., ordained to the priesthood
in February, 1948.
Dom Francis McHenry, O.S.B., ordained to the
priesthood in June, 1948.
In Memoriam
The Very Rev. Arthur Kennedy, P.P., V.F., Whitehouse
The Rev. Patrick MacNamara, P.P., Ligoniel.
The Rev. Daniel Maginnis, B.A., C.C., Hannahstown.
The Rev. Daniel Lafferty, B.A., C.C., Portstewart.
The Very Rev. James Canon Small, P.P., St. Brigid's,
The Rev. Andrew Smith, P.P., St. Thomas', Decatur,
Frederick McSorley, M.D., D.P.H.,
F.R.C.P.I., M.P.
Paul Boylan, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.
Terence Hove
Hilary McConnell

The late Dr. Paul Boylan.
The death of Dr. Paul Kevin Boylan at the early age of 26 came as a very
great shock to all in the college, where he had been a student not so many
years previously. "Paul," as he was so affectionately known by all,
was a son of Dr. and Mrs. Boylan, Ballycastle. He completed his
intermediate course at this college in 1938, and then proceeded to Queen's
University, Belfast, where he took his degree in medicine. After some
time spent in practical work in the Mater Hospital, he returned to assist
his father in his native Ballycastle. He was a keen and able student,
who worked hard and devoted himself unsparingly to his patients. His
sudden and unexpected death, after about a year's work with his father,
brought to a close a career of great promise. Paul was a favourite
with everyone. His sunny, charming disposition, his boyishness and
loyalty won for him a host of friends who will long mourn his loss. To
his parents, his brother and sisters, to whom his death must have been such
a blow, we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
May he Rest in Peace.

The late Dr. Frederick
It is with genuine sorrow and a deep sense of personal loss that we record
the death of one of the most distinguished and best known past students of
St. Malachy's College, Dr. Fred McSorley, which took place at his residence,
442 Antrim Road, Belfast, on 8th February, 1948. Dr. McSorley was very
closely associated with the College, and acted as physician to the students
for very many years. He took a very keen interest not merely in the
health of the students, but in everything connected with the school, where
his kindly and fatherly way endeared him to everyone. Nowhere was his
rather sudden death more sorrowfully received than by the students of his
old college. To Mrs. McSorley and family we offer our heartfelt
May he Rest in Peace.
St. Malachy's College Old Boys' Association
Patron: Most Rev. D. Mageean, D.D.
President: P. J. Coleman, B.A.
Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. Hendley, D.D., P.P., V.G. - Rev. E. J. Crossin,
P.P., B.A.
Rev. P. McGouran, B.D., P.P. - Rev. R. J. McKeown, B.A., B.D.,
V. Rev. D. J. Canon McWilliams, P.P., V.F. - Rt. Rev. Mgr. A. H.
Ryan, D.D., Ph.D.
C. J. Casey, B.A., Solr. - D. J. Duffy
E. C. Comerton, B.Com.Sc. - J. Fitzsimons
W. J. Graham, J.P. - V. A. Hassan
R. C. Jeffers, M.P.S.I. - J. B. McAlister, J.P.
Senator T. S. McAllister - D. V. McCaughan, M.B.
D. McSparran, B.A., M.B. - J. McSparran, K.C., M.P.
M. J. Maguire, L.D.S. - B. A. Meenan, J.P.
G. McDermott - E. J. Kelly
J. J. Campbell, M.A. - J. J. McAreavey, LL.B. - W. McNulty
J. D. Casey, B.Sc. - P. J. McGrory, LL.B. - J. M. O'Kane
J. G. Gillespie - M. O'Neill - J. Sharpe - E. Gordon
H. P. Murray - D. Taylor - P. J. Owens - J. F. Smith
G. N. Martin - P. J. McTaggart - J. F. McHugh - S. McMahon
J. J. Lecky - J. McGivern
Chairman: J. J. Campbell, M.A.
Hon. Treasurer: J. G. Gillespie
Hon. Secretary: J. J. McAreavey, LL.B.

