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1861 Belfast Street Directory

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1943 - 1951 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory    1898 Newry Directory  Bangor Spectator Directory 1970


( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E ) ( F ) ( G ) ( H ) ( I & J) ( K ) ( L ) ( M ) ( N ) ( O ) ( P ) ( Q ) ( R ) ( S ) ( T ) ( U ) ( V ) ( W ) ( Y )

1861-62 Belfast Street Directory


James Rutherford, painter decorator & Room paperer, manufacturer, 10, Donegall Place, Belfast.
McNeilly Brothers, Watch & Clockmakers, jewelers, 4, Donegall Place, Belfast.
William Dale, Auctioneer, valuator, general commission agent, 6 Waring Street, Belfast.
John Kelly, Brush, comb, trunk and portmanteau, 24 Bridge Street, Belfast.

The Belfast and Province of Ulster Directory for 1861-62

Vol V

(Published at the News Letter Office)


I. Town and Trade of Belfast
II. Belfast Street Directory
III. Ballymacarrett Directory
IV. Alphabetical Directory
V. Professions and Trades Directory
VI. Local Institutions, Societies etc.,
VII Country Residents and Villages
VIII. Counties in Ulster
IX. Provincial Towns


The fifth volume of the "Belfast and Province of Ulster Directory" is now presented to the public, in the hope that the work will be found useful as a guide to the increasing town of Belfast, and the counties and principal towns in the Province of Ulster.

News Letter Office Belfast April 1861

Alterations or corrections for next volume of the directory forwarded to the office. No 25 Donegall Street, Belfast, will meet with attention.


Academies and schools
Aerated water manufacturers
Agricultural implement makers
Alabaster and Roman cement warehouses
Animal and bird preserves
Alphabetical list of inhabitants of Belfast and Ballymacarrett from page
Apothecaries and surgeons
Assurance Offices
Association of bleachers, finishers, and linen merchants of Ireland
Auctioneers and brokers
Baby linen warehouses
Ballymacarrett Streets
Bank of Ireland branch office
Basket warehouses
Belfast Anacreontic Society
Belfast and northern counties railway
Belfast catholic institute association
Belfast and County Down railway company
Belfast auxiliary to the society for promoting Christianity among the Jews
Belfast banking company
Belfast Charitable Society
Belfast district hospital for the insane poor
Belfast drinking fountains association
Belfast general hospital
Belfast harbour commissioners
Belfast ladies clothing society
Belfast library and society for promoting knowledge
Belfast Lloyd's
Belfast markets
Belfast ophthalmic institution
Belfast poor-law union
Belfast savings bank, King St
Belfast (sketch)
Belfast Streets
Brown Street Sunday and day school
Belfast town mission
Belfast union dispensaries
Belfast water commissioners
Belfast young men Christian association
Belfast Academy
Biscuit manufacturers
Block, pump and mast makers
Bobbin manufacturers
Bonded warehouses
Bonnet makers
Booksellers and stationers
Book agents
Boot and shoemakers
Brassfounders and gas fitters
Brick and tile makers
Brush makers
Builders and carpenters
Butter merchants
Button blue manufacturer
Bleachers and finishers
Cabinet makers
Calico printers
Canvas manufacturers
Cap manufacturers
Carpet warerooms
Carvers, gilders and picture frame makers
Chamber of Commerce
Chemico-agricultural society of Ulster
Chemists, manufacturing
China, glass and delf warehouses
Christ Church daily school
Christ Church Sunday school
Church and Manse fund
Church of England and Ireland young men's society
Civil engineers and surveyors
Classical Harmonists society
Clinical and pathological society
Clock and watchmakers
Clog and pattern makers
Clothes dealers
Clothes renovators
Coach factories & c
Coal merchants
Commercial buildings
Commission merchants and agents
Committees of Town Council of Belfast for the year 1861
Consistorial court and registry of Down and Connor
Constabulary Officers
Consuls and Vice consuls
Copper and tinsmiths
Cork cutters
Corn exchange
Corporation of Belfast
Cotton spinners
Cotton yarn merchants
County Antrim courthouse
County Antrim Infirmary
Country residents
Court of Probate
Custom house
Cutlers and surgical instrument makers
Damask manufacturers
Donegall Street National School
Druggists and Chemists
Drysalters, oil and colour merchants
Electrical and optical manufacturer
Emigration agents
Engravers, lithographers and copperplate printers
Feather merchants
Felt works
Fish (dried) merchants
Flax and Tow merchants
Flax spinners
Flour merchants
Freemasons club
Fruiterers and green grocers
Fund for the relief of sick, maimed and disabled seamen
Gas Light company
General assembly's college
Glass manufacturer
Glue manufacturer
Grain manufacturer
Grocers, wholesale
Grocers, family
Grocers, retail
Gun and pistol manufacturers
Gunpowder merchants
Hackle and gill makers
Hardware merchants and iron mongers
Hatters &c
Hide merchants
Horse bazaars
Horse shoers and blacksmiths
Hosiers and gloves
Hotels &c
House , rent and land agents
Houses of public worship
Indian flax company, limited
Inland revenue office
Insurance agents
Insurance companies offices
Iron and brass founders
Iron and tinplate merchants
Ladies industrial school for girls
Lagan navigation company
Leather and hide merchants
Lime burners
Linen collar manufacturers
Linen trade committee
Linen and cotton priinters and dyers

Linen and damask warehouses
Linen manufacturers and merchants
Linen ornament manufacturers
Linen yarn merchants
Literary society
Local marine board
Livery stable keepers
Lloyd's agent
machine makers
Magdalene asylum
Magistrates (Co. Antrim)
Marble and stonecutters
Masonic lodges in the town of Belfast
Masters in Chancery
Mayors of Belfast
Medical benevolent fund society
Medical society
Milliners and dressmakers
Mining company
Missions of the Presbyterian Church
Mourning warehouses
Musical instrument warehouses
Music sellers
Muslin manufacturers
Nail manufacturers
Natural history and philosophical society
Nautical instrument makers
News agents
New jail
Northern banking company
North east agricultural association of Ireland
Notaries public
Nurse tenders
Oddfellows societies
Oil merchants
Painters and glaziers
Paper makers and merchants
Parliamentary representatives
Parochial Sunday and day schools
Parcels offices
Permanent building and investment society
Petty sessions
Physicians and surgeons
Pianoforte tuners
Pianoforte warehouses
Picture frame makers
Police Office
Posting establishments
Power loom manufacturers
Printers friendly society
Provincial Bank of Ireland
Provincial grand lodge of Belfast and North Down
Provision dealers
Provision merchants
Public libraries
Quarter sessions
Queen's College
Queen's College literary and scientific society
Railway companies
Rectifying distillers
Reed maker
Refreshment and reading rooms
Room paper warehouses
Rope and twine merchants
Royal Belfast academical institution
Royal Botanical and horticultural society
Saddlers and harness makers
Sail makers
Sailors home
Salt merchants
Saw makers and sharpers
Saw mills
School of art
Society for relief of the destitute sick
Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals
Societies in connection with the Established church
Seal engraver
Seaman's friend society
Seeds men and florists
Servants registry offices
Ship brokers
Ship builders
Ship chandlers
Ship owners
Shipwrecked fishermen and mariners royal benevolent society
Shirt makers
Silk manufacturers
Silk mercers
Silk dyers
Size works
Solicitors and attorneys
Spirit dealers
Starch manufacturers
Stationers and account book manufacturers
Statuary makers
Stay and corset makers
Steam packet agents
Steamship company
Stock and share brokers
Straw bonnet makers
St. Georges church daily schools
St. Malachys diocesan seminary
St. Patrick's orphan society
Sugar merchants
Tanners and curriers
Tea agents
Tea merchants, wholesale
Theological society
Timber merchant
Tobacco and snuff dealers
Town mission
Toy Shops
Trimming warehouses
Turkish baths
Ulster banking company
Ulster female penitentiary
Ulster institution for promoting the education of the deaf dumb and blind
Ulster Hall Company
Ulster railway from Belfast to Monaghan
Ulster club
Unitarian society
Unitarian society for the diffusion of Christian knowledge
Ulster religious tract and book society
Union club
Umbrella makers
Venetian blind makers
Veterinary surgeons
Vitriol works
Weaving factories
West Indian merchants
White Linen Hall
Wholesale London, Manchester and Scotch warehouse
Wholesale printed calico and trimming warehouse
Wine and spirit merchants
Wire work manufacturers
Working classes association
Young men's intellectual improvement association


