Frances Elizabeth

Frances Elizabeth Haire Lausanne, 14th August 1891 finished in
Siena 23rd June 1898

Lausanne 1891

at Vernand Wood 15th August 1891 F.H.

Vierwaldstatter See 1891

Alpnacher See as seen from Pilatus, Aug. 1891

Porch of "Convent des capucins" at Aldorf, in Uri Switzerland Aug.
1891 F.E.H.
Monastery at Aldorf oldest in Switzerland. Pretty little church beside it.
Walked 26th Aug. 1891 from Hlüeln to Altorf & back to Tell's Chapel

The Rigi


Les Deux Mythes from Schwyz

Montreux - Lake Geneva September 1891

Old Chapel at Valeria near Sion (Valais) 1891
Part of "chateau de Tourbillon" at Sion (Valais) built in 1294 by Bishops
burned in 1788

La Dent du Midi

Old church at St. Gingolph on Lake of Geneva 1891
The Diablerets from Bex. Switzerland

Sketch at "Jardin d'Acclimatation" Hyeres

old Cross at Fenouillet (Varn)

Lea Rade d'Hyeres "French Squadron"

Notre Dame de la Garde - Marseilles

Aloe in flower at Hyeres in Provence, Frances

Expiatory Chapel at the Aliscamps, Arles (Alyscamps) F.E.H. /92

Muriel Wilson

1) I hold it true with him who sings, To one clear harp in divers
tones, That men may rise on Stepping stones, Of their dead selves, to higher
things. (Tennyson) Chas. Lynch Nov 19/'06
2) Little drops of whisky, Mixed with
drops of beer, Makes a man do some things, That are really very queer. K.A.
C.S, 1920
3) May G. Adams 21/1/06

1) Lilla McWilliam, Dunluce House, Larne, Ireland - Amy Browning,
23 Dalblair Terrace, Ayr, Scotland - Ina Lewis, Inchgarth, Pitfodels,
2) A.A.M.
3) Off to Market Mrs. Quack: "Yes;
Somehow or other, I was afraid it would be fine to-day, still, we cannot
always expect lovely wet weather, can we?" E. G. Roome 1916

1) To Jeanie I wish for you weather delightfully sunny, A
heart full of love, and your purse full of money, And when you are ready to
settle in life, May you find a good husband, And make a good wife. Clara
McCullough 8 Cameron Street
2) Though other purses be more fat, Why
should we pine or grieve at that; Hang sorrow, care would kill a cat, So
therefore let's be merry! Ruth Ross Canaan 1920
3) Bunnie Adams 28/1/06

May Adams 21/1/06

1) Bunnie Adams 28/1/06
2) Pat "Sure an' Oi don' moind carrying
the sacks but f'what they give me this truck to push for; about bates me
entirely" Love from Bay Canaan June 1920

1) S. Brochst 1916
2) A rosebud set with little thorns, And
sweet as Irish air could make her. J. Lang C.P.C. 1920
3) "Closer than the ivy clings, May
friends e'er cleave to thee" A. M. Hunt 17/2/15

Waiting for the Boys Ethel Yeates March 1909

1) Kathleen M. Allen, Mafeking, Whitehead, Co. Antrim, Ireland
2) In the parlour there were three, The
maid, the map and he, Two's company, without a doubt, So the knowing lamp
went out. Elsie M. Townsend October 30th 1919
3) D Block Emmeline Killock -
Phoebe R. Lefroy - Vera M. Duncan - Daphne A. French - Lorna Galbraith -
Jenny Power - Daphne McRobert

1) Victoria Barracks, Belfast Sylvia H. M. Hacking
2) Many a ship was lost at sea for want
of tar and rudder, Many a girl has lost her boy through flirting with
another. Mona? Gowan 22/10/1922
3) Pleasures are like poppies spread,
You see the flower, the bloom is shed, Or like snowflakes on a river, A
moment white, then gone for ever. Maud Buchanan, 3 Ravensdale Terrace,

1) Who said "Bath"? Not me anyhow!! M. L. B.
2) Elsie M. Townsend, 26 Cluny Gardens,
Edinburgh Oct. 30th 1919
3) P. Shaw Dec 1915

