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1843 Belfast / Ulster Street Directory

1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1951 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970


Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades & Designations.

next :  Advertisements at the back of the book


Fetherson, John, 49 Ann Street.
Grattan & Co., Corn Market.
Harkin, Alex., 5 Hercules Place.
Martin, James, 8 Great Edward Street.
Millen, Hugh, 46 Church Lane.
Morrison, William, 12 Kent Street.
Murray, D., 21 High Street.
McAlester, Charles, 67 High Street.
McKenzie, Alex., 5 Smithfield.
Smith, Robert, & Co., 60 Ann Street.
Wilson, James, 27 Church Lane.

see also Commission Merchants.

Allen, Joseph, & Co., (general) 54 Waring Street.
Bell, Henderson, (manufacturing) Ballymacarrett.
Boyle, Samuel, (general) 16 Ann Street.
Brown, James, (land) 59 Arthur Street Upper.
Bushell, Theobald, (general) 35 North Street.
Campbell, Henry J., 11 James's Street.
Charley, Hill, (ship) Donegall Quay.
Connery, Richard, (land) Castle Chambers.
Dowling, Denis, (law) 6 Fountain Lane.
Fitzsimmons, Nicholas, 6 Corporation Street.
Follingsby, Thomas G., (ship and insurance) 15 Donegall Quay.
Forsythe, John, (land) Castle Chambers.
Foster, William, (ship) 23 Chichester Quay.
Garner, William, (land) Castle Chambers.
Gavin, Robert, (house) 24 Castle Street.
Grogan, Robert, (general) 3 Donegall Quay.
Hart, Samuel, (cotton yarn) 49 Academy Street.
Harvey & Co., 2 Corporation Street.
Hayes, John, 12 William Street South.
Henderson, John, (news) 15b Castle Place.
Henderson, W. D., (general) 9 Waring Street.
Henderson, Robert, (ship and insurance0 25 Donegall Quay.
Hind, Joseph, (forwarding) 1 Chichester Quay.
Hindley, Jos., Ulster Canal Carrying Company, 81 Ann Street.
Hunter & McKissack, (general) 3 Talbot Street.
Hurst, James, 16 Hamilton Street.
Kelly, Hugh, (house and land) 36 Bank Lane.
Kennedy, John, (law) 2 Castle Lane.
Lamb, John, 44 Nelson Street.
Macauley, Patrick, (general) 75 Donegall Street.
Macauley, Jasper, & Co., (colonial land) 9 Donegall Quay.
Magill, Joseph, (foreign) White Linenhall.
Melville, Peter, (house) Millfield.
Munster, P. L., (general) 5 Ritchie's Dock.
McCleery, Wm., (estate and rent) Queen Street.
McCrea, Samuel, (emigration) 37b Waring Street.
McCracken, John William, (insurance and mercantile) 25 James Street.
McGonigal, James, 56 Waring Street.
McKennry, T., (law) 3 Ann Street.
McKibbin, R. D., 74 Waring Street.
McNeill, H. & W., 29 Waring Street.
McTear, George, (ship) 33 Donegall Quay.
Pearson, Samuel, (flax) 4 Cromac Street.
Pim, John, & Brothers, (general) 20 Waring Street.
Plunkett, James, (rent) 31 Castle Street.
Posnett, Hutcheson, (land) Donegall Pass.
Reid, R. M., (general) Warehouse Lane.
Russell, John, (Castlebellingham Ale) 16 Castle Street.
Semple, John, (weaving) 15 Little May Street.
Shaw, Esq., & Co., (commission) 72 Waring Street.
Shaw, John Hiram, (emigration) 7 Chichester Quay.
Sherrard, Conolly, (rent) 25 Queen Street.
Starke, Lieut. Peter, R.N., (government emigration) Custom House.
Stevenson, Jackson S., Commercial Buildings.
Symmonds, S. R., (cotton yarn) 6 Commercial Court.
Thompson, James, (weaving) 31 James's Street.
Topping, John, (ship & general) Limekiln Dock.
Walker, S., (rent) 18b Henry Street.
Ward, T., Esq., (insurance) 25 Bridge Street.
Woods, David, (rent) 12 North Queen Street.


Brown, James, 42 Academy Street.
Clarke, Alexander, 25 John Street.
Cuddy, John, Upper Church Lane.
Johnston, W., 10 Great Patrick Street.

those marked (*) are also Surgeons

* Aickin, John, 29 Corn Market.
Aickin, T. H., 38 Ann Street.
* Beck, J. W., 128 North Street.
Bryson, Samuel, 98 High Street.
*Dorrian, Edward, 68 Donegall Street.
Grattan & Co., 10 & 12 Corn Market.
* Lynch, Patrick, 17 Donegall Place.
Marshall, W., & Co., 100 High Street.
* Marshall, J. D., 8 High Street.
* Mawhinney, James, 4 North Street.
* Moore, D., 4 Castle Place.
* Moore, Hugh, 132 High Street.
* Mulholland, J. S., 80 High Street.
* Murray, D., 21 High Street.
* McBurney, Sam., 48 Donegall Street.
* McCleery, James, 14 North Street.
McEwen, Andrew, 26 Castle Place.
Officer, Alex., 79 North Street & 41 York Street.
Ring, Edward, Fever Hospital.


Jackson, Thomas, 20 Waring Street.
Jackson, John Pim, 3 Arthur Street.
Miller, John, 63 York Street.
Moore, William, 106 High Street.
Shea, William, 33 Hanover Quay.
Thomson, John, 6 James's Street South.
McKenzie, Matthew, 1 James's Street South.


Fabrini, Gaetano, Little May Street.
Frazer, Hugh, 7 Hamilton Street.
Hawksett, Sam., Portrait, 39 Great Edward Street.
Lamont, Miss, Pakenham Place.
Maguire, William H., 9 King Street.


Aberdeen Fire and Life, Joseph Abbott, 41 Donegall Quay & 9 James's Street.
Alliance, Samuel Bruce, Agent, Commercial Buildings.
Alfred Life, Messrs. Garrett, Agents, 16 Castle Lane.
Atlas, C. B. Grimshaw, 1 Piazza, Commercial Buildings.
Bon. Accord. Marine, John Wm. McCracken, 25 James's Street.
British Commercial Life, John Suffern, Jun., Agent, 38 Fountain Street.
British and Irish Fire and Westminster Life, James Goddard, 24 Donegall Place.
Britannia Life, E. & G. Pim, Agents, 29 High Street.
Church of England Fire and Life, George Phillips, 27 Bridge Street.
Clerical Medical, etc., Cranston & Hall, Agents, 33 Arthur Street.
County, Fire, Provident, & Life, Robt. McDowell, Agent, 29 Ann Street.
English & Scottish Law, Fire & Life, Richard Connery, Castle Chambers.
Family Endowment, James D. O'Connor, Savings' Bank.
Farmers' Insurance & Loan Society, James McAdam & Co., 11 Waring Street.
Imperial Life and Fire, J. Pim, Agent, 22 Bridge Street.
Insurance Company of Scotland, Pat. Macaulay, 75 Donegall
Liverpool Fire and Life, J. Currell & Sons, Agents, White Linenhall.
London Union, Robt. Simms, Agt., White Linenhall.
Manchester Fire and Life, Geo. C. Hyndman, Agent, 5 Castle Place.
Marine, T. G. Folingsby, Agent for Scottish Marine Underwriters, 15 Donegall Quay.
Marine, James Goddard, Agent for Lloyd's, London, 24 Donegall Place.
North British Fire, Wm. Cowan, Agent, 17 York Street.
North of Scotland Fire, William D. Henderson, Agent, 9 Waring Street.
National, Ireland, John Harrison, Agent, 1 Donegall Quay.
National Life, Wm. Simms, Jun., Agent, White Linenhall.
National Endowment, Joseph G. Thompson, Agent, 40 High Street.
Norwich Union, T. Ward, Agent, 25 Bridge Street.
Patriotic Fire and Life, W. T. Harvey, Agent, Corporation Street.
Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life, John W. McCracken, Agent, 25 James Street.
Royal Exchange, R. F. Gordon, Esq., Agent, Calendar Street.
Scottish Equitable Life, Robert Henderson, Agent, 25 Donegall Quay.
Scottish Widows' Fund, George W. Braddell, Agent, 3 Castle Lane.
Scottish Union, Gustavus Heyn, Agent, 4 Corporation Street.
Standard Life, of Scotland, Alex. & Robert Arthur, Agents, 24 Donegall Place.
Sun Fire and Life, Richard Baxter, Agent, 4 Queen Street.
United Kingdom Life, Thos. McCammon, 23 King Street.
United Kingdom Total Abstinence Life Association, A. S. Mayne, 1 Donegall Square East.
West of England, John Kane, Agt., 40 North Street.
York and London Fire and Life, T. G. Folingsby, Agent, 15 Donegall Quay.


Byrne, John, 36 & 38 Berry Street.
Cassidy, Patrick, 59 Smithfield.
Clarke, H. C., 5 Rosemary Street.
Devlin, John, 2 Castle Lane & 64 Smithfield.
Hyndman, George C., Broker, 5 Castle Place.
Isles, Henry, 27 Hercules Place.
Heron, Edward, 44 Smithfield.
Keenan, John, 24 Sussex Street.
Laird, Gilbert G., 11b High Street.
Loughran, Wm., 20 Smithfield.
Macintosh, George L., 15 Church Lane.
Magee, Edward, Donegall Pass.
Rice, James, Townsend Street.
Rodgers, William, 12 Bridge Street.
Skilling, W. J., Smithfield.
Smith, Patrick, 44 Berry Street.
Todd, William, 24 Smithfield.


Academy Street Bakery, Samuel Hart, Proprietor.
Belfast Public Bakery, 16 Church Street, J. McKean, Manager.
Bell, Wm., 38 Great Edward Street.
Bell, William, 34 Berry Street.
Birkmyre, T., 134 Ann Street.
Campbell, Robert, 10 Arthur Street.
Courtnay, Henry, Ship Bread, 74 James' Street.
Eccles, M. A., Carrick Hill.
Elliott, Wm. J., 30 Rosemary Street.
Elliott, Thomas, North Street.
Falloon, John, Ship Bread, 38 James's Street.
Gilmore, William, 41 Ann Street.
Harvey, Mrs., 45 Waring Street.
Hill, Martin, 6 Lancaster Street.
Hill, Joseph, 66 Great Patrick Street.
Hughes, Bernard, 71 Donegall Street.
Hunter, Charles, 99 North Street.
Hughes, William, 13 North Street.
Ireland, Mrs., 38 Princes Street.
Johnston, Mrs. Ellen, 31 Mill Street.
Kennedy, John, 10 Hercules Street.
Kirker, Archibald, 37 Cromac Street.
Kirkwood, James, 60 Peter's Hill.
Louden, Thomas, 74 James's Street.
Meek, John, 7 Barrack Street.
McCarten, William, 56 Milfield.
McKillop, John, 113 North Street.
Patterson, Alex., 62 Waring Street.
Quigley, Samuel, 18 Cromac Street.
Shannon, James, 6 Great Patrick Street.
Stevenson, James, 8 Curtis Street.
Todd, William, 9 Cromac Street.
Trelford, William, 171 North Street.
Watters, Allen, 23 Church Lane.
Wilson, John, North Queen Street.
Woods, James, 12 Talbot Street.
Yeates, William, 28 Corn Market.


Bank of Ireland, Donegall Place.
Belfast Bank, Waring Street.
Belfast Savings', King Street.
Northern Bank, 1 Castle Street.
Provincial Bank of Ireland, 36 Donegall Street.
Ulster Bank, 5 Waring Street.


Davis, George, Corn Market.
Milliken, Israel, 89 Peter's Hill.
Moore, John, Donegall Arms.


Cassidy, J., Museum, College Square.
Nicholl, James, 26 Waring Street.

Those market thus (*) are Cotton Bleachers

Andrews & Borthwick, Kilroot, Carrickfergus.
Arthurs, William, 12 Calendar Street.
* Bell, John & William L., & Co., 2 York Lane.
* Bragg, Henry, & Son, 8 York Street.
Charley & Roberts, Colon.
Curell, John & Daniel, White Linenhall.
Ferguson, Thomas, & Sons, Linenhall.
Gray, William, & Son, Linenhall.
Howie, Robert, & Co., 12 Commercial Court.
* McConkey & Howie, Donegall Street Place.
* Orr, William & Co., Genalina.
Richardson, J. N., & Sons, & Owden, 14 Donegall Street.
Smith, Edward, J. Son, White Linenhall.

Those market thus (*) are also Stationers

Campbell, Robert, 70 High Street.
* Harrison, George & Co., 2 Pottinger's Entry.
* Henderson, John, 15b Castle Place.
Ireland, Thomas, 11b High Street.
Martin & Grenan, Hamilton's Court.
Moore, James, 27 Donegall Street.
McBurnie, Robert, 47 Talbot Street.
McCabe, Pat., 21 Mustard Street.
Rusk, John, 18 Crown Entry.
* Tate, & Co., 3 Crown Entry.
* Ward, Marcus, 6 Corn Market.

see also Bookbinders

Archer & Sons, Wholesale, 27 Castle Place.
Brown, Andrew, 125 York Street.
Coffey, Wm., Print Seller, 4 High Street.
Devlin, John, 10 Frederick Street.
Fullarton, A., & Co., Great Patrick Street - J. Forsythe, Agent.
Greer, Henry, and Fancy Warehouse, 31 High Street.
Harrison, Geo., 2 Pottinger's Entry.
Harrison, John, 42 Nelson Street.
Henderson, John, and Publisher, 15b Castle Place.
Hodgson, John, and Print Seller, 9 High Street.
Ireland, Robert, 74 North Street.
Lamont, E. H., 20 Castle Place.
Magee, Adam, 16 Thomas Street.
Moore, James, and Account Book Manufacturer, 27 Donegall Street.
Mullan, John, 18 Corn Market.
McCarty, Daniel, Wholesale Paper, 13 Edward Street.
McComb, William, and Publisher, 1 High Street.
McDonald, James, 30 Glo'ster Street.
O'Neill, James, 40 Ann Street.
Phillips, George, and Publisher, 27 Bridge Street.
Pollock, James, 62 North Street.
Rea, Miss, 17 Waring Street.
Simms and McIntyre, Wholesale and Publishers, 26 Donegall Street.
Smith, Joseph, and Publisher, 34 High Street.
Sutherland, David G., and Co., 71 York Street.
Ward, Marcus, 6 Corn Market.