Ardoyne, Ligoneil
The Knock
Whitehouse & Lower Whitehouse



Abbey Street, Peter's Hill
Abbotsford Place, York Street
Academy Court, Academy Street
Academy Street, Donegall Street
Adelaide Place, Donegall Square South
Agnes Place, Shankill Road
Agnes Street, Shankill Road
Albert Crescent, Cullingtree Road
Albert Place, Donegall Pass
Albert Square, Waring Street
Albert Street, Durham Street
Albert Street, New Row, Albert Street
Albert Street Place, Albert Street
Albert Terrace, Falls Road
Albion Lane, Donegall Pass
Albion Place, Botanic Road
Albion Street, Botanic Road
Alexander Street, Frederick Street
Alexander Street West, Falls Road
Alfred Street, May Street
Allen's Court, Peter's Hill
Alma Street, Falls Road
Alma Terrace, Crumlin Road
Alton Street, Old Lodge Road
Ambrose Street, Little York Street
Amelia Street, Little York Street
Anderson's Court, Millfield
Anderson's Court, Shankill Road
Annette Street, Verner Street
Ann's Place, Old Lodge Road
Ann Street, Arthur Square
Antrim Place, Antrim Road
Antrim Road, Donegall Street
Antrim Terrace, Antrim Road
Antrimville, Antrim Road
Apsley Place, Donegall Pass
Ardmoulin Place, Falls Road
Ardmoulin Street, Falls Road
Arnon Street, Old Lodge Road
Arthur Lane, Upper Arthur Street
Arthur Place, Arthur Street
Arthur Square, Corn Market
Arthur Street, Arthur Square
Arthur street, Upper Arthur Street
Arthur Street, Upper Mews
Artillery Street, North Queen Street
Ashmore Street, Conway Street
Adela Street, Conway Street
Athol Street, Conway Street
Athol Terrace, Conway Street
Aughton Terrace, Donegall Pass
Back Lane, Prince's Street
Barn's Court, Curtis Street
Baker Street, Cullintree Road
Balaklava Street, Falls Road
Blamer's Court, Verner Street
Balmoral Terrace, Verner Street
Bank Lane, Chapel Lane
Barker's Court, Pilot Street
Barne's Court, Millfield
Barnet's Court, Peter's Hill
Barrack Lane, North Queen Street
Barrack Street, Mill Street
Barrack street Court, Barrack Street
Bath Place, Falls Road
Bathurst's Court, Boundary Street
Beattie's Entry, Mill Street
Bedford street, Howard Street
Bedford Terrace, Sandy Row
Bell's Lane, Smithfield
Belvidere Place, Victoria Place
Bellevue Street, Shankill Road
Bellevue, Crumlin Road
Belvoir Terrace, University Street
Bentinck Street, York Road
Beresford Street, York Road
Berry Street, Hercules Street
Bertie Place, Falls Road
Bilton Court, Wilson Street
Birch street, Little Donegall Street
Black's Place, Hercules Street
Blackstaff Road, Sandy Row
Bogan's Row, Falls Road
Bogan Street, Falls Road
Bolton Street, Verner Street
Bond Street, Eliza Street
Boomer Street, Boundary Street
Botanic Cottage, Boundary Street
Botanic Gardens, Boundary Street
Botanic Road, Victoria Place
Botanic View, Botanic Road
Boundary Court, Boundary Street
Boundary Street, Falls Road
Bow Street, Cullintree Road
Boyd's Court, at Blackstaff Mill
Boyd's Court, Nile Street
Boyd's Court, Boyd's Street
Boyd's Row, Sandy Row
Boyd's Street, Peter's Hill
Boyd's Place, Peter's Hill
Bradbury Place, Botanic Road
Bradford Square, Tomb Street
Breadalbane Place, Great Victoria Street
Brady's Lane, Gable Street
Bread Street, Falls Road
Bridge Street, High Street
Bridge Street Place, Bridge Street
Brook Street, Cullintree Road
Brookfield Street, Crumlin Road
Brougham Street, York Street
Brown's Entry, Barrack Street
Brown's Row, Barrack Street
Brown Square, Peter's Hill
Brown Street, Millfield
Brunswick Lane, Henry Square
Brunswick Street, Howard Street
Brunswick Street Little, Dublin Bridge
Burn's Court, Mill Street
Byrne's Lane, Lower Lagan Street
Caddel's Entry, High Street
Calender Street, Castle Lane
California Street, Old Lodge Road
Cambridge Street, York Road
Camden Street, Botanic Road
Campbell's Court, Carrickhill
Campbell's Place, Welsh Street
Campbell's Street, Old Lodge Road
Canmore street, Shankill Road
Canning Street, York Street
Campbell Street, Sackville Street
Campbell's Row, Townsend Street
Cargill Court, Cargill Street
Cargill Street, Townsend Street
Cargill Street Upper, Townsend Street
Carlow Street, Shankill Road
Carlisle Terrace, Shankill Road
Caroline Street, Great Georges Street
Carrickhill, North street
Carrickfergus Road, Old
Castle, The, Castle Buildings
Castle Buildings, Castle Place
Castle Chambers, Castle Place
Castle Lane, Donegall Place
Castle Market, Calender Street
Castle Place, High Street
Castle Street, Castle Place
Catherine Street North, Little May Street
Catherine Street, Henrietta Street
Cavan Court, Henrietta Street
Cavan Street, Falls Road
Caxton Street, Robert Street
Chapel Lane, Mill Street
Charlemont Street, Berry Street
Charles Street, Union Street
Charles Street south, William's Place
Charlotte court, Charlotte Street
Charlotte Street Little, Charlotte Street
Charlotte Street, Donegall Pass
Cherrymount, Crumlin Road
Chichester Street, Donegall Square East
Chichester Street Lower, Donegall Square East
Christian's Place, Irwin Street
Christopher Street, Peter's Hill
Church Lane, High Street
Church Lane Upper, Church Lane
Church Street, Donegall Street
Cinnamond Street, Cullintree Road
Claremont Street, Malone Road
Claremont Terrace, Malone Road
Clarence Place, Alfred Street
Clarence Street, Linen-hall Street
Clarendon Place, Alfred Street
Clark's Lane, Great Patrick Street
Cliftonville, New Lodge Road
Clonard Street, Falls Road
Coar's Lane, Great Patrick Street
Coate's Place, Coate's Street
Coate's Street, Townsend Street
Coburn Court, Cargill Street
Cole's Alley, Church Lane
Colin Street, Bogan Street
Colin Court, Verner Street
College Court, College Street
College Place North, College Square North
College Square East, King Street
College Square North, King Street
College Street, King Street
College Street South, Howard Street
College Street West, Durham Street
Columbia Street, Saltbox Row
Combermere Street, Wesley Place
Commercial Buildings, Bridge Street
Commercial Court, Donegall Street
Conlan Street, Old Lodge Road
Connolly's Place, M'Tier Street
Constabulary Lane, North Queen street
Conway Street, Falls Road
Cooney's Court, Ann Street
Corn Market, Castle Place
Coronation Place, Little York Street
Corporation Square, Great Georges Street
Corporation Street, Victoria Street
Corporation Street Little, Corporation Street
Cotton Court, Waring Street
Court Street, New Court house
Court Street Place, New Court House
Covent Garden, Little Patrick Street
Coyle Street, Ormeau Road
Cowan's Court, Grosvenor street
Craig Street, Falls Road
Craig's Lane, Falls Road
Craig's Terrace, Northumberland Street
Cranbourne Street, Antrim Road
Crane Court, Cullintree Road
Cranston Place, Antrim Road
Craven Street, Shankill Road
Crawford's Place, Millfield
Crawford Street, Welsh Street
Lower Crescent, Malone Road
Upper Crescent, Malone Road
Crimea Street, Shankill Road
Cromac Street, Great Edward Street
Cross Street, Lettuce Hill
Crown Entry, High Street
Crumlin Place, Crumlin Road
Crumlin Road, Carlisle Circus
Crumlin Terrace, Crumlin Road
Cuddy's Row, New Lodge Road
Culbert's Court, Little York Street
Cullintree Road, Little York Street
Cullintree Place, Cullintree Street
Cullintree Street, Durham Street
Cumberland Place, Donegall Pass
Cumber Place, Old Lodge Road
Cupar Street, Falls Road
Currel's Place, Townsend Street
Currie Street, Irwin street
Cunningham's Court, Mill Street
Cunningham's Court, Mustard Street
Curtis Street, York street
Dale Street, Grove Street
Dam Side, Mill Street
Davison's Court, Dayton Street
Dayton Street, Townsend street
Derby Place, Falls Road
Derby Street, Falls Road
Devis (Divis) Street, Barrack Street
Dock Lane, Dock Street
Dock Street, York Street
Dominick Street, Bolton Street
Donaldson's Court, Barrack Street
Donegall Lane, Donegall Street
Donegall Pass, Botanic Road
Donegall Place, Castle Place
Donegall Place Buildings, Castle Place
Donegall Quay, Castle Place
Donegall Square East, Castle Place
Donegall Square Mews, Castle Place
Donegall Square North, Castle Place
Donegall Square South, Castle Place
Donegall Square West, Castle Place
Donegall Street, Castle Place
Donegall Street Little, Mustard Street
Donegall Street Place, Donegall Street
Donore Street, New Lodge Road
Dover Street, Shankill Road
Downing Street, Shankill Road
Downshire Place, Great Victoria Street
Drake's Lane, Union Place
Drummond's Court, Carrickhill
Duffin's Court, Winetavern Street
Duffy's Entry, Brown Square
Duffy's Place, Boundary Street
Durham Court, Durham Street
Durham Place, Durham Street
Durham Street, Sandy Row
Durham Street New, Townsend Street
Dyet's Entry, Barrack Street
Dysart Street, Alexander Street
Earl Court, Earl Lane
Earl Lane, Earl Street
Earl Street, York Street
Earl Place, York Street
Earl Street, Verner Street
East Bridge Street, Verner Street
Economy Place, Henry Street
Edward Street, Robert Street
Edward Street, Great Victoria Street
Edward Street Little, Edward Street
Eglinton Street, Crumlin Road
Eglinton Terrace, Crumlin Road
Eliza Court, Eliza Street
Eliza Street, Cromac Street
Ellen's Court, Nile Street
Elliott's Court, Donegall Street
Emily Place, Donegall Street
Emma's Court, College Street West
English Street, Cullintree Road
Erskine's Court, Durham Street
Factory Row, Blackstaff Road
Falloon's Court, Fleet street
Falls Court, Durham Street
Falls Court, Falls Road
Falls Road, Devis (Divis) Street
Ferguson's Court, Smithfield
Fifth Street, North Howard Street
First Street, North Howard Street
Fisherwick Place, College Square South
Fitzwilliam Place, Old Malone Road
Fitzwilliam Street, Old Malone Road
Flanagan's Court, Melbourne Street
Fleet street, York Street
Fleming Street, Old Lodge Road
Forcade's Entry, Berry Street
Foreman Street, Old Lodge Road
Fountain Lane, Donegall Place
Fountain Place, Botanic Road
Fountain Street North, New Lodge Road
Fountain Square, Little Donegall Street
Fountain Street, Castle Street
Fountainville, Old Malone Road
Fountainville Cottage, Old Malone Road
Fourth Street, North Howard Street
Fox's Row, Durham Street
Francis Street, Smithfield
Franklin Place, Linenhall Street
Franklin Street, Franklin Place
Frederick Lane, Frederick Street
Frederick Place, Frederick Street
Frederick Street, York Street
Friendly Street, Welsh Street
Frith's Row, Eliza Street
Fulton's Entry, Hercules Street
Gable Street, Boundary Street
Gaffikin's Row, Sandy Row
Galway Court, Galway Street
Galway Street, Durham Street
Gamble Street, Corporation Street
Garden Street, Old Carrick Road
Gardiner Street, Brown Street
Garmoyle Street, Corporation Street
Garston Street, Corporation Street
Gaskin Place, M'Tier Street
Gavin's Court, Shankill Road
Gavin Street, Falls Road
George's Court, Frederick Street
George's Lane, William Street South
George's Street Great, York Street
George's Market, Chichester Street
George's Street Little, York Street
Gibb's Court, Frederick Street
Gilbert's Court, Alexander Street
Gilford Street, Falls Road
Glasshouse Street, Boyd Street
Glenalpin Street, William's Place
Glenburn Alley, Sandy Row
Glenfield, Ormeau Road
Glenfield Place, Ormeau Road
Glengall Place, Great Victoria Street
Glengall Street, Great Victoria Street
Glentilt Place, Old Lodge Road
Glentilt Street, Old Lodge Road
Gloucester Street, Great Edward Street
Gordon Street, Hill Street
Goudy's Court, William Street South
Gorman's Court, North King Street
Grace Street, Henrietta Street
Graham's Entry, High Street
Grattan Court, Grattan Street
Grattan Place, Grattan Street
Grattan Street, Gordon Street
Green's Court, Green Street
Greenland Street, Shankill Road
Green Street, Academy Street
Gutter Alley, Green Street
Gregg's Lane, West Street
Grosvenor Street, Durham Street
Grove Street, North Queen Street
Hagan's Court, Grattan Street
Haldane Street, Agnes Street
Halliday's Road, New Lodge Road
Halliday's Row, New Lodge Road
Hamill's Court, Hamill Street
Hamill Street, Barrack Street
Hamilton's Court, High Street
Hamilton Place, Stephen Street
Hamilton Place West, Boundary Street
Hamilton Street, Cromac Street
Hammond's Court, Corn Market
Hanna's Court, Shankill Road
Hanna's Lane, Greenland Street
Hardinge Court, Hardinge Street
Hardinge Street, North Queen Street
Harmony Lane, Dublin Road
Harmony Place, Old Dublin Road
Harper's Court, Curtis Street
Hartley Street, Curtis Street
Henrietta Court, Boundary Street
Henrietta Street, Cromac Street
Henry Place, Antrim Road
Henry Lane, Antrim Road
Henry Square, Green Street
Henry Street Little, Green Street
Henry Street, Corporation Street
Hercules Place, Hercules Street
Hercules Street, North Street
Hemsworth Street, M'Tier Street
Herdman's bdgs., Shankill Road
Herd's Court, Curtis Street
HIgh Street, Castle Place
Hill Street, Waring Street
Hobson's Row, Shankill Road
Holme's Court, Verner Street
Hope's Court, Millfield
Hope's Place, Melbourne Street
Hope Street, Breadalbane Place
Hopeton Place, Shankill Road
Hopeton Street, Shankill Road
Hopewell Street, Shankill Road
Howard Street, Fisherwick Place
Howard Street North, Falls Road
Howard Street South, Cromac Road
Hudson's Court, Hudson's Entry
Hudson's Entry, North Street
Hudson Street, Shankill Road
Hughe's Buildings, Falls Road
Hunter's Place, Blackstaff Road
Hurst Street, Sandy Row
Hume's Court, Ludlow Street
Hunter's Row, New Lodge Road
Huss Street, Agnes Street
Humphrey's Court, Brown Street
Hutchinson Street, Stanley Street
Hutton's Court, Verner Street
Havelock Street, Verner Street
Improvement Place, Lancaster Street
Institution Place, Lettuce Hill
Inkermann Terrace, Old Lisburn Road
Innis Place, Blackstaff Road
Ireland's Court, Raphael Street
Irwin Street, Cullintree Road
Isabella Street, Little George's Street
Israel Street, Peter's Hill
Jacobson's Court, Mill Street
James' Court, Carrickhill
James' Place, Nelson Street
James' Square, Henry Lane
James' Street South, Howard Street
Johnny's Entry, Talbot Street
Johnston's Buildings, Shankill Road
Johnston's Court, Great Edward Street
Johnston's Court, Millfield
John Street, Donegall Street
Joy's Court, Joy's Entry
Joy's Entry, High Street
Joy Street, May Street
Jude Street, Irwin Street
Keegan Street, Staunton Street
Keenan's Court, Millfield
Kells Street, Meadow Street
Kenmare Street, Linfield Road
Kennedy's Court, North Street
Kennedy's Entry, Barrack Street
Kennedy's Place, Shankill Road
Kennedy's Row, Smithfield
Kensington Place, Smithfield
Kensington Street, Smithfield
Kensington Terrace, Smithfield
Kent Street Lower, John Street
Kent Street Upper, Union Street
Kerr's Court, Falls Road
Keyland's Place, Brunswick Street
Kildare Street, Park Street
Killen's Place, Killen Street
Killen Street, College Square North
King's Court, Lancaster Street
King's Place, Cromac Road
King Street, Mill Street
King Street Place, King Street
Lagan Lane, Lagan Street
Lagan Place North, Lagan Street
Lagan Place South, Lagan Street
Lagan Street, Cromac Street
Lancaster Street, York Street
Law's Lane, North Street
Leadbetter Street, Lodge Road
Leeds Street, Hutchinson Street
Legg's Lane, High Street
Lemon Place, Falls Road
Lennon's Lane, Great Edward Street
Lemon Street, Falls Road
Lepper Street, New Lodge Road
Letitia Street, Wilson Street
Lettuce Hill, Barrack Street
Lewis Court, Brown Square
Liddy's Court, Little Donegall Street
Linden Street, Little Donegall Street
Lindsay's Place, Ormeau Road
Linfield Road, Sandy Row
Linenhall, Sandy Row
Linenhall Street, back of Linenhall
Lisburn Road, Malone
Long Lane, Church Street
Lonsdale Street, Crumlin Road
Lonsdale Terrace, Crumlin Road
Ludlow Street, New Lodge Road
Lynas' Lane, Great Patrick Street
Lyon's Court, M'Tier Street
Magee's Lane, Great George's Street
Malone Place, Lisburn Road
Malone Road Old, Lisburn Road
Malvern Street, Shankill Road
Maria Street, M'Tier Street
Mariner's Court, Verner Street
Market Street, May Street
Marlborough Street, Victoria Street
Marquis Street, Smithfield
Marshall's Lane, Lynas' Lane
Martha Place, Old Lodge Place
Mary's Market, Townsend street
Mary's Place, Hutchinson Street
Mary Street, Park Street
Massereene Street, Cullintree Road
Matthewson Court, New Lodge Road
Mawhinney's Court, Melbourne Street
Maxwell's Court, Sandy Row
May's Square East, Sandy Row
May Street Little, Cromac Street
May Street, Clarence Place
Meadow Lane, Meadow Place
Meadow Place, Meadow Street
Meadow Street, York Street
Meek's Court, Barrack Street
Meetinghouse Lane, William Street
Melbourne Court, Melbourne Street
Melbourne Street, Brown Street
Michael Street, Little George's Street
Militia Row, Blackstaff Road
Millar's Lane, Berry Street
Millfield, North Street
Mill Street, Castle Street
Milford Street, Pound Street
Mill Lane, Sandy Row
Milliken Street, Falls Road
Millview Place, Townsend Street
Milton Street, Falls Road
Minoney's Row, Sandy Row
Mitchell's Entry, High Street
Mitchell's Row, Gardiner Street
Mitchell Street, Gardiner Street
Moffett Street, Henry Street
Molyneux Street, Little George's Street
Montgomery Street, May Street
Mooney's Court, May Street
Moore's Place, Lower Malone
Morrison's Court, Boundary Street
Morrow's Entry, Hill Street
Mountcharles, Old Malone Road
Mountjoy Street, Shankill Road
Mountpleasant, Crumlin Road
Mountview, Crumlin Road
Murphy's Lane, Verner Street
Murphy's Court, Little George's Street
Murphy's Row, Barrack Street
Murphy Street, Verner Street
Murray's Terrace, College Square
Murray's Court, College Square
Music Hall Lane, Upper Arthur Street
Mustard Street, John Street
McAreavy's Court, Verner Street
McAuley's Place, McAuley Street
McAuley Street, Cromac Street
McAuley's Buildings, Cromac Street
McClean's Entry, Marquis Street
McClelland's Lane, Peter's Hill
McConkey's Entry, Brown Square
McConkey's Court, Brown Square
McCully's Place, Peter's Hill
McDowell's Court, Durham Street
McDowell's Entry, Durham Street
McFarland Court, New Lodge Road
McFarland's Court, Wesley Place
McIvor's Place, Millfield
McKibbin's Court, North Street
McKilpen's Court, Nelson street
McMillen's Place, Falls Road
McNamara's Court, New Lodge Road
McStay's Court, New Lodge Road
M'Tier's Court, North Street
M'Tier's Street, Shankill Road
Nailer's Court, Nelson Street
Nail Street, English Street
Napier Place, Lower Malone Road
Napier Street, Lower Malone Road
Napoleon Terrace, Lower Malone Road
Neeson's Court, Mill Street
Nelson's Place, Nelson Street
Nelson Street, Great Patrick Street
New Court, Tomb Street
New Lodge Place, New Lodge Road
New Lodge Road, North Queen Street
New Row, Berry Street
Nile Street, Nelson Street
Norfolk Street, Falls Road
Norman Street, Meadow Street
North Ann Street, Corporation Street
North Boundary Street
Northburn Court, Northburn Street
Northburn Place, Old Lodge Road
North Queen Court, Albert Street
North Queen Street, Carrickhill
North Queen Street Place, Carrickhill
North Street, Bridge Street
North King Street, Gardiner Street
Northumberland Street, Falls Road
Norton Street, McAuley Street
Norwood Street, Great Victoria Street
O'Haggarty's Court, Boundary Street
O'Haggarty's Street, Boundary Street
Old Lodge Road, Peter's Hill
Old Park Road, Old Lodge Road
Old Park Terrace, Old Park Road
Omar Street, Falls Road
Ormeau Road, Cromac Bridge
Ormeau Street, Ormeau Road
Ormond Street, Falls Road
Orr's Entry, High Street
Oxford Street, Queen's Bridge
Pakenham Place, Old Dublin Road
Palmer's Place, Lower Malone
Panton Street, Falls Road
Park Street, Carrickhill
Patrick Lane, Great Patrick Street
Patrick street Great, York Street
Patrick street Little, York Street
Patterson's Place, Little Patrick Street
Patterson's Place, Upper Arthur Street
Peel's Court, Winetavern Street
Peel Street, Falls Road
Pelan's Place, Sandy Row
Pembroke Place. Eliza Street
Pennington Place, Upper Peter's Hill
Pepperhill Court, Carrickhill
Peter's Hill, North Street
Peter's Hill Upper, Peter's Hill
Pilot Street, Corporation Street
Plunket's Court, Carrickhill
Police Place, William Street South
Police Square. Victoria Street
Pool Lane, Sandy Row
Portland Lane, Portland Street
Portland Street, Great George's Street
Pottinger's Entry, High Street
Pound Street, Barrack Street
Prince's Court. Prince's Street
Prince's Dock, Dunbar's Dock
Prince's Street, Queen's Square
Prospect Terrace, Malone Road
Quadrant Street, Albert Crescent
Queen's College, Malone Road
Queen's Island, Malone Road
Queen's Elms, Malone Road
Queens' Square, High Street
Queen Street, Castle Street
Queen Street Upper, Wellington Place
Quigley's Court, Verner Street
Quinn's Entry, High Street
Raphael Court, Raphael Street
Raphael Street, Cromac Street
Rea's Court, Millfield
Regent Buildings, Victoria Street
Reid's Place, Boundary Street
Renwick Court, Sandy Row
Renwick Place, Malone Road Lower
Richmond, Antrim Road
Richmond Terrace, Great Victoria Street
Richmond Street, Great Victoria Street
Riley's Court, Riley's Place
Riley's Place, Cromac Street
Ritchie's Court, Coates' Court
Ritchie's Place, North Street
Riverside Street, Christopher Street
Robert Court, Mustard Street
Robert Street, Hill Street
Rochelle Place, College Court
Rochfort Place, College Court
Rockview Buildings, Shankill Road
Roseann Place, Carrickfergus Road
Roselane Place, Blackstaff Road
Rosemary Place, Rosemary Street
Rosemary Street, Bridge Street
Ross Street, Falls Road
Round Entry, North Street
Royal Academical Institution
Royal Terrace, Lisburn Road
Rowantree Court, Brown Square
Roy's Court, Roy Street
Roy Street, Stanfield Street
Rumford Street, Craven Street
Russell Street, Cromac Street
Rutherford Street, Northburn Street
Sackville Street, Little Sackville Street
Sackville Street, Melbourne Street
Salem, Crumlin Road
Samuel Street, Winetavern Street
Sandy Row, Blackstaff Bridge
Sarah Street, Frederick Street
Scott Street, Cullintree Road
Scott Street, Sandy Row
Second Street, North Howard Street
Sevastopol Street, Falls Road
Seymour Lane, Seymour Street
Seymour Row, Seymour Street
Seymour Street, Little May Street
Shaftsbury Place, Agnes Street
Shane's Court, Shankill Road
Shankill Court, Shankill Road
Shankill Road, Upper Peter's Hill
Sheal's Entry, Carrickhill
Shipboy Street, Nelson Street
Ship Street, York Street
Ship Street, back of York Street
Ship Street Little, Fleet Street
Short Street, Pilot Street
Sidney Street, Park street
Skipper Street, High Street
Smithfield, Berry Street
Smithfield Court, Smithfield
Smith Street, Lagan Street
Southwell Street, Henry Street
Spamount, North Queen street
Spier's Place, Shankill Road
Spencer Street, York street
Stanfield Court, Stanfield Street
Stanfield Street, Verner Street
Stanhope Street, Old Lodge Road
Stanley Lane, Little York Street
Stanley Place, Little York Street
Stanley Street, Albert Street
St. Anne's Buildings, Donegall Street
Staunton Street, Stanfield Street
Steam-mill Lane, Corporation Street
Stephen Street, Little Donegall Street
Stephen Street Court, Stephen Street
Stewart's Entry, Carrickhill
Stewart Street, Eliza Street
St. John's Place, May's Fields
St. John's Street, May's Fields
Stormont Street, Durham Street
Stormont Court, Durham Street
Stroud Street, Sandy Row
Suffern's Entry, North Street
Sugarhouse Entry, High Street
Sussex Place, Alfred Street
Sussex Street, York Street
Talbot Court, Grattan Street
Talbot Street, Donegall Street
Tamworth Place, Old Lodge Road
Tanner's Court, Millfield
Tate's Court, Millfield
Tea Lane, Lower Malone
Telfair's Entry, Ann Street
Telford Street, Grosvenor Street
Third Street, North Howard Street
Thomas Court, George's Lane
Thomas Street, Lancaster Street
Thomas Street North, York Street
Thompson's Court, Donegall Street
Thompson's Row, Old Malone Road
Tomb Street, Waring Street
Torrens' Market, Hercules Street
Torrens' Row, Hercules Street
Townsend Place, Townsend Street
Townsend Street, Shankill Road
Townsend Street Upper, Shankill Road
Trafalgar Court, Trafalgar Street
Trafalgar Street, Corporation Street
Trinity Street, Antrim Road
Troon Court, Northumberland Street
Turnley Street, May's Fields
Union Place, Lancaster Street
Union Street, Donegall Street
Unity Street, Trinity Street
University Road, Trinity Street
University Square, Old Malone Road
University Street, Malone Road
University terrace, Malone Road
Upton Street, Old Lodge Road
Valentine Street, Henry Street
Ventry street, Old Dublin Road
Vere Street, North Queen Street
Verner's Lane, Verner Street
Verner Street, May Street
Victoria Court, Durham Street
Victoria Place, Great Victoria Street
Victoria Street, Great Edward Street
Victoria Street Great, Howard Street
Victoria Street Little, Great Victoria Street
Victoria Terrace, Old Dublin Road
Walker's Lane, Frederick Street
Wall Street, Stanhope Street
Waring Street, Commercial Buildings
Waring Street Place, Waring Street
Warehouse Lane, Waring Street
Washington Street, Frederick Street
Waugh's Court, North Street
Wellington Court, Wellington Street
Wellington Park, Malone Road
Wellington Place, Donegall Square
Wellington Street, Fisherwick Place
Wellwood Place, Great Victoria Street
Welsh Street, Lagan Street
Wesley Court, Wesley Place
Wesley Place, Botanic Road
Wesley Street, Wesley Place
West Street, Smithfield
Whitehall Court, Pound Street
Whitla Street, Pound Street
William's Lane, Green Street
William's Place, Wellwood Place
William's Place, Botanic Road
William's Row, Little George's Street
William Street, Church Street
William Street South, Arthur Square
Willow Street, Arthur Square
Wilmont Terrace, Lisburn Road
Wilson's Court, High Street
Wilson Street, Millfield
Wilton Square North, Shankill Road
Wilton Street, Shankill Road
Windsor, Malone Road
Windsor Place, Great Victoria Street
Windsor Terrace, Lisburn Road
Winecellar Entry, High Street
Winetavern Street, Smithfield
Woburn Street, Agnes Street
Wylie Place, Stanley Street
York Lane, York Street
York Street, Donegall Street
York Street Little, Great Patrick Street


