Pte. F. Morris
3rd Middlesex Regt.
Wounded at Ypres, April, 12th, 1915
When the golden sun is sinking,
And your mind from care is free,
When of loved ones you are thinking,
You will sometimes think of me.
Think of me when you are lonely,
Plan for me one little spot,
In the depths of your affections,
Plane the sweetest forgetmenot.
Pte. E.
1st ??. ?. Gds. ** see image below
July 4th 1915
more info
In years to come,
When again you look,
Just give a thought,
To the one who wrote in this book.

Pte. A. V. Feltham
1st Worcestershires
Wounded 21st June 1915
June 4th 1915
Years may come and years may go,
Still of thee shall always think,
Your kindness I shall ne'er forget,
When time of parting I shall regret.
I once has a heart and it was True,
But it has gone from me and Fled to you,
Keep it safe as I have done,
For you have two hearts and I have none.
Private Feltham - I have identified him as 20015, Private Albert V. Feltham of the 1st Battalion the Worcestershire Regiment.
- acheux_rifleman |
Rfm. F. W. Eaton
14th County of London Regt.
Wounded 21st June 1915
Don't trust the man who says and boasts
he is "as honest as the day is long."
He may be a burglar and work by night.
see image

Pte. S. Farnbotham (not clear)
4th Canadian Ontario
see image right
Rfm. T. Eaton
17th County of London Regt.
Wounded La Basse
21 - 7 - 1915
Come into the garden Maud
see image

Pte. J. E. Wilson
No. 1947
4th South Lancashires
Wounded at Ypres June 16th 1915
In her clogs and her shawl,
She is fairer than all
Its nice to have a nice little wife,
Who would sit in the house all day,
Its nice to have a nice little house,
When you've got no rent to pay,
But when you get up in the mornin'
And the kids begin to squall,
Its nicer when you get married,
To have no kids at all.
Pte. Wm. Pope 10928
5th Oxford and Bucks L. I.
Wounded at Ypres June 20th 1915
"By gum its stuck"
see image

Cpl. H. T. G.
1st York and Lancashire Regt.
Wounded at Zonnebeke, Ypres. 23 - 4 - 1915
U.V.F.H. 5 - 7 - 1915
Love is blind some people say,
others seem to doubt it,
but I for my part fancy they,
don't know much about it.
see image
I couldn't make out the rank -
Thank you to Andrew Upton of The
Great War Forum |
J. Crawford
3 Distillery Street
6 - 7 - 1915
A table spoon is a handy thing,
A tea spoon is much neater,
Of all the spoons that I enjoy,
A sofa spoon is much the sweeter.
Sapper J. (or I.) W. Allcorn
3rd London Field Coy R.E.
Wounded at Ypres March 30th 1915
U. V. F. H.
5 - 7 - 1915
The Best of them all
I have lived and I have loved,
I Have worked and I have slept,
I have sung and I have danced,
I have smiled and I have wept,
I have won and wasted treasure,
I have had my full of pleasure.
And all these things but two things,
Were emptiness and pain.
And Love - it was the best of them,
And sleep - worth all the rest of them.
Pte. D. Edwards
9th Royal Scots (Dandie Ninth)?
6th July 1915
Oh Dolly dear but thou are queer,
and full of furiosity,
Your album too, is just like you,
a glorious curiosity.
see image

Pte. Syd Elliott
4 Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers
Wounded at "Hill 60"
26th April 1915
U.V.F.H. - June 9th 1915
see image
I think this may be a drawing of Dolly

possibly :-
4/2088, Private Fred Elliot, 4th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers
- acheux_rifleman |
H. Simmons (not clear)
Wounded June 1915
U.V.F. Hospital
The Divine destiny of Man
These kings shall be a loftier race,
Than e'er the world hath known shall rise,
With flame of freedom in their souls,
And light of knowledge in their eyes.
Private H. B. Henderson
1/5 Seaforth Hdrs.
July 6th 1915
see image
extra information

2447 Pte. R. Bell
1/4? Black Watch
July 6 - 7 - 1915
see image

The practice of "make-up" is
so common amongst the young women of the States, that if you kiss
the Modern girl, you stand a chance of dying from painters' colic.
see image

Pte. J. Logan
A. & S. H.
By Hook or by Crook
I am hanged if I'll be the Last to write in this book.
Ladies shirts are getting shorter,
They will reach the limit soon,
At the present rate they oughter
Be about knee-deep in June.
on same page as Pte. J. Logan |
Harry Lauder -
Where does it lead to
What have we got out of it
How will it end.
see image left
Pte. J. Logan
9th Argyll & Sutherland
Wounded Ypres 10th May 1915
see image right
inside back
Pte. D. Stewart
2nd South Lancashire Regt.
Depot Warrington
this is not an autograph, it looks like
this man had possession of the autograph book?
inside the book are two postcards
Pte. D. Stewart
2nd South Lancs.
see image

1st Postcard
Field Service Post Card
addressed to :-
Mrs. R. J. Stewart
60 Silvio Street
on back
printed options and date 28 - 4 - 1917
see image
2nd Postcard
see image
addressed to :-
Mrs. R. Stewart
60 Silvio Street
Crumlin Road
145 The Mount
Dear Cousin,
Home. send your mother a p.c. and she will help you with the
children from station.
M. J. Dalzell