Bailie, Isaac, 63 Ann Street.
Beattie, Mrs., (ladies'), 108 North Street.
Blake, James, 94 High Street.
Burns, Thomas, 82 Ann Street.
Byrne, James, 92 High Street.
Cinnamond, John, 5 Arthur Street.
Coey, James, 4 Donegall Place & 35 Donegall Street.
Craig, James S., 11 John Street.
Davison, John, 30 Mill Street.
Doody, John, 30 John Street.
Dunlop, J., 71 High Street.
Faulkner, Alex., 8 Church Lane.
Fisher, Hamilton, 26 Church Lane.
Frazer, Daniel, 119 North Street.
Garvey, Peter, 18 Ann Street.
Gray, G., 121 North Street.
Hector, P., 46 Talbot Street.
Henry, J., 122 North Street.
Hipwell, ?, 70 High Street.
Hutton, William, 21 Church Street.
Lindsay, Alex., 13 Skipper Street.
Maguire, Alexander, 42 Ann Street.
Moore, George, Wholesale and Exportation, 26 High Street.
Moore, David, 62 Ann Street.
Mortimer, John, 5 Church Lane.
McAfee, George, 4 Ann Street.
McAuley, Bernard, 94 North Street.
McClelland, John, 8 John Street.
McClure, Robert, 46 Ann Street.
McCord, John, 16 Church Lane.
McCracken, Alex., 28 Bridge Street.
McCracken, Malcolm, 3 Bridge Street.
McCullough, Daniel, 126 Ann Street.
McLaughlin, John, 64 North Street.
McLoughlin, John, Corn Market.
McMullan, James, 116 North Street.
McNaghten, John, 48 North Street & 3 Corn Market.
McVicker, Alex., 21 Castle Place.
O'Hara, James, 3 John Street.
O'Neill, John, (ladies'), 38 Church Lane.
Palmer, Richard, 2 Church Lane.
Palmer, William, 88 High Street.
Palmer, James, 65 Ann Street.
Pollock, Charles, 37 Church Lane.
Purdy, W., 56 Donegall Street.
Purdy, John, 32 Donegall Street.
Quin, Arthur, 11 High Street.
Robinson, Daniel, 83 North Street.
Rooney, Henry, 78 James's Street.
Ryan, Mrs., (ladies'), 2 Ann Street.
Smylie, William, 66 High Street.
Spence, Hugh, 93 North Street.
Stewart, Kennedy, 23 Academy Street.
Telford, J., 12 Ann Street.
Trimble, William, 11 Church Lane.
Whittaker, J., (ladies'), 30 Corn Market.
Yates, James, 9 Church Lane.

Those marked thus (*) are also Lead Merchants.

Burrows, Israel, 93 Peter's Hill.
* Cameron, James, jun., 47 Donegall Street.
Coates & Young, Lagan and Shipyard Foundries, Dunbar's Quay.
Gibson, Robert, 38 Donegall Street.
Johnston, Robert, 69 Green Street.
Law, Andrew, 11 & 12 Fountain Street.
McCann, Bernard, 7 & 9 Great Edward Street.
McKenzie, Malcom, 25 May Street.
McKenzie & McClean, 62 Great Patrick Street.
Stafford & Brown, 40 King Street.

see also Maltsters

Clarke, Ledlie, 130 Ann Street.
Dobbin, Clotworthy, 43 Smithfield.
Kane, John, 40 North Street.
Mackenzie, J., & Co., Hercules Street.
Magill, James, & Co., Chapel Lane.
McKelvey, Thomas, & Co., 84 Cromac Street.
McKeown & Colman, 151 North Street.


Brittain, A., Brittain Mount.
Campbell, Francis, Shankhill Road.
Gardiner, Thomas, 87 High Street.
Lennon, James, 28 Great Edward Street.
Maclurcan, James, Antrim Road.
McAulay, Patrick, 60 Cromac Street.
Morrison, Charles, Cullentree Road.
Murphy, John, and Pottery, 3 Hamilton Street.
Rourke, Robert, Shankhill Road.


Barkley, William M., 99 High Street.
Duffin, Charles, & Co., 28 Waring Street.
Flanagan, Edward, 1 Tomb Street.
Foster, Wm., 23 Chichester Quay.
Gemmil, Robert, Limekiln Dock.
George, Thos., 3 Chichester Quay.
Henderson, Robert, 25 Donegall Quay.
Hind, Joseph, 1 Chichester Quay.
Macaulay, Jasper, & Co., 25 Donegall Quay.
McAnaly, Joseph, 37 Tomb Street.
McGonigall, James, 56 Waring Street.
Newett, Wm., 19 Chichester Quay.
Shaw, John Hiram, 7 Chichester Quay.
Topping, John, 9 Limekiln Dock.
Valentine, William, 68 Waring Street.
Wilkinson, J., 7 Chichester Quay.
Williamson, William, 29 Donegall Quay.


Alexander, Samuel, York Street.
Anderson, James, 11 May Street.
Anderson, John, 17 Pilot Street.
Boyd, Wm., 5, 7 North Thomas Street.
Boyd, Bankhead, 74 Joy Street.
Brown, John, 3 Gloucester Street.
Brown, John, 27 Little May Street.
Campbell & Ross, Queen Street.
Carlisle, James, 85 Donegall Street.
Carroll, George, 1 Spa Mount.
Connor, John, & Son, 37 York Street.
Davidson, Alex., Riley's Place.
Davison, John, 127 Durham Street.
Garret, James, 21 May Street.
Gibson, Joseph, 15 Curtis Street.
Gordon, John, 62 Little Patrick Street.
Gregg, Granston, Renwick Place.
Kent, Archibald, 36 York Street.
Lowry, John, 8 Pilot Street.
Lundy, Peter, 11 Joy Street.
Magee, Bernard, 102 North Street.
Murphy, John, 11 Great George's Street.
Murphy, John, 18 York Street.
McCracken, James, 29 Barrack Street.
McCune & Co., 12 Castle Street.
McLorinan, Hugh, Upper Church Lane.
Neeson, Francis, 1 King Street.
Potter, James, 50 Tomb Street.
Purse, Arthur, 96 James's Street.
Ross, John, 2 Hamilton Street.
Ryans, John, 153 North Street.
Sands, William, 77 Academy Street.
Smith, Alexander, 4 Hamilton Street.
Smith, Jas., 25 North Thomas Street.
Taylor, William, 50 Joy Street.
Wilson, William, 66 Joy Street.
Williams, Wm., 57 Upper Arthur Street.


Barron, Samuel, 160 North Street.
Bigger, Joseph, Long Lane.
Burke, John, 44 North Thomas Street.
Camac, Robert, Tomb Street Market.
Coleman, Thos., 53 Edward Street.
Cowan, James, Tomb Street Market.
Geddis, Robert, 136 Ann Street.
Gelston, William, 40 Tomb Street.
Lindsay, Robert, 5 Grace Street.
McKinny, Peter, 24 Gordon Street.
McMurtry, A., 40 Nelson Street.
McMurtry, Randal, 55 Edward Street.
Robinson, Thos., 24 Great Patrick Street.
Shields, James, 53 Waring Street.
Smith, John, 53 Nelson Street.
Stevenson, Thomas, 28 Tomb Street.
Whiteside, S., Shankhill Road.


Craig, John, 32 Green Street.
Hamilton, William, 109 Millfield.


Clarke, Peter, 8 Fountain Street.
Gray, Wm., 18 William Street South.
Hennesy, Charles, 16 Robert Street.
Hennesy, David, 33 Rosemary Street.
Johnston, John, 70 Smithfield.
Kelly, John, 32 Ann Street.
Kennedy, John, 7 Smithfield.
Lattimore, Henry, 41 Donegall Street.
Maxwell, James, 3 Church Street.
Mitchell, Mrs., 64 Smithfield.
Montgomery, Wm., 3 Skipper Street.
McDougall, John, 34 Donegall Street.
Patterson, Joseph, 30 Bank Lane.
Quail, William, 104 High Street.
Quinn & Duffey, 7 Smithfield.
Sloan, Archibald, 11 Castle Street.
Small, D., 29 Castle Street.
Vance, Robert, 17 Russell Street.
Wilson, James A., 7 Ann Street.


Adams, Great Patrick Street.
Brown, John, 6 Talbot Street.
Crothers, William, 29 Ann Street.
Graham, Hugh, 20 Great Patrick Street.
Hamsie, Edward, 4 Gamble Street.
Johnston, Samuel, Marlborough Street.
Murray, Edward, 18 Gordon Street.
McDowell, John, 95 Ann Street.
Prenter, Adam, 65 Tomb Street.
Prince, Samuel, 12 Great Edward Street.
Reid, Samuel, 31 Lancaster Street.
Rodgers, Edwd., 11 Upper Church Lane.
Rowan, James, 54 Great Patrick Street.
Shaw, Mrs., 11 Great Edward Street.
Stavelly, John, 12 Great Edward Street.
Suffern, James, 164 North Street.
Tate, John, 4 Talbot Street.
Vint, William, 104 North Street.
Weir, James, 17 Barrack Street.
Young, H., William Street South.

Thus marked (*) only Gilders

Bodel, John, 8 Hercules Place.
* Burnett, James, 20 Grace Street.
Gaffikin, Robert, 7 Arthur Square.
Hughes, Thomas, Mahogany, 42 Edward Street.
Kean, Francis, 38 Academy Street.
Logan, F., in Black Irish Oak, 32 Mill Street.
McCabe, S., 9 Academy Street.
Silo, Modesto, 21 Corn Market.


Courtney, William, 12 Calendar Street.
Godwin, John, 12 Wellington Place.
Lanyon, Charles, County Surveyor, 9 Donegall Square West.
Mitchell, Alexander, 2 Alfred Street.
Moore, William, 106 High Street.
Matier, William T., 106 High Street.
Pattison, Robert, 35 Mill Street.
Robinson, Richard, 70 Donegall Street.
Smith, George, 73 Donegall Street.


Bathurst, William, Police Place.
Carty, Daniel, Castle Street.
Duprey, Hastings, 11 Fountain Street.
Miller, William, 20 Gloucester Street.
McConkey, George, 21 Princes Street.
Reid, Alexander, Chichester Street.
Turney, Alex., Montgomery Street.


Boyd, William, & Sons, Lagan Village, Ballymacarrett.
Crawford, Alexander, 26 Mill Street.
McAlister, Charles, 67 High Street & Byrt's Entry, High Street.
Clark, Edward H., & Co., Belfast Vitriol Works, Bridge End.

Those marked thus (*) are Factors.

Alexander, Arthur, 34 Nelson Street.
* Barkley, W. M., 90 High Street.
Boyd, James, Glenmount, Whitehouse.
Charley, Hill, & Co., Steam Mill Lane.
Craig, Hugh, & Co., 46 Talbot Street.
Crawford, Arthur, 130 North Street.
Feeny, John, 4 Princes Street.
Garland, J., 134 North Street.
Gemmil, Robert, 15 Limekiln Dock.
George, Thos., 3 Chichester Quay.
Harper, Martin, 78 Ann Street.
Herdman, John, 38 Great George's Street.
Herdman, John, York Street Market.
Johnston, Malcom, 9 Hanover Quay.
Lindsay, Patrick, 9 Hanover Quay.
Massey, William, 3 Hanover Quay.
Massey, William, jun., Hanover Quay.
* Newett, William, 19 Chichester Quay.
Patterson, James K., 3 Chichester Quay.
Patton, George, 86 Ann Street.
Pim, John, & Brothers, 20 Waring Street.
Potts, John & Robert, 30 North Street.
Wheeler, Walter, 14 Carrick Hill.


Archer, Thomas, 48 Ann Street.
Cochran, J., (spoon), 12 Francis Street.

see also Agents

Abbott, Joseph, 41 Donegall Quay & 9 James's Street.
Bell, Abraham, Albert Place.
Bushell, Theobald, 35 North Street.
Boyle, Samuel, 16 Ann Street.
Cramsie, John, 70 Waring Street.
Cunningham, Matth., Warehouse Lane, Waring Street.
Ferrie, Campbell, & Co., 74 Waring Street.
Finlay, John, 58 Donegall Street.
Follingsby, T. G., 15 Donegall Quay.
Galbraith, John, & Co., 29 Waring Street.
Gemmill, Robt., 17 Limekiln Dock.
Grogan, Robert, 3 Donegall Quay.
Haddock, E. & R., 29 Hanover Quay.
Henderson, W. D., 9 Waring Street.
Henderson, R., 25 Donegall Quay.
Hill, Adam, 10 Queen Street.
Hunter & McKissack, 3 Talbot Street.
Ledwich, Henry, 29 Donegall Street.
Lowry, Jos., 16 Commercial Court.
Macauley, Jasper, & Co., 9 Donegall Quay.
Macauley, Patrick, Donegall Street.
McKibbin, R. D., 74 Waring Street.
McNeill, H. & W., 29 Waring Street.
Richardson, Brothers, & Co., 10 York Street.
Shaw, Edward, & Co., 72 Waring Street.
Simms, Robert, jun., 11 Chichester Quay.
Williamson, William, 29 Donegall Quay.


Adams, John, 185 North Street.
Bunting, Michael, 146 North Street.
Bunting, Robert, 62 North Street.
Donnelly, Robert, 8 Edward Street.
Giles, James, 128 Ann Street.
Gillen, Philip, 132 Carrick Hill.
Grant, James, 17 Talbot Street.
Gray, Jane, 84 Ann Street.
Heron, Matthew, 4 Corn Market.
Hunter, Edward, 38b Donegall Street.
Lemon, Graham, 49 Donegall Street.
Murray, John, 23 Hercules Street.
McDonnell, James, 44 Edward Street.
Ogston, Mrs., 39 High Street.
Pinkerton, John, 163 North Street.
Shields, David, 65 Union Street.
Walker, Elizabeth, 22 Waring Street.
Walker, David, 19 Bridge Street.
Walker, John, 61 Donegall Street & Donegall Place.


Banbridge, Jacob, 28 Little York Street.
Ewart, Samuel, 85 York Street.
Gillen, Catherine, 37 Talbot Street.
Jackson, John, 48 Tomb Street.
Johnston, Hamilton, 34 Frederick Street.
Lennon, Patrick, 28 Marlborough Street.
McFadden, James, 22 Tomb Street.
McFarland, Adam, 46 Tomb Street.
McGonigal, John, 35 Talbot Street.
Purdy, Adam, 21 Talbot Street.
Smith, John, 50 Nelson Street.
Stewart, William, 30 Great Patrick Street.


Allen, Hugh, 22 Ann Street.
Anderson, James, 86 North Street.
Bloomfield, James, 23 John Street.
Bloomfield, Wm., 2 Donegall Street.
Bloomfield, Edward, 43 Donegall Street.
Coates, William, 12 Castle Street.
Ireland, James, 17 Corn Market.
Lewis, James, 14 Mill Street.
Sanders, Thomas, 115 North Street.
Sergison, James, 94 Ann Street.
Waters, Thomas, 12 Mary Street.
Leishman, Abraham, 32 Great George's Street.


Cooper, James, 22 Rosemary Street.
Hamilton, John, 46 Rosemary Street.
Kirwan, R., 29 Rosemary Street.
Spring, Edward, 15 Hercules Street.


Cowan, James, 86 Hercules Street, Mills, Duncrue, Carrickfergus.
How, Robert G., 49 Academy Street.
Lepper, Messrs., Lodge Mill.
Martin, John, 29 Ann Street.
McCracken, Francis, jun., 8 York Lane.
Stevensons, 4 York Street, Mills, Springfield.
Vance, John, jun., & Co., Fountain Lane.