Antrim County
Armagh County
Cavan County
Donegall County
Down County
Fermanagh County
Londonderry County
Monaghan County
Moy and Charlemont
Strabane and Lifford
Tyrone County



1,2,3 and 4 vacant: 5 Robert Armour, commission and insurance agent (Scottish Union Insurance Office )
6 and 7 vacant:  8,9,10 and 11, Boyd & Macrory, from 23 Rosemary Street:  12,13 and 14 vacant:  15,16
and 17, Down and Connor Consistorial Registry and Marriage license offices, C.G.Knox, barrister-at-law and
vicar general, H.T.Higginson, JP registrar, J M Higginson, notary public, solicitor and deputy registrar:            

Custom House - Court of Probate, and Belfast District Registry for Antrim and Down, J M Higginson, district registrar
from Donegall Place Buildings:  John K Scott, 9 and 11 Church Street and 4 and 6 William Street from 59 Donegall
Street:   George Smith, 23 Talbot Street, zinc worker :  Edward Allworthy, 10 Queen Street, of Edward Tucker & Co :
William Raphael & Co., 23 Donegall Place :  J & E C Reid, agents for "Norwich Provident Insurance Society" and
"Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association", 17 Chichester Street :



Staples, Sir Thomas, Bart., QC.
McDonnell, Thos., QC.
Andrews, Robert, QC. LL.D.
Joy, Henry H., QC. LL.D.
Gibson, James
Adams, John
McMechan, William
Fosberry, John Francis
Wright, Edward LL.D.
Dix, Edward Spencer
Miller, Stearne Ball, QC.
Crawford, Arthur Sharman
Lowry, Thos., Kennedy, QC., LL.D.
Adair, John
Musgrave, William
Henderson, Acheson
Filgate, William H.
Ferguson, Sam, QC.
Faloon, Wm. Harris
Gilmore, John
Stewart, Charles A.W.
Chamberlain, Tankerville W.
Meade, Francis
Keown, John
Crozier, William
Shegog, Wm. Henry
Harris, Hugh
Leech, Charles
Vance, Andrew
Kernan, James QC.
Walker, John Francis
McMahon, John
Gaussen, Campbell
Allen, William
Macartney, Wm. M.
Law, Hugh, QC.
Gernon, William
May, George A. C.
Hancock, Wm. Neilson, LL.D.
Allen, William
McBlain, Frederick W., LL.D.
Lewis, Maurice P W., LL.D.
Bourne, Humphrey M.
Cosby, John H W.
Casement, George
Wall, Martin N.
Fitzgibbon, Henry
Jackson, Arthur S.
Harrison, Michael
Elrington, J. Faviere LL.D.
Magouran, James
Hutton, Henry Dix.
Craig, Andrew
Twigg, John J.
Knox, Charles G. LL.D.
Norwood, John
Hamill, Arthur
Thompson, Jas. M'Calla
Brunker, Thomas
Smith, Frederick
Barlow, James Wm.
Haye, Wm. S.B. LL.D.
Andrews, William D.
Boyd, Walter
Tarleton, Frederick F.
Richards, Edward
Fitzgerald, Percy
Pigot, David R.
Loghran, Henry J.
Falkiner, Frederick R.
O'Neil, Charles H.
Seeds, Robert, LL.D.
McDonnell, Randal W.
Montgomery, Alex. R.
Bruce, William R.
Porter, Andrew M.
Ross, David



Belfast, the capital of Ulster, which justly merits the appellation or the commercial metropolis of Ireland, and is appropriately described as at once the Liverpool and Manchester of this portion of the United Kingdom, although noticed in the old histories and topographies of the country as existing so far back as the middle of the twelfth century, is, practically speaking, and regarding only the causes of its
present extent and population, of comparatively recent date. Its name is derived wither from the Celtic words, Beol fearsaid, signifying
" the mouth of a ford " or "Beol, a mouth" and fearsaid "pools of water". The former is the most probable origin, as an ancient ford, the
site of which was opposite Queen's Square, has been proved to have existed, remains of it having been found during the progress of the harbour improvements, several years since, The first castle of Belfast was probably built by Sir John de Courcey, shortly subsequent to 1178. The last castle was erected by Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland (afterwards Baron Chichester of Belfast) early in the seventeenth century; and was accidentally destroyed by fire in 1708, when the three Ladies Chichester, daughters of the third Earl of Donegall, perished in the conflagration. Although, long after the time of De Courcey, Belfast certainly held no rank higher than that of a mere fishing hamlet, in 1316, when sacked by Edward Bruce, brother of the great Robert, it was, according to authentic records, one of many "very good towns and strongholds which he wasted" The history of the place, from that period until the commencement of the past century, is rather subject for the pen of the antiquarian and annalist than for the compiler of a work of immediate reference. The principal incidents necessary to particularize here, with a view to the proper understanding of the present relations of the town, are the following - The grant, in 1604, to Sir Arthur Chichester, of the town, manor and castle of Belfast, with much of the adjacent territory, forfeited by the O'Neills of Clandeboye, and the introduction of great numbers of English and Scotch settlers; the grant, in 1613, by James I., of a charter, constituting Belfast a municipality, consisting of a sovereign, twelve burgesses, and a commonalty, and authorising the town to send two members to Parliament; the purchase by Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, Lord Deputy, in 1637, from the corporation of Carrickfergus, of the right of importing certain commodities, at one-third of the duties payable at other places, which gave the first stimulus to the trade of the port the grant by James II., in 1688, of a new municipal charter, by which the number of burgesses was raised to thirty five; the visit of William III. to the town in 1690, followed by the first grant of "Regium Donum" to the Presbyterian clergy of Ulster; the formation of Volunteer corps, in 1715, 1745, 1760 (the date of Thurot's landing at Kilroot, near Carrickfergus), and 1778, for the better defense of the country; the alteration of the local government, after the Union, by the appointment of Police Commissioners and "Life Commissioners", in conjunction with the previous Corporation, by which the former of the new local bodies was invested with the power for the levying of taxes for public expenses, and the latter with powers for regulating the paving, watching, lighting and cleansing of the town; the change which ensued on the passing of the first Municipal Act of 1841, in conformity with which the Corporation now consists of a Mayor, ten Aldermen, and thirty Town Councillors; and the formation, at different periods, during the interval embraced by the time in which these civic changes occurred, of a Board of Harbour Commissioners, a Board of Water Commissioners, and various other public bodies and institutions, such as the rapidly increasing requirements of the Borough rendered necessary.