1) For comfort just enough of wealth, For all thy life the best
of health. Come many joys, all sorrows flee - Lastly, thine own wish,
wish I thee. Dorothy I. Lawson 1917
2) Margaret H. Jackson
3) Man was made of dust - Woman sawdust
- & liked it. Canaan 30: 3: 20

1) Mollie Malcomson, Church Place, Lurgan Feb. 7th 1920 - Mabel
Adams, Annetta, Myrtlefield Park, Belfast
2) Muriel is your name, Wilson is your
station, Happy is the little man, Who makes the alteration. Alice E.
Quirey 10th March 1915
3) I'm not denying the women are
foolish, God Almighty made them to match the men. George Eliot. Cissy
McCullough, March 23rd 1906

1) Jean Lang, Grougan Bank, Kilmarnoch
2) There is honey in the trees where her
misty vales expand, And her forest paths in summer are by falling waters
fann'd, There is dew at high noontide there, & springs i' the yellow Sand,
On the fair hills of holy Ireland. (Ferguson) Margaret Stewart
3) "The Centre of Attraction" When
Jenny strolls along the Pier, Unconsciously she leans & cause, A Stir among
the fellows near, Which lasts at least to she withdraws. Their frank
admiring glances range, In her direction when she's gone, They turn their
heads, it is et strange, She's got her "Merry Widow" on. Maud Buchanan

1) Jenny's "Merry Widow" M. L. B. 2nd/?/09
2) An Aid to Memory "I find my
memory is not quite As good as when my step was light, And since for those
who judge by sight I do not care a button. I've tied this lambkin by a
string, (I find it just the very thing) To aid my poor remembering, To
buy a leg of mutton" Jimmy Withers 4/7/23
3) Maye M. Hunter, Ivy Holme, Whiteabbey

1) A Lonely Spot L. B. 21/3/15
2) Lives of great men all remind us, We
can make our lives sublime; And departing leave behind us, Footprints on the
sands of time:- Footprints that perhaps another, Sailing o'er Life's
solemn main; A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart
again. Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still
achieving, still pursuing - Leave to labour, and to wait - Longfellow E. J.
Blair 6: 12: 17
3) E. J. Blair, 6th December 1917 - Ruth
Ross, 18th October 1920

1) Hence, all you vain delights, As short as are the nights,
Wherein you spend your folly: There's nought in this life sweet, If man were
wise to see't But only melancholy. Maurice Wilson
2) Don't make love in a hansom cab.
Horses carry tails. M. E. Smith
3) Never make love in a cornfield,
Remember the corn has ears. D. L. Wilson

1) I only ask this little spot On which to write "Forget - me -
not" C. M. B. Hunt 17/2/15
2) John F. Hunter Studio, Ivyholme,
3) To thine own self be true, And it
must follow as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Shakspeare M. Stewart Dec 1917 A.H.S.

1) Margaret E. McKittrick, Ardenlea, Clonavin Park, Lisburn,
2) Give me a kiss, dear love, said he,
In accents true and tender, When - lo! - he bent his manly head, And -
bang!!!! went his suspender. Mabel Adams, Canaan School 18.10.20
3) Hark the Herald Angels sing! Carter's
pills are just the thing, Peace on earth and mercy mild, Two for man and one
for child. I. Lewis 27th October 1920

1) 10th March 1915 D. M. Quirey I'm a wee bit shy
2) Hello Bill!!! M. Doreen Allen
C.T.C. 30/8/20
3) To Muriel Nov. 12th 1918 K.
Reid - My Lassie will na' speak to me, But hurries by; She will na' even
look my way, I wun'ner why!