Bell, R. & Jacob, (linen yarn) 6 Mustard Street.
Clarke & Drummond, 5 Commercial Court.
Hart, Samuel, Academy Street.
Hunter & McKissack, 3 Talbot Street.
Magill, Henry, 15 Mustard Street.
Pim, John, & Brothers, 29 Waring Street.
Rutherford, A. & Co., 100 Donegall Street.
Sanders, Maxwell, 18 Commercial Court.
Symmonds, S. R., 6 Elliott's Court.


Bell, Thomas, 15 Corn Market.
Hughes, Patrick, 16 Francis Street.
Blair, John, 3 Mill Street.
Wilson, William, 55 High Street.


Barnett, Richard, 21 Chichester Street.
Davis, Hugh, 11 Arthur Street.
McDonald, A. L., 24 Upper Queen Street.
McDowell, Joseph, 41 Rosemary Street.
Turner, James, 2 Joy Street.


Mackenzie, John, & Co., 39 Barrack Street.


Benn, James, 74 Waring Street.
Taylor, Arthur, & Co., 6 Arthur Place.
Thompson, Richard, 17 Church Street.
Wilson, Guy Stone, 11 Mill Street.

Those marked * are also Milliners

Allen, Martha, 42 Peter's Hill.
Allen, Mrs., 25 Russell Street.
Arthur, Miss, 21 Russell Street.
Arthurs, Miss, 17 Academy Street.
* Barclie, Misses, 5 Chichester Street.
* Beattie, Miss, 45 Castle Street.
Benson, Eliza, 15 Hamilton Street.
Bryson, Miss, 12 College Street.
Bryson, E. & R., 26 King Street.
Burns, Miss, 38 Fountain Street.
* Byrne, Sophia, 18 Castle Street.
Campbell, Mrs., 7 King Street.
Carmichael, Miss, 5 Bank Lane.
* Coates, Mrs., 37 Castle Place.
Cork, Margaret, Lagan Street.
* Corr, Miss, Union Place.
Crawford, Misses, 17 High Street.
Crawford, Mrs., North Thomas Street.
Culloden, H. & A., (baby linen), 9 Arthur Street.
Fulton, Mrs., 10 Curtis Street.
Gillis, Miss, (baby linen) 5 Bridge Street.
Gold, Mrs., (white work) 14 Grace Street.
* Goodwin, Mrs., 32 Mill Street.
Graham, Miss, 43 Great Patrick Street.
* Grattan, Miss, 41 Upper Arthur Street.
Gray, Miss, 24 Townsend Street.
* Gribbin, Mrs., 41 Mill Street.
Halliday, Henrietta, 1 Little May Street.
* Harper, Misses, 13 Hercules Place.
Higgins, Marg., 1 North Thomas Street.
* Hill, Miss, 9 Castle Street.
Hull, Margaret, 54 Little Donegall Street.
Johnston, Miss, 13 Castle Street.
Johnston, Miss, 19 Academy Street.
* Keith, Mrs., 53 Upper Arthur Street.
Kelly, Mrs., 17 Castle Place.
* Kent, E. & I., 2 Arthur Street.
* Lynn, Jane, 11 Donegall Street.
* Magennis, M. & E., 20 James Street.
Mansfield, Jane, 55 Mustard Street.
* Martin, Mrs., 23 Castle Place.
Mitchell, Jane, 30 Joy Street.
* Mitchell, Miss, 174 North Street.
* Moffat, S., 7 York Street.
Montgomery, F. & M., 50 Mill Street.
Morgan, M. & M., 9 Lagan Street.
Mulholland, Ann, 7 Catherine Street South.
* Mundell, Agnes, 47 Castle Street.
* Murray, Mrs., 6 Hercules Place.
McBride, Ann, 57 Lodge Road.
McCammon, Susannah, 15 Academy Street.
* McClement, M. & I., 4 Arthur Street.
McComb, Isabella, 76 Little Donegall Street.
McCredie, Miss, Old Malone Road.
* McDowell, Miss, 15 Hercules Place.
McKenzie, Martha, 23 North Queen Street.
* McLaughlin, Miss, 69 High Street.
McMoran, ?, 25 Henrietta Street.
McNally, Miss, 28 Russell Street.
McQuillan, Jane, 72 Donegall Street.
Nettleton, Miss, 9 Catherine Street South.
Orr, M. A., Sussex Place.
Orr, Miss, 1 James's Place.
* Patterson, Ann Jane, 4 Union Street.
Patterson, Miss, 29 Hamilton Street.
Perry, Margaret, (stay & dress) 28 King Street.
Pollock, Miss, 62 North Street.
Rice, Mrs., 25 Church Lane.
Riddell, E. & M., 3 Academy Street.
Roberts, Miss, Cargill Street.
* Robinson, Mrs., 70 Donegall Street.
* Russell, Mrs., 16 Castle Street.
* Wilson, Jane, 43 Great Edward Street.
* Wilson, M. & R., 26 King Street.

Those marked * are also Surgeons

* Aickin, T. H., 38 Ann Street.
* Aickin, John, 29 Corn Market.
* Beck, J. W., 129 North Street.
Bryson, Samuel, 98 High Street.
* Dorrian, Edward, 68 Donegall Street.
Grattan & Co., 10 & 12 Corn Market.
* Lynch, Pat, 17 Donegall Place.
Marshall, W., & Co., 100 High Street.
* Marshall, J. D., 8 High Street.
* Mawhinney, James, 4 North Street.
* Moore, D., 4 Castle Place.
* Moore, Hugh, 132 High Street.
* Mulholland, J. S., 80 High Street.
* Murray, D., 21 High Street.
* McBurney, Sam., 48 Donegall Street.
* McCleery, James, 14 North Street.
McEwen, Andrew, 26 Castle Place.
* Officer, Alexander, 79 North Street & 49 York Street.
Ring, Edward, Fever Hospital.


Dobbin, J. & W., 20 North Street.
Marshall, Wm. & Co., 100 High Street.
McAdam, John, 31 Donegall Street.
McAlister, Charles, 67 High Street.
Walkington, E., 11 Rosemary Street.

Those marked thus * only Oil & Colour

Charnock, William, & Co., Ann Street.
Cuddy, John, 42 Church Lane.
Curran & Kavanagh, 35 North Street.
* Dobbin, J. & W., 20 North Street.
Dunlop, Daniel, 24 Upper Church Lane.
Pelan, George, & Co., 26 Corn Market.
* Pim, Wm. S., 22 Bridge Street.
Prenter, Nathaniel A., 8 & 10 Cotton Court.

Those marked thus * are Blue Dyers

Browne, George, Silk and Fancy, 24 Arthur Street.
Gordon, Wm., 6 Nelson Street.
* Green, John, 43 Wine Tavern Street.
* Howie, Robert, & Co., Falls Road.
Jones & Sons, etc., 1 Union Street.
Kane, John, etc., 34 Millfield.
Lafferty, Edward, 16 James's Street.
Maguire, John, 15 Castle Street.
McCann, George, 22 King Street.
McClean, Jane, 7 Mill Street.


Billsland, Thomas, 25 North Street.
Cleland, David, 24 Waring Street.
Gardner, J. C., 102 High Street.
Greig, J. & W., Hanover Quay.
Harkness, James, 56 High Street.
Marshall, Joseph, 120 High Street.
Robson, Richard, 108 High Street.
Scott, Joseph, 29 Edward Street.

Those marked * Engravers & Printers

* Abernethy, John, jun., 39 Cromac Street.
Agnew, Torrens, 2 Torrens Market.
* Beattie, W. J., 21 Rosemary Street.
* Bell, James, Castle Street.
* Hamilton, Robert, 33 Castle Street.
* Miller, William, Castle Street.
* Pike, Ben., 12 Great Patrick Street.
Read, D. & R., Lithographers, 12 Crown Entry.
* Roberts, Thomas, Linen Seal, 30 King Street.
* Quin, John, 25 Pottinger's Entry.
Ward, Marcus, 6 Corn Market.


Dowling, Andrew, 11 Corn Market.
McVeagh, John, 13 Church Lane.
Owens, John, 49 Union Street.


Arrott, Isaac, 34 Waring Street.
Barry, Henry, 59 Waring Street.
Crawford, James, 64 Waring Street.
Carson, R. M., 61 Waring Street.
Methuen, James, 12 Store Lane.


Beaumont, John, 17 Hill Street.
Bozi, & Co., 19 Gordon Street.
Campbell, H. James, 11 James's Street.
Craig, A. W., Warehouse Lane, 12 Waring Street.
Cramsie, John, 70 Waring Street.
Duffin, C., & Co., 28 Waring Street.
Finlay, John, 58 Donegall Street.
Harrison, John, 1 Donegall Quay.
Heyn, G., 4 Corporation Street.
Lowry, Joseph, 16 Commercial Court.
Martin, John, & Co., 29 Ann Street.
MacBrair, Archibald, 7 Donegall Street.
McCann, Daniel, 39 May Street.
Parker, Preston, & Co., 26 Academy Street.
Richardson, Brothers, & Co., 10 York Street.
Thompson, Samuel, 1 James's Street.


Bells & Calvert, White House, Town Office, 6 Mustard Street.
Boomer, Jas., & Co., Falls Road, Town Office, Warehouse Lane, Waring Street.
Boyd, John, & Co., Durham Street.
Cowan, William, & Co., White Abbey, Town Office, 17 York Street.
Craig, A. W., Falls Road, Office, 12 Warehouse Lane, Waring Street.
Dewhurst, Robert, 18 Commercial Court.
Falls Mill Co., Falls Road, Town Office, 7 Bridge Street Place.
Fisher, John, & Co., Smithfield, Town Office, 5 Waring Street.
Forsythe & Orr, Upper Falls Mill, Falls Road.
Gamble, William, Woodburn, Carrickfergus, Town Office, at 29 North Street.
Grimshaw, Edmund, Mossley, Carnmoney, Town Office, 28 Waring Street.
Grimshaw, James, & Son, White House, Town Office, 28 Waring Street.
Grimshaw, Weston, & Co., Monkstown, Town Office, 28 Waring Street.
Herdman, J. & J., & Co., Wine Tavern Street, Office, 40 Smithfield.
Herdman & Co., Sion Mills, Strabane, Town Office, 40 Smithfield.
Hull, Wilson, & Co., Falls Road.
Kennedy, James, & Son, Mill Vale, Falls Road.
Lyle & Little, Ballyclare, Town Office, White Linenhall.
Martin, John, Killyleagh, Town Office, 29 Ann Street.
Montgomery, John, & Sons, Grove Mills, Ballymacarrett, Office, Montgomery's Market.
Mulholland, Andw., & Co., Henry Street, off York Street.
Mulholland, S. K., Hind, & Co., Durham Street.
Mulholland, William, Francis Street.
Murphy, John, & Co., Linfield, Office, 3 Bridge Street Place.
McKibbin, Robert, Conn's Water, Ballymacarrett.
Richardson, J., & Co., 11 Donegall Street.
Stewart & McClelland, Ligoneill, Office, White Linenhall.
Stewart & Savage, Lisburn.
Thompsons, Robert, & Co., Wolf Hill, Office, 1 Donegall Square West.


Andrews, William, 3 Hammond's Court.
Askin, Patk., 32 Hercules Street.
Blackwood, John, Montgomery's Market.
Blackwood, Charles, & Poulterer, 20 Corn Market.
Boston, James, 43 Hercules Street.
Brady, John, 16 Great Edward Street.
Brannagh, David, 17 Hercules Street.
Brannagh, Mrs., 33 Hercules Street.
Brannagh, John, 23 Hercules Street.
Brannigan, Patrick, 31 Hercules Street.
Burke, John, 53 Hercules Street.
Burns, James, 57 Hercules Street.
Clarke, James, 15 Rosemary Street.
Corbit, James, 69 Hercules Street.
Coulter, Daniel, 75 Hercules Street.
Craigan, Lawrence, 11 Long Lane.
Davey, William, 41 Hercules Street.
Davey, John, 59 Hercules Street.
Davey, James, 13 Hercules Street.
Davey, Charles, 69 Hercules Street.
Dinnen, Wm., 9 Arthur Square.
Dinnen, J., Montgomery's Market.
Doogen, James, 28 Hercules Street.
Drain, John, 55 Hercules Street.
Franklin, Charles, 56 Hercules Street.
Franklin, Joseph, 66 Hercules Street.
Gaffikin, John, Seymour Street.
Gaffikin, Arthur, 13 Corn Market.
Gaffikin, Arth., sen., Montgomery's Market.
Gallagher, William, 73 Hercules Street.
Garrett, William, 79 Hercules Street.
Gordon, Jonathan, 64 Hercules Street.
Grubb, Henry, 87 Hercules Street.
Hamill, John, 2 Hercules Street.
Hamilton, Mrs., Ormond Market.
Hennesy, John, 61 Hercules Street.
Jack, James, 26 Hercules Street.
Kelly, Mrs., 22 Hercules Street.
Lynch, Mrs., 7 Hercules Street.
Mackay, Jas., 20 Ormond Market.
Mooney, Mrs., 51 Hercules Street.
Morell, James, 19 Hercules Street.
McAleer, John, 8 Ormond Market.
McAleer, Owen, 18 Hercules Street.
McAleer, Fras., 6 Ormond Market.
McGee, John, 2 Hercules Street.
McKernan, John, 8 Hercules Street.
McLaughlin, James, Montgomery's Market.
McMahon, David, 12 Hercules Street.
McMullan, 44 Hercules Street.
McNally, Patk., 71 Hercules Street.
McReavy, 27 Hercules Street.
McVicker, Joseph, 25 Hercules Street.
Neary, John, 8 Hercules Street.
Parker, Thomas, 45 Hercules Street.
Rice, Arthur, 83 Hercules Street.
Rice, James, 85 Hercules Street.
Scott, John, 21 Great Edward Street.
Shaw, Samuel, 39 Hercules Street.
Shubridge, James, 3 Arthur Square.
Skillen, John, 18 Great Edward Street.
Sourley, James, 70 Hercules Street.
Stewart, James, 20 Great Edward Street.
Stokesbury, Robert, 37 Hercules Street.
Stokesbury, Wm., 35 Hercules Street.
Whisker, James, 50 Rosemary Street.
Worell, James, 16 Hercules Street.

Those marked thus * are Millers

* Alexander, John, & Co., Belfast Mills, Falls Road.
* Belfast Steam Flour Mill, 63 Ritchie's Dock, J. G. Dunbar, Esq., Proprietor.
Elliott, Wm. J., 30 Rosemary Street.
Elliott, Thomas, 110 North Street.
* Halliday, Hugh, 15 Tomb Street.
Hughes, Bernard, 71 Donegall Street.
Hunter, Charles, 99 North Street.


Kane, John, 40 North Street, Works, Ballymacarrett.


Johnston, Samuel, 37 Mill Street.
Tucker, Edward, 25 Waring Street.