Thomas McShane winning the 100 yards, under 15 -
P. Barrett winning the 100 yards, under 14 - 1946-47

P. Savage winning Prep. Sack Race - 1946-47
Dan Rafferty winning a race - 1946-47

John Bakewell winning 100 yds., 1946-47

J. Carlin, Francis Hughes, M. Cassidy, ? , Patrick Hynes
names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
David Armstrong - James Brannigan - Desmond
Breheny - Conleth Byrne - John Carlin - Michael Cassidy - William Craig -
Patrick Cunning - Paul Curran - Philip Deane - Sean Egan - Dermot French -
James Grant - Hugh Hanna - Christopher Hayes - Patrick Hynes - Francis
Hughes - Eamon Kerrigan - Joseph McDonald - Patrick McIlroy - Joseph McNeill
- Malachy McSparran - Eoin McVeigh - Noel Maguire - Paul Moore - Cyril
Moorhead - Patrick Murray - Michael O'Cleary - John O'Hanlon - Francis Smith

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Anthony Bradley - Michael Bradley - Edward
Brady - Brian Campbell - Patrick Carlin - John Clelland - Robert Crossey -
Edward Crossin - Brian Donaldson - Eamon Gallagher - Desmond Gillespie -
Michael Healy - Michael Hemsworth - Francis Hurson - Francis McAleenan -
Benedict McCallum - Terence McClure - Charles McIlmunn - Vincent McKee -
Stephen McKearney - Paul McKenna - Malachy McKinley - Eamon McMahon -
Ambrose Macaulay - John Magee - Joseph Mooney - Owen Mulvenna - Donal Murphy
- Vincent O'Toole - Michael Small - Frederick Swandel

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
George Artt - Thomas Bates - Justin Beagon - Michael Blaney - Neal Burns -
Victor Cowan - Patrick Donnelly - Malachy Doran - Henry Fagan - James Farry
- Aidan Fitzpatrick - Peter Fitzpatrick - Gerald Forrester - Richard Fox -
James Gillespie - Hugh Gribbin - Edward Hinds - James Lowe - Augustine
Lenaghan - Joseph McAlinden - Edward McCann - Gerard McCann - Randal
McDonnell - Patrick McGregor - Thomas McGurk - William Mackle - William
McNeill - Daniel Mageean - Louis Malone - William Mathews - Cyril Moore -
Daniel Mulvenna - Roe O'Connor - Francis O'Malley - Bernard O'Neill - Kevin
Osborne - Albert Smith - James Toner - John Vaughan

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Louis Bannon - Patrick Barrett - Joseph Braniff - John Creaney - Dermot
Crowley - Thomas Cunningham - Paul Curran - Joseph Deane - Daniel Dempster -
Robert Dempster - Arthur Devlin - Patrick Devlin - John Donnelly - James
Eadie - John Griffin - Paul Harding - John Hughes - John Keatings - John
Keenan - Denis McDaid - Patrick McKinley - James McKinstry - Peter
McLaughlin - Philip McManus - Thomas McMullan - Maurice Magaud - Arthur
Matthews - Philip Moley - Robert Montgomery - Brendan Moss - Patrick Murray
- Michael O'Shea - Samuel Orr - Patrick Vaughan - Patrick Walsh - Patrick

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
James Boyle - John Carville - Emmet Casey - Sean Clarke - William Clarke -
Raymund Curran - Desmond Devlin - Patrick Dougan - William Fagan - Patrick
Heffron - William Hyland - Francis Kearney - Noel McCann - Brian McCallum -
Christopher McErlain - Brian McShane - Patrick Magee - Michael Murphy -
William O'Connor - John Riordan

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Brian Boyle - Fergus Byrne - George Carey - Richard Cash - Norbert Codey -
Martin Cushnan - John Donnelly - Joseph Elwood - Francis Ferguson - Michael
Flynn - Godfrey Hayes - John Kearns - Andrew Kelly - Bernard Kelly - James
L'Estrange - James Logan - William McAuley - Thomas McCann - James McCullagh
- Patrick McGrory - Robert McKeown - Denis McKillop - Vincent McMahon -
Alexander McMullan - John Maguire - Hugh Mullan - Brendan Murray - James
Neeson - Paul O'Connor - David O'Kane - Colum O'Loan - John Rafferty -
Joseph Sheehan - James Shiels - Raymond Thompson - Vincent Vallely