Belfast, which since 1850, has been the County Town of Antrim, is situated in the Barony of Upper Belfast, County Antrim; but the Parliamentary Borough also includes the large suburb of Ballymacarrett, in County Down, from which the town is separated by the river Lagan. The extension, in 1854, of the Borough boundary, made a very large addition to the area it formerly comprised. According to the old boundary, there were in County Antrim 966 acres, in County Down, 576, and in the town but without the borough, in County Antrim, 330 acres, making a total of 1872 acres. In the new boundary there is an area in County Antrim of 4,364 acres, and in County Down of 1,422 acres, making a total of 5,786 acres, exclusive of the river Lagan, and the slob and water of a portion of Belfast Lough. The increase of the Borough boundary amounts to 3,914 acres. The parish of Belfast, otherwise called Shankill, in which the County Antrim section of the borough is included, lies chiefly in the Barony of Upper Belfast, and partly in that of the Lower Belfast. It is nine and a quarter miles long, by five in breadth, and contains 19,559 statute acres. The town is 80 Irish miles distant from Dublin, in lat. 54 deg. 36m. 8 sec. N., and long. 5 deg. 55m. 53 W. Belfast is situated at the mouth of the Lagan, which bounds it on the S.E. and flows immediately into Belfast Lough, which is about twelve miles in length, and five in extreme breadth, gradually narrowing as it approaches the town. The Lagan, which separates the Counties of Antrim and Down, is crossed by three bridges and several ferries. The Queen's Bridge, built principally of the granite of the Newry mountains, on the site of the old Long Bridge (erected 1682-6), which had twenty one arches, and was 840 feet in length, is an elegant structure. It was opened for traffic in 1844, and cost £27,000. The town occupies a commodious position for the purpose of commerce; but the site is low, the greater portion being only a few feet above high water level. Nevertheless, on account of its geographical advantages, it is the healthiest manufacturing town in the kingdom. The mean annual temperature is about 50 degrees, being about one deg. above that of London, and one degree under that of Torquay and the Isle of Wight. The average annual fall of rain is 34.96 inches ( yeah right ), that of Dublin being 30.87 inches, and of Cork 40.20 inches. The country around Belfast is extremely beautiful. The Lough stretches on one side, and the fine and elevated ranges of hills which bound it, and partly encircle the town, present much variety, their slopes thickly studded with the villas of the gentry and merchants. Luxuriant plantations, extensive parks, well cultivated fields, handsome villages, and a great provincial metropolis, occupy the immediate shores of the bay; green hills, chequered with woodland and hedgerows, form a rich and most picturesque perspective on the Downshire side. On that of Antrim, the romantic cliffs and bold frontier lines of the basaltic mountains, from the Cave Hill, on the North, to Collin, on the West, impart to the scenery a peculiarly attractive feature. The town exhibits a picture of increasing improvement, which every man of taste and liberal education must contemplate with emotions of pride and exultation - the man of letters, the merchant, and the artizan, mutually engaged in the grand work of extending the domains of knowledge, developing the resources of industry, and carrying out projects of philanthropy. The leading streets of Belfast are wide and regularly built; the town contains a large number of public edifices; and in magnificence its shops and warehouses will bear a favourable comparison with those of any similar city in the British Islands. Its busy and bustling aspect is universally remarked by strangers; and the independence of public character, the integrity, and the enterprise of its inhabitants, are widely known and appreciated, The Tidal Harbour Commissioners (1846) describe Belfast as " the first town in Ireland in enterprise and commercial prosperity" The population of Belfast in 1757 was 8,549; in 1782, 13,105; in 1791, 18,320; in 1807, 22,095; in 1813, 27,832; in 1821, 37,117; in 1834, Established Church, 16,388; Presbyterians, 23,576; Roman Catholics, 19,712; other persuasions, 1,137. Total 60,813. In 1841 the population was 75,308. The population of Belfast and Ballymacarrett, exclusive of the extended portion of the Municipality Boundary, was, at the date of the census of 1851, 100,300, showing an increase over the census of 1841 of no less than 24,992. The  population, however, still advances in so rapid a ratio that it is now generally estimated at from 145,000 to 150,000. The inhabitants of Belfast, in the course of a century, have increased more than fifteen fold. The proportionate increase has been greater than that of any other town in the United Kingdom, Liverpool excepted. Belfast contains fifty five places of public worship, consisting of the following:- Established Church, 10; Presbyterian 20; Methodists 10; Covenanting 2; Independent 1; Evangelical Union 1; Primitive Secession 1; Unitarian 3; Baptist 1; Friends 1; Roman Catholic 5:


These, enumerated according to the dates of their establishment, are - The Belfast Academy, the Royal Academical Institution, the Brown Street Schools, the Ladies' Industrial (formerly the Lancasterian) School, the Ulster Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, the National Schools, the Queen's College, the General Assembly's College, and the Model School of the National Board, opened in 1857. The Belfast Academy was founded in 1780, and still maintains its early high character as a classical and mercantile seminary. The Royal Academical Institution was founded in 1810, by a voluntary subscription of £26,000, when the proprietors became incorporated by Act of Parliament, and received a public grant of £1,500 per annum, increased in 1834, to £3,500; a medical school was added in 1836. It possessed seven professional chairs, with a salary of £150 each, and two divinity professorships, with a salary of £100 a year each. For a long period the Orthodox Presbyterian bodies availed themselves of its educational curriculum; but the connection ceased some time before the collegiate department was finally dissolved and transferred to the Queen's College. The building, which is situated in College Square West, is now occupied only by the preparatory classical and commercial schools, which are efficiently conducted under seven masters and one mistress. The Brown Street Sunday and Daily School Society was founded in 1810. In the Sunday schools, instruction is given to about 200 pupils; in the daily schools, upwards of 500 children of both sexes are instructed in the ordinary branches of an English and mercantile education for the nominal charge of 1d. per week for each pupil. The female school is superintended by a committee of ladies. There is also as infant school, and an evening school, for adults - attendance about 150. This institution has conferred inestimable benefits upon the town, by rescuing a large number of the children of the poor from vice and ignorance, and securing to them the means of acquiring respectability and competence. The Lancasterian School, in Frederick Street, was founded in 1811, for the instruction of the children of the labouring classes. A female industrial school has been for some years established in the building, for the gratuitous instruction of poor girls in needlework and embroidery; and here also the first "Ragged School" established in Ireland was opened. The Ulster Society for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind was established in 1831, and the present Institution was opened in 1845. It cost £11,000, raised by voluntary contributions. It is under the  management of a committee of the subscribers, a principal, and male and female assistants. This building which fronts the Dublin Road, a little beyond the Union Workhouse, is a beautiful structure in the Tudor Style. The Queen's College was opened in October 1849. Its government consists of a president, vice president, 13 professors of arts, 5 of medicine, and 2 of law, 4 deans of residences, a registrar, a librarian, and a bursar. The College is endowed with 30 scholarships of £24 each, 11 of £20, 4 of £15, and 10 senior scholarships of £40 each. The building is from a design of Charles Lanyon, Esq., C.E., and is the most attractive in Belfast or its vicinity. It occupies a well chosen site on the Botanic Road, and is in the Tudor style of architecture. The cost of its erection was £30,000. The General Assembly's College - a very elegant and spacious structure, in a classic style of architecture, occupying a site at the extremity of University Square and facing the Botanic Road - was opened by Dr. Merle D'Aubigne, of Geneva, in 1853, for the instruction of the theological students of the Assembly. It is presided over by the president and the other members of the Assembly's Theological faculty, who are endowed by the Government with salaries of £250 a year each.  The institution was erected wholly by the voluntary contributions of the Presbyterian body, in accordance with the Assembly's resolutions, agreed to at Cookstown in 1844; and its management is entirely under the Assembly's control. The Commissioners of National Education in Ireland having decided upon establishing a District Model School in Belfast, ground was taken for the erection of a suitable building for that purpose on the Falls Road. The structure was completed and opened in May 1857. The building is of large dimensions. The style of its architecture id the Tudor and Elizabethan combined, and the material used is chiefly a fine red brick, the architraves of the windows, &c., being of the best Caen stone. The principal facade is 127 feet in length, and the extreme width of the edifice is 117 feet. The front is a beautiful specimen of the styles named. It consists of two stories, separated by a double string course moulding. Each of the wings is lighted by twelve windows, finished with a very neat Elizabethan gable. Between these wings is the central front, which is enriched, on the second story, with a  superb bay window, of the oriel kind, and the whole is surmounted by a gable resembling a pediment, above which rises a peculiarly handsome tower and cupola. The front and sides of the building almost enclose a large open court, which affords light and ventilation to the interior. The principal apartments are occupied as a boys' school, a girls' school, and an infant school. These are on the ground floor, and their respective dimensions are the following:- Boys; school, 82 feet by 30; girls' school, the same; infant school, 60 feet by 30. In connection with each of these schools there are large playgrounds. The boys' playground is a fine space, 110 feet wide by 80 feet in breadth; the girls', 87 feet by 80; and the infants', 100 feet by 54. In each of these playgrounds a series of sheds are erected, under which, in wet weather, the pupils may have healthy exercise. On the second story is a large school room for an adult evening class, and the building also contains a laboratory and apparatus for practical instruction, the illustration of lectures, &c. The class rooms, and the apartments for the master and mistress and other officers, are in the front of the building, on the lower floor; and a stone staircase conducts to the corridors and apartments in the upper part of the building. The utmost attention has been paid to the proper ventilation of the rooms and to the  sewerage. The height of the first story is 18 feet, and that of the upper story 15 feet. The interior roof of the building is of open timber work. The building was erected from a design of Frederick Daly, Esq., architect to the Commissioners of National Education. The external decorations are only sparingly applied, but in correct taste. The structure forms a conspicuous ornament to the rapidly improving portion of the town in which it is situate. The average attendance at the various schools is upwards of 1,100. There are, besides this principal seminary, upwards of 30 other National Schools in the town and neighbourhood of Belfast. Numerous schools under the patronage of the Church Education Society also exist, and are largely attended and efficiently conducted. A male and female school is attached to the Institution of the Belfast Charitable Society, to the Union Workhouse, and to the Infantry Barracks.


There are numerous Literary, Scientific, Musical, and other Societies, for the purpose of mutual improvement in Belfast. The Natural History and Philosophical Society (formed 1821) holds its meetings in the Museum, a neat building in College Square North, built in 1830, and its members are distinguished for their high attainments in philosophical, scientific, and antiquarian research. The museum is one of the best in Ireland, and is open to the public at a very moderate charge. The Belfast Society for the Promotion of Knowledge holds its meetings in the White Linen Hall, and possesses a public library of upwards of 14,000 volumes, and a nearly complete file of the Belfast News Letter from its first issue in 1737. The other public Libraries are in the  Queen's College and the Presbyterian College and also by young men who are members of associations in connection with the Presbyterian and other congregations. The Belfast Working Classes' Association (formed in 1845) meets at 16 Donegall Street, where there are a news room and a library of about 3,000 volumes. To members of the working classes the terms are 2s. 6d. per annum; to the others, 4s. Visitors to the news room , one penny each. The Belfast Medical Society (established in 1822) meets monthly in the General Hospital, where they have a fine library, containing upwards of 2,000 volumes. The Belfast branch of the Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ireland was established in 1843, and embraces the Counties of Antrim and Down. Its object is to create a fund by donations and subscriptions, for the relief of medical men, under severe and urgent distress; and to relieve the widow or family of a professional man, who may have been deprived of the support and protection of a husband or parent. The Society meet quarterly in the library room of the Belfast Medical Society at the General Hospital. The Belfast Ophthalmic Institution (opened 1844) supported by voluntary subscriptions, affords gratuitous relief to poor persons suffering under diseases of the eye and ear, and has afforded relief in a vast number of cases. The Belfast Clinical and Pathological Society, founded in 1853, for the cultivation of practical pathology, diagnosis, and therapeutics, has a large and increasing list of members, a useful museum, and a valuable collection of medical and surgical records. There are two Musical Societies. The Anacreontic, which is the oldest, given its private rehearsals and public concerts in its own building, the Music Hall, a handsome Doric edifice in May Street. The Belfast Classical Harmonists' Society was established for the express purpose of disseminating a taste for vocal music, of a refined description among the general community. It meets in the Victoria Hall, and gives occasional public concerts. It has a large number of members. The Ulster Hall Company have now in course of erection, in Bedford Street, a splendid and spacious building, intended to provide accommodation for audiences numbering from 2,000 to 3,000 persons, and suited, as well for concerts on a large scale as for exhibitions of art, public dinners, balls, meetings for legitimate purposes, &c. In connection with the Queen's College there is also a Choral Society, founded in 1858, for the purpose of cultivating classical vocal music. The Chemico-Agricultural Society of Ulster is an association instituted for the improvement of soils, through the agency of scientific analyses, &c. Its patron is the Marquis of Downshire, and its practical officer Professor Hodges MD. It possesses a laboratory, and holds stated meetings, the transactions of which are regularly given to the public. The North East Agricultural Association of Ireland was founded in 1855. Its operations extend to the Counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh and Monaghan; they also include the County of the Town of Carrickfergus. President, the Marquis of Downshire. There are twelve Newspapers in Belfast, of which the oldest is the News Letter, established AD 1737, and since then published continuously; daily since July 1855. The other papers, in the order of their establishment, are - the Belfast Mercantile Journal, established in 1807, as "Taggart's Mercantile List" published every Tuesday; the Northern Whig (daily); Banner of Ulster (three times a week); Ulster General Advertiser (Saturday); Mercury (daily); Morning News (three times a week); Belfast Weekly News (Saturday); Weekly Northern Whig (Saturday); Weekly Press (Saturday). There are four public News rooms in the town, viz:- The Commercial News room, Commercial Buildings; the Linen Hall News room; the Working Classes Association, Donegall Street; and the Catholic Institute, Hercules Place. There is also a News room connected with the Young Men's Presbyterian Association, Donegall Street; and one in the Coal Exchange, Queen's Quay.


The principal Poor Relief and Charitable Institutions are, the Union Workhouse, opened in 1841; the Belfast Charitable Society, incorporated in 1774, provides in-door relief to 103 decayed persons of both sexes, besides 88 poor children, whom it also educates, in a spacious and comfortable building in North Queen Street; the Destitute Sick Society; the Ladies' Clothing Society; the Ladies' Connaught Relief Society; the Girls' Industrial Schools; the Ulster Female Penitentiary; and the Magdalene Asylum, in connection with an Episcopal Chapel, which supports a chaplaincy. The other Benevolent Institutions are the following:- The General Hospital (which originated in a General Dispensary, founded in 1792 by voluntary subscription) has in connection with it a medical school &c., and is under the management of a president, vice presidents, life governors, and a committee. It is wholly, but inadequately supported by public contributions. The District Lunatic Asylum, for the Counties of Antrim and Down, and the County of the Town of Carrickfergus, is capable of accommodating about 340 patients - it was opened in 1829. The Lying-in-Hospital was opened in 1830; it affords relief to an average of 190 poor patients annually. It is under the management of a committee of ladies, and is supported by voluntary contributions. Mrs. Wilson's Bequest for Widows; office, 12b Bridge Street. This fund was established in 1855 by Mrs. Margt. Wilson of London, formerly of Belfast, having left the sum of £30,000, to be invested in the Three-per-Cent. Consolidated Annuities, to be paid, at the rate of seven shillings per week, to widows of sober, honest life, being upwards of sixty years of age, and who have been residents in Belfast, of the county of Antrim, for two years. The pensioners are selected by the following trustees, appointed under the will of the legatee:- J. Gemmill Esq., 128 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, London; M. Suffern Esq., Howard Street, Belfast; Geo. Orr Wilson Esq., Thornhill, Belfast; Sir William Gillilan Johnson, D.L., JP., College Square North, Belfast; Gordon Augustus Thomson, Esq., Bedeque House, Belfast. There are likewise local charitable auxiliaries to various religious associations, a Seaman's Friend Society, two Town Missions, Sanitary Officers, under the control of the Corporation besides District Dispensaries, in convenient situations for the relief of the sick poor. 