Anderson, James, 1 Gloucester Street.
Bell, George, Verner Street.
Brenan, Alex., 55 York Street.
Cordukes, J., York Street.
Gaussen, J., & Co., 11 Donegall Quay.
Halliday, Hugh, 15 Tomb Street.
Haddock, E. & R., 29 Hanover Quay.
Henderson, W. D., Waring Street.
Heyn, G., 4 Corporation Street.
Hill, Adam, 10 Queen Street.
Johnston, Hugh H., 7 Nelson Street.
Kirkpatrick, A., 4 Great Edward Street.
Mathews, Abraham, 110 Cromac Street.
Miller, William, 83 Ann Street.
McClean, Peter, 4 Little Patrick Street.
McCracken, Wm., 24 Russel Street.
McEntire, R. J. & J., 77 Ann Street.
McKibbin, George & Alexander, 14 Academy Street.
Quigley, Samuel, 18 Cromac Street.
Quigley, William, 16 Cromac Street.
Tannahill, Wm., 78 Cromac Street.

See also Spirit dealers and Tobacco Manufacturers

Addison, William, 15 North Street.
Ash, George, 40 Waring Street.
Barry, James, & Co., 55 Ann Street.
Bell, David, 87 North Street.
Black, Henry, 19 Waring Street.
Black, H., 37 Ann Street.
Brown, Mrs., 69 North Street.
Campbell, Edward, 5 North Street.
Carson, William, 14 Corn Market.
Carson, Robert, 43 Ann Street.
Clarke, Andrew, 47 Ann Street.
Cochrane, James, 1 Castle Place.
Cowan, Samuel, 45 Ann Street.
Cowan, William, 19 Church Lane.
Creeth, John, 28 Skipper Street.
Crothers, Moses, 69 Donegall Street.
Dakin & Co., 36 High Street.
Dickey, Alex., & Co., 69 North Street.
Dickey, Nathl., 63 North Street.
Elliott, Thomas, 110 North Street.
Fisher, William, 40 Church Lane.
Fitzgerald, William, 85 High Street.
Gilmore, R., & Co., 14, 16 High Street.
Gray, Thomas, 22 North Street.
Green, John, 4 Waring Street.
Green, Foster, & Co., 3 High Street.
Hamilton, William, 35 Ann Street.
Harper, Martin, 78 Ann Street.
Hughes, William, 13 North Street.
Johnston, Philip, 12 Waring Street.
Johnston, D. W., & Co., 26 Skipper Street.
Kirkpatrick, Chas., 44 Church Lane.
Loughran, Henry, 41 York Street and 1 Queen Street.
Lytle, John & Fruiterer, 28 North Street.
Maguire, Ann, Chapel Lane.
Milligan, William H., 33 Ann Street.
Moore, James, 35 Church Lane.
Murray, George, 93 High Street.
McCausland, Saml., 34 North Street.
McConnell, William, 7 Skipper Street.
McDonnell, Alexander, & Co., 5 Skipper Street.
McKenna, John, Academy Street.
McLaughlin, Francis, 65 High Street.
Neill, Robert, 21 Church Lane.
Neill & Black, 6 Wine Cellar Entry.
Pim, John, & Brothers, 20 Waring Street.
Pim, E. & G., High Street.
Reford, Lewis, 3 Waring Street.
Ridgeway, Wm., 36 North Street.
Shannon, Ann, 32 North Street.
Smith, Robert, and Seedsman, 60 Ann Street.
Toole, Patrick, Mill Street and Smithfield.
Williams, John, 44 Donegall Street.
Wilson, James, 27 Church Lane.


Braddell, Joseph, 17 Castle Place.
Neill, John, 78 High Street.
Nicholl, James, 26 Waring Street.


Horicks, John, 19 Townsend Street.
McClelland, John, 41 Lodge Road.
Shaw, David, 9 Linfield Road.
Thompson & Purkis, 40 High Street.
Ward, Thomas, 17 Hill Street.

Those marked thus * are also Perfumers

Brown, William, 4 Ann Street.
* Currie, James, 22 Castle Place.
* Galbraith, R. H., 2 Castle Place.
* Nichol, Mrs., 8 Arthur Street.
O'Brien, Laurence, 20 Ann Street.
* Page, Wm., 19 Castle Place.


Agnew, W. & R., 7 High Street.
Boyce, William, & Co., 50 High Street.
Callwell, Brown, & Co., 14 Waring Street.
Currie, Hugh, 90 High Street.
Ireland, James, 17 Corn Market.
Liddy, Hugh, 24 Ann Street.
Musgrave & Brothers, 59 High Street.
Mitchell, David, 35 Mill Street.
McKinny, Wm., 42 Rosemary Street.
Patterson, R. & D. J., 40 High Street.
Porter, Edw., & Son, 61 High Street.
Rogers, John, 23 York Street.


Booth & Son, 8 Rosemary Street.
Booth & Co., (manufacturer) 24 Bridge Street.
Cooke, Johnston & Co., 1 Bridge Street.
Graham & Co., Exchange Buildings.
Matthews, John, Skipper Street.
McGee, John G., & Co., 48 High Street.
Northern Hat Mart, 28 Bridge Street.
Ross & Co., 34 High Street.
Shaw, Robert, (manufacturer) 19 Ann Street.
Shaw, Samuel, (manufacturer) 66 Ann Street.
Taylor, Brothers, & Co., 11 Bridge Street.


Cinnamond, Geo., 23 Smithfield.
Hunter, Arthur, 152 North Street.
McMullan, Patrick, 25 Mill Street.


Adams, James, Carman's Inn, 124 North Street.
Albion Hotel, 51 Waring Street, R. Kane, Proprietor.
Anderson's Inn, 25 Great Edward Street.
Bambridge's Hotel and Tavern, Sugarhouse Entry.
Brady, J., Hotel & Tavern, 4 Orr's Entry and Graham's Entry.
Commercial Hotel, W. Hall, Commercial Buildings.
Donegall Arms, John Moore, 11 Castle Place.
Dungannon Hotel, 41 Waring Street, Wm. John Martin, Proprietor.
Heslop's Hotel, Dunbar's Quay.
Low's Inn, 18 Upper Church Lane, James Low, Proprietor.
Murray, Edward, Carman's Inn, 16 Gordon Street.
Plough Hotel, G. David, 7 Corn Market.
Queen's Arms Inn, T. Cunningham, 47 North Street.
Royal Victoria Hotel, C. Kerns, Proprietor, 25 Donegall Place.
Royal Temperance Hotel, Mrs. A. Lyons, Proprietrix, 12 Waring Street.
Shakspeare Hotel, 21 Castle Lane, T. Frazer, Proprietor.
Smith's Hotel & Tavern, 31 Great Edward Street.
Temperance Hotel & Coffee House, 33 Barrack Street, R. Christie, Proprietor.
Victoria Temperance Hotel, Mrs. Moreland, Proprietrix, 1 York Street.
Young, Hugh, Carman's Inn, 23 William Street South.
Young, J., (Caledonian) 32 Tomb Street.


Craig, John, & Co., (Hibernian) 26 Chichester Street.
Murphy, Alexander, (Union) 12 Weigh House Lane.


Boyd, Samuel, & Co., 110 Donegall Street.
Campbell, Rt., and general Smith, Dam Side.
Pearce & Holden, 16 Great George's Street.
McAdam, Curell, & Co., Townsend Street.
Thompsons & Co., Brown Square.


Coates & Young, Lagan & Shipyard Foundries, Dunbar's Quay.


Bell, William, 114 Ann Street.
Crawford, Arthur, 130 North Street.
Porter, Edward & Son, Hamilton's Court, 55 High Street and 17 Church Lane.
Potts, John & Robert, 30 North Street.
Young, John, 15 Marlborough Street.


Braithwaite, John, Botanic Road.
Dunn, Hugh, 6 John Street.
Frazer, Daniel, 119 North Street.
Frazer, John, 43 John Street.
Graham, William, 54 Ann Street.
Greenhill, Robert, 44b Ann Street.
Hannah, Catherine, 39 John Street.
Minnis, West, 29 John Street.
Moore, William, 109 North Street.
Murray, Charles, 66 Union Street.
Murray, Charles, 62 Ann Street.
McBlain, John, 145 North Street.
McBlain, James, 139 North Street.
McCammon, Thomas, 23 King Street.
McFadden, William, 53 Ann Street.
Quirey, James, 89 North Street.
Small, John, 64 Donegall Street.
Tate, William, 105 North Street.


Douglass, Samuel, & Co., 24b Donegall Street.
Roddy, Robert, 18 Donegall Street.
Wilson, Thomas, 5 Donegall Street.

Those marked thus * are also Cotton manufacturers

Andrews, Michael, and Damask, Ardoyne.
Beattie, James, 108 North Street.
Boomer, James, & Co., Falls Mill Factory.
Connor, Foster, Fox's Row.
Cowan, William, & Co., White Abbey, Office, 17 York Street.
Craig, A. W., Warehouse Lane, 12 Waring Street.
* Curell, Daniel, jun., & Co., Linenhall Street.
Ewart, Wm., & Son, 24 Donegall Street.
Ferguson, Thomas, & Sons, White Linenhall.
Gaskin, Robt., McTier Street, Shankhill Road.
Hunter, Thomas, 38 Sussex Street.
Mewha, James, 15 Donegall Street.
* Magennis, B. Teeling, 1 Donegall Lane.
* McAuley, Wm., 21 Lancaster Street.
McIlwrath, W. & Co., Canvass, Damask, etc., Sackville Street.
Orr, Wm., & Co., Glengall Street.
Richardson, James N., Sons, and Owden, 14 Donegall Place.
Roddy, Robert, Donegall Street.
Smith, Alex., 10 Commercial Court.
Stewart, Wm., jun., 27 John Street.

Those marked thus * are also Linen Yarn Merchants
See also Bleachers

Andrews, Michael, Ardoyne.
Alexander, R., Linenhall.
Arthur, Wm., 12 Calendar Street.
* Booker, William, 18 Waring Street.
Brown, Robt., Commercial Court.
* Cowan, Wm., & Co., 17 York Street.
Cunningham, Matthew, Warehouse Lane, Waring Street.
Cuppage, John, & Co., 7, 9 Donegall Street Place.
Currell, John and Daniel, White Linenhall.
Curell, John, & Sons, White Linenhall.
Curell, Daniel, jun., & Co., Linenhall Street.
Ewart, Wm., & Son, 24 Donegall Street.
Ferguson, John S., & Co., White Linenhall.
Ferguson, Thomas, & Sons, White Linenhall.
Gillilan, Wm., White Linenhall.
Gray, William, & Son, White Linenhall.
Holmes, Samuel, Son, & Co., 7 Castle Lane.
Ledwich, Henry, 29 Donegall Street.
Lowry, Josh., 16 Commercial Court.
McCance, D. & J., White Linenhall.
Orr, Wm., & Co., Glengall Street.
Park, John, 9 Carrick Hill.
Richardson, James N., Sons, and Owden, 14 Donegall Place.
Roddy, Robert, 18 Donegall Street.
Sadler, Fenton, & Co., White Linenhall.
* Shaw, Edward, & Co., 72 Waring Street.
Sinclaire & Cameron, 9 Calendar Street.
Smith, Edward J., & Son, White Linenhall.
Stewart, Alex., White Linenhall.
Taylor, Joseph, & Co., White Linenhall.
Thompson, James, Ormeau Place.


Alexander, Robert, White Linenhall.
Brown, Robt., Commercial Court.
Connor, David, 70 High Street.
Ledwich, Henry, 29 Donegall Street.
Stevenson, Curell, & Co., 9 Calendar Street.

Those marked thus & are also Cotton Yarn Merchants.

Beattie, James, 108 North Street.
* Bell, Richard & Jacob, Mustard Street.
Booker, William, 18 Waring Street.
Bozi & Co., 19 Gordon Street.
Brown, Robert, Commercial Court.
Campbell, Henry J., James's Street.
Connor, David, 76 High Street.
Cuppage, John, & Co., 7, 9 Donegall Street Place.
Duffin, C., & Co., 28 Waring Street.
Finlay, John, jun., 58 Waring Street.
* Hunter & McKissack, 3 Talbot Street.
Ledwich, Henry, 29 Donegall Street.
Martin, John, & Co., 29 Ann Street.
Parker, Preston, & Co., 26 Academy Street.
Richardson, Brothers, & Co., 10 York Street.
Shaw, Edward & Co., 72 Waring Street.


Bell, Abraham, 27 Rosemary Street.
Ewart, James, 2 Brunswick Street.


Harper, James, 84 Millfield.
Neill, John, 18 Great George's Street.


Barnett, James, Carrickfergus, Town Office, 53 Smithfield.
Dobbin, Clotworthy, 43 Smithfield.
Kane, John, 40 North Street.
Magill, James & Co., Chapel Lane.
Mackenzie, J., & Co., Hercules Street.
Murison, C., & Son, 25 Bank Lane.


Bell, Richard, 1, 3 Great Edward Street.
Cavanagh, John, 24 Chichester Street.
Fee and Lynas, 46 York Street.
Ferguson, Hugh, 15 May Street.
Graham, William, 56 York Street.
Hall, John, 22 York Street.
Johnston, John, 55 Great Patrick Street.
Low, William, 7 Montgomery Street.
Murphy, John, 20 York Street.
McIlroy, John, 13 Great Edward Street.
McMeekan, James, 5 Great Edward Street.
Robinson, Kelly, and Brown, 65 & 75 Donegall Street.

Ch. Chancery - Q.B. Queen's Bench. - C.P. Common Pleas. - Ex. Exchequer. - 3. Three Courts

Armstrong, Wm., C.H., Q.B., Ex., and C.P., Police Office.
Bates, John, Esq., Ch., Q.B., C.P., Ex., and Special Bail in Q.B. & Ex.
Cunningham, Thos., Commissioner for taking the acknowledgements of deeds to be executed by married woman, also Ch. Q.B., C.P., Ex., and Master Extraordinary in Chancery, North Street.
Cramsie, John, C.P., Q.B., Ch. and Ex.
Cranston, William, Esq., Commissioner for taking the acknowledgements of deeds, by married women.
Davis, J., Esq., Commissioner for taking Affidavits for the Courts in England.
Dillon, William, Esq., Ch., Q.B., C.P., and Ex.
Foster, W., Q.B., 23 Chichester Quay.
Hartley, John, Ch., 1 Bank Lane.
Jackson, Jas. K., Esq., Ch., Q.B., C.P., Ex., and Commissioner for taking the acknowledgements of deeds to be executed by married women.
Johnston, John M., Q.B., C.P., and Ex., Castle Chambers.
Kennedy, John, Ch., Q.B., C.P., and Ex., and Deputy for granting Replivins for the Co. of Antrim and Down, 2 Castle Lane.
McDonnell, Daniel, Esq., Ch., Q.B., C.P., Ex., and Special Bail in the Law Courts.
McLaughlan, F., Ch., 65 High Street.
Mackenzie, Charles, Q.B., and Ex., Bank of Ireland Office.
Posnett, Hutchinson, Ch. for the Counties of Down and Antrim, and Commissioner in Q.B. for Antrim.
Torrens, James, Ch., Q.B., Ex., Special Bail in Q.B., and Ex., 11 Donegall Place.
Walkington, Edward, Ch., Q.B., C.P., Ex., and Special Bail in the Three Courts.
Waterson, Henry, Esq., Special Bail in Q.B., C.P., and Special Bail in the Counties of Antrim and Down.