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
John Barton - John Belshaw - Noel Boyle - Robert Burke - Francis Cahillane -
Sean Connolly - Hugh Crossin - Francis Delargy - Brendan Diamond - Barry
Dinnen - Adrian Erskine - Roy Fitzpatrick - Alexander Fyfe - Francis Greene
- Brian Griffin - John Higgins - John Johnston - Albert Kelly - Gerald King
- Vincent Lynch - Donal McCaughley - Michael McConville - Ferard McCourt -
Liam McKenna - Joseph McMillan - Kevin Machel - John Moore - Gerald Murphy -
Henry Murray - Oliver Napier - Eamonn O'Brien - Daniel O'Connor - Noel
O'Neill - Gerard O'Shea - Eamonn Savage - Kevin Shearan - James Slevin

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Bernard Bell - James Boyle - Desmond Cassidy -
Patrick Conway - Hugh Davison - John Doherty - John Doyle - George English -
Hugh Forde - George Corman - David Hamill - Robert Haveron - John Hegarty -
Robert Hill - Stephen Hughes - Brendan Kelly - John Kennedy - Eugene Killen
- John King - William Liddy - Brian McAllister - Colum McCarthy - James
McDonnell - William McCrandles - Dominic McKenna - William McManus - Henry
McQuillan - William Milliken - Desmond Monahan - Michael Mulgrew - Anthony
Mulholland - Michael Murray - Cyril Nash - John O'Brien - John O'Neill -
John Ogle - James Rafferty - William Savage - Joseph Smyth - James Toal

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Odran Beirne - Patrick Bone - Desmond Breen - Gerard Cavanagh - Andrew
Colquhoun - Gerald Curran - Gerald Diamond - Terence Doherty - William
Donnelly - Brian Fitzsimons - John Frazer - Richard Hudson - David Johnston
- Dermot Kearney - Francis Kerr - Leonard Lavery - Thomas Linehan - Gerard
McCafferty - John McCauley - Seamus McCluskey - Francis McConnell - Joseph
McEvoy - Charles McGarrity - Brian McGarry - Noel McGowan - Kevin McLaverty
- Ronald McMullan - John MacNally - Anthony McSwiggan - John Magaud -
Charles Maguire - Patrick Maguire - Peter Murray - John O'Shea - Edward
Regan - Anthony Rocks - John Roddy - Terence Shiels - Francis Stewart -
Brendan Thompson - John Trainor

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
George Abbott - Daniel Barton - William Begley - James Brady - William
Bromley - Francis Bryan - Laurence Burke - Sidney Camplisson - John Downey -
John Graham - Brian Greene - James Grew - Seamus Gribbin - Michael Hennessy
- Sean Hughes - Henry Keenan - Thomas Kerr - Joseph McCann - Donal McCarthy
- Gerald McCarthy - John McCaughley - Oliver McDonald - Charles McGrath -
Bernard McGuckian - Patrick McGuckian - Peter McKeever - Alexander McMullan
- Francis McNulty - Paul McWilliams - Eugene Magill - Michael Mullan -
Charles Murphy - Richard Nolan - Richard Joseph Nolan - Joseph O'Brien -
Lonis Purdy - Joseph Sherry - Brendan Small - Terence Toolan - Terence

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
John Agnew - Colman Campbell - James Campbell - Francis Gilvary - Brendan
Hall - Joseph Kearney - Peter Kelleher - Charles Lamont - Patrick Lee - Hugh
McAleenan - Kevin McAlinden - Daniel MacAllister - Francis McCann - Edward
McCormack - Cahal McCrystal - John McErlean - Joseph McEvoy - Anthony
McGettigan - John McGrogan - Hugh McGurk - John McLaughlin - John McMullan -
Albert McNally - William McQuillan - John Murray - James Napier - Robert
Nesbitt - Maurice O'Neill - Gerald Penny - William Reeves - Gerard Rosbotham
- Henry Slack - William Smyth - Daniel Sterling - John Swandel - Donald
Terrins - Thomas Toner - Peter Woods - Daniel Whyte

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
John Barr - Cahal Boyle - Patrick Bradley - Vivion Campbell - Jarlath Carey
- Patrick Cassidy - Michael Connors - Desmond Cosgrave - Joseph Dean -
Thomas Donnelly - Edward Dwyer - Turlough Farnan - James Gallagher - Gabriel
Hannon - Austin Heffernan - Colum Kelly - William Kelly - Joseph Laverty -
Gerard Loughran - Francis McAuley - Patrick McCafferty - Padraig McKeag -
Cormac McKeever - Michael McKeown - Sean Mackel - Thomas Magill - Kenneth
Mallon - James Murphy - Brendan Sullivan - John Thomas - Thomas Tracey -
George Wilson - Sean Young