The new Custom House, which is one of the largest public buildings in Belfast, occupies a considerable area between Queen's Square and Albert Square - a site obtained by extensive clearances and other improvements, previously effected in that part of the town. For many years the want of proper accommodation for the Custom House, Post Office, Excise Office, and other Government business of Belfast, was severely felt, the buildings used for those purposes being small in size and mean in aspect. At length the increasing prosperity and business of the town demanded that suitable public offices should be erected, and it was decided to purchase the site above mentioned, and thereupon to erect a large and handsome edifice, sufficient to afford ample accommodation for various public services - including a Custom House, a Post Office, as Inland Revenue Office, a Stamp Office, an Income Tax Office, a Government Emigration office, and an office for the Local Marine Board. The building was commenced towards the close of 1854, and was finished in 1857. It is constructed entirely of the finest Glasgow freestone, elegantly dressed, and the general style is the Italian of Palladio. The edifice occupies three sides of a quadrangle, with a large courtyard inside, and standing upon the top of a terrace, is approached from all sides by flights of steps. It consists, besides the basement, of two stories, the upper one pierced by a range of windows with neat pediments, and the lower with arched windows, doorways, &c. in rusticated work. The principal front faces the river, and the main portion of this part of the edifice is used as the Custom House. The wings facing Queen's Square include the Post Office and the Local Marine Office. In the opposite wing are the Inland Revenue Office Stamp Office, &c. The "Long Room" of the Custom House is 70 feet in length by 30 in width and 25 in height. The courtyard in the interior of the building, and which affords access to the principal offices, &c., from the rear, is a handsome area, elevated above the surrounding level by a stone plateau seven feet in height, and approached by a flight of steps. It is 112 feet in width, The basement story of the structure is wholly occupied by vaults for bonded stores. The decorations of the edifice are few. The grand entrance, in the center of the river front, is embellished with three bold arches, supported by massive columns, and surmounted by a classic Grecian pediment. In the spandrels of the arches are four sculptured figures, designed by Samuel Lynn Esq., of London, and executed by the Messrs. Fitzpatrick, of Wellington Place, Belfast, representing Manufacture, Peace, Commerce and Industry. The tympanum of the pediment is filled with an emblematic design of Britannia, supported on one side by Neptune, and on the other by Mercury. A nearly similar style is carried out in the decorated entrance, leading to the main building from the court yard, in which the pediment is charged with two shields, bearing respectively the Royal arms and those of the town of Belfast. Two Russian guns, taken during the Crimean war at Sebastopol - both 46 pounders, and bearing inscriptions in Russian characters - presented to the town as trophies, are now mounted in a commanding position, upon the front esplanade of this fine suite of public buildings - for ornament alone, of course. The length of the building is in front about 200 feet, its width about 116 feet and including the platform on which it stands, it is 50 feet in height. It was erected from the design of Messrs. Lanyon & Lynn, architects; and Messrs. D. & J. Fulton, of Belfast, were the builders.


The borough of Belfast returns two members to the Imperial Parliament. It is governed by a Corporation elected by the ratepayers of the five wards - St. Anne's, Dock, Smithfield, St' George's and Cromac - each ward returning two Aldermen and six Councillors. A Mayor is annually elected. The practical business of the municipality is transacted by committees annually chosen by the Council. The Corporation have entire control over the markets, of which there are twelve. The paving, lighting, watching and cleansing of the borough are vested in a Police Committee, under a special Act. The supply of water, which is principally obtained from springs a short distance South, and three large reservoirs to the North of the town, is under the direction of a Board of Water Commissioners, incorporated in 1840, and elected by the ratepayers. There are several associations of the mercantile body, exclusive of the trading companies, the most extensive of these being the subscribers to the Commercial Buildings - a fine structure, adapted, among other purposes, for that of an Exchange, erected in 1820 by a subscription of £20,000, in shares, where the merchants meet for mutual intercourses. It includes a News room, which is very spacious. The corn merchants meet in a beautiful edifice in Victoria Street (the Corn Exchange) erected by private subscription. The general mercantile interests of the community are taken care of by the Chamber of Commerce, a voluntary association, formed in 1783, but of late years, revived in activity and greatly increased in numbers, and now productive of the most important benefits to the local trade and general interest of the inhabitants. The Chamber holds its meetings at the office, 36 Waring Street. The coal merchants have an exchange on Queen's Quay.


The harbour of Belfast, originally a mere creek of the river Lagan, has become, by successive improvements and extensions, one of the finest in the United Kingdom. Prior to 1839, large vessels had frequently to lie in the port of Garmoyle, two and a half miles from the town, to disload portions of their cargoes, but subsequently to 1840 a new channel was formed having nine feet of water at low water, and 21 feet at high water, which has proved a great convenience to large steamers and other vessels frequenting the port. Within the last three years, the process of deepening the natural and artificial channels by steam dredging has been so successfully prosecuted, that there is now from Garmoyle to the Queen's Bridge a depth of eleven feet at low water and twenty three feet at high water of average spring tides, admitting vessels of 1,500 tons register to moor at the discharging berths. The improvements of the port, which are under the management of the Harbour Commissioners, established by statute in 1831, and elected by the ratepayers, are of very great extent, having already cost about £450,000 sterling, raised by local loans on the security of the harbour dues. The quays extend in a continuous line from the Queen's Bridge, on one side of the river, to the commencement of the new channel; and on the other, the Antrim side, to the mouth of the Mile-water. The quays and tidal docks were originally private property, but have been purchased by the Harbour Board. Formerly, nearly all vessels discharged on the North side, which is now reserved chiefly for steamers and ships in the foreign trade; colliers and vessels in the coasting trade being accommodated on the South side, called Queen's Quay, where there are a Coal Exchange and coal factors' offices and yards. There are two tidal docks - Prince's and the Clarendon - which are reserved for foreign shipping; but an Act of Parliament was obtained in 1854, empowering the Commissioners to construct a third and more extensive dock, with adjacent basins, a Marine School and People's Park, on an extensive space of unreclaimed ground on the South of the river. In forming the new channels, three islands have been formed; the largest, named Queen's Island, has been planted and laid out in public walks, lawns, parterres, ornamental ponds, &c.; and a tasteful building of iron and glass erected on it, "in commemoration of her Majesty's visit to Belfast" (August 13, 1849). This has been converted into a conservatory, which is kept in excellent order, and open to the public at a very trifling charge for admission. The building also includes a beautiful fountain, an aviary, and a photographic gallery. On the Queen's Island are also the iron ship-building works of Mr. E.J. Harland - the most extensive in Ireland - where some of the largest and finest screw steamers in the British mercantile navy have been constructed. There are two light-houses and several beacons on and near the islands. The Pilot establishment has three masters, thirty branch pilots, two mates, and four boys. They have a commodious station-house to seaward of the Twin Islands, erected on a platform resting on a series of Mitchell's screw-piles. The offices of the Harbour Commissioners are contained in an elegant edifice, finished in the Spring of 1854, from a design by George Smith Esq., C.E. The building is in the Italian style of architecture, entirely constructed of polished freestone, with a chaste clock tower. It stands on a well selected site, the principal front facing Corporation Square. The most important branch of the commerce of the port is the cross-channel trade. A large fleet of steamers ply regularly between Belfast and London, Plymouth, Bristol, Liverpool, Fleetwood, Morecambe, Whitehaven, Glasgow, Ardrossan, Stranraer, Silloth (near Carlisle), Dublin, Londonderry, &c. There is also as extensive trade with British North America, the Mediterranean, the Baltic, France, Holland, and Belgium, and latterly some traffic with the East Indies and China. The direct trade with the United States and the West Indies, formerly extensive, has greatly fallen off, while the merchandise from those parts of the world is imported in vast quantities from the other side of the Channel. The following is a comparison of the tonnage entering the port for the years named :-

1851   5,016 vessels   605,938 tons
1852   5,221     "        684,156    "
1853   5,711     "        768,505    "
1854   5,435     "        790,096    "
1855   5,246     "        744,364    "
1856   5,394     "        772,127    "
1857   5,652     "        796,968    "
1860   6,657     "        885,413    "

This table exhibits a most gratifying ratio of increase. In 1786, the total amount of tonnage that entered the port was only 34,287 tons, yielding a harbour revenue of £1,553. At the close of the year 1857, the number of vessels registered as belonging to the port was 466, with an aggregate tonnage of 48,467 tons, and in the coasting trade, 365 vessels, with a tonnage of 24,332 tons. At the close of 1860, there were registered 73 vessels and 39,746 tons in the foreign, and 367 vessels and 23,901 tons in the coasting trade. In 1860, 64 steamers, with an aggregate of 15,613 tons, were engaged in the trade of the port. Two iron vessels, of 952 and 1,800 tons register, were launched; and three iron screw steamers - one of 2,500 and two of 3,000 tons admeasurement - and a wooden vessel of about 600 tons, are now ( March 1861 ) building.  In 1860, there was an increase over 1859 of 1,280 vessels and 100,075 tons entering the port, 18,127 tons being in the foreign trade. The balance of harbour income, after payment of the ordinary expenditure and interest, was £7,017 9s. 4d., being an excess of £2,662 16s. 8d. over 1859. The customs duties of the port for the year ending 31st December 1860, were £383,416 19s. 1d. The amount of postage, stamp duties, and inland revenue collected in Belfast, is considerably greater than in any city in Ireland, exclusive of Dublin. The inland trade by water is carried on by the Lagan Navigation, which connects the town with Lough Neagh, and by the Ulster Canal, which connects Lough Neagh with Upper and Lower Lough Erne.


The County Jail, built on the model of the Government New Model Prison, at Pentonville, near London, and capable of containing 300 prisoners, stands on the Crumlin Road, opposite to which is the County Court-house, a splendid building in the Roman Corinthian style of architecture, opened in the Summer of 1850, when the Assizes were transferred to this town from Carrickfergus. Both buildings were erected from designs by Charles Lanyon Esq., C.E., County Surveyor. In addition to the Assizes, Quarter Sessions are held in the New Court-house, and daily Petty Sessions in the Old Court-house, Howard Street. The Police Office occupies a part of the Town Hall buildings, Police Square. There are extensive barracks for Infantry, and a small barrack for Cavalry. The garrison usually consists of a troop of horse and a depot battalion of infantry. Belfast is the head quarters of the Constabulary for the County, comprising the stations pf Belfast, Lisburn and Whitewell. Fairs are held on the first Wednesday in each month, and the principal market is on Friday. The Theatre is in Arthur Street; and in a delightful situation in the Western outskirt of the town is the Royal Botanic Garden, comprising 17 acres, and in which is erected one of the most handsome conservatories in Ireland.


There are three Railways, the principal termini of which are in Belfast, viz :- The Ulster Railway, from Belfast to Monaghan; the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway, with branches to Carrickfergus, Randalstown and Cookstown ( the line is in connection with that joining Ballymena with Ballymoney, Coleraine and Portrush); and the Belfast and County Down Railway, Belfast to Downpatrick, with branches to Holywood and Ballynahinch, and a branch to Donaghadee, in course of construction. The termini of these Railways are elegant structures. A short private railway from the Cavehill conveys limestone from the quarries to a depot on the York Road.


There are three Banking Companies established in the town - The Belfast, Northern and Ulster. In addition, there are branches of the Bank of Ireland and Provincial Bank. An excellent Savings Bank is also in operation; and there are also several private penny banks, some of which are in connection with large manufacturing establishments. 


The principal manufactures in Belfast, and its vicinity are those connected with the linen yarn, linen, cotton, sewed muslin, iron founding and ship building trades. The linen trade, being the staple manufacture of Ulster, is very extensively carried on in all its branches in Belfast, and its vicinity; and as the statistics of this manufacture for all Ireland are, to a large degree, identical with those of the Belfast district, we state them as follows :- In 1853, according to the Mercantile Journal, there were 88 factories, with 580,684 spindles, 218 power looms, and 1,105 in preparation, making a total of 1,323. During 1853 six new spinning mills were established. The increase in the number of mills has since been steady; while that of power looms, principally for weaving linens and union fabrics, has been remarkable. Both in flax spinning and weaving, Belfast has fully kept pace with its rivals in England and Scotland. The Linen-hall, which was erected in 1785, at a cost of £10,000, for the accommodation of the Belfast linen merchants, is an extensive building, forming a quadrangle, which occupies the center of the area of Donegall Square. It is the seat of an immense traffic, distributing the blessings of industry to upwards of half a million of inhabitants of the Northern province. In the Brown Linen-hall, situate in Donegall Street, considerable quantities of brown linens are sold on Fridays. The imports and exports of linen and linen yarn and thread, during the years 1859 and 1860 were as follows :-

1859                 1860
Linen              2,671,000 yds    2,891,000 yds
Linen Yarn     6,454,500 lbs.    7,786,240 lbs
Linen          65,406,000,yds     65,613,000 yds
Linen Yarn     10,481,856 lbs      13,236,832 lbs    

The damask manufacture is pursued with much spirit and success, at the celebrated Royal Damask Factory, Ardoyne, and is also carried on at the Hopeton Factory, Shankill Road. Outside Belfast, the widely known works of Messrs. Coulson, at Lisburn (the first establishment in Ireland) are in full operation. The manufacture of damasks and diapers has likewise been introduced in an enterprising manner at Lurgan, Waringstown, Dromore &c. The manufacture of linen thread is largely and profitably conducted at Lisburn, Gilford &c. We have now to speak of the cotton trade in Belfast and its environs. In 1853 there were 111,264 spindles employed in the town and its neighbourhood, being an increase upon the previous year of about 15,000. Of these 111,264 spindles, 34,360 were occupied in spinning the finer qualities; 30,000 medium, and 37,904 coarse yarns. There are now but two cotton spinning mills at work in Belfast and its vicinity - namely, those of Messrs. Lepper, Lodge; and Mr. Maurice L. Coates, Springfield. Power loom weaving of cottons in the town, and hand loom weaving in the rural districts, are, however, on the increase. The following were the imports and exports of cotton goods for the years 1859 and 1860 :- 

1859                       1860
Cottons and Muslins       21,222 pkgs    22,909 pkgs
Cotton Wool               1,525,888 lbs   1.388,352 lbs
Cotton Yarn               3,362,460 lbs    3,262,760 lbs
Cotton Yarn                 689,400 lbs        538,900 lbs
Cottons and Muslins     19,031 pkgs       19,504 pkgs

The sewed muslin trade of Belfast is next in importance to the linen trade. It employs about half a million persons in Ireland, principally females; and in this branch alone nearly £1,500,000 is annually paid by a large number of firms established in the town, having country agents, and by Scotch houses with agencies in Ulster. In the plain muslin trade, throughout the province, the annual expenditure in wages is nearly half a million sterling. 500,000 looms were at work in this country in 1853, providing the material for this important trade. The building of iron vessels was commenced, for the first time in Ireland, by Messrs. Coates & Young, of Belfast, more than a quarter of a century since, and they constructed several fine steamers and other craft. The business however, was established in a more extensive scale in 1853, by Messrs. R. Hickson & CO., on the Queen's Island. This company was succeeded in 1858 by the present proprietor, Mr. E J Harland, who is doing a most prosperous trade, and has upwards of 1,400 persons employed. On the Western bank of the river, Messrs. A. McLaine & Sons have an extensive yard for building wooden vessels, and a patent slip for executing repairs. The Harbour Commissioners own two graving docks and a patent slip for the latter purpose. The slip, which takes on ships exceeding 1,000 tons register, has the assistance of steam power. Additional accommodation in graving docks, as well as in floating docks, is much required. The magnitude of the manufactures of all kinds conducted in Belfast, and the extensive use of steam power render, the Coal trade one of great importance in the locality. The following table shows the imports for the years named :-

1851          295,513
1852          317,313
1853          345,670
1854          336,217
1855          333,838
1856          335,214
1857          363,275
1859          369,800
1860          428,470

The present consumption of coals may be put down at one thousand two hundred tons per day, for manufacturing and household purposes. The timber trade of Belfast yields a profitable return to the merchants engaged in it. The following table shows the imports of 1859 and 1860 :- 

1859             1860
Deals, all sorts          3,012 hundreds        4,411 hundreds
Timber                15,978 loads            20,223 loads

The total annual value of Belfast imports and exports now exceeds £17,000,000.




rated at and above six pounds

The numbering of Tenements in the Streets of Belfast is not consecutive, but alternate. One side is allotted to the odd succession - as 1,3,5,7,9 and so on - while the opposite buildings are marked with the even figures, 2,4,6,8,10 &c. At the last Municipal arrangement of the Numbers, certain allowances were made for vacant ground.