These trades, including also Lacemen and Furriers, are placed together, in consequence of numerous instances of persons who combine two or more of them together: or, in other words, in consequence of the impossibility of making a proper division of them. The principal branch of trade carried on by each house is mentioned.

Albion Cloth Company, Woollen Drapers, 22 High Street.
Arnold, John, Woollen Draper, 45 High Street.
Arnott, John, & Co., General, 7, 9, and 17 Bridge Street.
Ashenhurst, Mrs., Haberdasher, 60 High Street.
Beattie, George, Woollen Draper, 42 High Street.
Bell, Abraham, Haberdasher, 27 Rosemary Street.
Boucher, James, 126 North Street.
Black, John, Silk Mercer, 27 High Street.
Bryson, William, Haberdasher, 16 High Street.
Brown, Robert, Berlin Wool, 13 Bridge Street.
Carroll, M., Haberdasher, 76 Green Street.
Chermside, Thos., Woollen Draper, 21 Bridge Street.
Christie, Mrs., Haberdasher, 53 North Street.
Close, Brothers, Woollen Drapers, 26 High Street.
Coffey, Mrs., Haberdasher, 9 Skipper Street.
Colville, Samuel, Woollen Draper, 23 Bridge Street.
Craig, J., Haberdasher, 37 Castle Place.
Crawford, Arthur, Woollen Draper, 12 Waring Street.
Creeth, J., Haberdasher, 17 Skipper Street.
Crosset, Alexander, Haberdasher, 38 North Queen Street.
Dawson, J., 33 Church Lane.
Digby, M. & A., Haberdashers, 25 Hercules Place.
Douglass, Samuel, & Co., Linen & Cotton Drapers, 24b Donegall Street.
Dunn, M. & J., Silk Mercers, 33 Donegall Street.
Edgar, Samuel, Haberdasher and Woollen Draper, 6 Ann Street.
Egan, William, Haberdasher, 11 Green Street.
Ervin, J., Haberdasher, 18 Union Street.
Forsythe, Janet, Haberdasher, 46 North Street.
Fox, William, Haberdasher, 12 Church Lane.
Gamble, Orr, Woollen Draper, 63 High Street.
Gardiner, Mrs., Haberdasher, 31b Castle Place.
Gardner, James, Haberdasher, etc., 16 Rosemary Street.
Gibson, Mrs., Haberdasher, 31 North Street.
Gillis, J., Haberdasher, 62 High Street.
Greenfield, John, Haberdasher, etc., 76 High Street.
Gunning, Robert, Woollen & Carpet House, 44 High Street.
Hardy, Thomas & Freeman, Woollen Drapers, Silk Mercers, etc., 35 & 37 High Street.
Harten, James, Haberdashers, 98 Peter's Hill.
Haslett, Jas. M., Woollen Draper, 46 High Street.
Hazleton, Mary, Haberdasher, 44 Ann Street.
Hedderman, Mrs., Haberdasher, 95 North Street.
Henry, A. & J., Woollen Drapers, Donegall Place.
Hunter, C., & Co., Haberdashers, etc., 21 High Street.
Isles, Henry, Haberdasher, 27 Hercules Place.
Kelso, Charles, Hosier, 73 High Street.
Keys, Charles, Hosier, Glover, etc., 24 Castle Place.
Lewis, William, Haberdasher, 9 North Street.
Lindsay, J. & D., & Co., Silk Mercers, Stuff, Hosiery, and Haberdashery Warehouse, 3 Donegall Place.
Lorimer, Miss, Silk Mercer, etc., 14 Arthur Street.
Mack, Joseph, Haberdasher, 127 North Street.
Macklin, James, Haberdasher, 19 Hill Street.
Maclurcan, John, Silk Mercer, 41 High Street.
Marshall, J. & J., Woollen Drapers, 5 Donegall Place.
Mahon, William, Woollen Draper, 53 High Street.
Mairs, Mrs., Haberdasher, 6 Hill Street.
Mills, William J., Hosier, etc., 17b Bridge Street.
Moonan, Misses, Haberdashers, 101 North Street.
Marshall, Robt., Hosier, 14 Bridge Street.
McConnell, David, 68 High Street.
McIlroy, E. I. & Sisters, Silk Mercers, 13 Castle Place.
McMillen, John, Haberdasher, 17 North Queen Street.
McNeill, W. H. & S., Woollen Drapers, 28 High Street.
Nelson, George, Haberdasher, 30b Ann Street.
Ramsey, Sinclair, Haberdasher, etc., 12 Hill Street.
Rourke, William, 16 Hill Street.
Russell, J., Haberdasher, 25 Ann Street.
Ryan, Mrs., 22 Church Lane.
Scott & Crossan, Silk Mercers, Haberdashers, etc., 6 Donegall Place.
Scott, Joseph, 31 Edward Street.
Todd, William, & Co., General, 13 Donegall Place.
Thompson, George, 103 North Street.
Trotter, J. C., General, 136 High Street.
Waring, Robert, Woollen Draper, 1 Donegall Street.
Williams, John, 15 Cromac Street.
Wilson, Mrs., Haberdasher & Mercer, 51 Donegall Street.
Wilson, Thomas, & Co., Drapers, High Street.
Young, Joseph, Woollen Draper, 8 Waring Street.

Such as have considerable, direct, and frequent transactions with foreign countries, and generally proprietors of, or connected with shipping, so far as known, the firm or business designation, and address only are, in each case, given in this list.
For Wine, Grain, Provisions, and other particular Merchants, see the respective lists.

Abbott, Joseph, 41 Donegall Quay.
Ash, George, 40 Waring Street.
Barnett, A. J., Store Lane.
Barnett, Charles, 3 Henry Street.
Charley, Hill, & Co., 8 Steam Mill Lane.
Duffin, Charles, & Co., 28 Waring Street.
Dunn, John, Henry Street.
Folingsby, Thomas G., 15 Donegall Quay.
Gamble, James, 29 North Street.
Gardner, J. & T., 10 York Lane.
Gaussen, John, & Co., 11 Donegall Quay.
Grainger, David, Dunbar's Quay.
Harrison, John, 1 Donegall Quay.
Harvey, W. T., 1 Great George's Street.
Heron, James, & Co., 13 Donegall Quay.
Heyn, Gustavus, 4 Corporation Street.
Houston, J. & S., 5 Ritchie's Dock.
Houston, Robert, 42 York Street.
Hume, Thomas, 5 Gloucester Street.
Langtry's & Herdman, 33 Waring Street.
Macnamara, James, & Co., 89 Donegall Street.
Maine, Nicholas, & Sons, 39 Donegall Quay.
Martin, John, & Co., 29 Ann Street.
Martin, John & James, & Co., 85 Ann Street.
Miller, Arthur K., 7 Ritchie's Dock.
McClure, William, & Sons, 36 Fountain Street.
McDonnell, Alexander, & Co., 5 Skipper Street.
McEntire, R. J. & J., Donegall Quay.
McTear, G., 33 Donegall Quay.
Neill, Robert, 21 Church Lane.
Nelson, Samuel, (West India) White Linenhall.
Patterson, Wm., 4 College Square East.
Patton, Andrew, 36 Waring Street.
Patton, David, 40 Waring Street.
Pirrie, William, 64 Donegall Street.
Pirrie, William, jun, & Co., 6 Henry Street.
Reford, Lewis, 3 Waring Street.
Richardson, Brothers, & Co., 10 York Street.
Simms, Robert, jun., 11 Chichester Quay.
Sinclair & Boyd, 45 Donegall Quay.
Smylie, S. L., 6 Talbot Street.
Steen, James, & Co., 5 Talbot Street.
Stewart, Robert, 59 York Street.
Tate, William, 105 North Street.
Thompson, Samuel, 1 James Street.
Vance, John, jun., & Co., 1 Fountain Lane.
Whitla, Valentine, White Linenhall.

Those marked * only Music.

Coffey, William, 4 High Street.
Dalton, Charles, 28 Castle Street.
Dyke, R. W., Castle Street.
Fletcher, Frederick, 5 Castle Place.
Hart, Joseph, Importer of Pianofortes, 18 Castle Street.
* Henderson, John, Castle Place.

Those marked & also Sewing Agents.

Adamson, William, 32 Earl Street.
Bannatine, Moir, & Co., 24 Academy Street.
Bradshaw, George, Reiley's Place.
Bryson, William, 18 Waring Street.
* Callwell, James, 36 Tomb Street.
* Craufurd, J., 6 Nelson Street.
Curell, Daniel, jun., & Co., Linenhall Street.
Dalglish, R., & Co., 16 Waring Street.
* Ewart, William, & Son, 24 Donegall Street.
Ewing, Robert, 30 Donegall Street.
Goldie, H. N. J., & Co., 19 Edward Street.
Hutchinson, James, & Co., 16 Academy Street.
Hart, James, 9 Commercial Court.
Kennedy, James & Thomas, 10 Elliot's Court.
Hicks, William, 39 Donegall Street.
Holden, John, & Co., 28 Donegall Street.
Magennis, B. T., 1 Donegall Lane.
Matteer, Samuel, 33 York Street.
Moncrief, Alexander, 6 Donegall Street Place.
McAuley, Wm., Lancaster Street.
Mewha, James, 15 Donegall Street.
McConnell, James, 27 John Street.
McDonald, D. & J., 37 John Street.
Noble, James, 36 Church Lane.
Patterson, Wm., 4 College Square East.
* Patterson, S. & J., 2 Curtis Street.
* Pelling, Charles, 79 Academy Street.
* Pelling, P., and Co., 7 John Street.
Reid, Vance, & Co., 40 Rosemary Street.
* Robertson, John, & Sons, 11 Academy Street.
* Rose, Robert, 19 Nelson Street.
Rutherford, Archibald, & Co., 100 Donegall Street.
Smith, Alexander, 61 North Street.
Stewart, Wm., jun., 37 John Street.
Sterling, James, 6 York Street.
Stirrat, James, 26 Rosemary Street.
Wallace, James, jun., 37 John Street.
Webb, William, 11 Commercial Court.
Wilson, T. & D., 37 John Street.
Workman, Robert & John, 59b Upper Arthur Street.
* Workman, Robert & John, 36 Little Patrick Street.
Young, John, 22 Commercial Court.


Braddel, Geo. W., 3 Castle Lane.
Bruce, S., Commercial Buildings.
Cramsie, John, 70 Waring Street.
Hartley, John, 1 Bank Lane.
Hill, Adam, 10 Queen Street.

Those marked thus * are only Seedsmen

* Billsland, Thomas, 25 North Street.
Farrel, S., & Co., 2 High Street.
* Howden, Charles, 2 Donegall Street.
Kirpatrick, Charl., 44 Church Lane.
Lindsay, Edward, jun., 4 Waring Street.
* Smith, Robert, 60 Ann Street.
Scott, Brothers, Exchange Buildings.

Those marked thus * are also Glaziers

Allen, James, 106 Ann Street.
Armstrong, John, 36 Academy Street.
Barr, John, 7 John Street.
* Brown, Hugh, 34 Mill Street.
Burges, J. H., (animal & landscape) 4 Linenhall Street.
Clarke, William, 27 Fountain Street.
Coates, Francis, 37 Castle Street.
Collins, Charles, 178 North Street.
* Gaskin, James, 52 Donegall Street.
Hewey, John, 29 Union Street.
Hoy, John, 43 Waring Street.
Jamison, William, 4 Great Patrick Street.
Johnston, Alex., 63 Academy Street.
Kelly, Patrick, 18 James's Street.
Lynn, John, 54 Ann Street.
Moore, Alexander, 19 Arthur Street.
McCann, Charles, Bank Lane.
McGee & Bradley, 21 Ann Street.
McQuiston, Brice, 20 William Street South.
Nivins, Wm., 11 Cromac Street.
Riddell, ?, 11 Skipper Street.
Ritchie, William, 5 Long Lane.
& Steed, Daniel, 84 Nelson Street.
Stormont, James, 50 North Street.
* Trelford, Edward, 19 North Street.
Towman, Hugh, 71 Ann Street.


Blow, Wm. & Edwin, 23 Pottinger's Entry.
Greenfield, Robert & James, Ballyclare, and 55 York Street.


Aicken, Arthur, 40 Berry Street.
Anderson, William, 75 Union Street.
Beggs, Robert, 54 Cromac Street.
Bell, Samuel, 51 Great Patrick Street.
Bell, Samuel, Robert Street.
Brown, Henry, 53 Grattan Street.
Coburn, Samuel, 30 Smithfield.
Galway, Arthur, 39 Barrack Street.
Gibson, Robert, 135 Millfield.
Gilbert, Edward, 36 & 38 Hill Street.
Gilbert, James, 112 High Street.
Gilmore, Robert, Little Donegall Street & 191 North Street.
Harper, Hugh, 35 Union Street.
Jacobson, John, Ballymacarrett.
Jenkins, William, 19 Mill Street.
Johnston, Isabella, 26 Hill Street.
Kinsey, George, 4 Lagan Street.
Logan, I. C., 40 Smithfield.
Maguire, Henry, 9 Chapel Lane & 2 Gamble Street.
Molloy, Daniel, 21 Torrens Row.
Mont de Piete, W. J. McMurtry, 7 Long Lane.
McCall, Hugh, 3 Curtis Street.
McCartney, James, Smithfield.
McDornan, John, 115 Durham Street.
McKee, James, 16 Quay Lane.
McMurtry, W. J., 35 Great Patrick Street.
Owens, Wm. H., 24 Henry Street.
Owens, James B., 19 Barrack Street.
Patrick, Robert, 62 Peter's Hill.
Patterson, J. K., 2 Little Patrick Street.
Sheals, James, 3 Carrick Hill.
Shields, Charles, 48 Academy Street.
Shields, Charles, 25 Great Patrick Street.
Sibbins, George, 46 Barrack Street.
Sibbins, George, 28 Chapel Lane.
Sibbin, William, 22 Townsend Street.
Sibbin, Catherine, Peter's Hill.
Smith, James, 49 Cromac Street.
Thoburn, David, 181 North Street & 88 Peter's Hill.
Vance, William, 26 Millfield.
Warnock, James, 90 Millfield.
Wilson, Hugh, 19 Skipper Street.
Worrell, James, 16 Smithfield.
Young, John, 20 Lancaster Street.
Young, William, 40 Mill Street.