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
Gerard Beagon - Patrick Campbell - Brendan Cassidy - William Caulfield -
Austin Currie - John Devlin - Terence Donaghy - Daniel Gilmartin - Joseph
Hanna - Ernest Hemsworth - Thomas Hughes - Michael Lowe - John Lynch - Kevin
McCann - Seamus McErlean - Brendan McHugh - George McKeating - Donal McKenna
- Henry McLaughlin - Anthony McLaverty - Eamonn McMillan - Donal McWilliams
- John Mulvenna - Gerard Mulvenna - Desmond O'Boyle - James O'Connor -
George O'Hanlon - John O'Mahony - Arthur O'Neill - Alexander Purdy - Kevin
Smyth - James Steele - Gerard Stockman - Francis Treacy - Alexander

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
William Allen - James Bakewell - Aidan Bergin - Francis Connolly - Maurice
Crossan - Vincent D'Agostino - Leo Donaghy - Patrick Dugan - John Eacovella
- Francis Fitzpatrick - Vincent Fitzpatrick - Hilary Green - Cyril Gibson -
Paul Hanley - Raymond Heffernan - James Hendron - Christopher Laverty -
Francis McCann - Joseph McCann - Francis McCaughan - Thomas McCoy - Thomas
McGoldrick - Francis McKenna - John McKenna - William McKnight - Thomas
McQuillan - Brian MacNeill - Eamon MacSorley - Patrick Madden - Bernard
Martin - Patrick Meehan - Brenden Mooney - John Morrissey - John Murphy -
John Murray - John O'Connor - Cyril Reilly - Richard Sherry - Kevin Watson -
Joseph Wright

names are in alphabetical order, not order
of photo
Leo Collins, James Devlin - James Doyle - Denis Fannin - James Frazer - Sean
Fulton - Brendan Harvey - Francis Kane - James Kelly - Francis Kennedy -
James Lenaghan - Joseph McGurnaghan - Adrian McWilliams - Norman Morrison -
Malachy Murphy - Desmond O'Hagan - Michael O'Kane - Richard Rafter - John
Salters - Paul Shiels - Terence Sudway

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
Michael Armstrong - Thomas Cahill - Michael Doris - Raymond French - Robert
Fullerton - Patrick Gibson - Dominic Gilmore - Thomas Goodfellow - Ronald
Hamill - Joseph Hendron - Desmond Hennessy - William Hopkins - Aidan Kennedy
- Francis McClure - Patrick McCrystal - Raymond McDyre - Noel McKinstry -
Robert McMullan - Lawrence Maginn - Peter Moley - Louis Nash - Anthony Noone
- Hugh O'Boyle - Michael Rafferty - Terence Stewart - Brian Walsh

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
Hilary Armstrong - Raymond Brady - Brian Cunning - John Dempsey - Kieran
Denvir - Edward Devenney - Sean Fox - Dennis Hatton - Sean Laverty - John
McAuley - Paul McCullaugh - James McGlinchey - John McKendry - Leo McKenna -
James McKeown - Joseph McMahon - Seamus McRory - Joseph Madden - Louis
Martin - Daniel Molloy - Francis Murray - Seamus O'Kane - Ernest O'Mahony -
Robert O'Mahony - Frederick Swandel

names are in alphabetical order, not order of
Brendan Beagon - Damien Beirne - Sean Bradley - Patrick Breen - George Burns
- Patrick Campbell - Alexander Carroll - Francis Caufield - Pascal Coogan -
Desmond Curren - John Daly - Aidan Denny - Denis Doyle - Michael Edwards -
Patrick Fox - James Garrett - Michael Gribbin - Thomas Gribben - Henry Hanna
- James Keenan - Hugh Kennedy - Joseph Kennedy - Brendan Kerr - Patrick
McAleenen - Thomas McAlindon - Charles McKeever - James McKeever - Thomas
McShane - James Meehan - Joseph O'Hara - Daniel Rafferty - Matthew Salters -
Columba Sharkey - Brendan Smyth - Hugh Swandel - Michael Weeks