( A )

( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E ) ( F ) ( G ) ( H ) ( I & J) ( K ) ( L ) ( M ) ( N ) ( O ) ( P ) ( Q ) ( R ) ( S ) ( T ) ( U ) ( V ) ( W ) ( Y )

from Nrth. King St. to Peter's Hill

  2    William Sinclair, grocer
 21   Maria Henderson
 23   James Hughes, fireman
 25   Arthur Muldoon, labourer
 27   Arthur Martin, car-owner
   ~   Stable Yard
 31   John Leonard, labourer
 33   John O'Neill
 35   Samuel Barr, tailor
        about 30 small houses

York Street

241  Arthur Dobson, bleach-green at Cottonmount
243  Mrs. McDonnell
245  John Douglas, muslin warehouse, Donegall St.
247  Robt. McKenzie, Scotch House, High St.
249  James Reid, Great George's St, provision merchant
251  David Fulton, builder, office, 16 Fleet Street

off Academy Street

five small houses

from 61 Donegall St to 83 Great Patrick St

  1   J. Walker, confectioner
  3   Mrs. Waugh, servants' registry office
  5   Pietro Trabucco, statuary & artificial stone manufacturer and
  7   M. & C. Bruce, milliners & dressmakers
  "    T. Bruce, gas-fitter &c
  9   VACANT
 11  Mrs. Madden
 13  E. McCune, milliner
 15  M. Cunningham, silk dyer
 17  E. J. Carew, licentiate apothecary
 21  Mary Sharkey, dressmaker
 23  Robert Clements
 25  Bridget Morris, dealer & broker
 27  J. Fehrenbach, clockmaker
 29  Andrew Clogher, sexton of St. Anne's Church
  ~   St. Anne's Parochial School, Mr. Morrison, master;
        Mrs Morrison, mistress
 31  Margaret Hearey
 33  Mrs. Daniel Sherry, milliner
 35  J. Graham, chimney sweeper
 37  Samuel Adams, sailor
  "    Henry Adams, carver & gilder
 39  Richard Bean, machine maker
 41  Yard
 43  Wm. Murdock, servant
 45  John McKenna & Sons, grocers & spirit merchants
 47  Wm. Martin, linen manufacturer; residence, 92 Great George's
 49  George Russell, tailor
 51  William Lewis, tailor
 53  McClinton & Thompson, chandlers; Mr McClinton's res:
       6 North Queen St. Mr Thompson's, 4 Lonsdale St.
 61  M. Sherrie, boxmaker
 63  Henry Donnigan, confectioner
 65  Edward Walsh, plasterer
 67  A. H. Thornton, jun., printer
  "    Edward MacDonald, baker
 71  Mr. Todd, sewed muslin manufacturer
 73  Miss Anderson, dressmaker
 75  Hugh Coyle, clerk
 77  Isaac Hodgen, salesman
 79  John Brown, cooper
 81  Wm. Hamilton, nailor (as spelling in book Mary)
83&85  Wm. Killen, provision merchant; res; 17 University Sq.
 87  James Murray, upholsterer
 89  Gawn Robb, sea captain
 91  Mr. Downing, clerk
 93  Mrs. Donaldson, bonnet maker
 95  Samuel McClurcan, cooper
 50  Richard Maitland, provision dealer res; 57 Little May St
48&46  Jas. Shields, pawn broker
 44  Baptist Meeting-house; Rev. Robert Henry, minister
 42  Daniel Blayney, labourer
 40  J. Hall's tea warehouse
 38  Thomas Crozier, painter and glazier
 32  James Downey, publican and grocer
 28  R. & J. McConnell
 24  Mrs. S Warnock, soda water manufacturer and bottling stores
 22  H. Morrison, tailor
 20  T. J. Grant, pork cutter
 18  James Higgins, jeweller
 16  William Harper, carpenter
  2  Belfast Academy; Rev. Dr. Bryce, principal

Donegall Sq.Sth. to Franklin Place

  1  James Thompson May, professor of music; organist of
  ~  St. Anne's Church
  2  Gilbert Vance, of the firm "John R. Vance & Son"  muslin
      manufacturers; office, 40 Rosemary Street
  3  Gustavus Heyn, commission merchant and ship broker;
      office, Victoria Street
  4  William Cooper
  5  Rev. A D Glasgow
  6  Mrs. Benson
  7  Mrs. Cranfurd's school

Shankill Road, right side

 61  Mrs. Reid
 63  J. Kavanagh, attorney's clerk
 65  Wm. Boyd, carter
 67  Robert Cowan, blockmaker
 69  Robert Clements, publican

Crumlin Road to Shankill Road

    2  S. McCullough
    4  Daniel McAreavy, tenter
    6  James Seeds, coachman
  40  Weaving factory
172  Francis Erdley
174  Robert Vance, clerk
178  Joseph Forde, leather cutter
180&182  Robt. Cotter, grocer & haberdasher
   ~   Methodist Meeting-house, Frederick Street branch
194  Wm. Jamison
196  Mr. Prentice
198  John Skinner, calico printer
200  Cuthbertson & Johnston, picture frame makers
202  William Gardner, dealer
204  William McKee, designer
206  John Adair, spinning master
208  J. Connelly
210  James Douglas, teacher, Model school
212  George Rundall, grocer
216  Jas. Garland, coal merchant; office, Queen's Quay
220  Patrick McCann, labourer
222  William Houston, shoemaker
   ~   Michael Campbell, Bower's Hill Tavern
213  John McConkey, clerk and L. McConkey, dressmaker
   ~    Huss School and House of Prayer; J. Trymble, teacher
199  A. Scott, grocer
197  Alexander Coulter, clerk
195  James Nesbitt, clockmaker
193  W. J. McNinch, turnkey in jail
191  Edward Morrison, mechanic
189  Miss White's school
187  T. Williamson, mechanic
185  Miss Lawlor
183  Thomas Liver, hackler
181  R. Thompson, traveler
179  M. Anderson, grocer
177  Wm. Fitzsimmons, saddler
175  G. Watters, compositor
173  W. Hyde, mechanic
171  James Ginn, lamplighter
169  R. McKenzie, designer
167  Mrs. Dillen
165  Robert Lynn, carpenter
163  W. J. Houston
161  Edward Kirkwood, mechanic
159  Joseph Farrell, engineer
157  Mrs. White
155  John Hunter, calico printer
153  Wm. Garlick, bobbin turner
151  James Ewing, assistant master, workhouse
149  Thomas Wilson, turnkey in jail
147  David Black, clerk
145  Mr. Watson
143  Hugh McCreedy, teacher
141  Richard Talbot, clerk
 65  William Kingsberry, hackle maker
 63  William Campbell, clerk
 61  Miss Manning
 59  John Armstrong, painter
 57  Andrew Williamson, mechanic
 55  Thos. McClenahan, gentleman
 51  R. Shaw
 49  Miss Sinclair, milliner and dressmaker
 47  Eliza Reilly
 15  Mrs. Hollywood
 13  William Armstrong, saddler
 11  Samuel Scott, bricklayer
  9  Samuel Fulton, gardener
  7  John McNeilly, hackler
  5  Francis Blair, gardener
  3  Joseph Johnstone, labourer
  1  James Miller, spirit dealer and grocer

off Cullintree Road

 35  Samuel Smyth, constable
 37  James Johnston, boot closer
 39  Patrick Mayne, spirit dealer
 41  Wm. Brown, assistant surveyor
 43  James Chesney
 45  John truesdale, bookkeeper
 47 Charles Trainor, labourer
 49  Arthur Boyle, pawn broker
 51  Peter Hoy, block printer and grocer
 53  John Kerr, carpenter
 55  James Magennis, warper
 57  Hugh Ratcliffe, linen lapper
 59  Robert Moore,
 61  Mr. Connolly
 63  Mary Carolin
 65  Wm. Millar, foreman bleacher
 44  Police Barrack; head constable, William Grainger
 46  Miss Hill, shop, 8 Castle Street
 48  William H. Spackman
 50  William Beattie, linen buyer

Donegall Pass

 24  Rev. Hugh Hanna, Berry Street Presbyterian Church
 26  Mrs. Jane Green
 28  E. Gilmore, provision merchant
 30  William Clarke
 32  Mrs. Kane
 34  John K. Boyd, Blackstaff flax spinning mill

foot of Waring Street, North side

  1   Henry Nichol, marine insurance broker, and general
       commission merchant and agent for the National AssuranceCo.
       of Ireland; insurances effected at Lloyds' and first-class London
       companies residence, Mount Pottinger
  3   Robert Grogan, bonded store; residence, 21 Dock Street
7&9  Erskine & Nicholl, grain merchants; P. Erskine, residence, 48
       Apsley Place; R. Nicholl, residence, 182 York Street
 11  T. & C. Gaussen & Co., merchants; residences, T. Gaussen, 2
       Queen's Elms; C. Gaussen, 11 Lower Crescent
 13  W. C. Heron & Co., general merchants; W. C. Heron's residence
       Maryfield, County Down

Durham Street to Bogan Street, Falls Road

  ~   Durham Street flax-spinning mill, John Hind & Son, proprietors;
       residences, John Hind, Dunowen; James Hind, The Lodge
  ~   Albert Street Machine Works
 68  M. Halliday, huckster
 66  Thomas Mechlin, labourer
 64  J. Russell, labourer
 62  James Tole, hackler
 60  Henry McCart, porter
 58  Stephen Lyons, hackler
 56  Michael Mallon, mechanic
 54  Thomas Molloy, clerk
 30  William Leckey, labourer
 32  Sarah Boyd
 34  Walter McCrea, millworker
 36  William Dowds, overlooker
 38  Samuel McMurray, overlooker
 40  John Coleman, clerk
 42  John Dickson, grocer
  ~   Albert Street Presbyterian Church

off Albert Street

   1  James McLaughlin, sawyer
   3  James Johnston, labourer
   5  William Mooney, rougher
   7  M. Carleton, school master
   9  James Farrell, labourer
 11  George Stewart, labourer
 13  Hugh Malaghan, hackler

off Albert Street, left side

        Twelve small houses

Falls Road

   2  J. S. Dickson, surgeon
   4  VACANT
   6  Dr. Murray, surgeon and licentiate apothecary

West corner of Donegall Pass

   1  Gilbert Waring, dealer
   2  Henry Hamill, weaver
   3  VACANT
   4  VACANT
   5  Henry Adams, car owner
   ~  Albion Cottage - VACANT

Botanic Road

128  Captain William Williams
130 John Raphael, Inspector Ulster Bank
132  E. Tucker, starch manufacturer; office, Waring Street
134  Samuel Malcomson, chandler, of 54 North Street
136  James Cockran, wine and spirit merchant, of 3 Castle Place
138  Mrs. Reid
140  William Simms, agent; office, Linen-hall
142  Foster Connor, linen manufacturer, Linen-hall
144  Mrs. Carlisle
146  John McEntire, merchant; office, 91 Victoria Street
148  William Sherrie; shop, 14 & 16 North Street
150  Mr. McCallam
152  George Sparling, buyer for J. Lindsay & Co.
154  Miss Caughey
156  Foster Coates

Kensington Place to Sandy Row

 ~    James Martin, grocer; shop, Bradbury Place
 ~    Moses Hutchinson
 ~    John H. Gilliland, gilder; shop, 12 Castle Street
 ~    James Watt, clerk

off Frederick Street

   1   VACANT
   3   Mary Moffat
   "   James Cummings, cooper
   5  VACANT
   7  James Gunn, labourer
   9  Joseph Ivey, sailor
 11  Wm. Pickra, brushmaker
 13  Eliza Kane
 19  Thomas Welsh, labourer
 21  Missionary Station, Miss Wilson school mistress
 23  Hugh McCormac, car driver
 25  Margaret Pollock
 27  Henry Kane, labourer
 29  Alexander Kerr, carpenter
 31  Catherine Martin, lodging house
 33  James Savage, spirit dealer and grocer
 35  Mrs. Kennedy, spirit dealer and grocer
 37  Betty Ann Wills, shirtmaker
 39  John Robinson, pensioner
 41  Mrs. James, huckster
 43  M. J. Hamilton
 45  William Darley
 47  James Hanna, labourer
 49  John McCristle, labourer
 51  James Hall, horse dealer
 53  Patrick McDermott, carter
 55  Isabella McGuirk, provision dealer
 57  Mrs. Monaghan
 59  Mrs. McPeak, dealer
 61  James Norris, grocer
 72  Clements Girven, labourer
 70  Rose McCabe
 68  W. Johnston, fireman
 66  William Henry, weaver
 64  Robert Murray, labourer
 60  James Wright, labourer
 58  George Shepherdson, pensioner
56&54  Hugh Burns
 52  Jane Wilson, washerwoman
 50  Henry Morrison, pork cutter
 48  William McClintock, baker
 46  Thomas Graham, baker
 44  James Smith, pensioner
 42  Hugh Hanley, pork cutter
40&38  Joseph Brannand, grocer
 36  Hugh Cooper, carpenter
 34  Samuel McMurray, porter
 32  Patrick McQuillan, labourer
 30  Thomas Stewart, labourer
 28  Margaret Craeton
 26  Jane Bell, huckster
 24  Thomas Culbert, pork cutter
 22  Patrick Fitzpatrick, dealer
 20  Mary McDonnell
 18  Patrick Ferran, spirit dealer
16&14  Andrew McKeag, grocer
 12  Ann Murphy
 10  James Harlan, weaver
   8  Mary Miles, widow
   6  Samuel Kelly, shoemaker
   4  VACANT
   2  R. Magouran, smith