Adams, Geo. H., 31 Castle Place.
Andrews, Thos., 3 Donegall Square South.
Beck. John Woods, 128 North Street.
Black, Christopher S., 12 Alfred Street.
Bryce, Robert, 63 Donegall Street.
Bryson, J. W., 98 High Street.
Bryson, Samuel, jun., 98 High Street.
Burden, William, 16 Alfred Street.
Clarke, John, 6 Cromac Street.
Coffey, Robert, 90 Donegall Street.
Collins, Robert, 4 Brunswick Street.
Drummond, James L., 8 College Square North.
Dill, Robt. F., 16 Wellington Place.
Forsythe, Jas., 12 College Square.
Gordon, M. D., 39 Upper Arthur Street.
Hurst, Charles, 77 Donegall Street.
Hunter, Saml., 6 Donegall Square East.
Kidley, John E., 45 York Street.
Little, Dr., 17 Arthur Street.
Lynch, Patrick, 17 Donegall Place.
Malcom, E. G., M.D., 29 York Street.
Marshall, Andrew, 3 Wellington Place.
Marshall, James D., 8 High Street.
Moffet, William, 39 Donegall Street.
Murray, James, Ballymacarrett.
McCormac, Henry, 7 Chichester Street.
McDonnell, J., 15 Donegall Street.
McGee, William, 2 Clarence Place.
McKibben, Robert, Avoneil.
Purdon, Charles D., 7 Howard Street.
Purdon, Thos. Henry, M.R.C.S., 5 Wellington Place.
Purdon, Henry, Sans Souci.
Read, Thomas, 5 Donegall Square West.
Reid, James S., 1 Donegall Square East.
Sanders, James M., 88 Donegall Street.
Scott, John, Asley Lodge.
Stephenson, Robert, 11 Wellington Place.
Stewart, Robert, Lunatic Asylum.
Stewart, Horatio, 92 Donegall Street.


Reid, Wm., 47 Upper Arthur Street.
Reid, Robert R., 63 Academy Street.


Crossley, John, 2 Lagan Street.
Crossley, Mich., 11 North Thomas Street.
Cummin, Matthew, 31 Barrack Street.
Dogherty, Patrick, 1 Russell Street.
Maxwell, Wm., 73 Great Patrick Street.
Plunket, James, 14 Cullentree Street.
Rossbotham, Robert, 58 Mill Street.


Cameron, James, jun., and Brass Founder, 47 Donegall Street.
Learmonth, Fortune, & Co., 27 Hill Street.
McCune, James, & Co., Plumbers, 3 Fountain Street.
Ritchie, James, 13 Queen Street.
Stewart, James, 101 High Street.


Anderson, Drummond, and Son, Chronicle Office, 8 Arthur Street.
Clarke, H., and Co., 22 Corn Market.
Finlay, Francis D., Whig Office, 6 Calendar Street.
Henderson & Russell, 4 Hercules Place.
Kelso, Paul, 2 Joy's Entry.
Mackay, Alexander, Belfast Newsletter Office, 10 Bridge Street.
Moore, James, 1 Castle Court.
Mullan, John, Ulster Times Office.
McConvery, J., Vindicator Office, 10 Ann Street.
McKendrick, Andrew, Advertiser Office, 6 Waring Street.
O'Neill, James, 40 Ann Street.
Read, R. & D., 12 Crown Entry.
Simms & McIntyre, 26 Donegall Street.
Smyth, Joseph, 34 High Street.
Troup, G., Banner of Ulster Office, 3 Donegall Street Place.
Ward, R. F., 6 Corn Market.
Wilson, James, 70 High Street.


Arrott, Isaac, 34 & 36 Waring Street.
Bayly, O'Neill, 55 Tomb Street.
Barker, John, 47 North Street.
Baxter, R. & J., 4 Queen Street.
Bell, Clement, 46 Edward Street.
Bigger, Jos., 13 Long Lane, North Street.
Campbell, William & John, 8 Great George's Street.
Coey, Edward, 21 Gamble Street.
Cordukes, Jonathan, 87 York Street.
Davis, J., 8 Trafalgar Street.
Duffield, W. J. & A., James's Street.
Gardner, J. & T., 10 York Lane.
Gelston, Wm., 40 Tomb Street.
Gibson, Samuel, 30 Gamble Street.
Gillis, Joseph, 81 North Street.
Gilmore, Edward, 25 Gamble Street.
Hamilton, Thos. C., 9 Gamble Street.
Harkin, John, jun., 4 Hill Street.
Houston, Robert, 56 Little Patrick Street.
Jackson, John, 1 Henry Street.
Martin, John, & Co., 29 Ann Street.
Molyneaux & Ferguson, York Lane.
Mountford, Wm., 31 Rosemary Street.
McConnell, Sam., 22 Academy Street.
McKibben, George and Alexander, 14 Academy Street.
McNeill, Wm. H., 35 York Street.
Parkhill, D. & J., 56 Little Donegall Street.
Riley, James, 12 Chichester Street.
Robinson, Thos., 24 Great Patrick Street.
Scott, James, 37 Grattan Street.
Scott, James, 56 Great George's Street.
Shaw, D. & W. J., 85 York Street.
Sinclair, John & Thomas, 5 Tomb Street.
Spence, Andrew, 31 Tomb Street.
Steen, James, & Co., 5 Talbot Street.
Steen, Henry, 10 Hill Street.
Stevenson, Thomas, 28 Tomb Street.
Wallace, Archibald, 64 Tomb Street.


Hampson, John, 3 Princes Street.
Heron, Edward, Holywood Road.
Keenan, James, 21 Lodge Road.
Lemon, James, and Ship Chandler, etc., 15 Chichester Quay.
Marlow, William, 70 North Street.
Moore, Jas., and Sail Canvass, 70 High Street.
McCracken, Francis, and Sail and Canvass, 9 James's Street.
Wilson, Wm., 74 North Street.


Alexander, Wm., 156 North Street.
Cumine, James, 6 Church Lane.
Fulton, James, 22 Berry Street and 48 Rosemary Street.
Kerns, John, 155 North Street.
Kirkwood, Wm., 28 Mill Street.
Milliken, R., 45 Donegall Street, 49 North Street & 11 Arthur Square.
McAdam, James, and Co., 11 Waring Street.
McCleave, James, and Sons, 6 Castle Place.
McGowan, Wm., and Son, 12 Castle Place.
Redfern, Joseph, 5 Castle Street.
Rodgers, David, 51 North Street.
Suffern, David, 25 Corn Market.
Thomson, James, 143 North Street.


Barry, H., 50 Waring Street.
Carson, R. M., 61 Waring Street.
Crawford, James, 64 Waring Street.
Harper, Martin, 78 Ann Street.
Hill, Adam, 10 Queen Street.
Williamson, Wm., 29 Donegall Quay.


Connel, C., and Sons, 9 Ritchie's Dock.
McLaine, Alex., Corporation Dock.
Thompsons and Kirwan, Dunbar's Quay.


Carson, Robert M., 61 Waring Street.
Crawford, James, 66 Waring Street.
Harvey & Co., Corporation Street.
Lennon, James, 15 Chichester Street.
Moore, James, 116 High Street.


Bullock, Samuel, 44 North Street.
Kelly, Henry, 73 North Street.


Allen, William Bell, 12 Talbot Street.
Anderson, Margaret, 173, North Street.
Brown, Alicia, 42 North Street.
Burrows, A., 82 Hercules Street.
Campbell, Mrs., 82 John Street.
Campbell, Edward, 5 North Street.
Campbell, Samuel, 23 Ann Street and 44 North Street.
Finlay, Alexander, 31 Ann Street.
Gardner, Thomas, 87 High Street.
Glenfields, 96 High Street.
Greer, Jane, and Co., 54 North Street.
Hart, Samuel, 51 Academy Street.
Higgins, Michael, 90 North Street.
Hughes, Wm., 13 North Street.
Hunter, Alex., 138 North Street.
Johnston, John, 13 Great Patrick Street.
Moore, William, 11 Mill Street.
Moreland, H., 36 Academy Street.
McCann, Daniel, 96 North Street.
McIlveen, David, 26 Great Edward Street.
Patterson, W., 24 Mill Street.
Shaw, James, 108 Ann Street.

On referring to the Alphabetical List of the Directory, the reader will fine the Dublin offices, also the residences of the following gentlemen.

Andrews, James, 60 Donegall Street.
Arthur, J. A., & R., 24 Donegall Place.
Bates, John, 19 Rosemary Street.
Black & Kennedy, 2 Ann Street.
Collins, W. M., 12 Castle Lane.
Cranston & Hall, 33 Arthur Street.
Crawford, Hugh, Castle Chambers.
Crawford & Russell, 20 Arthur Street.
Crookshank, Alex., 7 Donegall Street.
Davis & Suffern, 23 Arthur Street.
Davison, Richd., 11 Donegall Place.
Dillon, William, and Proctor of the Consistorial Court of Down and Connor, 31 Arthur Street.
Dobbs, Richard C., 17 Church Street.
Elliot, Samuel McDowell, 6 Castle Lane.
Falls, Jas. O'Neill, 3 Arthur Place.
Forsyth, Wm., Castle Chambers.
Gamble, A. Adair, Donegall Square North.
Garrett, H. & J. R., 16 Castle Lane.
Haslett, W. H., Chichester Street.
Hojel, J. F., Commercial Buildings.
Jackson, J. K., 8 Castle Lane.
Joy, Frederick, 5 Castle Lane.
Kennedy, J. B., 2 Castle Lane and Castle Street, Lisburn.
Lennon, B., 8 Chichester Street and Castlewellan.
Macartney, J. & C., 49 Upper Arthur Street.
Macartney, Geo., 49 Upper Arthur Street.
Macrory, A. J., 23 Rosemary Street.
Maginis, J., 18 Castle Lane.
Montgomery, A., Castle Lane.
Montgomery, A. & J., 21 Arthur Street.
Middleton, Wm., 69 Joy Street.
McClean, Francis Robert, 4 Linenhall Street.
McDonnell, Daniel, 42 Donegall Street.
McNeill, William W., 8 Donegall Street Place and Larne.
O'Neill, Neal John, Crown Solicitor, 3 Ann Street.
O'Rorke, Edw., 7 Donegall Square South.
Seeds, Henry, Fountain Lane.
Smith, George K., 28 Waring Street.
Smyth, John, 59 Donegall Street.
Sproull, W. H., 26 Queen Street.
Wallace, Hugh, and Co., 24 Fountain Street.
Wallace, J., 27 Ann Street.
Ward, Andrew Craig, 25 Bridge Street & Castle Street, Lisburn.
Waterson, Henry, 132 Ann Street.
Waterson, W. T., 132 Ann Street.
Young, James, 1 Arthur Square.


Boyd, James, 72 Millfield.
Campbell, Samuel, 23 Ann Street.
Christie, J., & Co., 3 Frederick Street.
Coates & Young, Lagan Village.
Gardner, J. & T., 10 York Lane.
Hamilton, Wm., 109 Millfield.
Martin, James, 46 Millfield.
Martin, S., 22 Little Donegall Street.
Molyneux and Ferguson, 4 York Lane.
Simonton, Robt., 21 North Street.
   - Works, Little Donegall Street.
Tucker, Edward, 27 Waring Street.


Digby, M. & A., 25 Hercules Place.
Dobbin, Mrs., 26 Ann Street.
Gray, Miss, 23 Academy Street.
McKenna, Mrs., 20 Church Street.
Perry, M., 28 King Street.
Rutherford, Mrs., 7 Castle Street.
Smith, Ellen, 164 North Street.
Sueter, Misses, 18 College Street.


Brown, Miss, 55 North Street.
Charles, Jane, 8 Arthur Square.
Davis, Eliza, 118 High Street.
Finlay, J. and E., 32 Waring Street.
Girvin, Mrs., Publican, 88 North Street.
Goodman, Margaret, 9 Mill Street.
Heburn, E. and A., 56 Ann Street.
Johnston, Ann, 4 Church Lane.
Kelly, Mary Ann, 1 Great Edward Street.
McCullough, Rhoda, 4 Great Edward Street.
McNeill, Miss, 6 Lower Chichester Street.
McQuiston, Margaret, 20 William Street South.
McLaughlan, Miss, 47 Mill Street.
Nocher, Miss, 15 Arthur Street.
Parker, Mrs., 43 Castle Street.
Patrick, Miss, 91 North Street.
Russell, Letitia, 29 Hercules Place.
Smylie, Miss, 40 Hill Street.
Taggart, M., 4 Donegall Place.
Taylor, Thomas, 3 Ann Street.

Those marked thus (*) are also Physicians.
See also Apothecaries.

Aickin, John, 29 Corn Market.
Anderson, Alfred, 51 Upper Arthur Street.
Arrott, Samuel, 41 Lower Chichester Street.
* Beck, John W., 128 North Street.
Birnie, George, R.N., 21 York Street.
* Black, Christopher S., 12 Alfred Street.
Browne, Samuel, R.N., 16 Arthur Street.
* Bryce, Robert, 63 Donegall Street.
* Bryson, Joseph W., 98 High Street.
* Bryson, Samuel, jun., 98 High Street.
Bryson, Samuel, 98 High Street.
* Coffey, Robert, 90 Donegall Street.
Dill, Robert F., 16 Wellington Place.
Dorrian, Edward, 68 Donegall Street.
* Drummond, James L., 8 College Square North.
Harkin, Alexander, 5 Hercules Place.
* Hunter, S., 6 Donegall Square East.
* Hurst, Charles, 77 Donegall Street.
Johnston, Wm., 33 James's Street.
Lamont, Eneas, Fever Hospital, Frederick Street.
* Little, ?, 17 Arthur Street.
* Lynch, Patrick, 17 Donegall Place.
Maclurcan, Thomas, 1 Donegall Square North.
Marshall, A., 3 Wellington Place.
Mawhinny, James, 4 North Street, 42 Mill Street and 176 Millfield.
Mawhinny, Wm., 39 Townsend Street.
* Moffat, William, 39 Donegall Street.
Moffat, Peter D., 39 Donegall Street.
Moore, D., and Occulist, 4 Castle Place.
Moore, James, 4 Castle Place.
Moore, Hugh, 132 High Street.
Mulholland, J. S., 80 High Street.
* Murray, Jas., Dispensary, Bridge End.
Murray, D., 21 High Street.
McBurney, Saml., 48 Donegall Street.
McCleery, James, 14 North Street.
* McKibben, Robert, Avoneil.
Officer, Alexander, 41 York Street and 79 North Street.
Purdon, Henry, Sans Souci.
Purdon, Charles D., 7 Howard Street.
* Purdon, T. H., 5 Wellington Place.
Quinn, John, 3 Bank Lane.
Quin, William, 16 Castle Place.
Read, Thos., 5 Donegall Square West.
* Sanders, Jas. M., 88 Donegall Street.
Sloan, Hill, 100 Patrick Street.
* Stewart, Robt., Lunatic Asylum.
* Thompson, Thomas, R.N., 83 Donegall Street.
Wilson, John, 98 Donegall Street.

Those marked thus (*) are also Drapers.

