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5 Archie Stevenson
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22nd Battery of the 8th
(Belfast) Hy. A. A. Regiment R. A. (S. R.)
India - Burma 1942 - 45
Click on thumbnail,
wait for picture to load, then click on expand (bottom right hand
corner) for a real close look, my father Jim Lennon is front row, left
of the drums with the bag pipes and no bannerette.

A few weeks ago we published a reader's photograph of the 8th Belfast
H.A.A. Regimental
football team in India during the war years. This week I publish a
photograph of the regimental
rugby team which also distinguished itself in sport in India. The
sender, Mr. W. Gibson,
11 Morpeth Street (Shankill Road), is curious to know where the
"Fighting Rugbymen" are now. }
row, from left
Gnr. Lennon (22) - S/Sgt. Humphries (REME) - Gnr. Darbyshire
(23) - Capt. Tiddly Reade (21) - Lt. Francis (21) - Capt.
Norman Brann (22) - Capt. White (22) - Captain Harry McKibben (21) (Irish Rugby International)
row from left
Gnr. Ashton (21) - Sgt. Lynn (22) - Gnr. Jones (23) - Gnr. Langford
row from left
Gnr. Benson (22) - L/S Taylor (22) - Lt. Laidgate (21) - Gnr. Wilson
no names for any of the middle
or front row I would love to
hear from anyone who can identify the rest of these men
Thank you to
Robin Lynn, son of Sgt./BQMS Lynn, who was able to supply the rest of
the names

8th Belfast H.A.A.'s
Soccer Team
The 8th Belfast H.A.A. Regiment, R.A. (S.R.) football team, winners of
the 15th India Corps R.A. League, 1944, and winners of the Madras
Services League, 1945.
Standing - L.Bdr. J. Smith - Gnr. H. P. Hindley - L.Bdr. O. Dunkley -
Gnr. J. L. Murphy - Sgt. W. S. McKeen - Gnr. J. E. Oldfield - Bdr. W.
Hunter - Gnr. R. McQuiston and Gnr. A. Berry.
Seated - Cpl. K. IL. Dagger - Sgt. J. J. Holmes - Sgt. J. Crossan -
Lt-Col. J. G. Cunningham, O.B.E., R.A. - Lt. (Q.M.) A. H. Busby, R.A. -
Cpl. B. E. Lutterloch (capt.) - Lt. G. E. M. Hardy, R.A. and Gnr E.
Since arrival in India in 1942 the team has lost only one match.

see above photo for names
Football Postwar
Ireland's Saturday Night, February 28, 1948
Amateur League
Division II (A)
Lyle and Kinahan v. Technical O.B. - At Ballyclare Junction. Lennon
opened the score for Kinahan's and S. McCausland equalised. Davey
restored Kinahan's lead. In the second half Coard put Kinahan's further
ahead and Andrews replied for Technical. McCotter scored for Kinahan's
and Robinson replied for Technical J. Clarke scored a fifth goal for
Kinahan's. Result :- Lyle and Kinahan 5 Technical O.B. 3.

22 Battery (8th Belfast)
back row - ? ? ? ? ?
middle row - ? ? Gnr. Jimmy McKittrick
Col. J. Cunningham Maj. Joe Mitchell ?
Sgt. Jimmy Crymble
front row - Gnr. Bobby McQuiston ?

Eric Bartley - owner of
6th and 7th from left are the Irvine Brothers

Top Photograph
Eric Bartley - owner of
top left - Jas. Cisons (Killed) * back
middle - ? Niell (Neill) * back right - Harry
middle row left -
Billy Irvine * middle row 2nd from left - Jimmy
Wright * middle row 3rd from left - Murray *
middle row 4th from right - J. Tweedie
middle row extreme right - Ernie Boden (x over head)
front row sitting left - Wilson Quitan * front
row sitting right - Malachi O'Niell (O'Neill) *
front row with back to camera -Big Joe Parker
Bottom Photograph
Gnl. Lionel Currie took this by flash bulb.
The boy's all round the fire in the North Pole.
Address:- Dorman R. 5250220
BHQ 'J'Sec., 23/8th HAA RA (SR)
Villa Maritine
Le Havre
December 1939
note to left :- J Sect. and B.H.Q. including all 23rd Bty Officers were
billeted here. A very large villa.
This villa belonged to a Coffee Planter and was requ? ored for the BEF

R.H.Q. 8th
Belfast Hy. A.A. Regt. R.A.
Blackdown Camp, Frimley, Nr. Camberley
December 1939
4 at back - Gnr. B. C. Munn
Gnr. R. McMillan Gnr. W. Scott Gnr. T. Reynolds
4th row - L/Bdr. W. A. Godfrey Gnr. H. R. Hanley
Gnr. W. J. Woodside L/Bdr. W. Twist L/Bdr. T. H.
Powell L/Bdr. T. Rafferty L/Bdr. J. Robinson
L/Bdr. D. Glencross Gnr. W. J. Major
3rd row - Gnr. E. G. Devine Gnr. H. Adair L/Bdr.
J. C. Kerr Gnr. E. J. B. Seymour Gnr. A. Morrow
Gnr. H. V. Hawkins Gnr. A. L. Deane Gnr. J.
Allen Gnr. R. Purvis Gnr. W. Sloan
2nd row - Gnr. D. G. Laverty Gnr. J. McDowell Gnr. H. Mitchell Gnr. A.
Myers Gnr. D. Anderson Gnr. R. Stranex Gnr. E. Gouldie Gnr. J. Hayes Gnr.
J. Clelland Gnr. D. McQueston Gnr. J. E. Mearns
1st row - R-Q-M-S J. Fisher (M.M.) 2/Lt J. M. Gray, R.A.
Maj. G. F. Barrett, R.A. Lt.-Col. J. Patrick, M.C., R.A.
Maj. (Q.M.) G. Norman, M.C., R.A. R-S-M. A. E. D. Simmonds,
L/Sgt. J. Cleland Bdr. M. B. Garrett

back row - Bobby Marks ? Tweedie Stansfield ?
W. S. Palmer L/Sgt. (1468653)
Coid Bertie Skelton

back row - ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
front row - ? Cpt. Harry McKibbin ?
Cpt. Robin Reade ?
email me with more names for
the above gents

8th Belfast HAA Regt.
SEAC 1945
Lts. West, Prosser, Young, Bates, Wynn, McGillivray, Sayce, Francis,
Brouse, Patterson, Stevens, Landon
RSN Simmonds, Lts
Dinwoode, Has????, Hales, Rev. Caley, Captns. Beldam, Porter, Burrows,
White Doc. Gantley, Lidgate, Lts. Hardy, Brock, Austin, ?Lt Busy
Capts. Brann, Garrett,
Cook, Major Gabbey, Major Bates, Lt/Col. Cunningham, OBE., Major
Mitchell, Major Holden, Capts. Kinahan, McKibbin, Reade, MC.

Back Row Captain Louis White,
2nd from left Major
Robin Reade M.C.
Front Row 2nd from left Herbert Coulter -

The Twelve Mile Snipers
3rd from left (hand in air) Sgt. Stanfield - (standing on gun) Jimmy

Chow time ? and with
music (accordion)
must be early in 1939 as my Dad, back row, 6th from right still looks
baby-faced :)
[ the man standing 4th from right holding
white cup is John
Blair thank you to his great-granddaughter Amy
Gibson for contacting me]

Orangefield House 1939

we have names for Darkie Brown
Jameson and
possibly Logan on the end
23rd battery