Falls Road

   2  VACANT
   4  Yards
   6  P. Monaghan, coal dealer
   8  John Morgan, flax buyer
 10  Edward Trainor, baker
12&14  Alexander St. West National School; teacher, Jas. McQuillan;
       mistress, Miss E. Magennis
 21  Bernard Neeson, carpenter
 23  Michael Sloan, carpenter
 25  Robert Campbell, carpenter
 27  R. McClennaghan, millwright
 29  Samuel Ewing, linen lapper
 31  Jas. Rodgers, manager of mill
 33  Anne Niblock
 35  Andrew Grey, miller
 37  John Lewers, clerk
 39  Wm. Savage, clerk
 41  John Kelly, flax buyer
 43  Hugh Beggs, miller
 47  Joseph Henderson
 49  Henry Johnston, pawn broker
 63  Thos. McCracken, plasterer
 65  John Fee, carpenter
 67  Thomas Quinn, flax dresser
 69  Robert Donnelly, clerk
 71  J. McFall, clerk
 73  James McCaffery, bleacher
 75  Thos. Johnston, bookbinder
 77  Hugh Downey, grocer
 16  Wm. Downey, linen lapper
 18  John McEntee, officer of custom
 20  Mrs. Manderson
 22  Hugh McFarland, linen lapper
 24  Henry Adams, servant
 26  Peter McCabe, servant
 30  Charles Byrne, carpenter
 34  John Gill
 46  Richard Nugent, compositor
 48  Arthur Creighton, porter
 50  John Cunningham, labourer
 52  James Potts, labourer
 54  Wm. Boyd, carpenter
 56  Patrick Mooney, pensioner
 58  James Clements, carpenter
 60  Wm. Thompson, grocer
 62  Joseph Brankin, shoemaker
 64  Wm. Scott, painter
 66  Francis McCann, law clerk
 68  John Martin, shoemaker

May Street to Sussex Place

   2  Alex. Mitchell, civil engineer
   4  Thomas Burns
   6  James Mathison
   8  Wm. Andrews, wholesale grocer
 10  Samuel M. McGee, High Street
 12  W. H. Phillips, Bridge Street
 14  Mrs. Ellen Ward
 16  Dr. Wm. Burden
  ~   Presbyterian Meeting-house; Rev. George Shaw, minister; Alex
       Deans, sexton; house in rear
  5  The Misses Brown's School
  ~  Alfred Place Meeting-house; Rev. L. Hutchinson, minister; John
      Deans, sexton
  3  Stables
  ~  National School House; Mrs. Clarke, Miss Kane and Miss
      Carson, schoolmistresses

off Peter's Hill

fifteen small houses  

Falls Road

   1  Entry door
   3  Henry Douglass, engineer
   5  Kennedy Hunter, mechanic
   7  Sarah Douglass
   9  Hugh Gormand, watchman
 11  James Coulter, worker in mill
 13  Wm. McAteer, hackler
 15  Wm. Neilly, worker in mill
 17  S. McCune, worker in mill
 19  Jane Leathem, widow
 21  Catherine McGough
 23  Andrew McKeown, turner
 25  Charles Stewart, mechanic
   2  Entry door
   4  Robert McCrory, overlooker in mill
   6  Thomas Cochrane, do
   8  Thos. Thompson, mill worker
 10  George Devlin, hackler
 12  Thomas Smith, labourer
 14  John Feegan, carpenter
 16  Andrew Manna, hackler
 18  Wm. Glencross, hackler
 20  James Edmund, porter
 22  Robert Lewis, labourer

Crumlin Road

   27  Francis Haddock, Belfast Bank
   29  Rev. John Seymour, Christ Church
   31  Wm. Eakin, wholesale druggist, Donegall Street
   33  Hugh M. Morrow, gentleman

Old Lodge Road to Wall Street

   1  Daniel Magee, grocer, side entrance
   3  A. Dixon, worker in foundry
   5  Mrs. McCourd
   7  A. Reid, tailor
   9  Jas. Ferguson, tobacco spinner
 11  William McKechnie, pensioner
 13  George Patterson, mechanic
 15  Thomas McCardill, hair dresser
 17  Samuel Alexander, carpenter
 19  John McMurray, overseer
 21  Mrs. Watters
 23  James Overend, carpenter
 25  James Cubbin, carpenter
 27  Robert Finlay, carver
 29  John Elliott, grocer
 31  Alex. Abernethy, painter
 33  Daniel McKeath, bootmaker
 35  Henry McCrystal, stone mason
 37  William Joiner, currier
 39  Mrs. Quinn, dressmaker
 41  Hugh McCluskey, storeman
 43  James Lennon, linen lapper
 45  James Dinsmore, painter
 47  John McCreedy, chandler
 49  Herr Clinga, tinsmith
 51  Theo. Boal, cabinet maker
 53  J. Stewart, grocer, hall door
 50  John Dougan, carpenter
 48  George Lemon, mechanic
 46  Robert Leathem, cooper
 44  John Greenlaw, blacksmith
 42  Robert Milligan, mechanic
 40  James Dooner, bricklayer
 38  Mrs. McGowan
 36  John Wilson, painter
 32  James Bulger, grocer
 30  Michael Bratinny, ordnance surveyor
 28  Isaac Jennett, dentist
 26  Agnes McClusky, washerwoman
 24  Bernard Brown, pavier
 22  Francis Leech, sawyer
 20  Mary Donnelly
 18  William Dobbin, bricklayer
 16  John Reid, agent Belfast Total Abstinence Association
 14  Josiah Bell, carpenter
 12  William McKinley, mechanic
 10  William Holmes, carpenter
   8  Richard Savage, painter
   6  William Brown, baker
   4  Wm. Jas. Wasson, compositor
   2  John Russell, clerk

off Little York Street, rear of Earl Street

   1  William Wright, porter
   3  James McRoberts, mechanic
   5  James Boyd, ship carpenter
   7  John Clarke, ship carpenter
   9  James Ward, painter
  11  John Devlin, blacksmith
  13  John Bell, carpenter
  15  M. Maddin, pilot
  17  John Houston, ship carpenter
  18  James Delaney, shirtmaker
  16  John McKenna, ship carpenter
  14  John McCoy, ship carpenter
  12  John McGaghan, labourer
  10  Robert Colvin, ship carpenter
    8  James Burker, seaman
    6  Richard Coulter, sawyer
    4  Hutchinson Robinson, seaman
    2  James Hill, pilot

Brunswick Street to Great Victoria Street

   2  Back entrance to O'Hanlon's Hotel
   ~ Gateway
 11  Terence Elliott, schoolmaster
   9  William Erskine, schoolmaster, Townsend Street School
   7  Mrs. Costello
   5  Richard Milgate
   3  Thomas Maxwell, clerk
   1  James Montgomery

off Millfield

about fifteen small houses

Shankill Road

a few small houses

off Verner Street

   1  Hugh Barr, car driver
   3  Wm. J. Rareton, store keeper
   5  Richard Hutton, labourer
   7  Hugh Carson, publican
   9  David Trowsdale
  11  John Ingram
  13  James Connolly, car driver
  15  John McMahon, manager of Messrs. Lindsay & Co's.
        ribbon factory
  17  J. Campbell, police sergeant
  19  William McGarry, labourer
  21  Samuel McCullough, bricklayer
  23  Wm. Wylie, boot and shoemaker
  25  Thomas Bole, carter
  27  John Hatrick, sawyer
  29  Thos. Lattimore, coachmaker
  31  Henry Gibson, tailor
  33  Robert Boyd, mechanic
  35  T. McDowell, coachmaker
  37  Abraham Holt, gasfitter
  39  Mrs, Mary Duffy
  41  Bernard Doran, spirit dealer
  43  VACANT
  45  Hugh Strain, car owner
  47  William Kennedy, flax dealer
  49  A. Bernard & Koch, flax stores
  18  William McCullough, sailor
  16  James Jamison, labourer
  14  Mrs. Berwick
  12  James Hall, porter
  10  Hugh Megraw, waste dealer
    4  J. McNeale, carter
    2  Wm. Pentland, horse dealer

rear New Court House, Old Lodge Road

290  Mr. Hay, draper
    2  J. Wallace, brick manufacturer

Arthur Street to Queen's Bridge

   1  H. W. Donaldson, publican
   3  Robert Herron, hairdresser
   5  Robert Henderson, whitesmith
   7  E. McKee, grocer
   "  Wm. Thompson, cabinet maker
   9  S, Moore, provision dealer
 11  Robert Henderson, whitesmith and bell hanger
15&17  Wm. Haddock, grocer and spirit dealer
 19  R. Gilmore, grocer and spirit dealer
 21  Rose Kerr, star Saloon
 23  John Roberts, soap and candle manufacturer
 25  James Barry, grocer
 27  E. L. Wigan, agent for William Younger & Co.'s Edinburgh
       Brewery; E. C. Irvine, manager; residence, 6 Glenfield Place
 29  John Martin & Co., merchants 
  "    John Martin, Killyleagh Mills
  "    Samuel Martin
  "    Robert Ireland, flour merchant
  "    Thos. Shaw, wholesale grocer
 31  Shaw & Finlay, soap and candle manufacturer
 33  William H. Milligan, grocer, tobacco and snuff manufacturer
 35  Thomas McClure, printer
  "    H. Hamilton & Co., grocers; residence, 85 Donegall Street
 37  William Gregg, iron merchant; residence, 4 Murray's Terrace
 41  John Wightman, grocer
 43  J. Crosbie, Tailor and draper
  "    William Thompson, dining and refreshment rooms
 45   A. Wright & Co., pawn brokers
 47   Samuel Hill & Co., wholesale druggists; residence, 9 Joy
 49  John Fetherston, publican
51&53  John Moffett, soap and candle manufacturer
 55   Hugh Cherry, harness maker
 57   David Rodgers, saddler
 79   E. & A. De Martelly & Co., general agents and commission
        merchants; residence, Ovoca Park, Dunmurray
 81   Ann Street Iron Works, Musgrave Brothers, proprietors
83&85  H. & E. Musgrave, tea and sugar merchants; residence
         Drumglass, Lower Malone
  ~     D. Currell, jun., & Co., muslin weaving factory, in rear of
         Messrs. Musgraves' premises
  ~     Entrance to Pork Market
 87   John Burke, ship broker and coal merchant
 89   Thos. McGraw's stabling yard
110  John Jordan, publican
108  James McClure, Birkmyre's bakery
106  Thomas Fisher, painter and decorator
  "     Wm. Thomas Watersom, solicitor; Dublin address, 51
        Camden Street; residence, Sydenham, Strandtown
104&102  Wm. Lewers, brewer and malster
100  Jane Fee, publican
  98  William Mulholland, captain of the " Thomas Conley"
  96  VACANT
  94  Bernard Reilly, provision dealer
  92  John Trueman, rope and twine manufacturer; residence, 24
        Brunswick Street
  90  James Corry, grocer
  88  W. H. & J. Campbell, linen drapers, shirtmakers and
  86  William Bell's iron stores &c
  84  A. Boak & Co., grocers and provision merchants
  82  William Lytle, chandler; residence, 4 College Square North
  80  S. W. Campbell, grocer; residence, 32 Great George's Street
    "   Frederick Jee, merchant; residence, 1 Lower Crescent
    "   John Fraser & Son, civil engineers and architects; James
         Fraser's residence, Mount Pottinger
    ( Victoria Street Intersects )
  78  W. J. Johnston & Co., wholesale grocers; W. J. Johnston's
         residence, 43 Mountview Terrace; Henry Thompson's
         residence, Victoria Place
  76  J. & W. Anderson & Co., tinsmiths
  74  J. McCutcheon, leather merchant
  72  Wm. Sergison, copper and tinsmith
   "    Eliza Sergison, furrier
  70  William Bain, grocer
  68  John Lowry, spirit dealer
  66  Samuel Hill & Co., druggists
  62  John Graham, hair cutter
  60  J. & W. Watt, grocers
  58  Isaac Bailie, boot and shoemaker
  56  Jane Hepburn, haberdasher
  54  John Lynn, painter and glazier
  52  Samuel Smyth, boot and shoemaker
  50  Anne Ingle, bonnet warehouse
  48  R. McClure, boot & shoemaker
  46  Wm. Mawhinney, surgeon
    "   S. Toman, grocer
  42  Robert Orr, publican
  40  James Moore, printer
  38  James Scott, grocer
  36  James Rutherford, spirit store
   "    J. Gribbin, boot and shoemaker
  32  Magee & Co., plumbers, gasfitters, and lead merchants;
         residence, Cluan Cottage
  30  W. Hogg, grocer and provision merchant
  26  James Black, boot and shoemaker
  24  Mrs. Peake, publican & lodging house keeper
  22  Mrs. Hazelton, haberdasher
  20  W. J. McKinney, bootmaker &c.
  18  J. V. Scarborough, clog maker
  16  James Lipsey & Co., wine and spirit merchants
  14  James Wylie, poulterer
  12  J. S. Somerville, watchmaker
10&8  James Young, publican
    6  T. Clegg & Sons, clog makers
    4  James D. Gaffikin, poulterer
    2  Matthew Steel, jeweler and haberdasher