Albion Cloth Company, 22 High Street.
Allen, James, 1 Orr's Entry.
Anderson, Arthur, 61 Ann Street.
Anderson, William, 19 Thomas Street North.
Arthurs, John, 2 Nelson Street.
* Baker, Mich., 5 Donegall Square North.
Bell, Robert, 35 Bank Lane.
* Bell, Benjamin, 12 Bridge Street.
Blair, Joseph, 40 Talbot Street.
Caldwell, James, 25 Edward Street.
* Campbell, Patrick, 31 Hercules Place.
Canning, Samuel, 35 Lodge Road.
Caulfield, Bernard, 11 John Street.
Chapman, James, Crown Entry.
* Coburn, Thomas, 14 Castle Street.
Costello, Patrick, 77 Durham Street.
Cotter, Charles, 84 Durham Street.
Cowan, F. Henry, 2 Stanhope Street.
Cowden, ?, 18 Sussex Street.
Crawford, Simon, 1 Sarah Street.
Crombie, Andrew, 63 Millfield.
Davison, John, 10 Catherine Street.
Devlin, J., Falls Road.
Dougherty, Wm., 22 Union Street.
Dowd, John, 24 Grace Street.
Edgar, John, Trouser Maker, 14 Castle Place.
Fegan, Henry, Dublin Bridge.
Ferguson, John, 26 Institution Place.
Ferratt, William, 16 Nelson Street.
Finlay, William, 134 High Street.
Fullarton, Henry, 8 Sarah Street.
Fullarton, Thomas, 13 Talbot Street.
Gavin, John, Cromac Street.
Gibson, J. D., 10 Skipper Street.
* Gordon, Mary, 148 High Street.
Gordon, Wm., 79 Great Patrick Street.
Gordon, Echlin, 37 Donegall Street.
Gribbin, John, 15 Joy Street.
Hadskis, Abel, 5 King Street.
Hagan, John, 22 Mustard Street.
Hall, Robert, 21 Edward Street.
Hamilton and Hewey, 19 Rosemary Street.
Hamilton and Russell, 7 Upper Church Lane.
Hanlon, Michael, 40 Millfield.
Harvey, Thomas, 30 Nelson Street.
Johnston, William, 18 Pottinger's Entry.
Keenan, Alexander, 31 Berry Street.
Kelly, Patrick, 59 Lodge Road.
Kerns, Patrick, 3 Orr's Entry.
Kerr and McCay, 11b High Street.
* King, Robert, 53 Donegall Street.
Kirker, John, 32 Bank Lane.
Lattin, J., Byrt's Entry.
Lennon, Daniel, 175 North Street.
Lewis, John, 11 Lancaster Street.
Lucas, R. and J., 2 Donegall Place.
* Marshall and Osburne, 14 Arthur Street.
Montgomery, Henry, 32 Donegall Street.
Morrison, Hugh, 12 Academy Street.
Morrison, James, 18 Nelson Street.
Murray, Owen, 6 Rosemary Street.
Munce, Alexander, 30 High Street.
McAfee, J., 126 Millfield.
McCartin, Charles, 23 Green Street.
McCauchey, Michael, 49 Tomb Street.
McCreery, William, 74 Carrick Hill.
* McGee, John G., & Co., 48 High Street.
McGuckin, John, 162 Millfield.
McKee, Alexander, 6 Eliza Street.
* McKelvey and Crawford, 52 Ann Street.
McKenna, James, 11b High Street.
McKibbin, J., 11 Pottinger's Entry.
* McKoen, James, 6 Donegall Place.
McMurray, Robert, 16 Mustard Street.
McNeight, R., 6 Pottinger's Entry.
* McVicker, John, 3 Arthur Street.
Nelson, Geo., 12 Pottinger's Entry.
Nocher, Thos., 35 Grattan Street.
Park, Wm. John, 29 Townsend Street.
* Robb, Alexander, 7 Arthur Street.
Sharp, William, 4 East Street.
Shields, William, 15 Skipper Street.
Smith, John, 3 Kent Street.
Spackman, William, 46 Donegall Street.
Stevenson, Samuel, 13 Cromac Street.
Stevenson, Thomas, 39 Mill Street.
Swan, Thomas, 8 Mustard Street.
Tumblety, Chas., 12 James's Street.
Wallace, Robert, 21 Joy's Entry.
Wardlow, William, 19 Henrietta Street.
Waterson, James, 41 Verner Street.
Wilson, George, 26 Bank Lane.


Johnston, Samuel, Currier, Skinner and Glue Merchant, 37 Mill Street.
Montgomery, Hugh, and Son, 48 Mill Street.
McCammon, Thomas, and Currier, 23 King Street.
McMullen, William, 49 Mill Street.


Adams, James, Commercial, 12 Great Patrick Street.
Adams, Thomas, 11 Hanover Quay.
Alcorn, George, 91 York Street.
Alderdice, David, Victoria, 11 Durham Street.
Anderson, James, 42 Hercules Street.
Archer, Robert, 62 Grattan Street.
Ard, John, 98 James's Street.
Atkinson, Richard, 2 Cromac Street.
Bailie, Hugh, 17 Caroline Street.
Barker, Peter, 1 Pilot Street.
Baxter, Hugh, 48 Wine Tavern Street.
Beattie, John, 2 Grattan Street.
Beatty, Thomas, 166 North Street.
Bell, Richard, 1 Great George's Street.
Bell, Samuel, 6 Long Lane.
Bell, William, Bradbury Place.
Black, John, 3 Chapel Lane.
Blackely, John, 37 Donegall Quay.
Boal, John, 51 Edward Street.
Bodell, Charlotte, 34 Smithfield.
Boyd, Samuel, Lettuce Hill.
Boyd, Hugh, 120 Ann Street.
Bracegirdle, Matthew, 57 Smithfield.
Brady, Anslow, Lower Malone.
Briggs, Wm., Wellington, 57 North Queen Street.
Britton, John, 69 Little Donegall Street.
Brown, William, Lower Malone.
Brown, John, 51 Peter's Hill.
Brown, Robert, 24 Gamble Street.
Brown, Robert Harp, 3 Wilson's Court.
Brown, John, 6 Talbot Street.
Brown, John, 56 Nelson Street.
Brown, James, 45 Smithfield.
Brown, Stewart, 38 Trafalgar Street.
Brown, James, 32 Edward Street.
Busby, John, 81 Ritchie's Dock.
Byers, John, 17 John Street.
Byrne, Mrs., 96 Ann Street.
Callender, James, 21 Mill Street.
Calvert, James, Lower Malone.
Campbell, James, Falls Road.
Campbell, John, 125 Durham Street.
Campbell, Mrs. R., 50 John Street.
Campbell, Michael, 6 Arthur Square.
Canavan, John, 92 North Queen Street.
Canavan, James, 51 John Street.
Carnaghan, Hugh, 61 Grattan Street.
Carson, John, Shankhill.
Casey, John, 129 North Street.
Cheevers, Pat., 47 North Queen Street.
Cinnamond, Geo., 23 Smithfield.
Clay, Thomas, Crown, 30 Gamble Street.
Clelland, Robert, 57 Green Street.
Clements, James, Smithfield.
Clements, Robert, 7 Church Street.
Coleman, Patrick, 131 North Street.
Coleman, Lawrence, 66 Barrack Street.
Collins, Rose Ann, 50 Grattan Street.
Collins, John, 2 Tomb Street.
Colville, John, 9 Hanover Quay.
Conlan, Mrs., 55 Barrack Street.
Conlan, James, 20 Barrack Street.
Conlan, Patrick, 97 Millfield.
Connor, John, 43 Forest Lane.
Connor, James, 5 Market Street.
Cooke, Frederick, 1 Murphy Street.
Cooper, Samuel, 22 Samuel Street.
Corbitt, Wm., 5 Upper Church Lane.
Cowan, Margaret, 18 Store Lane.
Cranston, Elizabeth, 19 Lancaster Street.
Crawford, Chas., 67 North Queen Street.
Cunningham, Mrs., 45 North Street.
Cunningham, Archd., 17 Henry Street.
Curry, Richard, Lower Malone.
Daly, Frank, 57 Union Street.
Dalzell, D., Fairview, 74 Donegall Street.
Davey, Patk., 3 Wine Cellar Entry.
Davey, Eliza, 10 Gamble Street.
Davidson, Charles, 55 Forest Lane.
Davis, Eliza, 87 Little Patrick Street.
Davis, Valentine, 30 Mill Street.
Dawson, Robt., 36 Hudson's Entry.
Dennis, James, New Lodge Road.
Dennison, Robt., 14 North Thomas Street.
Diamond, Michael, 17 Dock Street.
Dickson, James, 26 Frederick Street.
Dickson, John, 140 Carrick Hill.
Dillon, John, 1 George's Lane.
Dillon, Thomas, 15 Pound Street.
Dolmer, Robt., 47 North Queen Street.
Donnelly, Edward, 64 Peter's Hill.
Donnelly, Arthur, 2 Abbey Street.
Dougherty, Patk., 37 May Street.
Douglass, Mary, Dunbar's Quay.
Douglass, Hugh, 26 Verner Street.
Dowling, John, 20 Telfair's Entry.
Dugan, Mrs., 42 Princes Street.
Duncan, Nathaniel, 40 Cromac Street.
Egan, John, 4 Legg's Lane.
Ewart, Rachael, Cromac Road.
Ewing, Samuel, 11 Nile Street.
Farrell, Timothy, 57 Mill Street.
Farrelly, Thomas, 34 Edward Street.
Fee, James, 130 Ann Street.
Fee, James, 31 Alexander Street.
Fegan, John, 61 Little Patrick Street.
Fenning, Thomas, 17 Marquis Street.
Ferran, Patrick, 16 Alexander Street.
Fetherson, John, 49 Ann Street.
Finlay, William, Donegall Pass.
Fitzgerald, Wm., 85 High Street.
Fitzsimmons, Edward, 1 Ann Street.
Flood, Francis, Steam Packet, 57 Donegall Quay.
Fox, Thomas, 89 York Street.
Foy, Richard, Shankhill.
Frazer, Alexander, 36 Lodge Road.
Frith, Christopher, 14 Nile Street.
Galbraith, Alex., 12 Marlboro' Street.
Geddis, Robert, 136 Ann Street.
Gillespie, Mat., 12 Upper Church Lane.
Gillespie, D., 6 Garmoyle Street.
Gillies, Mrs., 11 Gamble Street.
Gilliland, Thomas, 15 Grace Street.
Gillon, James, 43 Millfield.
Gilmore, Robert, 104 Ann Street.
Girvin, Andrew, 17 Nelson Street.
Goodwin, Letitia, 10 Bank Lane.
Gordon, G., North Star, 68 North Street.
Gorman, Wm., 61 North Queen Street.
Graham, Samuel, 37 Great Patrick Street.
Graham, John, 14 Upper Church Lane.
Graham, John, Bradbury Place.
Guy, James, Antrim Turnpike.
Haddock, T. & W., 17 Ann Street.
Halliday, William, 32 Corn Market.
Hamill, Alex., 20 Robert Street.
Hanna, David, 126 Peter's Hill.
Hanna, Francis, Shankhill Road.
Hanna, Jane, 10 Henrietta Street.
Hanna, Mrs., 34 Cromac Street.
Hanvey, Wm., 28 Limekiln Dock.
Harkin, John, jun., 4 Hill Street.
Harkness, George, 8 Garmoyle Street.
Harper, William, 156 High Street.
Haslett, Mrs., 21 John Street.
Hawkins, John, 65 North Queen Street.
Hazlett, Mrs., 19 John Street.
Henderson, Samuel, 64 Millfield.
Henderson, Alex., 52 Great Patrick Street.
Higgins, William, 37 Academy Street.
Hill, John, 20 Great George's Street.
Hilland, Charles, 25 Barrack Street.
Hinds, Patrick, 14 Nelson Street.
Hopes, Joseph, 154 North Street.
Hopes, George, 100 Millfield.
Hughes, Patrick, 42 Hill Street.
Hull, William, 26 Cromac Street.
Hunter, John & Thos., 17 Millfield.
Hunter, Ellen, 10 Pottinger's Entry.
Jackson, John, 48 Tomb Street.
Jamison, Mrs., 82 James Street.
Jenning, Richard, 24 Cromac Street.
Johnston, James H., 21 Marquis Street.
Johnston, Robert, 115 Peter's Hill.
Johnston, Robt., Pottinger's Entry.
Jones, J. Lindsay, 24 Charles Street.
Keely, Miss, 7 Caddle's (Caddel's) Entry.
Keenan, John, 14 Ritchie's Place.
Keenan, James, Highlandman, 73 Ann Street.
Kelly, Michael, 41 Millfield.
Kennedy, Matthew, Dublin Bridge.
Kerney, Peter, 76 Waring Street.
Kerney, John, 46 Gordon Street.
Kerr, Michael, 34 Great George's Street.
Kerr, Rowland, Lower Malone.
Kerr, James, 70 Mustard Street.
Keyland, James, Hammond's Court.
Killen, John, 49 Carrick Hill.
Killen, John, 2 Lodge Road.
King, Robert, 3 Nile Street.
King, Miss, 10 Pottinger's Entry.
Kirk, R. D., 2 Frederick Street.
Kirker, Alex., 16 Alexander Street.
Lattimore, Thos., 28 Great George's Street.
Laughlin, Arthur, 5 Curtis Street.
Lavery, Margaret, 21 Samuel Street.
Lawless, Christopher, 54 Hercules Street.
Ledget, Isaac, 28 Chester Lane.
Logan, F., Tam O'Shanter, 32 Mill Street.
Loughlin, William, Bower's Hill, & 32 Mustard Street.
Loughran, Felix, 16 Falls Road.
Loughran, John, 2 Peter's Hill.
Loughran, Patrick, 14 Marquis Street.
Loughran, Henry, 41 York Street and 1 Queen Street.
Low, James, 18 Upper Church Lane.
Mackay, James, 25 Smithfield.
Magee, Mrs., 8 North Street.
Magee, William, 20 John Street.
Magee, Hugh, 13 May's Market.
Magee, Bernard, 102 North Street.
Maguire, Ann, 22 Chapel Lane.
Marner, James, 15 Verner Street.
Marmion, Patrick, 60 Waring Street.
Mars, John, 19 Michael Street.
Marshall, Thomas, 23 Pilot Street.
Martin, Mrs. James, 20 King Street.
Martin, Sam., 29 Little Donegall Street.
Martin, Matt., 35 Wine Tavern Street.
Martin, Patrick, 7 North Street.
Mathieson, Samuel, New Lodge Road.
Maxwell, William, 29 Millfield.
Maxwell, John, 33 Lancaster Street.
May, James, 44 Wine Tavern Street.
Mearns, A., 61 Donegall Quay.
Meenan, Bernd., Hammond's Court.
Millar, William, 42 Barrack Street.
Millen, John, sen., 25 Princes Street.
Millen, Hugh, 86 Ann Street.
Millen, Alexander, 90 Ann Street.
Millen, Adam, 32 Princes Street.
Milliken, George, Falls Road.
Montgomery, Robert, 17 Limekiln Dock.
Montgomery, Frs., 33 Gregg's Row.
Moore, William, 110 Carrick Hill.
Moran, James, 39 Marlborough Street.
Moran, Samuel, 19 Carrick Hill.
Morrow, Pat., 26 North Thomas Street.
Morrow, M., 42 Gordon Street.
Morrow, Annabella, 13 Union Street.
Morton, David, 5 Wine Tavern Street.
Muirhead, William, Glasgow, 17 Gamble Street.
Mulholland, John, 48 Grattan Street.
Murnaghan, John, 48 Union Street.
Murphy, Daniel, 7 Gamble Street.
Murphy, Arthur, 56 John Street.
Murphy, Wm., 21 Little Patrick Street.
Murray, Michael, 29 Princes Street.
McAllen, Thomas, 27 Peter's Hill.
McAuley, John, Falls Road.
McAuley, Mrs. John, 1 Cromac Street.
McBride, James, 69 Ritchie's Dock.
McCall, Charles, 83 Durham Street.
McCammon, Thos., Shankhill Road.
McCalla, Matthew, 22 Church Lane.
McCann, Samuel, 19 Castle Street.
McCann, Patrick, 1 Verner Street.
McCaughin, Eliza, 87 North Queen Street.
McClean, James, 23 Carrick Hill.
McClenaghan, Robert, 18 Mill Street.
McCloy, William, 2 Carrick Hill.
McConnell, John, Tea Gardens, Lower Malone.
McConnell, John, Falls Road.
McCormick, Frs., Cullentree Road.
McCreanor, Patrick, 112 Ann Street.
McCullough, John, 2 Marlboro' Street.
McDade, William, 22 Talbot Street.
McDonald, Peter, 75 Green Street.
McDowell, Joseph, 1 Hercules Street.
McEntee, Francis, 36 Smithfield.
McHenry, Daniel, 50 Donegall Street.
McIlherran, Daniel, 1 Durham Street.
McIlroy, William, 137 North Street.
McKendry, John, 40 Peter's Hill.
McKenna, Bernard, 1 Bluebell Entry.
McKenna, James, 14 Hercules Street.
McKenna, Thos., 16 Caddel's Entry.
McKenna, John, Academy Street.
McKeown, Garr., 11 Castle Lane.
McKeown, Philip, 2 Caddel's Entry.
McKeown, William, 4 Skipper Street.
McKenzie, Alex., 5 Smithfield.
McLaughlin, John, 45 John Street.
McLaughlin, Wm., 38 Union Street.
McLaughlin, John, 19 West Street.
McLeely, Gilbert, Great Edward Street.
McMullan, John, Shankhill Road.
McNeill, Neill, 21 Wine Tavern Street.
McSally, John, 20 Gamble Street.
McShane, Hugh, 10 Barrack Street.
McStay, Bernard, 29 North Thomas Street.
McTear, John, 1 Gamble Street.
McVeagh, Henry, 10 Durham Street.
McWilliams, Walter, Eagle, 158 North Street.
Nelson, Rodgers, 23 Union Street.
Neville, Cornelius, 66 Smithfield.
Nicholl, James, 6 Grattan Street.
Noon, Henry, 54 Mill Street.
O'Connor, John, Cromac Road.
O'Connor, Francis, 55 Union Street.
O'Farrell, Fergus, 54 Waring Street.
O'Hanlon, John, Ulster Railway, Great Victoria Street.
O'Neill, Conn, 28 Michael Street.
O'Neill, Esther, Hope, 21 Limekiln Dock.
Orr, Robert, 204 North Street.
Peak, Hugh, 45 Lancaster Street.
Pelan, James, 152 Durham Street.
Pelan, Jas., Tavern, 59 Academy Street.
Pike, Benj. W., 96 Great George's Street.
Pinkerton, George, 41 Princes Street.
Pinkerton, James, 12 Back Lane.
Plunket, George, 118 Carrick Hill.
Potts, William, 16 Henry Street.
Prey, John, 26 Marlborough Street.
Priest, James, 60 Mill Street.
Prunty, John, Barrack Street.
Prussia, Joseph, David's Lane.
Quinn, Thos., Whitecross, 80 North Street.
Rafferty, George, 48 Barrack Street.
Reid, John, 2 Mitchell Street.
Reid, Henry, Shankhill.
Robb, David, 134 North Street.
Robinson, Robert, 75 Ann Street.
Robinson, Urcelia, 31 Hanover Quay.
Robinson, T., 10 Pilot Street.
Russell, John, 33 Great Patrick Street.
Sands, Robert, 103 Durham Street.
Savage, Henry, 8 Barrack Street.
Savage, John, Shankhill Road.
Savage, Edward, Falls Road.
Sawney, Thomas, 16 Gamble Street.
Scott, John, 59 Lower Malone.
Scott, Hamilton, 27 Princes Street.
Service, Hugh, 128 Peter's Hill.
Shaw, Mrs., 11 Great Edward Street.
Sheals, Edward, 45 Carrick Hill.
Sheals, James, Church Street and Long Lane.
Sheals, Thomas, 177 North Street.
Shields, James, 10 Berry Street.
Singer, James, 35 North Queen Street.
Skene, Jas., Stag's Head, 2 North Street.
Smith, Robert, 4 Rosemary Street.
Spence, Hugh, 93 North Street.
Spence, John, 61 Mustard Street.
Spence, Ann, 11 Crown Entry.
Stavelly, John, 22 Great Edward Street.
Stewart, Mrs., 5 Hanover Quay.
Stewart, J., Theatre, 19 Castle Lane.
Stewart, Mary, 67 Ann Street.
Stewart, James, 47 Smithfield.
Surplus, James, Bradbury Place.
Swallow, Sam., 26 Limekiln Dock.
Taggart, Neil, 1 Quay Lane.
Thompson, Wm., 30 Wine Tavern Street.
Thompson, Thomas, 23 Waring Street.
Thompson, Mrs., 10 John Street.
Thompson, Thomas, 103 York Street.
Todd, John, 70 Mill Street.
Toole, James, 114 North Street.
Toole, P., 72 Mill Street, 35 & 63 Smithfield.
Trainor, James, Falls Road.
Trevor, Mary, 4 Castle Lane.
Tucker, Mrs., 4 Calendar Street.
Turner, John, 5 Lagan Street.
Vint, William, Cross Keys, 104 North Street.
Walker, James, 78 North Street.
Waters, Robert, 34 James Street.
Waterson, James, 41 Verner Street.
Webb, Arthur, 8 Montgomery Street.
Welsh, James, 70 Great George's Street.
Wesley, Samuel, 98 Pilot Street.
Wilgar, John, 7 Joy's Entry.
Williamson, Alex., 65 Cromac Street.
Wilson, John, Falls Road.
Wilson, Robert, Lower Malone.
Wilson, Mary, 2 Great Edward Street.
Wilson, Denis, New Antrim Road.
Wilson, John, 89 North Queen Street.
Woods, Samuel, 24 Lancaster Street.
Young, Hugh, Old Malone Road.
Young, Hugh, 23 William Street South.
Young, Wm., 3 Upper Church Lane.
Young, Joseph, 100 Peter's Hill.