1) The girl who owns this book is neat, To squeeze her is a
perfect treat, She's young and fat? with nice fair hair, And a different
blouse each day does wear. Janet Chalmers C.S. 1920
2) Molly Taylor, November 1920
3) There was a young lady of Cheadle,
Who in church once sat down on a needle, But though deeply imbedded, It
luckily was threaded, and se twas pulled out by the beadle. Molly
Taylor C.S. 1920

1) I stood on the bridge at midnight, When a thought came into my
head, What a fool I was to stand there, When I might have been in bed.
E. S. W. McDowall C.P.C. 30-3-20
2) We like the girls who do; But not the
girls who don't, The girls we dislike most, are the girls, who say they
will, and then they won't. The girls we like the best; I'm sure you'll
say I'm right, Are the girls who say they won't, but Look as though they
might. Bay Anderson C.P.C. 1920
3) Mary Olive Frances Anderson,
Otherwise known as 'Bay', 6 West Castle Road, Merchiston, Edinburgh

1) What write in your book, Where men may look, And boys may spy,
Oh no, not I, I'm shy, Goodbye. Kitty Kirkwood, Canaan School 18:X:20
2) Mabel E. Donaldson, Canaan 10-6-20
3) Nella C. Hutton, Canaan Park College,
Grange Loan, Edinburgh Dec. 3rd 2929

1) God made the world rested, God made man and rested, But since
God made woman, Neither God nor man has rested. Jen. C. Hamilton
Canaan School 21: 10: 20
2) Emma Grire? 19/12/69 - Edith McKinney
19/12/69 - Kathleen Stevenson 19/12/69 - ? D. Nicholson - K. Ross 19/12/69
An enjoyable evening
3) Man wants but little here below, He
is not hard to please, But woman, bless her little heart! Wants everything
she sees. M. ? McK. C.P.C. 1920

1) C.P.C. Ena Linton - Winnie Baskett "Kim" - Amy Browning
- Janet Chalmers "Jinty" - Janet Hamilton "Jen" - Kitty Newboult "Teddy" -
I. Lewis "Teddy" - J. M. Baird "Bairdie"
2) Form V Jemima C. Buchanan
"James" - Mary Olive Frances Anderson "Bales" - Vera M. Groom "Veronica" -
Hilda W. Simpson "Dimp" - Elsie M. Townsend "Perrichon" - Mabel Adams
3) Woman's love is like gold, Hard to
get, and hard to hold, Man's love is like snuff, Take one pinch and that's
enough. M. E. W. Canaan

Hutton 1920
E. Margaret Morrow 18th March 1918

1) Mr. Mosquito: "What can we do with a person of this sort?
Mr. Wasp (with blunted sting): "Nothing, His skin's too thick" W. J.
2) Wood Engraving Jack Hunter

1) When you are feeling down in the mouth, Remember Jonah, He
came out alright Winnie Bartlett 10/11/20
2) Lang may yer lum reek, wi' other
folks coal. B. Lees C.S. 1920
3) Moya McDowell, December 12th 1916

1) You ask me for something original, Well I don't know how to
begin, Because there is nothing in me, Only Original Sin. Gladys E.
2) Gladys Evelyn Wilson, October 10th
3) As a beauty I'm not a star, There are
other more handsome by far, My face - I don't mind it, I am behind it, The
people in front get the jar. ? M. Grant Nicklefell 23.7.20

1) Joseph P. Taylor 28/3/06
2) Oh! don't the days seem lank & long,
When all goes right & nothing wrong, And aren't the days extremely flat,
When there's nothing on earth to grumble at. Herma M. Malcomson
3) "Lady, when your lovely head, Sinks
to lie among the dead, and the quiet places keep, you that so dinnely sleep:
Then the head shall blessed be, With a new Solemnity. For such beauty so
descending, Pledges them that death is ending. Sleep your fill :- But when
you wake, Dawn shall over ? break" Kilaire Balloc Nora Fisher
Oct 18th 1928

1) Muriel Wilson, Notting Hill, Whiteabbey Dec. 7th 1917 - Lizzie
Black, 3 College Gardens, Belfast Dec. 7th 1917 - Winifred McLeavy,
Hillsborough December 7th 1917
2) Meta E. Smith 12/11/05 - Douglas
Smith 8/2/06
3) Jane ate jam, Jane ate jelly, Jane
went to bed with a pain in her ____, Now don't be mistaken, don't be misled,
Jane went to bed with a pain in her head. ? Wilson

Skating Eva Mack Dec. 5th 1917

J. N. Stevenson 1917

By hook or by crooke, I will be last in this book. H.M.S. 1917
By the end of this quill, I'll be hanged if you will.