Antrim Road

   1  James Caldwell, sewed muslin manufacturer; office, Curtis St
   2  Mrs. Hodgins
   3  Miss Berwick
   4  John Steele, draper; shop, 7 Donegall Street
   5  Robert Thompson, yarn merchant, Talbot Street
   6  G. Pelan, clerk
   7  Mrs, Collins
   8  Mrs. Deeble
   9  J. W. Henry, sewed muslin manufacturer, 16 Church Street

from head of Donegall Street

   2  Thomas McCulloch, ballast supplier
   4  James Carlisle's timber yard
   "   T. McCullogh, carman's yard
   6  Daniel Hagan, mechanic
   8  Thomas Wilson, cart maker
 12  Charles Burns, mechanic
 16  Owen Clay, labourer
 22  Samuel Fleming, coach builder, cartwright, and round timber
  ~    Lying-in Hospital
    ( Carlisle Circus )
  ~    Vicinage
  ~    Convent of Sisters of Mercy and Belfast Orphanage
  ~    Mrs. Christie
  ~    Patrick Murray, lime burner, residence, Lagan Village
  ~    Rev. W. Bruce, The Farm
  ~    Mrs. Samuel Bruce, Thorndale
  ~    Robert Johnston, gardener
  ~    D. Sykes, Joy Lodge, car owner
  ~    John F. Harbinson, jeweller, High Street
  ~    Mrs. <McAllister, Pebble Cottage
  ~    Wm. Morris, Brookville, chandler; 42 North Street
  ~    Belfast Water Works - William John Smyth, gardener;
        A. Gilmore, caretaker
  ~    Lime Works, Cavehill Railway Co., manager, Mr. Turner
  ~    Robert Potts, of J. & R. Potts, Rosemount
  ~    Patrick Kinnear, Willowbank, linen merchant; office,
        Corporation Place
  ~    Ross Saulter, Marsden Villa; linen merchant; office, Donegall
        Square West
  ~    Thomas Sinclair, Hopefield; office, Tomb Street
  ~    John Duncan, gardener
      ( Right Hand )
  ~  Rev. Wm. Johnston, Parkville; Townsend Street Presbyterian
  ~  J. C. Gardner; office, York Lane
  ~  Archibald Kent; office, 64 York Street
  ~  Robert Magill; shop, Castle Place
  ~  Hugh H. Boyd; 4 Commercial Buildings
  ~  Wakefield Dickson, Parkville; at Richardson Brothers & Co.
  ~  John Preston, Dunmore; offices, Calender Street
  ~  Rev. Wm. Gibson, Newington, Prof. Presbyterian College
  ~  Robert Fenn Carter, of Dunbar Dickson & Co.
  ~  Col. Macpherson, Clanchattan
  ~  Wm. McGladdery, spirit dealer
  ~  John Gray, mechanic
  ~    Joseph Gregg, carman
  ~    Mary McLaughlin, spirit dealer and curds and cream house
  ~    Gilbert Weir, sewed muslin manufacturer, Lodgeview; office
        Queen Square
  ~    William Wilkinson, servant
  ~    James Boyd, labourer
  ~    Hannah Moore, dealer
  ~    Maxwell Graham, carpenter
  ~    William Holmes, bookvendor
  ~    Antrim Road Constabulary Station, Sergeant J. Simpson
  ~    A. Nelson, spirit dealer
  ~    Daniel Kennedy, muslin manufacturer, Church Street
  ~    Charles H. Rea, Church Street
  ~    Cassino, Major Tydd
  ~    H. Madden, grocer

Antrim Road, right side

   1  John Potts, of J. & R. Potts, North Street
   2  W. H. F. Kisbey, editor of News Letter
   3  Mrs. Hamilton

Antrim Road, left side

   ~   Herbert Darbishire, linen merchant, Fountain Lane
   ~   William E. Young, of Harbour Commissioners' office

Donegall Pass

   48  P. Erskine, grain merchant, 62 Corporation Street
   50  George S. Orr, sewed muslin manufacturer, Bedford St.
   52  Mr. McCann; office, Eliza Street
   54  Robt. Alexander, general merchant and ship broker, 1, 2,
         3 and 4 Victoria Chambers
   56  John Cuppage
   58  VACANT
   60  Jas. Martin, commission agent, Castle Chambers
   62  Mrs. Knox

Falls Road

   1  J. R. T. Mulholland
   2  Thos. O'Brien, linen bleacher
   3  R. Hamilton, engraver; office, 43 Castle Street
   4  VACANT

Falls Road, left side

   2  Dr. Murray
   4  Mrs. Parker
   6  Christopher O'Brien, clerk
   8  Henry J. McKittrick, cap manufacturer
 12  William Adams, flax buyer
 16  Andrew Parke
 18  James Reynolds, mechanic
 20  Robert Hanna, writing clerk
 22  Roland Smith, drawing master
 24  Mr. Whitaker, Model School
 26  Henry Johnston, pawn broker
 28  Matilda Macnamee
 30  William Anderson, painter
 32  Joseph McCullough, labourer
 34  Daniel McAleese, shoemaker
 36  John Hungerford, carpenter
 43  Charles Conly, labourer
 41  James McNally, linen lapper
 39  John Hayes, pensioner
 37  Mrs. McKenna
 35  Charles Bannon, shoemaker
 33  Daniel McAleese, shoemaker
 31  Patrick McCorry, servant
 29  Mr. Savage
 27  William Thompson, grocer

Old Lodge Road to Wall Street

   1  Jas. Sinclair, street inspector
   3  William Elliott
   5  David Donaldson, joiner
   7  James Morrison, clerk
   9  James Hempson, agent Liverpool Life Insurance Society
 11  Mrs. Smith
 13  Alexander McCoy, tailor
 15  Mrs. Culbert
 17  James Branagh, labourer
 19  James Cornwall, valet
 21  Mrs. Esther Rea
 23  James McCallum, painter
 25  John Connolly, publican
 27  William Hunter, grocer
 29  John O'Neill, chandler
 31  James Kelly, labourer
 33  Samuel Leonard, chandler
 35  W. Foster, carpenter
 37  James O'Driscoll, tailor
 39  Mrs. Dunbar
 41  Edward Ellcock, mechanic
 43  James Laird, clerk in the "Mercury"
 45  W. Williamson, book binder
 47  Robert Hyndman
 49  William Munro, saddler
 42  Wm. Moutray, baker
 40  John Coey, bread server
 38  James Steel, servant
 36  Charles Jones, pork cutter
 34  David Clarke, writing clerk
 32  Wm. McDade, salesman
 30  Wm. Bulger, plasterer
 28  George Whiteside, salesman
 26  R. Moffett, boot and shoemaker
 24  Mrs. Robinson
 22  George Millen, porter
 20  Daniel McKay, mechanic
 18  John Farrell, plumber
 16  Ralph Briggs, pensioner
 14  William McCoy, foreman, fancy box maker
 12  John Lawless, carpenter
 10  David Robinson, porter
   8  Robert Young, carpenter
   6  William Edwards, stone cutter
   4  John Elliott, bricklayer
   2  John Gamble, upholsterer

off Upper Arthur Street

   2  Samuel Thomas, bell hanger
   4  Margt. Hamilton, shirt maker
   6  Edward Hearty, car driver
   8  Patrick Cassidy, car driver
 10  James Kavanagh, dealer
   5  Samuel Kennedy, car owner
   3  Peter McAuley, carpenter
   1  Felix Murtagh, drayman

off Arthur Street

   1  Belfast Young Men's Christian Association
   7  VACANT
   9  Peter Weir, of Glasgow, sewed muslin manufacturer; Mr.
       Hamilton, manager; residence, Malone
   ~  Plough Hotel Stables
   ~  J. H. Gowan's auction mart
   8  T. J. Cantrell's aerated water manufactory
   6  R. Rice, linen manufacturer
   4  R. Rice's dwelling house


   1  Thistle Hotel, David Dunlop, proprietor
   3  James Young, solicitor; Dublin address, 51 Camden Street;
       residence, Fox Lodge
   5  Samuel Edgar & Son, woolen drapers and haberdashers
   7  R. Gaffikin, carver and gilder; residence, 12 Clarendon Place
   9  Robert Murray, dyer
   "   R. Ritchie, tailor
 11  Charles Blackwood; shop Corn Market
 10  David Allen, printer
   8  E. Mackenzie, grocer
   6  James McCann, hair dresser &c
   4  T. Brown, jeweller
   2  Mrs. Skurry

Arthur Square to Chichester Street

   1  Theatre Royal; James Scott, manager
   5  John Dyer, Northern Servants' Registry Office, agent for her
        Majesty's Land and Emigration Commissioners & general
        emigration agent; also agent for the Birkenhead Steam
        Bleaching Silk and Woolen Dye Works, and the English and
        Irish Church and University Life Assurance
   "   William Bailie, tailor
   7  Wm. Harris, watch material dealer
   9  J. W. Berry, accountant
 13  John Cinnamond, boot and shoemaker; shop, 28 High St.
15&17  R. Kennedy, cabinet maker and upholsterer
 19  Mrs. David Patterson, millinery
 21  Archibald Burnett, painter and decorator
  "    James Sloan, family linen retail warehouse
 23  Mrs. O'Farrell, milliner &c
  "    Wm. Bowden, dentist
 25  Anne Murray, tobacconist; residence, Fortwilliam
 27  Samuel Stevenson, tailor &c
 29  Archd. Bell, dyer and scourer
 31  Alexander Moore, house and decorative painter
  "    John Dinnen, solicitor, 51 Camden Street and Talbot Street,
        Dublin; and Newtownards; residence, Cabin Hill, Dundonald
 33   Mr. Le Fevre, linen merchant; office, Donegall Street Place
  "     Income Tax Office
 35  James McLean, solicitor; Dublin address; 51 Camden St.
       private residence, Holywood
 37  Samuel Moore, solicitor; Dublin address, 12 Gardiner's Pl.
 41  John Kennedy, house and general agent, conveyancer,
       master extraordinary in chancery, commissioner for taking
       affidavits; Dublin address, 18 Fleet Street; private
       residence, 55 Prospect terrace
 43  John Coates, solicitor; Dublin address, 4 Anglesea Street;
       and Newtownards
 45  William Dillon, proctor and solicitor; Dublin address, 12
 47  G. A. Carruthers, agent for the Standard Life and Royal
       Fire Insurance Companies; office of the Royal Botanic
       and Horticultural Company ( Limited )
 38  Miss Robertson, millinery rooms
 36  George Brown, ladies' silk dyer, artificial florist &c
 34  Henry Russell, solicitor; Dublin address, 39 North Great
      George's Street
  "   William Crawford, Dalchoolan, Holywood
 32  Charles Davis, dentist
 30  W. M. Collins, solicitor; Dublin address, 103 Capel Street
 28  Unitarian Book and Tract Depository, Miss Harrison agent
 26  Thomas McQuiston, glazier and house painter
 24  Belfast Young Men's Christian Association
 20  General Assembly's Missions and Church and Manse office;
       Secretaries, Rev. G. Bellis and Rev. J. Speers
  "    Bible and Colportage Bible Society; Robert McGeagh,
16&18  VACANT
 14  Robert Galbraith, hair dresser, wig maker, perfumer &c
12&10  Mercury office
   8  John McMahon, commission agent
  "    Miss McCracken, milliner ( upstairs )
   6  Robert Adrain, boot and shoe warehouse
   4  M & S Oldrin, baby linen warehouse
   2  Samuel Edgar; shop, 5 Arthur Square

continuation of Arthur Street

 49  Clerical Rooms
  "    Down and Connor and Dromore Church Education Society
        D. Morrow, assistant secretary
  "    Society for Discountenancing Vice
  "    Office and reading rooms of the United Church of England
       and Ireland Young Men's Society
  "    M. J. Frings, professor modern languages, Queen's College
 51  J. A. & E. Johnston, milliners and dress makers
 53  J. H. Tittle, solicitor; Dublin address, 23 Middle Gardiner Street
 55  Miss Grattan, milliner
 57  E. H. Bell's Academy
 63  Chemico-Agricultural Society; Dr. Hodges, analytic chemist
 65  Robert Ireland, flour merchant, Ann Street
 67  Mrs. Stewart ( late Miss Courtney ), milliner & dress maker
 69  John Turner, Mr. Pim's office, Donegall Quay
  "    Miss Black's School
 71  Lord Viscount Dungannon's rent office; George Posnett, J.P.
       agent; J. M. Conville, sub-agent
 73  Mrs. Collins
 58  Edward McHugh, merchant, Rosemary Street
 56  The Misses Rooks' boarding and day school
 52  Joseph Watt, collector of poor rate
 50  Mrs. Skelton
 48  Mrs. Allen
 46  Mrs. Matier's School
 44  Wm. J Matier, civil engineer, valuator, architect and
  "    Miss Sparling
 42  Modesto Silo & Sons, carvers, gilders, upholsterers and
       picture frame manufacturers
  "    M. Silo, Italian interpreter


   1  Patrick Cush, car owner
   "   Bozi & Co., flax stores
   4  R. & J. Workman's stables
   "   James Kennedy, muslin manufactory

Artillery Barracks, North Queen Street

   1  Roger T. Hilland, grocer
   3  VACANT
   5  VACANT
   7  VACANT
   9  Bernard O'Neill, printer
 11  Leslie Bell
 13  Wm. Graham, labourer
 15  Catherine Bourne, mill worker
 17  Charles Kennedy, labourer
 19  John Murphy, labourer
 21  Mary Hannan
 23  Mary McCann
 25  James McClean, mill worker
 27  Thomas Middleton, watchman
 29  Neil Maginnis, labourer
 31  Thomas Curley, coal porter
 33  John Hutton, watchman
 35  Wm. McCullough, labourer
 37  John Tumblety, brick layer
 50  Charles Rafferty, labourer
46&44  Michael Mallon, labourer
42&40  Fras. Mallon, mill worker
 38  John Murray, labourer
 36  John Cupples, labourer
 34  James Irvine, mill worker
 32  John Edgar, carding master
 30  John McVeigh, hackler
 28  James McSweigan. labourer
 26  W. Macoubrey, labourer  ( McCoubrey)
 24  J. Macoubrey, street inspector
 22  Mrs. Boyd, washerwoman
 20  John Morrow, hackler
 18  Mrs. Boyle
 16  Charles Matthewson, penner
 14  John Logan, labourer
 12  James Falloon, labourer
 10  John Connor, labourer
   8  Mrs. O'Neill
   6  Nancy Giffen, widow
   4  James Ewins, labourer
   2  Patrick Roddy, labourer

off Conway Street

six small houses

from Durham Street to College Street South

   1  Richard Johnston, haberdashery and grocery
   3  H. Donaldson, scripture reader
   5  Robert McILroy, linen lapper
   7  Alexander Agnew, shoemaker
   9  Robert Swanson
 11  Richard Surplis, designer
 13  Moffet Dickson, linen lapper
 15  Wm. John Scott, plumber
 17  William Lynas, inspector of gas metres
 19  Robert Walton, engine driver
 21  James Moore, shopman
 23  George Nicholl, labourer
 25  John Charleton, bookkeeper
 27  Hugh Moore, bookkeeper
 29  Dr. Ferris
 31  Isabella Craig
 33  James Callendar, currier
 37  Henry Murray, bookkeeper
 39  Wm. Wilson, manager in Staunton, Coates & Co., Donegall Pl
 32  Henry McLoughlin, advertising clerk, Morning News office
 30  Wm. Johnston, carpenter
 28  Wm. Kennedy, mill manager
 26  Thomas Coleman, bookkeeper
 24  Samuel Lyons, brick layer
 22  David Patterson, nt. constable
 20  John Scarborough, clog maker; shop, Ann Street
 18  John Davidson, sewed muslin designer
 16  Francis Armstrong, servant
 14  James Canavan, soldier
 12  William Clark, foreman printer, News Letter office
 10  Joel Holden, factory worker
   2  Miss Gamble, school mistress

from Athol street to College Street

   1  VACANT
   3  VACANT
   5  John C. Anderson
   7  Peter Reynolds, of the firm of Reynolds Brothers, Mill St.

Donegall Pass

 120  Henry Mulholland
 122  Mr. Wood
 124  David  Hunter, traveler
 126  R. W. Davison, buyer in J. Lindsay & Co., Ulster Arcade
 128  P. Miller, buyer in Young & Anderson's, Donegall Street

Carlisle Circus, Antrim Road

   1  Daniel McKee, school master
   3  Andrew McCully, salesman
   5  Mrs. Nelson, visiting  governess
   7  John Pyper, principal of the Mercantile Academy, Donegall St