Anderson, Wm., 132 Peter's Hill.
Badier, Auguste Charles, 29 Upper Queen Street.
Cooke, H., Collegiate School, 1 Adelaide Place.
Bristow, Mrs. L. M., Harp & Pianoforte, 10 College Street.
Browne, Mrs., Seminary, 125 York Street.
Carpenter, Miss, 25 Corn Market.
Chambers, John, 16 Sarah Street.
Coleman, J., Music, Lower Malone.
Cottery, Mrs., Day School, 54 Ann Street.
Digby, Miss, Day School, 25 Hercules Place.
Diocesan, Seminary, New Antrim Road.
Edmonson, Thos., Shankhill Road.
Fetherson, Miss, Seminary, 1 Joy Street.
Gordon, James, Dancing, 5 York Street.
Hainen, Miss, 15 Talbot Street.
Hamilton, John, Shankhill Road.
Hamilton, Miss, 55 Nelson Street.
Harkin, Lewis, Academy, 8 Castle Street.
Hart, Jos., Pianoforte, 18 Castle Street.
Ireland, Miss, Boarding School, Linenhall Street.
Knowles, Miss, Day School, 30 Upper Arthur Street.
Lambert, Miss, Boarding and Day School, 6 Chichester Street.
Lee, Francis, English & Mercantile, 4 Nelson Street.
Lennon, Mrs. B., Music, 8 Chichester Street.
Magennis, Ann, 112 Peter's Hill.
Mark, John, Domingo Place.
Mason, Miss, 3 College Street South.
May, James T., Pianoforte, 59 Upper Arthur Street.
Millen, William, 32 Nelson Street.
Moncrief, Alex., 17 Queen Street.
Montgomery, Ann, 16 Little May Street.
Morrow, Misses, 14 Great Patrick Street.
Morton, James, Kennedy's Place.
Murray, Alex., Vocal, 4 Adelaide Place.
McCann, Mrs. and Miss Taite, Seminary, 95 York Street.
McCann, Wm., Private, 77 Joy Street.
McMaster, Edmond, 6 Edward Street.
McMorran, Mrs., 64 Great Patrick Street.
McQuillan, James, Falls Road.
Newell, John, 64 Cromac Street.
O'Loughlan, Bernard J., 23 Alexander Street.
O'Neill, Miss, 1 Fisherwick Place.
Owens, John, 35 Cromac Street.
Paisley, James, 12 Castle Lane.
Reid, R. R., Piano, 13 Joy Street.
Reid, Wm., 47 Upper Arthur Street.
Roberts, Miss, 21 King Street.
Ross, Wm., 1 Washington Street.
Shaw, Miss, 127 York Street.
Stavelly, Miss M., 27 College Street.
Taggart, Mrs., 75 Joy Street.
Taylor, Thomas, Music, 3 Ann Street.
Whittle, Mrs., 41 King Street.
Willis, John, Music, 34 King Street.
Winchester, George, English and Classical, 25b High Street.

See wholesale grocers and tea dealers, also wine and spirit merchants

Dunville, John, and Co., 10 Calendar Street.
Hughes & Gelston, 17 North Street.
Thompson, Richard, 17 Church Street.


Bradford, James, Hardwood, 10 Garmoyle Street.
Brown, John, jun., & Co., 41 Chichester Street.
Corbitt, Thomas, and Co., 3 Great George's Street.
Hanlon, Michael, 90 James's Street.
Hayes, H., 4 Upper Church Lane.
Heyn, G., 4 Corporation Street.
Houston, J. & S., 5 Ritchie's Dock.
Low, John, 13 James's Street.
Martin and Agnew, 85 Ann Street.
Murphy, John, 3 Hamilton Street.
McDougall, John, Mahogany and Rosewood Scantling, etc., 4 Academy Street.
McEntire, R. James and John, 77 Ann Street.
Robinson, Samuel, 13 Cromac Street.
Skelton, Wm., Mahogany & Rosewood Scantling, etc., 57 Donegall Street.
Wardlow, James and Hugh, & Co., 5 Great George's Street.
Wilson, James A., Mahogany and Scantling, etc., 7 Ann Street.


Anderson, A. L., 82 North Street.
Black, Henderson, 37 Ann Street.
Black, Henry, 19 Waring Street.
Campbell, Edward, 5 North Street.
Cowan, Samuel, 45 Ann Street.
Harper, Martin, 78 Ann Street.
Massey, George, 12 North Street.
Milligan, W. H., 33 Ann Street.
Murney, Henry, 18 High Street.
Murray, Alex., Calendar Street.
Murray, George, 93 High Street.
McCausland, Samuel, 34 North Street.
McDonnell, Charles, 5 High Street.
McDonnell, John, 4 North Street.
McLaughlin, Francis, 65 High Street.
Neill, Robert, 21 Church Lane.
Neill & Black, 6 Wine Cellar Entry.


Bryson, Thomas, 180 North Street.
Fryer & Co., 4 Bridge Street.
Greer, Henry, 31 High Street.


Carr, Hugh, 8 Legg's Lane.
Forbes, Thomas, 15 Pottinger's Entry.
Kennedy, Samson, 5 James's Street.
Lawson, Mrs., 38 Edward Street.
McIntosh, Robert, 20 Commercial Court.
McMillen, Jane, 11 Talbot Street.
McMullan, Ruth, 14 Talbot Street.


Bailey, Sam. R., 2 Great Edward Street.
McKinna, William, May Street.
Taylor, Wm., 33 Chichester Street.

Those marked thus (*) are also Jewellers

Chapman, J., 64 High Street.
Fehrenbach, J., Corn Market.
Ferguson, Archd., 46 Donegall Street.
* Gilbert, Wm., 15 High Street.
* Gray, John and Robert, 18 Castle Place.
* Gribben, Edward, 13 High Street.
Kirner, Raymond, Clock, 18 Church Lane.
* Lamont, J., and Co., 15 Castle Place.
* Lee,. Joseph & Optician, 74 High Street.
May, Edward, 23 Donegall Street.
* Neill, Robert, and Sons, and Opticians, 25 High Street.
* Shaw, Robert, 16 Bridge Street.
Thompson, John, 67 North Street.
* Wallace, John, 49 High Street.


Agnew, W. & R., 7 High Street.
Wheeler, John, Ballymacarrett.


Greer, Thomas, Sons, and Co., 18 Rosemary Street.
Hugh H. Hannay, 13 Donegall Street.
Lindsay, J., & D., & Co., 3 Donegall Place.
Mewha, James, 15 Donegall Street.
McConnell, William, and Co., 25 Donegall Street.


Greer & Oakman, 11 Donegall Street.
Gardner, James, 14 Rosemary Street.
Greer, Thomas, Sons, and Co., 18 Rosemary Street.
Lindsay, J., & D., & Co., 3 Donegall Place.
Mulligan, J. & T., 6 Donegall Street.
McCaldin, J. & Co., 18 Waring Street.
McConnell, William, and Co., 25 Donegall Street.
McGeah & McGill, 17 Donegall Street.


Day, Bottomleys, and Browne, 7 Calendar Street.
Greer, Thomas, Sons, and Co., 18 Rosemary Street.
Hugh H. Hannay, 13 Donegall Street.
Weir, Jas., and Co., Bridge Street Place.
Howard, 5 Pottinger's Entry.
Young, James, and Co., 19 Donegall Street.
Wood, Joseph, 1b Bridge Street Place.
Bateson & Co., Pottinger's Entry.

See also Wine and Spirit Merchants.

Carson, William, 14 Corn Market.
Cramsie, John, 70 Waring Street.
Gilmore, Thomas, & Co., 14 High Street.
Gordon and Crawford, 1 Calendar Street.
Murney, Henry, 18 High Street.
McClure, William, and Son, 36 Fountain Street.
Pim, Edward and George, 29 High Street.
Thomsons and Finlays, 88 and 91 High Street.


Barry, Henry, 59 Waring Street.
Boyle, Samuel, 16 Ann Street.
Bushell, T., 35 North Street.
Byrne, Luke, 64 Mill Street.
Cochran, James, 1 Castle Street.
Coleman and Dobbin, 1 Church Street.
Cowan, Wm., 19 Church Street.
Cunningham, Thomas, 6 Mill Street.
Dobbin, Clotworthy, 43 Smithfield.
Dunvill, John, and Co., 10 Calendar Street.
Gamble, William, 57 Ann Street.
Gelston, Samuel, North Street.
Gordon and Crawford, 1 Calendar Street.
Kane, John, 40 North Street.
Keegan, James and Peter, 76 High Street.
Kelly, Hugh, & Co., 36 Bank Lane.
Kirkpatrick, Robert, 37 Waring Street and 114 High Street.
Neill, Wm., 7 Wine Cellar Entry.
Quirey, Robert, 58 North Street.
Reford, Lewis, 3 Waring Street.
Stewart, James, 10 Legg's Lane.
Thompson, Richard, 17 Church Street.

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